Not Another Trainer Journey

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Not Another Trainer Journey

Disclaimer: This story deals with subjects not suitable for those considered not to be adults in their home area. Please don’t read if you’re too young, or if you do, don’t get caught. I don’t own anything; I’m doing this for fun, so go sue someone else.

-Not Another Trainer Journey-

Skeeve swore under his breath for the who knows time that night, another one of his many experiments blowing up in his face. Taking a deep breath, he rubbed the pain out of his eyeballs-a clear sign that he had stayed up too late- as he went and salvaged what he could from his experiment. “Sukebe, you bastard, you really did think of everything.” He muttered, giving a nod to the evil man from centuries past, placing most of the unusable experiment into the trash.

Sukebe, one of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century, had caused one of the most drastic changes that had ever happened in the earth’s history. Whether those changes were good or bad were still being discussed and argued about today. Taking another deep breath, Skeeve wonder if he should even continue working on these experiments, after all of them ending in a similar manner to the last one. Soft footsteps brought him out of his deep thoughts, causing him to turn towards this unwelcome interruption, only to break into a grin when he saw whom they belonged to.

She was a petite-looking woman, though it seemed to only enhance her beauty to him. Her shoulder-length red hair was tied up in a ponytail, a new style for her, her face was devoid of any make up, wearing only a simple shirt that stretched to contain her valuable assets and a pair of shorts that hugged her closely, just the way Skeeve liked her to look, like she could care less on what other people thought of her. Of course, though, the colors of the clothing were stylish and probably the latest, or even future, fashion, an ability that she seemed to have since the day that Skeeve had known her. The only thing that really seemed out of place with her was the fact that a worried look was plastered on her normally cheery face, her rabbit-like ears drooping- a further sign that she was worried.

“Your staying up too late again, Skeeve.” She said, her tone furthering Skeeve’s belief that she was worried about him. She took one look at the blacken spot where his experiment once lay and gave a sympathetic look. “Another failure, huh?” Skeeve gave her a nod, moving towards her and pulling her into his arms. She laid her head against his chest, taking in the sounds of his heartbeat. “Did I wake you, Bunny?” He asked, smiling as he looked down at the young woman against his body. She looked up at him, eyebrow raised, tossing her head about to cause both her ponytail and long ears to flop around. “Come on, with these ears?” she gave him a small, soft punch, reminding him not to be so silly.

“So what’s going on?” She asked after a few seconds of silence, snuggling against Skeeve’s body, sending delightful shivers down his spine. “You don’t usually do anything this late at night unless you have something on your mind or getting ready for those who want to take the trainer test.”

“A little bit of both, to tell the truth.” He replied, tracing his hand around the small of Bunny’s back, causing her to smile and sigh in content. “I just really needed some time alone for a bit. Besides Rui should be here in a few days, so I wanted to be ready to for him.”

Her face screwed up in confusion for a moment, then the realization made her eyes suddenly widened in shock, her mouth falling open as she stared at Skeeve. “Don’t tell me he’s traveling alone.” She muttered worriedly, looking at him straight in the eye. “Fine.” Skeeve replied jokingly, taking a sudden interest in the ceiling above them. “I won’t tell you.”

That earned him a hard punch from her, right in the gut and nearly causing him to double over with the sudden lost of air. “How could you let him do that!” she shrieked more then asked, glaring down at him with her right fist poised for another strike. Skeeve just look up at her from his position and stuttered lamely “B-because he asked to let him instead of having someone pick him up or go with him.”

“And what in the name of Sukebe would make you allow him to do that!”

“Bunny, he has Limited Time.”

This took all the fire from Bunny’s anger, her face shaped once more into that of complete shock. They both knew of the Blood Curse Limited Time and what it meant. “How much longer does he have?” she asked, unable to keep the sadness out of her eyes.

“He won’t tell me,” Skeeve replied shrugging his shoulders. “But I have something I need to tell him, I’m just afraid on how he’s going to take it.”

