Diversity and Culture COMS 3312 Malcolm X Speech “You Can’t Hate the Roots of the Tree and not Hate the Tree” Value 10%

Overview: It’s generally quite easy to adapt our message to people from our own culture. While we can always err in certain ways, we typically can focus on values and beliefs commonly shared. Sometimes, however, one of the many co-cultures under the bigger umbrella may carry a message counter to or even threatening to members of the parent culture. Such was the case with Malcolm X and many of the messages he delivered.

Purpose: Read the speech “You Can’t Hate the Roots of the Tree and not Hate the Tree” along with the information that provides you with some context on Malcolm X’s background and life experiences. When you write your analysis of his speech, consider the following subject areas:  Was Malcolm X encultured in American society? Or was he acculturated into the society? Why do you feel the way you do?  Do you see any xenophobia in him? Why or why not?  What signs of ethnocentrism do you see Malcolm X? Consider the Joseph DeVito “Ethnocentric Continuum” and tell me where you see him falling on that scale.  Do you see any signs of negative ethnocentrism (culture shock, stereotyping, and/or prejudice in Malcolm X? Be sure to explain your answer.  Do you see any signs of positive ethnocentrism? Certainly Malcolm X had many supporters (as well as enemies) so his message was resonating with some people in America in the 1960s.  There are ten suggestions offered to help us improve our intercultural diversity rhetoric. If you could have sat down with Malcolm X which one(s) would you recommend he adopt? And why?  Given the background and life experiences of Malcolm X, how different was his message likely to be perceived by white American versus black America?

Administrative: This paper should be typed and double-spaced. The length should be in the two to three page range. Papers less than two pages or longer than three pages are subject to a loss of points. There is no need for any kind of bibliography. You do not have to address all the bulleted points noted above in the Purpose section, but they are topic areas for you to choose from in writing this paper. Additionally, I will accept e-mail assignments, but only with a 10% penalty assessed for making me do your work. The paper must be in my hands by the deadline date on December 3, 2007.