School Board of Isle Wight County

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School Board of Isle Wight County


Roll Call: Upon roll call the following were present: Board Members: Robert L. Eley III, Carrsville District Herbert W. DeGroft, Hardy District Kent E. Hildebrand, Newport District Denise N. Tynes, Smithfield District Julia W. Perkins, Windsor District

Also in attendance: A. Katrise Perera, Superintendent A. Paul Burton, School Board Attorney Sharon P. Gwaltney, Clerk

Call to Order: Mr. Robert Eley, Chairman, called the January 12, 2012, regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Motion to Go Into Closed Session: Member, Julia Perkins, moved, Member, Denise Tynes, seconded the motion to go into closed session at 6:00 p.m., pursuant to the Code of Virginia sections 2.2-3711, for three (3) specific personnel matters, for legal consultation with the attorney on two (2) matters, and to review the Personnel Report. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0

Reconvene Into Open Session: The Chairman reconvened the meeting into open session at 6:50 p.m.

Resolution of Certification of Compliance: Member, Julia Perkins moved, Member Denise Tynes, seconded the motion to adopt the attached Resolution of Certification of Compliance, in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0 FINANCE WORK SESSION BEGAN AT 6:45 p.m. Mr. Phillip Bradshaw, Chief Financial Officer, presented the following information to the Board. No votes were taken during this portion of the meeting.

December Financial Summary December Check Register December Facility Usage Report Facility Usage was $2,799 for December - $25,056 YTD; 28% of the budget.

Policies for First Reading The following policies were reviewed for first reading. Many of the changes were due to changes in the Virginia Public Procurement Policy. Some of the highlights include the assignment of per diem in travel policy; the approval matrix to policy; and provisions giving certain powers to the School Board and the Superintendent. No votes were taken during this portion of the meeting.

DJ-R Small and Emergency Purchasing DJ Small Purchasing School Board Authority DJA Purchasing Authority DJF-R Purchasing Procedures DLCR Travel Policy DLCR-E High Per Diem Document DJFA Purchasing Cards DJFA-R Purchasing Card Procedures

FY 2013 Budget Discussion A brief explanation of the FY 2013 budget parameters was presented to the Board members and Superintendent in order to provide guidance with regard to the preparation of the budget. Following Mr. Bradshaw's presentation, the Board requested a realistic FY 2013 budget that covered the operating expenses of the school division.

REGULAR OPEN MEETING BEGAN AT 7:30 p.m. Welcome Mr. Eley, School Board Chairman, welcomed all present and asked that they join in a moment of silence.

Pledge of Allegiance Troop 37 Carrsville Boy Scouts, Tyler Whitley and Cass Creech, lead the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. Isle of Wight Achievers Mrs. Katherine Goff, Public Information Officer, recognized students and staff members for outstanding academic and civic achievements. This presentation is attached to the minutes.

Staff Recognition The following individuals were honored for over 40 years of devoted service to Isle of Wight County Schools: Ms. Marion Walker Ms. Rosa White Ms. Cecelia Wilson

SMS Student Chorus The Girls Choir from Smithfield Middle School performed for the Board. Mrs. JoAnne Qualls directed the performance.

Request to Speak During this time on the agenda, citizens’ comments on agenda and non-agenda items are welcomed by the School Board. In accordance with School Board Policy BDDH-E, citizens are asked to observe the maximum five (5) minute time limit when addressing the School Board. Mr. T. Hayes Griffin Mr. Ron Smith Mr. Michael Uzzle Ms. Stephanie Bailey Mrs. Marie Bailey Mr. Neal Johnson Mrs. Gail Smith Mr. Spencer Snyder

Special Presentations Smart Beginnings Western Tidewater Mrs. Ellen Couch, Executive Director of Smart Beginnings of Western Tidewater, and Christina Watts, Outreach Worker, presented information highlighting the FAMIS insurance program. Smart Beginnings are requesting permission to offer this opportunity to Isle of Wight County students and staff members. County Sheriff Mark Marshall Sheriff Marshall spoke to the Board and outlined his transition plan. He noted that even through the large turnover in staff, they have maintained the core responsibilities of the sheriff’s office. The department is in the process of hiring and training new deputies, and will continue to work cooperatively and collaboratively with the school division to ensure the safety of our children.

Mr. Eley asked how long it would be before new school resource officers would be in the schools. Sheriff Marshall replied that due to the length of the hiring and training processes, it would be in the 2012-2013 school year. In the meantime, they will be working collaboratively with the Smithfield and Windsor police departments.