Somewhere, a few days walk away from the Capitol of the Sunshine League, a young teen named Rui, sitting by a campfire, gave a rather large sneeze. “Damn pollen, it gets me every time.” He muttered to himself, putting his heavy backpack down continuing on the road he had set out on earlier that day. The road was really nothing more then an open dirt path, a slightly uncommon sight to Rui, who had lived most of his life in the suburbs. He rather liked the change in scenery, and it was the perfect place to avoid any feral pokegirls, especially since he had none of his own.

A loud roar, one that sounded almost inhuman, broke the silence that had settled over the night. So much for avoiding wild pokegirls. Rui thought, placing his pack into the tent he had set up earlier, and grabbed a makeshift staff that he had been working on. He knew that he would have no chance fighting the pokegirl, but he wanted to at least see what it was. The staff was just for protection. Another roar sounded, as well as shouting. “GET AWAY FROM ME!” it came, the voice clearly female, and more then likely trying to get away from what ever made the roar. Rui ducked behind some of the bushes that were closest to the fight, but far enough for him to make a getaway when the time came. He could see that there were at least two combatants, fighting by a small but swift river, and he could tell even in this bad lighting that they were both pokegirls.

The larger one gave that roar that had drawn Rui to the fight, large tentacles flailing about, trying to grab a hold of her smaller prey. Her blue skinned extremities glistened with poison and her face wore an evil and hungry smile, her nude body obscured by the tentacles. A Titacruel. Rui thought, shivering a bit. He knew personally what those things were like and they saw everything in the world as one thing: Prey.

The smaller girl yelled, “LEAVE ME ALONE!” as she jumped, skipped, and dodged every tentacle that came her way. With her green hair flying about from all the movement, clothes ripped and torn from near misses, and tail curled close to the body, the smaller pokegirl ran full tilt at the Titacruel, slashing it hard in the gut with thick fingernails. The water-type pokegirl gave out a screech of pain, unlike the roars of rage it had gave out earlier as it edged a bit back into the stream, slowly submerging, eyes blazing with anger.

The green haired girl gave a sigh when the carnivorous pokegirl was out of sight, believing the battle to be over. She turned and started to leave the stream, a noticeable limp in her stride, unaware of the blue tentacle rising from the depths. “WATCH OUT!” Rui screamed, forgetting completely that he was in hiding, worried about the young female. She spun about suddenly, only to be struck in the stomach by a slimy, poisonous tentacle, causing her to scream out in pain and fall to the ground, the poison starting to work its way through her body. Rui could hear the Titacruel chuckle, its deadly extremities lifting the poor girl from the ground by the waist as the water-type pokegirl rose from the water herself, ready to feast.

Though she could feel the poison flowing through her veins, she wasn’t going to let this monstrosity of a pokegirl get her. She focused her remaining strength, raising her arms and pointing them towards the Titacruel. This motioned confused the feral monster, as well as the hiding Rui, both of them wondering what this girl was doing. Was she giving up?

Both of them got their answers as her hands started to glow a harsh yellowish light, focusing into a ball that concealed both of her hands. She gave out a scream of pure rage as she fired the energy she had focused into a large beam that absorbed the blue female with its intensity. Rui’s mouth dropped in sync with the dead body of the dangerous pokegirl, the water gleefully taking the body. The green haired girl, no longer trapped, stood up and gave a grin of victory… before falling to the ground in a dead faint.

Rui instantly ran to the exhausted girls side, putting his hand to the side of her neck and giving a sigh of relief that she had a pulse. He picked the girl up, surprised by her lightness, dashing back to his camp, knowing that he would be more in trouble if he tried to treat her wounds out here, especially since all of his supplies were in his pack back at his tent.

No sooner had Rui placed the hurt pokegirl on the ground than he rushed to his backpack, pulling out what looked like an aerosol can and tossed it outside like a grenade. He pulled out an antidote from his pack and opened the girl’s mouth, carefully pouring enough to make her swallow and not choke. With the antidote counteracting the poison, Rui took a better look at the young pokegirl and her wounds.

