International Federalism, 2003
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International Federalism, 2003
Weight Variable Wt Weight
Demographics Rsex Sex of respondent mm1 MEX- ID Number cqs CDA-Lang.of interview cqe CDA-Religious affiliation Age Rage Age (CDA/USA) Ragec Age Groups (CDA/MEX/USA) ragec2 Age Groups (CDA/USA) cqnyob CDA-What year were you born cqnage CDA-What is your age md2 MEX-What is your age ua4a USA-Exact age ua4b USA-Age Range (if refuses exact age) ua4c USA-Age Range (combined)
Place of Residence Country Country cregion CDA-Regions cprov CDA-Province ccsize CDA-Community Size mregion MEX-Region mcity MEX-City mstate MEX-State md11 MEX-Urban/Rural uregion USA-Region ustate USA-State
Education reduc Education Level (CDA/MEX/USA) cqf CDA-Highest level of education md3 MEX-Last year of formal schooling ua5 USA-Last school grade completed
Employment/Occupation cqa CDA-Employment status cqb CDA-What is your principal occupation md4 MEX-What is your occupation ua6 USA-Employment status
Ethnicity cqh CDA-Place of birth cqi CDA-Are you aboriginal ua14 USA-What is your Race ua15 USA-Are you Hispanic/Latino/Spanish
Household Composition cqk CDA-Any children in hhld under 18 ua8 USA-# of people in your hhld ua9 USA-# in your hhld under 6yrs ua10 USA-Number in hhld 6-12yrs ua11 USA-Number in hhld 13-17yrs
Income cql CDA-Total gross hhld income md10 MEX-Total monthly hhld income ua13 USA-Household income
Marital Status maristat Marital Status (CDA/USA) cqg CDA-Marital status ua7 USA-Are you Married
Government fed1 Level of least for your money fed2 Level of gov.with too much power fed3 Level of gov.that needs more power fed4 Level of trust the most
Head of Household ua2 USA-Are you the Head of household
Immigration int4 Immigrants don't adopt Cda/USA values int5 Cda/USA: more immig.w/major war int6 I am citizen of the world-not my cntry Internet cqo CDA-Internet/email access cqp CDA-How often use the Internet/email ua18 USA-Internet access at home ua19 USA-Internet access at work
Labour Unions cqc CDA-Anyone in hhld belong to a union cqd CDA-What sector is the union in?
Language Issues int8ce CDA-Que: Child in my prov speak Eng int8cf CDA-not Q:Child in my prov speak French int8us USA:Child in my state speak Spanish cqm CDA-Lang.spoken most often at home
National Pride int1 Home issues more import.than foreign aid
Politics mt20 MEX-Party vote for if election today mt21 MEX-Pres Fox lived up to your expectations uq6 USA-Do you think of yourself as a ...
Shopping ua3 USA-Are you the Primary grocery shopper
Tenure cqj CDA-Residence own/rent by hhld member ua12 USA-Are you a Homeowner
UN int2 UN big contributor to world peace int3 Cda/USA should provide UN peace-keepers
World Peace int2 UN big contributor to world peace int3 Cda/USA should provide UN peace-keepers int7 USA use peace to rid Iraq of weapons Country Specific Variables *these can be classified further* Canada Only int8ce CDA-Que: Child in my prov speak Eng int8cf CDA-not Q:Child in my prov speak French cregion CDA-Regions cprov CDA-Province ccsize CDA-Community Size cqs CDA-Lang.of interview cqa CDA-Employment status cqb CDA-What is your principal occupation cqc CDA-Anyone in hhld belong to a union cqd CDA-What sector is the union in? cqe CDA-Religious affiliation cqf CDA-Highest level of education cqg CDA-Marital status cqh CDA-Place of birth cqi CDA-Are you aboriginal cqj CDA-Residence own/rent by hhld member cqk CDA-Any children in hhld under 18 cql CDA-Total gross hhld income cqm CDA-Lang.spoken most often at home cqnyob CDA-What year were you born cqnage CDA-What is your age cqo CDA-Internet/email access cqp CDA-How often use the Internet/email
Mexico Only mm1 MEX- ID Number mregion MEX-Region mcity MEX-City mstate MEX-State md2 MEX-What is your age md3 MEX-Last year of formal schooling md4 MEX-What is your occupation md10 MEX-Total monthly hhld income md11 MEX-Urban/Rural mt20 MEX-Party vote for if election today mt21 MEX-Pres Fox lived up to your expectations USA Only int8us USA:Child in my state speak Spanish uregion USA-Region ustate USA-State ua2 USA-Are you the Head of household ua3 USA-Are you the Primary grocery shopper ua4a USA-Exact age ua4b USA-Age Range (if refuses exact age) ua4c USA-Age Range (combined) ua5 USA-Last school grade completed ua6 USA-Employment status ua7 USA-Are you Married ua8 USA-# of people in your hhld ua9 USA-# in your hhld under 6yrs ua10 USA-Number in hhld 6-12yrs ua11 USA-Number in hhld 13-17yrs ua12 USA-Are you a Homeowner ua13 USA-Household income ua14 USA-What is your Race ua15 USA-Are you Hispanic/Latino/Spanish ua18 USA-Internet access at home ua19 USA-Internet access at work uq6 USA-Do you think of yourself as a ...
Canada/USA Rage Age (CDA/USA) ragec2 Age Groups (CDA/USA) maristat Marital Status (CDA/USA) int4 Immigrants don't adopt Cda/USA values int5 Cda/USA: more immig.w/major war