English II Classroom Policies

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English II Classroom Policies

English II Classroom Policies Ms. Sarah Horne Room 243

Each student is responsible for being aware of and following the school and county policies as defined in the student handbook. This includes a zero tolerance policy for cheating and/or plagiarism that will be strictly enforced. All regulations that are covered in the handbook will naturally apply to this class. Additionally, the following rules will apply:

1. Grading Policy Major Assignments 60% Minor Assignments 40%

2. Late Work: Late work automatically receives a maximum score of 50. After five days, the assignment becomes a zero.

3. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the work you missed. There are folders with missing assignments per week, and students are responsible for checking the folder for the day they are absent.

4. All essays or typed assignments must be printed out before class! If your student does not have a computer or printer at home, arrangements should be made to print in the library before class.

5. Major assignments (e.g. projects, presentations, or papers) must be turned in on their due date. If a student is absent, it is his or her responsibility to get the assignment to school on or before the due date.

6. You may have only bottled water in class. This privilege can be lost if bottles are left on the floor or other areas in the classroom. There is NO FOOD in the classroom.

7. Substitute Teacher Policy: If a student’s name is left by a substitute teacher for misbehaving, he or she will receive three detentions.

8. If a student is asked to leave class for any reason, he or she will also receive one after school detention. These reasons can include, but are not limited to, disruptive behavior, not being prepared for class, or disrespectful behavior.

9. If you make a mess, clean it up.

10. Do not bother other peoples’ things.

All students are expected to abide by the EDHS Honor Code:

“On my honor as a student of East Davidson High School, I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor will I accept the actions of those who do.” ------I have read and accept Ms. Horne’s classroom policies.

Student Signature: ______

Parent Signature: ______

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