Template for Preparation by Member States of The s1

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Template for Preparation by Member States of The s1

Template for the preparation by Member States of the


(Report set out in Article 50(2) (a) of Decision No 575/2007/EC)

Please fill in the enclosed template (preferably in English, French or German) and submit it to the Commission no later than 30 June 2010

Template 1 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund INTRODUCTORY REMARKS

1. The enclosed template is intended to assist Member States in the preparation of the evaluation report which they have to submit to the Commission no later than 30 June 2010, as set out in Article 50(2) (a) of Decision No 575/2007/EC.

Please always use this format, as this is the only way to ensure a homogeneous evaluation across all Member States and for the Community wide evaluation subsequently.

You are free to add any further document you think can be useful in the context of this evaluation. If so, enclose them as an annex, but not as part of this template.

2. When filling in this template, please, be as concrete as possible, providing facts, examples, figures, etc. - It is essential that the description can easily be understood by those who are familiar with the RF, but not necessarily familiar with the national programme concerned. Wherever relevant highlight national specificities.

3. A maximum length of description is indicated for many items. As far as possible this limit should be respected.

4. The analysis and assessment of the annual programmes under review start with a summary of the most important features of the multiannual programme and of the programmes approved by the Commission. The reason we ask for this is that we need to have a homogeneous presentation for the subsequent Community wide report. In this context, we think you are the best placed to identify the most relevant features of your programmes.

5. When your opinion is asked for, please explain the reasons on which your opinion is based.

6. As the content of this mid term evaluation report is on implementation it is not required to have recourse to evaluation expertise: the report can be prepared by the Responsible Authority itself. However, for your convenience, you may choose to have recourse to evaluation expertise.

In any case please fill in first the questionnaire on the first page of the template.

Whether you had recourse to evaluation expertise or not, the evaluation report must always be signed by the Responsible Authority. The Responsible Authority remains responsible for its content.

Template 2 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund EVALUATION REPORT ON IMPLEMENTATION OF ACTIONS CO-FINANCED BY THE RETURN FUND FROM 1 JANUARY 2008 TO 31 MARCH 2010

(Report set out in Article 50(2) (a) of the Decision No 575/2007/EC)

Report submitted by the Responsible Authority of: (Member State)

Republic of Lithuania


30 June 2010

Name, Signature (authorised representative of the Responsible Authority):

Raimundas Palaitis

Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania

Name of the contact person (and contact details) for this report in the Member State:

Daiva Racevičienė Head of the EU Aid Management Division, Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania

Address: Šventaragio st. 2, LT-01510 Vilnius tel. +370 5 271 7127 faks. +370 5 271 8860 e-mail: [email protected]

Template 3 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund GENERAL INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY THE RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY ON EVALUATION EXPERTISE AND ON METHODOLOGY

- Did you have recourse to evaluation expertise to prepare this report?

Yes/ No: no

- If yes, for what part(s) of this report?

- Please explain what kind of evaluation expertise you had recourse to:

* In-house evaluation expertise (for instance, Evaluation department of the Ministry, etc.) : (please describe)

* External evaluation expertise: (please describe)

Brief description of the methodology used by the evaluation expertise

Important remark

Any evaluation expertise must be obliged by the Responsible Authority to: - use this template, exclusively - fully comply with any instruction, methodological note, maximum length, etc. set out in this template.

Template 4 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund EVALUATION REPORT ON THE RESULTS AND IMPACTS OF ACTIONS CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN RETURN FUND










Template 5 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund Part I

Summary of the Multiannual Programme 2008-2013


Reference documents to be used for this part: - Your multiannual programme 2008-2013 as approved by the Commission, in particular Parts 2 and 3 of the multiannual programme; - Any external evaluation of relevance to the items addressed below, if available; - Any other relevant information available to the Responsible Authority.

Template 6 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund 1. ANALYSIS OF REQUIREMENTS IN THE MEMBER STATE

Please provide a summary of Part 2 of your multiannual programme (“Analysis of requirements in the Member State”)

A concise, but very concrete description is required. It is essential that the description can easily be understood by those who are familiar with the RF, but not necessarily familiar with your national programme. Wherever relevant highlight national specificities.

Maximum length: 1 page in total, broken down as set out below

- The requirements in the Member State in relation to the baseline situation

Aiming at the improvement of the return management to ensure most accelerated and successful expulsion of aliens from the Republic of Lithuania and return thereof, it is necessary to consider all factors related to their expulsion or return. Membership in the Schengen Area should increase the numbers of aliens in the Republic of Lithuania obligated to depart, expelled and returned. Among the key tasks of the State Border Guard Service (SBGS) under the Republic of Lithuania Ministry of the Interior (MOI) is to ensure high quality performance of examining the identity and citizenship of aliens and circumstances for their arrival in the Republic of Lithuania, as well as organising the implementation of the decisions taken concerning the deportation, return or any other procedures of the detained aliens. The key objectives of the Police Department under the Republic of Lithuania Ministry of the Interior are to improve the quality of services provided, to develop police activities in implementing the requirements of the EU and Schengen legislation. Aiming to achieve the set objectives and implement the defined tasks, police have undertaken to participate actively in the implementation of the state policy on migration issues and strengthen the capacities of police officers. Migration Department under the Republic of Lithuania Ministry of the Interior (hereinafter referred to as MD) participates in the implementation of the state policy on free movement of persons, visas, immigration, asylum and other issues related to the legal status of aliens, also concerning the Republic of Lithuania citizenship, documents verifying personal identity and citizenship, issue of travel documents, residence permits in the Republic of Lithuania and other related documents, and in the development of international cooperation. Quality implementation of all the above actions would significantly assist aliens in reducing the waiting period of deportation or return, and their detention. This would primarily be beneficial to a person, who could sooner return to his/her country of origin and stay in his/her customary environment, faster physically and psychologically recovering. This would also be beneficial to the Republic of Lithuania due of the reduced financial burden of maintaining detained individuals.

- The operational objectives of the Member State designed to meet its requirements

 Ensure the improvement of the return procedures, Template 7 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund  Ensure the promotion of voluntary return,  Ensure the enhancement of cooperation in the sphere of return,  Ensure strengthening administrative capacities among employees of competent authorities.

Template 8 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund 2. STRATEGY TO ACHIEVE THE OBJECTIVES

Please provide a summary of Part 3 of your multiannual programme (“Strategy to achieve the objectives”), broken down by Priority (each of the four Priorities as defined in the Strategic Guidelines of the Commission - Decision C(2007)5822 of the Commission) as set out on the next pages.

Under each Priority, describe: - the objective(s) pursued - examples of key actions - key actions considered as implementing specific priorities under the chosen priority

Finally list in a separate item all quantified objectives set out in Part 3 of your multiannual programme.

A concise, but very concrete description is required. It is essential that the description can easily be understood by those who are familiar with the RF, but not necessarily familiar with your national programme. Wherever relevant highlight national specificities.

A maximum length is indicated for each item.

Template 9 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund Priority 1: Support for the development of a strategic approach to return management by Member States

Maximum length: half a page

Objective 1.1.: Improvement of personal identification procedures. Examples of key actions: consider special needs of vulnerable persons, primarily unaccompanied minors, disabled people, elderly people, pregnant women, single parents with minor children, and persons who have been subjected to torture, rape or other serious forms of psychological, physical or sexual violence, and specific measures; formulate definitions and state procedure for determining vulnerable persons and adequately react to their needs during return and expulsion of such persons; improve procedures of identification, return and expulsion of aliens.

Objective 1.2.: Organisation of return and expulsion of aliens: Examples of key actions: organisation of travel of persons expelled and returned, including purchase of travel tickets for aliens, accommodation and food; provision of travel documents for persons obliged to depart, expelled or returned; organisation of escort, including the costs of travel, accommodation and food for escorts, ensuring of communication during escort, provision of transit visas and vaccinations for escorts in order to ensure successful expulsion and return of aliens to their country of origin.

Objective 1.3.: Promotion and organisation of voluntary return. Examples of key actions: creation, preparation and placement of a special website and regular updating of information required to provide consultations for aliens; preparation of a typical integrated voluntary return plan; consultation of aliens on return issues; preparation of special documents/forms related to the return of aliens, which are used to standardise the accounting system, translation into main foreign languages (Russian, English, Chinese, etc.); implementation and funding of voluntary return actions; ensuring of transit assistance and organizing reception at the airport (as needed and possible).

Priority 2: Support for the cooperation between Member States in return management

Maximum length: half a page

Considering that the development of national mechanisms in the Republic of Lithuania (as well as in the neighbouring countries) have not been completed, and the need for joint actions, mutual cooperation possibilities and directions have not been clearly identified, including joint actions in return management, the Responsible Authority, is of the opinion that the implementation of this priority at present is inexpedient. As the number of individuals due to expulsion to remote countries was not high in recent years, organising joint return flights or participating in organization of such flights is not expedient for Lithuania. Moreover, travel documents for the aliens are issued for no longer than two weeks period. Subject to such circumstances it would be complicated to find a suitable joint flight for the alien in time. Template 10 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund In the nearest future the Republic of Lithuania will give particular attention to the determination of the need for mutual cooperation with other Member States aimed at using the best practice of such states in the sphere of returning aliens. Subsequently, priority 4 providing for Support for the Community’s standards and good practice in the area of return management is more relevant and acceptable for the Republic of Lithuania at the present stage. Upon establishing the needs of the Republic of Lithuania and carrying out a certain analysis of practice in other states, more attention could be paid to cooperation among Member States in the area of return management.

