IEEE 802.15.1 TG1 Minutes Session #10/Monterey

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IEEE 802.15.1 TG1 Minutes Session #10/Monterey

1一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1

1 IEEE 802.15 2 Wireless Personal Area Networks 3 Project IEEE 802.15 Working Group for WPANs Title IEEE 802.15.1 TG1 Minutes Session #10/Monterey

Date [26 January 2001] Submitted

Source [Mike McInnis] Voice: [+1 425 865 2840] [The Boeing Corporation] Fax: [+1 425 865 6066] [MS 7M-CAP.O. Box 3707 Seattle E-mail: WA 98124-2207 USA] [[email protected]] Re: [01/009 g TG1 Jan01 Minutes doc McInnis dated 18Jan01; as modified by Ian Gifford. –01/009r1 added attendance.]

Abstract [IEEE 802.15.1 Task Group 1 Minutes]

Purpose [Official minutes of the Task Group 1 during Session #10/Monterey 15-19Jan01.]

Notice This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.

Release The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.


2Submission Page 1 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 3一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1 5 6 Unapproved Minutes of the IEEE 802.15.1 Task Group 1 7 IEEE 802.15 Plenary Meeting – Session #10 8 Hyatt Regency Monterey 9 Monterey, CA 93940 USA 10 15-19Jan01 11

12Monday, 15 January 2001 13 1410:20a Ian Gifford called the official Interim Meeting or Session #10 of the TG1 to order. 15 1610:21 Introductions (6 people in attendance). Note: See appendix for Session #10/Monterey 17Attendance List. 18 19 10:22 The agenda –01/003r1 was approved, Motion made by Ian Gifford, seconded by 20 Mike McInnis, following no discussions nor objections motion passed by unanimous 21 consent. 22 23 10:23 The previous meeting minutes –00/332r1 were reviewed and approved, Motion made 24 by Ian Gifford, seconded by Michael Camp, following no discussions nor objections 25 motion passed by unanimous consent. Note: Archived Minutes will change to –00/332r2 26 [00332r2P802-15_TG1-Approved-minutes-from-Tampa.doc] 27 2810:30 TG1 began the review and discussion of what we needed to be accomplish with document 29–01/014r2 30 3110:37 Tom Siep indicated the D0.8 voter package needs to include: 321) Do.8.0 in PDF (text & SDL) 332) Difference between D0.7.2 vs. D0.8.0 343) Instructions 354) Ballot Tool 365) Document –00/159r17 37 3810:40 Ian Gifford suggests that we review the –00/202r4 SDL Model Tuesday evening if we 39want to keep the day sessions for Draft Technical editing. 40 4110:50 TG1 began Technical Editing of the Draft document beginning with the Front Matter. 42 4311:30 ACTION: Tom Siep needs to fix bullet list in Clause 1 (4th page) 44 4511:33 ACTION: Tom Siep remove change bars from all documents.

4Submission Page 2 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 5一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1 46 4711:35 Completed edit of clause 1. 48 4911:36 Began edit of clause 2. 50 5111:43 ACTION: Ian Gifford to update Bluetooth version in Clause 2. 52 5311:44 ACTION: Ian Gifford to provide hotlink to BT doc’s 54 5511:55 Closed for lunch 56 5712:45 Opened meeting 58 5912:50 Finished editing clause 2, began editing clause 3. 60 611:00 Finished editing clause 3, began editing clause 4. 62 631:03 ACTION: Ian Gifford to build abbreviation and Acronyms from BT v.1.1 and D0.7.4 64 651:04 TG1 Finished editing clause 4, began editing clause 5. ACTION: Ian Gifford to complete 66Clause 4 after the Draft 0.7.4 Proof Copy is generated. 67 681:13 Action Item, Ian to work on Clause 5 sentences in bulleted list within the Annex B 69descriptive text. 70 711:16 ACTION: Tom Siep to work on Clause 5 figure 2 word color (data and control words) 72to change color from black to white within the colored figure. Make all figures in Clauses 5, 736, and 12.. 74 751:20 Bio-break 76 771:35 Began working on technical edits to clause 5 once again. 78 792:00 ACTION: Tom Siep to add hyperlinks to clause 5. 80 812:05 Finished clause 5, began clause 7 (skipped clause 6 for now). 822:07 ACTION: Tom Siep to add hyperlinks (Michael Camp’s [XREF] blocks in clause 7 83 843:00 Bio-break 85 863:20 Began working on clause 7 once again. 87 884:00 ACTION: Ian Gifford to add PRBS to clause 4 acronyms 89 904:01 ACTION: Ian Gifford to change the BT acronym in clause 4 to mean Time Bandwidth

