I. Call to Order 7:44

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I. Call to Order 7:44

I. Call to Order – 7:44 U. B&F: David Heifitz A. President: Alex Lee V. Secretary of Outreach and Engagement: Jade B. Vice President: Abhay Sandhu ABSENT Wolansky C. Senate Pro Tempore: Irveen Grewal W. Controller: Joe DeAngelo D. Senator: Sofia Molodanof – arrived 9:41 E. Senator: Sam Chiang – arrived 9:41 II. PEACE Training - 6:10 F. Senator: Shaitaj Dhaliwal G. Senator: Irveen Grewal Senator Pro Tempore Nomination H. Senator: Ricardo Martinez Grewal Accepts I. Senator: Joshua Dalavai J. Senator: Parteek Singh III. Appointments and Confirmations – 7:46 K. Senator: Sam Park A. Refrigerator Services L. Senator: Georgia Savage i. Lee: we interviewed today and our leading candidate is M. Senator: Puneet Dihndsa Stephanie Rodriguez. She was a Unitrans ad sales rep N. Senator: Adilla Jamaludin ASBENT and has self start experience and I feel confident in her O. ECAC Chair: - ability to lead. I urge for a speedy confirmation P. EPPC Chair: Brent Rosenwald ABSENT ii. Heifitz: In your opinion, do you think your unit should Q. IAC Chair: Nicholas Flores make money? R. EAC Chair: Joe Nazzal ABSENT iii. Rodriguez: I feel if I keep the cost minimal we will reap S. AAC Chair: Ritesh Mishra profit T. GASC Chair: Ivon Garcia iv. Dalavai: So why should an incoming freshmen buy an xv. Rodriguez: Joe did ASUCD fridge as opposed to buying their own? Confirmed v. Rodriguez: saves them the hassle of having to purchase it and the cost as well B. ECAC Chair –7:49 vi. Flores: what makes you qualified? i. Savage: we interviewed people and Kamal was by far vii. Rodriguez: I have experience being ad sales in the most qualified. Unitrans, which requires me to sort of, run my business. ii. Dahliwal: based off the interview, one question is what I myself have to manage over $30000 in Unitrans are your future plans and new ideas? myself so its very similar iii. Sharma: ECAC is a great commission I am happy to be viii. Flores: do you have outreach ideas for your unit? part of. In these six months I saw that we would wait ix. Rodriguez: Social media, putting it on those freshmen for people to bring something to us and I feel like we pages and making sure they know that this is an option should be reaching out to the different people because that exists for them when I feel a student association comes to us asking for x. Dhaliwal: we have had an issue with refrigerator with a grant its one time and if we reached out to them it the unit director leaving so how can we assure your would build a lasting connection longevity? iv. Singh: you don’t always get legislation, so what do you xi. Rodriguez: I will be here as long as I discussed with plan on doing if you don’t get legislation in that Alex meeting? Likes bills and resolutions. It goes through xii. Wolansky: how did you find out about this position? commissions and gets looked at have you looked at any xiii. Rodriguez: I got recommendations resolutions? xiv. Wolansky: Who gave you them? v. Sharma: not recently. If we’re not given legislation x. Dalavai: Do yall have a commission fund? during a meeting, I feel like not everything that happens xi. DeAngelo: I have a lineup in the budget on ASUCD relates to ECAC but we can get takeaway. I xii. Dalavai: Would you advocate for seeing more would discuss legislation with my unit because it’s legislation? good to be informed. xiii. Sharma: ECAC does not get enough so definitely. vi. DeAngelo: Some chairs seldom attend, how would you Culture is a very sensitive topic and you might not see ensure ECAC is represented? it evident in every issue ASUCD faces but all vii. Sharma: I’ve been passionate from the start and I have ethnicities should be included in legislation no class Thursday nights so I will be here every xiv. Flores: So can you describe your philosophy on this meeting position? To what extent would you participate in viii. Dalavai: I’m glad you will be attending. Beyond commission? listening over here do you feel like you’re going to xv. Sharma: I don’t believe in power. Commissioners and actively provide your input on the table? Like Singh chair, I never viewed someone on chair as superior so I alluded to, I’m pretty sure I’ve provided like half of would carry that on while I am chair. I will make sure ECAC legislation this year. Do you feel comfortable everyone is working together and tasks are divided. I and will you be vocal on the table? won’t take a seat back, I will be involved. ix. Sharma: I feel being vocal is important because if I’m xvi. Flores: Would you reserve comments for issues not sharing my opinions then there wont be a voice for involving cultural affairs? ECAC. I’ve talked to people about my commission and xvii. Sharma: I find politics very interesting so I will they are surprised we exist. So I am interested in comment when I get a chance voicing here. xviii. Flores: You can also author legislation Savage motion to confirm have approached me with ideas. If I had to go to a Confirmed meeting, I would bring possible candidates with me iv. Wolansky: thank