Minutes of Brent Fairtrade Network Steering Group Meeting

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Minutes of Brent Fairtrade Network Steering Group Meeting

Supported by Brent Council


5 July 2017 at Brent Civic Centre, 7.30pm

Present: Cllr Janice Long, Jon Cope, Peter Moore (Chair and Minutes), Robin Sharp

Apologies: Cristina Porto, Nana Asante, Ram Kundnani, Ruth Kitching, Sue Noyce

1. Welcome, introduction and apologies

Peter thanked Janice for booking the meeting room.

2. Agreement of agenda All agreed the agenda previously circulated by Peter.

3. Minutes of 3 May 2017 meeting were approved.

4. Minutes of 3 May AGM (which will be formally tabled for approval at the next AGM) were agreed with the following change: Instead of “It was agreed the Vice Chair position need not be filled at present.” it should be recorded that Robin would stay on as Vice Chair though he was very willing to stand down if anyone else would like the position. It was re-confirmed that we should review positions at the end of 2017.

5. Matters Arising but not elsewhere on the agenda: Peter had deleted the picture of Gracelands on the Fairtrade London website. Peter had encouraged contact between schools working towards higher levels of Fairtrade School status.

6. Review of recent events:

a. The meeting at The Village School on 19 May had gone very well and they were keen to progress towards FairAware status.

1 b. The Fairtrade London meeting on 22 June had been attended by Janice, Jon, Nana and Peter. It included explanation of the Fairtrade Foundation’s strategy of engaging companies on wider supply chain and labelling issues, not limited to the Fairtrade Mark alone. c. Janice and Robin had attended a meeting about Shared Interest on 30 June. Shared Interest Society Limited is a financial co-operative that provides credit and financial services to fair trade producers, retailers, importers and exporters. Most of the lending supports Fairtrade projects, at much lower interest rates than commercial rates, and investments total £39m. A brochure at the event mentioned Fairtrade holidays.

7. Renewal of Fairtrade Borough status

a. Peter’s draft was confirmed subject to actions below and the following changes: a.i. In report on past, Goal 2 part 1 should be yellow not red. a.ii. Update Twitter data: we now follow 161 and have 588 followers a.iii. Goal 4 part 1 should emphasize successful collaboration with other West London Boroughs a.iv. Change last sentence in summary of past to be more positive a.v. Add to diagram on strategy attendance at Fairtrade Foundation, Fairtrade London and West London Borough meetings a.vi. Note the circulation of The Brent Magazine far exceeds that of any local and many national papers a.vii. Plans for Goal 4 should include newsletter, which can be measured by circulation of newsletter multiplied by the proportion opening it a.viii. Advocacy should include writing to MPs.

b. ACTION: Peter to seek evidence from Cllr Ellie Southwood for the use of Fairtrade products on Council locations, make changes and then submit. c. Producer stories would be valuable material for The Brent Magazine. They relate to a key Council theme of “social value”. d. Brent Patient Voice have a meeting on 12 September which could be an opportunity to influence the NHS Trust. e. Suggestion of joining tours of Wembley Stadium and Arena to study opportunities for Fairtrade products. f. BAFFTAS: Could seek lottery funding to engage more schools and create prizes, possibly a website with educational and social aims. Could support links between schools and producers including visits. Perhaps a hamper as a prize?

g. Other actions prompted by the discussion were: ACTION: Peter to seek to place picture of Queen’s Park Day stall in The Brent Magazine. ACTION: Peter to seek mention of Fairtrade on the Council’s e-alerts. ACTION: Janice to seek contact at Newman Catholic College which has taken a positive stance on refugees ACTION: Peter to add to newsletter “follow us on Twitter: @BrentFairtrade”

2 3 8. Sainsbury’s switch of Red and Gold Label tea to weaker “Fairly Traded” status

a. Letter to Sainsbury’s by Nana Asante: agreed to add the Network’s name. ACTION: Peter to tell Nana. b. Possible Early Day Motion on Sainsbury’s ACTION: Peter to suggest to Tulip Siddiq [Update: Caroline Lucas published an EDM the next day. Janice tweeted all Brent MPs and Peter wrote to Tulip to urge her to sign it.] c. Possible demonstration ACTION: Peter to inform Steering Group of any plans he hears of

9. Other future events a. London NW Healthcare NHS Trust Open Day at Ealing Hospital on Saturday 8 July: Jon and Peter attending. b. Cleaning the bottle-top Fairtrade artwork: need shears for grass as well as water, used with care. Need to assess safety: is it sliding down the bank? ACTION: Peter to organize clean up (evening or weekend) – and then to send photos to Council c. Queen’s Park Day on Sunday 17 September: plan to sell Traidcraft goods and have children’s quiz. Need the gazebo. ACTION: Peter to organize rota by e-mail.

10. Any Other Business: Jon is writing to the Co-op to seek more support for Fairtrade.

11. Date of next meeting ACTION: Peter to seek date by Doodle around October 9, 11 and 13.


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