Hi My Name Is Gary Wise and I Ve Been Asked to Do This Article for the News Letter

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Hi My Name Is Gary Wise and I Ve Been Asked to Do This Article for the News Letter

In the swim emma is cool Issue 2. April 2007 mistake – it was such being used as whipping An introduction hard work getting fit posts, they are good again! So a message to people that do all the from our new all swimmers, keep various jobs to make a chairman- swimming even if you do club work and they get Hi, my name is Gary Wise step back from no concessions for and I’ve been asked to do competitive swimming themselves or their this article for the one day. children. On the other newsletter. I still swim with the hand I welcome I have just become your Masters and enjoy the constructive criticism chairman, again! I last training with my friends. and if issues can’t be held the position some 4 The last Masters Essex sorted out with the yrs ago, for a period of 3 gala I competed in, some coaches you will be years and it was a most 5-10 years ago I won a welcome to come to a testing time as we were silver medal committee meeting without a home pool for and, have your say. the club. The new That does not mean the Loughton pool took 3 in the I.M. (I was quite committee will agree or years to complete, 1 year shocked really). disagree with your point longer than promised. I am an A.S.A of view or change a Some 4 years ago my timekeeper and coaching decision but at own job changed and I teacher/coach and least the issues are now work shifts, earlies really enjoy standing in aired rather than left to and lates (so I may not for all the coaches from fester behind the always be around). time to time. Every two scenes. I’ve been involved with years I complete my To be honest, I probably Epping Forest D.S.C for teacher rescue course. I heard many of the same the last seventeen years like all sports but my complaints 10 years ago when my eldest daughter favourites are motor and Ashley became a duckling racing (bikes and cars) and then my other and I love playing we will still be hearing daughter Joanne joined. around with my bikes them in 10 years time. Both girls reached the and going to shows and As parents, you feel the level of southern counties tracks. children never move up and one just missed out Anyway that’s enough fast enough and some on the nationals. of me, but what are my times not for the As a youngster I used to views on the club? swimmers either. But do swim for the old I am very proud to be a you really believe that Walthamstow S.C and member of this club and coaches want to hold was I any good? It’s hard I want every child and your swimmers back? to remember but I guess I young adult to reach Of course not, it’s in was an average club their potential and their interest for them swimmer with my sister achieve their personal to shine. being the better goals. No one swimmer Please talk more to your swimmer. (my brother is bigger than the club coach and discuss your kept to football!) and I insist on fairness concerns, they will all I gave up when I started across the board. I welcome your feedback. work and didn’t swim don’t like seeing Tell them when things again until I was 38. Big committee members work well too, that is just as important. was very much pleased Please remember that to have met you. You in the first instance were very kind and water issues, i.e. took so much effort to coaching etc should be bring the big baggage dealt with through the to give Candida and appropriate coach and, her friends in the or the head coach. If the swimming pool. I issue cannot be appreciate your James, Alice and Candida turn resolved then it will be gesture. Last year up for early morning training. forwarded to the Alison and Emma The red bag is full of costumes and training equipment committee, but this is brought many things donated by the club!!!! not the first port of call. for Candida even What I really want to though they did not achieve this next year is know us. This year you to improve the with your lovely son, communication within James brought a big the club, between luggage to present to swimmers and coaches, us. Thank you very coaches and parents, much for all that you coaches and committee have been to us. Your James, Alice and Candida with and committee and tips are helpful. But as two other local children at the parents! I want to see there is no proper pool! clear aims and coach, Candida finds it objectives for the club difficult to follow all and to ensure that we the tips all alone. Her all understand them companion Sruthi too and work together to is absent for more than achieve the very best ten days. So at times for all swimmers; Candida is very much everybody pulling in the frustrated. Hope things same direction and will improve in the having a target we all near future. Look at these starting blocks… understand. Please continue to help maybe West Hatch is not so Gary Wise Candida with your bad!!!!!!! News from India valuable suggestions. Gala Round Up! You will remember in the You are a busy an, yet if I intend to use this previous edition of In the time permits, section to report on our Swim I told you about please drop some gala successes and to Candida and her family in words. provide information on India. Thanks to the Once again thank forthcoming events. I generosity of so many you for everything’. will be asking swimmers club members we were Candida is hoping to visit to do a report able to take bags of in April so I hope she will highlighting the best bits swimming equipment to be able to spend some from their perspective… her in India. I thought you time swimming with the so watch out! might like to see an club DSE National Junior extract from an e-mail Championships, sent by her father Louis to Sheffield. 