If One Learns by Memory, and Does Not Think, All Remains Dark. Confucius

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If One Learns by Memory, and Does Not Think, All Remains Dark. Confucius

- If one learns by memory, and does not think, all remains dark. Confucius

In the mid-1980’s, the ten states with the greatest longevity were Hawaii, Montana, Iowa, Utah, North Dakota, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Kansas, Colorado, and Idaho. During the same time period, these same states except for Hawaii, were the states that consumed the most animal fat per human diet. Does this mean eating large quantities or even ridiculous amounts of animal fat prolongs life? An inference such as this from the data seems ridiculous and for a dairy company to propagate such lies to the American public would have all the indecency of two priests swapping stories they heard from confessionals. So what would be a more appropriate interpretation of the data? It also turned out that there was another occurrence in these same states, again except for Hawaii; these same states had the highest rate of graduation from high school. Thus, one could infer, the population’s demographics with regard to education may have played a significant role in longevity. A greater percentage of people who had more advantages, maybe better health insurance, maybe better living conditions on the whole contributed to greater longevity in these states.

There is a fundamental difference between correlating a relationship, which just means drawing a parallel between the states where people lived the longest and states the consumed the most animal fat, versus inferring causation, deducing from the correlation that eating animal fat makes one live longer.

41 It is said the ordinary chess player’s eyes roam over the entire board while the great grand masters scan the few squares that really matter. Let’s examine your eye. Again, in the mid-1980’s there was a correlation between the thirteen states that were voted to be the most scenic, WY, NV, CO, NM, MT, AZ, FL, OR, OK, CA, VT, AL, and WA according to the Automobile Association of America (AAA) and those states whose residents commit the most suicides. Should we conclude that beautiful scenery surrounding a neighborhood is a risky venture because it increases the rate of suicide? Is there perhaps a more reasonable explanation? Unlike the above data, the insight we need to see is not in the form of another set of hidden data. Rather, it is in the interpretation of the data it self. Do you see it? If not, we will tell you at the end of this opening section. Think about it. Scan the few squares that really matter.

Statistics you may not have heard.  While 79 out of 1000 people are injured at home, it is a surprise that nearly 58 out of 1000 are injured at work.  In this country, there are roughly two suicides for every murder. Surprising, only because we tend to focus on injuries at home, or worry about our loved ones being in mortal danger, but rarely do we fixate on injuries at work or the possibility that suicide can take a loved one.

And why do we talk about so many people out of 1000? Because, raw numbers, when shown in a comparative light, give you a perspective of the world around you. For example, we know there are roughly 6.3 billion people living around the world, but since this number is to big to comprehend we use proportions to visualize a smaller number to represent the whole, say 1000 people. These 1000 people are assumed to provide an average slice of the greater population, preserving proportions to the world’s true demographic profile. This method is no different than shrinking the earth’s age to week’s time or shrinking the sun down to the size of a bowling ball to visualize the age of the earth or the vastness of space. Now, let’s examine the world around us.

By continent, there are  570 Asians Literacy,  210 Europeans  700 would be illiterate  and just 60 North Americans By income, By religion, there are  60 people would own half the  300 Christians world’s wealth  175 Moslems, the fastest growing religion on earth Poverty,  55 Buddhists  167 would earn less than 1 dollar  33 Jews per day Hunger,  500 would go to sleep hungry.

42 On the surface of the data, things may look really awful. Well, not really. A slight perspective change could show that as bad as things seem on a global level, it was far worse in the past. For example, in the 1700’s half of the world’s population died before they were eight years old.

You may be thinking, well, yes, while this is interesting in a trivial sort of way, maybe even eye opening if I was to stretch it, but to be honest, so what? How can a ‘feel’ for numbers, basic numeracy in a literate society be of help to me. Well, we all walk around in darkness on many subjects, but with a smidge of numeric awareness, maybe every now and then a little light may shine through.

For a moment, let’s just examine every parents nightmare. Their child says to them “why should I work hard in school, pops? I’m gonna play basketball when I grow up. My future is in the NBA.” Well, let’s reply in a way that would make even the Huxtable’s proud. First, we just simply examine the dream quantifying a few details. Dad replies, “wouldn’t we be conservative by estimating there are roughly ½ million, that’s 500,000, high school basketball players each year. Also, in recent years, it is reasonable to say that at most there are 50 players per high school graduating class in the United States that can conceivably make the NBA by way of the draft. With the influx of European players and underclassmen, this 50 is actually quite optimistic considering each draft has 32 teams and only 3 rounds. So, the probability of playing in the NBA when competing with the other players is at best 50 in 500,000 or 1 in 10,000. The odds against making it in the NBA would be 9999 to 1. Now, suppose your dream was to get a Ph.D in nuclear physics. Well, there may be 50 students a year earning a Ph.D. in nuclear physics, and probably 500 that enter grad school. Hence, the probability of becoming a nuclear physicist is 50 in 500 or 1 in 10. You are 1000 times more likely to get a Ph.D in nuclear physics than you are to play in the NBA. Pick up that book and study … “

The point is, mathematics and the ability to be comfortable with numbers and the use of logic with the ability to draw proper inferences, does not exist independently fromr us. Rather, mathematical reasoning can enhance your life and with it sharpened, you’ll be a better decision maker. The statements, symbols and methods we will study are not meaningless statements governed by rules, but rather a way of viewing life around us. The trick here is to understand how to work with numbers, and at the same time to not have the personality of an accountant.

Back to the correlation between the thirteen most scenic states and the same thirteen state’s with the highest rate of suicide. Is it reasonable to infer that nature’s beauty causes one to ponder whether of not to end their own life? Of course not. But, it does seem reasonable to conclude that a larger number of transient people move to those same scenic states seeking to start over, picking scenic states as a place because the state offers nature’s comfort. Many are looking for a new job, new life. Unfortunately, for a percentage of these people, their dreams don’t come true.

43 Problem Set: Ratios designed to help you understand the world around you and allow you to make forecasts

1. Internet Project: The World For problems 2 – 9, use the following Population compressed to 100 data from Table 1. If we could shrink the Earth's population The following data can be found at http://www.census.gov/ at the US Census Bureau to a 100 people, with all the human web site. ratios remaining the same; what would this collection of people look like? How Table 1. Population of Selected States in many would be … the years 1990, 2000 and 2003. Fill in the remaining information for  Asians your home state.  Europeans State 1990 2000 2003 Florida 12,941,197 15,982,378 17,019,068  From the western hemisphere New York 17,987,163 18,976,457 19,190,115 (north and south) California 29,816,592 33,871,648 35,484,453  Africans Arizona 3,665,228 5,130,632 5,580,811 Your  Female home state  Male  Non-white  White 2. Fill in the table below by finding the  Non-Christian numeric population growth (actual  Christian difference in population) for each state  60 % of the entire world's wealth for the indicated time period. would be in the hands of this State Numerical Numerical Growth Growth many people from ’90 – ‘00 from ’00 – ‘03  from the United States Florida  live in substandard housing New York California  unable to read Arizona  suffer from malnutrition Your home  be near death state

 be near birth 3. Fill in the table below by finding the  have a college education average annual population growth  own a computer (population growth per year) for each state for the indicated time period. State Average Annual Average Annual Numeric Numeric Growth from Growth from 00 ’90 – ‘00 – ’03 Florida New York California Arizona Your home state

44 4. Fill in the table below by finding the percent growth (ratio of 2000 to the 6. Population Forecast for each state. 1990 population or ratio of 2003 to the Predict the each state’s population for 2000 population respectively) for each the year 2010 based on the percent state for the indicated time period. growth for the indicated time period. State Percent Percent State Predicted 2010 Predicted 2010 Growth Growth population population from ’90 – ‘00 from ’00 – ‘03 based on based on Florida Percentage of Percentage of New York Growth from Growth from ’00 California ’90 – ‘00 – ‘03 Arizona Florida Your home New York state California Arizona Your home 5. Population Forecast for each state. state Predict the each state’s population for the year 2010 based on the annual 7. Why are the population projections numeric growth for the indicated time for the year 2010 larger when based on period. the percent change? State Predicted 2010 Predicted 2010 population population 8. Which of the four predictions, based on based on Annual Numeric Growth from ’90 – ’00, Average Annual Average Annual Annual Numeric Growth from ’90 – ’00, Numeric Growth Numeric Growth from ’90 – ‘00 from ’00 – ‘03 Percent Growth from ’00 – ‘03 or Florida Percent Growth New York from ’00 – ’03, do you feel is the most California accurate? Why? Arizona Your home 9. For which of the states is the state projected predictions the largest and why?

Introduction to Probability, Coincidences

- I don’t know what’s the matter with people; they don’t learn by understanding; they learn by some other way – by rote, or something. Their knowledge is so fragile! Richard P. Feyman, winner of Noble Prize in Physics. 1985. “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feyman!”, WW Norton & Company, Inc.

I had a friend in college who had the world’s worst pick-up line. He would set his eyes on some gorgeous co-ed and amble over to her. In a dead pan voice he would ask, “have you ever been to Africa?” The co-ed, with eyes rolling, would reply, “no” and he would say, “what a coincidence, never have I. See, we already have something in common.”

The fact that two events coincide means nothing. Situations where two events coincide gives us the root of the word coincidence, right? My own wife routinely has said over the years “you and I were talking about so and so last night, and guess who I ran into today? So and so. What’s the odds of that?” This time, my eyes would roll. When one

45 considers all the names spoken between a couple each and every day, all the tens or even hundreds of conversations they have each week, all the hundreds or even thousands of conversations they have each month, sooner or later, one of the people discussed, on one of the many days, weeks, months, and years they have been together, would show up somewhere in the presence one of the spouses. The spouse should not be stunned by this occurrence. But, that is not how my wife feels. Life can sometimes seem like photographs in our minds and we crop away the edges of anything we do not want to see. What is construed as a coincidence with some special meaning assigned to it is nothing more than basic probability theory. As was my friends pick up line. “Well, what are the odds she has been to Africa,” he would say to me after his personalized probability lecture with respect to being so cheesy. “At least I have a can’t miss opening.” Can’t miss, no. But, it is more likely than not that the unknowing woman will have that ‘something uncommon in common’ my friend.

We are all familiar with the bizarre coincidences between the Kennedy and Lincoln presidencies, and these Kennedy/Lincoln coincidences certainly make interesting reading. They captivate us all, filling chat rooms and web pages.

 Abraham Lincoln was elected to congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to congress in 1946.  Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960  Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy. Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln.  Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.  John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy was born in 1939.  Booth ran from the theater and was caught in a warehouse.  Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater.  Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.  The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters.  Both names contain fifteen letters  Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.  Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.  Both were shot in the head.  Both were assassinated by southerners.  Both were succeeded by southerners.  Both successors were named Johnson.  Both assassins were known by three names.  Both were particularly concerned with civil rights. And on the darker side, A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland. A week before Kennedy was shot, was he was with Marilyn Monroe?

Hain’t we got all the fools in town on our side? And hain’t that a big enough majority in any town? - Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn

46 Conspiracy Theories or Coincidences What do all these seemingly unrelated coincidences mean? Anything? we say, “no.” Any two particular events have an extremely high number of associated facts, events and meanings associated with them. The fact that some of these occurrences appear to overlap or coincide should not surprise us. It is just a reflection of the multiplication principle discussed in the previous chapter. The events that coincide are as the term suggest, coincidences, not anything more. They do not conspire something dark and dangerous, they are not conspiracies.

Take this example. Two people meet on a plane, they find they have a common acquaintance. So what? I know 100 people, who know 100 people, who also know 100 people (100x100x100 = 102x 10 2 x 10 2 10 6  1,000,000 ) acquaintances. She knows 100 people who each know 100 people who also each know 100 people. And one person is an acquaintance of both of us. Big deal. It’s just a consequence of the multiplication principle. It does not mean there exists a special significance between the two of us.

Don’t believe it? Take any two seemingly unrelated events, ‘google’ the topics on the Internet, and you will uncover just as many “coincidences” or “what’s the odds of thats” as the Kennedy/Lincoln coincidences. You try it. Start benignly. Pick any two unconnected presidents, Millard Fillmore and Harry Truman or Grover Cleveland and James Buchanan. Google. Then spin your own conspiracy theories about two presidents. Write a book, if you want. We often thought a good book could be written if we employed the same notion with the vice-presidents. Common thread or little known conspiracies about those really in charge. From John Adams to Dick Cheney. Certainly, Dan Quayle and Levi Morton must have had inconsequential commonalities that may be cleverly exploited into something more.

Enter these three seemingly unrelated items into google.com: December 5th. Boats. Sinking. And then search. And search. And search. The result: You could find that on December 5th, 1664, a ship off north Wales with 81 passengers aboard, sank. There was one survivor. A man named Hugh Williams. On the same date, December 5th, 1785, a ship sank with 60 passengers aboard. There was one survivor. A man named Hugh Williams. On December 5th, 1860, a ship with 25 passengers abroad sank. There was one survivor. A man named Hugh Williams. Going into this venture, we didn’t know the coincidence we would find, but we believed a coincidence could be put together. By only telling you the three facts by themselves, we could easily extol this coincidence as something meaningful. And if the point has yet to be made, coincidences are not meaningful.

