Probationary Period Policy and Procedure Summary

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Probationary Period Policy and Procedure Summary

Probationary Period Policy and Procedure Summary

PPSM/Contract PPSM CX RX SX TX (Staff Employees not covered (Clerical Employees (Research Employees (Service Employees (Technical Employees by a Labor Agreement: covered by CUE) covered by UPTE) covered by AFSCME) covered by UPTE) Personnel Policies for Staff Category Members) Who do these All Professional and Support Employees in career Employees in career Employees. Employees in career policies apply to? staff who hold career appt’s. appointments. appointments. (Art. 30/A) appointment. (Pol. 22/A) (Art. 28/A) (Art. 27/A/1) (Art. 30/A/1)

Duration of First of the month following 6 6 calendar months at 6 months of continuous 6 months of continuous 6 months of continuous Probationary months service after hire date, 50% or more, without a work at one-half time or work at one-half time or work at one-half time or Period/When at 50% time or more without break in service. (First of more without break in more without break in more without break in Completed break in service. the month following 6 service, commencing on service. (First of the service, commencing on (Pol. 22/A) month service after hire first day of work (date- month following 6 month first day of work (date- date.) to-date) service after hire date.) to-date) (Art. 28/A) (Art. 27/A/1) (Art. 30/A) (Art. 30/A/1) Qualifying Service Not time on leave, with or Not time on leave, with Not time on leave, with Not time on leave, with Not time on leave, with without pay. or without pay. or without pay. or without pay. or without pay. If hire after break in service, If hire after break in If hire after break in If hire after break in If hire after break in must start p.p. over. service, must start p.p. service, must start p.p. service, must start p.p. service, must start p.p. (Pol. 22/A) over over over over (Art. 28/A) (Art. 27/A/2, Art. (Art. 30/A) (Art. 30/A/1) 27/A/4) Limited Term Up to 1,000 hours credit, If ee. reach 1,000 hours, If ee. reach 1,000 hours, If ee. reach 1,000 hours, If ee. reach 1,000 hours, Qualifying Service exclusive of on-call and those hours in same those hours in same those hours in same those hours in same overtime hours, if converted to position, up to 1,000 position, up to 1,000 position, up to 1,000 position, up to 1,000 career with no break in service. hours, apply against p.p. hours, apply against p.p. hours, apply against p.p. hours, apply against p.p. Pol. 22/B (Art. 28/C/1) If non-career, have 6 If non-career, have 6 If non-career, have 6 Up to 1,000 hours credit if If non-career, have 6 months, at 50% or more, months, at 50% or more, months, at 50% or more, same position, (Same months, at 50% or more, and convert to career, to and convert to career, to and convert to career, to Div/Dept/Unit, supervisor). and convert to career, to substantially similar substantially similar substantially similar (UCOP HR Proc. 22/IV) substantially similar position, receive 3 mo. position, receive 3 mo. position, receive 3 mo. position, receive 3 mo. credit to p.p. (Art. 27/B/1 credit to p.p. (Art. 30/B/1 credit to p.p. (Art. 30/B/2 credit to p.p.(Art. 28/C/2) and Art. 27/B/2) and Art. 30/B/2) and Art. 30/B/3)

