Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)
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H06-044 – Procedure June 30, 2006
TO: Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) Directors NW Urban Indian Community FROM: Bill Moss, Director, Home and Community Services Division Kathy Marshall, Director, Management Services Division SUBJECT: Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) PURPOSE: To communicate program requirements and budget allocation for the 2006 Market Season (7/1/06 through 10/31/06). For AAAs, these funds will be part of the 2007 State/Federal Contract and the Statement of Work (SOW) will reference this MB. BACKGROUND: SFMNP is a popular program that is jointly funded by USDA and State General Funds. It is administered in cooperation with the Department of Health’s Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Farmers Market Program. SFMNP is not an entitlement program and current funding allows service to approximately 25% of eligible seniors. WHAT’S NEW, The Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program Standards are being CHANGED, OR included as Attachment A of this MB to be incorporated by reference into CLARIFIED the 2007 State/Federal contracts for AAAs. The NW Urban Indian Community will have a separate contract as in previous years. As planned in FY06, funding is being distributed by the OAA funding formula for FY07 and beyond. Colville Tribe will continue to collaborate with Central AAA for program delivery. Yakama Nation will be a full participant this year, administering their own program. Administrative expenditures are limited to 10% of the State funding. Exhibit B shows the maximum amount that can be used for administrative charges for each entity. Unused administrative funds may be used for food purchase or nutrition education. The redemption rate of SFMNP checks is a factor each year in the amount of funds actually expended for the program. A chart detailing the redemption rate for 2005 for each area is attached as Attachment G. Unless local funds were spent to augment check purchase, AAA carryover of unredeemed ADSA funds will not be allowed. Consider exploring ways to leverage local dollars to utilize more of the allotted funds. Additional local funds used will be accounted and refunded back to the source separately based on the actual 2006 redemption rate for each area. ACTION: Use Attachment A — SFMNP Standards to supplement your SOW for the 2006 SFMNP Season. The first progress report will be due August 15, 2006 and will report on SFMNP activity through July 31, 2006. The final report will be due December 15, 2006 and report on activities August 1, 2006 through the end of the season. Reporting templates are in Attachment F. BARS billing form can be found at http://adsaweb/aaa/BF/Billing/. RELATED USDA Food and Nutrition Service-SFMNP REFERENCES: WSU SFMNP ATTACHMENT(S): Attachment A Attachment B SFMNP Standards 2006 Budget Allocations
H:\MBs\2006\SUA\ H:\MBs\2006\SUA\ H06-AttA --SFMNP Standards 2006.doc H06-XXX AttB--Budget Allocation 2006.xls
Attachment C Attachment D 2006 Eligibility Chart (185% FPL) 2006 Authorized Market List
H:\MBs\2006\SUA\ H:\MBs\2006\SUA\ H06- AttC Eligibility Chart.doc H06-AttD--2006 Authorized Market list.doc
Attachment E Attachment F Certified Seller form Reporting Templates (2)
H:\MBs\2006\SUA\ H:\MBs\2006\SUA\ H:\MBs\2006\SUA\ H06-AttE--Certified Seller form 2006.doc H06-AttF(a)--Report Templates.doc H06-AttF(b)--Report Template Excel.xls
Attachment G Redemption Rates for 2005
H:\MBs\2006\SUA\ H06-AttG--Redemption Rates for 2005.xls
CONTACT(S): Susan Engels, Program Manager [email protected] (360) 725-2563