This Program Is Called, Disclosure - the Word of God

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This Program Is Called, Disclosure - the Word of God

Hi, my name is Marcus

This is Servant King Unraveld.

This program is called, Disclosure - “The Word of God”

I told you that it is the Word of God that is used to get you to break the law, and the solution to the deception is also in here.


The Scripture - The Word of God.

Could you imagine if this is really the word of God. That would change everything we do.

Imagine God speaking to us and tells us what you can do, and what you cannot do. That would straighten out all the confusion. Wouldn’t it?

Could you imagine driving home during rush hour, stop and go traffic and you see a guy walking up a hill over to the left, a really high hill and there is thunder and lightning and dark clouds, maybe a little bit of rain. And all of a sudden you hear a voice that makes the ground shake, I am the Lord your God, do not have any other Gods before me, Do not make your own identity, you are my people, do not call on me in vain, go to church once a week, love your mom and dad, don’t kill or steal, or lie, do not look over the fence at your neighbors wife in her itsy bitsy tiny weenie bikini, and don’t wish you had your neighbour’s new propane thermostat controlled barbecue.

Wow, that would make the newscasts everywhere on earth. CNN would report, the BBC, every country in the world would. You would get live interviews from the witnesses. Like, we have Bob here, and can you tell us what you saw and heard. Well I didn’t see anything but the earth shook like an earthquake. But I heard the voice of God giving us his commands.

No one would doubt it, because it was on TV. Everything on TV really is true.

Some kid would probably record the audio on their Ipod and the law of God would be clear to everyone. It would be put on facebook.

Well, there was no TV 5000 years ago. But there were witnesses who recorded it and have kept a good record of it. But nobody believes it. But they believe something someone made up that they say happened 20 billion years ago and believe it as fact, with no witnesses.

You see, religious priests and ministers cannot understand the scripture because they cannot grasp the principles of law. They parade around with a Book and tell you this is the Word of God. Then tell you this part is true, and that part is not true, we believe some of it and the rest is not true. So, the Word of God is some truth, some lies. That is what they are saying.

If you ask anyone what the two most important parts of the Bible is, you would get Christmas and Easter. Even atheists will celebrate Christmas, or at least take the day off work. Jews do not celebrate Christmas, but that is okay, that is normal for them

Now, there is no Christmas in the Bible. So, now you know that everyone who celebrates Christmas has never read or understand the Scripture.

Yet everyone has an opinion about God and the Word of God. That is like having an opinion about a movie you never saw. Oh, someone told you about the movie, and they never saw it either. And folks, that is reality and a fact.


Now, the Queen of 17 countries and the US congress have declared publicly that the Scripture is the Word of God. I don’t know how they know, but they do.

They say, we should use the will of God when we do our own will. Dah. What morons.

They do not understand the parable of the man who had two sons. But I can assure you, they do know what it means to own property.

Well, I have read the Word of God and it is a master piece. When you look at it, it becomes very clear that no man could of authored this. If they did, they should run for President. Absolute genius.

Written by 26 different writers over 1300 years, without a single contradiction. And there was no internet or emails back then. Hell, they never even knew or met each other. Still think this was written by some camel herders running around in diapers, like is portrayed to you.

And here is what should seal the deal for you. It is the only holy book or Word of God that is a constitution. It is also the template for the legal system of every country in the world, although a forgery.

We say we can’t act in the name of God because he doesn’t exist, but we can make our own God. We do not believe God is our maker, but we can make our own maker. An absolute insane absurdity.

The truth is we are one with God, his partner, his temple, his body. We plant the seed and he gives us rain in due season, he makes it grow. And rather than give him his share, a tithe, we give it to a woman in England, who you never even seen, who did nothing for the success on this economic venture. The most blatant unjust enrichment I can think of.

Ultimate hypocrisy.


The Scripture is the most valuable thing in the world and no man can claim to be educated without the knowledge and wisdom in it.

And it is every father’s duty to teach it to their children starting after they are weaned from the breast.

The Scripture tells you the beginning of all things and what will be the end of all things. And there will be an end.

It gives us the constitution, the law, explains life and death, and the reason and purpose for your being. It gives all this and much more through history, science, teachings and commands.

In effect, it answers all the questions people think to ask, but never think to look in the right place. They would sooner ask Fred next door who is a history teacher, or Dr. Phil who has a degree from the University of Universal Knowledge, who we are, where we came from and the purpose of your being. And of course someone told him what he knows and someone told that guy before him what he knows and around and around we go.


Now, I will not go into great detail or we will be here for months. I will be hitting only the highlights needed for you to understand the solution.