Numerology Closely associated with the notion of coincidence is the pseudo science numerology. Through the dark annals of history, people have made veiled attempts at projecting importance in the numerical coincidences that may be nothing more than the result of a simple fact; seemingly rare events happen everyday. Collecting data for a single day from history and assigning some hidden importance to random occurrences is more than likely meaningless. Rather, what is more astounding is that someone actually took the time to tie together unrelated facts.

47 Let’s look at September 11th. Terrorists affiliated with Osama bin Laden hijack four aircraft. Two are crashed into World Trade Center towers in New York, both towers collapse. Another plane is crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, one side collapsed. The fourth plane crashes into a field in Pennsylvania. The death toll associated with these events exceeds 3,000 lives. And U.S. President George W. Bush responds with a global attack on terrorism.

Now, let’s examine this date through out history:

 September 11, 3 B.C. The Birth of Christ. This date is admittedly controversial. In a book written in 1981, 20 years prior to the 2001 attacks, called "The Birth of Christ Recalculated", the author, Dr. Ernest L. Martin, claims to have calculated the exact date of Jesus Christ's birth based on the celestial charts for that era.  Sept. 11th , 1297. The battle that was depicted in the film Braveheart took place. William Wallace leads over 15,000 Scottish soldiers to victory over the English Army at the Battle of Stirling Bridge.  September 11, 1609. The explorer Henry Hudson sailed into New York harbor and discovers Manhattan Island (the location of the World Trade Center Towers.)  Sept 11th, 1709. The first European War of the modern Era, The Spanish War of Succession began. An Anglo-Dutch-Austrian force defeat the French in the Battle of Malplaquet, and on September 11, 1714, after 13 months of siege, Spanish and French troops broke into Barcelona, ending Catalonia's sovereignty.  Sept 11th, 1772. The last battle of the American Revolution took place. Approximately 300 Indians and 50 British soldiers began the siege of Fort Henry.  September 11, 1922. A British mandate is proclaimed in Palestine amidst Arab protests.  September 11, 1941. Construction officially begins at the Pentagon, 60 years to the day before the Sept 11th attacks would take down one side.  September 11, 1944. The US 1st Army crosses the border into German territory for the first time during WWII on.  September 11, 1972. The ending of the 1972 Munich Olympics, the Olympics which introduced the world to terrorism. (There were 121 participating countries (11X11=121), and 11 Israeli athletes were killed. Exactly 29 years (2+9=11) after this terrorist horror ended, another more despicable horror occurred - the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.)  September 11th, 1990. U.S. President George Bush addresses Congress on the Persian Gulf crisis, vowing that "Sadam Hussein will fail" in his takeover of Kuwait. Eleven years later, to the day, his son George W. Bush, would face an even greater challenge.  September 11, 1999. The Jewish calendar is 6,000 years old on this date and so this date is regarded as the 6,000th anniversary of Adam's creation.

For some reason far too many of us are compelled to find significance when presented a string of facts that appear to be related. Sadly, in reality, it is random coincidences that

48 more often than not govern our lives. Unfortunately, these numerological assumptions are more fascinating to us and implications that much in life is random is probably a little scary to most.

Sports Every four years, the most important football game of the year is played by the Washington Redskins amid the District of Columbia’s changing fall colors of late October or early November. For the National Football League, there were times when this game was of consequence, but usually for the NFL, due to the too oft lean years of the Redskins, this game was meaningless. But, for our nation, ‘the game’ dictated more than just the direction of two football teams; it directed the direction of our nation for the next four years. Since 1936, in an election year, if the Washington Redskins won their last home game prior to the presidential election, the incumbent party won the election. If they lost, the challenger’s party won. The streak began in 1933, when the Boston Braves were renamed the Redskins. Since then, beginning with a Redskins home win prior to the FDR versus Alf Landon presidential race and the consequent re-election of Franklin Roosevelt in 1936, the trend has held. In 2000, the Redskins lost to the Tennessee Titans, and the incumbent’s party was ousted as George W. Bush beat Al Gore. In 2004, the Redskins lost to the Packers 28-14… . Correlation or causation? Washington is home to the White House, you know.

Political If you want to ingratiate someone to your way of thinking, then exploit the highly known fact that most people are not comfortable with numbers. Politicians, spin doctors and the like have been doing this for years. Just assign significance to a situation by extolling raw numbers and leave out minor details such as the likelihood said situation would occur in the first place.

Democratic US Representative from Massachusetts Edward Markey voiced an frightening statement recently when he said, “This is a rapidly growing problem that will soar out of control if the industry does not wake up to its responsibility … “ What was he referring to, what was the problem that could spin out of control if something is not done by the highest echelon of the industry? His statement was in response to these recently publicized raw numbers: in 2000, there were 6,594 injuries at fixed site amusement parks, and there were 15 fatalities or serious head injuries in the past ten years.

What we are about to say in no way minimizes the seriousness of this type of injury. In fact, just the opposite. It serves to give us, the public, a better understanding of this issue. Articles extolling this fear, with disturbing headlines like “Do breakneck speeds and high-g turns push thrills to a new lethal level” are deceptively alarming. Yes, new roller coasters these days are bigger, faster, wilder and have incredible ground-breaking latest up to the minute modernized new twists and turns. But, to imply the industry is negligent in its attempt to secure the safety of its passengers is outright misleading. The fact is when published alone, the number 6,594 stands out in a frightening way. But, let’s examine this number more closely. Roughly 317,000,000 or over 300 million people visit fixed site amusement parks in a given year. Now, let’s compare this number to those injured each year in other recreational activities:

49 82,722 people are injured on trampolines, 62,812 are injured in swimming pools, 544,561 are injured on bicycles, 20,000 are injured at music concerts, and 200,000 are injured in preschool and elementary school playgrounds.

Why do people fear amusement parks so much? Why don’t they fear a trampoline, a bicycle or a playground? Sure, maybe there are deep psychological reasons, like when one bounces on a trampoline or rides a bike, they are in control and when you go on a ride in an amusement park, you strap yourself into a ride, thus giving up your control over the motion. But, to be honest, headlines extolling raw numbers, such as 6594 people injured each year with follow ups from politicians are notoriously common instruments to instill public panic or at the least, public apprehension.

We see alarming headlines all of the time associated with sensitive issues. Memorial Day weekend, 2003. The headlines read, “Holiday weekend traffic death soar to nearly 500 nationwide.” Should you be alarmed? Reluctant to drive next weekend? 29 million people traveled by car more than 50 miles from their homes that weekend.

Unfortunately, the public places too much emphasis on small numbers singled out by alarmists and does not recognize the significance of large raw numbers that are quite significant. Consider the state of Massachusetts, where US Representative Markey hails. In 2002, in Boston alone, 109,128 people live in poverty, up 7,036 from the 102,092 people in the city ten years earlier. Massachusetts has 600,000 people living in poverty. 600,000 people is nearly one in ten people from the good commonwealth. In Boston, 28,928 children live in poverty and statewide, 240,000 children are poor. These numbers pale compared to Hollywood’s dilemma. In Los Angeles county alone, where entertainment routinely makes the headlines, 1,679,000 men, woman and children are poor. 640,000 of these people are children. Where are the alarming headlines here? Where is the public outcry? Someone gets injured on a roller coaster, senators are up in arms against an industry that is all too easily scapegoated into being the cause for all our ills. But, the issue of mass poverty, where some 35,800,000 United States citizens live and function below the poverty level may appear to be too big to confront. Health care, education, homeless, and unemployment are too complicated to tackle. Headlines? We just don’t see them.

Take a lighter issue, where the numbers and the implications are largely ignored by our society. In 2002, there were 288,368,698 people in the United States. Roughly one in eight were 65 years or older. By 2030, it is estimated that one in five will be ‘elderly’. Moreover, the fastest growing segment of our population is the oldest of the old, the 85 and older crowd. In 2010, there are projected to be 6 million, which is double the 1990 number of 85 and older. By 2050, the number is projected to rise to 21 million.

Problem Set

1. Answer this question, what impact do Start with the notion that the people these demographic statistics have on from this segment of the population are politicians, policy makers and planners. more likely to be disabled than the

50 young elderly, from 65 to 85. Attack the earned a high school diploma in 1957. question by discussing the effects on This number had risen to 16 million by insurance, care, hospitals, voting in the year 2002. alignments and so on. To support your College Graduates: 1952 to 2002. Two argument use numbers. Research and percent of African Americans age 25 gather data and then develop a numerical and over in 1952 were college graduates. argument to advocate your position. By 2002, this percentage had risen to17 percent. For questions 2 and 3 use the data In 1957, 252,000 African Americans had below. earned at least a bachelor’s degree. In Taken from the US Census Bureau: 2002, 3.5 million African Americans had http://www.census.gov/Press- Release/www/releases/archives/facts_for_features/001676.ht achieved a bachelor’s degree. ml Students: 1955 to 2002. In 1955, 4.5 May 17, 1954 marked the U.S. Supreme million African Americans were Court decision that ruled unanimously enrolled in schools (nursery through segregation of public schools “solely on college). This number had risen to 11.7 the basis of race” denied African million by 2002. American children equal educational There were 155,000 African American opportunity, even though “physical college students in 1955 and by 2002, facilities and other ‘tangible’ factors this number had risen to 2.3 million. may have been equal.” To honor that There were 926,000 African American landmark decision, the US Census high school students in 1955 and in Bureau assembled the following data 2002, this number had rose to 2.6 below in the “*Special Edition* Brown million. v. Board of Education: 50th Anniversary on the educational attainment and school 2. Causation. Certainly, dramatic social enrollment of African Americans — changes occurred from 1955 to 2002 and then and now.” are reflected in the numbers above. No Enrollment: 1954 to 2002. Sixty nine rational person could construe these percent of African American children changes as coincidences. The statistics ages 5 and 6 were enrolled in school in reflect causation. Construct an argument 1954. By 2002, enrollment for African using the above numbers provided that American children of those ages had addresses a “cause and effect risen to 96 percent. relationship” for these increases. In your Twenty four percent of young, African argument, try to account for as many of American adults ages 18 and 19 were the statistics presented above. Also, enrolled in school in 1954. In 2002, include any statistic or social change you enrollments of this age group increased are presently aware of to support your to 58 percent. argument. High School Graduates: 1952 to 2002. Fifteen percent of African Americans 3. Causation. What impact did the age 25 and over in 1952 were high changes in the above demographic school graduates. By 2002, this statistics have on society over the past percentage had risen to 79 percent. 50 years? Attack the question by The raw numbers associated with these imagining you are currently a 75 year percentages are 1.6 million African old who witnessed the changes first American, 25 years of age and older, had

51 hand. Write a narrative discussing the 92% - The percentage of children ages 6 perceived effects on education, finance, to 11 whose parents in 2000 imposed at business and entertainment/the arts. least one rule for watching TV, such as Research and gather data and then types of programs watched, how early or develop a numerical argument to late the children could watch and the advocate and support your position. number of hours watched. The percentage dropped to 73 percent for children ages 12 to 17. $255.18 - The projected spending per 4. Taken from the US Census Bureau person for cable and satellite TV in http://www.census.gov/Press- 2004. Release/www/releases/archives/facts_for_features/001702. html $34.71 - The estimated average monthly Is it difficult for you to imagine life rate for cable TV in 2002. without a color television? March 25, 154,000 - The number of people 2004 marked the 50th year anniversary employed in the manufacture of of color TV emergence in American television, radio and wireless society. On March 25, 1954, the Radio communications equipment in the Corporation of America began to United States in 2001. manufacture color television sets at its 21,724 - The number of stores that Bloomington, Ind., plant. Roughly 5,000 primarily sold televisions and other model CT-100 color receiver’s were electronic equipment in 2001. built and they retailed for $1,000 each. $11.7 billion - The annual payroll for the The US Census Bureau assembled, as 245,000 employees of 6,692 cable TV seen below, a sampling of statistics from networks and program distribution firms its publications about television and the in the United States in 2001. television industry to celebrate this 1,937 - The number of television anniversary. broadcasting networks and stations in 248 million - The number of television the United States in 2001. sets in U.S. households in 2001. 31,235 - The number of people working 98.2% - The percentage of households behind the lens as television, video and with at least one TV in 2001. motion picture camera operators and (Compared to 87.3%, the percentage of editors, according to Census 2000. households with at least one TV in 1960: $10.7 billion - The payments by From the 1960 census) television broadcasting firms for 2.4 - The average number of televisions broadcast rights and music license fees per home in 2001. in 2001. Such payments constitute the 1,669 - The projected number of hours biggest expense of TV broadcasters. The that adults (age 18 and older) will watch next highest expense was the annual television in 2004. This is the equivalent payroll, $6.5 billion. of about 70 days. $41.8 billion - Amount spent on 94.3% - The percentage of people age television advertising in 2002, up from 18 and over who said they watched $38.9 billion in 2001. television in the spring of 2002. Older Research several of the above statistics Americans (age 65 and over) were more for the year 1990 (see US Census likely to be glued to the tube (97 Bureau http://www.census.gov/). What percent) than any other age group. differences do you observe between the

