Interview with Raffaele La Capria on Names

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Interview with Raffaele La Capria on Names

Acta onomastica XLVI

OBSAH (Contents)

I . S t a t i ( A r t i c l e s) Andrea B r e n d l e r – Francesco I o d i c e (Hamburg), Interview mit Raffaele La Capria über Namen (Interview with Raffaele La Capria on Names) 7 Silvio B r e n d l e r (Hamburg), Isonymie vs. Homonymie (Isonymy vs. Homonymy) 18 Małgorzata Maria D a n o w s k a (Białystok), Nazewnictwo w polskim przekładzie „Harry’ego Pottera“ J. K. Rowling (Proper Names in the Polish Translation of „Harry Potter“ by J. K. Rowling) 22 Jaroslav D a v i d (Ostrava), „... slova jsou hvězdy, jež se zaněcují na temném nebi vědomí.“ (Literární antroponymie a toponymie Vladi- slava Vančury) (Literary Anthroponymy and Toponymy in the Writ- ings of Vladislav Vančura) 29 Aleš F e t t e r s (Náchod), Jména osob (antroponyma) ve Škvoreckého Zbabělcích (Personal Names in the Novel „Zbabělci“ by Josef Škvorecký) 43 Zuzana H l u b i n k o v á (Brno), Poznámka k tvoření detoponymických adjektiv v českých nářečích (A Remark on the Formation of Detopo- nymic Adjectives in Czech Dialects) 51 Andrzej C h l u d z i ń s k i (Pruszcz Gdański), Nazwy mostów w powiecie białogardzkim (Names of Bridges in the Region of Biało- gard) 55 Zdeněk J i s k r a (Roztoky), Kolejovice, Lacembok a Strážná (Toponyms Kolejovice, Lacembok and Strážná) 62 Zdeněk J i s k r a (Roztoky), Starší česká jména přítoků Mže (Older Czech Names of the Inflows of the River Mže) 65 Lumír K l i m e š (Plzeň), Záhadný kryptonym (A Mysterious Crypto- nym) 72 Josef K o l a ř í k (Zlín), Ptáčnictví a pomístní jména na Luhačovicku (Fowl-Catching Reflected in Minor Place-Names of the Luhačovice Region) 74 Acta onomastica XLVI Danuta K o p e r t o w s k a (Kielce), Żeńskie hipokorystyka w funkcji kynonymów – efemeryda czy tendencja? (Female Hypocorisms in the Function of Dog Names – Ephemerality or Tendency?) 79 Ludvík K u b a (Ústí nad Labem), Paluba lodi a její propriální pojmeno- vání (Ship Deck and Its Proprial Denomination) 85 Václav L á b u s (Liberec), K oronymu Hajní kostel (On the Oronym Hajní kostel) 101 Svatopluk L e v (Ostrava) – Vladimír Š a u r (Brno), Místní jméno Střítež (The Place-Name Střítež) 105 Karel S t e i n (Děčín), O Zlatém ranci a zlatých hospodách (Zlatý Ranec /‚Golden Bundle‘/ and Golden Pubs) 111 Robert Š i m ů n e k (Praha), Rodová jména, příjmí a rodové tradice české šlechty v pozdním středověku (Patronymic Names, Bynames and Traditions of the Czech Nobility in the Late Middle Ages) 116 Pavel Š t ě p á n (Praha), Barbora a Barborka v pomístních jménech v Čechách (Barbora and Barborka in Bohemian Minor Place-Names) 143 Jaroslav Š ů l a (Hradec Králové), Vznik a nejstarší historie vsi Říčky v Orlických horách (Beginnings and the Oldest History of the Village of Říčky in the Mountains of Orlické hory) 148

