IIA Florida West Coast Chapter
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IIA Florida West Coast Chapter
Audit Scope
Volume 37, Issue 2 October, 2002
President’s Letter
It is my pleasure to welcome you and alert you to the excellent seminar program officers and board members have planned for 2002-2003. Input from the member surveys guided our selection of seminar topics for the year. We have also decided to try some new locations based on the feedback we have received from our members.
The first seminar is scheduled for Tuesday, October 8 at Safety Harbor Resort and Spa (Directions are attached or visit our chapter’s website: Tampabayiia.org). The topic is Auditing for Internal Fraud in the Procurement and Payment Cycle. Please remember to give us feedback after each seminar so we can bring you what you can use.
Also, our corporate seminar plan is not individual specific so you must RSVP in advance for each seminar. You can RSVP by visiting our website, Tampabayiia.org, or calling Betty Shipley at (813) 289- 5018.
Thank you to Kate Head, former Chapter President, for volunteering to teach a two-day advance ACL class at the beginning of August. According to the attendees, the class was a big success.
On behalf of the Board of Governors and Officers, I look forward to your assistance and partnership in continually improving our chapter and the benefits we derive as members. Please contact me or other board members if you have questions, concerns, or want to volunteer.
Mitch Thrower President, Florida West Coast Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors UPCOMING TAMPA BAY IIA SEMINAR
October 8, 2002 Safety Harbor Resort and Spa 8:00-4:30 105 N. Bayshore Dr (off Courtney Campbell Causeway) Auditing for Internal Fraud in the Procurement and Payments Cycle Craig L. Greene, CPA, CFE
Craig Greene is partner in charge of Financial Investigation Services for Rome Associates LLP in Chicago, Illinois. He has conducted numerous fraud investigations and many have focused on corruption payment schemes to senior corporate executives. He will delve into the nature of fraud schemes and highlight the red flags that we need to look for. His approach is hands-on and will use real world examples to illustrate his points. Craig leads seminars all over the country and is speaking at the IIA Fraud Conference in Boston on September 4-6, 2002.
This is a seminar you will not want to miss. In addition t a great speaker, and an awards presentation at lunch, two of your comrades have volunteered to tell you a little about themselves and their companies in a (warm and fuzzy) meet the members session.
Directions to Safety Harbor Resort and Spa :
From Tampa - head west on Route 60 and cross the Courtney Campbell Causeway. Just before the Bayside Bridge you will see Bayshore Blvd. Turn right on Bayshore (there is a traffic light) and follow the road about 4 miles to the resort.
From St. Pete/Clearwater - Heading north on McMullin Booth Road (Route 611) - past the Bayside Bridge and pass through Hwy 60 (Courtney Campbell). Turn right on Main Street (there is a traffic light) and follow the road to the resort.
Parking is available on the left of the resort. Enter at the main resort entrance (not the conference center entrance on the left)
Also, attendees can get custom driving directions at the resort's website: www.safetyharborspa.com. OTHER SEMINARS
ISACA West Florida Chapter / Information Systems Audit and Control Seminar at Tampa International Airport Boardroom / Monday October 28, 2002 12:30-4:30 Includes Lunch and 3 hours of CPE Training /$25 Members/$35 Nonmembers
Kate Head - Audit and Investigations Manager for the University of South Florida Office of Inspector General
Managing the People, Processes and Power of PeopleSoft (and other Relational Database Environments) Through Risked Based Continuous Assurance
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, such as PeopleSoft and SCT Banner, have resulted in a more decentralized approach to data input, access, and reporting. While this has created a rapid increase in the availability of information to all system users, it has greatly increased the risk of loss of data integrity and reliability, intentionally erroneous transactions, and the divulgence of confidential information. While security management was once primarily a concern of a small group of information system administrators and administrative departments, maintaining a secure environment now means that numerous people in the entity must understand and manage security.
As more information is made available to organization managers, customers, investors, and regulatory agencies, the data is being relied upon to make key business decisions on a real-time basis. Due to stakeholder reliance on "bad information", the political environment has changed and executives are being "held accountable" for the completeness, accuracy, and reliability of their financial and operating reports. While the three A's of data base management are still important (Access, Authentication, and Authorization), now auditors are being asked to provide on-going assurance as to the reliability, completeness, and integrity of key data and reports.