52 years 1990 and 2000? Which categories changed the most? The least? Based on 8. Coincidence in Literature. this information, had you been an Research the following: In 1898, investor with a crystal ball in 1990, Morgan Robertson wrote a book entitled which companies would have been a Futility. It described the maiden voyage good choice for investments for the of a transatlantic luxury liner named the upcoming decade of the 90’s. Titan. Although it was flaunted as being unsinkable, it collides with an ice burg The following are projects that may be and sinks. Of the 3,000 passengers, assigned as “on-line projects, projects to many perish. The boat had 24 lifeboats. involve research on-line.” When did the Titanic sink? Was it touted as a transatlantic luxury liner that 5. Coincidences: Presidential Births was unsinkable? Did it strike an ice and Deaths Considering coincidences berg? How many passengers were on among the presidents, we turn our the Titanic? How many lifeboats? attention to the birth and death dates of American presidents. Research the One last note on this topic. When forty-one presidential births, and thirty- interacting with numbers presented by six presidential deaths. Were any the media, it should be noted that an all presidents born and did any presidents too common political ploy is to publicize die on the same day of the year? (Note: either percentages of the population or Later in this section, we will examine if rates of change instead of the raw data. these common days were indeed Many times the “fear” is that the coincidences.) numbers themselves are so large that the public would become distressed. For 6. Presidential Coincidences Aside example, when the AIDS epidemic from the aforementioned presidents swept the nation in the 1980’s and Lincoln and Kennedy, two of the other 1990’s, television news commentators presidents who were shot has nightly quoted how fast the AIDS coincidences associated with their epidemic was spreading instead of presidencies; Research James Garfield informing us as to how many people and Ronald Reagan. Find as many were inflicted with the virus. This was coincidences as you possibly can about done to soften public outcry, the actual these presidents as well as their numbers were thought to frightening for assassination attempts. the general public. Checkout your own level of numeracy: When viewing 7. Coincidence in Literature. nightly news or reading the daily paper Research the following: In 1883, Edgar or other media sources, be on the look Allen Poe’s book, The Arthur Gordon out for rates of change, percents, or Pym of Naugatuck, had a sequence numbers that may be spun so that the where four men are adrift in a boat, and presentation of the facts are not as they kill and eat the cabin boy Richard alarming as they first appear. Parker. When in the future did this sequence of events actually occur?

53 Probability

Poverty and Probability On Thursday, August 26, 2004, CNN.Com reported “Census: More Americans living in poverty. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The number of Americans living in poverty increased by 1.3 million last year, while the ranks of the uninsured swelled by 1.4 million, the Census Bureau reported Thursday. It was the third straight annual increase for both categories. While not unexpected, it was a double dose of bad economic news during a tight re-election campaign for President Bush. Approximately 35.8 million people lived below the poverty line in 2003, or about 12.5 percent of the population.”

Poverty, in case you are interested, was defined by a family of 4 living with a household income under 18,881 dollars per year. Do you think this is a substantial number of people who live in poverty? What is the probability that someone you meet lives in poverty? Well, if there are 293 million US citizens in August, 2004, and 35.8 million live beneath the poverty level, then the probability you will meet someone who lives in 35,800,000 poverty is 0.122 or roughly 1 in 8. 293,000,000 Note: People tend to socialize with others within their own economic status level; within their own group is their perceived average slice of reality.

The probability an event E is simply a measure of the likelihood it will occur. Intuitively, people have a “feel” for the concept of the likelihood that an event will occur. For example, if we ask you what the probability is for you to obtain a heads up if you were to toss a coin, you know it is just as likely to toss a head than to toss a tail. And you probably know the probability associated with a heads up is ½. In mathematical terms, we call the tossing of the coin the event and we call the result, be it heads or tails, the outcome.

The probability an event E will occur is the number of desired outcomes divided by the total possible number of outcomes. * The outcomes need to be equally likely to occur.

Number of desired outcomes P(E)  Total number of outcomes

For example, if you roll a die, the total number of outcomes is 6 because you may roll a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. The set of all outcomes comprise what is called the sample space. If

54 we ask what is the probability of rolling a two, the event E is the rolling of the die, the number of desired outcomes is 1, specifically, it is the desire to roll a two. We say the probability of rolling a two is 1/6, we write P(E) = P(roll a 2) = 1/6. Based on this thought process, we have P(2 or more) = 5/6 because there are the same 6 possible outcomes and 5 of these 6 outcomes, rolling a 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 are desired.

Since we are using the language of probabilities, we interpret the meaning of these ratios as follows. If you rolled a single die six times, on average you would see the two appear exactly once. So, is this exactly once each time you roll the dice six times? Possibly. Possibly not. If you rolled a die a large number of times, say 1000, a good guess would be that about 160 to 170 rolls would be recognized as a ‘roll of a two’. Try it. This is because the theoretical probability of rolling a two is 1 chance in 6, which is 1 divided by 6, or 0.1666, but this is only what is expected to happen. It is not guaranteed. So, when you really roll the die over and over again, anything can happen. The result of any single roll is not predictable. But, the more you role, the closer you get to the theoretical “1 out of 6 times” of rolling the two. Maybe after ten rolls you might not get a two at all, but after two hundred rolls, our guess is that you will probably see the two 0.166 x 200 or approximately 33 times. Roll the dice a thousand times and obtain a two 0.166x 1000 166.7 , or around the interval of 160 to 170 times.

Problem One

When rolling a single die, find the following probabilities: a) P(4 or less) b) P(an even number) c) P(a number less than 11) d) P(a number greater than 11)

Solution a) The probability of rolling a 4 or less is 4/6 or 2/3. There are 4 desired outcomes and they are rolling either a 1, 2, ,3 or 4. The sample space consists of the same 6 possible outcomes, 1,2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 as discussed above. b) The probability of rolling an even number is 3/6 or 1/2. There are 3 successful outcomes and they are rolling either a 2, 4 or 6. Again, the sample space consists of the same 6 possible outcomes as discussed above. c) The probability of rolling a number less than 11 is 6/6 or 1. All 6 possible outcomes from the sample space are numbers less than an 11 and thus would be a desired outcome. In other words, every time you roll a single die, you will see a number less than 11. The probability of 1 implies the desired event is certain to occur. d) The probability of rolling a number greater than 11 is 0/6 or 0. None of the 6 possible outcomes from the sample space would be a success because none are greater than an 11. If you roll a single die, will never see a number greater than 11. A probability of zero means your set of desired outcomes will never occur.

So, numerically, the range of numbers a probability of any desired event to occur spans from the smallest number, which is 0 for an impossible event to the largest number, which is 1 for an event that will definitely occur. All probabilities are numbers between

55 0 and 1. The likelihood of an event occurring has a probability closer to 1 if it is more likely to happen and closer to 0 if it is less likely to happen.

Once again, working with P(E) = P(roll a two) = 1/6 we can quickly determine the __ __ probability for the compliment of E, written P( E ). P( E ) is the probability event E will not occur. We have the event E is to “roll a two” and the compliment set is found by removing all the elements of event E from the __ sample space S. Using set notation, we have S/E = E . The probability __ associated with E can be found by subtracting P(E) from P(S). We know __ P(S) = 1. Why? P( E ) = P(roll as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6} = P(S) – P(roll a two) = 1 – 1/6 = 5/6. The probability of rolling a number is not a 2 is 5/6. Let’s look at this from an alternative point of view. The basic premise of determining a Number of desired outcomes probability is to use the ratio of . In our Total number of outcomes n(E) 5 example, n( E ) = 5 and n(S) = 6. Thus, P( E ) =  . n(S) 6

There are two basic strategies in determining a probability for an event E. We can apply the ratio of the number of desired outcomes divided by total possible number of outcomes. Or if we know the probability of an event E, we can find the probability of E compliment by subtracting P(E) from 1. Often we employ the compliment strategy when the number of desired possible outcomes is difficult and seemingly impossible to calculate. We will see this technique applied often in our discussion of probabilities.

Problem Two: Question - Is race is an important “filter” on who goes to prison: On New Year’s Eve of 2001, there were 1,955,705 people in U.S. prisons and jails. The population of the country that year was approximately 275 million people. a) To what degree does the US incarcerate it’s citizens? 1,955,705 Solution: The probability you were incarcerated was 275,000,000 or 711 0.007 100,000 . This ratio implies nearly 7 out of every 1,000 Americans were incarcerated in 2001.

In 2001, the United States population was comprised of the following proportions. There were approximately 211 million Caucasians and 500,000 were incarcerated. There were approximately 34 ½ million African Americans and 625,000 were incarcerated. There were approximately 35 million Latin Americans and 213,000 were incarcerated, among the 10 million Asians 9,900 were incarcerated and from the 2 ½ million Native Americans, 17,700 were incarnated. Note: Approximately 600,000 of those incarcerated did not readily fit in any of the above ethnic groups.

56 b) When you break down the statistics, is incarceration is an equal opportunity punishment? For each ethnic group, find the proportion of these citizens who were incarcerated. Write the result in terms of so many out of 100,000 US citizens.

In 2001, the probability you were incarcerated if you were Caucasian was 500,000 0.00237 211,000,000 or nearly 237 per 100,000 Caucasians. That same year, the probability you were incarcerated if you were African American was 625,000 0.01812 34,500,000 or nearly 1812 per 100,000 African Americans. Again that same year, the probability you were incarcerated if you were Latino 213,000 0.00609 35,000,000 or nearly 609 per 100,000 Latin Americans, the 9,900 = 0.00099 probability you were incarcerated if you were Asian was 10,000,000 or 99 per 100,000 Asians and the probability you were incarcerated if you were Native 17,700 0.00708 American was 2,500,000 or nearly 708 per 100,000 Native Americans.

The inferences you draw are based on your belief system, which has been evolving since you were born. In the US in 2001, there were 211 million Caucasians and only 34 ½ million African Americans. This means there are more than six times the number of Caucasians than African Americans sprinkled through out the US population. Yet, there are more than seven times the number of African American inmates than Caucasian inmates. We’ll let you continue along this train of thought as you consider ratios involving the other ethnic groups.

Determining the ‘reasonability of media’s statistics’

Remember numbers are not controversial, rather it is one’s interpretations that may be construed as controversial. Let’s examine one case in point. We will use our probability knowledge mixed with a little common sense to analyze a random media publication taken from the following source: http://www.westernprisonproject.org/Publications/Factsheets/Prison_Index_Incarceration_Fact_Sheet.pdf.

57 Is the above web page alarmist? Is the data presented on the page accurate? Are these different questions? How were these numbers derived? What about the issue of coincidence versus correlation (cause and effect)? Where do we start in our quest to place the information presented above into some reasonable context within our mind?

We will confine our analysis to the International Comparisons made in the last paragraph, simply because they appear to be the most “alarming” portion of the flyer. The flyer states, South Africa was internationally condemned for its racial policies under apartheid. South Africa, under apartheid (1993), had an incarceration rate for Black adult men of 851 per 100,000 and in the US, under George W. Bush (2001) the incarceration rate for black adult men was 7,226 per 100,000.

We must ask ourselves before we do any serious number crunching, is the adult black man from South Africa defined to be from the same age group as the African American

58 male from the United States. In other words, is the publication comparing equivalent demographics? If the answer is yes, we continue. If not, the comparison is not justified. If we assume the answer is in the affirmative, how or where do we start to analyze the argument?

We will need to make some assumptions in investigating the given data. As we examine the statement “7,226 per 100,000” in terms of reasonableness, does this statistic even seem reasonable? There are several ways to determine the reasonability of this statement. One obvious route would be to track down the original source and verify the data. An alternative would be to use our own numerical literacy and evaluate the reasonableness of the data our selves. Back to our assumptions, is it reasonable to assume there are more male than female African Americans incarcerated? Let’s say (for argument sake), 80 % of the African Americans incarcerated are male. Since there are 625,000 African Americans incarcerated, 80 % of those is 0.80 x 625,000 = 500,000 or ½ a million African American males. Now, we test the statement “7,226 per 100,000” or roughly 7.2 % of the African American males are incarcerated. Applying some basic algebra, we have the equation, 0.072 x Number of adult African American males = 500,000. If we divide both sides of the equation by 0.072, we will identify the approximate number of adult African American males in the U.S. After dividing, we have the Number of adult African American males is approximately 7 million. This means there were nearly 7 million adult African American males in the United States in 2001. Does this seem reasonable? We have seen earlier there are roughly 34.5 million African Americans in the US, so 7 million out of 34.5 million is about 0.20 or 20 percent. It does seem reasonable that 20 percent of the population of African Americans are adult males. If the number seems to be reasonable, why does the article seem to be inflammatory? What “inferences” are the authors of the article assuming the reader will make?