Her coarse green hair was a terrible mess, a mass of odds and ends stoking haphazardly. Her clothes, which told the young teen she was a domesticated pokegirl, were so torn and frayed that they looked like it was more suited for a rag doll then a young woman. It didn’t help him at all that the ragged clothing barley covered her ample chest and golden skin. The wounds that she had were too severe for his limited supply of first aid to be of any help, especially the deep gash across her stomach and one twisted ankle marring her long slender legs. Might as well get to work. Rui thought to himself, cracking his knuckles and placing his hands on the poor girls wound. He concentrated, focused, and was rewarded with a light glow coming from his fingertips. Rui just smiled.

Soft sunlight washed over her eyes, causing her to flinch a bit because she wanted to stay in dreamland. A soft breeze joined the light, forcing her to peel a delicate brown eye open and take in her surroundings. A light yellow tent surrounded her, its front flap open a bit, her body covered with a worn but soft blue blanket, a perfectly normal scene. She closed her eye, wanting nothing more then to let her body rest some more when her eyes shot open. This isn’t mine!

Her body stiffened when she heard shuffling from outside, heavy footsteps that got closer to the tent with each passing seconded. She saw a masculine figures shadow pass by the side of the tent and felt sorrow fly through her. She had been captured, now she was little more then a slave…a sex slave at that. She looked up when the young man who was to be her tamer entered the tent, her eyes showing a mix of sadness and anger. He was a tall guy, maybe six feet or so and he was of normal build, not fat nor skinny nor muscled nor flabby, so he probably was just starting out on his journey by her guess. He had fiery red hair and eyes whose color was more akin to steel then anything else she could think of.

“Ah,” He said, giving her a warm smile as he placed a bowl of steaming soup before her. “You’re awake, that’s good.” He sat down on a patch of ground next to her, legs crossed, and started to eat his helping of soup rather quickly, a bit of it dribbling down his chin every once in a while, which he cleaned when it did. The pokegirl just stared down at the bowl of food, still mulling over the fact that she was no longer her own person anymore, despite her growling belly. When the red-haired teen noticed that she had yet to touch his food, he gave her a worried look and asked softly “What’s the matter, not hungry?” She just shook her head, not looking up or touching the food. “Come on, I know you can speak.” He said, giving her a knowing smile. She just stared down at the ground, and said softly “Yes, master.”

A moment of confusion flashed before his face, then he burst out laughing, nearly dropping his soup on top of him in the processes. Great, he’s insane. She thought dismally, her head drooping more with mounting sorrow. As he wiped away the tears that had been caused by his laughing, he gave the poor girl a shake of his head. “I-I didn’t capture you!” He said, barley able to keep from laughing again. She looked up in shock and surprise, but she recovered quickly. “Why?”

“Well, for a variety of reasons.” He said with a grin. “One, you’re a Draco, and if you live up to your species reputation, then you’ll be murder to keep under control. Two, I haven’t even received my first pokegirl yet, so I have no one to help me in case things get rough. And three, I don’t capture domesticated pokegirls against their wills, its morally wrong.” He stopped and thought about the last reason for a moment. “Well, at least to me it is.”

The Draco pokegirl gave him a strange look, hardly believing him at all. Was he just saying this to tease her or was he really serious? She reached down to the bowl slowly, picking it up with a delicate hand. She ate without a word, though with much of the same speed of the male, her hunger finally taking over. “What’s your name?” He asked after she had passed an empty bowl back to him.

She remained silent for a moment before answering “Aiyoku.”

“Nice name. Mine’s Rui.” He replied, standing up. “I’ll be right back with some more soup.”

“Um… I’m not hungry anymore.”

“Too bad, you need some strength after that fight with the Titacruel last night.”

He left her without further argument, leaving the dragon-type pokegirl to her thoughts. He’s unusual to say the least. She thought to herself. She took a quick look at herself, remembering the fight down to every wicked little detail, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the gash had almost completely healed over. He must have used a pretty expensive potion for my wound to heal this quickly.

