Standard Agenda for a Committee Meeting of the MG Car Club Canberra Inc s2

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Standard Agenda for a Committee Meeting of the MG Car Club Canberra Inc s2

MG Car Club Canberra Inc Club Monthly Meeting Minutes – 9 July 2015

President: Greg Whitfield (GW), Treasurer: Laurie Gardiner (LG), Secretary: Trevor Clement (TC) Vice President & Sporting Secretary: Kent Brown (KB), Committee member: Graeme Rossiter (GR), Committee member: Mark Horsfield (MH), Committee Secretary Trevor Finklaire (TF)/ Graeme Corbett (GC)

Item Minutes 1. Opening and Welcome by President. GW advised members of our new meeting format that attendance, apologies was going to be trialled this evening.

GW spoke to the meeting about the Club's selection process for a Community Charity for the year. For 2014/15 Club year the selected charity has been Menslink. A Menslink representative, Mr Ben Triglone, was in attendance to receive a Club cheque for $600. Mr Triglone thanked the Club and spoke briefly about how our donation will make a significant difference to a great number of young men by providing the funds to conduct several weekend activities. Mr Triglone also encouraged members of the club to talk to Rob Chilman if they felt they would like to get more involved.

New members and visitors or guests: Nil

Apologies: John Cooper, Kerry Buitendam, Tony McGloughlin, Peter & Mo Dechaineux, Brian Weston

2. Guest Speaker Our fellow member, Kent Brown, gave a very interesting presentation on his exploits of the Phillip Island Historic Races. Kent was assisted with the presentation by John Cooper (in absentia) who provided an excellent slide presentation accompanied with period and topic appropriate music (thanks to the Beach Boys).

3. Confirm Minutes Minutes of the meeting of 11 June 2015 were not on display for consideration, they were safely left sitting next to the computer at the Secretary's house. As such, they will be displayed for consideration at the August monthly meeting.

4. Matters Arising  LG advised the meeting that the new car trailer is currently being sign written with the Club name on each side. The trailer is ready for use by Club members and has already been successfully used by one member.

5. President  GW advised that there are still about 80 members who have not paid their membership renewal fees. If you are one of them and intend staying in the Club, please pay ASAP to minimise the amount of follow-up work for the Secretary. This is particularly important if you have a vehicle on the CRS administered by the Club.

 Malcolm Robertson condition continues to improve. The Secretary spoke to Malcolm on Sunday afternoon when he was at home on 'day release'. He sounded like the old Malcolm but acknowledged he needed to get back to Hospital for more surgery this week. Sounds like he is on the mend.

1  The July edition of Tappet Chatter will be the last hard copy automatically sent to all members. An E copy is the default distribution medium and so if you still want to receive a hard copy please advise the Secretary in writing.

 The Yass run on 28 June was attended by 21 members. I am advised a good time was had by all.

 A Club Motorkhana was successfully run on 21 July resulting in a slight financial surplus. Well done Kent and team.

 The Battle of Waterloo also on 21 June was a resounding victory for the good guys. The Frogs were convincingly defeated in numbers by 2:1. Rule Britannia!

 GW provided a brief update on the small Sub-Group look at the issue of Concours d'Elegance and related events. The sub-group is yet to meet as it needs to work in with Malcolm Robertson's availability.

 Further to what was said at the start of the meeting, GW reiterated that each year the Club selects a community charity to support. This year it was Menslink. The Committee already has some nominations from members for consideration by the Committee for our 2016 charity. If you have or know of a charity you would like the Committee to consider, please advise the Secretary before the AGM in September.

 The Committee has decided that the after meeting Supper will now be complementary. 6. Treasurer Nil to report

7. Secretary Nil to report

8. Social Secretary Events before next meeting:

 19 July - Social Run, 55miles Mystery Tour with optional Observation exercise. Meet Watson Service Station at 1:15 for a 1:30 departure. the run will terminate at a central location for afternoon tea.

 25 July - Annual Presentation Dinner at Realm Hotel, National Ballroom 1. Last chance to register. 6:30pm for 7:00pm start. Alternate drop 3 course menu. Cash bar.

 6 August - Mid Week Meander to Collector for lunch. Destination at this stage the Bushranger Hotel but this is to be confirmed.

Advance notice:

 15 August - Next Club Workshop planned. Topic to be decided. Numbers required for catering.  30 August – Multi-club motorkhana at Sutton Road. Volunteer helpers wanted 2  11-13 September - Gathering of the Faithful (GOF) in Wagga Wagga. A large contingent of 29 is going from Canberra this year. There is still time to register but be quick as spaces are limited. Brian Calder is Club point of contact.

 Planning for the MGTYme 2016 will begin about October with the creation of a Sub-Committee for planning. Volunteers sought. Venue has been secured with Mercure Group (Olims) cnr, Ainslie and Limestone Ave, BRADDON.

9. Sporting Secretary Nil to report – see Sporting Report in Tappet Chatter

10.A/Secretary (Display) Nil to report

11. Editor Nil to report

12. Web Master Nil to report

13. CACTMC Nil to report

14. Library Nil to report

15. Natmeet Nil to report

16. Regalia PL advised the meeting tonight was the final night of the 50% SALE on selected clothing items. There may be a similar sale on Summer clothing in a few months. PL continues to investigate options for a new Club Grill badge. Tony Roberts advised he is holding the last remaining original 'spinner' grill badge.

17. Open to the floor  Rob Westaway asked the meeting if any members had any experience bringing a car in from the UK . He is looking at importing an MGBGT and was finding it difficult finding anyone in Customs to provide information.

There was some discussion by members but most of their experience was dated. The main problem with importing a car involved period of ownership prior to importation and possible age of the vehicle regarding ADR compliance. KB offered to talk to a contact in the Historic Racing scene who regularly imports cars from the US.

 The new Discount Service Station on Barrier St Fyshwick seems to be maintaining a great discount on fuel selling diesel at $1.25.9/litre.

 Roger Amos advised the meeting that he recently visited a restoration shop in Queanbeyan called Real Steel. Roger was impressed with the quality and range of restoration work being performed to an assortment of classic cars. 3  KB spoke to the meeting about the history of a framed picture that once hung over the Reception at The Brassey. The classic car in the picture once belonged to Brian Darke, a foundation and life member of the Club. The story of the car and how it became to be the focus of the picture has been printed and attached to the back of the picture. The picture will reside with KB until a permanent home is identified.

 Kevin Kirk advised the meeting that he 'saved' a number of MG brochures from going to the tip when the MG Dealer in Fyshwick closed some time ago. Kevin offered to give any member with a MGF and brochure if that wanted one. Next Meeting 13 August 2015. The guest speaker will be Brian Weston giving us a talk on the MG Midget A Series engine. Only one engine has come to real grief but Brian doesn’t build his engine. That is done by former Club member Neil Trama Don't forget the upcoming Social events:

 19 July Mystery Run

 Last chance for the Annual Presentation Dinner.

 Mid Week Meander planned for 2 July

Meeting Closed and then Supper Signed as a true and accurate record of the Club Meeting held on 9 July 2015 by:

Greg Whitfield President 22 July 2015




Item Referred to

Invoice from Canberra Trophy Centre LG Letter from Mutual Brokers Ltd - Insurance of new car trailer endorsement LG Several membership applications and renewals TC Quote from Canberra Trophy Centre for Brian Dark Trophy Committee


Item Author

Letters to new members TC Annual Return to CACTMC on CRS GW


Matter Action

Trevor Clement Secretary 9 July 2015


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