Priority 3: Support for specific innovative (inter)national tools for return management

Maximum length: half a page

Objective 3.1.: Return programmes for vulnerable groups of aliens, illegally staying in the territory of a Member State. Examples of key actions: preparation of special voluntary return programmes for vulnerable groups of aliens illegally staying in the territory of a Member State (unaccompanied children, human trafficking victims, sick aliens), establishment of standards for social assistance before departure and minimum return standards; determination of the need for escort and performance thereof (the expected number of such persons per year might be 10); performance of vulnerable persons return operations, organisation of escort for vulnerable groups of aliens illegally staying in the territory of a Member State (unaccompanied minors, human trafficking victims, sick aliens to ensure safety of return and travel.

Objective 3.2.: Reintegration in countries of origin. Examples of key actions: a study of good practice in the implementation of reintegration projects; determination of the need for integration in countries of origin, preparation and implementation of pilot reintegration projects in selected countries, preparation of a typical reintegration model, cooperation with countries of origin in implementing reintegration projects and schemes.

Objective 3.3.: Ensure smooth cooperation with aliens and diplomatic missions of foreign countries. Examples of key actions: foreign language training for employees to ensure expeditious and smooth cooperation with aliens and diplomatic missions of foreign countries.

Priority 4: Support for Community standards and best practices on return management

Maximum length: half a page Objective 4.1.: Strengthening administrative capacities of the staff of competent authorities. Examples of key actions: organising and delivering trainings and internships to other Member States for the staff of national agencies in charge of dealing with the issues of expulsion and return of aliens, strengthening mutual cooperation aimed at fast and qualified Template 11 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund expulsion or return of aliens into their country of origin or any other country they have the right to move, enhancing the skills of the staff settling issues of expulsion and return of aliens.

Finally, list the most important indicators set out in Part 3 of the multiannual programme 2008-2013 and the corresponding quantified/qualitative targets, broken down by Priority :

Maximum 5 indicators for each Priority

Priority 1 (Main indicators, targets) Indicator 1): the number of recommendations for the staff on how to recognise and deal with groups of particularly vulnerable persons, and trainings to which an expert of another Member State is invited to provide practical recommendations and explanations on identifying and dealing with vulnerable persons. Quantitative objective: no less than 4 visits of the EU Member State experts during the implementation of the multiannual programme; 4 recommendations shall be drafted subsequently on how to identify and deal with groups of particularly vulnerable persons.

Indicator 2): the number of developed data bases Quantitative objective: no less than 1 data base developed during the implementation period of the multiannual programme.

Indicator 3): the number of trips of expelled or returned persons, including the purchase of travel documents for aliens, accommodation and food. Quantitative objective: no less than 120 individuals per year.

Indicator 4): the number of escorts, including the costs of travel, accommodation and food for escorts, ensuring communication during escort, provision of transit visas and vaccinations for escorts in order to ensure successful expulsion and return of aliens to their country of origin. Quantitative objective: no less than 60 cases per year.

Indicator 5): the number of support cases provided during transit and reception at the airport. Quantitative objective: up to 20 cases annually in 2008 – 2009, and up to 50 cases annually in 2010 – 2013.

Priority 2 (Main indicators, targets)

Not available.

Priority 3 (Main indicators, targets) Indicator 1): the number of special voluntary return programmes for groups of vulnerable aliens illegally staying in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania.

Template 12 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund Quantitative objective: 1 programme or scheme during the implementation period of the multiannual programme.

Indicator 2): the number of return operations of vulnerable aliens and organisation of escort for groups of vulnerable aliens. Quantitative objective: up to 5 annually in 2008 – 2009, and up to 10 in 2010 - 2013.

Indicator 3): the number of studies on the best practice of reintegration projects Quantitative objective: 1 study during the implementation period of the multiannual programme.

Indicator 4): the number of reintegration projects and schemes. Quantitative objective: implementing 1–2 small reintegration projects is planned.

Indicator 5): the number of foreign language courses. Quantitative objective: no less than 460 officials during the implementation period of the multiannual programme.

Priority 4 (Main indicators, targets)

Indicator 1): the number of information sessions for representatives of regional migration offices, border guard services and municipalities, and seminars on the issues of returning aliens and voluntary return possibilities. Quantitative objective: no less than 1 seminar on the issues of returning aliens and voluntary return possibilities, and 3 to 5 information sessions for representatives of regional migration offices, border guard services and municipalities per year.

Indicator 2): the number of study visits related to the implementation of return management. Quantitative objective: up to 50 – 55 visits during the implementation period of the multiannual programme.

Indicator 3): the number of attended courses and accomplished internships. Quantitative objective: no less than 330 participating officials during the implementation period of the multiannual programme.


Template 13 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund Part II

SUMMARY OF THE ANNUAL PROGRAMMES 2008 AND 2009 (excluding Technical Assistance measures and Information and Publicity)

Reference documents to be used for this part:

- Your annual programmes 2008 and 2009 as approved by the Commission, in particular the description of actions - All other relevant information available to the Responsible Authority - Any external evaluation of relevance to the items addressed below, if available

Please provide a summary of the actions contained in your annual programmes 2008 and 2009 (based on the description included in item 1 of each action – purpose and scope), broken down by Priority (each of the four Priorities as defined in the Strategic Guidelines of the Commission - Decision C(2007)5822 of the Commission) as set out on the next pages.

Under each Priority describe separately actions/projects implemented under the “awarding body” method, on the one hand, and those under the “executing body” method, on the other hand (where applicable).

No breakdown per year is required, however you will be asked to highlight any significant change to the actions of the programmes concerned in a specific item (see the template on the following pages).

A concise, but very concrete description is required. It is essential that the description can easily be understood by those who are familiar with the RF, but not necessarily familiar with your national programme. Wherever relevant highlight national specificities.

A maximum length is indicated for each item.

Template 14 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund 1. Summary of actions under Priority 1 in the annual programmes, 2008 and 2009

Actions to be implemented under the “awarding body” method

3.1.3. Action. “Promotion and organisation of voluntary return” (2008) and (2009): Providing information to aliens on how they may in dignity return home (the development of a webpage and its regular updates of it, provision of consultations to aliens over a toll-free telephone line, collecting special material and training consultants) It is of utmost importance for the promotion of voluntary return. Knowing voluntary return possibilities aliens become less vulnerable, therefore voluntary return possibilities should be publicized (production of printed material, video clips on voluntary return possibilities and dissemination, etc.), relevant equipment (video and TV sets) should be procured and installed. For developing an integral approach towards return actions and enhancing interagency cooperation and its efficiency, a standard plan of integrated voluntary return procedure shall be drafted (assessment of the possibility for return, evaluation of the consultation needs of aliens, preparation of documents, travelling route and time-table, estimation of the need for escort, establishing the rules for the need of escort, and defining reintegration measures). Production and dissemination of information publications (leaflets, flyers, posters, calendars, etc.) is of great importance. Such information publications will be distributed among aliens while performing asylum and immigration procedures with the view to provide information on voluntary return as soon as possible, to simplify forced return of aliens who do not meet or ceased to meet the requirements of asylum or immigration procedures, to reduce period for aliens waiting for forced expulsion or in detention. When organising and executing the return of aliens attention should be paid to the preparation of particular documents and forms related to the return of aliens, and their subsequent translation into the main foreign languages. To ensure smooth return of aliens through the territory of other countries and ensure that illegal migrants are not arrested by local police, it is important to provide transit support and organise the reception of migrants at the airport. To create possibilities for voluntary return aliens to start ordinary civilised life in their countries of origin, it is necessary to provide them with cash benefit incentives.

Indicate if relevant: not applicable

Actions to be implemented under the “executing body” method

3.1.1. Action. „Improvement of personal identification procedures” (2008) and (2009): An individual may be expelled from the Republic of Lithuania (RL) or returned either to the country of origin or another state only upon the establishment of his/her identity. For professional identity establishment of a person due to be returned or expelled and for proper implementation of procedures on the return of aliens, the State Border Guard service subdivisions have to lease fingerprinting software and procure photo cameras. Before taking decisions concerning the return or expulsion of an alien, the MD staff dealing with aliens shall establish whether the aliens in question belong to the group of vulnerable persons and react correspondingly to their specific needs in performing the return or expulsion of such persons. This requires specific knowledge from the staff in determining and dealing with particularly Template 15 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund vulnerable group of persons. Having regard to this, it is expedient to organise training for the MD staff in the Republic of Lithuania by inviting an expert from another EU Member State to provide practical recommendations and explanations on how to define and deal with vulnerable persons. Officials of the MD, SBGS and police are collecting information in the Register of Aliens on individuals who were obligated to leave the Republic of Lithuania, aliens who were asked to leave or returned to foreign countries, as well as decisions taken in relation to them. To ensure fast and efficient cooperation of competent state institutions in charge for the return of aliens, it is necessary to upgrade software and install it in the Register of Aliens.

