Test Valley & Eastleigh LIG Minutes of the meeting Woodley Village Hall, School Road, Romsey, S051 7NX Time: 10.30 am to 12.30 noon

Minutes of the Meeting

Monday 7th November 2016

People who were there today: Kym Anderson, Mandy Grahamsley, Rita & Albert Kinsey, Melody Mew, Henry Sims, Rachel Barlow, Debbie Rumble, Nicky Millard, Jenny Dixon, Brian Sims, Laura Timms, Carole Lloyd, Jonathan Lenearts, Ophelia Matthias and Florence Garland

Apologies: Ann Woods, Lin Graft, Adele Dodd, Sue Windess, Paul Hatt, Alison Froude, Pauline Gibson

Mistakes/corrections from the last meeting OK matters arising:

Henry and Rachel have written a statement for the website. Rachel read it out to the group. It has now been posted on the website.

The Orange LIG meeting takes place on the first Monday of each month from 10.30-12.30. Our group is made up of service users, carers and professionals. We have guest speakers and what is talked about at the meeting gets written down. We find out useful information from the people who come, and this can help make people’s lives easier. It is important to meet with HCC management and get answers about what is happening to our services. I enjoy meeting lots of other people and want to be able to help people who can’t speak for themselves. “I’m not afraid to say what I think. It’s important to speak up for other people and get answers for them in case they get left out”. Henry, Orange LIG co-chair and Partnership Board Rep

1 Connect to support – Nicky Millard

(Unfortunately there was no wifi and the phone connection was not strong enough to connect to the computer.)

Connect to support is the new website about care and support. It lists all the care and support options, full care home directory, and all care at home providers are on there too.

Currently HCC have 2 printed listings, the online version is up to date. These publications will continue. There has been a recent drive from the LD teams to update the LD information.

The website is for everyone, older people, physical disabilities, Learning disabilities, mental health etc. We need to people to have a look and check details and their accuracy and also for people to make recommendations. It is important that people find the website interesting and useful. It is also a tool for the teams.

Please use it, use the “feedback” button (it is in the corner). We need to know if the website is friendly to use.

Jonathan asked if the website had transport links. Yes it has, it links to transport providers.

News section: one off events, workshops etc on What’s on.

There is also a pilot with GP’s surgeries in the New Forest. One survey showed that half the household in Hampshire thought that GP’s should help with care and support. We cannot rely on the GP to do this (they have other things to do) but if we have good information on the website, GP’s will be able to signpost people.

University So’ton General Hospital will also have a touch screen tablet so that patients can use the website. It will be in the main lounge. Lymington Hospital will also be another hospital providing this service.

2 We will work on this until approximately April 2017. Then we can work on another phase with the wider public.

What you need to remember:


 Usable by anyone

 600+ listings of services near you

 A directory of care homes and home care agencies

 Information and advice regarding care and support

A new online information and advice guide and directory of local services for adults with care and support needs. It provides a one stop shop for adults in Hampshire looking for information, community support and care options

Partnership Board update

Henry was on holiday at the last board.

We decided that we will work on the following topics in 2017:  Support (March)  Health (June)  The right place to live (September)  Supporting parents and families (November)

3 The 5th topic is relationships and sexual health (which can worked on separately). We can also talk about matters that are close to us in the LIGs.

We will have a LD plan review planning meeting on the 7th December (next Board meeting).

Jonathan said that he would like a greater presence of the police on the streets.

Health: transforming care partnership (TCP) Health is looking at champions in different areas. The Partnership board raised issues with ambulance service, opticians and dentists.

The 3 year plan for health is:  Housing  Develop community services  workforce

4 Safeguarding – Mandy Grahamsley

Mandy is our local LD lead. http://www.hampshiresab.org.uk/

Important telephone numbers

Hampshire Adult Services: 0300 555 1386 or out of hours: 0300 555 1373

Police: 101 or in an emergency 999

For Deaf Access Text 999 or Emergency Minicom Text Relay on 18000

The advice line is anonymous during office hours Monday to Friday. You can also leave a message.