I will explain the law, and justice, rights, duties, and something unknown to your will or legal system called mercy.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And then he formed it. Creation was instant. Forming took 6 days. Hard work, so hard he never created again.

Man was formed on the last day of the six days. Everything else was already accomplished. I think God did this so man has no way of claiming jurisdiction over anything. And God gave man who was made in his likeness dominion over everything, but not jurisdiction.

And then something happened that would change the course of history forever.

Sin came into the world. And man instantly knew they were naked and came into the world with nothing. If sin had not entered the world the whole scripture would be about 3 pages.

So, the rest of the scripture all deals with this one thing, called sin.

Now the wages of sin is death but it is not God’s will that any should perish.

So, God had to make a new plan, and the scripture is the plan of God.


At the start, when you were born you were innocent, no sin.

You were born of water and the spirit. Your life was conceived by the power of the holy spirit and you came forth when your mother’s water broke.

You were born in the image of your parents, and all man is born in the image of God.

You were born in paradise, the Kingdom of God.

You were not barred from anything. You were born with God’s dominion.

Your birthright as servant king was automatic, merely by being born.

You had life, a God given life produced through your parents.

You were not born with the knowledge of good or evil. No one is.

Then something happened where you lost all these things.

And God’s plan is a way to restore all these things. He came up with a onetime offer.

And that is basically what the scripture is about. But he reveals all this to us in strange ways, but for a reason.

The reward is so great, not everyone can have it. He says that those that are pure of heart will find it. He says, those that are pure of heart will see the face of God. And those that are wicked will not. In fact he makes sure the wicked will not, by sending them strong delusions that they should believe a lie. He must have a good reason for this.


So, what happened, what did you do, that you are seeking to find a solution?

Well you are in trouble with the law. You broke the law. And the result was a separation from God. God calls this separation a death. Genesis 1: 26-27 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Genesis 2: 16-17 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Now, this tree of knowledge of good and evil is the jurisdiction of God. Why, because everything is his property. Only he can rule over his creation.

This is a fundamental right to do as you please with an original creation.

Now, people think that evil is a pretty bad thing. Well it is. But it is an extremely important part of God’s plan. Because without evil, everything would be right. And if everything is right and good, then his creation can self destruct. We could all kill each other, no problem.

So, evil is very necessary for us to have a long, healthy and prosperous life.

You see this tree is the protection of the whole creation. And this tree is so toxic, that it will kill you. In our legal system we call it the fruit of the poisonous tree.


Now Satan does not represent evil, no, he is evil and he is death. Just as God is all that is Good and is life.

So, we learn right up front that evil is always present.

Right after God told and commanded man what is good and right, evil had to also be presented to man.

And Satan did just that. Genesis 3: 1-5 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:

But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

And man did eat and became as Gods. You being as God, is the evil in the world.

Not appear as God in his image and in his name, but be as God. Big problem. Can’t have two bosses. Cannot have two property owners.

When man decided to do their own will, a number of things happened.

In the hierarchy or chain of command, man placed themselves above the authority of God. Your Dad tells you to mow the grass and you don’t, who has taken power?

The word is supersede. To take the pace or move into the position of. Or sit above.

SUPERSE'DE, verb transitive [Latin supersedeo; super and sedeo, to sit.]

To sit above. Literally, to set above; hence, to make void, ineffective or useless by superior power, or by coming in the place of; to set aside; to render unnecessary; to suspend.

So, man took the throne of God and his Crown as King.

Now, the fine distinction here is that in effect you took the advice or influence of Satan. He played on your natural appetites and desires. He played on your will.

And the effect of this is that you did the will of Satan. He was not your maker, you were not made in Satan’s image or likeness, not his property. So, rather than act as a son of God, you acted as a son of Satan. Called the son of perdition.

DI'TION, noun [Latin ditio.] Rule; power; government; dominion.

Perdition: by and through rule, power and government. Means self rule. Now, only God can make real law, and Satan knows God will have to punish you.

It is like getting someone to steal for you. You suggest it and they do it.

You were warned however and told what the effect would be. What will be.


You are acting in your own image or likeness. Which is the likeness of Satan.

You are born of the devil, your father.

You are kicked out of paradise.

Dominion is revoked.

Barred from getting back in.

And separated from life. The tree of life.

Isaiah 59: 2 But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.

So, you have also lost your identity, and hence your birthright.


Now, there is a huge difference between appearing as God and being as God.

Appearing as God is your identity. But being as God takes on a new identity.

A new relationship. A relationship with Satan.

Remember, identity is sameness of being. The relation a man bears just unto himself.


Now, when you become something that is not true to the law or the constitution, and we all know we are not really God, that is a fiction. Just not true. So, a fiction of law.