3.1.2. Action “Organisation of forced return and expulsion of aliens” (2008) and (2009): Following the decision on forced return or expulsion of aliens, the SBGS responsible officials shall organise receiving of return documents for aliens. Some embassies or consulates are located outside the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, thus services of agencies forwarding documents shall be used. Persons who are staying in Lithuania and are due to be returned or expelled from Lithuania are temporary provided with board and logging at the Aliens Registration Centre. The Aliens Registration Centre having defined personal identity of an alien and upon the receipt of return documents shall organise their expulsion from Lithuania or return to the country of origin or any other country. For proper return of an alien to his country of origin or any other country he/she is entitled to move, a travel kit, clothes, footwear and other necessary items may be purchased for the alien. The SBGS is planning to provide such assistance to some 60 aliens to be returned. In performing forced return or transportation of aliens special transport means shall be rented. Currently the Aliens registration Centre at the SBGS is not equipped with special vehicles suitable for proper transportation of aliens to be returned or expelled. It should be noted that transportation is often performed in different groups of approximately 10 persons. Special vehicles shall be equipped with tight partitions separating the front part of the driver and the escort part from the body part meant for the aliens to be returned or expelled. For smooth return or expulsion of aliens to the country of origin or transit country organising escorts (of law enforcement officers) is necessary. The costs of escort shall cover the escort travel expenses, accommodation, food, communication means, issue of transit visas and vaccination. Approximately 50 escorts are organised per year. Moving to some countries escort officers take the risk to catch dangerous contagious or infectious diseases; moreover, often aliens themselves are sick with contagious or infectious diseases, therefore in some cases escorts need specific vaccination. In performing the return or expulsion of vulnerable aliens (unaccompanied minors, disabled people, elderly people, pregnant women, single parents with minor children, and persons who have been subjected to torture, rape or other serious forms of psychological, physical or sexual violence) ensure specific needs of such vulnerable persons it is necessary to ensure the specific needs of such vulnerable persons. Escort of such persons may include additional persons (medical staff members, interpreters, social workers, etc.). Thus covering costs of escorts for vulnerable persons, including travel, accommodation and food expenses is required.

Template 16 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund 2. Summary of actions under Priority 2 in the annual programmes, 2008 and 2009

Actions to be implemented under the “awarding body” method

Indicate if relevant: not applicable

Actions to be implemented under the “executing body” method

3. Summary of actions under Priority 3 in the annual programmes, 2008 and 2009

Actions to be implemented under the “awarding body” method

3.2.1. Action “Return Programmes for vulnerable groups of aliens illegally staying in the territory of a Member State” (2008) and (2009)

For increasing the efficiency and humanity of the return policy in performing the voluntary return operations creating a specific voluntary return programme for vulnerable groups of aliens illegally staying in the territory of a Member State (unaccompanied children, victims of trafficking in persons, sick aliens) and defining needs for social assistance before the departure, and the minimal return standards, establishing the need of escort and ensuring its enforcement is of key importance. For the safe trip of an alien ensuring proper performance of return operations of vulnerable persons is important, as well as escort organizing for vulnerable groups of aliens staying illegally in the territory of a Member State (unaccompanied children, victims of trafficking in persons, sick aliens) and providing cash benefit incentives to aliens.

3.2.2. Action “Reintegration in the country of origin” (2008) and (2009) Sustainable returns and preventing repeated illegal migration is one of the key objectives. Thus reintegration programmes for the returned migrants are to be implemented in future. For this purpose assessment of the need for reintegration is planned in the selected countries of origin and pilot implementation of reintegration models. A typical reintegration model shall be elaborated and reintegration projects and schemes implemented in cooperation with countries of origin. The possible reintegration schemes may cover the provision of the following services: a) skills improvement and re-qualification courses, b) job placements with wages paid at the initial stage, or c) setting up and developing small business. An international seminar on the reintegration issues, drafting and implement reintegration projects for the returning aliens, and monitoring such projects are planned.

3.2.3. Action “Ensure smooth cooperation with aliens and diplomatic missions of foreign countries” (2008) and (2009) In enforcement of the return and expulsion of aliens, officials of Lithuanian Government agencies regularly face the necessity of communicating with foreign embassies, consulates Template 17 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund and international non-governmental organisations abroad. Also, considering that communication with third country nationals and diplomatic missions is carried out in most cases in the English language or other foreign languages, it is very important that staff and officers of the Migration Department dealing with aliens are well trained in foreign languages to provide aliens with fast and useful information.

Indicate if relevant: not applicable

Actions to be implemented under the “executing body” method

4. Summary of actions under Priority 4 in the annual programmes 2008 and 2009

Actions to be implemented under the “awarding body” method

4.1. Action “Strengthening administrative capacities of the staff of competent authorities“(2008) and (2009) For staff and officers in charge of return and expulsion of aliens to make right decisions about aliens and ensure that voluntary return or expulsion are performed in respect to human dignity and following corresponding EC standards, it is expedient to organise trainings and study visits to other EU Member States. This would let the staff and officers study the best practice in the sphere of return and in making decisions related to the return or expulsion of persons, take over practical knowledge of other countries on collecting, storing and using information to establish whether the country of origin or any other country to which the alien is entitled to move, is considered safe for return or expulsion. This could ensure fast and professional implementation of return or expulsion of aliens to their country of origin or any other country to which the alien is entitled to move. The objective of this action is to improve competences of the staff and officers, strengthen administrative capacities in dealing with aliens to be returned or expelled, and disseminate good foreign experience

Indicate if relevant: not applicable

Actions to be implemented under the “executing body” method

Template 18 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund 5. Any significant change to the actions of the programmes concerned (revisions of annual programmes and revisions of the financial breakdown lower than 10%)

Maximum length: half a page

3.1.1. Action ”Improvement of personal identification procedures” Under the annual programme 2008 procurement of 1 computerised fingerprinting and scanning device meant for the SBGS structural units was planned. However, considering the fact that no more than EUR 1000 may be allocated for the procurement of one unit of any equipment, procurement of the said equipment under the 2008 annual programme was substituted by lease.

3.1.2. Action “Organising of forced return and expulsion of aliens”. Under the annual programme 2008 procurement of 2 special vehicles for transportation of aliens to be returned or expelled was planned. However, considering the fact that no more than EUR 1000 may be allocated for the procurement of one unit of any equipment, it was decided to replace procurement of two special vehicles with the lease of 1 special vehicle to be used for the entire period of the implementation of the fund.


Template 19 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund Part III IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAMMES IN THE “AWARDING BODY” METHOD

Did you implement the 2008 and 2009 programmes in the “awarding body” method (as defined in Article 7 (2) of Commission Decision 2008/458/EC of 5.3.2008 - the Return Fund Implementing Rules), at least for part of the programmes?

Yes/No : Yes

If Yes, fill in this part.

If No, do not fill in Part III and go to Part IV (Implementation of the programmes in the executing body method).

Template 20 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund III.1 Share of the overall EU contribution to the programmes granted in the “awarding body” method in 2008 and 2009

For each programme year (2008 and 2009), enter the share of the overall EU contribution to the programme (excluding the EU contribution for technical assistance) which was granted in the “awarding body” method (in percentage, no decimal)

- Programme 2008: 41.08 % of the EU contribution to the programme (excluding the EU contribution for technical assistance)

- Programme 2009: 40.73 %

III.2 Calls for proposals

For each programme year (2008 and 2009), please provide the number and calls for proposals organised for the implementation of the annual programmes in the “awarding body” method

- Programme 2008: 1 (one) (number of calls for proposals)

- Programme 2009: 1 (one) (number of calls for proposals)

Template 21 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund III.3 Proposals received, selected and funded after calls for proposals

Definitions: - If more than one call for proposals was organised for a given annual programme, provide in the table below, for that programme, figures combining all of that programme’s calls. - Project funded = a contract, a grant agreement or any equivalent form of legal instrument has been signed with the beneficiary - If multiannual projects have been funded, they should be counted only in the first programme year they were received, selected and funded

Definition of a multiannual project: According to the legal basis, the end of the eligibility period for projects under the 2008 and 2009 Programmes is 30th June 2010 and 30th June 2011, respectively. A multiannual project is a project approved for funding under any of the programmes mentioned above, whose eligibility period extends later than the eligibility period for projects of the programme under which it was selected and funded.

Programme TOTAL Programme 2009 Number of 2008 2008-2009 Proposals received 5 - 5 Projects selected 5 - 5 Projects funded 5 - 5

Have all projects selected for funding after calls for proposals been funded?

Yes/No : Yes

- If No, explain why :

Template 22 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund III.4 Projects funded in the “awarding body” method without a call for proposals

In duly justified cases, grants may be awarded in the “awarding body” method without a call for proposals (Article 7 (2) of Commission Decision 2008/458/EC of 5.3.2008 - the Return Fund Implementing Rules, third paragraph). The continuation of multiannual projects which were selected after a previous call for proposals should not be taken into account. Neither should Technical Assistance measures, since they are not considered as “projects”.

Please indicate the number of projects funded (see definition on page 18) in the “awarding body” method without a call for proposals.

Projects funded in the “awarding Programme Programme TOTAL body” method 2008 2009 2008-2009 without a call for proposals Number - - -

III.5 Total number of projects funded in the “awarding body” method in the programmes 2008 and 2009

Programme TOTAL Programme 2009 Number of … 2008 2008-2009 Projects funded 5 - 5 after calls for proposals (see table III.3) Projects funded 0 - 0 without a call for proposals (see table III.4) TOTAL 5 - 5 Projects funded in the “awarding body” method

Template 23 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund


Did you implement the 2008 and 2009 programmes in the “executing body” method (as defined in Article 8 of Commission Decision 2008/458/EC of 5.3.2008 - the Return Fund Implementing Rules), at least for part of the programmes?

Yes/No : Yes

If Yes, fill in this section

If No, do not fill in Part IV and go to Part V( Summary description of the projects funded in the “awarding body method” and in the “executing body” method, 2008 and 2009).

Template 24 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund IV.1 Share of the overall EU contribution to the programmes granted in the “executing body” method in 2008 and 2009

For each programme year (2008 and 2009), enter the share of the overall EU contribution to the programme (excluding the EU contribution for technical assistance) which was granted in the “executing body” method (in percentage, no decimal).