you for signing up for job fair IV. Public Discussion 7:57 Dalavai: Thanks again it’s my favorite day of the year I i. Grace: As everyone knows picnic day has passed and it appreciate it. went really well. Last year we had 48 EOC reports this year we had 26. We had 75000 hits on our website V. Presentations – 8:00 between April 12 and 16 and we had 24000 downloads A. Silver Ribbon Campaign and we made $24000 in sponsorship. We built on Jose and Dhaliwal reviews and feedback from last year and I saw a Dr. Yen will be tabling and giving a brief talk during difference in-group dynamics. We had some changes her break already mentioned. Overall this picnic day went really Next Friday – looking for more table volunteers well. I’m proud of my unit. ii. DeAngelo: You have been picnic day chair for two i. Savage: Thank you for coming. I think this is years. How would you ensure the next unit director wonderful. Besides the tabling is there any other way carries on your progress? people can help? iii. Grace: One thing that’s been a big discussion are board ii. Dhaliwal: We are both learning reports. I’ve been working on my board report every iii. Jose: we just started and Dr. Yen is a busy person so day. This year I noted that I opened up meetings people when she said she can be here may 16th we agreed to can lead portions. People who are interested in applying just make it work. If there’s anything you’d like to do we are open to suggestions. iv. Dhaliwal: we want it particularly focused on women’s xii. Dhaliwal: It is in the quad. This is something we want health rights. For example Singh’s Plan B. It is a to expand to parts of campus that don’t get a lot of preexisting campaign we don’t have ownership on. We attention can start recruiting clubs. WRC is going to be a big xiii. Garcia: In short, I keep hearing about abortions and facilitator. It is May 16th-20th with different booths contraceptives but is there anything involving justice? every day. We have the entire pre health organizations You mentioned the film and again pushing abortion. and over 50 clubs. I think what we are aiming for is 5- But what the black, Latina, and native women? What 10 clubs per day. about sis women? v. Grewal: I highly request everyone to attend. It’s really xiv. Dhaliwal: this is a conversation we had with Dr. Yen informational and empowering. How many clubs have and her vision for this is particularly toward SIS women you already contacted? but her future endeavor is anybody who identifies as a vi. Dhaliwal: I contacted 20 within today because we just women regardless of ethnic background, they are got their approval last week included in this campaign. Abortion is the main vii. Dhaliwal: do you need funds? political motive outside of California because as a state viii. Dhaliwal: we are figuring out if her marketing will it has been very progressive so her main target are the cover costs conservative states that don’t even include sis women ix. Jose: they were going to send materials and we will rights to exist. We are helping her build it up and those reimburse for shipping costs are ideas we can help her understand. x. Dhaliwal: it is less than ten bucks xv. Garcia: you chose this campaign to put your time in and xi. Savage: where will it be? this campaign is non-exclusive or intersectional. So many communities are not included in this. you can choose your campaign but my concern is what does it You should speak to Muriel because it is their job and mean when the thing your putting energy in doesn’t they have a whole program and can table include those being affected now? You’re saying it will xviii. Dhaliwal: yes that is really what I’m asking, for progress to include needs later on but it should be references and people to table incorporated now. This is oppression of other xix. Wolansky: You should bring it up to marketing communities. It is white feminism. Lets put sis women committee. You have the patio area and that fits quite a issues in focus and give them the funding and taking few people. energy from other organizations. I hear no one talk xx. Dhaliwal: we are asking clubs to provide their own about reproductive justice in terms of these table if they can so we can figure out how many we communities. need to get ourselves xvi. Jose: I think that is relevant but I don’t think that is the xxi. Savage: I just wanted to address Garcia’s comments. I underlying tone. Her fight started out when she was don’t think its right to say later on we will bring up pregnant as a teenager but fortunately abortion was trans rights because as you both mentioned Davis is the legal at the time. She gave the baby up for adoption and first campus to take on this campaign so we are allowed now she’s fighting for those rights. The whole to build up this campaign. Garcia I’m sure you have campaign isn’t trying to exclude any community and if organizations in mind. Contacting LGBTQIA it offends anyone, we can talk about this. These issues organizations to get on board and table in relationship are not brought to light but we would love to start these to the silver ribbon would be really great for us, conversations. Thank you for your input. students, and Dr. Yen to be more educated about that xvii. Singh: I have on recommendation. There’s a sexual and have input from those communities in particular. health educator I don’t know if you reached out to her. This is a start up and can be shaped and become influential. I do disagree that this white feminism. i. DeAngelo: Section 2 and 3. People of color are disproportionally affected with c) Public Discussion access to contraceptives. I definitely think Garcia ii. Ryan: So I emailed the senate listserv the regents should help with this. GASC was my first thought for meeting is next Thursday in Sacramento. 