Probationary Period Policy and Procedure Summary - 1 - PPSM CX RX SX TX Per Diem 60 full-time shifts in 6 60 full-time shifts in 6 60 full-time shifts in 6 If ee. reach 1,000 hours, A non-career ee may, if Qualifying Service consecutive months in same consecutive months in consecutive months in those hours in same transferred/promoted to position as career appt. same position as career same position as career position, up to 1,000 career, within the unit, (immediately prior), receive 3 appt. (immediately appt. (immediately hours, apply against p.p. may at the sole discretion months credit towards p.p. prior), receive 3 months prior), receive 3 months (Art. 30/B/1) of UC, serve a 6 month (Pol. 22/B) credit towards p.p. credit towards p.p. If non-career, have 6 p.p. (Pol. 22/B) (Pol. 22/B) months, at 50% or more, (Art. 30/B/1) and convert to career, to substantially similar position, receive 3 mo. credit to p.p. (Art. 30/B/2) Release during Ee may be released at any time Prior to completion of EE may be released at Probationary employees EE may be released at Probationary during p.p., and must be p.p. ee. can be released at sole discretion of UC. Ee may be released without sole discretion of UC. Ee Period notified in writing. Released discretion of UC, without informed of general cause at the sole informed of general for performance deficiencies or recourse or to the reason(s) for release. discretion of UC. reason(s) for release. misconduct. Grievance or Arbitration (Art. 27/D) (Art. 30/A) (Art. 30/D) (Pol. 22/E) Procedures of this Agreement. (Art. 28/A) Extending the Can’t extend more than 3 At discretion of UC, p.p. UC can extend up to 3 UC can extend up to 3 UC can extend up to 3 Probationary months, due to the change of can be extended, not months. Must notify 7 months. Must notify 7 months. Must notify 7 Period supervisor or transfer to diff. more than 3 months. cal. days before end date cal. days before end date cal. days before end date Job. (Pol. 22/F) (Art. 28/D) of 1st p.p. Must include of 1st p.p. Must include of 1st p.p. Must include new end ate and new end ate and new end date and In addition, can extend bec. reason(s) for extension. reason(s) for extension. reason(s) for extension. waiting for background check, (Art. 27/C) (Art. 30/D) (Art. 30/C) approved LOA, or performance based issues. Notify in writing 7 cal. days prior to extension past 1st date. (UCOP-HR Proc. 22/VII) Leave of Absence Must be granted for Pregnancy Must be granted for Must be granted for Must be granted for Must be granted for (LOA) during Leave, FMLA, work-incurred Pregnancy Leave, Pregnancy Leave, Pregnancy Leave, Pregnancy Leave, Probationary illness, injury leave. Other – FMLA, work-incurred FMLA, work-incurred FMLA, work-incurred FMLA, work-incurred Period sole discretion of supervisor. illness, injury leave. illness, injury leave. illness, injury leave. illness, injury leave. (UCOP HR Proc. 22/VII) Other – sole discretion of Other – sole discretion of Other – sole discretion of Other – sole discretion of supervisor. (UCOP HR supervisor. (UCOP HR supervisor. (UCOP HR supervisor. (UCOP HR Proc. 22/VII) Proc. 22/VII) Proc. 22/VII) Proc. 22/VII)

Probationary Period Policy and Procedure Summary - 2 - PPSM CX RX SX TX

Transfers and Reg. Status career ee. Reg. Status career ee. Reg. Status career ee. Preferential Rehire may Reg. Status career ee. Promotions of transferred/promoted without transferred/promoted transferred/promoted serve a p.p. at sole transferred/promoted Career employees break in serv., does not serve without break in serv., without break in serv., discretion of UC, and without break in serv., new p.p. does not serve new p.p. does not serve new p.p. must be notified in does not serve new p.p. Preferential Rehire doesn’t Preferential Rehire Preferential Rehire writing. (Art. 30/C) Preferential Rehire serve new p.p., can serve trial doesn’t serve new p.p., doesn’t serve new p.p., Regular career doesn’t serve new p.p., empl. period. (UCOP HR Proc. can serve trial empl. can serve trial empl. transfer/promotion, refer can serve trial empl. 22/XI) period. (UCOP HR Proc. period. (UCOP HR Proc. to PPSM Policy. period. (UCOP HR Proc. 22/XI) 22/XI) 22/XI) Evaluations Written evaluation by Must be evaluated in Work performance and Written evaluation by Work performance and supervisor 30 days before writing at least once general suitability for UC supervisor 30 days before general suitability for UC completion of p.p. during a full p.p. employment will be completion of p.p. employment will be (UCOP HR Proc. 22/VI.) (Art. 28/E) evaluated. (UCOP HR Proc. evaluated. (Art. 30/A/3) (Art 27/A/3) 22/VI.)

Completion of Employee informed in writing Employee informed in Employee informed in Employee informed in Employee informed in Probationary by supervisor that they attained writing by supervisor that writing by supervisor that writing by supervisor that writing by supervisor that Period career status. they attained career they attained career they attained career they attained career Pol. 22/A status. status. status. status. Failure to notice does not Pol. 22/A Pol. 22/A Pol. 22/A Pol. 22/A impede career status. Failure to notice does not Failure to notice does not Failure to notice does not Failure to notice does not Proc. 22/X impede career status. impede career status. impede career status. impede career status. Proc. 22/X Proc. 22/X Proc. 22/X Proc. 22/X Disputes Not mentioned. Not mentioned. Actions taken by the Disputes arising from Except for UC failure to University under the this article shall not be provide a perf. eval., provisions of this Article subject to article 9- actions taken by UC are are not subject to the Grievance Procedure or not subject to grievance Grievance or Arbitration Article 3-Arbitration or arbitration. In ee Procedures of this Procedure of this alleges that UC failed to Agreement. Agreement. provide a perf. eval., the (Art. 27/E) (Art. 30/E) ee will receive a perf. eval in writing. (Art. 30/E/1 and 2)

Websites for Policies and Procedures: PPSM: CX, RX, SX, TX:

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