I I . Z d i p l o m o v ý c h a s e m i n á r n í c h p r a c í ( F r o m D i s s e r t a t i o n s a n d S e m i n a r y W o r k s ) Robert D i t t m a n n (Prostějov), Toponyma ve vybraných českých překladech Starého zákona (Place Names in Selected Czech Old Testament Translations) 155 Daniel H a d á m e k (Krásná Lípa – Ústí nad Labem), Místní a pomístní jména na katastrálních území obcí Božtěšice, Strážky, Žďár a Knínice a jejich historická výpověď (Place-Names and Minor Place-Names in the Area of the Vilages of Božtěšice, Strážky, Žďár and Knínice, and Their Historical Evidence) 184 Ivana M a s á r o v á (Praha – Hradec Králové), Zoonyma vítězů Velké pardubické (Names of the Winners of Velká Pardubická Horse Race) 195 Radek V o l e j n í k (Praha), Přezdívky dětí a mládeže v Přelouči (Nicknames of the Přelouč Children and Young People) 199

I I I . D i s k u s e Miloslav R e n č í n (Řetová), Voštice, aneb roští za to nemůže (příspě- Acta onomastica XLVI vek ke statím Karla Severina a Dušana Cendelína) (Voštice – A Con- tribution to the Articles by Karel Severin and Dušan Cendelín) 213 Karel S e v e r i n (Brno), Obrana Voštic (A Defence of Voštice) 215

I V . R e c e n z e ( R e w i e w s ) Naděžda B a y e r o v á (Ostrava), Vlastní jméno jako prostředek sociální symboliky (Proper Name as a Device of Social Symbolics) 218 Michaela Č o r n e j o v á (Brno), Österreichische Namenforschung, Sonderband Kalser Namenbuch 221 Michaela Č o r n e j o v á (Brno), Svatopluk Pastyřík: Sbírka užitečných materiálů pro onomastické semináře (A Collection of Useful Mate- rials for Onomastic Seminars) 223 Karel K o m á r e k (Olomouc), A. Brendler – S. Brendler (Hrsg.): Namenarten und Ihre Erforschung. Ein Lehrbuch für das Studium der Onomastik (Types of Proper Names and Their Research. A Textbook for the Study of Onomastics) 224 Jaromír K r š k o (Banská Bystrica), J. Hladký: Hydronymia povodia Nitry (Hydronymy of the Nitra River Basin) 234 Martina M a c k o v i č o v á (Praha – Cheb), Svatopluk Pastyřík: Vlast- ní jména v literatuře a škola (Proper Names in Literature, and School) 238 Martina M a c k o v i č o v á (Praha), Svatopluk Pastyřík: Studie o sou- časných hypokoristických podobách rodných jmen v češtině (Studies of Contemporary Hypocoristic Forms of Personal Names in Czech) 243 Jitka M a l e n í n s k á (Praha), Christian Zschieschang: „Das land tuget gar nichts.“ Slaven und Deutsche zwischen Elbe und Dübener Heide aus namenkundlicher Sicht (Slavs and Germans Between the Elbe and Dübener Heide from an Onomastic Point of View) 251 Jana M a t ú š o v á (Praha), Inge Bily: Atlas altsorbischer Ortsnamen- typen (Atlas of Old-Serbian Place-Name Types) 254 Svatopluk P a s t y ř í k (Hradec Králové), Jiří Zeman: Výslovnost a skloňování cizích osobních jmen v češtině 5. Italská, holandská a albánská osobní jména (Pronunciation and Declension of Foreign Personal Names in Czech 5. Italian, Dutch and Albanian Personal Names) 259 V . K r o n i k a ( C h r o n i c l e ) Milan H a r v a l í k (Praha), Ke stodesátému výročí narození Vladi- míra Šmilauera (Vladimír Šmilauer’s 110th Birth Anniversary) 261 Acta onomastica XLVI Ivan L u t t e r e r (Praha), Za Vilémem Nezbedou (Vilém Nezbeda Passed Away) 263 Jitka M a l e n í n s k á (Praha), Za profesorem Emilem Skálou (Profes- sor Emil Skála Passed Away) 264 Karel K o m á r e k (Olomouc), Karel Oliva (15. 1. 1927 – 22. 8. 2005) 266 Alena N e j e d l á (Praha) – Jana P a p c u n o v á (Praha), Výběrová bibliografie Karla Olivy od roku 1995 (Selected Bibliography of Karel Oliva Since 1995) 268