2/4 student commissions to table. You can bring that perspective to advocates are from Davis, Ralph Washington Jr. the person in charge of this campaign. We all support Basically, and me we are looking to see if there are any making sure those communities are represented. I can burning ideas. help you as well with tabling. iii. Savage: this if for the bill xxii. Dhaliwal: I really think if we get those communities to iv. Ryan: we just need to reallocate money into our student be present at her talk. She is open to these discussions. activities. It’s like a dialogue and not lecture v. Singh: was this the same bill introduced winter quarter? vi. Savage: earlier this quarter and it died in commissions. VI. Consideration of Old Legislation – 8:20 It was on the agenda meeting but I wasn’t here so it A. SB #75 Alavi never got introduced a) Introduced by Savage d) Senate Discussion i. Savage: So basically we just want to move money i. DeAngelo: On line 19 you need to change amount from within our budget to make sure we are utilizing funds to 2015 to 1900 so that would change values to 2700.99. I the best of our ability. We are not asking for money but don’t know if Sam was planning more than that for a just to shift to transportation specific reason but it’ll be about 115 dollars short ii. Heifitz: there’s no asking for money, just moving funds ii. Savage: okay I can ask b) Questions Bill Passed vii. Dhaliwal: I honestly prioritize this so much the only reason I am leaving is because I have a performance Public Discussion tomorrow. It’s a 3-hour practice and we just learned i. DeAngelo: we are missing 7 people. Are we planning to formations two days ago. Given circumstances it is less get more senators? Maybe we should do quad than 24 hours it is why I am leaving for part of senate elections? today ii. Savage: Sofia and Sam are coming but they come as viii. Wolansky: I think we should ask you if you want o they leave come back next week iii. DeAngelo: are we sure they are coming? Because it’s ix. Flores: this conversation needs to happen in closed disappointing. It is something characteristic session. We should talk amongst ourselves about people iv. Savage: you are preaching to the choir. Everybody that missing should hear this isn’t here x. DeAngelo: the bill needs to be seen tonight because we v. Dalavai: I agree but also at the same time we were need to craft the budget this weekend. It already went to emailed they had stuff to do. I do agree this should be commissions I was just making a statement. As more prioritized I don’t agree with reasons provided unfortunate as it is to have many absences we have to like this should be a higher priority. They had a reason see it so I don’t think we should see senate bill 77 this week. I xi. Savage: what would the alternative be? don’t think this is a chronic issue. xii. DeAngelo: I would like to see people show up. We vi. Singh: next time when everyone is here we can discuss ought to just see it tonight when it is acceptable to miss meetings and how we can hold each other accountable. xiii. Dalavai: Shai I wasn’t calling you out. I totally get that. units are hurting the association. It has nothing to do I wasn’t implying you don’t make this a priority. Please with current management it is just a factor of the unit’s head out I’m looking forward to the performance. services. It has high overhead costs resulting in what you see in graphs before you. We have never cut units B. SB #77 DeAngelo – 8:32 before. We should have a well-seated table but the Authors Comments cards were dealt. I would like to see a lengthy i. DeAngelo: Passing around a few graphs there should be discussion because this is an important discussion to 15 this was passed by previous exec. This was a unit make. established in the 70s with just selling notes and ii. Flores: we saw this bill Monday and voted 6-1 to pass rebranded in the 90s. the reason we are cutting this unit it. Some concerns were not having representative for is because it is not doing well. It is a commercial unit advocating to keeping the unit and concern for students and is not turning a profit. Reason 2 is that we don’t that do use. There was concern for those who rely on have a space to house this unit at the end of the year. It paychecks for the unit and finding ways for the unit to will disappear regardless of actions of ASUCD. The make unit or keeping services available in a different