Management is now increasingly unwilling to wait for historically based assurances provided by auditors in the past. Auditors must be able to provide timely feedback on critical information systems, and audit activities will no longer be based solely on samples transactions and the manual evaluation of the control structures. The future of auditing is the performance of enterprise risk management designed to identify key risks, transactions and processes.
These assessments will be utilized to implement ongoing assurance processes, which will continuously monitor critical systems and processes, and will permit timely reporting of potential problems to management.
Kate M. Head, CPA, CIG, CFE Audit and Investigation Manager USF Office of Inspector General PHONE (813) 974-2705 FAX (813) 974-3735 EMAIL [email protected] For more information or to register please call Mark Kolman at 813 276-8100 extension 7643, or email him at [email protected]. (STILL OTHER) IIA AND CHAPTER SPONSORED EVENTS
IIA Seminar - Internal audit consulting services add value. But how can we become consultants without jeopardizing our independence?
The Institute of Internal Auditors’ focused conference, Consulting: Risks and Rewards for Internal Auditors , is designed to answer this and other critical questions. For two and a half days, we’ll address your role in consulting and assurance services, the risks associated with consulting, and the rewards for taking those risks. You’ll learn essential elements for developing and implementing a successful consulting approach, and take home tools and best practices to get you started.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can add tremendous value to your organization with internal audit consulting services. Reserve your place now, and get a second registration for half-off!
Consulting - Risks and Rewards for Internal Auditors October 21-23, 2002 The Embassy Suites Hotel Downtown Orlando Orlando, Florida
Click here to register and for detailed conference information
To receive a second registration for half-off you must register and pay on one registration form. Include the name of the second registrant in Line 1 of the special offer section on the registration form. ______
IIA Conference / Summit
How will the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and related regulatory requirements impact your organization? How might the roles of and interaction among internal and external auditors, senior management, and board members evolve? Is still more change on the way?
Learn the answers to questions like these in New York on October 16, 2002, at the Corporate Governance Summit sponsored by The Institute of Internal Auditors and its partners – the Business Roundtable, National Association of Corporate Directors, and Financial Executives International. An invitation with additional information is attached. Use the forms below to register, or for more information, e-mail [email protected] or call +1-407-937- 1355. Corporate Governance Summit registration forms PDF format (19 KB) – Print, fill in, and mail or fax. http://www.theiia.org/iia/services/cae/cg- registration.pdf
Word format (37 KB) – Fill in using Word, print, and mail or fax. http://www.theiia.org/iia/services/cae/cg-registration.doc
In order to open PDF files, you must have Adobe Acrobat™ Reader installed on your computer. Click here http://www.adobe.com/supportservice/custsupport/download.html for a free copy of the reader. ______
IIA Central Florida -- CIA Exam Review Class with Professor Glenn Sumners, CIA Sponsored by the Central Florida Chapter of The IIA
Date: Sunday, October 20, 2002 and Monday, October 21, 2002
Time: Part 1: 8:30-Noon – Sunday, October 20,2002 Part 2: 1:30-5:00pm – Sunday, October 20, 2002 Part 3: 8:30-Noon- Monday, October 21, 2002 Part 4: 1:30-5:00pm – Monday, October 21, 2002
Location: Institute of Internal Auditors (Multi-Purpose Room) 247 Maitland Avenue Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 407-937-1100
Cost: IIA Members: $100.00 Per Part Nonmembers: $125.00 Per Part Prices Include Extensive Review Materials
Registration: Advanced registration is required. Please complete the attached form.
More Information: Stacy M. Mantzaris, CIA, CCSA, CGAP 407-937-1310 [email protected]
The IIA Educator now features a button at the bottom of the contents page that lets you print the entire issue with just one click!
Read the October 2002 issue by clicking here:
If this direct link does not work, you can access the newsletter by visiting www.theiia.org and clicking on Publications, Newsletters, and IIA Educator.
