N Is the Distance from 0 to a Number N on a Number Line. Ex -3 = 3 and 5 = 5

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N Is the Distance from 0 to a Number N on a Number Line. Ex -3 = 3 and 5 = 5

absolute value |n| is the distance from 0 to a number n on a number line. Ex |-3| = 3 and |5| = 5 absolute value function A function containing the |x|. It is shaped like the letter v algebraic solution This means you need to solve the problem using variables and equations. Guess and check, graphing calculators, or other solution methods will earn partial credit Arithmetic sequence Sequence where the rate of change is additive; Look on your formula sheet for the general form associative property Sum or product of terms has the same value, regardless of how the terms are grouped. Example: 2x + (3 + y) = (2x + 3) + y average rate of change Change in y over change in x; make a table using your graphing calculator to help!

Axis of Symmetry x = -b / 2a; Axis of symmetry is ALWAYS an equation x = ____ axis of symmetry x = -b/2a ; The x value in a vertex of a parabola base A number that is raised to a power binomial Polynomial with two terms Ex. (x + 4) bivariate data Data involving two seperate things being measured (Ex. height and age of a group of students) box and whisker plot Causal Relationship Does one variable CAUSE the other variable. Remember, correlation doesn't mean causation! closure An operation is said to be closed if the output is the same type as the input. Example: Positive numbers are closed under addition because when you add two positive numbers the result is a positive number coefficient The numerical factor of a term in a polynomial. Example: 14 is the coefficient in the term 14x commutative property A property of real numbers that states that the sum or product of two terms is unaffected by the order in which the terms are added or multiplied; i.e., the sum or product remains the same. . Ex: 2x + y = y + 2x coordinate pair (x, y) correlation Measures how strong the relationship between two variables is

correlation coefficient "r value"; between -1 and 1. The further away from zero, the stronger the relationship between the two variables are Cubic A function with x raised to a power of 3

cummulative frequency table A table that shows how often each item, number, or range of numbers occurs in a set of data. This table displays the total number of scores that fall into each of several cumulative intervals. The cumulative intervals are created by adding the preceding tallies (of lower scores) to the new tallies for each interval. Definition of "to factor" To break a number or expression down into its multiplicative parts. For example you factor x^2 + 5x + 6 as (x+2)(x+3) Definition of "to solve" To find the value of a variable that makes an equation true. For example you solve x - 2 = 4 by finding x = 6 degree of a polynomial The highest exponent value in the polynomial. difference of perfect squares A binomial of the form a^2 - b^2 which can be factored into (a - b)(a + b) distributive property A property of real numbers that states that the product of a number and the sum or difference of two numbers is the same as the sum or difference of their products. Example: 2( 3 + x) = 2(3) + 2(x) domain All possible input values (x values)

Dot Plot Number line with a dot for each data point above it elimination Method for solving a system of equations. Add the equations together to get a variable to cancel out. equation A mathematical statement with variables and constants which contains an equal sign equation of a horizontal line the equation of a vertical line is always y = a number such as y = -5 equation of a vertical line the equation of a vertical line is always x = a number such as x = -5 Explain how to use the calculator to find the 5 numbers for a Box and Whisker plot Hit STAT, then Edit and type in the values into L1. Once done hit STAT again -> to CALC and click on 1 Var Stats then scroll down to see the five number summary exponent A number that tells how many times the base should be multiplied by itself

exponential function An function with a variable in the exponent. Has a multiplicative rate of change exponential growth An amount is multiplied by a number greater than one every period of time. Represented by y = a(x^x) where a is the initial value and b is the rate expontial decay An amount is multiplied by a number less than one every period time. Represented by y = a(b^x) where a is the initial value and b is the rate expresion A mathematical statement with variables and constants but which does not contain any relation symbol (<,>,=,...) Factor completely Make sure to look for GCF's to factor! Use slide divide bottoms up if the leading coefficient is still not equal to one after factoring out a GCF Factored form y = (x - r)(x - s); shows the roots of a parabola factor (verb) Break an expression into its multiplicative parts. "unmultiply" five number summary Minimum, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile, and maximum frequency table A table that shows how often each item, number, or range of numbers occurs in a data set. function Each input can only have one ouput! Formally: A rule that assigns to each number x in the function's domain a unique number f( )x . Geometric sequence Sequence where the rate of change is multiplicative; Look on your formula sheet for the general form greatest common factor (GCF) The greatest number, polynomial, or quantity that divides two or more numbers or algebraic expressions evenly

