Angela April Bellman
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Angela April Bellman
Lesson Plans: October 19-23 Bell Ringer First five students in the class will get on Iready Math or St Math, the rest of the students will be working on morning work. Computer Lab Schedule Bellman’s Class – 11am-12pm, Rm 11 Monday – Iready Math Wednesday – St Math Thursday – Iready Math Monday-Friday Math Objectives 2. NBT.B.5 Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. 2.OA.A.1 Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns is all positions, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbols for the unknown number to represent the problem.
Technology Monday – Interactive tutorial from iReady – Money Problems: Addition and Subtraction Brain Pop – Dollar and Cents, Addition and Subtraction
Lesson We will be covering the following pages in the Math Ready Common Core Book Lesson 9.
Opening activity – Materials: plain paper, crayons, rods and cubes manipulatives TSW solve a one-step problem by interpreting the problem, representing it in a way that is meaningful to them, and finding a solutions.
Monday – pgs. 80 – 81 TSW explore a one-step word problem involving two-digit numbers by examining a bar model. TSW use varied models to represent the problem and analyze the three positions for an unknown.
Tuesday – pgs. 82 – 83 TSW use a bar model and equations to show a one-step word problems. TSW solve the problem using a subtraction equation and an open number line.
Wednesday – pgs. 84 – 85 TSW solve a word problem using a number bond model. TSW revisit the problem on 84, writing equations to model the situation. TSW solve another one-step word problem involving two – digit numbers.
Thursday – pg. 86 - 87 TSW model and solve one-step problems involving addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers. Friday – Formal assessment will be given from Pgs. 88 – 89 TSW use addition and subtraction to solve one-step word problems involving two-digit numbers that might appear on a math test; plus an additional ten problem test. Center 1 Teacher Center - Remediation/skill building center. TSW addition and subtraction work packets. Materials – work packet, counters, pencil. Center 2 Asst. Teacher Center – Materials – Dry Erase Markers, base ten blocks and cubes. TATW cover two digit addition and subtraction. Pages come from the iReady teacher tool box. Center 3 Computer Center – Iready Math or ST Math Center 4 Visual Model: TSW work in pairs to complete a word problem packets. Center 5 Student Lead Activities – TSW work in pairs to solve the student led activities from iReady teacher tool box. Homework Monday homework is given to each student. It is due on Friday. The homework will focus on language, reading, and math skills from the lessons taught during the week. Vocabulary No new vocabulary Essential Question How can I analyze word problems to determine the operation needed to solve them? How can I apply the use of fact families as a strategy to solve one-step problems and build number sense? I Can I can analyze word problems to determine the operation needed to solve them. I can apply the use of fact families as a strategy to solve one-step problems and build number sense. Intervention Math – Mr. Allen will work with the following students from Ms. Bellman’s Class – E.B. Angela April Bellman Lesson Plans: October 19-23 Bell Ringer First five students in the class will get on Iready Math or St Math, the rest of the students will be working on morning work. Computer Lab Schedule Bellman’s Class – 11am-12pm, Rm 11 Tuesday – Iready ELA Friday – Iready ELA Monday-Friday READING Objectives RI.2.3. Describe the connection between steps in technical procedures in a text.
SS.2.2d Compare and contrast the effects of location, weather, and physical environment on the way people live. Technology Monday - Iready ELA Interactive Lesson for Cause and Effect, Level B. Brainpop, Jr.- How to Essay (This will reinforce writing directions and following directions) Lesson We will be covering the following pages in the ELA Ready Common Core Book Lesson 5.
Monday pg. 37 – TSW read another set of directions. TSW answer a multiple-choice question and analyze the details that helped them choose their answer.
Tuesday - pgs. 38 - 39 TSW read the passage “Which Way Does the Wind Blow?” twice. After the first reading, TTW ask three questions to check my students’ Hands On Lesson comprehension of the story. TSW read the questions on pg. 39, using the hints help For Social Studies them answer those questions. and Reading
TSW make their own wind sock. Material – large circular clips, ten different types of yarn, ribbon, and plastic strips. This activity will take the place of centers for Tuesday.
