The University of Western Australia s3

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The University of Western Australia s3



PRESENT W/Professor Brendan Waddell, Associate Professor Kathy Sanders, Dr Jamie O’Shea, Associate Professor Martha Ludwig, Associate Professor Patrick Finnegan, Associate Professor Peter Hammond, Assistant Professor Vance Locke, W/Professor Bob Grove, Ms Marjan Heibloem, Ms Kath Williams, Ms Merrilee Albatis, Mr Alex Bennett, Mr Joshua Knight, Ms Jan Taylor

1. APOLOGIES W/Professor Lyn Abbot, Assistant Professor James Fogarty, Assistant Professor Julian Clifton, W/Professor Ian McArthur

2. WELCOME The Deputy Dean welcomed Members and invitees to the meeting. The Chair paid tribute to the late Dr Brenton Knott for his contribution to the University and in particular to teaching and learning in Animal Biology and the broader Faculty.

3. DECLARATIONS OF POTENTIAL OR PERCEIVED CONFLICTS OF INTEREST - REF: F45712 No conflicts of interests were declared.

1. MINUTES (NOVEMBER 2012 AND FEBRUARY 2013) – REF: F45712 It was RESOLVED 11/2013

To confirm the minutes of the Teaching and Learning Committee of November 2012 and its attachments as a true and correct record of the circulation; and It was RESOLVED 12/2013

Faculty of Science – Science T&L Committee – Minutes of Meeting 130328 Page 1 To confirm the minutes of the Teaching and Learning Committee of February 2013 and its attachments as a true and correct record of the circulation.

4. ACTIONS IN PROGRESS ITEM DUE DATE / STATUS RESPONSIBILITY CRT Project Associate Dean Schools will be requested to suggest T&L staff to be reviewed. The Associate Dean T&L will liaise with Assoc/Professor Peter Whipp on this matter. Assessment and Feedback Project Associate Dean Project complete. Feedback welcome. T&L The Associate Dean T&L will liaise with Assoc/Professor Peter Whipp on this matter. Assessment Items and Weighting Associate Dean A draft paper will be prepared by Ms Paper Faculty Response T&L Marjan Heibloem for consideration by T&L Committee for submission to APS. Honours Programs & Units Deputy Dean The new courses BSc (Honours) webpage ( ) shows none from the former LPS Schools. Proposals will need to go through the Science BoS.


5. CONFIRMATION OF PRIZE WINNERS Members were advised that the Faculty of Science Prize Giving breakfast will be held on Thursday 16th May 2013. The Science Student Office is currently in the process of determining all of the 2012 prize winners across the then Faculties of Natural and Agricultural Sciences and Life and Physical Sciences. Once completed, the Faculty will contact all prize winners inviting them to the prize giving event.

6. LEVEL 2 PATHOLOGY CHANGES Members were advised that that some confusion had arisen regarding level 2 Pathology units in NC2012. The 2012 content of PATH2201 Introduction to Human Disease was moved in 2013 to PATH2202 Fundamentals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, without any changes to unit numbers. Students who completed PATH2201 in 2012, enrolled in 2013 in PATH2202, i.e. in essentially the same unit they had completed in 2012. Students have been asked to withdraw from PATH2202 and enrol in a Special unit PATH2299 with the 2013 content PATH2201, but the title “Fundamentals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine”. PART II: ITEMS FOR DECISION TO BE DEALT WITH EN BLOC

2 7. THE MALCOLM PHILIP SPARROW PHYSIOLOGY EXCELLENCE IN HONOURS PRIZE Members were advised that the both the donor and School had requested that the prize be awarded for 2012 and were provided with the conditions for the Malcolm Philip Sparrow Physiology Excellence in Honours Prize (awarded to the student who has been awarded a degree with at least 2A honours in Physiology, and has the highest weighted average mark in honours in Physiology). (Attachment C to the Agenda refers). It was RESOLVED 13/2013 to recommend to the Science Executive Committee that the Malcolm Philip Sparrow Physiology Excellence in Honours Prize be awarded for 2012.


8. REPORT FROM THE CHAIR Winthrop Professor Brendan Waddell provided a brief report on the following items: Pedagogy Review Members were advised that as a next step in the process, the Central T&L Committee working party would release a paper within approximately one month. The paper would not be prescriptive and Members were asked to advise the Chair of any items that they considered should be included. It was likely that working parties will be asked to consider various aspects of the Options and Issues paper. Teaching Fellowship Scheme Members were advised that three applications had been submitted for 2013: one from the Centre for Forensic Science and two from the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

9. ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT Members were advised that the website listing current Academic Conduct Advisors still indicates two Science Faculties ( and therefore requires updating. The Faculty will require an Academic Conduct Advisor as well as an alternate. In addition, Members discussed whether each School should have an Academic Conduct Advisor who would then liaise with the Science Student Office (SSO), who would keep a register of all cases submitted by the School Academic Conduct Advisors. The regulations for Student Conduct and Discipline were available at: Following discussion, it was agreed that the SSO would put together a draft document for Heads of School.

