USC College of Engineering & Information Technology
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Computer Information Systems Curriculum as reflected in the Fall 2008 catalog (123 hours)
NAME ______ID# ______
INSTRUCTIONS: Enter all grades received (including failures and repeats). Please note that it is the student’s responsibility to fulfill the current published requirements for a degree.
ENGLISH & SPEECH (12 hours) MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS (14 hours) ENGL 101** (3) ______MATH 141 ** (4) ______ENGL 102** (3) ______(Prereq: qualification through placement or a grade of C or better in MATH 112 or 115) ENGL 462/463 (3) ______MATH 142** (4) ______(Prereq: qualification through placement or SPCH 140 (3) ______a grade of C or better in MATH 141)
LIBERAL ARTS (18 hours) MATH 374** (3) ______(Prereq: grade of C or better in MATH 142 and History (3) ______CSCE 146)
Fine Arts (3) ______STAT 509 (3) ______(Prereq: MATH 142 or equivalent) Social Science (3) ______FOREIGN LANGUAGE* Liberal Arts Elective (3)______(Test Score ____) Courses taken, if required: Liberal Arts Elective (3)______(3) ______(3) ______Liberal Arts Elective (3) ______
NATURAL SCIENCE (8 hours) *Demonstrated proficiency in one foreign ______language equivalent to a score of 2 on the foreign language placement test. ______
**ALL students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all CSCE courses, MATH 141, MATH 142, MATH 374, ENGL 101, and ENGL 102 Computer Information Systems Curriculum as reflected in the Fall 2008 catalog (123 hours)
CSCE 190 (1) ______(Coreq: CSCE 145, 204, 205, 206, or equivalent)
CSCE 145 (4) ______(Prereq: grade of C or better in MATH 115 or placement into MATH 141) CSCE 146 (4) ______(Prereq: grade of C or better in CSCE 145 & MATH 141) CSCE 205 (3) ______(Prereq: MGSC 290 or CSCE 101 or above) CSCE 210 (3) ______(Prereq: either CSCE 145, 205, 205, 206 or 207)
CSCE 215 (1) ______(Prereq: CSCE 145) CSCE 240 (3) ______(Prereq: CSCE 215, C or higher in CSCE 146) CSCE 311 (3) ______(Prereq: CSCE 240, CSCE 210 or 212, MATH 374)
CSCE 350 (3) ______(Prereq: CSCE 245, MATH 374)
CSCE 390 (1) ______(Prereq: CSCE 240, SPCH 140)
CSCE 416 (3) ______(Prereq: CSCE 311)
CSCE 490 (3) ______(Prereq: CSCE 240, 311, ENGL 462 or 463)
CSCE 492 (3) ______(Prereq: CSCE 490)
CSCE 520 (3) ______(Prereq: CSCE 245 or GEOG 563)
CSCE 522 (3) ______(Prereq: CSCE 311 or MGSC 596)
CSCE 5xx (3) ______
Revised September 2008 M INOR: BUSINESS INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (24 hours)
ECON 224 (3) ______(Credit not granted for both ECON 224 and either 221 or 222)
ACCT 222 (3) ______(Prereq: MATH 122 or 141)
MGSC 390 (3) ______(Prereq: CSCE 145 or MGSC 290)
MGSC 490 (3) ______(Prereq: MGSC 390 & CSCE 205)
MGSC 590 (3) ______(Prereq: MGSC 490)
MKTG 350 (3) ______(Prereq: ECON 224 and ACCT 222)
MGMT 371 (3) ______
FINA 301 (3) ______
CSCE LOWER DIVISION ELECTIVE (3 hours) CSCE 200-level application oriented course. See department for approved list. Currently approved courses are: CSCE 204, 206, 207 or 242.
** All CSCE courses must be completed with a C or higher.
Revised September 2008