6Submission Page 3 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 7一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1 91 924:15 Finished clause 7. 93 944:20 Ian Gifford adjourned the meeting. 95 966:30pm Ian Gifford opened the IEEE P802.15.1 Conference Tutorial presented by Tom Siep 97and Chatschik Bisdikian –01/046r1. 98 998:00pm Ian Gifford adjourned the Conference Tutorial. 100

101Tuesday Morning January 16, 2001 102 1038:14a Ian Gifford called the official Interim Meeting of the TG1 to order.. 104 1058:15am Meeting began with a discussion of BT v1.1 release date and our schedule. 106 1078:25am ACTION: Tom Siep decided that he will go over clause 8 outside this meeting. 108 1098.26am Began technical edit of clause 9. 110 1119:40am Finished technical edit of clause 9. 112 1139:41am Went back to clause 7 to verify changes against document –00/159r17. 114 11510:00am Bio-Break 116 11710:35 Began editing clause 7 once again. 118 11911:20 Finished editing clause 7, began to edit clause 10. 120 12112:00 Lunch 122 1231:00pm Began editing clause 10 again. 124 1251:08pm ACTION: Tom Siep is to search the document for capital MUST words and 126change them to lower case. 127 1281:10 ACTION: Ian Gifford for Clause 1 change sort of MAC/PHY to Phy-MAC. 129 1301:15 ACTION: Chatschik Bisdikian for Clause 6 to review David Cypher MIB Inputs and 131then add a why not MIB sub clause. 132 1332:30pm Finished editing clause 10. 134

8Submission Page 4 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 9一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1 1352:35pm Began editing clause 12. 136 1373:00 Bio-Break 138 1393:15 Began editing clause 12 again 140 1413:45 Suspended editing work on clause 12 and began editing on Appendix A (Fujio 142Watanabe became available). 143 144 4:15 Suspended editing on Appendix A, ACTION: Tom Siep to import Fujio Watanabe’s 145MS Word document into FrameMaker; we then began work on Clause 12. 146 1474:30 Dinner, Back at 6:30 to review SDL model.. 148 1497:00 pm began review of SDL model and a new architecture drawing. 150 1518:00 ACTION: Tom Siep and Chatschik Bisdikian discuss the creation of an intro to the 152546 page SDL Model in Annex B. Ian Gifford/Tom Siep to review and provide draft. Run 153by DavidC and TG1 to make sure all is copasetic. Specifically, playing off the new 154Bluetooth WPAN Reference Model i.e., adding hyperlinking from L2CAP Protocol sub 155graphic and the L2CAP SDL Model detail in clause 12. 156 1579:30 Ian Gifford adjourned the meeting. 158

159Wednesday January 17, 2001 160 1618:00am Ian Gifford called the official Interim Meeting of the TG1 to order. 162 1638:01 Began discussing ballot schedule 164 1658:30 Began working on clause 6. 166 16710:00 Bio-Break 168 16910:15 Continued working on clause 6. 170 17112:00 Lunch 172 1731:00 Continued working on clause 6 174 1752:00 Attendees began working individually on various clauses. 176 1774:45 Ian Gifford adjourned the meeting 178

10Submission Page 5 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 11一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1