histogram A type of graph for 1 variable quantitative data. The horizontal axis is a number line that displays the data in equal intervals. The frequency of each bar is shown on the vertical axis. Horizontal Shift of a function f(x - h) or f(x + h) How do you factor the difference of two squares a^2 - b^2 (a - b)(a+b) hypotenuse The side of a right triangle opposite the right angle; the longest side of a right triangle. identities equations that are true for all values of the variable they contain. Example x + 2 = 2 + x inequality A mathematical statement containing one of the symbols <, >, ≤,≥,≠to indicate the relationship between two quantities. integers {...-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... } Interquartile range The difference between Q1 and Q3 Irrational numbers Numbers that can't be written as a fraction leading coefficient "The coefficient of the first term of a polynomial when the polynomial is in standard form. 5 is the leading coefficient of 5x^2- 9x + 7 linear function A function with a constant rate of change; often in the form y = mx + b line of best fit A line used to approximate and generalize the linear relationship between the independent and dependent variables for a set of data. literal equation An equation that contains more than one variable. Ex: 2a + 3y = c mean Another name for average. Add all the numbers and divide by how many there are (or get your calculator to do it for you!) measure of central tendancy "A summary statistic that indicates the typical value or center of an organized data set. The three most common measures of central tendency are the mean, an organized data set. The three most common measures of central tendency are the mean, median Middle value in a data set median, and mode. " ... mode The most frequent number in a data set monomial A polynomial with one term (it has a coefficient and a variable) mutliplication property of zero For every number a, 0 • a = 0 and a • 0 = 0. parabola U shape made by a quadratic function parallel lines Same slope different y intercept perimeter Add up all the sides to find the length around a shape point-slope form of a line y - y1 = m(x - x1) where m is the slope and (x1, y1) is a point on the graph polynomial A sum of monomials (2 or more terms) product the result of multiplication proportional Two variables are proportional if they maintain a constant rate of change and include the point (0,0) Pythagorean Triple Whole numbers that satisfy the pythagorean theorem quadratic function A function with an x^2 term qualitiative Descriptions using word categories such as favorite color, type of eye color, or name quantitative Descriptions using numerical measures such as quantity, height, or age. Quartile Breaks a data set into 4 equal bins each with 25% range All possible output values (y values) RANGE of a data set Maximum # - Minimum # real numbers All the numbers on the number line recursive function Function that goes step by step. Start with f(1) then find f(2)... Residual Actual value - predicted value; A linear model is a good fit if the graph of these is random Restriction on the domain of a graph These are the domain values that would make a function undefined. Ex f(x) = 1/x x would be restricted so that x can't be equal to zero right triangle Go to your formula sheet and use the pythagorean theorem roots of an equation A solution to an equation of the form f(x) = 0; find on a graph by looking at the y- intercepts OR by using factoring to solve OR by using the quadratic formula scatter plot Displays the relationship between two variables. DO NOT connect the lines simplest radical form Use factor tree to find the most simplified version of a square root slope Constant rate of change: change in y over change in x Slope intercept form of a line y = mx + b where m is the slope and b is the y intercept solution set All solutions written in curley brackets Ex if x = 0 or x = -3 the solution set is x = {0,-3} Solution to a system of equations Point(s) where two equations intersect Solution to a system of inequalities Shaded region where two inequalites intersect Square root function Function with a square root; use graphing calculator to visualize Standard form of a quadratic y = ax^2 + bx + c; shows the y intercept of a parabola standard form of a quadratic equation y = ax^2 + bx + c ; a tells you whether the parabola opens up or down substitution Method for solving systems of equations. Get a variable by itself and plug it into the other equation sum the result of addition system of equations/inequalities (x,y) that satisfy all equations or inequalities trinomial A polynomial with three terms Turning point Another name for the vertex of a parabola univariate A data set involving one variable vertex The maximum or minimum point of a parabola vertex form of a quadratic equation y=a(x-h)^2 + k ; (h,k) is the vertex Vertical dilation (stretch) of a function a f(x) Vertical shift of a function f(x) + k or f(x) - k What does a Quadratic Graph Look like PARABOLA - The U shaped graph with a point(vertex) at the bottom or top.

 What does the graph of an Absolute Value Function Look Like V or upside down V

 What is a residual and when is a residual plot an indicator that you have a good model. residual = actual - predicted; A residual plot indicates that a model is good when there is no pattern

What is the Line of Best Fit or Trend Line It is the best line that can be drawn on a scatter plot that accurately represents the trend of the data. What is the mean in data It is the average What is the median in data Is is the middle number or average of the two middle numbers AFTER THEY ARE ARRANGED IN ORDER What is the MODE in data Most frequent number What you do you know about the slopes of Parallel Lines They are the same. Where can I find cube roots on my calculator? Press the MATH button and scroll down. Where can I find the absolute value sign on my calculator? Press the MATH button, scroll right to NUM and look for abs() zero product property If two terms multiplied equals zero, one of the terms equals zero; IE if ab=0 either a=0 or b=0 Zeros of a graph The x intercepts or solutions

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