10.MAJOR-COORDINATORS Members were provided with an overview of all major coordinators and unit coordinators of unattached electives and were asked to liaise with their Head of School and provide any missing names to Kath Williams no later than 8 April 2013.

Faculty of Science – Science T&L Committee – Minutes of Meeting 130328 Page 3 11.AVAILABILITY OF LEVEL 2 PRE-REQUISITES UNITS THROUGH LMS TO LEVEL 3 UNIT STUDENTS Members were advised that this proposal came as a result of transition issues raised during the implementation of NC2012, whereby students had completed old prerequisite units that were (somewhat) different from the current prerequisite units. These students had been given LMS access to the new prerequisite units and this had proved popular with both teaching staff and students. In addition, students often struggled to recall the detail of what they learned the semester or year before. To enable students to re-visit this material it was proposed to make pre-requisite units available via LMS to all students enrolled in that unit. However, although it is possible to make prerequisite units available on LMS, the availability is subject to approval of the unit-coordinator of the pre-requisite unit. Following discussion, It was RESOLVED 14/2013 to recommend to the Science Executive Committee that approval be given for Level 2 pre-requisites units be made available through LMS to Level 3 unit students.

12.NC2012 SCIENCE MAJORS AND UNIT CHANGES Proposed changes, as well as an overview of all Faculty of Science majors and their units, were provided in Attachment E to the Agenda (available upon request and at the meeting = over 350 pages). Members had been advised that relevant majors had been distributed to Teaching and Learning Representatives and Heads of School, prior to the meeting and were asked to liaise with their Head of School to confirm these changes by Tuesday 2 April 2013. Heads of School were requested to bring any changes – in writing - to the Science Executive Committee meeting of Tuesday 2 April 2013, for approval. It was RESOLVED 15/2013 to recommend to the Science Executive Committee that the proposed changes in Attachment E to the Agenda, subject to any changes submitted by the Heads of School at the meeting of the Science Executive Committee of Tuesday 2nd April 2013, be approved.

13.NC2012 SCIENCE HONOURS AND UNIT CHANGES Proposed changes, as well as an overview of all Faculty of Science NC2012 honours specialisations, and their units, were provided in Attachment F to the Agenda. Members were asked to liaise with their Head of School to confirm these changes by Tuesday 2 April 2013 to enable Heads of School to bring any changes – in writing - to the Science Executive Committee meeting of Tuesday 2 April 2013, for approval. It was RESOLVED 16/2013 to recommend to the Science Executive Committee that the proposed changes in Attachment F to the Agenda, subject to any changes submitted by the Heads of School

4 at the meeting of the Science Executive Committee of Tuesday 2nd April 2013, be approved.

14.PROPOSED NEW NC2012 UNITS a) SCIE5505 Global Change and the Marine Environment The Ocean’s Institute proposed the introduction of the new unit SCIE5505 Global Change and the Marine Environment as a first step towards the development of a “Master of Ocean Solutions", envisaged for 2015. Until this Masters program is developed it was proposed that this unit be an optional unit in The Master of Environmental Science, the Master of Biological Sciences and in Marine Science Honours, and that the rules are amended accordingly. Permission was sought to teach the unit for the first time in November 2013. Attachment G to the Agenda provided a completed New Unit Form. It was RESOLVED 17/2013 to recommend to the Science Executive Committee that the proposed new unit SCIE5505 Global Change and the Marine Environment be approved. b) GEOS5504 Mining Hydrogeology The School of Earth and Environment had proposed the introduction of the new unit GEOS5504 Mining Hydrogeology. It was proposed that this unit be an optional unit in the Master of Hydrogeology, and that the 2014 rules are amended accordingly. Attachment H to the Agenda provided a completed New Unit Form It was RESOLVED 18/2013 to recommend to the Science Executive Committee that the proposed new unit GEOS5504 Mining Hydrogeology be approved. c) ENVT4406 Catchment and River Processes The School of Earth and Environment had proposed the introduction of the new unit ENVT4406 Catchment and River Processes. It was proposed that the unit be an optional unit in the Master of Environmental Science, in Honours in Geography, Natural Resource Management, and Environmental Science, and that the 2014 rules are amended accordingly. Attachment I to the Agenda provided a completed New Unit Form. It was RESOLVED 19/2013 to recommend to the Science Executive Committee that the proposed new unit ENVT4406 Catchment and River Processes be approved.