current trailer isn’t fit. The third is that the unit is way. providing a service not demanded by students. With iii. Heifitz: we had a bunch of reasons why we thought this better technology people wont be buying notes should be cut. It is losing money. One of the things they anymore. These are the numbers from last 15 years. managed is they moved to the trailer and is that why There’s a multiple of factors. What the unit should be they are losing money? But they were losing money all making could have been plotted. Why are we cutting 11 of those years which is bad especially for OASR? Why are we cutting CCE? It is because these commercial unit. They are losing $15000 per year. Compensation such as Cheggs and online resources cut that would type up notes on typewriters to give to into their thing. Most professors nowadays post lecture students. They would give it back to them for a fee. notes and podcasts so it is antiquated so maybe that’s This unit persisted long passed its demand. It was why they aren’t achieving their goals. Another thing we hemorrhaging money. This is trying to be proactive to looked at was price and demand. Getting the notes is prevent years and years of losses. We are trying to $15 per quarter. If you get 1000 people to buy notes Band-Aid the bleeding and that’s why we are cutting that is $15000 and overhead costs are what more than this unit. It came up we would be cutting peoples that. And they don’t sell even that. We can have a livelihood. It would remain operational until June 10th. steady fixed income from any company to open a place This gives them a month to seek employment down there. elsewhere. But after June 10th all assets will be Questions in text liquidated and positions eliminated iv. Flores: Line 17 vii. Dhindsa: how many workers get paid? v. Dalavai: Line 6 the comment after then, should it be a viii. Maddie: we have 5 part time employees. And the unit dash? Strike comments after line 6, there should be a director and 2 managers dash but no comma ix. Singh: Lets hear from you both Public Discussion x. Maddie: I am unit director and I was a part time vi. DeAngelo: this is part of a series of management employee prior to that. We see the numbers are down correction action to prevent a situation of insolvency. If I’ve seen the graphs. It’s sad to have to come to this you compare us to ASUCLA and ASUSC both went meeting. There are a lot of factors on a personal note. bankrupt and were absorbed by admin. We are trying to We have a lot of HR concerns. It put the safety of our prevent that. Janice always tells us a story about a unit employees at risk and in order to protect them we were allotted payment per employee. We had to have 2 xiii. Singh: have you explored any options or models to people in the trailer at all times. We ended up going improve unit? double over budget for paying employees. Trailers have xiv. Maddie: we talked 2 weeks ago about new ideas to impeded foot traffic. We had signs outside but they modernize the unit. We talked about offering it online weren’t indicative of what we did. Note taking was cut and having readers available online in the form of e so we couldn’t hire note takers for the year. I’m not text. In our meetings with Joe and abhay and David we sure why that happened. Note takers would self-fund so weren’t sure if that would be enough to recover the half of what was paid would go toward the note taker unit. We weren’t sure if that was a risk. It would be and the other half would be toward campus copies. The risky but we tried to explore options. influx was do to that. xv. Singh: if you can move back to east wing would that xi. DeAngelo: I purposely excluded fiscal year 15-16 so help? we weren’t reviewing the HR issues because it is not a xvi. Maddie: a lot of the business is foot traffic so yes. result of management. I didn’t want to distort the People would stop by and in the trailer you don’t have actuals I presented. that sort of thing xii. Heifitz: so you mentioned the trailer thing like I xvii. Dhindsa: so we definitely listened to a lot of cons. Can mentioned before all those years 2001-2012 CCN was you highlight pros? still hemorrhaging money. The few years you did make xviii. Maddie: we are lower cost. Readers are cheaper to money was less than $12000, which is far less than process through us its just a matter of getting professors projected. If we put a company in the east wing it is a to go through us. Notes are good resources. Most of our steady flow of income that would make more than all notes were outdated so we were trying to look for ways the years CCN made. to update those resources. A lot of science majors come in to use them as an extra thing to study from. It is xxiii. Maddie: we do out price like FedEx we had a print job helpful and we were the better alternative. I know that the notes xix. Dhindsa: do you know a rough number of how many and stuff are available on Chegg. I can’t speak for those students in count? because I don’t have accounts but they are like $4. We xx. Maddie: I do know we had at least 118 notes for just offer different notes organic