179Thursday Morning January 18, 2001 180 1818:05a Ian Gifford called the official Interim Meeting of the TG1 to order. 182 1838:10 Ian Gifford began a session to review with each of the editors as to where we are with each 184draft standard clauses. 185 1869:00am began working on clause 11. 187 1889:15 decision was made to eliminate all references to MLME which becomes Control Interface, 189all references to HCI become Control Interface, and all references to Host Control Interface 190become Control Interface. 191 19210:05 in Clause 11 check for optional/mandatory wording and smooth the text (reading) flow. 193 19410:10 Bio-Break 195 19610:30 Ian Gifford reminded everyone about the next Meeting or Session #11 IEEE 802 Plenary: 197 Hotel Reservation Deadline: Wednesday, 21Feb01 198 199 Please note: The meetings will be held at the Hilton Head Marriott Beach & Golf Resort 200 (previously know as the Hilton Head Hyatt). The purpose of this email is to advise you to make 201 your room reservations as early as possible. The IEEE 802 room rate is 202 $165.00++/net. The Hilton Head Marriott Beach & Golf Resort is located 4 miles from the 203 small Hilton Head Airport (HHH) or an hour's drive from Savannah International Airport 204 (SAV). 205 For reservations, please call: 206 207 Hotel Information: 208 Hilton Head Marriott Beach & Golf Resort 209 +1 800 228 9290 (toll free within the USA) 210 +1 843 686-8400 211 2129:23 Tom Siep discussed the status for Clauses & Annexes for IEEE Std 802.15.1-[2001] Draft 2130.8 214 EDITOR HT IEEE CLAUSE -00/159r17? ACTION FM6 DOC MIF ML PDFNOTES Front Matter (IEEE Intro Material) No Gifford X Done. Add line numbers to D0.8 and add Table Of Contents NA Siep X normative or informative designation. Clause 1 (Overview) No Gifford X Ian to sort L1 & L2 Clause 2 (References) No Siep X Tom changing sub clause outline headers Tom to return to Ian for processing when D0.7.4 proof copy is ready. Need to Clause 3 (Definitions) Yes Siep X search.

12Submission Page 6 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 13一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1

Tom to return to Ian for processing when Clause 4 (Acronyms and D0.7.4 proof copy is ready. Need to abbreviations) Yes Siep X search. Tom to return to Ian for processing when D0.7.4 proof copy is ready. Need to Clause 5 (General Description) No Siep X search. Clause 6 WPAN Architecture Chatschik to supply update 24Jan01 to Overview No Bisdikian X Ian/Tom Clause 7 Physical Layer Yes Siep X Done. Clause 8 Baseband No Camp X Tom to send to MichaelC. Clause 9 Link Management Protocol Yes Siep X Done. Clause 10 Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol Yes Siep X Done. Clause 11 Host Controller MikeM to smooth the clause e.g., HCI to Interface No McInnis X CI, etc. Clause 12 Service Access Points No McInnis X Annex A Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement Yes Watanabe/Siep X Tom to integrate Annex B Formal Definitions: SDL Cypher/Siep/ (Informative) Yes Gifford X X -00/202r4, (informative), 25Jan01 r5 Rx Annex C Generic Access ProfilesYes Siep X In process. Annex D Optional Paging Schemes Yes Siep X In process. Annex E Bluetooth Test Mode Yes Siep X In process. Annex F Configuration Message Sequence Charts Yes Siep X In process. Annex G Baseband Timers Yes Siep X In process. Annex H Bibliography Yes Siep X In process.

In process. Add a launch page for IEEE IEEE 802.15.1 WWW Site NA Gifford X D1.1 and BSIG v1.1 215Source: From Session #10 Flip Charts. 216 217Questions for David Cypher (scribe was Tom Siep, if questions please contact TomS ): 218 1. PSM Model hole description 219 2. What makes this SDL incomplete? 220 o L2CAP SCO 221 o LM 222 o BB 223 o HCI 224 3. Testing staus? 225 4. LLC state machine in SDL? 226 5. Funding help for David Cypher/NIST i.e., Teleogic License v3.6 extension, etc. 227 6. Telelogic SDL outputs? Are there other outputs e.g., HTML, etc. other than MIF and 228 PDF @ 8.5” x 11”? 229 230ACTION: Ian Gifford to forward the David Cypher questions. 231 232

14Submission Page 7 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 15一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1

233 10:10 The DRAFT Closing Report –01/048r0 was approved, Motion made by Ian Gifford, 234 seconded by Mike McInnis, following no discussions nor objections motion passed by 235 unanimous consent. 236 23711:15a Ian Gifford adjourned the 10th Session of the TG1 Interim Meeting.