Mr. DeGroft asked that they re-examine the school resource officers that were separated from the department and possibly place them back in the schools.

Action on Closed Session Items Personnel Report Member Herbert DeGroft moved, Member Kent Hildebrand, seconded a motion to approve the Personnel Report as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0

Personnel Hearing Date Member Herbert DeGroft, moved, Member Denise Tynes, seconded the motion to hold a personnel hearing on Friday, February 10, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0

Religious Exemption Request Member Herbert DeGroft moved, Member Kent Hildebrand, seconded a motion to approve the request for religious exemption for student JA03. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0

Adoption of Consent Agenda Member Julia Perkins moved, Member Kent Hildebrand, seconded the motion to adopt the attached Resolution of Certification of Compliance, in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0

Minutes School Board Meeting – January 12, 2012 Donations Smithfield High School Mr. Mike Stronach and Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc. 884.20 Phi Chi Omega of AKA Sorority Smithfield/Isle of Wight Chapter Boxes of tissues and 12 btls. of sanitizer Overnight Field Trips Smithfield High School DECA Club: Virginia DECA Convention Norfolk, VA March 9-11, 2012

Smithfield High School Beta Club: Virginia Beta Convention Richmond, VA March 16-18, 2012

December Check Summary and Detail, Financial Reports, and Facility Usage Report This information is attached to these minutes.

Report From the Superintendent Bullying Prevention Month The Virginia School Board Association designated January as Bullying Prevention Month. Member Herbert DeGroft moved, Member Denise Tynes, seconded the motion to adopt the attached Resolution designating January as Bullying Prevention Month. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0

Policy & Regulations Revisions The following policies were reviewed for First Reading: KBC Media Relations KBC-R Media Relations (new) EBBA-R Automated External Defibrillators (new) EBCD-R Emergency Closing of Schools Member Herbert DeGroft moved, Member Kent Hildebrand, seconded the motion to approve the presented policies and regulations for first reading. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0 Instruction Policy & Regulations Revisions The following policies were reviewed for First Reading: IC/ID School Year/School Day IKG Exam Exemption for High Schools IL Testing Programs and Security Procedures JO Student Records KNA Violent Sex Offenders on School Property KNAJ Relations with Law Enforcement Authorities

Member Julia Perkins moved, Member Denise Tynes, seconded the amended motion to approve the policies, with the exception of Policy IKG - Exam Exemption for High Schools, as presented for first reading. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0

Amendment to Motion Member Herbert DeGroft moved, Member Kent Hildebrand, seconded an amendment to the motion as follows: To include, with the exception of Policy IKG - Exam Exemption for High Schools, for first reading Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0

Member Herbert DeGroft moved, Member, Kent Hildebrand, seconded a motion to modify sub- paragraph 3, Policy IKG as to be discussed.

Mr. DeGroft withdrew his motion.

Member Herbert DeGroft moved, Member Kent Hildebrand, seconded the motion to postpone discussion/action on Policy IKG until the February 9, 2012, School Board meeting. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0

Update on Elementary Pilot Report Card Mrs. Simone Terry, Director of Elementary Instruction, and Mrs. Lynn Briggs, Executive Director for Education, presented information to the Board about the report card pilot project being conducted at Westside and Carrsville Elementary Schools. They reported that parents and staff were pleased with the revisions, and that the new document would be used in all elementary schools during the 2013 school year. Update on Fast ForWord Program Mrs. Rollins-Hines presented an update on the implementation of the Fast ForWord Program to the Board. This program was purchased with federal dollars. She noted that the training has been completed and the division has embraced the system. Excellent progress is being made in the classrooms. She shared that the division has received special recognition for implementation fidelity.

Policy & Regulations Revisions The following policy was reviewed for Second Reading: JECA – Admission of Homeless Children Member Julia Perkins moved, Member Denise Tynes, seconded the motion to approve Policy JECA - Admission of Homeless Children for second reading. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0

Agreement with Smart Beginnings of Western Tidewater This agreement is to continue Isle of Wight County Schools participation with Smart Beginnings of Western Tidewater until December 31, 2013. Mr. Eley requested that the FAMIS insurance information be readily available to all students and staff members in the most efficient way possible. Member Herbert DeGroft moved, Member Julia Perkins, seconded the motion to approve participation with Smart Beginnings of Western Tidewater, and to participate in FAMIS . Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0

Revisions for the 2012-2013 Secondary Program of Studies The 2012-2013 Secondary Program of Studies includes a list of proposed new courses. The document also includes the graduation requirements for the two technical diplomas that are scheduled to become effective with the ninth grade class of 2012-2013.

