Bishop Allen Catholic School Advisory Council s1
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Friends of Bishop Allen (FOBA)
Minutes of the May 28 th , 2013 Meeting *** APPROVED *** In Attendance John Grassby - FOBA Chair Adrian Della Mora Weilie Shen Anne Walsh-Rieger - Treasurer Mary Keenan Lesley McDowell Valerie Devine - CSAC Chair Don Walker Cathy Henry Maureen Gomes - CSAC Vice Chair Judi Calado-Costa Mary-Jo De Quintal - Secretary Janice Genova Mark Kelly Jelena Sergejev Audrey Butrimas Claudia Gray Mafalda Solomon Karen Gierlach Deirdre Mackintosh Nereen Bradley-White Joanna Bak
1. Adoption of Minutes from the April 30 th , 2013 Meeting Changes to both the CSAC and FOBA minutes: The Uniform drive item was removed from the FOBA minutes and placed in the CSAC minutes and the LCD/Ceiling mounts item was removed from the CSAC minutes and placed in the FOBA minutes A motion to approve the minutes was made by Leslie McDowell and seconded by Cathy Henry
2. FOBA Report (John Grassby) John suggested that the Board should cover the installation costs of the 12 ceiling mounts for the 5 to 6 LCD projectors. Mr. Della Mora indicated that the Board has our Portables Wireless access and our Lab as priorities - and not LCD projectors and mounts. A discussion followed about whether the money should be spent on more LCD projectors which could be placed on desks and moved around - instead of being ‘hard-wired’ to the ceiling …. And the majority present were in favour of having the ceiling-mounted LCD projectors as these are more convenient for the teachers (who would need at least 15 minutes to set-up the non-ceiling-mounted projectors which would take up time from the class)
3. FOBA Treasurer’s Report (Anne Walsh) - 2 -
Current balance - is at approximately $15,300. Anne has also asked for an approximate date to document when a requisition will be provided for the payment of the 12 ceiling mounts and LCDs. Mr. Della Morra will get back to Anne when he has more information Donations – FOBA has received a chq for $28 from United Way QSP – 2 cheques totalling $24 have been received from QSP See APPENDIX A
4. Miscellaneous QSP – Jill Maslanka QSP representative, attended our meeting to share the different ideas available for fundraising. She shared details of the frozen Cookie Dough campaign and the ability to help our school raise funds (40% of cookie dough sales remain in the school) in addition to the QSP magazine drive. This is a great fund-raising opportunity with the support of the parent community and the staff of Bishop Allen. Jill advised that this is an easy fund-raiser as QSP does the packaging by class-room. She suggested we could do it by department so that we don’t have orders for 1500 students being delivered at one time. The frozen cookie dough can stay in the freezer up to 6 months or 6 weeks in the refrigerator. She graciously provided samples of the cookie dough for parents to try at the meeting and provided suggestions in terms of incentives to encourage participation from the students. A group of parents have signed up to work on the Cookie Dough committee. Deirdre also shared her thoughts that the success with QSP magazine sales this year may have been the result of sending home the information about QSP in parent packages at the beginning of the school year. All agreed that we should continue with the soft-sell of QSP magazines - as we’ve been doing in the past.
5. Adjournment A motion to adjourn was made by Deirdre Mackintosh and seconded by Joanna Bak. The meeting was adjourned at 8:53 p.m.
APPENDIX A - FOBA Treasurer’s Report
FOBA CSAC Meeting FS.xls
The next meeting will be held on September 24, at 7 p.m. in the Library.