Faculty of Science – Science T&L Committee – Minutes of Meeting 130328 Page 5 d) BIOC1007 DNA: Generation Next The School of Chemistry and Biochemistry had proposed the introduction of the new unit BIOC1007 DNA: Generation Next. It was proposed as an unattached elective and a Category A broadening unit for Arts, Commerce and Design students. Attachment J to the Agenda provided a completed New Unit Form. Following discussion, it was agreed that there appeared to be significant overlap with several other units and therefore the proposal, in its current form, would not be progressed to the Science Executive Committee. e) EART2202 International Fieldwork in Geography The School of Earth and Environment had proposed the introduction of the new unit EART2202 International Fieldwork in Geography. It was proposed as an unattached elective and a Category A broadening unit for Arts, Commerce and Design students. The unit will be quota restricted and allocation of quota places will be based on academic merit, taking into account only the result achieved in one of the pre-requisite units: EART1105 Dynamic Planet OR EART1108 Globalisation Environment and Development OR PLNG1101 Geographies of Global Cities. The School will determine the number of trips and the resulting quota on a year-by-year basis. Attachment K to the Agenda provided a completed New Unit Form It was RESOLVED 20/2013 to recommend to the Science Executive Committee that the proposed new unit EART2202 International Fieldwork in Geography be approved. f) MING5505 Mineral Exploration Data Analysis The School of Earth and Environment had proposed an updated version of MING5505 Mineral Exploration Data Analysis. The original submission had quoted incompatibility with MING5502 for 2013 only; this was not possible. The proposal was tabled at the meeting. It was RESOLVED 21/2013 to recommend to the Science Executive Committee that the updated version of unit MING5505 Mineral Exploration Data Analysis be approved. 15.UNATTACHED SCIENCE ELECTIVE UNITS AND UNIT CHANGES Members were provided with an overview of all unattached Science elective units and any proposed amendments (Attachment L to the Agenda) and were asked to liaise with their Head of School to confirm these changes by Tuesday 2 April 2013. Heads of School are requested to bring any changes – in writing - to the Science Executive Committee meeting of Tuesday 2 April 2013, for approval. It was RESOLVED 22/2013 to recommend to the Science Executive Committee that the proposed changes in Attachment L to the Agenda, subject to any changes submitted by the Heads of School at the meeting of the Science Executive Committee of Tuesday 2nd April 2013, be approved.

6 16.NEW SPECIALISATION IN THE MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT The School of Earth and Environment had proposed the introduction, from 2014, of a new Specialisation: Geographic Information Science and Environmental Management in the Master of Environmental Science. This Specialisation is the first step in the development of a Master of Geographic Information Science, envisaged from 2015. Attachment M to the Agenda provided an overview of the proposed structure of both the Specialisation and the Masters degree The School was aware that all course and unit information needs to be received by the Faculty no later than 8 April, 2013 to allow for circulation to the Teaching and Learning Committee and the Science Executive Committee, prior to the submission deadline of 15 April, 2013. It was RESOLVED 23/2013 to recommend to the Science Executive Committee that the proposed new Specialisation: Geographic Information Science and Environmental Management in the Master of Environmental Science in Attachment M to the Agenda be approved, subject to all course and unit information being received by the Faculty no later than 8 April 2013.

17.PROPOSED RULE CHANGES TO THE MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (72530) The School of Earth and Environment had proposed rule changes, from 2014, to the Master of Environmental Science, which includes additional core units and a reduction in the number of optional units. This has been done to enable better timetabling and to ensure that each specialisation includes appropriate units only. The proposed rule changes were provided in Attachment N to the Agenda. It was RESOLVED 24/2013 to recommend to the Science Executive Committee that the proposed rule changes, from 2014, to the Master of Environmental Science in Attachment N to the Agenda be approved.

18.PROPOSED RULE CHANGES TO THE MASTER OF HYDROGEOLOGY (72540) The School of Earth and Environment had proposed rule changes, from 2014, to the Master of Hydrogeology, which includes additional optional units, appropriate to the degree. In order to allow for efficient timetabling the number of optional units has been kept to a minimum. The proposed rule changes were provided in Attachment O to the Agenda. It was RESOLVED 25/2013 to recommend to the Science Executive Committee that the proposed rule changes, from 2014, to the Master of Hydrogeology in Attachment O to the Agenda be approved.

Faculty of Science – Science T&L Committee – Minutes of Meeting 130328 Page 7 19.PROPOSED RULE CHANGES TO THE MASTER OF SCIENCE (THESIS AND COURSEWORK) (70630) Members were advised of the proposed rule changes, from 2014, to the Master of Science (Thesis and Coursework) (70630), to bring the course in line with NC2012 rules. Essentially programs have been replaced by Specialisations. The course structure allows for the inclusion of additional specialisations, in order to cover the breadth of the Faculty of Science. The proposed rule changes were provided in Attachment P to the Agenda. It was RESOLVED 26/2013 to recommend to the Science Executive Committee that the proposed rule changes, from 2014, to the Master of Science (Thesis and Coursework) (70630) in Attachment P to the Agenda be approved.

20.ANY OTHER BUSINESS Members were advised that the School of Animal Biology had submitted a proposal for a Memorandum of Understanding between UWA and Yangzhou University, China, to allow the procedure of the 3+2 articulation program, short-term study program, and the undergraduate student program whereby Yangzhou University sends students to UWA. The proposal was tabled at the meeting. Members understood that any possible ‘discount’ (or ‘scholarship’) of the tuition fees associated with this agreement was not being considered. Rather, only the academic case for the articulation had been put forward for support. It was RESOLVED 27/2013 to recommend to the Science Executive Committee that the Memorandum of Understanding with Yangzhou University (YZU) be approved. An item raised by Mr Joshua Knight regarding unit prerequisites within Science Majors was discussed outside of the meeting.

21.NEXT MEETING The next meeting of this Committee is scheduled for Thursday 7 May 2013 commencing at 3.00 pm. Venue to be advised.



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