- Programme 2008: 33.92 % of the EU contribution to the programme (excluding the EU contribution for technical assistance)

- Programme 2009: 34.27 %

IV.2 Calls for expression of interest or for proposals or similar selection method

For each programme year (2008 and 2009), please provide the number of calls for expression of interest or for proposals or similar organised for the implementation of the RF annual programmes in the “executing body” method

- Programme 2008: 1 (one) (number of calls for expression of interest or for proposals or similar selection method)

- Programme 2009: 1 (one) (number of calls for expression of interest or for proposals or similar selection method)

Template 25 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund IV.3 Proposals received, selected and funded after calls for expression of interest, call for proposals or similar selection method in the “executing body method”

Definitions: - If more than one call for expression of interest, call for proposals or similar was organised for a given annual programme, provide in the table below, for that annual programme, figures combining all of that annual programme’s calls. - Project funded = a contract, a grant agreement or any equivalent form of legal instrument has been signed with the beneficiary - If multiannual projects have been funded, they should be counted only in the first programme year they were received, selected and funded

Definition of a multiannual project: According to the legal basis, the end of the eligibility period for projects under the 2008 and 2009 programmes is 30th June 2010 and 30th June 2011, respectively. A multiannual project is a project approved for funding under any of the programmes mentioned above, whose eligibility period extends later than the eligibility period for projects of the programme under which it was selected and funded.

Programme TOTAL Programme 2009 Number of … 2008 2008-2009 Proposals received 4 9 13 Projects selected 4 9 13 Projects funded 4 9 13

Have all projects selected for funding after calls for expression of interest, call for proposals, or similar been funded?

Yes/No : Yes

- If No, explain why :

Template 26 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund IV.4 Projects funded in the “executing body” method without a call for expression of interest or for proposals or similar

Please indicate the number of projects funded (see definition) in the “executing body” method without a call for expression of interest, a call for proposals, or similar. The continuation of multiannual projects which were selected after a previous call should not be taken into account. Neither should Technical Assistance measures, since they are not considered as “projects”.

Projects funded in the “executing body” method without a Programme TOTAL call for expression of Programme 2009 interest or for 2008 2008-2009 proposals or similar selection method Number - - -

IV.5 Total number of projects funded in the “executing body” method in the programmes 2008 and 2009

Programme TOTAL Programme 2009 Number of … 2008 2008-2009 Projects funded 4 9 13 after calls for expression of interest, calls for proposals, or similar selection method(see table IV.3) Projects funded 0 0 0 without such calls (see table IV.4) TOTAL 4 9 13 Projects funded in the “executing body” method

Template 27 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund Part V


Reference documents to be used for this part:

- The information on the projects funded available to the Responsible Authority (description of the project supported to be found in each grant agreement) - All information on implementation available to the Responsible Authority - Any external evaluation of relevance to the items addressed below, if available

Please provide a summary description of the projects funded (see definition on page 18) under your annual programmes 2008 and 2009, broken down by Priority as set out on the next pages. Under each Priority describe separately projects funded in the “awarding body” method, on the one hand, and projects funded in the “executing body” method, on the other hand.

In addition please describe separately (as set out in the template) projects funded in the “awarding body” method without a call for proposals and projects funded in the “executing body” method without a call for expression of interest, for proposals, or similar selection method.

No breakdown per year is required in the items 1 to 6.

Describe separately any change to the distribution for projects funded in the “awarding body” method, on the one hand, and for projects funded in the “executing body” method, on the other hand.

In addition, highlight any significant change to the projects funded in the “awarding body” method, on the one hand, and to projects funded in the “executing body” method, on the other hand (other than their distribution).

It is not required to make a full description of all projects. What is needed is a concise, but very concrete description of the types of operations implemented Template 28 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund under each Priority. Wherever relevant highlight national specificities. It is essential that the description can easily be understood by those who are familiar with the RF, but not necessarily familiar with your national programme.

You will be asked to highlight 1-5 projects under each annual programme which deserve, in your opinion, particular mention since you consider them as a good practice, or of an innovative nature, of interest for other Member States or of particular value in the light of the multiannual strategy and your national requirements.

Finally, you will be asked to describe one "success story” and one “failure”, among all projects funded from 2008 to 2009.

For each item the maximum length is mentioned beneath the item’s description.

Template 29 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund 1. Summary description of the projects funded under Priority 1 in the annual programmes 2008 and 2009

In the “awarding body” method

Maximum length: 15 lines

AP 2008

3.1.1/2 “Improvement of decisions made by the staff of MD under MOI of Republic of Lithuania on alien expulsion or return”: Certain theoretical knowledge and practical skills are required to identify if an alien belongs to a group of vulnerable persons. Thus MD staff will be consulted by 2 experts from another EU Member State who will share the best practice on how to identify if a person belongs to a group of vulnerable persons, and how to deal with such persons, provide theoretical knowledge and practical recommendations. 2 lectures will be delivered on these subjects.

3.1.3/2 “I am going home”: The project aims to create the system of informing aliens on voluntary return (VR) assistance, update the assistance provision mechanism by close cooperation with Government authorities and with respect to legislation in force. Employees will be trained under the project. A website will be developed to inform the target group about assistance provided (http://www.iom.lt/lt/vykdomi-projekai/-savanorisko-grizimo-pagalba/), leaflets in 11 languages, a poster in 4 languages will be published. Information materials will be disseminated to regional and Vilnius migration service staff, State Border Guard Service officers, municipal staff, the Refugee Reception Centre, the Aliens Registration Centre. Meetings with Vilnius Migration Board, MD under MOI of the Republic of Lithuania staff will be organized to inform them about VR assistance and discuss technicalities of its provision. A video on VR assistance is to be developed, which later, during the project time, will be demonstrated in authorities most visited by aliens.

In the “executing body” method

Maximum length: 15 lines

3.1.1/1 “Lease of equipment for personal identification of aliens under return or expulsion, procurement of interpreting and legal services”: To professionally and promptly do personal identification of an alien under expulsion or return, and properly implement return procedures of aliens, SBGS units need to lease a computerized fingerprinting unit and procure digital photo cameras (12 units). Aliens need quality interpreting and legal services ensured, as SBGS officers communicate with aliens from Asia, Africa and other distant locations speaking just their native tongue.

3.1.2/1 “Organizing alien return/expulsion trip: 2.2. Special vehicle (minivan) lease; 2.2. Operational costs of alien return and expulsion trip organizing”: The project plans to pay operational costs of organizing alien return and expulsion trips: procurement of travel tickets for returned/expelled aliens, receiving (sending) alien return documents, travel, Template 30 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund accommodation and meals costs for escorts (SBGS officers), travel, accommodation and meals costs for escorts for vulnerable aliens (social medical, etc., staff), accommodation and meals costs of returned/expelled aliens while travelling, communication costs with escorts, transit visa costs, vaccinations, etc. A special vehicles lease is required to transport aliens under forced return or expulsion. It is required due to frequent transportation of such persons to various destinations and the special category of transported persons. The vehicle will be used subject to specific return actions, e.g., delivery to airports (in the Republic of Lithuania and neighbouring states), border crossing ports, etc.

AP 2009

3.1.1/1 “Lease of equipment for personal identification of aliens under return or expulsion, procurement of interpreting and legal services”: To professionally and promptly do personal identification of an alien under expulsion or return, and properly implement return procedures of aliens, SBGS units need to lease 3 computerized fingerprinting units. Aliens need quality interpreting and legal services ensured, as SBGS officers communicate with aliens from Asia, Africa and other distant locations speaking just their native tongue.

3.1.1/2 “Procurement of interpreting services required for performing alien expulsion or return procedures”: Under the law and other legislation the police may detain an alien for 48 hours maximum. If an alien is detained for less than 48 hours, and during the same time a decision on the alien’s expulsion or return is made, the police shall expel or return the alien. Therefore professional and fast establishment of personal identity, circumstances of arriving to the Republic of Lithuania, and travel purposes of an alien under return or expulsion is important, and proper enforcement of other procedures related to the alien’s return process, and ensuring that the alien is informed in an understandable language about his legal status in the Republic of Lithuania and decisions relating to him. Thus quality interpreting services are needed. Presence of an interpreter during the questioning of an alien and informing him in an understandable language about the process taking place, and making him familiar with decisions made would ensure fastest possible return procedures and respect to recognized human rights standards.

3.1.1/3 “Improvement of the Register of Aliens”: To faster establish the legal status of aliens in the Republic of Lithuania, shorten the time of stay of aliens illegally staying in the Republic of Lithuania, accelerate procedures of data introduction, updating and processing in the Register of Aliens, the Register of Aliens needs improvement with respect to the changing Lithuanian and EU legislation and international treaties regulating decision making on alien expulsion and return and their enforcement. Under the annual programme 2009 of RF Lithuania plans to improve the Illegal migration module of the Register of Aliens.

3.1.2./1-2 “Alien supervision and organizing their forced return/expulsion”: Special vehicles were leased to transport aliens under forced return or expulsion using the annual programme 2008 of RF. 1 special vehicle will be further leased to transport aliens under forced return or expulsion, and operational costs of organizing alien return and expulsion trips will be covered: procurement of travel tickets for returned/expelled aliens, receiving (sending) alien return documents, travel, accommodation and meals costs for escorts (SBGS officers), travel, accommodation and meals costs for escorts of vulnerable aliens (social medical, etc.,

Template 31 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund staff), accommodation and meals costs for returned/expelled aliens while travelling, communication costs with escorts, transit visa costs, vaccinations.

3.1.2/2 “Organizing trips and escorts for returned or expelled aliens”: The project aims to ensure successful, safe and non-degrading personal dignity trip of an alien under forced return or expulsion to the country of origin or any other state. Thus travel tickets will be procured and police (if needed, of other – medical, social – workers) escorts will be organized, i.e., travel, business trip, meals, etc., costs for escorts will be covered.

