Maury County Board of Education s3
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MINUTES Regular Session August 9, 2007 6:05 p.m. Horace O. Porter School at College Hill
I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Daniels called the meeting to order, followed by the Pledge led by Hampshire Unit School students, after which a moment of silence was observed. The following members were present: Shaw Daniels, Chet Rhodes, Hoyt Gardner, Talvin Barner, Loretta Goodloe, Steve Kindler, Tommy Dudley, Daniel McCulley and Greg Ladd. Joe Foster was absent. Jerry Lassiter arrived at 8:17 pm.
II. PUBLIC DELEGATIONS Travis Tinsley spoke regarding out-of-zone denial for his children. A motion by Mr. Rhodes, seconded by Mr. Barner to allow the two children to attend Woodard Elementary failed with a roll call vote. Mr. Ladd, Mr. Kindler, Mr. McCulley, Mr. Daniels, Mr. Dudley, Ms. Goodloe and Mr. Gardner voted no and Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Barner voted yes.
III. ADOPT AGENDA Upon a motion by the Chair, seconded by Mr. McCulley, Board approved the Agenda with the following revisions: Director’s request to allow Spring Hill Mayor to speak under VIII Other Business A2 b and Mr. McCulley’s request to add under VIII A2 g 1a Central High vocational roof top unit. Motion was amended by Mr. Gardner, seconded by Mr. McCulley to allow the Director speak under VII Business #4 regarding AYP report.
IV. RECOGNITIONS The Director recognized the Academic Showcase with Governor’s School Attendees from Central High School and commended them for their efforts. The following students were congratulated by Principal Cindy Johnson and asked to introduce themselves and speak briefly about their experiences: School for the Arts: Philip Basalyga, Holly Cox, Laveste Williams International Studies: Cory Higdon, Katherine Richardson Prospective Teachers: Tosin Akinsanya, Will Davis Agriculture: Travis Howell
V. MAURY COUNTY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Rhonda Burkeen, MCEA President, speaking on behalf of the MCEA membership, saluted all employees of the Maury County Public School System for the exciting beginning of the 2007-08 SY. She stressed that the Board and MCEA shares the goal and challenge that every child deserves the opportunity to learn and fulfill his or her potential.
VI. CONSENT ITEMS Upon a motion by Mr. McCulley, seconded by Mr. Ladd, Board approved: Minutes (July 19, 2007 Regular Meeting), Executive Committee Report approving volunteer coach: Central High football-Rick Sykes; request from Central High to continue school athletic insurance with Lee Duff & Associates for 2007-08SY; volunteer coach: Cox Middle School-Aaron Oskian-football; request from Columbia Cycling Club to use the gym area, concession stand area, shower facilities and outside faucet at MPMS August 18, 2007 from 6 am until 5 pm for Bicycle Tour with the following fees to apply: Supervision 12 hours @ $15 per hour-$180, Custodial 2 custodians x 3 hours x $15 per hour -$90=$270 due and payable to MCPS on or before the event; request from KOS Foundation of Maury County to use the arts wing theater and lobby at MPMS for KOS Alumni Show + rehearsal July 26(rehearsal 2 until 8 pm) and July 27, 2007(5 pm until 11 pm for show) with all use of facilities fees waived; request for student trip: MPHS Volleyball Camp-UNA-July 19-21, 2007; student trip: SHHS Cheerleaders Camp-Knoxville, TN-July 17-21, 2007,Attendance/Current Enrollment Report, Low Bids/Purchases over $10,000: Pearson Digital Learning (SME Upgrade Highland Elementary) $13,005.00, the following student trips: 1. Santa Fe 7th Grade Language Arts-Helen Keller Home-Tuscumbia, AL-Sept. 21, 2007, approval of request to use cell phones as part of the Crisis Management Plan, approval for Career and Technical Education staff to apply for Incentive Grant through the State Department of Education with staff authorized to submit amendments, addenda, correspondence, pertaining thereto, and approval of athletic cooperative agreement.
