C: Documents and Settings Projecten Velo Vac Vessel Analysis Analysis1

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C: Documents and Settings Projecten Velo Vac Vessel Analysis Analysis1

Analysis1.CATAnalysis F.A.Mul 28022003


Entity Size

Nodes 2232

Elements 6427


Connectivity Statistics

TE4 6427 ( 100,00% )


Criterion Good Poor Bad Worst Average

Skewness 429 ( 6,67% ) 1046 ( 16,28% ) 4952 ( 77,05% ) 1,000 0,915

Stretch 1264 ( 19,67% ) 2612 ( 40,64% ) 2551 ( 39,69% ) 0,054 0,190

Min. Length 6427 ( 100,00% ) 0 ( 0,00% ) 0 ( 0,00% ) 2,713 10,279

Max. Length 6427 ( 100,00% ) 0 ( 0,00% ) 0 ( 0,00% ) 139,670 70,793

Shape Factor 1088 ( 16,93% ) 2170 ( 33,76% ) 3169 ( 49,31% ) 0,053 0,171

Length Ratio 2611 ( 40,63% ) 1002 ( 15,59% ) 2814 ( 43,78% ) 30,802 10,710


Material apply to

vessel - OCTREE Tetrahedron Mesh.1 : vessel

Material RVS 304 : Structural ( ASTM-A36 )

Young Modulus 2e+011N_m2

Poisson Ratio 0,266

Density 7860kg_m3

Thermal Expansion 0,0000117

Yield Strength 2,5e+008N_m2

1 Static Case

Boundary Conditions

ISO 500 K

2150 mm

2 STRUCTURE Computation

Number of nodes : 2232 Number of elements : 6427 Number of D.O.F. : 6696 Number of Contact relations : 0 Number of Kinematic relations : 0

Linear tetrahedron : 6427

RESTRAINT Computation

Name: RestraintSet.1 Number of S.P.C : 582

LOAD Computation

Name: LoadSet.1 Applied load resultant :

Fx = -1 . 870e+004 N Fy = -2 . 419e-011 N Fz = 3 . 126e-011 N Mx = -1 . 744e-013 Nxm My = 2 . 113e+000 Nxm Mz = 5 . 074e+000 Nxm

STIFFNESS Computation

Number of lines : 6696 Number of coefficients : 111330 Number of blocks : 1 Maximum number of coefficients per bloc : 111330 Total matrix size : 1 . 30 Mb


Restraint: RestraintSet.1

Number of local singularities : 0 Number of singularities in translation : 0 Number of singularities in rotation : 0 Generated constraint type : MPC

CONSTRAINT Computation

Restraint: RestraintSet.1

Number of constraints : 582 Number of coefficients : 0 Number of factorized constraints : 582 Number of coefficients : 0 Number of deferred constraints : 0

3 NUMBERING Computation

Restraint: RestraintSet.1

Numbering Method : SLOAN Number of connected nodes : 2232 Nodal maximum front width : 73 Nodal maximum band width : 521 Method : SPARSE Number of factorized degrees : 6114 Number of supernodes : 1169 Number of overhead indices : 42723 Number of coefficients : 459840 Maximum front width : 240 Maximum front size : 28920 Size of the factorized matrix (Mb) : 3 . 5083 Number of blocks : 1 Number of Mflops for factorization : 5 . 970e+001 Number of Mflops for solve : 1 . 870e+000 Minimum relative pivot : 9 . 428e-005

Name: StaticSet.1 Restraint: RestraintSet.1 Load: LoadSet.1 Strain Energy : 1.085e+000 J Equilibrium

Applied Relative Components Reactions Residual Forces Magnitude Error

Fx (N) -1.8701e+004 1.8701e+004 -5.1368e-009 5.6838e-012

Fy (N) -2.4189e-011 1.0472e-008 1.0448e-008 1.1560e-011

Fz (N) 3.1264e-011 3.7602e-009 3.7915e-009 4.1953e-012

Mx (Nxm) -1.7442e-013 -4.5750e-010 -4.5767e-010 2.5188e-013

My (Nxm) 2.1132e+000 -2.1132e+000 1.3393e-009 7.3708e-013

Mz (Nxm) 5.0744e+000 -5.0744e+000 -1.4312e-008 7.8769e-012

4 Static Case Solution.1 - Deformed Mesh

Static Case Solution.1 - Von Mises Stress (nodal value)