2. Summary description of the projects funded under Priority 2 in the “executing body” method in the annual programmes 2008 and 2009

Maximum length: half a page at the maximum Not applicable

In the “awarding body” method

Maximum length: 15 lines Not applicable

In the “executing body” method

Maximum length: 15 lines Not applicable

3. Summary description of the projects funded under Priority 3 in the annual programmes 2008 and 2009

In the “awarding body” method

Maximum length: 15 lines

AP 2008

3.2.1. “Voluntary return for vulnerable persons”: Before this project implementation Lithuania had neither a system, nor individual actions to provide assistance to vulnerable persons having chosen voluntary return to countries of their origin. Thus this project aims to develop such an assistance provision module, find out the needs of vulnerable persons, coordinate assistance provision with various related institutions (airport, service companies, the Aliens Registration Centre, the Migration Department, etc.) and provide return assistance to several vulnerable persons. Under the project activities the Voluntary Return (VR) programme for vulnerable groups is designed with respect to the new mechanism of VR assistance provision to the standard target group, and information is actively exchanged with representatives of organizations and authorities directly related to organizing trips of vulnerable persons, and a standard return procedure plan is under design. Template 32 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund 3.2.2. “Reintegration – a new opportunity in homeland”: As up to now Lithuania never provided reintegration assistance abroad (requested by other countries Vilnius Office of IOM provided reintegration assistance to people having returned to Lithuania), this project aims to develop the basis for the system of reintegration assistance provision in Lithuania. This needs to ensure that the most successful foreign practice of reintegration assistance provision will be applied in Lithuania. Collecting and structuring materials on the good practice of other European countries in reintegration assistance provision area, and use it as the basis for developing the best reintegration practice study is planned. Documents needed to administer reintegration assistance provision are to be developed: the Reintegration assistance application form, individual return plans, reintegration letters. Please note that the expected project results will be useful to migrants voluntarily returning from Lithuania to their country of origin: they will get an opportunity to re-establish and create good living conditions in their homelands. The project will bring benefits to Lithuania: upon its success the basis for future reintegration assistance provision will be developed for migrants returning from Lithuania.

In the “executing body” method

Maximum length: 15 lines

AP 2008 and AP 2009

3 .2.3. “English language training for employees of the Migration Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania”: To ensure timely and quality information to aliens about return issues, and smooth cooperation with foreign diplomatic missions and other foreign authorities, English language trainings will be organized for 30 Migration Department employees.

AP 2009

3.2.3./3 “Language trainings for police officers” : English language trainings are planned to improve language skills of officers enforcing alien return or expulsion procedures. Upon delivery of the English language trainings officers will improve speaking skills, specific lexis and terminology use skills and will be able to apply these skills in practical communication with aliens under return or expulsion, and with foreign consular offices in the Republic of Lithuania.

4. Summary description of the projects funded under Priority 4 in the annual programmes 2008 and 2009

In the “awarding body” method

Maximum length: 15 lines

Template 33 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund AP 2008

4.1/1 “Effective mechanism of return: strengthening officer capacities”: To improve Lithuanian return practice, officer and employee training is critical to perform procedures in line with legal norms and European standards, and inform return enforcers and policy makers about good practice in other countries and cooperation opportunities. The project plans to conduct lectures for regional migration, border services, and representatives of municipalities and invite an expert from the UK to deliver lectures. These lectures would facilitate generating regional contacts with important institutions in Lithuanian cities with the highest numbers of aliens (following Vilnius). To provide smooth assistance to leaving aliens and coordinate activities, trainings/meetings with representatives of companies serving airlines, Aviation Security Administration, Airport Frontier Station will be arranged in Vilnius International Airport. The trainings will present the procedure of providing voluntary return assistance, discuss potential problems, raise the issue of vulnerable persons return, and agree on cooperation mechanism. The trainings would become the basis for developing a smooth return mechanism. An information seminar is planned for religious community representatives, study trips are planned for employees and officers to 3 European countries, and study trips to get good practice in ERF instrument implementation area. During these activities employees and officers will familiarize with foreign practices, possibilities to organize trips of migrants returning voluntarily through the Schengen Area, the project will be publicized and will aim to deliver information on voluntary return assistance to the target group also via religious community representatives. 4.1/2 “Improvement of alien expulsion or return procedure enforcement”: For MD employees responsible for alien expulsion and return to make right decisions about aliens and to ensure that voluntary return or expulsion is enforced with respect of human dignity and following corresponding EC standards, it is expedient to organise study visits to other EU Member States. During study visits MD employees will study the best practice in the sphere of return and clarify how decisions are made related to the return or expulsion of persons. Based on experience and recommendations of other countries the system of storing, processing and using information on third country nationals would be improved, and acquired practical knowledge would ensure fast and professional implementation of return or expulsion of aliens from the Republic of Lithuania to their country of origin or any other country to which they are entitled to move. Study trips to France, the UK and the Kingdom of Denmark are planned.

In the “executing body” method

Maximum length: 15 lines


4.1.1/1 “Improvement of alien expulsion or return procedure enforcement”: for MD employees responsible for alien expulsion and return to make right decisions about aliens and to ensure that voluntary return or expulsion is enforced with respect of human dignity and following corresponding EC standards, it is expedient to organise study visits to other EU Member States. During study visits MD employees will study the best practice in the sphere of return and clarify how decisions are made related to the return or expulsion of Template 34 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund persons. 3 study trips are planned for MD employees during which they will have an opportunity to find out the best practice in the return enforcement, decision making related to the return or expulsion of persons, taking over practical knowledge on information collection, storage and use to identify if the country of origin or any other country to which the alien is entitled to move is considered to be safe to return or expel the alien to, from another Member State.

AP 2009

4.1.1/3 “Strengthening administrative officer capacity in return management area”: For effective implementation of the procedures of forced return and expulsion of foreigners, constantly improvement of qualifications of police officers is necessary. Training courses for 20 police officers from various police institutions in Lithuania are planned on organising and enforcing forced expulsion, to be organised in (specialised) Lithuanian higher education establishments. 2 study visits to the European Union countries will be organised for 2 police offices.

5. Summary description of the projects funded in the “awarding body” method without a call for proposals, in the annual programmes 2008 and 2009

Maximum length: 15 lines

Please refer to Table III.4. Excluding the continuation of multiannual projects which were selected after a previous call for proposals. Neither should Technical Assistance measures be taken into account, since they are not considered as “projects”.

Not applicable

6. Summary description of the projects funded in the “executing body” method without a call for expression of interest, a call for proposals or similar selection method, in the annual programmes 2008 and 2009

Maximum length: 15 lines

Please refer to Table IV.4. Excluding the continuation of multiannual projects which were selected after a previous call for expression of interest, a call for proposals or similar. Neither should Technical Assistance measures be taken into account, since they are not considered as “projects”.

Not applicable

7. Explain any significant change to the distribution of the projects funded in the “awarding body” method, by Priority and by Specific Priority, in the annual programmes 2008 and 2009

Template 35 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund Individual projects funded under AP 2009 were selected in July 2010. So, analysing and comparing individual projects funded under AP 2008 and individual projects funded under AP 2009, there is no significant difference in the share of project and/ or budget for each priority and specific priority.

Maximum length: half a page

8. Explain any significant change to the distribution of the projects funded in the “executing body” method, by Priority and by Specific Priority, in the annual programmes 2008 and 2009

Analysing and comparing national projects funded under AP 2008 and national projects funded under AP 2009, there is no significant difference in the share of project and/ or budget for each priority and specific priority except one: under IV priority of AP 2008 national projects were not implemented, but under IV priority of AP 2009 it was decided to implement 2 national projects. It was decided so, because the actions of these national projects were related to forced return.

Maximum length: half a page

9. Highlight any significant change (other than the distribution referred to under points 7 and 8) to the projects funded in the “awarding body” and “executing body” method in the annual programmes 2008 and 2009

Maximum length: half a page

With respect to the fact that implementation of projects under the annual programme 2008 are not yet completed it is hard to say if any significant changes exist.

In the “awarding body” method

In the “executing body” method

10. Important projects funded in the annual programmes 2008 and 2009

Please describe 1-5 projects under each annual programme which deserve, in your opinion, particular mention since you consider them as a good practice, or of an innovative nature, of interest for other Member States (example of a project supporting an EU policy priority) or of particular value in the light of the multiannual strategy and your national requirements. Template 36 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund 2008 annual programme

Maximum length: half a page per project

3.1.1/1 “Lease of equipment for personal identification of aliens under return or expulsion, procurement of interpreting and legal services”: The aim of the project under implementation is improvement of the alien return/ expulsion management system so that such procedures take minimum time, the optimum return route is selected, the traveller experiences minimum troubles en route, focusing on efficient and long- term alien return, including preparation, enforcement and subsequent expulsion or return activities. This project should also facilitate ensuring arrangement and enforcement of fast and effective return procedures, compliant with the provisions of EU and international documents in the area of general immigration policy development and human rights protection, implemented by the Republic of Lithuania. The purpose of EU and Lithuanian legislation regulating alien return and expulsion is ensuring fast, qualified and safe alien return and expulsion to the state of their origin or any other state they are entitled to move. This project aims to properly organize quality investigations to establish personal identity and nationality of aliens and circumstances of their arrival to Lithuania, organize making decisions on expulsion or return of detained and accommodated aliens, and enforce them.

