Very Interesting Pictures That Are Posted and Others Leave the First Question That Comes

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Very Interesting Pictures That Are Posted and Others Leave the First Question That Comes

SITE LINK DESCRIPTION 101 Questions Very interesting pictures that are posted and others leave the first question that comes to mind. Great problem source ideas. Achieve the A website set up by two lead authors of the CCSS – Core one math, one ELA with sections with headings like Steal These Tools American This takes you to the education home page. Go to Statistical K12 to see all the options for educators. STEW Association contains the lessons. Annenberg Algebra 1 Explores strategies for teaching specific Algebra 1 Teacher Skills; has samples of lessons for teachers which Resources can be used in a PD workshop Arizona Common Core Arizona has examples next to each grade level Standards standard that will help you understand what type (click on of problems might be given to assess or teach that grade level) standard Balanced Assessment A library of over 300 free math assessment tasks Calculation Nation Game website by NCTM Common Core Tools - Bill Updates on all things Common Core Math and McCallum’s links to many valuable projects (Progressions, blog etc.). Conceptua Math K-8 online Common Core curriculum Cut the Knot This site is old, but it was so far ahead of its time that it is still very useful….and they continue to update

Dan Meyer Browse around Dan's site, great stuff Dan Meyer Very popular with students - videos with activities Three Acts key=0AjIqyKM9d7ZYdEhtR3BJMmdBWnM2YWxWYVM1UWowTEE#gid= and links all aligned to the common core; Dan 0 Meyer updates this regularly; you can follow him on Twitter @ddmeyer; also follow him on his blog - Dana Center They have CCSS aligned activities for Algebra and Geometry, available if you take a brief survey. Decimal Squares Interactive game to help teach decimals Equivalent Create equivalent fractions by dividing and Fractions shading squares or circles, and match each fraction to its location on the number line. Check your work, and use the table feature to capture results and look for patterns. Got a particular value for which you’d like to make equivalent fractions? Use “Build Your Own” mode. Eric Milou's website Great links to resources for all levels Figure This NCTM site with thought provoking math problems that would be great to get students talking about math - help with beginning work on math practice standards - critiquing reasoning of others, construct arguments, reason quantitatively, etc. Futures Channel

Great activities that include videos . . .show how math is used in the real world Geoboard Use line segments and polygons and make discoveries about perimeter, area, angles, congruence, fractions, and more. Illustrative Mathematics Project Links to tasks aligned to CCSSM by standard Inside A ton of effort has been put into this site, great PD Mathematics for math teachers; has sample videos of teachers using best practices aligned to the common core; also short videos showing specific math practices evident in the classroom. Go to Tools for Educators, Problems of the Month, or to Okey Dokey resources for video lessons. Free online subscription for students and teachers, viewable lessons and worksheets, could be used in LearnZillion a flipped classroom Links to math practice posters One set of posters - Jordan School District Links to math practice rriculum/common/default.asp posters2 Another set of posters - Carroll Co Schools MARS Mathematics Assessment Assessments, tasks, lessons aligned to CCSSM with Project detailed teacher notes Math Match whole numbers, shapes, fractions, or Concentration multiplication facts to equivalent representations. Practice with the clear panes or step up the challenge with the windows closed. Also available as a web-based activity. Math Forum Resources, tools, lessons at Drexel

