CIT100 Introduction to Computers Course Outline

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CIT100 Introduction to Computers Course Outline

BUS140 Introduction to – Course Outline Spring, 2007

Class Time and Location: IN85 – Distance Learning

Instructor Information: Instructor: Joe Dvorak, Professor Office: N494 Boyce Campus Office Hours: See Phone: 724.325.6648 email: [email protected] Website:

3 credits/3 class hours Prerequisites: None This class is designed to provide the student with a thorough knowledge of E-Commerce concepts and terminology. It will cover E-Commerce applications and methodologies that address business solutions need for electronic procurement, suppliers management and customer relationship management. Real- life examples and case studies will be examined to provide the student with working knowledge of these concepts.

Learning Outcomes: Upon the completion of the activities in this course, the student should be able to:

 Define and describe e-commerce categories and processes  Describe benefits of implementing e-commerce  Map e-commerce applications to the full trade cycle  List and define network protocols  Describe security strategy  Define and describe object technologies  Identify e-commerce architecture strategies  Describe the Trading Partner Network and portal concept  Describe the business opportunities in the Procurement and Customer Relations management areas  Describe procurement and CRM solutions  Define and describe the buy and sell side business processes, product mappings and points of integration into existing business systems

Textbook and Materials:  Gary Schneider, Electronic Commerce: Seventh Annual Edition, Course Technology Incorporated, 2006, 1-4188-3703-2 or 978-1-4188-3703-7

Teaching Methods: Web Site:

Supplementary information for the course is available at The Web site contains class notes, PowerPoint slides, class announcements, the course syllabus, test dates, and other information for the course.


All students are requested to obtain an e-mail account. If you have any questions about the course or need assistance, please contact me in person or by telephone during office hours; or by e-mail at any time. I will use the email address that is assigned to your Blackboard account as the main address. If you need me to reply back to another address you will need to contact me through that address. General Communication:

All general communication should occur through the Discussion Board on Blackboard. If the communication is more of a personal nature then contact me through my email address: [email protected] (preferred), or by phone at 724-325-6648. I will try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Extra Credit: Extra credit is only granted to those students who have submitted all required assignments on a timely manner. The extra credit will consist of a 2-3 page paper on a particular topic pertaining to e-commerce. Anyone who wants to do the extra credit project can contact me after the Spring break.

Grading and Evaluation: Evaluation will consist of the following:  Three exams  Homework assignments  Participation points  Quizzes

Grading scale as follows:  A: 90% - 100% B: 80% - 89% C: 70% - 79% D: 60% - 69% F: 0% - 59%

The scale will be based on the high score in the class which will be based on total points. For example, if the total points for the class is 750 and the high total score in the class is 700, I will use the 700 to build the grading scale on.

Penalties:  Homework turned in late will be penalized 10% per week that it is late. I will go based on the time that I receive it in my mailbox to determine the penalty.

Quizzes: Quizzes consist of 30 multiple choice and true/false questions. You can take them as often as you want however only the last score will count towards your final grade. The quizzes will be will be available up to the last day of classes only. Any quizzes not taken will get a zero.

Exams: There will be three exams. Each exam will cover a stated amount of material and will consist of multiple choice, completion and short answer questions. The exams will be open book, timed and taken online through Blackboard.

You will be given a week to take an exam. You will not have to go to a testing center to take exams and quizzes. If you don’t have a stable Internet connection at home, you may want to think about taking the exam at one of the CCAC campuses. If you miss an exam you will be penalized 10% per day or fraction of a day after the last day of the exam. There will be no exceptions.

Assignments: Written assignments are worth 20 points each if the minimum requirements of the assignment are met. Points will be deducted if the assignment does not meet the minimum requirements. If the assignment far exceeds the minimum requirement then “bonus” points will be awarded.

All assignments will be posted under the Assignment section on Blackboard along with the dates each assignment will be due. Assignments will be accepted up to one week late with a 10% penalty applied. You must submit the assignments through the Digital Drop Box on Blackboard only. Date received will be based on Blackboard’s time stamp. Details regarding assignments will be included with the assignment.

Not doing ones own work: It is very easy to copy someone else’s computer assignment and turn it in as your own. It is difficult to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this has occurred. However, any instructor would become suspicious when two students turn in assignments containing identical errors. If there is any reason to suspect that several people collaborated on an individual assignment, the total points for the assignment will be evenly divided among those involved. If you have trouble with an assignment, you may ask for advice from the instructor or from the tutors.

Please read the school’s policy on plagiarism in the CCAC Student Handbook.

Incomplete or “I” grades. As a general rule I do not issue Incompletes except for extenuating circumstances. In order to qualify for an Incomplete you must have attended class, turned in all assignments in a timely fashion, submitted the quizzes, and have taken the first two exams. There is an official agreement between the instructor and student that must be completed before an Incomplete can be placed into effect.

Students with Disabilities CCAC makes every effort to provide reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Questions about services and procedures for students with disabilities should be directed to the Office of Supportive Services, Room N563. During the semester, reasonable changes to the course outline may be academically appropriate. Students will be notified of these adjustments in a timely manner.

Class Schedule of Activities: (Last updated: January 28, 2007) Chapter Projects* Week Chapter Topics And of Readings Exams

1/29 Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction to Electronic Commerce 2/5 Technology Infrastructure: The Chapter 2 Internet and the World Wide Web Business Strategies for EC 2/12 Selling on the Web: Revenue Models Chapter 3 and Building a Web Presence

2/19 Marketing on the Web Chapter 4 Business-to-Business Strategies: Exam 1 – Chapters 1-4 taken this 2/26 From Electronic Data Interchange to Chapter 5 week. Electronic Commerce 3/5 Online Auctions, Virtual Communities, Chapter 6 and Web Portals The Environment of Electronic 3/12 Commerce: Legal, Ethical, and Tax Chapter 7 Issues The Environment of Electronic 3/19 Commerce: Legal, Ethical, and Tax Chapter 7 Issues 3/26 Technologies for EC Chapter 8 Web Server Hardware and Software 4/2 Spring Break Exam 2 – Chapters 5-8 taken this 4/9 Electronic Commerce Software Chapter 9 week. 4/16 Electronic Commerce Security Chapter 10 4/23 Payment Systems for Electronic Chapter 11 Commerce 4/30 Integration Chapter 12 Planning for Electronic Commerce Exam 3 – Chapters 9-12 taken this 5/8 Final Exams week. * See course site for projects and due dates.

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