3.2.1. “Voluntary return for vulnerable persons” For increasing the efficiency and humanity of the return policy in performing the voluntary return operations developing a special voluntary return programme for vulnerable groups of aliens illegally staying in the territory of a Member State (unaccompanied children, victims of trafficking in persons, sick aliens) is very important, as well as establishing the needs for social assistance before the departure, the minimal return standards, establishing the need of escort and ensuring its enforcement. Before this project implementation Lithuania had neither a system, nor individual actions to provide assistance to vulnerable persons having chosen voluntary return to countries of their origin. Thus this project aims to develop such an assistance provision module, find out the needs of vulnerable persons, coordinate assistance provision with various related institutions (airport, service companies, the Aliens Registration Centre, the Migration Department, etc.) and provide return assistance to several vulnerable persons. Under the project the Voluntary Return (VR) programme for vulnerable groups is designed with respect to the new mechanism of VR assistance provision to the standard target group, and by actively exchanging information with representatives of organizations and authorities directly related to organizing the trip of vulnerable persons, and a standardized return procedure plan is under design. Currently when the project is under implementation Vilnius Office of the International Organization for Migration was contacted about VR assistance provision to several vulnerable cases, however it appeared that Government agencies were already involved in the return process of such persons to their countries of origin. Therefore so far Vilnius Office of IOM has not provided VR assistance to vulnerable persons. With respect to the fact that the outreach of information on VR assistance to vulnerable persons will increase, and taking into account the target group profile it is expected that VR assistance will be provided to 2-3 vulnerable persons during the balance project implementation time.

2009 annual programme Template 37 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund Maximum length: half a page per project

3.1.1/3 “Improvement of the Register of Aliens”: To faster establish the legal status of aliens in the Republic of Lithuania, shorten the time of stay of aliens illegally staying in the Republic of Lithuania, accelerate the procedures of data introduction, updating and processing in the Register of Aliens, the Register of Aliens needs improvement with respect to the changing Lithuanian and EU legislation and international treaties regulating decision making on alien expulsion and return and their enforcement. Under the annual programme 2009 of RF Lithuania plans to improve the Illegal migration module of the Register of Aliens.

11. Description of one “success story”, among all the projects funded in the annual programmes 2008 and 2009

It is up to you to judge whether a project is to be considered a “success story” in terms of project implementation. If you think the project is also an example of “good practice” which could usefully be implemented elsewhere, please explain why. However, please note that this part is on a success story and it need not be "good practices”.

It is necessary to provide a very concrete description of the project concerned and of the reasons you consider this is a “success story”. It is essential that the description can easily be understood by those who are familiar with the RF, but not necessarily familiar with your national programme.

Maximum length: half a page

“ Reintegration – a new opportunity in homeland”: As up to now Lithuania never provided reintegration assistance abroad (requested by other countries Vilnius Office of IOM provided reintegration assistance to people having returned to Lithuania), this project aimed to develop the basis for the system of reintegration assistance provision in Lithuania. The material on the good practice of Great Britain in reintegration assistance provision area was collected, and it was used as the basis for developing the best reintegration practice study with recommendations for Lithuania. Also the documents needed to administer reintegration assistance provision were developed: the Reintegration assistance application form, individual return plans and reintegration letters. The need of integration in 2 selected countries of origin (Moldova and Azerbaijan) and the possibilities for the implementation of such need was determined. So, 2 pilot reintegration projects in Moldova and Azerbaijan were implemented. For Moldova citizen, as he decided to start working as taxi driver, the monetary incentive of 2300 Euros was used for buying the car for his work. In future it will let the returned foreigner and his young family to get more income than he could get by using the taxi company’s car. For Azerbaijan citizen the monetary incentive of 2300 Euros was used to open the tea-shop that he could work and get some income from it. The project results were useful to migrants voluntarily returned from Lithuania to their country of origin: they got an opportunity to re-establish and create good living conditions in their homelands. Also the project brought benefits to Lithuania: upon its success the basis for future reintegration assistance provision was developed for migrants returning from Lithuania.

Template 38 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund 12. Description of one “failure”, among all the projects funded in the annual programmes 2008 and 2009

Among all the projects funded under the programmes 2008 and 2009, there may be one project which you would regard as an important “failure”, because it proved impracticable, it did not meet expectations, or any other reason for you to judge, and you think there are lessons to be drawn from its failure, for instance in terms of programming, selection and/or evaluation of projects.

The project should not be identified (i.e. the name of the project or beneficiary should not be mentioned).

It is essential that the description of the project, your justification for a “failure”, and the lessons to be drawn can easily be understood by those who are familiar with the RF , but not necessarily familiar with your national programme.

Maximum length: half a page

For the implementation of the project the procurement of 2 special vehicles for the transportation of expelled or returned persons was planned. However, upon further clarification from the Commission that no more than 1000 EUR per unit may be allocated to procure any type of equipment, the decision was made to replace procurement of special vehicles with lease. And the decision was made to lease 1 special vehicle instead of procurement of 2 vehicles. This vehicle must be specially fitted for transportation of expelled or returned persons. According to that, the lease of such vehicle is more expensive than the procurement of it. The possibility still exists, that no supplier tenders leasing of such special vehicle.

Template 39 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund Part VI



Reference documents to be used for this part:

- The information on technical assistance and on information and publicity available to the Responsible Authority - Any relevant national document and information available to the Responsible Authority in these matters - Any independent evaluation of the items addressed below, if available

1. Technical assistance

Please provide a concrete description of the activities implemented under the Technical Assistance measures of the annual programmes 2008 and 2009. No annual breakdown is required.

15 lines maximum

By the Order No. 1128 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 24 October 2007 “Concerning Assignment of Authorities Administering the External Borders Fund and the European Return Fund and Assigning Powers to Them” (Official Gazette, 2007, No. 112- 4570) authorities were assigned administering the External Borders Fund and the European Return Fund: the Responsible, the Delegated, the Certifying and the Audit ones. Technical assistance funds are used for operations of each above authority related to implementation of annual programmes of the above Fund. The amount of technical assistance funds per each authority is established under the Order of the Minister of the Interior. Technical assistance is currently used to finance the following expenditures: 1) expenditure on salaries paid to public servants and employees working under labour contracts who spend their working time on fund administration, social insurance contributions and contributions to the Guarantee Fund paid by employers as well as other expenditure related to labour relations; the above costs are statutory costs provided by the national legislation; 2) expenditure related to on-the-spot checks on actions or projects, 3) expenditure related to publicity and provision of information on the use of fund support; 4) expenditure on the organisation of meetings of the Fund Supervisory Committee and the Fund Project Selection Committee; 5) translation/interpreting costs;

Template 40 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund 6) expenditure on qualification improvement related to training, seminars and other qualification improvement events designed to enhance the administrative capacity of the staff related to implementation of the Fund programmes; 7) stationery, etc., expenditures.

2. Information and Publicity

Please provide a concrete description of the information and publicity activities (as per Articles 33 and 34 of the RF Implementing Rules) implemented under the annual programmes 2008 and 2009. No annual breakdown is required.

Describe separately the information and publicity activities by the Responsible Authority and those by the final beneficiaries.

As part of the information and publicity activities by the Responsible Authority, please specify the yearly information activities which you have organised up to now, as of 2008, the launch of the multiannual programme or the achievements of the annual programme(s), as set out in Article 33 (2) (a) of the RF Implementing Rules.

Please also describe when you developed the website referred to in Article 33(2) (b) of the RF Implementing Rules and indicate, for each annual programme, when the required data was introduced on the website.

- Information and publicity activities by the Responsible Authority

Maximum 15 lines

Actions completed in 2009: 1. Visual publicity measures: - 18 02 2009: The RF logo was designed (black and white and colour versions). - 18 06 2009: Folders compliant with the RF publicity requirements (stickers with text information on RF) with RF and MOI (Ministry of the Interior) logos were produced; - 14 04 2009: Various souvenirs with RF and MOI logos (backpacks, vacuum-flasks, plaids, etc.) compliant with the RF publicity requirements were produced; - 31 08 2009: 150 pens with RF and MOI logos and 50 pens with RF and MOI logos in leather slipcases compliant with the ERF publicity requirements were produced; -18 09 2009 The Delegated authority drafted Guidelines and distributed 100 CDs for the beneficiaries; - 14 12 2009: Souvenirs with RF and MOI logos (100 compasses with locks and 50 clocks with RF and MOI logos ) compliant with the RF publicity requirements were produced; - 10 12 2009: Tear-off desktop calendars with ERF and MOI logos (190 units) compliant with the RF publicity requirements were produced. 2. Development of RF website http://www.vrm.lt/?id=1097 and posting RF information. RF website was developed in February 2009. The annual programme 2009 of RF (in Lithuanian) was posted there in August, 2009, the annual programme 2008 of RF (in Lithuanian) and the multiannual programme 2008-2013 of ERF were posted in March, 2009. Template 41 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund 3. Press releases (regular). Press releases for dissemination to editorial offices and the national and regional press, radio, TV, news agencies and news portals.

Actions completed in 2010: 1. Press releases (regular). Press releases for dissemination to editorial offices and the national and regional press, radio, TV, news agencies and news portals. 2. Website information updates on RF.

- Information and publicity activities by the final beneficiaries

The Publicity Guidelines approved by the Public Institution Central Project Management Agency (CPMA) (the Delegated institution) establish that beneficiaries, suppliers and/or contractors, and/or implementing partners shall be responsible for proper publicity of projects implemented by them and EU support provided by the RF. The following is obligatory for publicizing project works and results financed by RF: - Install an information stand or a commemorative plaque (an information stand shall be installed, if the total Community contribution exceeds 100 000 EUR and infrastructure or construction projects are financed under the action, and a commemorative plaque shall be installed, if the total Community contribution exceeds 100 000 EUR and a material object (completed building) is procured or infrastructure or construction projects are financed under the action); - Implement at least two information and publicity measures: - a press release, - website information, - equipment and device labelling, - events: trainings, seminars, fairs, exhibitions, etc., - banners, - information publications, - other measures proposed by beneficiaries, suppliers and/or contractors, and/or implementing partners. Beneficiaries implementing projects under annual programmes 2008 and 2009 of the RF respect the above publicity requirements and publicize works and results of projects financed by RF in line with the established procedure. Maximum 15 lines

Template 42 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund Part VII


Based on: - All information available to the Responsible Authority on the implementation of each annual programme - Any external evaluation available to the Responsible Authority provide your assessment of the implementation of the annual programmes 2008 and 2009 for the following items.