Remember the Romans praetors could not abrogate the law but derogated from it by inventing fictions of law. By giving this change in state of being which is a fictional existence, we just command the fiction.

We then take or assume the fictional character, and therefore x is y and cannot be disproved. But you have to author it, represent it, claim to be it or charged as it. And of course the only evidence of this is a graven image. A foundation identity document.

Now here is a very important statement. ((Just getting rid of the evidence, like the graven image does not get rid of the evidence of what happened. There is a record of what you did. You did break the law.

In other words, you did not keep the commandments of god.))


So, the second commandment of God is the process to committing idolatry.

If you violate the first three commandments, then anything you think you do in the name of God is in vain. You are then guilty of all.

Because, any command, statute, or thing you think you are doing as the will of God is not the will of God. Even if you decide to now do the will of God, it will still be in vain.

You cannot be subject to the will of God while you are still sitting above God.

When you act in your own image, for self, you are doing your will. The graven image is the evidence of self will or self mastery.

You cannot claim to be doing the will of God if he does not own you. If you own yourself, then you are doing your own will. Commanding your self. Self Mastery.

Remember, a new identity, new face, a mask. God does not recognize you.

Mathew 7: 21-23 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.


Now, there was a fault in the old testament, the old will of God.

Think of it as a missing provision of the contract. But the provision was originally not needed because you had the trust of God and he thought he had your trust.

Fault: A wrong action attributable to bad judgment, ignorance or inattention. Hebrews 8:7 For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second.

And what was this fault in the covenant, the contract. There was no second chance. Once you sin, your dead.

No forgiveness, no way to redeem yourself. There was no pardon system in place.

If the first testament of God had it, there would be no need for a new testament.

And here is the good news of the new testament of God.

Romans 6: 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Our whole legal and judicial system is based on the old testament. No forgiveness. Why?

Because we are God and therefore only we can forgive. This is why the fine or penalty is IMPOSED ON YOU. You assumed the position of God so only you can fulfill the law.

And the law in our legal system is fulfilled through the express image of your person.


So, what is the whole chronology of the Scripture.

We begin life in the garden, get kicked out and have a way to return.

From being one with God, to separation from God to reconciliation with God.

From holding dominion to losing dominion to dominion restored.

From life to death and resurrected back to life.

Jesus is the mediator to the reconciliation. The way. He is the sacrifice and the propitiation. Meaning, pity of God..


Now a fault is not as bad as a crime. In a crime, you did wrong and knew you did wrong.

But a fault, you are still to blame,

Fault: A wrong action attributable to bad judgment, ignorance or inattention.

*************** Law always needs to be fulfilled or it would not be law anymore.

Jesus was sent by God for two reasons. To magnify the law and to fulfill the law.

Forgiveness will fulfill the law, but does not do away with the law. Why?

Forgive means someone will give for you. In your place or stead.

Otherwise there is no justice, and the law is no more.


But forgiveness alone cannot reconcile you back to God. Nothing is restored to you with just forgiveness, because the record still stands. It happened. You broke the law.

Now, God accepts the sacrifice of his own son as payment for your debt. God’s acceptance of this payment fulfills the law. But you are still a sinner. The record stands, it happened.

And God and sinners are not ONE.

What you need is a pardon.

No one comes out of bondage, no one can be saved, no one can be reconciled with the Father but through Christ. You are kept in bondage to sin by your separation from God.

This has to do with the law and justice. Jesus came to fulfill the law. It is the blood of Christ that is the ransom for your release from sin. The blood of Jesus is the payment instead of your blood.

But the solution is the mercy and the grace of God. God knows you were unwittingly deceived and tricked.

But don’t think you are not responsible for being tricked. You are to blame.

But he takes pity on you. You are freed from your self induced bondage by the propitiation of God. It is the pity he has on all of us that caused him to first forgive but also to pardon, if and only if you confess, repent and do it with a truly contrite heart.

And if you confess, you better know what you are confessing to. Just saying I have sinned will not do it. Because if you do not know what you are confessing to, you will go right back to doing it.

******************************** Now, this is very important to understand. Forgiveness fulfills the law. It wipes out the sin, the transgression of the law. And a pardon wipes out the sinner. Sin is what you did. Sinner is who you are.

Now, here is the power of receiving a pardon from God.

With a pardon, you are no longer a sinner, a criminal. The record is destroyed, like it never happened.

You return to the state and condition you were before you sinned, before you did the criminal act.

Everything you lost during your crime spree, is restored. The crime spree never happened.


So, what is the solution? It is baptism. You need to re-enter Gods Family.

