Office Hours: Per the Schedule on My Web Site, in Room 2019. I Also See Students by Chance

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Office Hours: Per the Schedule on My Web Site, in Room 2019. I Also See Students by Chance

CSCI 21/001 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming Spring 2018 Lecture MW 6:30-7:45, Lab 7:55-9:05, room 1812 Instructor: Keith Mehl Office: 2019 E-mail: [email protected] (510) 723-7493 Web Site: Office Hours: Per the schedule on my Web site, in room 2019. I also see students by chance or appointment.

Course Description: Basics of machine architecture, machine language, assembly language, operating system and higher- level language interface. Data representation, instruction representation and execution, addressing techniques and use of macros. Space and time efficiency issues. Input/output including number conversion and use of system interrupts. Interrupt processing and interrupt handlers. Procedures including parameter passing and linkage to higher level languages. Prerequisite: Computer Science 14 (completed with a grade of C or higher).

When emailing me, PLEASE use PLAIN TEXT emails (no graphics, HTML or special fonts). Your subject line will be (in this order) CS21 (exactly CS21, not CSCI-21, etc.), then your name, then (briefly!) why you are emailing me. Attach any files you want to discuss (do not put code into the email body) as plain text files. A ssembler .asm source files are plain text files. Do not zip attached files or send me Google doc links.

Text: MIPS Assembly Language Programming, Robert L. Britton, Pearson Prentice hall, ISBN 0-13- 142044-5. This is available free as a PDF via a link on my Web site. If you want to use other books on 32-bit MIPS programming and computer organization; that is O.K provided you clear them with me first. We will supplement the text with other resources.

Grading policy: Programming assignments/homework - 20% Labs - 10% Short (pop) quizzes - 10% (graded at a discount) 2 midterm exams (probably weeks 7 and 12) - 15% each The final exam (must be taken as scheduled to pass the course) - 30%

THERE WILL BE NO MAKEUP QUIZZES OR EXAMS. If you cannot make an exam, you MUST contact me BEFORE the exam.

You must turn in at least 15 points worth of homework, including the final project essentially working, to pass the course with a C or better.

I will discount the pop quizzes for full credit. Grade ranges will be as follows: 90%-up - A, 80%- 89.9% - B, 65%-79.9% - C, 55%-64.9% - D, less than 55% - F. I may adjust these ranges depending on the overall performance of the class. I will drop people for excessive absences (missing more than two quizzes is excessive), so be here every time. If you find you cannot make class, or are often late, DROP.

Late work is penalized 20% off per calendar day. After five days, you get a grade of "late". After ten days, no I give consideration for the work at all. I accept no work after the last class day before the start of final exam week, with the possible exception of the interrupt project which I might accept for late credit before the start of the final exam.

Work in groups of two on labs. If there are an odd number of students, I may make a group of three. All other work must be your own. Copying programs will result in severe consequences, possibly including a grade of F in the course.

Turn off your cell phone and put it where you cannot get to it. If you are using your phone in class, or surfing the Web or playing games, I will ask you to leave the class and come back the next class session.

For use of the college only (this assessment is after-the-fact, and does not affect your grade) the college assesses course-level learning outcomes for students. For CSCI-21, these are as follows:

1: Define the term interrupt 2: Define the term interrupt handler and discuss how interrupts happen and how they are handled. 3: Demonstrate familiarity with the function of CPU registers 4: Design and write a simple interrupt handler

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