chemistry every quarter xxiv. Dalavai: do you have any case of imperative you can xxi. Dalavai: So unfortunately I didn’t make it to make that you would say would keep CCN relevant commissions discussions but I was told it was brought over competitors? up that there are cheaper alternative for this same xxv. Maddie: to turn into technology mode because many service. How do you reconcile that? Its rough. We have students use laptops. We can offer online text as an a certain price we have to maintain and that’s not option that competitors don’t. and since it eliminates always cheapest way to go need of paper and less resources, we can offer a cheaper xxii. DeAngelo: It was Georgia’s lets talk about sex event price when we were looking to buy online merchant and we xxvi. Dalavai: nobody wants this to happen. Unfortunately, looks at CCN and it was 20% more expensive. It was it’s looking that way. It sucks but if you got anything to the difference between 80 and 100 dollars. We did that say, we would love to consider any solution. to support our own unit but if I was a random individual xxvii. DeAngelo: INC convened earlier. There is I would choose the cheaper option. In some instances infrastructure set up currently to electronically convert specifically one instance, CCN was the more expensive these notes. The unit wouldn’t be housed, it would option strictly be virtual. We upload the notes and sell on an already established online service. We continue the service of selling notes without physical storefront. xxx. Heifitz: everyone goes to other places like Greek life There is still a need to have internal printing such as for has stopped going to CCN. I heard from friends it’s too the Coho to print flyers. So taking some of CCN’s expensive assets such as the printer would be taken into the closet xxxi. Singh: Do you want to elaborate more on online thing of ASUCD. This would be anew unit, the cost would be Joe? When will it happen? $80 a week. It would break even solely to serve printer xxxii. Lee: honestly CCN was my firs adopted unit so it sucks needs. We don’t need 6 employees or paying hourly or to consider this. I wasn’t for the idea but looking more with stipends. There will be no longer costs. This is an at the data we just cant keep up. They are going to have easy solution to maintain service without overhead. to run a student fee for this. It is the reality with all our xxviii. Heifitz: I wanted to mention the prices like Joe said are units. The expenses are above all income. This becomes way more for CCN including the readers. As we necessary. Joe has worked with trying to preserve mentioned at B&F there is a case where professors integral aspects of units. In the long term this saving prefer to go downtown for the sake of price and quality money helps the other units. Its not gaining the money xxix. DeAngelo: there is a multitude of reasons Davis we hoped for. Its offset by hitting other unit accounts. CopyMax offers cheaper prices. There are legal reasons xxxiii. DeAngelo: Alex informed there is already a website we charge more. They are liable to lawsuits whereas we setup not being used properly. All we would need to do are not. They are not completely analogous business. is transfer over the data and it’d be ready to use. It We want to follow the law above all else and if another could be done by summer. I don’t know the technical service doesn’t, we can’t say much about it. parts of it. I would assume it would function similarly without the overhead. xxxiv. Lee: Remember we had the idea about having the Professors even tell students to go and get these notes. ASUCD online store so if we put all purchasable It increases subscriptions. Offering those some sort of service there it can be put in a shopping cart. way post this would be helpful. xxxv. DeAngelo: its already available web thing. We just xl. Martinez: do you think services can be transferred? need to push the button. xli. Maddie: yes I don’t know how easily it can be run xxxvi. Savage: Do we have a system for which we think would without someone implementing the transition. I don’t implement uploading the notes? know if its something we can do in the next three xxxvii. Maddie: all notes are digitalized already. We weeks. There’s nowhere tangible to put us. discovered a couple in our files were it’s missing but xlii. Martinez: you haven’t looked at admin or any other most are electronic ready. The system we have in place place to absorb what you do? To help the students on the website would need updates but it is something xliii. Maddie: the idea is to keep website running to some where online you have system where people can degree. Because that cant be outsourced elsewhere. purchase online and only view it through that. You Updating is a completely different issue. I don’t know can’t copy or download them. They are single access how that plays in your vote. and in play on the website now. xliv. DeAngelo: likely, all current notes will be transferred to xxxviii. Martinez: did you ever try working for an alternative or online store. There will be no more notes being added