When Rui returned from getting more soup, she smiled at him. “Feeling better?” He asked, thinking that she had a rather pretty smile. She gave a nod as he placed another bowl of soup before her, starting on his second helping himself.

“Are you sure you can walk?” “I told you, Rui, I’m fine, you healed me enough to where I’ll be ok.”

“Why are you coming with me again?”

“Well… It’s dangerous for you to be walking to a town from as far away as you live and not have a pokegirl for protection, besides I have to repay you for helping me somehow.”

“You do know that I traveled without a pokegirl for two days, through areas that are normal crawling with pokegirls, don’t you?” Rui asked, giving the dragon pokegirl in front of him a hard look, having a feeling that she wasn’t being completely truthful with him. Aiyoku gave him a smile, bending down enough to where he could see her breasts through the neckline of one of the spare shirts he let her borrow. “What’s wrong? You don’t want me to come along?” Her smile turned into a pout as she wrapped her arms around her body, pressing up her breasts a little.

“Uh… Ok, you can come.” He said, turning his eyes away from the cleavage and blushing. Her smile returned, as she pulled up the backpack that Rui had packed everything in. They started off a bit later then Rui would have liked, but it was mainly his fault because he wanted to make sure that Aiyoku was travel capable.

“Remind me again why you’re caring the backpack.”

“Rui, think logically, I’ve been traveling a lot longer then you have and I’m a pokegirl to boot. That means I’m better equipped to survive out here and stronger then you. Maybe after we’ve gone and worked those muscles of yours you can start carrying the pack. Besides, we’re only about a day away from Strawberry Grove.” After that, Aiyoku wheeled about, starting along the path that would lead her to the aforementioned city.

Rui just sighed, figuring there was going to be no way for him to convince her to carry it. She seemed like a serious, nothing-is-going-to-get-in-my-way type of girl, and though Rui said that he didn’t want her to come, he was secretly glad that she insisted. Despite her claims that she would be alright, the red-haired male was still worried that she would have a hard time going straight back into the surrounding wilderness even if nothing for miles was farmland and plains.


He gave a jump in surprise, looking up to see Aiyoku was giving him a hard glare. “I said what are you planning to do when we reach Strawberry Grove?”

“To meet my uncle. He’s the one that’s going to give me my first pokegirl. He also said that he had something he needed to talk to me about.” He replied, a bit embarrassed that he was deep in thought that he hadn’t heard her at all. “Your uncle is a pokeranch owner?” She asked, a hint of surprise and disbelief in her voice.

“No, his friend owns a ranch, he’s just a guy that works for the Sunshine League.” He corrected. “What about you, what are you going to do when we reach the city?”

Aiyoku slowed her pace a little, pondering that question for a moment. “I’m not really sure,” She said eventually, giving him a small shrug at the same time. “I’m not really sure I want to enter anyplace that has a lot of humans.”

“Because you’re a rare pokegirl?”

She shook her head, looking straight at Rui now. “No, because of my brother. I only lived with my mom and that bastard brother of mine. When I went through threshold, he decided that I was going to be his starting pokegirl and tried to tame me on the spot.” Aiyoku clenched her hands, digging her nails into her palms, her body shaking from anger. “I was so worn out from threshold that I couldn’t even defend my self. If it wasn’t for my mom…”

Rui put a comforting hand on her shoulder, and he felt her tense body relax a bit. “Sounds like we have something in common, if it wasn’t for my mom I don’t know what would become of me.” Aiyoku gave him a large smile, feeling better already. For the first time since she had gone through threshold, she actually felt like she was being accepted as a sentient being.

They continued to talk about their lives, mainly their likes and dislikes. The dragon pokegirl was surprised by the sheer combination of things that the young man found interest in, Soccer, reading, and science to name a few. Rui found it intriguing that a pokegirl type that was said to be unruly was being so friendly to him.