V . Z p r á v y a p o z n á m k y ( N e w s a n d C o m m e n t s ) K o l e k t i v o n o m a s t i k ů (By a Collective of Onomasticia ns), Onomastické zprávy a poznámky (Onomastic News and Comments) 271 Elżbieta B o g d a n o w i c z (Białystok), XIV Ogólnopolska Konferenc- ja Omomastyczna (14th Polish Onomastic Conference) 290 Michaela Č o r n e j o v á (Brno), Dvacáté setkání v Kalsu am Großglockner (The 20th Meeting in Kals am Großglockner) 294 Leonarda D a c e w i c z (Białystok), Dorobek naukowy białostockiego ośródka onomastycznego (Scientific Results of the Białystok Onomastic Centre) 297 Liljana D i m i t r o v a - T o d o r o v a (Sofia), Základní onomastická díla v Bulharsku v posledních deseti letech (Crucial Onomastic Works in Bulgaria in the Last Ten Years) 304 Miriam G i g e r (Bratislava), 16. slovenská onomastická konferencia (16th Slovak Onomastic Conference) 307 Acta onomastica XLVI

Pokyny pro úpravu rukopisů pro Acta onomastica (Guidelines for the Arrangement of Manuscripts for Acta onomastica) 310 Seznam publikací a časopisů zaslaných v roce 2005 redakci Acta onomas- tica (List of Publications and Journals Received in 2005) 311 Časopisy vydávané ústavem pro jazyk český AV ČR (Journals Published by the Czech Language Institute, Czech Academy of 313 Sciences)


Andrea B r e n d l e r – Francesco I o d i c e (Hamburg) INTERVIEW WITH RAFFAELE LA CAPRIA ON NAMES This is the sixth in a series of interviews with Italian writers on literary names. The purpose of this series is to complement the indirect approach of investigating strategies of literary naming in literary texts by directly questioning those who give names to literary characters or places. The interviews are to provide evidence of tendencies in literary naming in contemporary Italian writers. General conclusions will in due course be drawn from the material to be presented in the series. The present interview with Raffaele La Capria was conducted in Rome on 19 September 2003.

Silvio B r e n d l e r (Hamburg) ISONYMY VS. HOMONYMY The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship of isonymy to homonymy. After defining and illustrating the concepts of isonymy (being the same name on account of identical reference and etymology) and homonymy (having the same form but indicating different meanings and having different referents), a comparison is drawn between them. It is concluded that whereas isonymy is panchronic, homonymy is synchronic, as well as that isonymy and homonymy exclude each other.

Małgorzata Maria D a n o w s k a (Białystok) PROPER NAMES IN THE POLISH TRANSLATION OF „HARRY POTTER“ BY J. K. ROWLING Acta onomastica XLVI The article is focused on the proper nouns in five volumes of „Harry Potter“, translated into Polish by A. Polkowski. The inquiry made by the author among children and young people from all types of schools has shown that more than 60 % of students aged 13 – 15 have read „Harry Potter“. The author also investigated the way readers try to understand obscure terms found in the book (the use of dictionaries and other sources of information). The second part of the paper is based on an analysis of the individual groups of proper names found in the Polish translation, in comparison with the English original.

Jaroslav D a v i d (Ostrava) LITERARY ANTHROPONYMY AND TOPONYMY IN THE WRITINGS OF VLADISLAV VANČURA The author concentrates on various aspects of the use of proper names in the literary work of Vladislav Vančura. It is shown that literary proper names often open large possibilities of interpretation from various points of view. The initial part of the paper is general. The author deals with the use of proper names in various literary genres. The core of the article is devoted to the use of proper names in the individual books by V. Vančura, illustrating their multiple functions (characterising names, names used as symbols or allegories, connotations and allusions of names, etc.).

Aleš F e t t e r s (Náchod) PERSONAL NAMES IN THE NOVEL „ZBABĚLCI“ BY JOSEF ŠKVORECKÝ The paper is focused on the use of personal names in Josef Škvorecký’s novel „Zbabělci“. Most characters appearing in the novel have been inspired by real characters – inhabitants of Škvorecký’s native town of Náchod (called Kostelec in the novel). The author of the article tries to decipher the real names of the people that served Škvorecký as models for his literary characters. The various ways of changes of the „real“ names into literary ones are analysed: the use of formally or semantically similar names is most frequent among them.