have you made peace with the unit being eliminated? because then we would have to continue hire. We xxxix. Maddie: the note taking is very unique. If there is an archive current notes so they are still accessible for alternative to provide these notes to students. Other purchases. In some cases it doesn’t matter if it’s the than the textbook and classmates. The notes we had same lecture. included office hours and other helpful resources. xlv. Martinez: if this unit is eliminated, how can we make i. Lee: I would encourage you to ride the house first the services already present move them somewhere ii. Singh: we are in senate discussion so any final thoughts else? to Maddie? xlvi. DeAngelo: we are eliminated positions and assets. We iii. Maddie: No thanks would move notes online iv. Park: one thing I was at the meeting with CCN with Joe xlvii. Martinez: who would update? and abhay. We had Kathy come in to explain the xlviii. DeAngelo: there would be no update. Creative media financial situation. What you see in front of you is the can work on that. Infrastructure is there. The unit has a units performance. One thing I want to highlight is that website not being utilized. He can upload all of the from last years admin they were having talks about this notes and that’s it. They would not be updated. It would but it was never considered to cut the unit. It hasn’t just be what it was. In 2018, they wont be adding new been done before. There has been a time lapse. Admin notes. Every note will be 2016 and previous was left with the tough choice to call this. Maddie xlix. Maddie: there’s nothing more current than fall 2015. wasn’t informed on how she can turn this around. She We didn’t have note takers this year. was given only 2 weeks. So that was very little model. l. Dhaliwal: this is by no means to undermine what CCN Then she sees this bill to be cut. There’s a lot of things does. Since my freshmen years there are tons of Google to consider I do see the business aspect but there are drives that student share that include recent notes or the also different units hemorrhaging units. Is this the unit quarter before. There’s Chegg and other portals. If you that must be cut? Look at it from all aspects I know are going to transfer stuff, it would be awesome to be CCN hasn’t been doing stellar but if we provide them online with one chance to turn it around Senate Discussion v. Savage: what do you recommend? vi. Park: I would say lets look at different units right now Divide the House we only see CCN's budget. We need to take into xii. Savage: gage of temperature holistic consideration vii. Savage: which units are you referring to? Vote Count 7:1 Bill passed viii. DeAngelo: this is going to become a witch-hunt we didn’t just wake up and decide CCN. We are cutting the BREAK 9:17-9:24 unit because it is historically unprofitable. we have looked at alternative and compared with other services Pro-Tempore Elections at other campuses. Their services are operated by admin Martinez Accepts and profitable as well as highly digitalized. Look at this from business perspective because ASUCD is a SB 78 – 9:25 business. If we can’t finance, we will cease to exist. i. Deangelo: part of the process of dissolving this unit is Our commercial units have to perform. Its not like we reallocating the assets. We would like transfer this to didn’t give this unit a change. November 2011 senate capital reserves purchased 14000 of capital equipment to this unit. This ii. Heifitz: it’s in the bylaws all assets go back to ASUCD was movement on behalf of the controller of the time. Senate Discussion This unit just does not provide a demand in service. iii. Dhindsa: Just to clarify if we weren’t to use this money ix. Savage: Irveen and Shai have to leave so I suggest we and put in reserves would e be able to put it toward vote on this. other units budgets? x. Lee: Divide the house so they can register opinion iv. DeAngelo: if we didn’t move the money it would just xi. Grewal: motion to divide the house sit in the account for a unit that doesn’t unit. We can put the money anywhere. Our capital reserves have 500-1000. It never functioned and the ink is extremely been depleted a senate table has spent $1.5 million over expensive. It’s like the sixe of a car. the years we need to replenish this account. ii. Heifitz: basically what Joe covered, this makes sense. v. Heifitz: The aggie threads thing replenishes what they Our main concern was if this would sell but we have to spent which is a huge amount of money. It bring it back follow policy. Shouldn’t it say yes for finance? Like on to a balance point the bottom? vi. DeAngelo: senate can’t touch this money. Management Questions in text team specifically instituted this at the time because they iii. Heifitz: should it say yes in finance? felt senate was irresponsible at the time iv. DeAngelo: it should also say 2/3 Question Public Discussion Bill Passes v. Park: I know you stated this is from aggie threads, have we looked into trying to maybe fix it? SB 79 – 9:29 vi. DeAngelo: we were in litigation with the company that i. DeAngelo: among myriad of capital purchases, one of sold it to us. It never printed correctly. We ruined a ton which was a garment printer. This printer cost 14-18 of shirts working with the printer. It doesn’t work and is thousand. This printer has never functioned correctly. It in a million pieces. The ink is old. Nobody knows how has vinegar associated with it and weighs like a to assemble it. It has to be hooked up to a vent. The thousand pounds. Nobody knows how to assemble it. thing weighs a ton. We were supposed to hire a special We are looking to dump it through aggie surplus and operator but because it never functioned we never hired get a fraction of what we paid. Hopefully we can get anybody. I was in high school when this happened so I don’t know the details. vii. Yosef: have you talked to craft center to take it? Maybe iv. Martinez: of $200 they are bringing family members to they know how to run it different places. It’s the undocumented student and viii. DeAngelo: its not even functional. allies awareness week. They have a family day Senate Discussion conference and they bring their families and this would ix. Dalavai: so what was the conversation like with the reimburse some travel costs for families company? Shouldn’t we have gotten refunded? v. Savage: it’s going to B&F x. DeAngelo: these occurred several years ago I'm sure Public Discussion staff did their diligence pursuing all avenues of the law. vi. Yosef: WEF is starting tomorrow. Come out and They said they fixed it but it never did. This is coming volunteer and you’ll get a shirt. Lots of Caribbean from Janice. She told me to get rid of this thing. vegetarian food. We can use you for anything. Just Question show up and find me and ask what to do. This week Bill passes even if you’re not going to volunteer just come out its going to be a good time. We have extra line up posters VII. Introduction of New Legislation – 9:34 to give out. I was wondering if we can have closed i. Savage: Abhay sent two pieces of legislation we got session next week to discuss personnel matters, authored by Martinez. One authored by Deangelo about generally. Not for tonight. But next week. liquidating a whirlpool refrigerator and that will be sent vii. Flores: motion to put a closed session on next weeks to IAC and B&F. other is Martinez agenda ii. Martinez: next week the SPEAK group viii. Savage: I can do it iii. Savage: reimbursement form ix. Yosef: I talked to a couple senators about it. How does this work? x. Singh: we motion to closed session next week and I Originally it was to send 28 so we could foresee recommend you go to senator office hours and then you reducing the amount but for now Joe and I decided to can bring them to closed session as well keep it at this amount for the sake of disability needs xi. Yosef: its nothing to serious because we would have to buy more expensive rooms. xii. Singh: it never hurts to stop by and talk about it This is to show ASUCD interest in supporting this. xiii. Savage: motion for closed session next week ASUCD Janice told me milt would like to ASUCD support. It personnel matters related to WEF would cover hotel cost and they would cover travel xiv. Flores reads Bylaws cost. We launched the application last night and we xv. DeAngelo: can we go into closed session already have 12 applications and we are closing on xvi. Flores: all official meetings of senate should be open to Monday. It includes active minds members and we are public except closed sessions, which may be calling getting a diverse group applying. I think this would be a during the meeting. It invalidates chapter 21 of bylaws great opportunity and my staff will be vetting these that mentions you cant motion for closed session during application. We are hoping to have a delegation regular meeting composed of ASUCD advocacy as well as people just passionate about going. Just a few concerns brought up VIII. Closed Session – 9:41 pm were as of now the reason we need the cushion money is because potentially each room can fit 4 we may have Senate Bill 76 to fit 2 people because they might not be able to share i. Chiang: this bill is basically to allocate $455.70 in beds. We reduced size and added tax so please amend senate reserves to send delegation of 16 people to the that. mental health conference during budget hearing. Questions in Text ii. Flores: what does queen mean? contribute the set amount because MILT will cover iii. Chiang: its supposed to be queen bed some costs. If they don’t agree to give us money I will iv. Savage: maybe put it in quotes since it’s the name withdraw. v. DeAngelo: is the math correct? xv. DeAngelo: I'm fairly certain employees cant share beds. vi. Chiang: no that’s why I mentioned to change it And if someone requires special assistance? It doesn’t vii. Park: slash number 19 seem relevant to continue this bill if we don’t know Public Discussion who’s attending viii. Wolansky: You could just request something extra on xvi. Chiang: till be much easier to attain funding from the floor for the issue of people not sharing a bed. Put it MILT if I say ASUCD will give us money