It didn’t seem like it, for their talking had passed the time, but by days end they had reached Strawberry Grove, a small city, no more then a town really, nestled in between a valley of mountains. “My uncle always did like living where he could see the county around him.” Rui remarked.

As luck would have it, the companions had entered the city closest to Rui’s relatives home and few people were out, meaning no one would bother the wary Aiyoku. Unfortunately, luck also decided to play against them. A sign in an easy to read handwriting with large red letters that read ‘Out of town – Will be back by noon tomorrow.’

“Oh, well.” The red-haired male said, checking his watch. “And it’s too late to check into a pokecenter.”

“Why not just go to a hotel?” “Good idea, better then sleeping in the tent for another night.”

Rui had been to Strawberry Grove enough times to know where a moderately well kept inn was. It may have been a bit out of the way from his uncles but it was one of the friendliest and well mannered by far. It took them another hour of uneventful walking to reach it and by the time they did, the full moon had already risen high into the sky. The soft moonlight illuminated the fading yellow letters on the inns sign that read ‘The Yellow Crescent Inn’. Before he entered though Rui turned to Aiyoku, asking, “You know the old proverb about the cleanliness of an inn/restaurant?”

She nodded, remembering her mother saying that you could never trust a place that sells food when it looked overly clean. She maintained that the cleaner a place was, the more dubious the quality and origin of their food would be. Rui gave her a smile and opened the door to the inn, showing one of the cleanest rooms that she had ever seen in her life. She would bet that one could eat off those floors, though the proverb suggested that food here would be nothing short of venomous.

“Hey, Gus!!!” Rui called, entering the inn as he motioned in his friend. “GUS!”

“Alright, Alright! Keep your pants on!” shouted back a voice from the other room, presumably the kitchen. The sound of several dishes shattering and the moaning of their owner followed the voice. “S-o-r-r-y, G-u-s. A-l i-s-n’-t v-e-r-y f-a-s-t.” muttered a rather slow voice in apology. “WHAT?” Yelled a third voice. “It’s alright, it will just have to come out of your paycheck.” Grumbled the original voice.

A large man eventually exited from the kitchen, wondering who would be calling him, by name no less, this late at night. He was a large thick man, and though it was all muscle, he seemed to move with a fluidness and grace that most females, be they human or pokegirl, would envy. “Well, paint me gray and call me a gargoyle, if it isn’t Rui!” He said, instantly recognizing the son of one of his best patrons.

“How are you, Gus?” Rui asked with a rather toothy smile. His answer was a near-bone crushing hug from the large man. “Been boring around here without your uncle and Harry around, they rarely come by anymore.” Gus replied, dropping the young man out of his bear hug. “So what brings you to this neck of the woods?”

“We’re actually here to meet my uncle, but he’s not going to be home until tomorrow. So we were wondering if we could rent a room for the night.”

Gus gave a look to Aiyoku when Rui said ‘we’ and saw that she was clearly a pokegirl. “Is it that time already, Rui? My, how the young grow up!”

Rui responded by turning a rather interesting shade of red, though from anger or embarrassment no one could tell, nearly yelling at the large man while the dragon-type girl just stood in embarrassed silence. “It’s not like that! Aiyoku…” Gus cut him of with a wave of his hand at Rui, chuckling at his young friend, and placed a key into the teen’s hand. “Here’s the key, and you know my usual charge, so I better see you bright eyed and bushy tailed tomorrow, alright?”

“Thanks, Gus.” Rui smiled, heading for the stairs with Aiyoku behind him. “Hey, Aiyoku!” Gus called before she had even reached the first step. She turned, giving him a questioning look. “Don’t make him moan too loud,” He said, barley able to contain his laughter “I do have other customers.” She replied him by blushing a deep gold, which DID make Gus laugh, as she dashed up the stairs to catch up with Rui.

The two found their room easily enough and, like the entrance, was cleaner then anything they had seen. The main focus, though, was the fact that the room only had a single bed. “I swear I’m going to get him one of these days.” Rui muttered under his breath. Aiyoku just looked embarrassed.