The solution is not getting out of Babylon, the solution is reconciliation with God.

You need to be subject to the will and law of God, or you have no protection.


What happens during Baptism.

Basically, everything that you lost is restored and every effect caused by eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil is pardoned.

During baptism, the old man of sin dies. Your old identity. And you emerge from the water and the spirit of God enters you, the life of God, you are not living your own life now, but your God- given life.

Complete immersion is necessary as it is symbolic of a true death of your old nature-identity and a rebirth as a new being who is related to God our Father. Hence a new and restored identity.

You are now reborn. This means that you have a complete and total pardon from God. All your transgressions of the law never happened. This is what a pardon is. Means back the state or condition before you sinned.

It is a new beginning, a second chance, a start over. The old you or identity dies.

New family, new father, new creature, new name, new being, new life.

This is your real family, real father, real creature, real name, real being, and a real life.

God is restored to his throne,

You are now a son of God. You are reconciled.

It is a marriage, a union with God as One.

God accepts the sacrifice of his son as payment for your debt.

You were bought with a price.

Old ordinances against you are blotted out.

Pardoned. Complete. Record wiped clean. Cannot be raised again in law, as if it never happened. In law, it never did happen.

Psalms 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.

Hebrews 8:12. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.

Trust is restored.

Dominion is restored.

You as the temple of God is restored. You are now a member of the body of God.

You are sanctified and declared as holy and set apart and dedicated to the service of our God and Father.

Everything is put into subjection under your feet. Which is God’s power of attorney.

You become an heir of God and a co-inheritor with Christ.

You have undergone gone a total transformation.


You were dead to God in your sins and trespasses. Baptism is a resurrection from the dead. It is the first resurrection. This is not for when you physically die which all religions teach you. No, No, this is for today, right now. The time is at hand. You are confused if you think otherwise.

What you currently are, also has to die. He calls it the old man of sin. This identity has to die.

Don’t you know, you have to die before you go to heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is the Kingdom of God. God explains that this is the first heaven.

Right now you are as a graven image, a dead being. The dead do not live in heaven.

God is not the God of the dead, but the living.

Jesus went beserk over the money changers and the preachers of the word of God and over the Masters of Confusion. Religious ministers and lawyers.

Luke 11:44 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are as graves which appear not, and the men that walk over them are not aware of them.

Mathew 23:27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.


So, how do you get out of Babylon as so many refer to it. You have to die. What you are has to die.

Mathew 10:39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

Mathew 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

You have to die to sin, to transgression of the law, die to the constitution you made, to your state of being, the man of sin has to die. The relationship you bear and your identity must die.

You have to have a civil death, your country given life, your country made being , the creature of the state, your civil life, take off the mask, the person, the graven identity, the relation of the country you bear unto yourself. Deuteronomy 7:5 But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire.

You have to have a Babylonian death, death of Babylonian character, being, life, identity, mask and character.

Have a civil death, you are still here tomorrow and you will feel just fine. It doesn’t even hurt.

You have been living an illusionary fictional forged existence. You will be raised from the dead. I guarantee it, you will still be alive tomorrow.

Just accept the get out jail free card. Your pardon. It was issued 2013 years ago. The free gift of grace.

For the wages of sin are death, but the gift of God is eternal life through his son Jesus Christ.

I don’t know about you, but I am always looking for something free.


Not only can you be forgiven but can be completely pardoned. Meaning you are reborn to your original state and condition before you transgressed the law. It is treated in law, as if it never happened.

It is then, and only then that you can be reconciled to God, and be once again subject to the law and will of God. Hence, under the protection of the law of God. Sin can never be in the presence of God.


In reality you are just taking off the mask. Your true identity is below it. You were in disguise. You have been acting as the dead.

You were deceived by the great deceiver.

You were always alive, but not to God. You did not exist to God.

You could not appear in the image of God when you turn your face away from God.

Return to me and I will return to you.

Here is the scripture that explains the civil death. John 11:24-26 Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.

Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?


The incongruous and often unexplainable effects that arise from application of the doctrine of civil death have plagued the law for centuries.

It has survived a long history to become a statutory incident of a sentence to life imprisonment.

With living men regarded as dead, dead men returning to life, and the same man considered alive for one purpose but dead for another, the realm of legal fiction acquires a touch of the supernatural under the paradoxical doctrine of civil death.'

The civil life you have been living is as much of an illusion as your civil death. It is the death of an identity, the death of a relationship.


Everyone is waiting, waiting for what? The time is at hand.

Christ will not come again to mediate until you get off the throne of God. But you have to do more. You have to confess to breaking the law. You have to repent and be truly sorry.

