Business Admin Calculating Business Ratios

Your NAME: Your Company Name:

Points Earned Points Slide 1 Company background & Info: Company background – Sector, Industry and # of employees 6 Stock Symbol Current Stock Price Recent News - article summary

Slide 2 Production, Marketing & Competition: Include current product line, marketing strategies, top (2) competitors 6

Slide 3 Financial Info: Profit margin calculation Copy of Income Statement Rate & describe percentage – Excellent, Good, Poor 6 Financial Info: Debt ratio calculation Copy of Balance Sheet Rate & describe percentage – Excellent, Good, Poor Slide 4 Financial Info: P/E ratio calculation Copy of stock quote Rate & describe percentage – Excellent, Good, 6 Poor ROI ratio calculation – 1 year return Copy of stock quote chart Rate & describe percentage – Slide 5 Financial Info: Rate & describe percentage – Excellent, Good, Poor 6 Presentation Analysis: Analysis slide - Decide whether this company would be a good investment. Include ratio statistics to defend your answer. Work Habits – Student always uses classroom project time well. Conversations are primarily focused on the project and things needed to get the work done and are held in a manner that does not 10 disrupt others. Business Admin Calculating Business Ratios Total Points