VII. BUSINESS Upon recommendation by the Director and with a motion by Mr. Ladd, seconded by Mr. Gardner, Board approved of Sick Leave Bank Trustees as presented. Upon a motion by Mr. McCulley, seconded by Mr. Ladd, Board approved waiver of Policy 1.700 (Policy Development & Adoption) for immediate action to adopt Policy 2.404. Upon a motion by Mr. Ladd, seconded by Mr. McCulley, Board approved immediate adoption of Policy 2.404 as per State Legislature. The Director provided information regarding the AYP Report and commended the entire staff for the efforts made to achieve this level.
VIII. OTHER BUSINESS A. Committee Reports Policy Committee Chair Joe Foster was not present. Zoning & Facilities Committee Chair Daniel McCulley a. Bid No. 07-059-RFP-Architectural Services-Central Renovation was discussed. No committee recommendation was offered. A motion by Mr. McCulley, seconded by Mr. Ladd to engage SSOE to do a feasibility study for Central High Renovation with a budget of $300,000 failed with a roll call vote. Mr. Ladd, Mr. Kindler, Mr. McCulley, Ms Goodloe and Mr. Gardner voted yes and Mr. Dudley, Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Mr. Barner voted no. Mr. Gardner’s motion seconded by Ms. Goodloe, to table the motion until the other two Board Members are present to vote failed with Mr. Ladd, Mr. Kindler, Ms. Goodloe and Mr. Gardner voting yes; Mr. McCulley, Mr. Dudley, Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Barner voting no and Mr. Daniels abstaining. Mr. Rhodes motion, seconded by Mr. Dudley, was to engage Davis-Stokes to do the feasibility study on the Central High Project. Mr. McCulley stated, in an effort to get started on the project and in a spirit of agreement, that he would like to amend the motion to engage Davis-Stokes for the feasibility study steps 1 through 4 not to exceed $$75,000. Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Dudley agreed to the amendment. Motion failed with Mr. Kindler, Mr. McCulley, Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Barner, Mr. Dudley voting yes, Mr. Gardner voting no and Mr. Ladd, Mr. Daniels and Ms. Goodloe abstaining. b. Spring Hill Middle School Update. Mr. McCulley’s recommendation on behalf of the Committee to accept the Cleburne Road site for the proposed Spring Hill Middle School was approved with Mr. Ladd, Mr. Kindler, Mr. McCulley, Mr. Daniels, Mr. Dudley, Ms. Goodloe, Mr. Barner and Mr. Gardner voting yes. Mr. Rhodes abstained. Spring Hill Mayor Danny Leverette spoke to the Board and expressed his concerns for the Cleburne Road site and support from the City of Spring Hill for the Jim Warren Road site for the proposed Middle School. He stated the Mayor and Board of Aldermen at their Special Called Meeting earlier this week had approved waiving approximately $300,000 in impact fees if built on the Jim Warren site. The attorney for the Jim Warren Road site was heard as was the attorney for the Cleburne Road site. 8:17 pm Mr. Lassiter arrived. c. School Site Offer on Hwy. 31-Northpoint Development. Mr. McCulley’s motion on behalf of the Committee to decline the Hwy. 31-Northpoint Development site and so advise the owner was approved. Attorney Wolaver stated he had reviewed the response from the owners. d. Facilities Request-SHHS-Souvenir Building was discussed. Board agreed the Director and Mr. Bobo should handle the request. e. Bid No. 08-008-Woodard Elem. Roof Repair/Storm Damage(Emergency Purchase) was discussed. The work will commence in 6 to 8 weeks. f. Insurance Summary was provided to Board Members for their information. g. Capital Projects Report 1. Architect’s Report was provided to Board Members for their information. 1a. Central High vocational roof top replacement was discussed. Bid tabulations were presented and a motion by Mr. Rhodes, seconded by Mr. McCulley to accept was withdrawn. Board approved motion by Mr. McCulley, seconded by Mr. Gardner to accept bid to Morgan Brothers Electric not to exceed a total budget of $75,000 with SSOE’s work to be on a per hour basis. Mr. Daniels abstained. 2. Project Cost Report was provided to Board Members for their information. Community Relations Committee Chair Loretta Goodloe stated the next meeting is scheduled for August 20, 2007 at 4:30 pm at the Central Office. A reception honoring businesses adopting schools is tentatively planned for September 20. 4. Budget Committee Chair Shaw Daniels stated the budget presented next on the agenda was presented earlier in the day to the County Commission Administration Committee and will be forwarded to the County Budget Committee and to the County Commission on August 20. a. 2007-08 GP Budget in the amount of $74, 580,794.00 was presented to the Board by Manager of Business & Finance Walter Bobo. This budget as presented would constitute a property tax increase of one cent. There was discussion of a possible two meetings per month schedule by the Board with one being Zoning & Facilities (called a Special Called Meeting) and one to deal with other items. Upon a motion by the Chair, seconded by Mr. Lassiter, Board approved.