In each case please explain the reasons for your judgement. If for any item you cannot provide an assessment by June 2010, please answer “Not known by June 2010”.

Template 43 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund VII.1. Assessment of the implementation of the 2008 Annual Programme

1. Has the 2008 programme been implemented as originally planned and broadly in line with the programme schedule?

The annual programme 2008 practically was implemented as planned, except for some actions, which were not fully implemented and in line with the programme schedule. Under Action 3.1.1. “Improvement of personal identification procedures” procurement of computer equipment for fingerprinting and fingerprint scanning was planned and under Action 3.1.2 “Organizing of forced return and expulsion of aliens” 2 special vehicles for the transportation of expelled or returned persons was planned. However this turned out to a misinterpretation of Implementing Rules for RF as no more than 1000 EUR/unit might be allocated to procure any type of equipment. Thus the decision was made to replace procurement of the above computer equipment and special vehicles with lease. It was decided to lease 1 special vehicle instead of procurement of 2 vehicles. Clarification and discussions with the Commission on purchase/lease issue took quite a long period of time. This caused delayed start of implementation of these projects and they were not fully implemented: neither the vehicle nor the fingerprinting equipment was leased.

Maximum 15 lines

2. Have you encountered problems on implementation of the 2008 annual programme? If so, what measures did you take?

Under annual programme 2008, Action 3.1.1. “Improvement of personal identification procedures” procuring computer equipment sets for fingerprinting and fingerprint scanning was planned, and under Action 3.1.2 “Organizing of forced return and expulsion of aliens” 2 special vehicles for the transportation of expelled or returned persons was planned. However upon clarifying that no more than 1000 EUR/unit may be allocated to procure any type of equipment, the decision was made to replace procurement of the above computer equipment and special vehicles with lease. This caused delayed start of implementation of these projects under annual programme 2008.

Maximum 15 lines

3. Has a revision of the 2008 programme by the Commission been necessary? If so, what were the main changes?

The following were the key revisions in the annual programme 2008: under annual programme 2008, Action 3.1.1. “Improvement of personal identification procedures” procuring computer equipment sets for fingerprinting and fingerprint scanning was planned, and under Action 3.1.2 “Organizing of forced return and expulsion of aliens” 2 special vehicles for the transportation of expelled or returned persons was planned. However upon clarifying that no more than 1000 EUR/unit may be allocated to procure any type of equipment, the decision was made to replace procurement of the above computer equipment

Template 44 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund and special vehicles with lease. And the decision was made to lease 1 special vehicle instead of procurement of 2 vehicles. Redistribution of funds did not exceed 10 % of the total Fund contribution, thus the Commission approved revision was not necessary.

Maximum 15 lines

4. Have you implemented the 2008 programme (the case being, the revised programme) fully? (= all or nearly all actions set out in the programme approved by the Commission, or in the revised programme approved by the Commission, could be implemented by the end of this programme) The deadline for implementation of AP 2008 was 30 June 2010. For Lithuania there was no need to revise AP 2008.

The annual programme 2008 practically was implemented as planned, except for some actions, which were not fully implemented and in line with the programme schedule. Under Action 3.1.1. “Improvement of personal identification procedures” procurement of computer equipment for fingerprinting and fingerprint scanning was planned and under Action 3.1.2 “Organizing of forced return and expulsion of aliens” 2 special vehicles for the transportation of expelled or returned persons was planned. However this turned out to a misinterpretation of Implementing Rules for RF as no more than 1000 EUR/unit might be allocated to procure any type of equipment. Thus the decision was made to replace procurement of the above computer equipment and special vehicles with lease. It was decided to lease 1 special vehicle instead of procurement of 2 vehicles. Clarification and discussions with the Commission on purchase/lease issue took quite a long period of time. This caused delayed start of implementation of these projects and they were not fully implemented: neither the vehicle nor the fingerprinting equipment was leased.

Maximum 15 lines

5. Have the expected quantitative and qualitative results of the 2008 programme - as set out in the programme / revised programme approved by the Commission - been achieved at the end of this programme?

With respect to the fact that the annual programme 2008 was approved on 9 April 2009, beneficiaries started implementing activities specified in the annual programme 2008 much later. The main results achieved: SBGS procured 12 units of digital photo cameras, interpreting and legal services; Operational costs of organizing alien return and expulsion trips were paid (travel tickets for returned/expelled aliens, accommodation and meals costs for SBGS officers and etc.); prepared a study of best practise which systematised the voluntary return practice carried out by other countries and recommendation on how the good practice of other countries can be used in Lithuania; a video clip about voluntary return possibilities was created; 1 special return programme for vulnerable groups of aliens illegally staying in the territory of a Member State created; performance of 6 vulnerable alien return operations and organisation of

Template 45 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund escort for 6 vulnerable aliens; foreign language trainings for 34 MD employees were organised.

Maximum 15 lines

6. In the light of the implementation of the 2008 programme, do you consider that the distribution of funding between the actions was appropriate? Were the actions set out in the programme you submitted to the Commission appropriate?

Maximum 15 lines

The distribution of funding between actions of the annual programme 2008 was appropriate, and beneficiaries submitted proposals under each action of the annual programme, and projects for financing were selected, which are currently under implementation. Therefore it may be assumed that actions set out in the programme and distribution of funding between them was appropriate in the programme submitted to the Commission.

Template 46 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund VII.2. Assessment of the implementation of the 2009 Annual Programme

1. Has the 2009 programme been implemented as originally planned and broadly in line with the programme schedule?

National projects funded under AP 2009 were selected in April 2010. Individual projects funded under AP 2009 were selected in July 2010. All the projects are still being implemented.

Maximum 15 lines

2. Have you encountered problems on implementation of the 2009 annual programme? If so, what measures did you take?

Not known up to June 2010.

Maximum 15 lines

3. Has a revision of the 2009 programme by the Commission been necessary? If so, what were the main changes?

Not known up to June 2010. Maximum 15 lines

4. Have you implemented the 2009 programme (the case being, the revised programme) fully? (= all or nearly all actions set out in the programme approved by the Commission, or in the revised programme approved by the Commission, could be implemented by the end of this programme)

Not known up to June 2010.

Maximum 15 lines

5. Have the expected quantitative and qualitative results of the 2009 programme - as set out in the programme / revised programme approved by the Commission - been achieved at the end of this programme?

Not known up to June 2010.

Maximum 15 lines

6. In the light of the implementation of the 2009 programme, do you consider that the distribution of funding between the actions was appropriate? Were the actions set out in the programme you submitted to the Commission appropriate?

Not known up to June 2010.

Template 47 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund Maximum 15 lines

VII.3. The Management and Control System for the Fund and the implementation of the Annual Programmes 2008 and 2009

Based on : - All information available to the Responsible Authority on the implementation of annual programmes 2008 and 2009 - The Management and Control system of the Return Fund in your Member State - Any external evaluation available to the Responsible Authority - Any other analysis carried out by your government as regards the Fund

Provide your assessment for the following item. Please explain the reasons for your judgement.

1. Has the Management and Control System of the Return Fund which you designed in 2008, been efficient for the implementation of the annual programmes so far?

Half a page maximum The Management and Control System of the European Return Fund was developed according to the management and control system of the Schengen Facility programme, and the decision was made that the same authorities should participate as they had good experience of administering EU assistance. By the Order No. 1128 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 24 October 2007 “Concerning Assignment of Authorities Administering the External Borders Fund and the European Return Fund and Assigning Powers to Them” authorities were assigned administering the External Borders Fund and the European Return Fund: MOI was assigned to be the Responsible authority, the Public Institution Central Project Management Agency (CPMA) was assigned to be the Delegated and Certifying authority, Internal Audit Division of MOI was assigned to be the Audit authority. By Order No. IV-49 of the Minister of the Interior of 6 February 2008 “Concerning Assignment of Functions Among Authorities Administering the External Borders Fund and the European Return Fund, Selection of Projects and Establishment of Functions of the Supervisory Committees” functions among the administering authorities were distributed and functions were delegated to the Delegated authority. The proper distribution of functions among the administering authorities ensures effective operation of the Management and Control System of the European Return Fund while implementing annual programmes.

2. Please list any changes you have made in the Management and Control System of the Return Fund which you designed in 2008, bearing in mind the experiences gained/ lessons learned during the Template 48 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund implementation of the annual programmes 2008 and 2009 and/or any comments from the Commission and/or audits

No material changes of the Management and Control System were implemented.

Half a page maximum

Template 49 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund Part VIII


In case you had recourse to an external expertise for other parts of this report: this part must always be filled in by the Responsible Authority itself

VIII.1. What is your overall assessment of the implementation of the Return Fund in your Member State from 2008 to 2009?