Zuzana H l u b i n k o v á (Brno) A REMARK ON THE FORMATION OF DETOPONYMIC ADJECTIVES IN CZECH DIALECTS The formation of adjectives from shortened word bases of place-names can be taken for a specific feature of all Czech dialects of the Czech national language. The native dialect speakers use these so-called short adjectives derived from place-names that Acta onomastica XLVI occur in the neigbourhood (e.g. Pavlovice – pavlovský), in more distant places such forms prevail which are derived from unshortened bases (e.g. Pavlovice – pavlovický). The literary language requires unequivocalness and understandability, therefore only adjectives derived from full forms of place-names should be used in literary discourses.

Andrzej Ch l u d z i ń s k i (Pruszcz Gdański) NAMES OF BRIDGES IN THE REGION OF BIAŁOGARD The author analyses 55 names of bridges in the region of Białogard, 45 of which are German and only 10 remaining names are Polish. The analysed names are derived from proper names (both anthroponyms and toponyms) as well as common nouns (and adjectives), referring often to the character, material or colour of the object. Some names express localisation or direction of the bridge; also cultural expressions and nouns referring to animals and plants occur in some bridge names. Also several metaphorical names can be found in the analysed material.

Zdeněk J i s k r a (Roztoky) TOPONYMS KOLEJOVICE, LACEMBOK AND STRÁŽNÁ The author deals with the names of three extinct settlements in the region of the Radbuza river basin (South-West Bohemia). The first one, Kolejovice, belonged to a village located probably near Horní Kamenice. The meaning name Lacembok, referring to the ruin of the fortreess near the village of Krchleby is explained from the patronymic name of the freemen of Chlum. The final part of the article is devoted to localisation of the extinct village of Strážná.

Zdeněk J i s k r a (Roztoky) OLDER CZECH NAMES OF THE INFLOWS OF THE RIVER MŽE The article is concentrated on the names of the inflows of the river Mže in the region of German colonisation in West Bohemia. After World War II there was a need to replace the German names by Czech forms, which was often done by mechanical translations. The original Czech names that had existed before the German colonis- ation had been often forgotten and were not usually used here. The author analyses especially the old Czech forms, giving their etymology and motivation, and comments Acta onomastica XLVI on their relationship to the German forms and to the new Czech names implemented after 1945.

Lumír K l i m e š (Plzeň) A MYSTERIOUS CRYPTONYM The paper discusses the inscription Parisiis in the copy of Orthographia Bohemo- Slavica (1742). Parisiis refers to the place of publishing; according to the author it is a cryptonym (assumed name) for the present-day capital of Slovakia Bratislava (Posonium, Poszony).

Josef K o l a ř í k (Zlín) FOWL-CATCHING REFLECTED IN MINOR PLACE-NAMES OF THE LUHAČOVICE REGION The article is focused on minor place-names of the Luhačovice region that in a way reflect the activity of bird-catching. Especially names including expressions referring to tools used by fowl-catchers are analysed, while many of these expressions are dialectal. A great deal of attention is devoted to names including the noun tyk, tyka ‚stock of a tree used for arranging bird traps‘, and komonec ‚drop net used for catching birds‘.

Danuta K o p e r t o w s k a (Kielce) FEMALE HYPOCORISMS IN THE FUNCTION OF DOG NAMES – EPHEMERALITY OR TENDENCY? On the example of the name Danusia, a hypocoristic form of the female anthropo-nym Danuta, the author illustrates the use of female personal names as dog names in Poland. It is stated that the use of common personal names and their hypocoristic forms as names of dogs and other pets, which had been considered to be inappropriate or even degrading not many years ago, has recently become more usual. However, this phenomenon is still considered to be rather peripheral than systemic in the Polish background.

Ludvík K u b a (Ústí nad Labem) SHIP DECK AND ITS PROPRIAL DENOMINATION In the initial part of the article the author deals with the term deck (in Czech paluba). The individual types of ship decks and their terms are given a thorough analysis. The Acta onomastica XLVI author gives many examples of both common-noun nominations of various types of decks and proper names referring to the individual decks. One of the frequent ways of formation of deck names is based on a transfer of some existing proper name, e. g. toponym (Rome, Norway, Iberia, Atlantic), personal name (often name of a writer – Kipling, Thackeray...), or name of certain work of art (e. g. name of the opera Magic Flute).

