Student Learning Outcomes (Slos) Assessment Report s1
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LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Course Assessment
Division: Business Discipline/Program: Computer Information Systems
Course Number and Name: CIS 015 DATABASE PROGRAMMING
Program Contact Person: ______Phone: x4178______
Reviewed by: Elena Reigadas, SLO Assessment Coordinator Date: December 2013
Overview: This course was taught in Fall 2009 class. Additionally was offered in Fall 2010 but was cancelled due to low enrollment. Assessment data not available. This course intended to provide introductory to intermediate level of knowledge in database design, development, management and programming by utilizing SQL 2008 and related tools. No experience or knowledge in database design or programming required, though some basic knowledge of programming and database concepts will influence on student study process greatly. Beginning of the course provides introduction to databases. The most of the outcomes throughout this course supported with extensive hands-on work/study in database design, and programming in form of classwork and homework assignments. The midterm and final test in form of multiple choice questions will be conducted accordingly.
Attach additional pages as necessary. Institutional Mission Course Intended Outcomes Means of Assessment Summary of Data Use of Results & Goals and Criteria for Success Collected 3 1. Understand relational Two multiple choice databases and SQL. Discuss or questions tests will be explain benefits of relational conducted. Average databases over other data score will be the measure models. Use database of intended outcome.. management tools and Books Criteria: 70% of students Online. will score 70% or better. 2 2. Use of essential SQL skills. Six multiple choice Use of SELECT, INSERT, questions tests will be UPDATE, and DELETE conducted. Average statements. Make sense of score of six tests will be inner, outer joins, and union the measure of intended queries. Construct summary outcome. complex queries. Utilize Criteria: 70% of students aggregate functions. will score 70% or better Understand different data types, on test and homework and data conversion. assignments. 3 3. Use database design Three multiple choice principles and techniques in questions tests will be designing databases. Identify conducted. Average and subdivide data elements, score of six tests will be primary and foreign keys and the measure of intended enforcement of relationship. outcome. Utilize SQL data definition Criteria: 70% of students language DDL and will score 70% or better Management Studio to create, on test and homework change, and delete databases, assignments.. tables, indexes. 2 4. Use advanced SQL skills. Three multiple choice Understand views. Create and questions tests will be manage views, scripts. Utilize conducted. Average stored procedures functions, score of six tests will be and triggers. Develop user- the measure of intended defined procedures, functions, outcome. and triggers. Criteria: 70% of students will score 70% or better on test and homework assignments. Date:
Attach additional pages as necessary. Institutional Mission Course Intended Outcomes Means of Assessment Summary of Data Use of Results & Goals and Criteria for Success Collected 1. Identify components of a Means: 10 multiple relational database table; choice questions on an record, field, primary key, exam. index. Criteria: 80% of students will correctly answer 7 out of 10 questions. 2. Identify a one-to-one, one-to- Means: 3 multiple choice many and many-to-many questions on an exam. relationship. Criteria: 80% of students will correctly identify the relationship type. 3. Describe how the data type Means: 5 short answer determines the kind of questions on homework information that can be stored assignments asking in the field. students to select a data type for given data and justify their choice. Criteria: 80% of students will score a C or better according to a department rubric. 4. Compare the features of the Means: Short answer most common SQL systems in question on homework use today. assignment asking the student to identify 3 of the most common SQL systems and how they differ. Criteria: 80% of students will score a C or better according to a department rubric. 5. Demonstrate proper coding Means: Homework format for SQL statements. assignment to enter 2 queries correctly. Criteria: 80% of students will properly format the queries. 6. Recognize the most Means: 10 multiple commonly used Data choice questions on an Manipulation Language and exam. Data Definition Language Criteria: 80% of students statements. will correctly answer 7 out of 10 questions. 7. Describe how application Means: Short answer programs can interact with a question. SQL Server database. Criteria: 80% of students will score a C or better according to a department rubric. 8. Use the Management Studio Means: Homework to connect to a database server, assignment. attach to a database, view and Criteria: 90% of students modify the database definition, will perform the required and enter and save queries. operations.
9. Create queries using the Means: Homework Query Designer tool. assignment. 10. Use Books Online to locate Means: 2 homework information on SQL. problems to locate specific information. Criteria: 80% of students will locate the needed information. 11. Construct SELECT Means: 10 homework statements to solve data problems to code and run requirements by coding the queries. SELECT clause, the WHERE Criteria: 80% of students clause and the ORDER by will score a C or better clause. according to a department rubric. 12. Construct SQL statements Means: 10 homework using inner, outer and self- problems to code and run joins. queries. Criteria: 80% of students will score a C or better according to a department rubric. 13. Calculate results from a Means: 10 homework database using aggregate problems to code and run functions. queries. Criteria: 80% of students will score a C or better according to a department rubric. 14. Summarize data using Means: 10 homework GROUP BY and HAVING problems to code and run clauses. queries. Criteria: 80% of students will score a C or better according to a department rubric. 15. Distinguish between Means: 10 multiple subqueries and joins. choice questions. Criteria: 80% of students will get 7 out of 10 questions correct. 16. Construct subqueries using Means: 10 homework the IN and EXISTS operators. problems to code and run queries. Criteria: 80% of students will score a C or better according to a department rubric. 17. Construct subqueries using Means: 10 homework the ALL, ANY and SOME problems to code and run keywords. queries. Criteria: 80% of students will score a C or better according to a department rubric. 18. Construct subqueries in the Means: 10 homework FROM or SELECT clauses. problems to code and run queries. Criteria: 80% of students will score a C or better according to a department rubric. 19. Simplify a complex query Means: 2 homework using Common Table problems to code and run Expressions. queries. Criteria: 80% of students will score a C or better according to a department rubric. 20. Use the INSERT, UPDATE Means: 10 homework and DELETE statements to problems to code and run modify the data in a table. queries. Criteria: 80% of students will score a C or better according to a department rubric. 21. Select the best SQL data Means: 10 multiple type for an application; choice questions on an numeric, string, date/time or exam. large value. Criteria: 80% of students will answer at least 7 out of 10 correctly. 22. Use string, numeric, Means: 10 homework data/time, CASE, COALESCE, problems to code and run ISNULL, GROUPING and queries. ranking functions to manipulate Criteria: 80% of students data. will score a C or better according to a department rubric. 23. Convert data from one type Means: 10 homework to another. problems to code and run queries. Criteria: 80% of students will score a C or better according to a department rubric. 24. Design a database structure Means: Given a scenario, considering tables, columns, students will design a keys, relationships and database in a written normalization. homework assignment. Criteria: 80% of students will score a C or better according to a department rubric. 25. Use SQL statements to Means: Homework create and change databases, problems to code and run tables and indices. queries to create and modify a database, tables and indices. Criteria: 80% of students will score a C or better according to a department rubric.