The two got ready to sleep, Rui putting a sleeping bag on the floor for himself leaving the bed to Aiyoku. When she started to disrobe for bed, Rui turned away respectively. “Um… Rui? The bed is large enough for both.” The red-haired teen turned and stared at her with a raised eyebrow, noticing the blush on her face and the fact that she had nothing on but a bra and panties. Gulping, he climbed into the large bed beside the pokegirl, trying to keep himself from looking at her body with little success and keep the growing erection in his boxers unnoticed with even littler success.

“Rui,” she said, seeming a little unsure of herself, maybe a little frightened. “Would your uncle mind terribly if you didn’t receive a pokegirl from him?” His eyes widened for only a moment before Aiyoku came in and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. Rui had never been kissed by anyone but his mom, and never on the lips. Within moments he was kissing the golden-skinned girl back, slipping his tongue between her lips, begging for access, which was immediately granted.

At first, Aiyoku was unsure that Rui would accept this offer, but when his hand started to trace her bare back, going over her sensitive nubs that would one day form wings sending shivers up her spine, she was sure that everything was going to be alright. He fumbled with her bra for a moment, trying not to break the wonderful kiss and open the confiding garment at the same time. It gave way and he slid the straps of her shoulders, laying her down onto the bed, kissing her still.

After almost a minute longer, the two finally broke the kiss, both red in the face from the excitement. Rui completely removed the bra from her body, revealing her small but ample bosom. He laid his head down, kissing her softly on the neck while tracing his right hand along her stomach, occasionally going high enough to brush her breasts and nipples. Aiyoku gave a small moan, raising her body slightly to meet his touch, placing her hand on the back of his neck to encourage him.

Eventually, both hand and head started to travel downward, kissing and touching everywhere. Rui started to trace his hands along the insides of her legs, while he licked and kiss around the nipple, eventually taking it in and suckling on it like a newborn child. Aiyoku gave a much louder moan this time, her body responding to the attention it was getting, her nipples becoming hard, the wetness in her neither regions growing with each passing touch.

After Rui had switched nipples, paying the same loving attention to it as he did its sister, Aiyoku decided that she wanted didn’t want to be the only one enjoying these new feelings. Pulling his head away from her breast, she gave Rui another tongue wrestling kiss, while her hand made its way into the teen’s boxers. She grabbed the semi-erect organ in her hand, and started to slide it up and down, taking delight in the fact that it was growing in her hand.

Rui broke the kiss, giving a moan of his own. He repaid the sneaky pokegirl by putting his own hand into her panties and rubbing his middle finger against her clit softly, sticking his finger into her after every few strokes. Aiyoku gave a small gasp of surprise as she felt the finger enter her, but then started calling Rui’s name softly, clamping her legs together to keep the wonderful feeling there. Rui stopped suddenly, which made the green-haired pokegirl cry out in disappointment and unclench her legs, but then gave a happy smile when he removed her panties, showing her to him in all her glory, and his boxers, revealing his fully erect cock to her. It was normal length, but thicker then most and she stared at it lustfully.

Positioning himself before her entrance, he gave her a look that seemed to ask if this was what she wanted. She answered the look with a kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer to her. Having all the permission he needed, Rui softly pushed his dick into the waiting pussy of Aiyoku. The two broke the kiss to give a moan in unison, never feeling anything like they were now, his dick fitting tightly in her. He continued pushing until he was buried all the way into her, her walls squeezing tightly but gently around his organ. He pulled slowly out, to the point where only his cock head was still inside, when Aiyoku put her legs around his back and guided him back in, the two moaning in passion.

They kept this pace only for a short while, the need for release growing like fires in both of their bodies. They started to kiss a little more wildly as Rui made faster strokes, causing the pokegirl beneath him to wiggle and grind against him to get all the feeling she could from it. Aiyoku starting panting in unison with Rui’s strokes when it finally hit her, a powerful orgasm that caused her back to arch high and nearly scream in pleasure, her pussy clamping onto Rui’s organ, sending him over the edge.

