APAVE Office (Salle Zuber ), 191 Rue De Vaugirard, Paris - Métro Pasteur
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CP (“Pressure Equipment”) Meeting 01 October 2010, 09.30 – 14.00 APAVE office (salle « Zuber »), 191 Rue de Vaugirard, Paris - Métro Pasteur.
Item 1. Opening & Welcome.
Item 2. Adoption of the Draft Agenda and Approval of the Minutes of the last meeting held on 31 May 2010 in Vienna (CEOC_CP_059_2010_Draft Minutes_Vienna 31 05 10).
The Draft Minutes of the last meeting were approved.
Item 3. Report from the ESOPE conference from 28-30 September in Paris.
Report from the ESOPE Conference & Exhibition. Mr Yves Marez (APAVE), CEOC delegate to ESOPE, gave a report about the main presentations during the ESOPE conference in Paris that was attended by around 400 participants mainly from France. There were several very interesting presentations (please contact the CEOC Secretariat for more information). - Much attention was given to the global developments in the nuclear power industry. - It was agreed that CEOC International should stay involved in the organisation of future ESOPE conferences. - In general, the exhibition could be improved and become more international. - CEOC International is planning to organise a seminar about nuclear installations in the future.
Item 4. Guest speech from INERIS (Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel et des Risques) (tbc).
- Mrs Marie-Astrid Soenen from the National Institute for Industrial environments and risks in France gave a presentation about a study analysing the ageing of industrial installations in France and four other countries. The main conclusion s that ageing is a problem that needs to be addressed in the coming years. Consequently, France has launched in 2008 an action plan for the modernisation of industrial installations in the country. This action plan also includes a benchmark with industrial installations in the
CEOC International Aisbl\ Rue du Commerce 20-22 - BE-1000 Brussels Tel: +32 2 511 50 65 \ Fax : + 32 2 502 50 47 \ www.ceoc.com \ [email protected] \ TVA n° : BE 459.641.824 USA, UK, Germany and The Netherlands. The presentation was followed by a session of question and answers. - It was agreed that CEOC should invite more often guest speakers for CP and other committees. - For CEOC it would be interesting to do a similar study at European or even global level. One of the conclusions is that in most of the mentioned countries - except the US - there is a trend to move towards a more Risk- Based Inspection Approach. Modernisation includes 38 measures in France. - All presentations and study results are on the INERIS web site. Please find attached the presentation given by Mrs Soenen. - It was agreed that CEOC will contact the European Commission about a European follow-up of the INERIS report.
Item 5. Transposition of T-PED in national law:
Exchange of views, timetable.
The participants discussed the state of the implementation of the TPED in the different EU Member States. The EN 17020 is the basis for accreditation of the Notified Bodies. From the round table it became clear that it is not a major problem in most Member States. The Chairman could discuss the issue in the next meeting of the CABF/PED/SPV. On the other hand, it should be avoided to ‘wake up sleeping dogs’ so the issue will not be raised at CABF/PED.
Item 6. Developments at EU Institution level.
- European Commission: Report about the EU CABF-PED/SPV meeting.
- Report about the letters sent to Hans D’Hooge (Administrator Construction & Pressure Equipment, European Commission and EC representative in the CABF-PED/SPV). (NANDO query function, official website of the European Commission and cylinders for breathing apparatus should be better covered by TPED or PED)
- Directive 2010/35/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 June 2010 on transportable pressure equipment and repealing Council Directives 76/767/EEC, 84/525/EEC, 84/526/EEC, 84/527/EEC and 1999/36/EC, published on 30 June 2010 in the Official Journal of the EU. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/oeil/FindByProcnum.do?lang=2&procnum=COD/2009/0131
Developments at CABF June 2010 ( Minutes distributed by CEOC)
a. The WPG & WPM meetings were cancelled b. Martin Schwarz’s report about the status of the following items: Guideline 4/14, Guideline 2/07, Guidelines 2/07 & 2/20,TRG 0069 TRG 0086,TRG 0088,TRG 0089,TRG 0090,TRG 0091,TRG 0092, TRG 0093,TRG 0094, CABF R 019, Guideline 7/24, CABF draft proposal for Reinstatement Manufacturer Representative, Conformity Assessment of Assemblies, Alignment 2009/105/EC (SPVD), Trade dialogue, Public
CEOC International Aisbl\ Rue du Commerce 20-22 - BE-1000 Brussels Tel: +32 2 511 50 65 \ Fax: + 32 2 502 50 47 \ www.ceoc.com \ [email protected] \ TVA n°: BE 459.641.824 Consultation on the NLF, Consolidated version of the EN 13480 in 2011. See Minutes CABF meeting. c. The CEOC letter to Mr D’hooge will be answered soon. d. The CABF are a good basis for exchange of information.
Item 7. CEOC and Risk Based Inspection – RBI
- Report about the current situation of the project.
- During the past meeting it has been agreed that all CP members would try to identify which standardisation group is responsible for CAW 15740 (RIMAP) in their respective country/ the different Member States. CP members are asked to send information relating to this issue to the CEOC secretariat. The latter one will transmit the received information to Mr Ivan Jovanovitsch, Chairman of RIMAP. Moreover, CP members are invited to ask for support for the RIMAP system in their respective national standardisation groups.
The Chairman reminded the members about their obligations to send national information about RBI implementation in the EU Member States.
Item 8. Status quo of activities related to the ongoing update of CEOC Recommendations in the field of Pressure Equipment.
Suggestions for new CEOC recommendations are welcome before the end of the year.
Item 9. Miscellaneous
a. Letter Lloyd’s Register will be answered by the CP. b. Inquiry TRG hot commissioning of large and complex assemblies who are in possible conflict with national jurisdiction for “operating” pressure equipment.
Item 10. Next meetings & closure of the meeting
Date and place of the next meeting. Proposal: during the GA in Warsaw 2011.
Next CP meeting will be during the CEOC General Assembly in Warsaw/Poland, 30 May 2011.
CEOC International Aisbl\ Rue du Commerce 20-22 - BE-1000 Brussels Tel: +32 2 511 50 65 \ Fax: + 32 2 502 50 47 \ www.ceoc.com \ [email protected] \ TVA n°: BE 459.641.824