Page 2 The Board revisited the request approved on July 19, 2007 for an increase in fuel for system extra bus trips. Upon a motion by the Director, seconded by Mr. McCulley, Board approved reducing the charge for fuel from $1.50 to $1.20 per gallon.
VIII B. Personnel No consent items. C. Instruction D. Finance Manager of Business & Finance Walter Bobo presented his Report of Monthly Revenues & Expenditures. E. Other Attorney’s Contract was discussed. Attorney Wolaver provided a contract he would like the Board to consider. He stated he would not object if they had another attorney review and provide his opinion. Upon a motion by Mr. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Ladd, Board approved the contract pending the outcome of the review of an outside attorney. Ms. Goodloe abstained. Director of Schools’ Report on Personnel was provided to Board Members for their information as follows: The Director of Schools has approved the election of the following personnel: Licensed: Megan Auville, Culleoka Unit School 5th Grade Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Sarah Caldwell, Baker Elementary School 5th Grade Teacher, effective July 23, 207 Crystal Dowden, E.A. Cox Middle School Sp. Ed. Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Donald Dugger, Mt. Pleasant Middle School History Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Linda Hatcher, Central High School English Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Holly Hutton, Hampshire Unit School Elementary Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Amy Johnson, Highland Park Elementary School 2nd Grade Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Jill Johnson, Spring Hill Elementary School Music Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Kathy Kiser, Horace O. Porter School @ College Hill Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 John Moore, Central High School Sp. Ed. Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Alisa Mote, Woodard Elementary School Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Stephanie Newland, Howell Elementary School 4th Grade Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Dale Noah, Mt. Pleasant High School Sp. Ed. Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Susan Ottavi, Mt. Pleasant Elementary School Interim Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Bonnie Roberts, Systemwide ELL Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Molly Shephard, Central High School English Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Erin Surles, Mt. Pleasant High School Hearing Impaired Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Gary Walker, Hampshire Unit School History Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Dave Ward, Spring Hill High School JROTC Instructor, effective July 23, 2007 Jennifer Watson, Central High School Spanish Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Marjorie Welch, Spring Hill High School Chemistry Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Amanda Wix, Marvin Wright Elementary School Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Wes Woods, Hampshire Unit School History Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Amanda Simmons, E.A. Cox Middle School Music Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Clay Doggett, Spring Hill High School History Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Chastity Patton, Mt. Pleasant Elementary School Interim Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Ronnie Woody, Spring Hill High School ½ Time History Teacher, effective July 26, 2007 Classified: Sheree Johnson, McDowell Elementary School Pre K Educational Assistant, effective July 23, 2007 Connie Taylor, Mt. Pleasant High School Sp. Ed. Educational Assistant, effective July 23, 2007 Kristi Davidson, Culleoka Unit School Sp. Ed. Educational Assistant, effective July 23, 2007 Teresa Nevette, Horace O. Porter School @ College Hill Educational Assistant, effective July 23, 2007 Angela Sims, Mt. Pleasant Middle School Sp. Ed. Educational Assistant, effective July 23, 2007 Pamela Ingrum, Whitthorne Middle School Sp. Ed. Educational Assistant, effective July 23, 2007 Shannon