on your advertisement that ASUCD is supporting. xvii. DeAngelo: Janice was fairly certain they cant share ix. Flores: how are you getting there? beds x. Chiang: by students who offer to drive. I ran this xviii. Savage: if it doesn’t end up working out, we just get the through Janice they would do online course and sign money back insurance forms and would be good to go. I am not xix. Chiang: these costs account for 8 rooms because the going. reduced cost in travel xi. Flores: who is leading? xx. Molodanof: its important we pass this bill because xii. Chiang: the deputy director of OASR and my staff will asking for MILT he can say oh we don’t know if senate be leading. He would be the leader. will pass. Its going toward a great thing and because we xiii. DeAngelo: So you’re getting 5 rooms for 16 people have a lack of funds for OASR we are taking a step xiv. Chiang: 4 rooms. I did the math and either way it works forward to show them support. out because we are taking less cars. Either way we only Bill passes i) Convened IAC VIII. Ex Officio Reports 10:04 j) Planning meeting with the Aggie A. Flores C. Mishra a) IAC Meeting a) Updating proposals – Fall b) Scholarship Committee meeting to establish D. Heiftiz interviewing questions – application is still open a) Saw 5 bills c) Instructed vice chair on how to hold/set up interviews b) Social with commission for my position – there are 2 applications c) Met with Joe and internal audit services yesterday for d) INC meeting earlier today ICI audit e) Met with Aggies for Humanity – hosting first benefit d) Meeting tomorrow for B+F to discuss audits lacking to gala on June 3rd finish 2-4 audits and present to senate on May 19 before B. DeAngelo budget hearing a) Meeting with EAC e) Submitted vacancy request forms for chair + b) Follow up meeting with CCN commission members c) Meeting with Aggie Studio regarding equipment E. Wolansky purchasing a) Worked on job fair 11am-2pm d) Ran spring summit for next Saturday b) Marketing committee 3-4pm AMC Room e) Met with congress c) Working on Gala f) Meeting with Internal Control d) Working on orientation g) Meeting with Brent e) Met with Joe h) Internal Audit System Workshop f) Met with Parteek for NAMI Health Fair + clubs g) Worked on ASUCD Night Out b) Office hours c) Midterms IX. Elected Officer Reports – 10:07 d) Met with Chief Carmichael A. Molodanof e) Accountability work training – ASUCD voting member a) Finished up midterms next fall b) Staffer go to mental health coalition meeting f) Attended commission meeting c) Met with creative media about mental health fair logo g) Check in with adopted unit directors d) Working on MAT h) Ki Phi fundraiser in 2 weeks concerts for a cause $5 e) Next week meeting with Sarah Hong about water tickets hydration i) Next Friday is Luau f) College of Letters and Sciences celebration for D. Dhindsa scholarship receiving a) Staff meeting B. Park b) Office Hours a) Office hours c) Working with Lena on MyCampus resource visibility b) Spoke to Mary Young – invited to be keynote speaker d) Student housing is still upset with me, supposed to meet at decision day event for transfer students tomorrow but they cancelled – they want to collaborate c) Interviews for staffers, hired four with ASUCD on glow run fall quarter d) Philanthropy event for St. Jude’s Hospital e) Went to EC garden weekly Saturday meeting f) Met with Linden to talk about platform C. Dalavai E. Singh a) Staff meeting a) Library string committee- going through renovation b) Wednesday – office hours g) Tomorrow – meeting to discuss HIS c) Met with jade regarding mental health fair tabling H. Chiang d) Refrigerator services interviews a) Therapy last Friday e) Career fair for next winter quarter for b) Met with director Sarah Hong international/local development c) Staff Meeting f) Tomorrow – Library, Marketing, d) Met with former GASC chair F. Savage e) Cat black talk a) Lobby corps f) Staff meals b) Fundraiser g) Mental Health Syllabi c) Going to UCSF this weekend h) Chosen for hiring committee for CAPS counseling d) STAR weekend i) Monday – psychiatry appointment e) Present at NAMI + Active Minds – lobbying Irvine j) IAC meeting G. Martinez k) Met with Greg a) Staff meeting last week, took pictures l) PEACE trained Wednesday b) Office hours Tuesday m) Move to Canvas committee c) Went to Sacramento today n) WEF Karma Patrol meeting d) Met with social media person on strategic o) Release apps for mental health communications for admin to build relationship with p) Sofia and I went to prize gala honoring one of our ASUCD professors e) Attended Unitrans advisory committee yesterday f) EC gardens meeting today X. Public Announcements – 10:20 i. Molodanof: Matt Palm wanted me to tell yall “hello I’m writing to ask you to sign to approve to expand rental resources for tenant health and safety” I will post on page. Its good lobbying for students. If any of you are supporting Clinton, I’m seeing her in Oakland tomorrow.

XI. Approval of Past Senate Meetings – 10:20 Chiang: I signed it


XII. Adjournment – 10:21

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