Name: __ Animal Farm Annotations

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Name: __ Animal Farm Annotations

Name: ______Animal Farm Annotations

Questions Annotations Chapter I - II 1. Old Major: 1. What human characteristics (other than speech) has Orwell given to the following animals? *You may have to complete reading the 2 chapters before you can Boxer: complete this question – take notes on the characters as you are introduced to them. Mollie:




2. Why is Major so respected? 2.

3. What noble ideals are set forth in 3. Major’s dream?

4. What conclusion can be drawn between 4. the learning of the song “Beasts of England” and the acceptance of the pigs as the leader of all the other animals? How does this serve as foreshadowing for the rest of the novel?

1 Questions Annotations 5. Who formulated the seven 5 commandments? Were they decided upon in a democratic fashion? Why or why not?

6. Describe how the commandments did or 6. did not reflect the ideals that Old Major talked about in his speech.

Chapter III: 7. How did the pigs “contribute” the 7. farming and harvest?

8. Who is the most admired animal and 8. what was his slogan?

9. What 3 things happened on Sundays? 9.

2 Questions Annotations 10. Compare the Animal Farm flag with 10. the Russian flag during communism

11. At the meetings, who never seemed to 11. agree? Why do you think so?

12. How literate were the animals? Why 12. would being able to read be an issue?

13. Who declared the 7 commandments 13. could be condensed into one? What was that one maxim (commandment)?

14. Who took Jessie’s and Bluebell’s pups? 14. What did he say was the purpose?

15. What happened to the missing milk and 15. apples and what was Squealer’s explanation? *How does this episode FORESHADOW * future events?

3 Questions Annotations 16. What is Squealer’s threat that he uses 16. for what could happen if the pigs and animals didn’t do what the pigs say they need to?

17. Give 3 examples of the pigs’ clever use 17. of language and phrases that helped them 1. manipulate the animals into gaining what they (pigs) wanted.



18. List 2 ways the pigs are better off after 18. the rebellion and 2 ways they are worse off. Better: 1.


Worse: 1.


Respond: How did the promise of Communism after the Russian Revolution not fulfill for the Russians what they thought it would?

4 Questions Annotations Chapter IV: 19. How were communications sent to 19. animals that lived on neighboring farms?

20. In what ways did rebelliousness “rub 20. off” on other farms? Name 2. 1.


21. Name and describe the neighbors on 21. either side of Animal farm. Who are they Farm 1: supposed to represent?

Farm 2:

22. How were the animals warned about 22. the attempted takeover of Animal Farm in early October?

23. Which pig is studying Julius Caesar 23. and what is he in charge of?

24. Describe the “Battle of the Cowshed.” 24.

5 Questions Annotations 25. What military decorations were created 25. as a result of the battle and who received them?

26. What are the anniversary dates of the 26. Rebellion and Batttle of the Cowshed?

Chapter V: 27. What happened with Mollie? 27.

28. How did Napoleon train the sheep to 28. undermine Snowball at the debates?

29. Describe the controversy of the 29. windmill: Who proposed it? Why would the animals want it? Who seemed against it? Who did not take a side?

30. What insulting thing did Napoleon do 30. to Snowball’s plans?

6 Questions Annotations 31. Where had the 9 dogs come from? 31.

32. What happened to Sunday meetings 32. and debates? What do you think this foreshadows about the kind of society the animals are going to live in?

33. Why is Squealer sent around to explain 33. the new set up? How do the animals react?

34. What is Boxer’s new slogan now? 34.

35. To what do the animals now have to 35. show reverence? (It’s kind of creepy)

36. Why does Napoleon say he pretended 36. to be against the windmill?

Chapter VI: 37. In August, Napoleon announces there 37. would be “voluntary” work on Sundays. The animals are worked like slaves on the windmill project, but they are happy –why?

7 Questions Annotations 38. What was the main problem with 38. building the windmill and how does Boxer provide extra help in solving it?

39. Napoleon announces he is going to 39. institute trading with humans in order to obtain items for the farm – a policy that was forbidden, according to the commandments. What does Napoleon say he might sell in order to achieve this?

40. How does Squealer convince the 40. animals they never had a rule banning trade with humans?

41. Describe Mr. Whymper. 41.

42. The humans are calling Jones’ farm 42. Animal Farm now – it appears they are accepting the new arrangement. Where do the pigs move and why is this important and a shocking occurance?

43. What happens to the windmill? 43.

8 Questions Annotations Chapter VII: 44. The walls to the windmill are now 44. built 3 feet thick and conditions are worse than ever. Who is the one animal that never loses heart and what does he look forward to?

45. Food shortages are worsening in 45. January – how do the pigs trick Mr. 1. Whymper into thinking things are terrific at Animal Farm? Name 2 tricks.


46. Give 2 examples of how Napoleon is 46. becoming a dictator. 1.


47. The chickens rebel against surrendering 47. their eggs; then, 9 hens die. What lie are the animals told about how they died?

48. Where is it that the animals are told that 48. Snowball is living now and what does Napoleon say about what Snowball was doing for Jones all along?

9 Questions Annotations 49. Describe the confessions and 49. executions.

50. List 2 examples of more changes in 50. rules or traditions at Animal Farm. 1.

2. Chapter VIII: 51. How has the 6th Commandment been 51. changed?

52. What is the pigeons’ new slogan? 52.

53. What else is Snowball being blamed 53. for?

54. What is ironic about the name of the 54. windmill?

55. Why does Frederick get a death 55. sentence?

56. Describe the Battle of the Windmill in 56. order of the events.

10 Questions Annotations 57.Why is the “victory” celebration of the 57. windmill so ironic?

58. What is the result of the pigs’ discovery 58. of whiskey?

59. What will the “retirement” pasture be 59. used for now?

60. Why is Squealer out at midnight with a 60. paint brush and a ladder?

Chapter IX: 61. 61. How is Boxer hurt and who helps him? How far away is his retirement?

62.What special rights do the pigs gain in 62. this chapter? Do the animals still believe they are free?

11 Questions Annotations 63. What is so ironic about the pigs gaining 63. weight?

64. What is the purpose of the Spontaneous 64. Demonstrations?

65. What propaganda is spread about 65. Snowball’s wound in the Battle of the Cowshed?

66. What is the significance of the return of 66. Moses the Raven?

67. What type of building is going on now? 67.

68. How do the pigs explain the *knacker’s 68. truck and Boxer’s ride in it? Do the animals believe them?

69. How do the pigs continue to use Boxer, 69. even after his death?

70. Where did the pigs get the money to 70. buy the case of whiskey?

*A knacker is a person in the trade of rendering animals that have died on farms or are unfit for human consumption, such as horses that can no longer work.

12 Questions Annotations Chapter X: 71. Who is left after all these years? Has 71. anyone – or will anyone ever retire?

72. What has happened to the animals’ 72. promised rewards/?

73. What does Benjamin remember about 73. the past?

74. What does the wall of commandments 74. now say?

75. In what ways are Napoleon and Mr. 75. Jones similar in the end?

76.Describe the card game scene. 76.

77. What is the final irony at the end of the 77. novel?

13 Written Response: Write 3 – 4 paragraphs in which you respond to this question: How are both the final scene and remaining commandment symbolic of the theme of power and corruption?


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