5 ---- Volume Elements ---- : Components : ALL Display On Boundary ---- Over all the Model

Other Sensors

Sensor Name Sensor Value

Energy 1,085J

Translation displacement vector

6 Estimated local error:

7 Analysis1_buckling_force.CATAnalysis


Entity Size

Nodes 2653

Elements 7840


Connectivity Statistics

TE4 7840 ( 100,00% )


Criterion Good Poor Bad Worst Average

Skew ness 426 ( 5,43% ) 956 ( 12,19% ) 6458 ( 82,37% ) 1,000 0,923

Stretch 1004 ( 12,81% ) 5117 ( 65,27% ) 1719 ( 21,93% ) 0,062 0,174

Min. Length 7840 ( 100,00% ) 0 ( 0,00% ) 0 ( 0,00% ) 2,509 9,095

Max. Length 7840 ( 100,00% ) 0 ( 0,00% ) 0 ( 0,00% ) 140,252 68,723

Shape Factor 876 ( 11,17% ) 2620 ( 33,42% ) 4344 ( 55,41% ) 0,057 0,150

Length Ratio 2540 ( 32,40% ) 1459 ( 18,61% ) 3841 ( 48,99% ) 27,497 11,088


Material apply to

vessel - OCTREE Tetrahedron Mesh.1 : vessel

Material RVS 304 : Structural ( ASTM-A36 )

Young Modulus 2e+011N_m2

Poisson Ratio 0,266

Density 7860kg_m3

Thermal Expansion 0,0000117

Yield Strength 2,5e+008N_m2

Buckling Case 8 Boundary Conditions

See also solutions : Static Case Solution.2 STRUCTURE Computation

Number of nodes : 2653 Number of elements : 7840 Number of D.O.F. : 7959 Number of Contact relations : 0 Number of Kinematic relations : 0

Linear tetrahedron : 7840

RESTRAINT Computation Name: RestraintSet.2 Number of S.P.C : 606 LOAD Computation Name: LoadSet.2 Applied load resultant :

Fx = -1 . 850e+004 N Fy = -4 . 783e-013 N Fz = 6 . 268e-011 N Mx = -2 . 453e-013 Nxm My = 6 . 206e-001 Nxm Mz = 1 . 212e-001 Nxm

STRUCTURAL_MASS Computation Name: StructuralMass

Number of lines : 7959 Number of coefficients : 133980 Number of blocks : 1 Maximum number of coefficients per bloc : 133980 9 Total matrix size : 1 . 56 Mb

Structural mass : 1.201e+002 kg Inertia center coordinates

Xg : -9 . 586e+002 mm Yg : 5 . 000e-002 mm Zg : -6 . 848e-001 mm

Inertia tensor at origine: kgxm2

7.360e+000 1.934e-002 -4.671e-002 1.934e-002 1.643e+002 -8.840e-002 -4.671e-002 -8.840e-002 1.643e+002

MASS Computation Name: MassSet.1 Structural: yes

Number of lines : 7959 Number of coefficients : 7959 Number of blocks : 1 Maximum number of coefficients per bloc : 7959 Total matrix size : 0 . 12 Mb

Additionnal mass : 0.000e+000 kg Inertia center coordinates

Xg : 0 . 000e+000 mm Yg : 0 . 000e+000 mm Zg : 0 . 000e+000 mm

Inertia tensor at origine: kgxm2 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

STIFFNESS Computation

Number of lines : 7959 Number of coefficients : 133980 Number of blocks : 1 Maximum number of coefficients per bloc : 133980 Total matrix size : 1 . 56 Mb

SINGULARITY Computation Restraint: RestraintSet.2

Number of local singularities : 0 Number of singularities in translation : 0 Number of singularities in rotation : 0 Generated constraint type : MPC

CONSTRAINT Computation Restraint: RestraintSet.2

Number of constraints : 606 Number of coefficients : 0 10 Number of factorized constraints : 606 Number of coefficients : 0 Number of deferred constraints : 0