The phrase “under George W. Bush” needs to be considered. Is it logical to infer blame for this alarming statistic and assign it to President George W. Bush? Were the adult African American males incarcerated when the President took office? President Bush assumed the Office in 2000. What proportion of the adult African Americans males were incarnated in either 2000 or 2001? Could there be other explanations or other “directions to place blame” that would be more rational or logical? If one investigated a possible correlation with welfare reform, possibly a stronger and more rational argument could be constructed. Where in the summer of 1996, Congress and the President at that time passed the "Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996." This act radically transformed the nation's welfare system, a full four years before George W. Bush took the Oath of Office. Could this act have been a major contributing factor for an escalating incarceration rate some five years later? Can you think of other factors that would explain this statistic other than “under George W. Bush”?

Though these questions we present are rhetorical in nature, they are worth considering in determining the reasonableness of the data presented in the flyer. Is the statement “under George W. Bush” an example of nothing more than a coincidence or is he responsible for the incarceration rate of adult African American males in the U.S. in 2001? A little

59 numerical literacy applied to data presented by media can go a long way in determining whether an argument is a representation of a valid correlation or simply an observed coincidence.

Problem Three The Spinner For the spinner below, if the wand is spun around, what is the probability…?

a) it lands on a blue portion? b) it lands on a 3? c) it lands on a blue 3? d) it lands on an even number? e) it lands on a even number less than 6? f) it lands on a number divisible by either 2 or 3? g) What is the sample space?

Solution a) Of 8, there are 4 blue portions and 4/8 = ½ is the probability. b) Of 8, there is 1 blue portion and 1/8 is the probability. c) Of 8, there are no blue 3’s, 0/8 = 0 is the probability. d) Of 8, there are four even numbered portions, and 4/8 = ½ is the probability. e) Of 8, there are two even numbers, 2 and 4 , that are smaller than 6 and 2/8 = ¼ is the probability. f) Of 8, there are 5 numbers divisible by either a 2 or a 3. They are 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, thus 5/8 is the probability. g) {Blue 1, Blue 2, Blue 6, Blue 8, Red 3, Red 4, Red 5, Red 7}

Let’s go back to rolling a die. What happens if we roll two dice and observe the sum shown? First, what is the sample space? The sample space is the collection of all possible outcomes. Well, the smallest sum possible is a one on each die, and a one and a one yields a sum of a two. The largest possibility is a six on both die, which gives a sum of twelve. All integers between two and twelve are the possible sums when rolling two die. So, how many possible outcomes are there? Below is the sample space: 1 - 1 1 - 2 1 - 3 1 - 4 1 - 5 1 - 6 2 - 1 2 - 2 2 - 3 2 - 4 2 - 5 2 - 6 3 - 1 3 - 2 3 - 3 3 - 4 3 - 5 3 - 6

60 4 - 1 4 - 2 4 - 3 4 - 4 4 - 5 4 - 6 5 - 1 5 - 2 5 - 3 5 - 4 5 - 5 5 - 6 6 - 1 6 - 2 6 - 3 6 - 4 6 - 5 6 - 6 The sample space consists of the 36 different possible combinations from rolling two die. Which sum is least likely to occur?

Problem Four Lady Luck We roll two die and observe the sum shown. Use the sample space shown above to find the probability of rolling the sum indicated and state whether the event is more likely to occur or less likely to occur. a) five b) not an eleven c) not a double, {1 – 1, 2 – 2, 3 – 3, 4 - 4, 5 – 5, 6 – 6} d) not a double or a six e) a double and an eight f) not a double and not a four

Solutions a) There are 4 different ordered pairs from the sample space with a sum of 5 and you see them along the diagonal of 4 –1, 3 –2. 2 –3, and 1 – 4. With 36 total outcomes possible, the probability of rolling two die and obtaining a sum of 5 is denoted P(5) = 4/36 = 1/9. b) This may be easier to answer using the compliment of the event. There are only two ways to roll a sum of eleven, with a 5 – 6 or a 6 –5. So, P(11) = 1 – 2/36 = 34/36 = 17/18. c) Again, using the compliment, it is quicker since there are only six doubles, 1-1, 2-2, 3- 3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6. So, P(not a double) = 1 – 6/36 = 30/36 = 15/18. d) We need to account for all of the non doubles as well as all of the sixes. The desired event consists of the union of two sets of possibilities. The set of non-doubles and the set of ordered pairs with a sum of six. The diagonal containing all the ordered pairs with a sum of six has 5 elements. There are 30 non-doubles and the cardinality of the union of the two sets is 30 + 5 – 4 = 31. thus, P(non-double or a six) = 31/36. e) We need the desired outcome to be a double and an eight. There is only one outcome, 4 – 4, that is both, a double and a sum of 8. P(double to equal a sum of 8) = 1/36. f) We need the desired outcomes to be non doubles that are not fours. There are 30 non doubles, and if we remove the non-doubles with a sum of a 4, we are left with 28 desired outcomes. So, P(non double that is not a four) = 28/36 = 7/9.

Problem Set

Before proceeding, recall that a standard deck of playing cards consists of four each of the numbers 2 though 10, 4 jacks, 4 queens, 4 kings and 4 aces. The face cards or picture cards refer to the jacks, queens and kings. There are 52 cards separated into 4 suits, clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades and within each suit are 13 distinct cards, ace through 10, jack, queen and king. The diamonds and hearts are traditionally red, the clubs and spades are traditionally black.

61 For problems 1 to 12, assume 1 card is drawn from a standard deck of 52 cards. Find the probability of drawing a … 1. two 2. red two 3. red two or a diamond 4. red two or not a diamond 5. red two and a diamond 6. red two and not a diamond 7. a heart 8. face card or heart 9. a heart or a non-jack 10. a heart and a non-jack 11. a red card or a black card 12. a red card and a black card

For problems 13 to 17, we toss two coins. 13. What is the sample space? 14. What is the probability of tossing 2 heads? 15. What is the probability of tossing 1 head? 16. What is the probability of tossing at least 1 head? 17. What is the probability of tossing no heads?

For problems 18 to 22, we toss three coins. 18. What is the sample space? 19. What is the probability of tossing 2 heads? 20. What is the probability of tossing 1 head? 21. What is the probability of tossing at least 1 head? 22. What is the probability of tossing no heads?

For problems 23 to 29, we roll two die and observe the sum shown. 23. What is the sample space? 24. What is the probability of rolling a sum of a seven? 25. What is the probability of rolling a sum of not a seven? 26. What is the probability of rolling a double? 27. What is the probability of rolling a double or a six? 28. What is the probability of rolling a double and a six? 29. What is the probability of rolling a double and not a six?

62 For question 30 to 35, we will discuss Gun Control They say that Texans love their guns. But, in Arizona, a century after the wild-wild west days, about 67,000 people legally carry guns. And in 2004 there are approximately 5,456,453 people residing in the state. Hence, the probability of encountering someone 67,000 who has a gun in Arizona is =0.01228 . To phrase it another 5,456,453 1 way, =0.0122 or 1 in 82 people in the state of Arizona tote a gun, 82 compared to Texas, where 1 out of every 92 people legally tote a gun. But, to quote Gomer Pyle, surprise, surprise, Utah loves their guns because 1 in every 40 people in Utah legally carry a gun.

30. 13,500 Arizonian women have gun permits. What’s the probability of encountering a gun toting women? Phrase your chances of encountering a woman who carries a gun in ordinary English. 31. 52 Arizonians are women over the age of 80 who carry a gun. What’s the probability of encountering a gun toting women who is 80 years or older? Phrase your chances of encountering an elderly gun carrying woman in ordinary English. 32. What is the probability that an Arizonian who legally carries a gun is a woman? 33. What is the probability that an Arizonian who legally carries a gun is a man? 34. In 2002, if 236,738 people in Texas and 57,907 people in Utah own guns, what is the population of each state? 35. How many more times likely are you to encounter a some one who has a legally concealed gun if you run into a native from Utah compared to a native from Arizona?

36. Earlier in the text we mentioned that in 2000, in this country, there were 6,594 injuries at fixed site amusement parks. We also mentioned that roughly 317,000,000 or over 300 million people visit fixed site amusement parks in a given year. What is the probability that someone who visited an amusement park in 2000 would suffer an injury? Then express the answer in 1 in “how many” people were injured.

For questions 37 to 41, recall also that in other recreational activities that same year, 82,722 people were injured on trampolines, 62,812 were injured in swimming pools, 544,561 were injured on bicycles and 20,000 were injured at music concerts We have no way of knowing how many people bounced on a trampoline, swam in a swimming pool, peddled a bicycle or frequented a musical concert that year. But it is safe to say the chance of injury for any of those activities was far higher than an amusement park visit. To explore this another way, answer the following question?

37. In 2000, how many people would have to have bounced on a trampoline if the probability (risk) of getting injured was identical to the risk of visiting an amusement park?

38. In 2000, how many people would have to have swam in a swimming pool if the probability of getting injured was identical to the risk of visiting an amusement park?

63 39. In 2000, how many people would have to have peddled a bicycle if the probability of getting injured was identical to the risk of visiting an amusement park?

40. In 2000, how many people would have to have frequented a musical concert if the probability of getting injured was identical to the risk of visiting an amusement park?

41. So, recalling how many people, 5.6 billion people, live on this planet, explain the point to this exercise.

42. Project: Identify information presented from any media source that has the appearance of being “alarmist”. Use the math skills we’ve developed to confirm the argument or refute the argument.

Probability: Independent and Dependent Events

Now, let’s discuss the probability of two or more events occurring. We need to be careful because we need to distinguish between whether or not the likelihood of one event influences the likelihood of the other event.

The probability of a National Football League team winning the Super Bowl and a Democrat winning the White House is a case where the outcome of event A, a football team winning the Super Bowl, has no effect on the outcome of event B, which party wins a presidential election. When considering two events, where outcome of one event has no affect on the outcome of the other event, we call these independent events. Some other examples of independent events are choosing a card from a standard deck of playing cards and getting a four, replacing it, shuffling the deck and choosing a second card and getting an ace. Knowledge that you drew the four the first time around does not affect the probability you will draw the ace. Whether or not you pulled the four in the first event is irrelevant, because when you draw the second time, there are still 4 aces in the 52 card deck. How does the probability of drawing an ace change if you leave the first 4 drawn out of the deck? Tossing a coin and it landing on tails and rolling a pair of die and getting a double are independent events, because whether or not your coin landed on heads or tails, the chance of rolling a double is still 1/6. Another pair of independent events are rolling a die and getting a 4, and then rolling a second die and getting a 5. In each of the previous mentioned events, the knowledge of the first event occurring does not affect the likelihood of the second event occurring.

When the likelihood of one event does affect the likelihood of the other event occurring, we say the events are dependent on one another. Knowing a person weighs less than 150 pounds decreases the likelihood the person is over 6 foot tall. Other examples include choosing a card and getting a four, not replacing it and then choosing a card and getting an ace. Knowledge you have drawn the four does affect the likelihood you will draw an ace, because this means there are still 4 aces left in the remaining 51 cards (rather than the independent event with 52 cards).

64 Let’s see if we can visualize the difference between independent and dependent events. Toss two die. The result for the first die does not affect the result for the second die. If first you roll a three, when you toss the second die, this outcome does not depend on the value of the previous roll. So, if we asked what is the probability of rolling a sum of a five when tossing two die, the answer is 4/36 or 1/9. This is because there are only four possible ordered pairs with a sum of 5, a (1,4), (4,1), (2,3) or (3,2) . Independent events. But, if you toss a six, and the desired event is obtaining a sum greater than 8, the chance of a successful outcome is now greater because the six was rolled. Dependents events.

Let’s toss two coins in a row and ask what is the probability of tossing two heads in a row. Each event’s outcome has no effect on the next event’s outcome. In other words, whether or not you tossed a head the first time does not effect the likelihood you’ll toss a head the second time. The probability of tossing a head is also ½ and the probability of tossing a head a second time is ½ so the probability of tossing two heads in a row is ½ of a ½. In other words, the probability of tossing the first head is ½, then to toss it twice in a row, it is ½ of the first ½. This is the multiplication principle.

The multiplication principle says that to calculate the probability two independent events will occur in a row, just multiply the two respective probabilities.

Clearly, this can be extended to a sequence of events. The probability of tossing four heads in a row is ½ x ½ x ½ x ½ = 1/16.

Problem 1 Rolling a single die repeatedly A single die is rolled three times in a row. What is the probability … a) all three rolls are either a 1 or a 2? b) all three rolls are above 2? c) all three rolls are not 2? d) all are a 1 or all are a 2?