16Submission Page 8 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 17一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1 238Post Script 239 2404:15p Tom Siep presented excerpts from the Final Closing Plenary Report to the Full Working 241Group –00/048r0 (or r1). The summary of the weeks work was presented on slide 4: 242

January 2001 doc.: IEEE 802.15-01/048r0 Summary • Task Group 1 (TG1) is deriving a draft standard from the Bluetooth™ specification under IEEE PAR 802.15.1 At Session #10, the group made significant progress in progressing their draft standard. • The TG1 updated their revised Project Plan –00/375r1 [00375r1P802-15_TG1-Project- Planning.pdf]; based on this revision they prepared for WG LB7. TG1’s Editing Team applied –00/159r16 and created an –00/159r17. This contribution describes the application of the LB3 commentary to 802.15.1/D0.8. • On 16Jan01 The OpenGroup/BSIG Editing Team provided the TG1 Editor-in-Chief an update on the timing for the next installment of the BT v1.1 FM source for Std 802.15.1- [2001] Draft 0.8. Here are the new dates: – BT v1.1 IEEE 802.15.1 Release: Friday, 26Jan01: FrameMaker source, Clean PDF, PDF with change bars against 1.0B, and HTML – BT v1.1 Adoption: ~Wednesday, 31Jan01 – BT v1.1 Publicly Available via BT Web Site: ~Friday, 16Feb01 • The Invitation-to-Ballot will close on Wednesday, 24Jan01 – send your invitations in. • During the Jan/Feb01 between-session-period the various TG1 Editors will continue to provide inputs to the Editor-in-Chief and 802.15.1 D0.7.4. • Entering Session #11 the primary objective is to resolve any residual LB7 questions (LB7 runs from 23Feb01 to 26Mar01). Also we will review 802.15.1 Draft 0.8 – it will be technically correct but will need some post session smoothing prior to LB(7).

Submission Slide 4 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc. 243 244Session #11/HH Objectives:

January 2001 doc.: IEEE 802.15-01/048r0 Session #11/Hilton Head - Objectives

• Post Session #10/Monterey – 1. FINALIZE PRODUCTION OF IEEE Std 802.15.1-[2001] Draft 0.8 – 2. INITIATE WG LB(7) PLANNED START ~23FEB01, END ~26MAR01: • A Liaison request was sent 10Jan01 to start IEEE WB LB before BTv1.1 is publicly; this would be a 1-2wk pull in. – 3. FOLLOW UP ON SPONSOR INVITATION-TO-BALLOT (ENDS 24JAN01), BALLOTING GROUP FORMATION AND 2D SCRIPTING FOR SPONSOR BALLOTING COMMENT CAPTURE • Session #11/Hilton Head – 4. PROVIDE PROJECT PLANNING UPDATE -00/375r2 – 5. PARALLEL PRODUCTION AND/OR REVIEW OF IEEE Std 802.15.1-[2001] Draft 0.9 – 6. PROVIDE SESSION #12/ORLANDO OBJECTIVES

Submission Slide 6 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc. 245 246 247Future Meetings:

18Submission Page 9 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 19一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1

January 2001 doc.: IEEE 802.15-01/048r0 IEEE 802.15.1 Future Meetings

• March 12-15, 2001 – Hilton Head, SC USA, Hilton Head Marriott Beach & Golf Resort, 802 Plenary Meeting. • March/April 2001 Ad Hoc Planned. • May 14-18, 2001 – Orlando, FL, USA, Radisson Hotel Orlando, 802.15 Interim Meeting. • May/June 2001 Ad Hoc In Discussion? • July 9-12, 2001 – Portland, OR USA, Portland Marriott, 802 Plenary Meeting. • July/August 2001 Ad Hoc In Discussion? • September 17-21, 2001 – Sydney Australia? • October 2001 Ad Hoc In Discussion? • November 12-15, 2001 – Austin, TX USA, Hyatt Regency Town Lake, 802 Plenary Meeting. • More Info: – – Submission Slide 15 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc. 248 249 250Note: There is NO PLANNED TG1 AD HOC IN FEB01.