Craig, Mt. Pleasant Middle School Educational Assistant-ISS, effective July 23, 2007 Sue Thompson, Whitthorne Middle School Educational Assistant-ISS, effective July 23, 2007 Patricia Potts, Transportation Substitute Bus Driver, effective July 30, 2007 Helen Coble, R. Howell Sp. Ed. Educational Assistant, effective July 23, 2007 Billy Yates, Hampshire Unit School Educational Assistant, effective July 23, 2007 Bonnie Holt, Marvin Wright Elementary School Sp. Ed. Educational Assistant, effective July 23, 2007 Dwayna Daly, Transportation Substitute Bus Driver, effective July 26, 2007 Sharon Woods, Transportation Substitute Bus Driver, effective July 26, 2007 Angela Mosley, Transportation Substitute Bus Driver, effective July 27, 2007 Loretta Zigler, Countywide Cafeteria Substitute Food Service Associate, effective July 26, 2007 Transfers and Assignments: Licensed: Page 3 Heather Demastus, R. Howell Elementary School Teacher, to Systemwide Literacy Coach, effective July 16, 2007 Holt Hosay, Mt. Pleasant Middle School Sp. Ed. Teacher, to Mt. Pleasant High School Sp. Ed. Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Ann Williams, Howell Elementary School Teacher, to E.A. Cox Middle School Interim Sp. Ed. Teacher, effective July 24, 2007 Brittney Bone, Woodard Elementary School Interim Teacher, to Howell Elementary School 1st Grade Teacher, effective July 24, 2007 Kevin Eady, Whitthorne Middle School Asst. Principal, to McDowell Elementary School Principal, effective July 23, 2007 Frank Oldham, McDowell Elementary School Principal, to Marvin Wright Elementary School P.E. Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Julie Diffenbaugh, Marvin Wright Elementary School Teacher, to Systemwide Literacy Coach, effective July 23, 2007 Alice Hardison, Baker Elementary School Teacher, to Systemwide Literacy Coach, effective, July 23, 2007 Steven Nixon, Mt. Pleasant Middle School Teacher, to Central High School Social Studies Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Kellie Warf, Spring Hill Elementary School Teacher, to Baker Elementary School 1st Grade Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Julie Marbet, Culleoka Unit School Teacher, to Woodard Elementary School Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Leeshia Napier, Spring Hill High School Interim Teacher, to Spring Hill High School Full-time Biology Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Leigh Ann Pollard, Howell Elementary School Teacher, to Woodard Elementary School, effective July 23, 2007 Rebecca MacPherson, Marvin Wright Elementary School Interim Teacher, to Marvin Wright Elementary School Full Year Interim Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Kelly Myers, Systemwide Title 1 Facilitator, to Systemwide Federal Programs Coordinator, effective July 23, 2007 Jana Turner, Marvin Wright Elementary School 5th Grade Teacher, to Marvin Wright Elementary School 4th Grade Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Connie Hawsey, Marvin Wright Elementary School 3rd Grade Teacher, to Marvin Wright Elementary School 5th Grade Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Angel Nix, Marvin Wright Elementary School 5th Grade Teacher, to Marvin Wright Elementary School 3rd Grade Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Amanda Wix, Marvin Wright Elementary School 4th Grade Teacher, to Marvin Wright Elementary School 5th Grade Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Pamela Knight, Whitthorne Middle School PE Teacher, to Whitthorne Middle School Exploratory Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Andrea Bullock, Whitthorne Middle School Exploratory Teacher, to Whitthorne Middle School PE Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 William Draper, Whitthorne Middle School 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher, to Whitthorne Middle School 6th Grade Social Studies Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Carolyn Lipscomb, Whitthorne Middle School 7th Grade Science Teacher, to Whitthorne Middle School Exploratory Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Wesley Huddleston, Whitthorne Middle School 8th Grade Science Teacher, to Whitthorne Middle