Chapter Achievement Program
The Chapter Achievement Program is designed to recognize activities that promote the IIA’s objectives.
One goal of our chapter is to continue reaching the gold performance level by earning at least 1,560 credits this year. Credits can be earned by increasing membership, participating in academic relation activities, conducting research projects, publishing articles, and making presentations on auditing.
Chapter members who have completed one of the above mentioned activities can report it at the Florida West Coast Chapter’s website which is www.Tampabayiia.org. If you have published articles or would like to share information please forward it to me for presentation in the next news letter (hint, hint). ______
TampaBay IIA Board Meeting News : Among other motions passed at the 8/20/02 Tampa Bay IIA board meeting was the approval of a $1,000 scholarship to be awarded. The details, selection process etc. will be forthcoming soon! ______
New CIAs from the May 2002 exam will receive their certificates, pins, and polo shirts at the October 8, 2002 seminar. Be there to enjoy their accomplishment. We want to congratulate again the new CIAs and wish those members who are studying for the upcoming exam good luck. Randy Griffey is our new CIA Examination Chairperson. (If you see him give him a hug)
Reminder 1: Our chapter has purchased CIA review tapes and study books, which are available to be checked out by our members. Seven members used the materials to help them study for the May exam. If you would like to check the materials out call Randy Griffey at 289-5980.
Reminder 2: New examination dates - November 20 & 21, 2002 (Registration Deadline (passed) - 9/30/02).
Reminder 3: Any current CIAs are encouraged to call Randy and volunteer to proctor for this year’s exam. ______EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES
TAMPA BAY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION The Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union is seeking an internal auditor (salary range tops out at approx. $43,000). Anyone interested should contact Rick Grammatica, Internal Audit Manager, at the Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union, 3815 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 33603, phone number 247-4414 ext. 394
Internal Auditor - Professional work performing financial, compliance, performance, operational and information technology audits for County operations (Board and Clerk). Duties include responsibility for review and appraisal of County operations to determine compliance with laws, rules and regulations and to assure the reliability, accuracy and completeness of records. Requires 4-yr degree in accounting or business admin; and 1 yr auditing experience plus additional 2 yrs in operational and financial auditing or accounting. CPA or CIA preferred. Salary Range: $33,862.40 - $56,430.40. Send letter of interest and detailed resume to: Hernando County Clerk of Circuit Court, Attn: Judy Korbus, 20 N. Main Street, Room 131, Brooksville, FL 34601. Position is open until filled. The Clerk is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Change of Address? Changes in status or address must be made through the IIA Headquarters to appear in our Chapter’s directory. Please make sure you communicate changes in employer, address, etc. to Donna Wiley at the IIA Headquarters; 249 Maitland Avenue, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701-4201. Fax number 407- 831-5171.
IIA Florida West Coast Chapter Officers for 2002-2003
President Mitch Thrower Hillsborough County Aviation Authority
VP Education Billy G. Weathers ITC
VP Communication Ken Gentile AMI
Secretary Betty Shipley AAA Auto Club South Treasurer Reena Raturi University of South Florida
Board of Governors and Terms
Nancy Harp (2004) Bank of America
Melinda Sheer (2004)
Tom Stambaugh (2004) FPSC
Wayne Boytim (2004) City of Tampa
Tom Turke (2003) Seminole Electric
Susan Glickman (2003) PricewaterhouseCoopers
Susan McNeill (2003) Danka Business Systems
Dan Pohto (2003) Hillsborough County Clerk of Circuit Court
Cyndi Skipper (2002) Maxxim Medical
Randy J. Griffey (2002) AAA Auto Club South
Mark Kohlman (2005) Hillsborough County Clerk of Circuit Court
William R. Rotz (2005) Bank of America
Kate Head, Past President University of South Florida
Published by the Florida West Coast Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors to keep members informed of activities.
March 2002 Volume 37, No. 2 Editor Ken Gentile
Send all correspondence to: Ken Gentile AuditSCOPE - Editor Associated Marine Institutes 5915 Benjamin Center Drive Tampa, FL 33634 voice (813) 887-3300 fax (813) 889-8092 [email protected]