Solution 2 2 2 23 a)    6 6 6 63 4 4 4 43 b)    6 6 6 63 5 5 5 53 c)    6 6 6 63 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 d)       6 6 6 6 6 6 63

65 Problem Set: Probability of Independent Events

For problems 1 through 4, a card is chosen at random from a deck of 52 cards. It is then replaced, the deck shuffled and a second card is chosen. 1. What is the probability of getting a jack and an eight? 2. What is the probability of getting a jack and then an eight? 3. A diamond and then a heart? 4. A non-diamond and then a red ace?

5. A dresser drawer contains one pair of socks of each of the following colors: black, brown, white, orange and stripped. Each pair is folded together in matching sets. You reach into the sock drawer and choose a pair of socks without looking. The first pair you pull out is stripped. Wanting something different, you replace this pair and reach into the drawer again. What is the probability that you will get the stripped pair of socks twice?

For problems 6 –8, use a coin that is tossed and a single 6-sided die that is rolled. 6. Find the probability of getting a tail on the coin and an even number on the die. 7. Find the probability of getting a tail on the coin or an even number on the die. 8. Find the probability of getting a tail on the coin and an not a six on the die.

9. A nationwide survey found that 35 % of adults in the United States like ice cream. If two couples (4 adults) sit down for a meal, what is the probability that all four like ice cream?

10. Spin a spinner numbered 1 to 6, and toss a die. What is the probability of getting a number less than 5 on the spinner and a number less than 5 on the die?

11. Spin a spinner numbered 1 to 6, and toss a die. What is the probability of getting the same number on the on the spinner that you got on the die?

For problem 12 to 14, use a jar contains jelly beans, and there are 100 pink, 200 purple, 50 white, 70 black, 30 orange and 300 yellow. 12. If two jelly beans are chosen from the jar, with replacement, what is the probability that both are green? If two jelly beans are chosen from the jar, with replacement, what is the probability that 13. both are pink? 14. If two jelly beans are chosen from the jar, with replacement, what is the probability that both are not the same color?

For number 15 to 18, use three cards that are chosen from a standard deck of 52 playing cards with replacement. 15. What is the probability of getting no jacks or no diamonds? 16. What is the probability of getting 3 diamonds? 17. What is the probability of not getting 3 diamonds? 18. What is the probability of getting aces?

66 For problems 19. and 20., use a 5-item true-false quiz, where a student has 4/5 probability of correctly answering each question. Assume that answering each question are independent events. 19. What is the probability that the student will get all answers correctly? 20. What is the probability that the student will get at least 4 answers correctly?

For problems 21 and 22, use a bowl of m and m’s that contains 12 blue, 15 brown, 10 black 16 yellow, 10 red and 8 green m and m’s. Reaching into the bowl, you grab a single candy. It is brown. You toss it back. Yuck. You reach in again. Brown. Again, you toss it back. 21. What is the probability of getting all brown m and m’s 3 times in a row? 22. What is the probability of getting two brown m and m’s and then an m and m that is not brown?

For problem 23 and 24, use a school survey that found that 8 out of 10 children like ice cream. You are throwing a birthday party for your kid. You are setting the table. 23. What is the probability that the first three children you put out plates for like ice cream? 24. What is the probability that the first three children you put out plates for don’t like ice cream?

Problem Set: Dependent Probability

For problems 1-3, use the following: a bowl of m and m’s contains 12 blue, 15 brown, 10 black 16 yellow, 10 red and 8 green m and m’s. Reaching into the bowl, you grab a handful of five pieces of candy. 1. What is the probability of getting all brown m and m’s? 2. What is the probability of getting no brown m and m’s? 3. What is the probability of getting 1 m and m that is not brown?

For problems 4 through 8, two cards are chosen in succession from a deck of 52 cards. 4. What is the probability of getting a jack and then an eight? 5. What is the probability of getting a jack and an eight? 6. What is the probability of getting a diamond and then a heart? 7. What is the probability of getting two diamonds? 8. What is the probability of getting two sixes?

Probability using counting theory

Many times to find either the number of desired outcomes or just to find the number of total outcomes, the cardinality of the sample space requires the counting techniques we learned in Chapter One. Techniques like the Fundamental Counting Principle, Permutations or Combinations become useful to us once again.

67 Example 1 Suppose 12 men and 18 women apply for jobs. If four people are selected randomly to fill job positions, a) find the probability only man received the job b) find the probability everyone who received the job was a woman.

Solution Well, probability is defined as the number of desired outcomes divided by the number of outcomes. So, a) The number of outcomes where 1 man and 3 woman have be given jobs is characterized as a combination problem because the order does not matter. Each person is given an equivalent job. So, from 12 men, we choose 1, from 18 women, we choose 3. We want to identify all possible combinations where 1 male and 3 females that can be formed into a selected group, so we multiply these numbers together, 12 C118 C3 . Now, we have the number of possible 1 man and 3 woman committees. The number of possible outcomes is found by finding the number of ways four people can be chosen from a group of 30 people, choose 4 to get the job, or 30 C4 . So, the probability 1 man C  C gets the job is 12 1 18 3 0.357 30 C4 b) The number of successful outcomes, 4 woman have be given the jobs is again a combination problem. From 18 women, we choose 4 and from the 12 men, we choose 0.

The number of successful outcomes is again 30 people, choose 4 or 30 C4 . So, the C  C probability all the jobs go to women is 12 0 18 4 0.112 30 C4

Example 2 Cards What is the probability that someone dealt a five card poker hand will get dealt a … a) four aces b) two aces and two sixes c) not a straight flush d) a pair

Solution a) For the 4 aces, we choose all 4 of these aces, 4 choose 4, or 4 C4 and from the 48 other non-aces, we choose 1 of them 48 C1 . And we recall, there are 52 C5 possible 5 card poker C  C hands. So, we have 4 4 48 1 0.000018 . 52 C5 b) For the 2 aces, we choose 2 of the 4 or 4 C2 and for the 2 sixes, we again choose 2 of the 4 sixes or 4 C2 . Our fifth card could be any of the cards except for the 4 aces and the

4 sixes. So, we have 44 C1 . And we recall, there are 52 C5 possible 5 card poker hands. C  C  C 6(6)(44) So, we have 4 2 4 2 44 1  0.00061. 52 C5 52 C5

68 c) For the non-straight flush, we have 2,598,960 possible 5 card hands – 4(9) possible 2,598,924 straight flushes. So, we 0.997 . 2,598,960 d) For the pair, we need two of a kind and three other unique cards. For example, let’s consider a pair of jacks. For two of a kind, we select two of the four jacks,

4 C2 . There are 13 different cards that we could have as a pair, the aces, two’s,

three’s and so on until we get to the kings. So, now we have 13 4 C2 . For the other three cards, they must be different types, say a three, five and six. For

the three, we select 1 of the four three’s, 4 C1 , for the five, we select 1 of the

four five’s, 4 C1 , and for the six, e select 1 of the four six 4 C1 . Now, we must ensure the number of ways to choose 3 different types of cards from the 12 remaining types that were not pairs. This is 12 choose 3. So, we have 13 C  C  C C C 4 2 12 3 4 1 4 1 4 1 0.423 . 52 C5

Example 3 Birthday Problem You are having a party, some 20 guests are gathered, but there is tension in the air. No one is mingling. No one is reaching out to get to know another. You need an ice breaker. So, you say, I bet two of you have the same birthday? You go around the room, giving each person the easiest topic of conversation of all, each person states their own birthday. Maybe someone has a funny retort. Maybe someone has a funny story. Or maybe, just maybe, two people have the same birthday. Something in common. And conversations begin. Regardless of the year, what is the probability two people have the same birthday? How many people would you have to gather to have more of a chance two people have the same birthday than not? What is the probability that if 30 people attended the party, two would have the same birthday? Or 40 party goers? How about 367 guests?


A general overview of the mathematical argument we are about to make is this: We will find the probabilities associated with people who do not have the same birthdays. We will then find the probability of the compliment set, the probability of at least two people having the same birthday.

Our argument to find the solution to this question starts with assuming all birthdays are equally likely to occur on any of the 365 days of the year and we will forge the argument with respect to leap year.

Starting with person 1, we record the birthday; one of 365 possible days in the year. Person 2 can have a birthday on any of the remaining 364 days that wasn’t the date of Person 1’s birthday. Person 3 can have a birthday on any of the remaining 363 days that weren’t the birth dates of the first two people. And so on.

69 The probability of person 2 having a birthday different than person 1 is found by realizing that any of the other 364 days could be the birthday, just not the one day that belongs to Person 1. A similar sentence could be echoed for Person 3, their birthday needs to be any of the remaining 363 days of the year that are different that the two already taken, so to speak.

Applying the multiplication principle, the probability of the first three people having 365 364 363 P different birthdays is 贩 = 365 3 365 365 365 3653 Extending this pattern, the probability all 20 people have different birthdays is 365 364 363 346 P 贩 ...� 365 20 365 365 365 365 36520 The complimentary probability for this statement is what we are seeking. 365 364 363 346 P 1-贩 ... � - 1 = 365 20 0.41. There is a 41 percent chance two people 365 365 365 365 36520 among a group of twenty people will have the same birthday.

P If you have 23 people at the party, 1-365 23 = 0.507 or slightly over 50 percent chance 36523 two will have the same birthday. P If 30 people had gathered at the party, there is1-365 30 = 0.706 or 70 percent chance that 36530 two individuals would have the same birthday. If you do not believe us, try it the next time such a crowd is gathered. In case your curious, if you gathered 40 people, it would be highly likely that two people had the same birthday. Hard to believe? Like we said, try it…

Problem Set: Probability Using Counting Theory

For problems 1 and 2, use a bowl of m and m’s containing 12 blue, 15 brown, 10 orange 16 yellow, 10 red and 8 green m and m’s. Reaching into the bowl, you grab five pieces of candy. 1. What is the probability of getting 2 brown pieces and 3 red pieces? 2. What is the probability of getting only 1 brown piece?

For problems 3 to 12, find the probability of obtaining each of the following 5 card poker hands: 3. Royal Flush. 4. Straight Flush (5 cards in sequence in a single suit, but not a royal flush) 5. Four Aces 6. Four of a Kind 7. Flush of Hearts 8. Flush 9. Four hearts

70 10. Three of a kind 11. Two Sixes and Three Aces 12. Two Aces and Two Kings 13. A pair

For questions 14 to 16, suppose license plate "numbers" consist of all possible arrangements of 3 letters followed by 2 digits. 14. What is the probability that a randomly chosen license plate number has no repeated symbol? 15. What is the probability that a randomly chosen license plate number has the last digit a one? 16. What is the probability that a randomly chosen license plate number has no repeated symbol and the last digit is a one?

For problems 17 and 18, in a shipment of 1,000 Play Stations, 46 are defective. 17. If a person buys two Play Stations, what is the probability that both are defective? 18. If a person buys two Play Stations, what is the probability that neither is defective?

For questions 19. through 21., suppose 4 men and 6 women are on a crowded elevator. At the next floor, three people get off the elevator. 19. Find the probability all are women. 20. Find the probability two are women 21. Find the probability none are women

22. What is the probability that in a group of 20 people at least two were born in the same month?

Conditional Probability Let’s compare two questions:  What is the probability that the sum of two dice tossed is smaller than a 4?  If we know one of the die shows a one, what is the probability the sum of two dice tossed is smaller than 4? The answer to the first question is 3/36 or 1/12 because the possible successful outcomes are (1,1), (1,2) and (2,1) from the 36 events that make up the sample space. But, if we are privy to inside information like we already know that one die shows a 1, we call this a conditional probability because we are given a condition for the probability of an event to occur. So, the probability the sum on two dice tossed is smaller than a 4 is increased to 2/6 = 1/3 because we are given that a one occurred on the first roll and thus we are reduced to six equally likely possibilities, (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (1,5) and (1,6). Two of these six, (1,1) and (1,2) have a sum less than a four.

 We write “P(sum less than 4| a one was rolled first)”  We read “the probability of a sum less than 4 given that a one was rolled first.”

71 In ordinary English, conditional probability asks what is the probability that one event will occur given that another event has already occurred. Which is more likely, the probability that some one who speaks Spanish is from Mexico or that someone from Mexico speaks Spanish? In the first case, we are saying given the person speaks Spanish, what’s the probability they are from Mexico. Written with probability notation, we have P(a citizen of Mexico| person speaks Spanish). In other words, we are restricting our sample space to be those who speak Spanish, and we are asking of these people, what is the probability they are from Mexico. In the second case, we have a sample population of citizens from Mexico, and we want to know, of those people, what is the probability a random person speaks Spanish and we denote it P(person speaks Spanish| a citizen of Mexico).

Rephrased, we are asking you to decide if it is more likely a person from Mexico speaks Spanish or is it more likely if a person who speaks Spanish, then they are from Mexico. It is more likely that a person who is from Mexico speaks Spanish. So, using proper math symbols, we would write  P(a citizen of Mexico| person speaks Spanish) < P(person speaks Spanish| a citizen of Mexico). Remember, probabilities are just numbers with feelings and emotions like any number.