Then you have to ask to be forgiven, and then you have to accept the pardon. It is this acceptance that also binds you to accepting the new covenant.

Everyone is sitting around waiting for Jesus to return. Well you are going to be waiting a long time. You are clearly told in the scripture, the time is at hand.

This means it is your move dummy.

Religions teach you to just pray and your prayers will be answered. God will take care of it for you. And if you ask for it in the name of Jesus, then you will get it for sure. First of all, your prayers are an abomination to God. He said he will not hear you.

God can’t help you and neither can Jesus. You have not kept his commandments. Something has to happen before Jesus can mediate for you.

You are not ready for mediation or reconciliation yet. The offer has been made. You won’t accept the offer because you don’t understand it.

Thessalonians 2:1-12 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. (means what you going to do)

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (I am a Sovereign Freeman walking on the land) ( No you are an evolved, arrogant, self exalted Baboon)

Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

************************** Jesus said that his apostles did not know the kind of death he would die.

The kind of death he should die. Who killed him?

They killed him because, the Jews accused him of saying he was God. King of the Jews.

Pontius Pilate wrote the claim of the people. The Civil.Authority wrote this:

“Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews” But Jesus was neither. And Jesus never said it.

Jesus said, “I AM NOT HE” I am not he that sent me.

Then the Jews, said, write that he says , “I am the King of the Jews.


So, they killed an innocent man for blasphemy and released Barabas a civilian.

A man convicted of sedition. Se-dition. Self rule.

A criminal. A civil life.

Jesus never lived by self rule.

For if the Kings of the earth knew this. They never would of killed him.

1 Corinthians 2:8 Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

All the wicked Satanic Monarchies of the world , shot themselves in the foot.

Herrrod tried to kill the Messiah. He knew that the son of God, the messiah, would be the demise of every King of the earth.

So, that every man on earth can reclaim his birthright as a servant King of God.

God, tricked Satan. God deceived Satan right back by accepting the forgiveness and granting a pardon. You see, Satan can get you to break the law, but he cannot punish you.

And God provided the way to forgive and pardon you, if you confess, repent and are truly sorry.

And the people of the world that control the knowledge of God, are Satanist and made you a Satanist too, while believing you do the will of God. You see, Satan is evil. And the evil of the people, their accusation against Jesus, who never usurped the throne of God was accused by the people that he did. By doing the most heinous thing brought about the most glorious thing.

And those that preach that Jesus is God, are just like the Jews who accused Jesus of saying he is God.

By killing Jesus we are reconciled to God and released from bondage.

This can never be rectified and every one can claim Jesus sacrifice for their crime. Forever. Why? Because God said it is acceptable to him, so you can be reconciled to God.


Now, wow wee.

As co-inheritors, all things in subjection under our feet. Dominion restored to carry out his will.

We have God’s power, authority, and dominion. All restored. We have his power of attorney.

To act as God, but in name only, not in fact, Almighty God, what a thrill. What a reward for studying the scripture, for believing in the truth.

I can walk around, saying, I am doing this for God. If God is for you, who can be against you?

This is what it is all about.


And this is why the people who run the world have to get rid of God. The Word of God, the most valuable thing in the world and do things so nobody reads it. And if you read it, do things so you will not understand it.


List all the false identities or relationships.

God You as God

Part of Constitution. Partaker of Man’s Constitution

God’s Family Canadian Family

Out of ONE we are many. Out of many we are One

Related to God Related to Canada Born of God Born of Canada

Born in the Kingdom of God Born in the Kingdom of Canada

Son of God Son of Canada

Face or image of God Face or image of Canada

God is on throne We are on throne.

Will of God Our will as One.

Law fulfilled by person of God Law fulfilled by person of Canada

God’s property Our property as One.

God’s law Canadian law

God does exist God does not exist

You had lost what was yours, because you took what was not yours.

You lost everything from the throne of God, because you took the throne of God.

Power, life, trust, dominion, property and your identity. Your Birthright.

Everything is restored. What a reward.

“You have regained what is yours, because you returned what is not yours.”

Justice, it is all about Justice.

Now that I know, what do I do? Due to our life long training and indoctrination you will not know what to do now. You have known no other way of life.

Do not act until the confusion is gone.

I would think that for most, I will have to do maybe another series on how to put this into practice. There is no rush. First thing I would do, is read the scripture, and see if what I told you is true. If you still believe what some guy tells you, then you have not gained much wisdom.

It is now time to think, and think, until you can see it, feel it and live it.

It is the fear of God that is only the beginning of knowledge and wisdom.

It is the knowledge and wisdom of God that brings you around to the Love of God.

Till then …………my name is Marcus

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