The two collapsed, his dick completely buried within her cunt, as they basked it the afterglow. Aiyoku gave Rui a small kiss on the lips, while he just smiled goofily at her. “No.” He finally said, which caused a flash of confusion and fear cross her face until he continued with. “I don’t think my uncle would mind at all.” She gave him a happy kiss before noticing that she still had a fully erect cock in her. “Again?” She asked huskily, moving a bit, sending waves of pleasure though both of them. She then pulled him down and turned him over to where he was now facing up and she was on top of him. “Aiyoku get top this time.” She said, ready to give her new tamer a long and satisfying night.

TITACRUEL, the Scavenger Pokegirl Type: Animorph/Not Very Near Human Element: Water/Poison Frequency: Uncommon Diet: carnivore (usually preys on pokegirls and tamers alike) Roles: scavengers, captures any unwary pokegirls and tamers for food Libido: Low Strong Vs: Fire, Rock, Ground Weak Vs: Electric, Ice Attacks: Wrap, Bubble Beam, Supersonic, Acid, Paralyze Sting, Poison Sting, Tentacle Bondage Attack Enhancements: extra appendages (tentacles on its back), fast swimmer, enhanced digestive system, enhanced strength, can breathe underwater, enhanced sensitivity in their tentacles Evolves: Octopussy (Water Stone) Evolves From: Titacool (normal) Titacruel is the evolved form of Titacool. They prefer being a loner unlike their counterparts who are always in pairs, because they are much stronger than Titacools they can live alone unless seeking mates or needs Taming. Titacruels have more numerous tentacles on their back unlike Titacools who only have few, which makes it easier for Titacruels to grab their prey. If their tentacles are cut, new ones easily grow and replace the cut ones. They prefer live prey than dead ones, but they are also known to eat dead bodies for nourishment like their brethren when there is no live prey around.

DRACO Type: Very Near Human Element: Dragon Frequency: Rare, hardly ever attained by Threshold Diet: human-like diet Role: they make loyal companions once trust is gained Libido: Average, can become High once Tamer earns respect Strong Vs: Dragon, Electric, Fire, Plant, Water Weak Vs: Ice Attacks: Slash, Cut, Scratch Enhancements: Tough skin, high endurance and strength Evolves: Dracona (triggered by multiple orgasms or battle high only if the Draco respects Tamer) Evolves From: Mynx (Dragon Scale) Draco's are one of the hardest Poke girls to tame because of their challenging nature, they tend to resent their Tamer if he/she doesn't prove to be powerful, either by having strong blood gifts or having a powerful Harem. If the Tamer is not satisfactory the Draco will disregard orders and will not let themselves be tamed, even if they run the risk of going Feral, this is why most Draco's are re released into the wild after capture. However if their Tamer is satisfactory a Draco can become very affectionate, as they are extremely attracted to powerful Tamers, or sometimes a Tamer's most powerful Poke girl, these tamers are rewarded with the chance to evolve their Draco into their more powerful forms. A Draco is very human like in appearance, the only noticeable differences are scaled skin, (only noticeable under a microscope), their hair is much more coarse than a normal girls, thick colored nails for scratching, two small colored nubs on their back( Color depends on rest of coloring), slightly pointed ears and a thin, foot long reptilian tale sprouting from just above their buttocks. Draco's are also very intelligent, even when in the wild. It should also be noted, that even though a Thresh hold Draco is very rare, if you do get one that is newly evolved it will be extremely loyal and fight without you having to prove your superiority, but it is recommended you wait two to three weeks for their skin to harden because it will actually weaker than a normal humans during this time, damaging very easily.

Current Pokedex:

Rui (Tamer, Level 9) – Aiyoku (Draco, Level 12)

For any comments, flames, suggestions, and other whatnot please e-mail me at: [email protected]

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