20Submission Page 10 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 21一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1

251Appendix A – Submissions 252 253Session #10/Monterey Submissions 254 99004D07P802- private1/Draft 99/ 15-1 Draft_Standard fm Siep Various Clauses fm Various private1/Draft Gifford/M arks/O'Ha 00/126 g 00126r1P802-15 TG1-Wireless-802-MW-Mag-Article doc ra Jan01/ 00/159 g 00159r16P802-15 WG Letter Ballot 3 Comments Resolution xls Siep Nov00/ Worksheet 00/202 p 00202r4P802-15 TG1 Integrated BB, LMP, and L2CAP SDL Model pdf Cypher private1/Draft

00/332 g 00332r2P802-15 TG1 Nov00 Minutes doc McInnis Nov00/ 00/375 g 00375r1P802-15 TG1 Project Planning pdf Gifford Jan01/ 00/379 g 00379r1P802-15 TG1-Wireless-802-MW-Mag-Article ppt Gifford Jan01/ 01/020 g 01020r1P802-15 WG Liaison Report #11 ppt Gifford Jan01/ 01/009 g 01009r0P802-15 TG1 Jan01 Minutes doc McInnis Jan01/ 01/014 g 01014r2P802-15 WG TG1 Opening Report ppt Gifford Jan01/ 01/048 g 01048r0P802-15 WG TG1 Closing Report ppt Siep Jan01/ 01/053 g 01053r0P802-15 TG1 Press Kit ppt Gifford Jan01/ 01/046 g 01046r1P802-15 TG1 Tutorial ppt Siep Jan01/ 01/054 g 01054r0P802-15 TG1 Handbook doc Gifford Jan01/ 01/055 g 01055r0P802-15 TG1-Balloting-Tool-Comment-DB-Report ppt Gifford Jan01/ 01/056 g 01056r0P802-15 WG Reflector Report ppt Gifford Jan01/ 255

22Submission Page 11 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 23一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1

256 Appendix B – Attendance List ( 110) 257 No Full name Affiliation 1 Mr. Sunil Agrawal () Sunil Agrawal 2 Mr. Enrique Aguado () Supergold Communicaton LTD 3 Mr. Richard Alfvin (Rick) Eastman Kodak, Co 4 Mr. James Allen (Jim) Eastman Kodak, Co 5 Dr. Arun Arunachalam () Conexant Systems Inc. 6 Mr. Soheila Bana () 3Com Corporation 7 Dr. John Barr () Motorola 8 Mr. Jean-Christophe Bedgedjian () Philips Laboratories 9 Mr. Alan Bien (Alan) Proxim, Inc. 10 Dr. Chatschik Bisdikian (Chatschik) IBM Corporation 11 Mr. Rob Borcic () Hewlett Packard 12 Ms. Monique Bourgeois () Motorola 13 Mr. Dominick Cafarelli () Sniffer Technologies 14 Mr. Ed Callaway () Motorola 15 Mr. Michael Camp () Efficient Networks, Inc 16 Mr. Michael Carrafiello () Enterasys 17 Dr. Chi-Chao Chao () Integrated Programmable Communications 18 Mr. Hung-Kun Chen () IPC Taiwan Laboratories 19 Dr. James Chen () Atheros Communications Inc. 20 Dr. Kwang-Cheng Chen () IPC Taiwan Laboratories 21 Mr. Bong-Rak Choi () Samsung Electro-Mechanics 22 Mr. Wm. Caldwell Crosswy (Caldwell) Compaq Computer Corporation 23 Dr. Anand Ganesh Dabak () Texas Instruments 24 Mr. Michael Derby () Time Domain 25 Mr. Darrell Diem () Time Domain 26 Mr. Randy Durrant () Xircom 27 Mr. Michael Dydyk () Motorola Labs 28 Mr. Oren Eliezer () Texas Instruments Israel LTD 29 Mr. Reed Fisher () Oki America, Inc. 30 Mr. Marcus Gahler () NextComm, Inc. 31 Mr. Atul Garg () Philips Semiconductors 32 Mr. Ian Gifford (Ian) M/A-COM Inc. 33 Mr. James Gilb () Mobilian 34 Ms. Nada Golmie (Nada) NIST 35 Ms. Harmke de Groot () Philips Semiconductors 36 Dr. Rajugopal Gubbi () Broadcom Corporation 37 Mr. Jose Gutierrez () Eaton Corporation 38 Mr. Susumu Hara () Intel. 39 Mr. Allen Heberling (Allen) Eastman Kodak, Co 40 Mr. Robert Heile (Bob) 41 Mr. Barry Herold () Motorola 42 Mr. Mark Hinman () Eastman Kodak 43 Mr. Jin-Meng Ho () Texas Instruments