NUMBERING Computation Restraint: RestraintSet.2

Numbering Method : SLOAN Number of connected nodes : 2653 Nodal maximum front width : 83 Nodal maximum band width : 438 Method : SPARSE Number of factorized degrees : 7353 Number of supernodes : 1271 Number of overhead indices : 52779 Number of coefficients : 730890 Maximum front width : 345 Maximum front size : 59685 Size of the factorized matrix (Mb) : 5 . 57625 Number of blocks : 1 Number of Mflops for factorization : 1 . 329e+002 Number of Mflops for solve : 2 . 960e+000 Minimum relative pivot : 1 . 026e-004

Name: StaticSet.2 Restraint: RestraintSet.2 Load: LoadSet.2 Mass: MassSet.1 Structural mass is taken into account Strain Energy : 1.099e+000 J Equilibrium

Applied Relative Components Reactions Residual Forces Magnitude Error

Fx (N) -1.8497e+004 1.8497e+004 1.4337e-008 1.6442e-011

Fy (N) -4.7828e-013 -1.9065e-008 -1.9066e-008 2.1865e-011

Fz (N) 6.2684e-011 1.2205e-008 1.2267e-008 1.4068e-011

Mx (Nxm) -2.4530e-013 2.0512e-010 2.0487e-010 1.1686e-013

My (Nxm) 6.2057e-001 -6.2057e-001 9.9935e-009 5.7003e-012

Mz (Nxm) 1.2117e-001 -1.2117e-001 2.3773e-008 1.3560e-011

GEOSTIFFNESS Computation Name: GeoStiffnessStaticSet.2

Number of lines : 7959 Number of coefficients : 47313 Number of blocks : 1 Maximum number of coefficients per bloc : 47313 Total matrix size : 0 . 57 Mb

BUCKLING Computation Buckling: BucklingSet.2 Static: StaticSet.2 Restraint: RestraintSet.2 Load: LoadSet.2

11 Mass: MassSet.1 Structural mass is taken into account

Number of computed modes : 10 Number of iterations already performed : 0 Total Number of iterations performed : 8 Relative eigenvalues tolerance required : 1 . 000e-003 Relative eigenvalues tolerance obtained : 9 . 963e-004

Mode Buckling Stability number factor

1 5.7075e+002 1.4410e-011

2 6.7061e+002 3.0026e-010

3 7.0707e+002 6.6250e-010

4 1.1931e+003 3.2377e-008

5 1.3293e+003 5.6290e-007

6 1.8699e+003 1.2525e-005

7 2.0149e+003 5.1682e-006

8 2.3180e+003 1.1595e-005

9 2.7341e+003 1.6692e-004

10 3.0946e+003 9.9628e-004

12 Buckling Case Solution.2 - Deformed Mesh - Mode Number : 1 - Mode Value : 570,753

Display On Boundary ---- Over all the Model Buckling Case Solution.2 - Deformed Mesh - Mode Number : 2 - Mode Value : 670,606

13 Display On Boundary ---- Over all the Model Buckling Case Solution.2 - Deformed Mesh - Mode Number : 3 - Mode Value : 707,072

Display On Boundary ---- Over all the Model Buckling Case Solution.2 - Deformed Mesh - Mode Number : 4 - Mode Value : 1193,1

14 Display On Boundary ---- Over all the Model Buckling Case Solution.2 - Deformed Mesh - Mode Number : 5 - Mode Value : 1329,3

Display On Boundary ---- Over all the Model Buckling Case Solution.2 - Deformed Mesh - Mode Number : 6 - Mode Value : 1869,94

15 Display On Boundary ---- Over all the Model Buckling Case Solution.2 - Deformed Mesh - Mode Number : 7 - Mode Value : 2014,93

Display On Boundary ---- Over all the Model Buckling Case Solution.2 - Deformed Mesh - Mode Number : 8 - Mode Value : 2317,99

16 Display On Boundary ---- Over all the Model Buckling Case Solution.2 - Deformed Mesh - Mode Number : 9 - Mode Value : 2734,12

Display On Boundary ---- Over all the Model Buckling Case Solution.2 - Deformed Mesh - Mode Number : 10 - Mode Value : 3094,61

17 Display On Boundary ---- Over all the Model


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