3rd/4th Keith, James’ dad… ’This March 2007 is Louis, Candida's dad Another successful wishing you good weekend for our DSE health from India. I Swimmers as Lauren Smith, and Emma and English talent save her going to the James Hollis bagged a programme. wrong pool? massive 22 medals Well done to all three Essex Block C - between them. Lauren and a special thanks to 3rd/4th March 2007 Smith achieved coach Lee Richards who Well done to all swimmers personal best times in once again supported who competed in Essex every event and was the children at the Block C at Blackshots, rewarded with 3 gold’s, competition and made it Grays. Yet again an 2 silvers and 2 bronze stress free for the impressive set of PB’s and medals. James achieved parents Eastern Region times personal best times in 3 Essex Championships obtained. Well done to events but found it Block B-Saturday and Marius Vermaak, Eleanor difficult to improve on Sunday 17th and 18th Bedwell, Melissa Seeley recent improvements in February 2007 and Megan Holder for 400 free and 50 fly, As seen by Debra Waite achieving medal status although he still walked 22 EFDSC swimmers again! away with 2 gold’s, 2 swam at Block B (cant Block D – Blackshots. silvers and 4 bronze they think of something The last of the Essex medals. Emma, now more appropriate than meets with yet more swimming as a senior “Block A B C D”?) excellent results, many had an excellent sounds like the wing of a more swimmers weekend, achieving prison – anyway – they achieving their East personal best times in 4 swam their socks off Region qualifying times. events and winning her with a plethora of PB’s. I understand we now first ever medals at the I won’t mention that one have some 16 National Short Course poor swimmer was swimmers attending event. She bought driven to the wrong pool these championships home 2 silver and 2 by their parent! Oops! both the Youth meet bronze medals. Both Swimmers were Chris and the Bagcats! Lauren and James also Mitchell, Jessica Lambert, Certainly a great result swam as part of the Emma and Lisa Waite, for the club and an East Region relay teams Bonnie Sawyer, Megan excellent achievement achieving a further 2 and Bethan Holder, Arjun for the swimmers, well gold and a bronze Robertson, Marissa done to all and the very medal, ensuring that Posnett, Melissa Seeley, best of luck! East Region walked Stacey Bergen, Marius Return of Club away with the overall Vermaak, Alex Hayman, Champs! team award. Lauren David Price, Charlotte It was with great glee was also presented with Kenyon, Chloe-Annabelle and delight that we her full British Ward, Amy Goillau, Aimee welcomed back ‘Club Swimming kit as part of Fahey, Ryan and Reece Champs’, what have we her selection to the Ward, Michael Coles, Marc been doing with Development Richards. ourselves since they programme and ahead A special mention for finished in 2006! The of the Danish Open Arjun who picked up first first event took place at where she was due to place in the 10 yr old 200 Ongar, in a recently compete the following metres Breaststroke, a decorated and upgraded weekend. James new county record! pool, well at least the however, had to attend Well done all, back to changing rooms and a full training session training till the next time – shower area looked following the which is Block C at good! Let me know competition as part of Blackshots, Grays – can when they are going to his final selection to the someone tell Jo Lambert complete the pool We welcomed two new area!!! players to our team Dil We saw a good turn out Akbar to the control for the boys 400m free room (and no Dil you and the girls 200m free! cant enter the results All seemed keen to get until they have swum back into the old routine the race?) Neil Gillespie and it was especially who assisted Terry and good to see some of our Emma Hollis who took youngest swimmers over as announcer. Unfortunately the box tackle the 16 lengths. Emma received many to post your Cheered on by older compliments… must be nominations in for the squad members all something to do with June award was ‘stolen’ completed the event, her teacher? Well done (you have to feel sorry well done to all, but to all swimmers and for someone?) Although especially to our very thanks to all who it has now been youngest swimmers! helped, not forgetting of returned (phew!) all The second event saw course the drink future Jack Petchey us return to our Sunday monitors, Jess, Sanna, nominations should be night slot at Loughton. James and Steven. Not made by email to An even better turn out sure of the result other [email protected]. for the girls 400m free… than Leyton won! Remember the unheard of for this Jack Petchey swimmers should be event. Again many of The March ‘Jack Petchey between the ages of 11 our younger swimmers Award’ was won by and 25. It is not just took part and again James Hollis for his about being the best cheered on by the older commitment to training, swimmer or achieving swimmers! A very busy and his achievements at the most gold medals evening but one that ran a National level as part but about contribution smoothly and finished of the British Swimming to the club, personal on time! Thanks to all DSE team, and commitment and who helped out at these achievements as an AB support for the club and events! And if you swimmer at regional fellow swimmers. didn’t, but want to, level. So get voting now…….. please speak to any James is looking at member of the various options to spend Summer Gala Just to committee. Offers of the £600 on behalf of remind all that we will help will not be refused! the club including hold our summer gala on Mini League 29th April workshops run by the Sunday 1st July 2007. We 2007 countries best have hired electronic Have you every watched swimmers. I hope that timing for the first time. or helped out at a mini- by the next newsletter I The age groups are 9-10, league? Well what fun! I will be able to update 11/12, 13/14 and 15+. All attended my first in you on how the 3 100s events plus 4x50m years and what a great winners to date have relays for under 13 teams event it was. Six teams spent their money. and 13+. Debra Waite will of young swimmers circulate further details in simply there to do their due course. We will be best for their team and looking for volunteers to have a great deal of fun! assist in the running of The only tension present the gala on the day and if was with the officials you feel you are up for (can you push out under the challenge then please the water in fly or not?) contact Alison Hollis No previous experience races. necessary! Colourful hair

Club BBQ Due to