School 7th Garde Science Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Elizabeth Walker, Whitthorne Middle School 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher, to Whitthorne Middle School 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Sharron Cantrell, Whitthorne Middle School 8th Grade Language Arts Teacher, to Whitthorne Middle School 7th Grade Reading Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Sandra Anderson, Whitthorne Middle School 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher, to Whitthorne Middle School 6th Grade Social Studies, effective July 23, 2007 Ashley Farr Pratt, Baker Elementary School Kindergarten Teacher, to Baker Elementary School 5th Grade Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Meribeth Sowell, Baker Elementary School 1st Grade Teacher, to Baker Elementary School 2nd Grade Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Melinda Rainey, Riverside Elementary School 1st Grade Teacher, to Riverside Elementary School Pre-K Teacher, effective July 26, 2007 Beth Hamilton, R. Howell Elementary School 1st Grade Teacher, to R. Howell Elementary School 2nd Grade Teacher, effective July 23, 2007 Cindy Eastin, Marvin Wright Elementary School Teacher, to Culleoka Unit School 5th Grade Teacher, effective July 25, 2007 Connie Hawsey, Marvin Wright Elementary School Teacher, to Whitthorne Middle School 7th Grade Language Arts Teacher, effective July 26, 2007
Page 4 Classified: Penny Gish, E.A. Cox Middle School Cafeteria Food Service Associate, to Central High School Cafeteria Assistant Manager, effective July 25, 2007 Tracy Anderson, E.A. Cox Middle School Cafeteria Part-time Food Service Associate, to E.A. Cox Middle School Cafeteria Full-time Food Service Associate, effective July 25, 2007 Marilyn Schwartz, Santa Fe Unit School Cafeteria Part-time Food Service Associate, to Santa Fe Unit School Cafeteria Full-time Food Service Associate, effective July 26, 2007 Leaves of Absences: Licensed: Kasey Cross, Marvin Wright Elementary School Teacher, personal leave from July 23, 2007 to end of school year 2007-2008, leave without pay Angela Fritts, Mt. Pleasant Elementary School Pre-K Teacher, maternity leave from July 23, 2007 to December 19, 2007, using 25 sick days, remaining days without pay Angela Massey, Systemwide School Psychologist, maternity leave from September 24, 2007 to January 1, 2008, using 50 sick days Elizabeth Lomax, Woodard Elementary School Kindergarten Teacher, personal leave from July 25, 2007 to August 3, 2007, using 2 personal days, remaining days without pay Deena Trimble, E.A. Cox Middle School Sp. Ed. Teacher, FMLA leave from July 24, 2007 to end of school year 2007-2008, leave without pay Sharon Elizabeth McDonald, Mt. Pleasant Elementary School Teacher, personal leave from July 23, 2007 to October 12, 2007, using 5 sick days, remaining days without pay Karen Lockridge, Mt. Pleasant Middle School Teacher, medical leave from July 23, 2007 to September 3, 2007, using 29 ½ sick days Katie Busby, Mt. Pleasant High School Teacher, personal leave from July 23, 2007 to October 12, 2007, leave without pay Jennifer Trotter, Mt. Pleasant Elementary School Teacher, personal leave from July 23, 2007 to December 19, 2007, leave without pay Pamela Thurman, Culleoka Unit School Teacher, personal leave from July 29, 2007 to August 3, 2007, leave without pay Amy Jo Helms, Riverside Elementary School Teacher, maternity leave from August 7, 2007 to October 12, 2007, using 8 ½ sick days, remaining days without pay Amelia Burks, Spring Hill Elementary School Teacher, medical leave from July 23, 2007 to August 6, 2007, leave without pay Patricia Brown, Santa Fe Unit School Teacher, medical leave from July 24, 2007 to October 12, 2007, leave without pay Classified: Patricia Inman, Riverside Elementary School Title 1 Educational Assistant, personal leave from August 6, 2007 to August 10, 2007, leave without pay Sarah Witter, Mt. Pleasant High School Sp. Ed. Interpreter, FMLA leave from July 30, 2007 to November 20, 2007, leave without pay Barbara Holmes, Central High School Sp. Ed. Clerk, medical leave from July 18, 2007 to January 1, 2008, leave without pay Antionette