If you are from Mexico, then you speak Spanish or if you speak Spanish, then you are from Mexico are logically speaking, neither always true or always false. Conditional probabilities help us determine which is more likely.

Problem 1: Test Results A teacher gave her class two tests. 60 % of the class passed both tests, and 80 % of the class passed the first test. What percent of those that passed the first test also passed the second test?

Solution: P( first and second) 0.60 P(second | first)   0.75 P( first) 0.80

Problem 2: US Army Demographics The following information was taken from the ARMY DEMOGRAPHICS, FY03, Army Profile, US Army, Headquarters, Dr. Betty D. Maxfield, Office of Army Demogrpahics.: [email protected] Race by Gender - Enlisted Male Female Total White 208,698 23,667 232,365 Black 81,024 27,317 108,341 Hispanic 37,882 7,176 45,058 Asian 11,925 2391 14,316 Other 11,225 2392 13,617 Total 350,754 62,943 413,697

72 Find the following probabilities and explain the significance in a complete sentence. a) P(male) b) P(black female) c) P(female| black) d) P(black| female) e) P(Asian| male) f) P(male| white or black) g) P(white or black| male)

Solution: 350,754 a) P(male) = 0.848 or nearly 85 out of 100 of the enlisted in the Army are 413,697 men. 27,317 b) P(black female) = 0.066 or nearly 6 2/3 out of 100 of the enlisted in the 413,697 Army are black females. c) Note: Because it is a conditional probability, we must restrict our sample space to 27,317 only those enlisted personal who are black. P(female| black) = 0.252 or nearly 108,341 25 out of 100 of the Army’s enlisted personnel that are black are women.

27,317 d) P(black| female) = 0.434 or nearly 43 out of 100 of the Army’s enlisted 62,943 personnel that are women are black.

11,925 e) P(Asian| male) = 0.034 or nearly 3 ½ out of 100 of the Army’s enlisted 350,754 personnel that are men are Asian.

208,698  81,024 f) P(male| white or black) = 0.851 or men comprise nearly 85 out of 232,365 108,341 100 of the Army’s enlisted personnel that are either white or black.

208,698  81024 g) P(white or black| male) = 0.826 or nearly 83 out of 100 of the 350,754 Army’s enlisted men are either white or black.

Problem Set: Conditional Probability

73 For problems 1 through 3, an opinion poll was administered to the students at the University of America. Use the table below because it reflects the response to the following question, "Are you for or against the death penalty?" For Against Not Sure Total Men 20,000 10,000 5,000 35,000 Women 10,000 5,000 5,000 20,000 Total 30,000 15,000 10,000 55,000 A student is selected at random, find the probability the student was ... 1. male 2. male, given that the student was against the death penalty 3. for the death penalty given that the student was a woman 4. A jar contains pink and white jelly beans. Two jelly beans are chosen without replacement. If the probability of selecting a pink jelly bean and a white marble is 0.50, and the probability of selecting a pink jelly on the first draw is 0.60, find the probability of selecting a white marble on the second draw, given that the first marble selected was pink. 5. At an Italian restaurant, 60 % of the customers order a wine. If 50 % of the customers order a pasta and wine, what is the probability that a customer who orders a wine will also order pasta?

6. The probability that a student is absent and that it is Friday is 0.05. Since there are 5 school days in a week, the probability that it is Friday is 0.2. What is the probability that a student is absent given that today is Friday?

For problems 7 to 9, which is greater? 7. P(he or she is speaks English| he or she is American) or P(he or she is American| he or she is speaks English)? 8. P(he or she is wealthy| he or she is a cardiologist) or P(he or she is a cardiologist| he or she is wealthy)? 9. P(it is raining| humidity is high) or P(humidity is high| it is raining)?

Miscellaneous Problems Using Probability

1. If a number is chosen at random from the following set,{2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} what is the probability that it is not prime?

2. A number from 1 to 5 is chosen at random. What is the probability that the number chosen is not odd?

For questions 3 through 6, the experiment is rolling a single die and tossing 2 coins. 3. Describe the sample space. 4. Find the probability of rolling a three on the die. 5. Find the probability of tossing at least one head. 6. Find the probability of rolling a three on a die or tossing at least one head.

74 For questions 7 to 8, a child waiting in line in a school cafeteria has a probability of 1/5 of selecting no desert during lunch. Assuming independence by making believe there is no such thing as peer pressure, find the probability ... 7. three children in a row won't grab desert. 8. the first child will grab desert, the next two children to follow won't.

For problems 9 and 10, two cards are drawn from a deck. The first card is replaced back into the deck after it is drawn. Find the probability ... 9. of selecting a two on the second draw if a two is drawn on the first draw. 10. of selecting a two on the first draw and a two on the second draw.

For problems 11 to 13, a pair of dice are rolled, find the probability … 11. of rolling a sum of a 2 12. of rolling a sum of a 5 13. of rolling a sum of not a double 14. of rolling a sum of a 6 given that a 2 appeared on the first die. 16. of rolling sum less than 10 if we know a 5 or 6 was not rolled on the first die.

Bayes Theorem

Certainly, we all have some concern about the accuracy of those polls we see every day presented by the media. We routinely ask ourselves, are the polls biased? We often assume there is some hidden agenda, be it political or social, behind the wording of the questions. We know the words chosen when creating the polls can be, and often are chosen to solicit specific answers. But, maybe instead, we should ask ourselves, what information is provided for us and what information is deleted from us? And we do have the capacity to find the deleted information. The following two stories are taken straight from viewing television one evening.

“According to a recent Gallop Poll, when asked which side of the political debate on abortion do you sympathize with more: the right-to-life movement that believes abortion is the taking of human life and should be outlawed, OR, the pro-choice movement that believes a woman has the right to choose what happens to her body, including the right to decide to have an abortion, 43 % of those polled answered Right-to-life.” Interestingly, half of the republicans answered Right-to-life. Does this mean we cannot draw along party lines on this issue and that the abortion debate transcends party lines, polarizing us in directions we may not want to admit, as the media would like us to believe?

“Here in Winstonboro County, 15 % of the population developed lung cancer. And while 40 % of the county’s residents are smokers, 80 % of those developing lung cancer are smokers.” While this is informative, doesn’t it seem natural that you would want to know what the probability of the exact opposite? Wouldn’t you want to know what the probability was for someone who smokes to develop lung cancer? If you smoke, you may want to know the risks. Said another way, you do not know right off if you have lung cancer or not, but you certainly know whether or not you smoke. What are your chances, as a smoker, of developing lung? Isn’t this a more useful question. It seems the

75 report is dancing around this core point. Why not tell us directly? Next, we will develop the skill to answer the question directly.

Let’s explore these two questions. In the first scenario, the Gallop Poll, 43 % answered Right-to-life, and half of the republicans answered Right-to-life. When trying to connect party lines to the abortion issue, the more relevant question is “if someone is opposed to abortions, what is the likelihood they are republican?” Or more precisely, in mathematical terms, of those respondents polled who aligned themselves with the Right to Life movement, what is the probability they are republican? More abstractly, does the issue of abortion divide us along party lines or does it transcend party lines as the media implies?

Let us begin by obsessing over the poll itself by defining the type of poll we have here. One aspect of the poll is to place someone in a definitive position, either your are “for” or you are “against” the Right to Life movement. How was this done? The poll was worded so that the respondents were forced to declare themselves either Pro-choice or Right-to-life. Not both. They then declared themselves to check off the party that most closely reflects their views, thus they had to declare themselves to be either democrat, republican or independent. No one was left sitting on the proverbial fence.

Now, let’s slow these sentences down. Inherent in the poll itself are three characteristics. Those answering our poll comprise the sample space. When the sample space declared themselves pro Right-to-life or pro-choice, and then further declared themselves democrat, republican or independent, there was no overlap between these sets. No one was both Pro-life and Pro-choice. No one was a member of two political parties. Two sets are said to be mutually exclusive where there is no overlap between the two sets. Next, the poll consisted of everyone who participated. You’re probably reading this and saying ‘no kidding’. But this means something to us, that the union of the sets comprise the whole sample space. In other words, all of the Pro-choice and all of the Right-to-life respondents comprise everyone. Similarly, all of the respondents from the three political parties comprise all of the respondents too. Finally, every set has at least one member. In other words, if no one was an Independent, we would not include it in our sample space. When sample spaces are separated into non-empty, mutually exclusive sets, we say the space has been partitioned.

A partition is where the sample space it divided into sets where 1. the sets are mutually exclusive 2. the union of all sets is the whole sample space 3. there is no empty set

 Bayes Rule can be applied to partitioned sample spaces.

Now, let’s examine all of the data so that we may answer our real question, which is ‘does abortion divide us along party lines?’ According to the poll, 43 % of the respondents declared themselves to be Right-to-life. So, everyone else declared themselves to be Pro-choice. That is 57 %, right?

76 Now, we will dig deeper into the data taken from the poll. According to the poll, of those who declared themselves to be Right-to-life, 40 % percent were democrats, 55 % were republicans and 5 % were independent. Of the respondents who declared themselves to be Pro-choice, half were democrats, 45 % were republicans and again, 5 % were independent. Lot’s of data crying out for some order. Let’s use a tree diagram to re- examine the data.

Now, let’s selectively read the tree diagram. It seems that 40% of the Right-to-life respondents were democrat. Thus, 40 % of 45 % of the population were democrats who labeled themselves Right-to-life. That is 0.40(0.45) = 0.18 or 18 percent of the population. Continuing in this manner, 55 % of the 45 % of the respondents were Republicans who declared themselves Right-to-Life, of 0.55(0.45) = 0.2475 or 24.75 %. Let’s re-examine our tree diagram now.

Adding up these percentages, we have the sum 0.18 + 0.2475 + 0.0225 + 0.275 + 0.2475 + 0.0275 or 1, thus 100 percent of the whole population. The republicans comprise 0.2475 + 0.2475 or 49.5 % of the respondents. Notice, half of the Republicans declared themselves Right-to-life, the other half were Pro-choice.

Now, let’s ask some questions.

77 1. Given a democrat, what was the probability he or she was Pro-Choice? Right-to Life? Solution: Written in terms of conditional probability, we have P( PC∩ D ) 0.275 P( PC | D )= = = 0.604 and P( D ) 0.18+ 0.275 0.18 P(RTL | D)  0.396 or 10.6940.396 0.18  0.275 2. Given a republican, what was the probability he or she was Pro-Choice? Right-to- Life? Given a democrat, what was the probability he or she was Pro-Choice? Right-to Life? Solution: Written in terms of conditional probability, we have 0.2475 0.2475 P(PC | R)  0.5 and P(RTL | R)  0.5 .2475  0.2475 .2475  0.2475

3. Given some one who was Right-to-Life, what was the probability he or she was a democrat? A republican? Given a democrat, what was the probability he or she was Pro-Choice? Right-to Life? Solution: Written in terms of conditional probability, we have P( D∩ RTL ) (0.45)(0.40) P( D | RTL )= = 0.40 and P(R | RTL) 0.55 P( RTL ) 0.45

4. Given someone was Pro-Choice, what was the probability he or she was a democrat? A republican? Given a democrat, what was the probability he or she was Pro-Choice? Right-to Life? Solution: Written in terms of conditional probability, we have P(D | PC) 0.50 and P(R | PC) 0.45

It seems now you are armed with enough information to ask your self if the abortion issue falls along party lines or is bi-partisan (transcends party lines).

In the other example, where15 % of the population developed lung cancer and 40 % of the county’s residents were smokers, we knew that 80 % of those who developed lung cancer were smokers. But, we wanted to know given the probability for someone who smoked to develop lung cancer? You want to know the precise risk involved in smoking.

Solution: We want to know, of those who smoke (given someone smokes), what is the probability from this group that someone will develop ling cancer. P(A ∩B) We will use P(B | A)  . We want P(A) P(S ∩LC ) P(Lung Cancer |Smo ker)  P(LC | S)  P(S) What do we know? Well, 15 % of the population developed lung cancer can be written P(LC) = 0.15 and 40 % of the county’s residents were smokers can be written P(S) 0.40. Also, 80 % of those who developed lung cancer were smokers can be written P(S | LC) = 0.80. So,80 % of 15 % of the populations developed lung cancer.

78 P(S ∩LC ) (0.15)(0.80) P(LC | S)   0.30 or 30 % risk. P(S) 0.40

Problem Set:

For problems 1-7, use the following a popular opinion poll about the upcoming presidential election, where 30 % responded they were Democrat (D), 45 % responded they were Republican (R), and surprisingly 25% said they were Independent (I). After the election, it turned out 65 % of the Democrats voted (v), 80 % of the Republicans voted and only 20 % of the Independents voted. 1. What is the probability that someone voted? 2. What is the probability that someone who does not vote is a Democrat? 3. What is the probability that who was Independent did not vote? 4. What is P(D|v)? 5. What is P(D|v )? 6. What is P(v|D )? 7. What is P(v |R )?