Math Games Online math games Math Snacks Math Snacks are short animations and mini- games designed to present mathematics in a very different way. Includes learner guides kids can use and teacher guides to transfer a conceptual understanding to math problem solving. Designed for middle school, they address content for and have been used by students in grade 3 – 8. Great, ready-made performance tasks with Mathalicious teacher guides and student handouts Mathematics If you are a member of NCTM you have access to Teacher over a decade of archived Mathematics Teacher (High School) journals. Journals for other levels also at this site. NASA Most lessons integrate math and science. Explorer ials/index.html Schools Lessons NASA's Resource for Alg, Geom, Alg II, PreCalc, and Exploring ex.html Math/Science lessons Space Through Math Education Series NASA's Real Google NASA Real World Math World Math National Data explorer (including customizable graphics), Assessment of state profiles, state comparisons. The NAEP Educational questions tool is housed here as well. Progress National Library of Online manipulatives that can be used to Virtual demonstrate or to assign activities to students to Manipulatives do. National Science Digital Library Lessons & Links aligned to the Common Core National The NSA has a math education partnership Security program that offers PD workshops and classroom Agency lessons. The activities are aligned to the former NCTM standards but still good. NCTM Core Math Tools A downloadable suite of interactive software…all free! NCTM's NCTM approved lessons and activities; they are Illuminations working on coding these to the CCSSM. Check out the 'Weblinks' tab as well; to search by topic, click the red 'Thinkfinity' word at the bottom of the screen, it will bring you to a site where you can put in a topic and find activities with that content North North Carolina (like Arizona) has 'unpacked' the Carolina - tools/#unmath standards and done 'crosswalks' for each math Unpacking (and ELA) course. When you go to this site, scroll and Crosswalk down the page - the 'unpacking' is first, then the of the 'crosswalks' are below - very good information on standards what students should be able to do - includes examples. Noyce The Noyce Foundation sponsored Inside Foundation Mathematics and it posts Problems of the Month, both listed as separate resources in this document. But the home page is worth checking out because there are other directions you may wish to take. The site is full of other resources and reports you may find interesting. Noyce Foundation Problems of Each "Problem of the Month" consists of 5 the Month different tasks (plus a primary one) that increase in rigor; could be used for differentiated group activities Nspire Ready-made, downloadable calculator activities, activities including teacher notes and student handouts

Nspire Tutorials for Nspire tutorials Tutorials Help students develop a deeper understanding of place value while building their computation skills Number with multi-digit numbers. Students use the pieces Pieces to represent multi-digit numbers, regroup, add, subtract, multiply, and divide. Number Rack Rows of moveable, colored beads encourage learners to think in groups of fives and tens, helping them to explore and discover a variety of addition and subtraction strategies. NYC - CCSSM Tasks with entWork/default.htm rubrics and This site contains performance tasks aligned to the student work CCSSM that are searchable by topic OHIO Content page=3&TopicRelationID=1696&ContentID=126041&Content=127896 Math Content LInk to Ohio's aligned curriculum; has Standards K- recommendations for teaching the standards; also 12 includes links to activities OHIO Links by standard to activities and resources Resource Center - High School Math Courses PALM The tasks in here are aligned to the NCTM Education standards, but there are rich tasks in here…you can always modify. PARCC You can find sample items and task prototypes. PBS Links to wonderful resources; can search by type resource_topic=59&resource_type=&resource_site Resources of activity you are looking for Pick-a-Path Developed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Navigate Okta the octopus through various mazes involving integers, fractions, decimals, exponents, and more. Precision Cartoon like discussion of Precision Practice Practice 72157629076212637/ Progressions Statistics and Probability Progressions documents; Documents others are K-8; more will be added

SMARTER You can find up-to-date item specifications, BALANCED - utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Smarter+News+- descriptions of tasks and sample tasks +June+2012&utm_content=Smarter+News+- updated item +June+2012+CID_dc5e48eacb8fd902db7fc3568c70aa45&utm_source=C specification Memail&utm_term=the+Smarter+Balanced+website#item Socrative (for teacher); (for student)

Steve Leinwand's Resources for the progressive math teacher… website awesome Teach Timer Timers that can be downloaded to help with managing classroom activities; these can be imbedded into Powerpoints as well ted ed A new offering by Ted Talks is ted ed. It provides short videos on math lessons, a short quiz afterward (it is editable), then an application question, followed by an extension. Really good. Ted Talks Ted Talks is a site that offers videos of talks on interesting, cutting-edge ideas. And they have grouped the talks related to education for us. The rest of the site is great, too. I highly recommend the Pranav Mistry 6th Sense Talk, and anything by Hans Rosling....his stats graphics are AMAZING! Outlines the difference between the traditional Thinking approach and a "model and solve" approach to K-6 Blocks topics TI Math - Graphing Calculator activities searchable by topic Graphing Calc and course TI Resources… Choose the subject and the device….ready-made, TI-84 and downloadable calculator activities, including Nspire teacher notes and student handouts Utah Secondary math activities aligned to the CCSSM Secondary Math Links Wisconsin This gives more online suggestions, some of which Mathematics are referenced in this list, but not all. Council XP Math Interactive math games that are coded to the Games CCSSM Yummy Math Activities and worksheets based on real world...has great links and sites that connect to and discuss CCSSM

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