Václav L á b u s (Liberec) ON THE ORONYM HAJNÍ KOSTEL The paper is concentrated on the interpretation of the oronym Hajní kostel (originally in German Hainskirche), referring to a huge rock in the mountains of Jizerské hory (North Bohemia). The second part of the collocation (kostel – ‚church‘) is quite rare in oronyms (it is interpreted by various legends). Also the first component of the name is striking, for this type of derivation (adjective hajní from the noun háj ‚small wood‘¨) was not productive in 20th century, when the Czech form of the name came into existence. The formal similarity of the oronym Hainskirche with the German name Hainsdorf, referring to the nearby town of Hejnice, is also pointed out.

Karel S t e i n (Děčín) ZLATÝ RANEC (‚GOLDEN BUNDLE‘) AND GOLDEN PUBS The paper is focused on the toponym Goldener Ranzen (in Czech Zlatý Ranec) ‚Golden Bundle‘, referring to the settlement on the right bank of the Elbe river. According to the author, the second word in the name is related to a bundle, understood as a symbol of trade wandering. This opinion is supported by the fact that the river Elbe itself and its surrounding was an important trade route between Bohemia and Saxony since long ago. The use of the attribute zlatý ‚golden‘ (used probably in a figurative sense ‚valuable‘) is explained by the quality of the sandstone extracted in the quarry near the locality of Goldener Ranzen. The use of the adjective zlatý in some other names, especially names of pubs and inns, is analysed in the last part of the article.

Robert Š i m ů n e k (Praha) PATRONYMIC NAMES, BYNAMES AND TRADITIONS OF THE CZECH NOBILITY IN THE LATE MIDDLE AGES Acta onomastica XLVI As it was usual in the whole Central Europe, also the Czech nobility used personal names as a component of the patronymic tradition – the author tries to specify this general thesis and to clarify its relevance especially during the late Middle Ages. In this period, a new form of the expression of traditions appears – a patronymic byname. The analysis of the list of names of ca. 300 members of the nobility state and 2,500 members of the knight state from the year 1534 has been used as a basis for the delimitation of the areas of motivation for the choice of personal names. It proved the immense popularity of the names Jan, Václav and Jiří, and also the frequent use of some names of antique and biblical characters as soon as in the late 15th century. It has been also shown that the archaic names common in 13th century, subsided in the late Middle Ages and they were replaced by names that had been either very rare, or had not been used at all by this time. Last, but not least, it has been stated that some foreign names were naturalised relatively quickly in the Czech background, whereas in case of some other, it took several generations.

Pavel Š t ě p á n (Praha) BARBORA AND BARBORKA IN BOHEMIAN MINOR PLACE-NAMES The paper analyses minor place-names including lexical items BARBORA and BARBORKA, which are quite numerous in Bohemia. Not all of these names are of the same origin; some of them include Christian name Barbora and mostly refer to St. Barbara, patron saint of miners, metallurgists, and other professions, other names are connected with an ambiguous common noun of the same form, most of whose meanings have been already forgotten. The noun barbor(k)a developed probably from the form *baraka ‚cottage‘ and was changed for its resemblance to the popular woman name Barbor(k)a. It denoted not only cottages or shelters used especially for drawing water from rivers, streams or wells, but probably also water sources generally. It is significant, that many of the analysed names have direct connections with water.

