Mid-Novel Assessment: Tears of a Tiger




Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the best answer. You will have two sections: Matching and two short answer questions. When you are finished, turn your assessment over.

a. Andy

b. Rhonda

c. Keisha

d. B.J.

e. Tyrone

f. Gerald

g. Rhonda

h. Rob

i. Coach Ripley

1. ____Was not in the car during the car accident

2. ____Prayed to God after the car accident

3. _____Is dating Rhonda

4. _____is tired of Andy and his complaining

5. _____believes that beer tastes like sweat socks

6. ______parents are not really involved in his life

7. _____wrote an essay entitled “My most frightening moment”

8. ______Father is abusive 9. _____believes that they should have died and not Rob (more than one right answer)

10. _____ Can kiss so well that it makes his girl friend say “hallelujah”

11. _____was the glue that held the team together

1. List three characters and write their reactions to the accident and Rob’s death. Remember to write in complete sentences (write at least one) and support your answer.


Reaction:- ______


Reaction:- ______


Reaction:- ______

Choose one type of conflict (Man v. Man , Man v. Self, Man v. Environment) and write about how this conflict is seen in Tears of a Tiger. What examples of this conflict are given within the story? This should be at least one paragraph. (You may use the back of the paper if you need to).


Examples:- ______