DEVON MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION Meeting Minutes March 6, 2008


Sheldon Hollman Larry Sherwood Lori Uhryn Bryan Jelfs Vicky Sue Baron Ryan Balanecki Deb Bignell Garry LaBine Colleen Chorzempa Victor Wearden Jackie Preece Trish Rizko

CALL TO ORDER: 7:05 PM by Sheldon Hollman




Minutes of February 5 meeting were read and approved as written.  MOTION by Lori Uhryn to approve minutes  Second by Bryan Jelfs  All in favour.


 MOTION by Lori Uhryn to set fees for the 2008/09 season as determined by the DMHA executive. The fees were set as follows: - Midget $700 - Bantam $625 - PeeWee $540 - Atom $490 - Novice $425 - Tom Thumb $350 - IP $250 Second by Vicky Sue Baron. Motion carried.  Fees are going up as DMHA equipment will need to be replaced in the next year or two. There is not enough equipment for PeeWee and up. Sheldon will contact schools to see about donating old equipment and getting donation receipts. Referee fees will go up next year by at least 10%. The cost of ice will be about 3% higher next season.  There will have to be shared ice next season. Every other year DMHA has one extra team.  MOTION by Ryan Balanecki to tier IP so as to have an IP team and Tom Thumb team with the Tom Thumb team consisting of 6 year-olds and the IP team consisting of 4 and 5 year-olds (with the possibility that some may be moved up to Tom Thumb to fill teams). Ice times will be determined once player numbers are finalized. Second by Larry Sherwood. Motion carried.  MOTION by Vicky Sue Baron that fundraising fees remain the same, but that the number of kitchen shifts to be worked per player be raised to four. Second by Lori Uhryn. Motion carried.  MOTION by Vicky Sue Baron that Tom Thumb be given one referee for games at a charge of $20.00. Second by Bryan Jelfs. Motion carried.  Trish will distribute registration forms to coaches before April 1. Registrations will take place at the Kids’ Banquet.


 Sandra Pelkey will cater the banquet at a cost of $12.00/plate. A notice will be put up at the arena. Tickets are available from Sheldon Hollman until March 25. Prices are $10.00 for age 11 and older, $5.00 for ages 6-10, and 5 and under free. Registration for 2008/09 will begin at 8:00 pm.  Ryan Balanecki will take care of getting medals for IP players. One player from each Novice team will be given a Spirit Award.


 The arena will open Good Friday if 4.5 hours are booked and Easter Monday if 6 hours are booked. If these minimums aren’t reached the arena will not open at all. Deb Bignell will check with the teams to see if the ice slots can be filled.  DMHA has ice until March 26. The March 15 ice is taken for the figure skating carnival from 8 am to 4 pm.


 Sheldon met with Dave Schaeffer and signed the concession agreement. It has increased by $150/year. The termination clause has been changed so that notice must be given by December 31 for the following season.  Coach Evaluation forms have been put in the level coordinator’s folders.  DMHA has new whiteboards for the benches. Sheldon and Garry LaBine will put them up in August.


Larry Sherwood (Vice-President): nothing to report Colleen Chorzempa (Secretary): nothing to report

Trish Rizko (Registrar/Website):  Do we want to change the DMHA web-site? No.

Jackie Preece (Fundraising):  Raffle is finished and the winners have been posted on the web-site.  Krista Zaft won the free registration for next season at the DMHA dance.  DMHA dance brought in $5200.00  Community Centre has been booked for February 14, 2009 for dance.  Forms are being filled out for the casino. All key positions have been filled.  Edmonton Oilers’ 50/50 starts taking applications in late July.

Ryan Balanecki (IP Coordinator): nothing to report

Bryan Jelfs (Midget Coordinator):  Midget tournament went okay. Each team made approximately $2000.00.  Midget rep is out of the playoffs. Midget house still in.

Lori Uhryn (Referee-in-Chief:  Our association should be notified of coach suspensions. DMHA needs to request that we are informed of all suspensions by both leagues.

Vicky Sue Baron (Ice Coordinator/Referee Assignor):  Very happy with the referees this year. Each referee was given a $25.00 gift certificate to various restaurants to thank them for their work.

Deb Bignell (Level Coordinator):  DMHA will need new governors for both 16/60 and Central Cities next year.  Someone has asked about receipts for taxes. Just make a request to Trish Rizko.

Victor Wearden (Treasurer):  $26,825.00 in General Account  $ 2,196.00 in Casino Account  $ 35,000.00 GIC  $ 70,000 GIC has been cashed. $40,000.00 was put into a new GIC while $30,000.00 was used to cover DMHA expenses.  Still have two months of ice fees to pay. There is enough money in the General Account and the $40,000.00 GIC to cover the expenses for the rest of the year.  DMHA should start advertising for all the positions that need to be filled for next year. The paid positions are referee assignor, ice coordinator and kitchen coordinator. All executive positions (with the exception of President and Past President) as well as level coordinators and coaches need to be filled as well. This needs to be advertised in the Devon Dispatch as well as on the DMHA web-site. Garry LaBine ( Equipment Manager): nothing to report


NEXT MEETING APRIL 17, 2008 @ 7:00 PM.