Jaroslav Š ů l a (Hradec Králové) BEGINNINGS AND THE OLDEST HISTORY OF THE VILLAGE OF ŘÍČKY IN THE MOUNTAINS OF ORLICKÉ HORY The author summarises the theories concerning the beginnings of the village of Říčky and the opinions on the origin of its name. According to some German historians, this region was originally settled by German inhabitants. Also some inter-pretations of the toponym are based on German. However, this interpretation is not appropriate, for toponyms containing the Czech noun řeka ‚river‘ or its diminutive říčka are frequent in the Czech lands. The Czech origin of the name is unquestionable in this case; it refers to a village near a small river. For this reason, the hypotheses concerning the original German settlement of this locality are unsubstantiated. Acta onomastica XLVI

Robert D i t t m a n n (Prostějov) PLACE NAMES IN SELECTED CZECH OLD TESTAMENT TRANSLA- TIONS The article, based on the author’s thesis, deals with Old Testament place names in the first recension bibles, the Kralice Bible from 1613, the Saint Wenceslas Bible, Heger’s translation, the Czech Ecumenical Translation and the Czech version of the Jerusalem Bible. The author analyzes the relationships between the underlying texts and Czech readings, the variability in both the underlying texts and the Czech translations, the dynamic border between appellatives and proper names. Special emphasis is put on phonological (substitution of the underlying phonemes, the development of adaptation of vowels, consonants, and syllables), morphological (morphonology, the influence of the Vulgate declension endings, the development of inflexion, paradigm and gender transpositions, word formation) and syntactical analysis of the Old Testament place names with permanent regard to Latin and Hebrew.

Daniel H a d á m e k (Krásná Lípa – Ústí nad Labem) TOPONYMS IN THE AREA OF THE COMMUNITIES OF BOŽTĚŠICE, STRÁŽKY, ŽĎÁR AND KNÍNICE, AND THEIR HISTORICAL EVIDENCE The article analyses the toponyms (especially minor place-names) found in the territory of four villages in the region of North Bohemia, which was settled mostly by German inhabitants until 1945. The author investigates especially names referring to certain historical facts, such as old roads, fortifications, the existence of old crosses, extraction of materials in the past, etc. A great deal of attention is devoted also to names of Czech origin, which are witnesses of the original Czech settlement of this region.

Ivana M a s á r o v á (Praha – Hradec Králové) ZOONYMS OF THE WINNERS OF VELKÁ PARDUBICKÁ HORSE RACE The paper analyses the patterns of formation of names of horses on the material of 87 zoonyms of the winners of the „Velká Pardubická“ horse race form years 1874 – 2004. The author deals also with the connection between the grammatical gender of the name and the biological gender of the horse. Some attention is devoted also to changes in fashionableness of various types of names used during the 114 years of this horse race. Acta onomastica XLVI

Radek V o l e j n í k (Praha) NICKAMES OF THE PŘELOUČ CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE The article is focused on the nicknames gathered by a questionaire survey at two schools in Přelouč. The analysed material consists of 707 items (377 boys’ nicknames and 330 girls’ nicknames). In the formal point of view, nominal nicknames form a great majority. The highest number of nicnames referring to one informant was 13. Most nicknames was motivated (either formally or semantically) by surnames, many nicnames have been motivated also by physical traits of of the nickname holders. Three prominent groups of nicnames have been delimited: nicknames from personal names, from nouns referring to animals and plants, and from names of the characters from Tolkien’s book The Lord of the Rings. Also rhyming nicknames and some common nouns appear in the analysed questionaires, as well as a considerable number of vulgarisms.

Miloslav R e n č í n (Řetová) VOŠTICE – A CONTRIBUTION TO THE ARTICLES BY KAREL SEVERIN AND DUŠAN CENDELÍN The author diasagrees with the opinion of Dušan Cendelín who interprets the minor place-name Voštice as derived from the supposed noun voští ‚shrubs, twigs‘. However, this noun does not exist; the mistake was caused by a misreading. The noun roští ‚shrubs, twigs‘, included in B. Fleischer’s manuscript dictionary was misread as voští.

Karel S e v e r i n (Brno) A DEFENCE OF VOŠTICE In 2001, the author of this paper published an article devoted to minor place-names Voštice in this journal. The analysis of archival sources lead him to the conclusion that this expression, whose meaning is unknown, was connected with the directions of medieval long-distance roads. In 2003 the author confirmed and extended his observations in the same journal. The first one of these papers provoked a response of Dušan Cendelín, which did not, according to the author, bring any new findings; its aim was merely to deform and infirm the author’s conclusions. The author criticises Cendelín’s incompetent approach, based merely on his ill-founded suppositions and beliefs.

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