The processes have not changed.

Key points:

 To meet the requirements of the Care Act 2014  It is a statutory duty for HCC and also to support people with safeguarding and abuse.  Educating people on keeping safe  Engaging Hampshire Communities and develop a number of resources which includes a guide for people supporting people and the general public)  Working closely with providers – support/training and awareness  Working with CQC  Working with individuals “Making safeguarding personal”. E.g, service users can now get involved in their safeguarding meetings if they want to.

The safeguarding team has developed:

5  A smartphone App (“see it stop it”)  A training video  They have also “invested” in pens/post it notes/trolley tokens, anything that people can take away and promote Safeguarding.

If people have complex needs, the team will work in the person’s best interest. They will work with the family, advocates etc.

Kym also added that for annual health checks, nurse/doctors will ask if they can have 5 minutes with the person without support (if they can cope). They can then ask questions if they feel they need to.

Mandy left some pens, leaflets and note books.

Accommodation – Laura Timms/Jenny Dixon (HCC)

Laura and Jenny are responsible for this project, part of T17 project.

A small team (HCC) is checking what HCC are buying and what they are getting against the commissioned number of hours. HCC are asking providers to give us loads of details and what is included in the cost of the support. HCC cannot pay for support which is not delivered. If the support is not needed (and not used), they are stopping paying. Changes are made in the background and people are being reassessed against their needs. HCC so far have been saving about £2 million. This is challenging times and they are making good progress.

Training is also given to people who need it.

Jenny: new buildings

- De-registration (less choice for the person and subject to living with restrictions). None of the houses have been de- registered yet (complex process). There is also consultation with families and people in house. - Emsworth: the project is almost completed with nice flats in a nice area.

6 - HCC have agreed to give LD some funding to build accommodation on HCC land. - Jenny has been working on a “flat” module suitable to as many people as possible. - - 3 sites have been thought: 2 blocks of 18 flats, 1 block of 10 flats in Basingstoke, to be finished around January 2018 (phase 1) – supported living model - Phase 2 will be a site in Eastleigh - Plan for 2 or 3 bedroom bungalow (could accommodation people with physical disabilities) – Basingstoke area - Service for a group of people (including Prader Willi syndrome)

Do we know who is going to move there:  People on the system  Younger people coming through  There is a central point in Hampshire where HCC manages the way they look at accommodation.

Someone mentioned the old LBHUs and people being institutionalised. Laura said we are not doing this. There are small units, with people own kitchen and bathroom. It will need monitoring though.

We need to increase diversity of accommodation. We need a cluster of flats and bungalows to make things viable.

Debbie said that accommodation needs to be considered for married couples and people who want to live with their partner. They get forgotten.

We can explore other areas in the project.

Other things:

T17: Henry would like to know what’s next. Florence said that Simon Cartland will be coming next month so any question prior to visit would be welcome. Henry will discuss with his group.

Debbie said her great niece has arrived. A good week!

Laura said that Item 2 from the Paying for care consultation have been cancelled. Item 1, 3 and 4 are confirmed.

7 (The LIGs have done a good job in item 2!)

Carole said that the day services titles have been changed.

Kym mentioned the friendly GPs practices. Abbeywell in Romsey and Parkside in Eastleigh are interested. Kym will have a meeting with the practice manager.

Annual Health check: another Eastleigh surgery has agreed to it.

Mince pies for next time.

James’ place: fete and Christmas ball. Details to follow soon.

Next meeting: 5th December 2016 10.30 am to 12.30 noon (set up from 10.15 am) And then 1st Monday of the month except on bank holiday (usually the week after)

2016 5 December

2017 9 January (due to b/h), 6 Feb, 6 March 3 April, 8 May (due to b/h), 5 June 3 July, 4 September, 2 October 6 November, 4 December