Gaines, Mt. Pleasant Elementary School Pre-K Assistant, personal leave from August 31, 2007 to September 28, 2007, leave without pay Retirements: Licensed: Wayne Lunn, Central High School Teacher, effective end of school year 2006-2007 Classified: Annie Browne, Horace O. Porter School @ College Hill Cafeteria Food Service Associate, effective July 23, 2007 Resignations: Licensed: Leigh Ann McFarlen, R. Howell Elementary School Kindergarten Teacher, effective end of school year 2006-2007 Bill Fanning, Central High School Teacher, effective end of school year 2006-2007 James Axsom, Spring Hill Elementary School Music Teacher, effective end of school year 2006-2007 Ashley Farr, Baker Elementary School Teacher, effective end of school year 2006-2007 Amy Keesler, Whitthorne Middle School Teacher, effective end of school year 2006-2007 Andrea Turner, Baker Elementary School Teacher, effective end of school year 2006-2007 Charles Gregory, Spring Hill High School Teacher, effective end of school year 2006-2007 Caroline Chapman, McDowell Elementary School Teacher, effective July 31, 2007 Amy Burleson, Culleoka Unit School Teacher, effective end of school year 2006-2007 Marlinia Rhodes, Mt. Pleasant Elementary School Teacher, effective end of school year 2006-2007 Emmy Gobble, Riverside Elementary School Pre-K Teacher, effective July 26, 2007 Troy Duncan, Whitthorne Middle School Teacher, effective July 26, 2007 Stacey Seal, Spring Hill High School Teacher, effective July 27, 2007 Classified: Page 5 Joe Richardson, Transportation Assigned Bus Driver, effective end of school year 2006-2007 Kathleen Cramer, Central High School Cafeteria Assistant Manager, effective end of school year 2006-2007
Ruth Childress, Whitthorne Middle School Cafeteria Food Service Associate, effective end of school year 2006-2007 Connie Warf, Santa Fe Unit School Sp. Ed. Educational Assistant, effective end of school year 2006-2007 Vickie Quirk, Transportation Assigned Sp. Ed. Bus Driver, effective end of school year 2006-2007 Tammy Hood, Santa Fe Unit School Cafeteria Food Service Associate, effective July 25, 2007 Brenda Head, Mt. Pleasant High School Custodian, effective July 30, 2007 Mike A. Washington, Transportation Assigned Bus Driver, effective July 30, 2007 Terminations: Classified: Dedtrick Smith, Maintenance Temporary Summer Employee, effective July 24, 2007 Regarding Summer Contracts: Diane Hendley, Spring Hill High School Clerk, July 9, 2007 – July 13, 2007 Brandy Rochelle, Hampshire Unit School Clerk, May 31, 2007 – June 14, 2007
Status/Update on Board PA/Voting System was presented by Supervisor of Instructional Technology Suzanne Ingram.
IX. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Chairman Chairman Daniels thanked the Central Office staff, school principals and all staff for the wonderful start-up of this school year. B. Director The Director recognized the Academic Showcase/Governor’s School Attendees and commended them for their efforts. He thanked Hampshire Unit School Students for art work on display and leading pledge and expressed his appreciation to Riverside Elementary School and Brown Elementary School cafeterias for providing snacks for this meeting. He encouraged Board Members to attend the following scheduled county meetings: Thursday, August 9, 2007-County Administration Committee-4:30 pm Tuesday, August 14, 2007-County Budget Committee-4:30 pm Monday, August 20, 2007-County Commission-6:30 pm. A Policy Committee is tentatively scheduled for August 27, 2007 at 4:30 at the Central Office. The Director stated this was the last official meeting Elementary Instructional Supervisor Scott Gaines would attend. He wished him a safe deployment to Afghanistan and a speedy return to the Central Office. IV C. Board Members Mr. McCulley stated a tentative date for the next Zoning & Facilities Committee was September 6, 2007. Mr. Rhodes thanked the Director and Ms. Woodside for meeting with him earlier in the week to voice his concerns with the Special Education program. X. ADJOURN Upon a motion by Mr. Ladd, seconded by Mr. Lassiter, Chairman Daniels adjourned the meeting at 10:10 p.m.
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