TSW work on a weather chart together. TSW observe the weather and mark the graph with tally marks and they will be completing the wind column with the direction of the wind. Wednesday – TSW work two rotations in centers.
Thursday – pgs. 40 – 42 TSW independently read a longer article and answer questions. This will be used a formal assessment.
Friday – TSW complete Unit 1 Interim Assessment. TSW complete a weather chart on poster paper. Center 1 Teacher center: Remediation/skill building center – TSW read “The Buzz About Honey.” TSW answer a series of questions from the story. TSW list the steps about honey from how it is made to how we buy it in a store. Center 2 Asst. Teacher Center - TSW read “Colorful Crayons: Inside a Crayon Factory.” TSW answer a series of questions from the story. TSW list the steps about how crayons are made. Center 3 Computer Center – Iready ELA Center 4 Language Center: Language Center – TSW complete a packet on adjectives. Center 5 Pair-Share Center – TSW sequence the making of a wind sock. TSW write the directions and illustrate one part of the directions. Homework Monday homework is given to each student. It is due on Friday. The homework will focus on language, reading, and math skills from the lessons taught during the week. Vocabulary Directions – a set of steps that tell you how to do or make something. First – tells me this must be the first step in the directions. Next – tells me this is the second step in the directions. Last – tells me this is the last step in the directions. Adult – when children grow up, they are called adults. Essential Question How can I understand that technical procedures provide directions for completing a task? How can I understand that directions are a set of steps that tell how to find, do, or make something? I Can Statements I can understand that technical procedures provide directions for completing a task. I can understand that directions are a set of steps that tell how to find, do, or make something? Intervention Boost – Ms. Benton will work with the following students from Ms. Bellman’s Class - H. L., L.L., and N.S.
Mr. Redmond – will work with the following students from Ms. Bellman’s Class – K.M.
GCMH – the following students will go to GCHM from Ms. Bellman’s Class – E. B. and X. M.
Computer Intervention – Extra iReady – On Monday and Thursday – 30 minutes on iReady Math – M. R., N.P., and T. M. On Tuesday and Wednesday – 30 minutes on iReady Reading – M. R. and N. P. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday –30 minutes on My Reading Coach – T.M. Teacher - Remediation/skill building center. TTW work with letters, sounds, and blends with J. C., C. C., D. G., T.W. and M. D. TTW use flash cards to help build red word knowledge. TTW distribute Phonics Fluency books to have students read a page at a time out loud. TTW ask question to check for comprehension.
Asst. Teacher – TATW work with five students at a time on reading and comprehension skills. This group will circulate to the Reading Center.
TSW –TSW individual reading. This group will circulate to the Asst. Teacher Center. Angela April Bellman Lesson Plans: October 19-23
Computer Lab Schedule Bellman’s Class – 11am-12pm, Rm 11 Tuesday – Iready ELA Friday – Iready ELA Monday-Friday Writing and Language Objectives W.2.3 Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.
RI.2.2 Identify the main characters, setting and events in a multiparagraph text.
Project Read L.2.le Use adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them depending on what is to be modified. Technology
Lesson Unit 17, -lk words, -lp words, and –lt words – milk, silk, hulk, sulk, elk, help, yelp, gulp, felt, melt, and kilt
Brain Pop, Jr. – Adjectives and Adverbs
We will be covering the following pages in the Writing Ready Common Core Book Lesson 2.
Tuesday – pgs. 47 TSW identify where, when and events of the story. TSW complete a chart about the characters in the story.
Thursday – pg. 48 - 49 TSW organize details to elaborate an event. TSW complete a sequence of event charts. Language – Pg. 202 – TSW identify adjectives and adverbs in a sentence.
Center 3 Computer Center – I-ready ELA Center 4 Language Center – TSW complete a packet on adjectives. Center 5 Pair-Share Center – TSW sequence the making of a wind sock. TSW write the directions and illustrate one part of the directions. Homework Monday homework is given to each student. It is due on Friday. The homework will focus on language, reading, and math skills from the lessons taught during the week. Essential Question How can I identify when, where and events in a multiparagraph text? How can I use adjectives appropriately? I Can I can identify when, where and events in a multiparagraph text. I can use adjectives and adverbs appropriately. Intervention Intervention listed on the Reading Lesson Plans.