For problems 8-14, use the following a popular opinion poll given to students at Southwestern college regarding the death penalty, where 20 % of the respondents were Freshman, (F), 30 % were Sophomores (So), 35 % were Juniors (J) and 15 % were Seniors (Sr). Of the Seniors, 70 % said they opposed the death penalty (d ) , of the Juniors only 30 % opposed the death penalty, and for the Sophomores, 40 % were in favor of the death penalty, while half of the freshmen were in favor and half were against. 8. What is the probability that a freshman was against the death penalty? 9. What is the probability that someone who was against the death penalty was not a sophomore? 10. What is the probability some who was in favor of the death penalty was a senior? 11. What is P(So|d)? 12. What is P(d |Sr )? 13. What is P(d |F or So)? 14. What is P(J |d )?

15. “In a recent poll, 35 % said that Bobby Bonds was the greatest baseball player ever. Of those who thought Bonds was the greatest ever, 80 % felt that the wide spread use of steroids has not cheapened the very fabric of baseball and that the records, once hallowed, are still ‘legit’. It should be noted, though, that 60 % of all polled did think that the records were cheapened by the wide spread us of steroids among today’s athletes.” Is this just an ‘old school, new skool’ issue, case of the younger generation feeling one way, the older another. Or is this reflective of a larger problem is our society, an ever widening divergence between generations in what we adhere to as morality. I mean, it is clear that a large percent of those who thought that someone other than Barry Bonds was the greatest ever also thought steroid use among today’s athletes has cheapened baseball. What was that percent?

79 The Binomial Probability Profile Often referred to as Bernoulli Trials, after John Bernoulli who first published in this area, the probability studied in this section is the practical probability when one asks what’s the likelihood you go to a party and meet five perspective mates, all of whom never married? Or meet five perspective mates, all of whom are living alone? If you listen softly, this is the same question as how many times can you roll snake eyes (a one on each die) five times in a row, or flip a coin and have it land on heads five times in a row.

Let’s pick the first scenario, choosing a mate who has never been married and highlight for you the Binomial Probability model. If you meet 5 perspective mates, this can be considered the same experiment, meeting a mate, repeated over and over again, specifically here five times. There are only two possible outcomes, the perspective mate has either never married, or not. The trials are all independent because if you were to meet someone who was never married, this does not affect the likelihood (probability) the next person you were to meet has never been married. Finally, the outcomes for each experiment does not change, the probability of someone in a certain age range who was never married is published by the US Census Bureau for the year 2000.

These similarities, you may recognize, exist for our other scenarios we posed too. Those all involve the same experiment, the quest for a perspective mate who lives alone, or the snake eyes reoccurring as dice are tossed, the heads reappearing as a coin is flipped, repeated over and over again, and again five times were specified for each. In each question, there are only two possible outcomes, like the perspective mate lives alone or they don’t live alone, the snake eyes reoccur or doesn’t, the heads reappear or they don’t. The trails are all independent, meeting a perspective mate who lives alone does not affect the probability the next person lives alone. Rolling snake eyes does not enhance or deter the possibility snake eyes will show on the next roll and clearly a flip of a coin showing a tail falls under the same guise. Finally, the outcomes for each experiment does not change, the probabilities of each occurring remains the same, each perspective mate has the same likelihood of living alone, according to the US Census Bureau, that is, each roll of the dice has a probability of 1/36 that snake eyes will show, each flip of the coin has a probability of ½.

Probabilistic events such as these are called Bernoulli Trials if the following are satisfied:  the same experiment is repeated over and over again  there are only two possible outcomes  the trails are independent  the probability for each outcome must remain the same.

Problem One: According to the US Census Bureau, 2000, “the times they are a-changin’” as Bob Dylan used to say. In 1970, the probability you encountered a 20 to 24 year old woman who never married was 0.36, but in the year 2000, the probability more than doubled to be 0.73. For a 20 to 24 year old man, the probability also grew, from 1970, 0.55 to 2000,

80 0.84. For 34 year olds, the drastic increase was even more acute. In 1970, the probability you encountered a 30 to 34 year old woman who never married was 0.06, in the year 2000, the probability almost quadrupled to 0.22. For 30 to 34 year old men, the results were nearly as striking because the probability you met a man who never married in this age group more than tripled, from 0.09 in 1970 to 0.30 in the year 2000.

Assuming the probabilities have not changed much since the year 2000, let’s explore these statistics. You’re at a social gathering and you encounter 5 women between 20 and 24 years old. What is the probability … a) three were never married b) none of the 5 have ever been married c) at least one has been married d) at most 1 has been married

Let’s also ask the same question with regard to 20 to 24 year old men. What is the probability … e) three were never married f) none of the 5 have ever been married e) at least one has been married f) at most 1 has been married

Solution: a) Let’s clarify our problem. Slowly. We meet five women (n = 5) and if three of the women were never married (k = 3), where the probability of encountering a 20-24 year old woman who never married is 0.73 for each meeting (p = 0.73). We can now proceed. The long way first. We want to explore the possible arrangements where three women were never married and two were married . Assuming the first three women met were never married, the probability would be (0.73)(0.73)(0.73). The probability a woman was married would then be 1 – 0.73 = 0.27. The probability the remaining two women were married would be 0.27(0.27). By virtue of the multiplication principle, we see the probability of meeting five women, the first three unmarried, the last two married 3 is calculated by (0.73)(0.73)(0.73)(0.27)(0.27) or more precisely (0.73) (0.27)2 . There are 10 different arrangements or orders in which someone encounters five women, three unmarried, two married. To see this, use M for married and N for never married. The ten various arrangements when meeting three women who never married and two who were married. Or more concisely, NNNMM. The other nine ways would be NNMMN, NMMNN, NMNMN, NNMMN, MNNMN, MNNNM, MMNNN, NNMNM, and NMMNN. What is a shorter way of counting all of these possible arrangements? C(5,2), 骣5 5(4) which we will write again more concisely as 琪 = =10. So, we multiply 10 with 桫2 2 3 (0.73) (0.27)2 to arrive at the answer, 0.28. This means that for every 5 women you meet in the age group 20 – 24, more than one in four times you meet 5 women, 3 will have never been married.

81 Now, in terms of the Binomial Probability Profile, this pattern includes a repetitive train of thought, that is, an experiment that is repeated over and over again. As politically incorrect as this sounds, the trial is meeting women and a success is finding a woman who was never married. We first consider the number of arrangements, which we can always find with a combination. We multiply this combination to the probability of the success each time the success occurs. This result is multiplied by the compliment of the probability’s success the number of times it occurs. Always. Never to deviate. So, our formula is written:

骣n k n- k b( n , k , p )=琪 ( p) (1 - p ) 桫k where n is the number of trials, k is the number of successes and p is the probability for the success

骣5 3 5- 3 a) b(5,3,0.73)=琪 ( 0.73) (0.27) = 0.284 桫3 b) If none of the women had ever married, then we want 5 successes out of 5 trials.

5 5 0 b(5,5,0.73)  0.73 (0.27) 0.207 5 c) If at least one women was once married, this means we have several cases to consider: one, two, three, four or five married. If we speak in terms of a success, then we have several cases here too: If five were once married, then none were never married, if four were once married, then one was never married, and continuing in this vain, two, three or four could also be never married. So, we have 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 successes to make the statement at least one woman was once married true. Let’s use what we know about finding probabilities and use the probability of the compliment of a set: 1 – the opposite,

骣5 5 0 1 – P(5 were never married.) 1-b (5,5,0.73) = 1 -琪 ( 0.73) (0.27) = 1 - 0.207 = 0.793 桫5 . Said in another way, if you were to meet 5 women 10 times, on the average, nearly eight of those times at least 1 of the five were once married. d) If at most 1 was once married, then either none were once married, so 5 would have been never married or 1 was once married, so 4 were never married. So, we have

骣550 骣 5 4 1 b(5,5,0.73)+ b (5,4,0.73) =琪( 0.73) (0.27) + 琪 ( 0.73) (0.27) =0.207 + 0.383 = 0.59 桫5 桫 4 . So, the next time you meet 5 women, over half the time at most 1 was once married.

骣5 3 5- 3 e) b(5,3,0.84)=琪 ( 0.84) (0.16) = 0.152 桫3 f) If none of the men were never married, we want 5 successes out of 5 trials.

骣5 5 0 b(5,5,0.84)=琪 ( 0.84) (0.16) = 0.418 桫5

骣5 5 0 g) 1-b (5,5,0.84) = 1 -琪 ( 0.84) (0.16) = 0.582 . Over half the time you meet five 桫5 men, at least 1 of them was once married.

82 骣550 骣 5 4 1 h) b(5,5,0.84)+ b (5,4,0.84) =琪( 0.84) (0.16) + 琪 ( 0.84) (0.16) = 0.816 . So, 8 桫5 桫 4 out of every 10 times you meet 5 men, at most 1 of them was once married.

Problem Two: You roll a pair of dice, what is the probability you get snake eyes three times out of 5 rolls, and then my next question is what is the probability of getting snake eyes five times in a row? What does your intuition tell you? Pretty low likelihood, small probability.

Solution: a) The probability of getting snake eyes is 1/36, so we have 5 trials, 3 success, each with 3 骣5 2 a probability of 1/36. So, we have b(5,3,1) =琪 ( 1 ) (35 ) = 0.000203 36桫3 36 36 b) The probability of getting snake eyes is 1/36, so we have 5 trials, 5 success, each with 5 骣5 0- 8 a probability of 1/36. So, we have b(5,5,1) =琪 ( 1 ) (35 ) = 1.654 x 10 . 36桫5 36 36 This mean 0.00000001654 is the probability or the likelihood is less than 1 in 200 million.

Problem Three: A fair coin is tossed 8 times. What is the probability of getting at most 7 heads?

Solution: Each reoccurring probability is simple enough, the probability of getting a head when you flip a coin is ½. But, to calculate the answer directly, we would have to considered all of the options possible that could yield at least 7 heads. So, we would add, loosely phrased, P(0 H) + P(1 H) + P(2 H) + P(3 H) + P(4 H) + P(5 H) + P(6 H) + P(7 H). This calculation is lengthy. So, instead, let’s use the compliment. This would mean 1 - the opposite of (P(0 H) + P(1 H) + P(2 H) + P(3 H) + P(4 H) + P(5 H) + P(6 H) + P(7 H)). 8 骣8 0 This would be 1 – P(8 H) = 1-b( 8,8,1) = 1 -琪 ( 1) ( 1 ) = 0.996 2桫8 2 2

Problem Set: For questions 1 to 5:The following data extracted from the US Census Bureau Population Profile of the United States: 2000, Chapter 5. In 1970, the probability a household consisted of someone living alone was 0.17, while by the year 2000, the probability had grown to 0.26. Suppose you live a cul- de-sac where there are 8 households and suppose the probability of some living alone has not changed very much since the year 2000. Find the probability: 1. there is someone living alone on your cul-de-sac. 2. there is one household where someone lives alone. 3. there are no families on your cul-de-sac, everyone lives alone. 4. no one lives alone. 5. there is at least one household with more than one person.

83 For problems 6-9, The following data extracted from the US Census Bureau Occupation 2000, Issues august, 2003. Bases on the most detailed level of occupations available in Census 2000 from 509 occupations. Below is a table with the Ten Occupations Employing the Most Women for the United States, 2000. There were 60,630,069 women 16 years and older employed in the civilian capacity in 2000 in the United States. Occupations Number Secretaries, Administrative Assistants 3,597,535 Elementary, Middle School Teachers 2,442,104 Registered Nurses 2,065,238 Cashiers 2,030,805 Retail Salespersons 1,775,889 Bookkeeping, Accounting, Auditing 1,526,803 Nursing, Psychiatric, Home Health Aides 1,469,736 Customer Service Representatives 1,396,105 Child Care Workers 1,253,306 Waiter, Waitress 1,228,977 You meet six employed women (in the civilian capacity) at a party. 6. What is the probability half of the women are elementary or middle school teachers? 7. What is the probability none of the six are in any of the top ten occupations listed above? 8. What is the probability at most two of the six are secretaries or administrative assistants? 9. What is the probability at least one of them are either child care workers or nursing, psychiatric or Home Health Aide Specialists?

For problems 10-13, use a fair coin that has been tossed six times. 10. What is the probability of tossing a tail once? 11. What is the probability of tossing at most 3 tails? 12. What is the probability of tossing at least 5 tails? 13. What is the probability of tossing at most 5 tails?

For problem 14-16, we roll 2 dice seven times and observe the sum. 14. What is the probability of rolling the sum of a four exactly 5 times? 15. What is the probability of rolling the sum of a five or seven exactly 5 times? 16. What is the probability of rolling the sum of a four at least once?