Mrs. Perkins noted that if the scheduling format for the division should move forward, an addendum to the program of studies should be considered. Mrs. Pollard responded that a hybrid schedule is being considered for next year. The Superintendent noted that administration is diligently researching the best options for our students. Member Herbert DeGroft moved, Member Julia Perkins, seconded the motion to approve the proposed revisions for the 2012-2013 Secondary Program of Studies. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0

Contract with Old Dominion University This is a contractual agreement with Old Dominion University and sets a reduced tuition rate for division teachers taking specific reading courses. This information is attached. Member Herbert DeGroft moved, Member Denise Tynes seconded a motion to approve the proposed contract with Old Dominion University and to authorize the superintendent to sign the document. This contract has been approved by the School Board attorney. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0

Policy & Regulations Revisions The following policies and regulations were reviewed for first reading: JBA Section 504 Hearing Procedures JBA-R Section 504 Hearing Procedures JGDA Disciplining Student with Disabilities JGDA-R Suspension of Students with Disabilities Member Herbert DeGroft moved, Member Julia Perkins, seconded a motion to approve the policies and regulations for first reading. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0

Staff Development for Educators Member Julia Perkins moved, member Herbert DeGroft, seconded a motion to approve the agreement with Staff Development for Educators, in the amount of $3,379. The staff development session will concentrate on writing skills. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0

Business Professional Development Approval is requested for a memorandum of understanding, between Isle of Wight County Schools and Dr. Phil Jepson, consultant. Dr. Jepson will provide professional development services in the area of human resources. This agreement will be in effect from January 2012, through June 2012. The contents of the MOU have been negotiated and agreed upon by all interested parties. Member Herbert DeGroft moved, member Kent Hildebrand, seconded a motion to approve the agreement for professional development for Human Resources. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0

Policies & Regulations Review The following policies were presented for first reading. Many of the changes are due to changes in the Virginia Public Procurement Policy. DLCR Travel Policy DLCR-E High Per Diem Document DJ-R Small and Emergency Purchasing DJ Small Purchasing School Board Authority DJA Purchasing Authority DJF-R Purchasing Procedures DJFA Purchasing Cards DJFA-R Purchasing Card Procedures Member Herbert DeGroft Moved, Member Kent Hildebrand, seconded a motion to approve the policies and regulations for First Reading. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0

April 2012 Meeting Date The Boardroom is not available for the April 19, 2012 School Board meeting. Member (Herbert DeGroft) Moved, Member (Julia Perkins) seconded to approve the motion to move the location of the April 19, 2012, School Board meeting to Windsor Elementary School. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0

Policy & Regulations Revisions The following policies and regulations were reviewed for First Reading: EBA Building and Grounds Inspection FEG Supervision of Construction KG Community Use of Facilities FE-R Playground Equipment FE-E1 Playground Safety Self Inspection Checklist FE-E2 General Maintenance Checklist Discussion ensued. The Board requested that Policy KG be revised to include a method of certified payment. Member Kent Hildebrand moved, member Julia Perkins, seconded a motion to approve the policies and regulations for first reading. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0

Discussion Items Requested by the Board Drivers’ Education Mr. DeGroft requested that the Superintendent go out to driving schools and obtain a letter of commitment from them and ensure that all requirements have been met. He also commended Spencer Snyder, WHS, on his efforts in this area.

Mrs. Perkins expressed concern on legal issues if the division overlooks a company in the process of securing letters of commitment, and also on liability. The Board requested that administration, the Superintendent, and the two high school principals research the possibility of holding a drivers’ education provider fair to encourage competitive pricing for our students.

Board Member Requests for Future Agenda Items School Board Members presented the following items for inclusion on a future agenda: Mr. DeGroft:  Requested an update on Georgie D. Tyler Middle School be presented to the Board by the architect at the February meeting  Requested a discussion on policy for overnight field trips at the February School Board Meeting  Requested information on our preparation and precautions on allergies. Mrs. Goff shared that our system is in the process of a major review/revision of our procedures and policies. Mr. Eley:  Requested information on the communication costs for the division to including wireless computer access, television, cable, long distance calls, number of cell phones and cost. Total number of wireless phones and total cost  Charter status Mr. Hildebrand :  Requested information on Kindle vs. textbooks in the schools, e-learning opportunities, leasing vs. purchasing Mrs. Denis Tynes: Nothing at this time Mrs. Julie Perkins: Nothing at this time

Adjournment Member Kent Hildebrand moved, Member Herbert DeGroft, seconded to approve the motion to adjourn at 11:00 p.m. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion CARRIED. 5-0 ______Chairman


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