1 page maximum

The multiannual programme and the annual programme 2008 of the RF were approved by the European Commission Decision No. K(2009)1540 of 9 March 2009, approving the multiannual programme for 2008–2013 and the annual programme 2008 of the RF and RF co-financing for 2008. Then project selection procedures were started in line with the approved rules and projects for financing by the annual programme 2008 were selected. As both administering authorities and beneficiaries implementation of the annual programme 2008 projects was a new experience, the actual project implementation time reduced, after later approval of the annual programme and selection of projects for financing, and projects had to be implemented within less than a year. However we believe that many of the projects selected under annual programme 2008 will be timely implemented. Please note that under annual programme 2009 selection of projects was much faster, thus projects of the annual programme 2009 are expected to be timely implemented and full planned results are to be achieved.

Template 50 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund VIII. 2 Taking into account the overall implementation of the Return Fund in your Member State from 2008 to 2009, what is your preliminary assessment in relation to the following aspects of the Return Fund on the following aspects?

1. Relevance of the programme's priorities and actions to the national situation

Please describe how relevant the programme's objectives are overall to the problems and needs identified in the field of return management. Has there been an evolution which required a reshaping of the intervention?

15 lines maximum

The Republic of Lithuania, observing the rationale of the Fund Intervention and priorities listed in the Decision No. 2007/837/EC of the European Commission of 30 November 2007, and taking into account the national alien return practice and efficiency, has opted to implement Priorities 1, 3 and 4. Membership in the Schengen Area should increase the numbers of aliens in the Republic of Lithuania obligated to depart, expelled and returned. Thus to ensure organizing and enforcement of fast and effective expulsion and return procedures, compliant with the provisions of EU and international human rights documents implemented by the Republic of Lithuania, and to develop and establish modern methods and modules in alien return, to ensure a more effective and humane return policy implementation in the state, specific and relevant programme objectives were selected. The programme actions are successfully implemented. The Republic of Lithuania has not met any new challenges in a national context of return issues that are not covered by the fund. That’s why no changes are required to the objectives and possible actions of the Fund.

2. Effectiveness of the programme

Please highlight the key results of the programme overall and the extent to which the desired results and objectives (as set out in the multiannual programme strategy) been attained. Are the effects resulting from the intervention consistent with its objectives?

15 lines maximum

The key results of the programme are listed by each priority objectives:

Objective 1.1.: Minimum 4 EU MS expert visits while implementing the multiannual programme; 34 photo cameras and 13 computer equipment units for fingerprinting and fingerprint scanning will be procured. Results achieved: 2 EU MS expert (Finnish and German) visits; 12 digital cameras procured. Objective 1.2.: Key results: minimum 120 deported and returned persons per year; minimum 80 issued travel documents per year.

Template 51 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund Results achieved: 115 aliens deported / returned; 17 return documents received and transmitted per year. Objective 1.3.: Key results: minimum 1 website to be developed during the multiannual programme time with regular information updates; minimum 1 typical plan for integrated voluntary return process to be developed; the number of voluntary return acts – up to 40 per year in 2008-2009, and up to 50- 100 annually in 2010-2013; voluntary return publicity - minimum 1 video clip per year, annual information publications and one film on the return procedure in the Republic of Lithuania. Results achieved: A website was developed, which is constantly updated (http://www.iom.lt/lt/vykdomi-projekai/-savanorisko-grizimo-pagalba/); 6 persons were voluntarily returned; a video clip was developed on voluntary return, an information publication was issued (in 11 languages). Objective 3.1.: 1 special return programme for vulnerable groups of aliens illegally staying in the territory of a Member State; performance of vulnerable alien return operations, organisation of escort for vulnerable groups of aliens – up to 5 annually in 2008-2009, up to 10 annually in 2010-2013. Results achieved: 1 special return programme for vulnerable groups of aliens illegally staying in the territory of a Member State was developed; 6 vulnerable alien return operations were carried out and escorts for 6 vulnerable aliens were organised. Objective 3.2.: 1 best practice study of reintegration projects; 1-2 small reintegration projects. Results achieved: A study of reintegration projects practice developed. Objective 3.3.: Foreign language training for employees for at least 460 officers during the multiannual programme. Results achieved: English language trainings for 34 migration officers were organised. Objective 4.1.: At least 1 workshop per year on the problems of return of foreigners and possibilities of voluntary return and 3-5 information lectures for regional migration, border services, and representatives of municipalities per year; up to 50–55 visits during the multiannual programme; the number of trainings, internships completed - at least 330 officers trained during the multiannual programme. Results achieved: 3 information lectures for regional migration, border services, and representatives of municipalities delivered (in Kaunas, Klaipėda and Šiauliai); 8 study visits organised;

Almost all above projects are duly implemented thus reaching the results under the strategic objectives of the multi-annual programme, but please note that almost all projects are continuous, i.e., their implementation lasts during several multi-annual programmes, therefore objectives planned in the multi- annual programme are not fully delivered. When scoping the objectives achieved we may state that about 13 % of multi-annual programme objectives have been already reached.

3. Efficiency of the programme

Template 52 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund Please estimate the cost of the management of the Return Fund so far and whether in your opinion the programme's objectives are being developed in accordance with the original planning and at a reasonable cost.

15 lines maximum

So far management costs of the RF incurred are below the planned amount in the annual programme 2008, as far as implementation of the annual programme 2008 started only after its approval and selection of projects for financing. The majority of annual programme 2009 projects are follow-ups of projects under annual programme 2008, thus implementation of projects of the annual programme 2009 will start only upon expiry of the eligibility period of projects of the year 2008, i.e., post 30 June 2010. With respect to the above reasons it is hard to evaluate costs incurred so far.

Costs of management of RF (Technical assistance)

TA RF (EUR) As % of the total budget

RF AP 2008 46 079,99 6,29 RF AP 2009 37 229, 21 5,15

Summary of costs of management:

Costs of % Costs of % Total % management management management under TA under costs (EUR) RF (EUR) national co- financing (EUR) RF AP 83 309,2 64,04 46 781,26 35,96 130 090,46 100 2008- 2009

4. Complementarity

Please indicate any issues you have had with establishing the complementarity and/or synergies with other programmes and/or EC financial instruments such as the other Funds of the General Programme, the Thematic Programme on Asylum and Migration and/or the Structural Funds.

15 lines maximum Complementary Community Support is not and will not be used to reach RF objectives of 2008–2013.

Template 53 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund No issues were faced with establishing the complementarity and/or synergies of annual programmes with other programmes and/or EC financial instruments. RF programme is very specific, and beneficiaries are government authorities or an NGO Vilnius Office of the International Organization for Migration). Before coming into force of the implementation of RF, programmed actions were previously financed by the national funds and European Refugee Fund II (voluntary return programmes). The programme measures and projects are well known to the Delegated and Responsible authorities, thus it is easy to evaluate complementarity or compatibility in beneficiary proposals or reports. The Responsible authority constantly evaluates compatibility with other Community measures to as far as possible ensure synergy with other programmes implementing Cohesion policy. For this aim actions are constantly coordinated with national authorities implementing EU structural funds. In the project application form the applicants have to confirm that the project is not funded under any other programme or fund. Then, during the evaluation of a project it has to be identified if a project is financed under other programme /fund or not. During the implementation of RF the Responsible Authority hadn’t identified projects that could not be supported due to risk of overlap.

5. Added value

Please indicate how you perceive the programme's added value in comparison with existing national programmes/policies at national, regional and local level, and in relation to the national budget in the area of intervention of the Return Fund.

15 lines maxium

RF means a major contribution to the state especially facing the economic crisis. Especially taking into account the fact that previously many actions included in the programmes (both in annual programmes 2008 and 2009) were financed by the national funds, thus without the RF financial assistance and under the economic downgrade in Lithuania the programmed actions would have failed RF also contributes to enforce the voluntary return of persons, as these actions were previously funded by the European Refugee Fund II and upon expiry of the latter Fund‘s implementation time these actions would have failed. Without the RF almost all individual projects and some national projects couldn’t be implemented. For example, projects relating to voluntary return, reintegration for voluntary returned migrants or projects relating trainings and study visits for officials who are responsible for expulsion and return of foreigners. According to this, the European dimension of the RF brought additional value to the projects implemented.

VIII.3. Any suggestions / recommendations for improvements in the regulatory framework (basic act and implementing rules) and the Commission guidance documents which would help you to streamline and improve the annual programming exercise in general?

Half a page maximum

Template 54 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund We suggest that eligible and non-eligible expenditure is more clearly defined (on project level, for technical assistance, etc.) in Annex 11 to the European Commission Decision No. 2008/458/EC of 5 March 2008 laying down rules for the implementation of the Decision No. 575/2007/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Return Fund for the period 2008 to 2013 as part of the General programme ‘Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows’ as regards Member States' management and control systems, the rules for administrative and financial management and the eligibility of expenditure on projects co-financed by the Fund (OL 2008 L 167, p. 135), as the current provisions may be very flexibly interpreted. We also suggest that the rules are simplified.

VIII.4. Any suggestions / recommendations for improvements in the regulatory framework (basic act and implementing rules) and the Commission guidance documents which would help you to streamline and improve the implementation of the actions / projects and the control mechanisms on the actions/ projects?

Half a page maximum Please note that up to 1 March of the respective year the Commission makes a decision on financing which approves the annual programme. With timely approval of annual programmes for the respective year, enough time to implement actions (projects) without major hurry would be available, thus we suggest that projects of the respective year get approved without waiting for the final deadline.

VIII. 5. Any suggestions / recommendations for improvements in terms of the guidance and support by the Commission to the Member States on the implementation of the programming exercise and the management and control system?

Half a page maximum

In case a Member State is consulted on programme implementation we suggest circulating the interpretation to all the Member Sttes. Please note that often the same issues are explained differently by the Commission representatives.

End of the report ☻

Template 55 Evaluation report on Implementation of actions co financed by the European Return Fund

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