Problems 17-22. The professional. A true professional basketball player has nerves of icy steel. If they miss their foul shot, they are not affected the next time they shoot. The likelihood of hitting or missing the foul shot is not going to be affected by their prior stint at the line. Independent probabilities. If they miss three times in a row, they are not affected the next time they shoot. Fives misses in a row, still, they are not affected the next time they shoot. The same is true for a professional baseball player. If they do not get a hit, they are not affected the next time they are at bat, ten hitless at bats, no problem. There is no such thing as a slump in professional sports. In other words, the probability of success remains the same, and they are independent.

84 A basketball player has a shooting percentage of 0.850 at the free throw line. 17. What is the probability he will hit 11 out of 12 free throws? 18. What is the probability he will hit 10 or more out of 12 free throws? 19. What is the probability he will miss 12 free throws in a row?

Consider the baseball player who has a batting average of 0.300. 20. What is the probability he will go hitless in a game, say 0 for 4? 21. What is the probability he will get a hit in all 4 at bats? 22. What is the probability he will go 2 for 4?

Problems 23-25. Woe is me. You order blank Cd’s, 10 of them. You research and learn that they probability of getting a defective Cd is 0.06. 23. You think woe is me, just my luck and you wonder what the probability is of getting at least 1 defective Cd. Well, what is it? 24. What is the probability of getting half defective? 25. What is the probability of getting the majority of Cd’s defective?

Expected Values Suppose you are considering purchasing a small insurance company. For ease, let us suppose each policy costs $500 per year. You check the yearly records from the past 20 years and it appears the numbers don’t really change all that much. Yearly, 9995 out of 10,000 policy holders never result in a claim, 2 out of 10,000 result in a claim of an average of $2,000, 1 out of 10,000 result in a claim of an average of $5,000 and 2 out of 10,000 result in huge payoffs, claims that average half a million dollars. Should this scare us off from purchasing the company? Is this a profitable company you are considering purchasing?

In ordinary English, we are searching for the expected value, and we may find this with respect to the policy holders or for the company. Let’s find the expected value for the company.  if it is positive, then we should buy the company, because in the long run, for each policy holder, we will take in more money than we pay out.  If it is negative, then we should not buy the company, because in the long run, for each policy holder, we will pay out more money than we take in.

Expected values, weighted averages or expected winnings are mathematically all one and the same. The expected value is found multiplying the amount by the probability that amount will occur and then adding each subsequent similar product. We find the sum of the products.


ai p i= a1 p 1 + a 2 p 2 + a 3 p 3 +... + a n p n , 1# i n , i =1 nisthe number of different amounts( or outcomes )

where ai is the amount, and th pi isthe probability that" i " amount will occur

85 So, to find the expected value, we take each claim amount and multiply it by the probability that claim amount could occur. We then we add each result.

9995 2 1 2 0+ 2,000 + 5,000 + 500,000 = 100.90 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000

So, annually, for each policy holder, we average to pay off $100.90 and the policy holder pays us $500. So, we can expect to make $500 - $100.90 = $399.10 per policy holder each year.

So, if we had only three clients, while the expected value tells while 3 x $ 399.10 = $1,197.30 is the predicted amount our company could expect to take in, who knows if the company will be profitable because maybe one of the unlikely half a million dollar claims would come through and all we would have is $1,500 (3 x $500) to draw from. But, if we had 10,000 clients, we could reasonably expect to take in $399.10 x 10,000 = $3,991,000 or nearly 4 million dollars per year. If we had 25,000 clients, our company could reasonably expect to take in $399.10 x 25,000 = $9,977,500 or nearly 10 million dollars annually. Even though we pay out an average of 2 claims equaling a half a million dollar each for every 10,000 policy holders, we make money because most of our policy holders result in us making $500 per year. The more clients we have, the more money we can expect to flow into the company. But, we need to be aware that to find the expected value, it does not matter how many policy holders we have, the expected value refers to what is the expected amount of money the company will either take in or pay off per client.

In general, we get closer to the expected value the more the trials are run. So, if you are playing a con game, play as many games as possible, if you are taking in clients, get as many as possible, if you are answering questions on an exam, answer them all with the same strategy. The rule of thumb is that the expected value is more likely to be approached in the long haul.

Problem 1 Con game On a street corner, you come across a folding table, two chairs and a bag. A street vendor is smiling. In the bag, there are 10 one dollar bills, 15 five dollar bills, 5 twenty dollar bills, 2 one hundred dollar bills and 15 blank pieces of paper. You are charged $ 10 to play. The player, blind folded, reaches into the bag and withdraws a single item. You keep what draw. What is the expected value for the player? Would you play?

Solution 10 15 5 2 15 1+ 5 + 20 + 100 + 0 = 8.19 . You expected value is $8.19 - $10 = - $1.81. 47 47 47 47 47 This number means you may expect to lose $1.81 every time you play the game, even though there may be occasions where you will win $20 or $100.

86 CHECK: Note, a good check is too add across the numerator, 10+15+5+2+15 = 47, which matches the number of pieces in the bag, thus matching the denominator, thus insuring you have accounted for all probabilities associated with each dollar amount.

Problem 2 Standardized Tests We have all taken these huge standardized exam, SAT, ACT, MCAT and so on. Often, their scores on these standardized exams are based on weighted averages, as well as a comparison of your score to others performance. We will concentrate on the weighted average portion of the exam. The question, when should one guess if they can eliminate one or more choices is crucial to your success. This test taking strategy can separate two equal prepared students on a grade scale.

So, on a two hundred question multiple choice exam, with each question having choices a through e, this standardized test is graded as follows, for each correct answer you get a point, for each incorrect answer you lose ½ a point. For each question you leave blank, you gain or lose no points. What is the expected value and would you guess if there is only one correct answer per question and if a) you couldn’t eliminate any answers b) you could eliminate one answer c) you could eliminate two answers d) you could eliminate three answers

Solution First, the number of questions, 200, is irrelevant because we need the expected value per question. 4 1 a) -1 +(1) = - 0.2 5( 2) 5 So, you could expect to lose – 0.2 points for each question if you simply guess. Or stated more clearly, you could expect to lose 1 point for every 5 questions you guess when you can not eliminate a choice. This would be a poor choice on your part, it is not to your advantage. Don’t employ this strategy. 3 1 b) -1 +(1) = - 0.125 4( 2) 4 So, you could expect to lose – 0.125 points for each question if you when you can eliminate a choice. Or stated more clearly, you could expect to lose 1 point for every 8 questions you guess when you can eliminate a single choice. Don’t employ this strategy, it is not to your advantage. 2 1 c) -1 +(1) = 0 3( 2) 3 So, you could expect to lose no points for each question. Or stated more clearly, you neither gain nor lose if you can eliminate two choices. Should you then make an educated guess if you can safely eliminate two choices, thus knowing the answer is one of three choices? No. Do not employ a strategy unless it is to your advantage. This is a rule for life, not just math. 1 1 d) -1 +(1) = 0.25 2( 2) 2

87 So, you could expect to gain 0.25 points per question. Or stated more clearly, you could expect to gain 1 point for every 4 questions you guess when you can eliminate three of the five choices. Should you do this? Absolutely.

But, if you employ this test taking strategy, this is where a 200 question exam does matter. Employ the strategy consistently. Every time you can eliminate 3 or more choices, then guess. Remember, expected values are more likely to reach their expected value the more the game is played. When the game is a standardized test, there is no “fun loving game” connotation to it. It is very important to you. This translates into the words this is a serious strategy, take it seriously. Every time you can eliminate three or four choices, then guess. It is advantageous to do so.

Problem 3 Con Game 2 The game revolves around a standard deck of cards. The game is as follows, the player draws one card. If the player draws a two through nine, the player gets $5. If the player draws a ten, the player pays $100. If the player draws a face card (J, Q or K) the player pays $ 2. If the player draws a red ace, the players get $50, if the player draws the ace of clubs, the player pays $5 and if the player draws the ace of spades, the player pays $25. What is the expected value of the game for the player?

Solution 32 4 12 2 1 1 5+ ( - 100) + ( - 2) + 50 + ( - 5) + ( - 25) = - 3.73 or the player could 52 52 52 52 52 52 expect to lose $3.73 every time the player plays.

Problem 4 Your final grade You exam grades are 78, 90, 75 and 92. Each exam is 15 percent of your grade. Your homework average is a 50, it is 10 percent of your grade. Your project earned you a 100, which is 5 percent of your grade. You final exam is 25 percent of your grade. You earned a 75. What is your average? What would your homework average had to have been to earn the next letter grade higher than the one you earned?

Solution Your grade is the weighted average or expected value: 78(.15)+ 90(.15) + 75(.15) + 92(.15) + 50(.10) + 100(.05) + 75(.25) = 79 , a C.

To earn a B, replace the homework grade of a 50 with an x and we replace the overall final grade with an 80. 78(.15)+ 90(.15) + 75(.15) + 92(.15) +x (.10) + 100(.05) + 75(.25) = 80 Solving for x, 0.10x = 80 - (78(.15) + 90(.15) + 75(.15) + 92(.15) + 100(.05) + 75(.25)) = 6 6 x = =60 0.10 To earn an B, the homework average would have to be 60 percent.

88 Problem Set:

1. You have the following grades on your three exams, 75, 84, 91. Your homework average is a 40. You want to make a C in the course. What do you need to make on the final exam if the Test Average is half your grade, 25 % of the grade is your homework, and 25 % of your grade is your final exam.

For problems 2 and 3, use the game where a bag contains 3 red and 4 blue balls. You pay 7 dollars to play the game: 2. you draw one ball. If it is red I pay you $5 and if it is blue I pay you $8. Find your expected gain or loss for this game. 3. you may play further the following way. Draw another ball without replacing the first. If both are red I pay you $11, if both balls are blue I pay you $4 and if the balls are different colors then I pay you 6 dollars. Find your expected gain or loss for this second type of game.

4. On a street corner, you come across a folding table, two chairs and a bag. A street vendor is smiling. In the bag, there are 20 one dollar bills, 10 five dollar bills, 2 ten dollar bills, 6 twenty dollar bills, 2 one hundred dollar bills and 25 blank pieces of paper. You charge $ 12 to play. The player, blind folded, reaches into the bag and withdraws a single item. You keep what draw. What is the expected value for the player? Would you play?

5. The game revolves around a standard deck of cards. The game is as follows, the player draws one card. If the player draws a two or three, the player gets $ 2, four through nine, the player gets $100. If the player draws a ten, the player pays $50. If the player draws a face card (J, Q or K) the player pays $ 25. If the player draws a red ace, the players get $200, if the player draws the ace of clubs, the player pays $5,000 and if the player draws the ace of spades, the player pays $ 1. What is the expected value of the game for the player?

For problems 6 and 7, use the following data: In the past five years, your life as a realtor in the summer months (June, July and August) has been quite predictable. Below is a table of the expected commissions and the probability each commission will occur. Expected Commissions for the summer months and the probability they will occur. $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 40 % 20% 15 % 15 % 10% 6. What is your expected commission per sale for those hot summer months? 7. If you made 1 sales all summer, what your income be for the summer? How about if you made 4 sales? 10 sales? 20 sales?

For problems 8 and 9, use the following data: In the past five years, your life as a realtor in the winter months (December, January and February) has been just as predictable. Below is a table of the expected commissions and the probability each commission will occur. Expected Commissions for the winter months and the probability they will occur. $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000

89 30 % 10% 5 % 25 % 30% 8. What is your expected commission per sale for those cold winter months? 9. If could vacation in the summer or the winter, when would you vacation?

For problems 10 – 12, five cards are dealt from a standard 52 card deck. Find the expected value and state whether or not you would play the game. 10. You get $ 1,000,000 for a flush. You pay $ 10 for any other hand dealt to you. 11. You get $ 1,000,000 for a royal flush. You pay $ 1 for any other hand dealt to you. 12. You get $ 20 for a straight flush. You get $ 100 for a pair. You pay 0.25 for any other hand dealt to you.

13. On a 155 question multiple choice exam, with each question having choices a through f, this standardized test is graded as follows, for each correct answer you get 3 points, for each incorrect answer you lose 2 points. For each question you leave blank, you gain or lose no points. What is the expected value and would you guess if there is only one correct answer per question and if a) you couldn’t eliminate any answers b) you could eliminate one answer c) you could eliminate two answers d) you could eliminate three answers

For problems 14 – 17. Your grade is calculated on a standard scale: 0 – 59 is an F, 60 – 69 is a D, 70 – 79 is a C, 80 – 89 is a B and 90 – 100 is an A. You final grade is calculated where your exam average is worth 50 % of your grade, your homework is worth 25 %of your grade, and the final exam is 25 % of your grade. You had 3 exams, your scores were 89, 90 and 85. Your final exam grade was a 92. Your homework grades were the average of the nine homework assignments, where you earned a 50, 60, 30, 40, 70 and did not complete the other 4 assignments. 14. What is your final course average? 15. What would your final course average have been if your homework grades were 80, 70, 80, 70, 80, 70, 90, 90, 70? 16. What would your final course average be if your homework grades were 80, 90, 80, 90, 80, 100, 100, 100, 100? 17. Is there a point to questions 14 – 17?


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