Romeo and Juliet Timeline (Worst Week Ever)

Sunday morning: -the prince breaks up a fight between the Capulets and Montagues -Romeo is pining after Rosaline (she’s rejected him)

Sunday afternoon: -Paris and Capulet talk about Juliet marrying Paris -Romeo and Benvolio find out Capulet is throwing a party, and they decide to sneak in to compare Rosaline to other women

Sunday evening:- Lady Capulet tells Juliet that Paris wants to marry her -The party starts, and Romeo and friends sneak in -Romeo and Juliet meet at the party and fall in love -Tybalt is angry Romeo is there

Sunday night: - After the party, Romeo looks for Juliet -Bevolio and Mercutio look for Romeo -Balcony scene—they decide to get married the next morning

Monday morning: -Romeo goes to the friar to arrange the wedding

Monday 9 am: -B and M are looking for R because Tybalt wants to challenge him -Romeo finds them -Nurse arrives, B and M leave—she tells him that he better not be toying with Juliet, because Paris really wants to marry her

Monday noon: -Juliet is upset that is the nurse is taking so long -The nurse delivers Romeo’s message

Monday afternoon: -Romeo and Juliet meet with the friar and get married

Monday afternoon: -Tybalt kills Mercutio -Romeo kills Tybalt -Prince banishes Romeo

Monday late afternoon:- Nurse tells Juliet about Tybalt’s death and Romeo’s banishment

Monday early evening: -Friar tells Romeo he’s been banished; nurse arrives to bring Romeo to Juliet

Monday late evening: -Capulet decides Juliet will marry Paris Thursday

Tuesday morning: -Romeo leaves for Mantua after a night with Juliet -Juliet is told she must marry Paris, or else

Tuesday afternoon: -Paris talks to the friar about marrying Juliet -Juliet goes to Friar Laurence, and he suggests a plan that she take a drug that will make her look dead so that she can sneak away with Romeo. -Friar sends a message to Romeo

Tuesday early evening: -Capulet is arranging the wedding -Juliet pretends to cooperate

Tuesday late evening: -Juliet drinks the drug

Tuesday night-Wednesday morning: -Capulet plans the wedding all night; Paris arrives early in the morning

Wednesday morning: -The family discovers Juliet’s “dead” body

Thursday afternoon: -In Mantua, Romeo learns from Balthasar that Juliet is dead, and buys poison

Thursday evening: -Friar learns his message never got to Romeo -Friar writes a letter to Romeo and leaves to meet Juliet at the tomb when she wakes up Thursday night-Friday morning: -Paris and servant arrive at Juliet’s tomb -Romeo and Balthasar arrive—Romeo gives B his suicide note and sends him away -Paris confronts Romeo, Romeo kills Paris -The servant goes for the watchmen, Romeo kills himself -Friar arrives and finds the bodies -Juliet wakes up, and refuses to leave with the Friar. Friar leaves when he hears the watchmen coming, and Juliet kills herself -The watchmen arrive and send for both families -Balthasar and Friar are apprehended -All is explained, and the prince scolds the families for what their feud has done—they finally end their feud