24Submission Page 12 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 25一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1

44 Mr. Bob Huang () Sony Electronics Inc. 45 Mr. John Hughes () Symbol Technologies 46 Mr. Katsumi Ishii (Kirk) JVC Laboratory of America 47 Dr. Jeyhan Karaoguz () Broadcom Corporation 48 Mr. Gary Kelson () University of California 49 Mr. Patrick Kinney (Pat) Intermec Technologies Corp. 50 Mr. Ross Kouhi () Nortel Networks 51 Mr. Bruce P. Kraemer (Bruce) Intersil Corporation 52 Mr. Stewart Kuan () Cisco Systems Inc. 53 Dr. Jim Lansford (Jim) Mobilian Corporation 54 Mr. Kap-Soo Lee () Samsung Electro-Mechanics 55 Dr. Kwyro Lee () KAIST 56 Dr. Jun Li () NEC USA, INC 57 Dr. Jie Liang () Texas Instruments 58 Mr. Stanley Ling () Intel. 59 Mr. Ralph Lombardo, Jr. () Digital Networks 60 Mr. Kevin Marquess (Kevin) Hyper Corporation 61 Mr. Gary McGarr () Atheros Communications, Inc. 62 Mr. Michael D. McInnis (Mike) The Boeing Company 63 Mr. Vinay Mitter () University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 64 Mr. Bob Morris () Motorola 65 Mr. Peter Murray (Peter) Intersil 66 Dr. Wayne Music () Broadcom 67 Mr. Marco Naeve () Eaton Corporation 68 Dr. Mohammed Nafie () Texas Instruments 69 Dr. Chiu Y. Ngo (Chiu) Philips Research 70 Mr. Erwin R. Noble (Erwin) Symbol Technologies Inc. 71 Dr. Timothy O'Farrell () Supergold Communicaton LTD 72 Mr. Dirk Ostermiller () Micro Linear 73 Mr. Gregory Parks () Sharewave, Inc. 74 Mr. Dalibor Pokrajac () eXI Wireless Systems Inc. 75 Mr. Ir. Piotr Polak () Philips Semiconductors 76 Mr. Ivan Reede (Ivan) AmeriSys Inc. 77 Mr. Carlos A. Rios (Carlos) LinCom Wireless 78 Mr. Benno Ritter () Philips Semiconductors 79 Dr. Richard Roberts (Rick) XtremeSpectrum 80 Mr. Benjamin Rolfe () Fantasma Networks Inc. 81 Mr. Chandos Rypinski (Chan) [Chandos] 82 Dr. Timothy Schmidl () Texas Instruments 83 Dr. Wolfgang Schott () IBM Research 84 Mr. Mark Schrader () Eastman Kodak, Co 85 Mr. Michael Seals () Intersil Corporation 86 Mr. William Seed () Aryya Communications 87 Dr. Stephen J. Shellhammer (Steve) Symbol Technologies Inc. 88 Dr. Bill Shvodian () XtremeSpectrum 89 Mr. Thomas Siep (Tom) Texas Instruments 90 Mr. Kang Hyun Sook () Samsung Electronics Co., LTD

26Submission Page 13 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 27一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1

91 Mr. Carl Stevenson () agere Systems 92 Mr. Gary Sugar () Aryya Communications 93 Mr. Katsumi Takaoka () JVC 94 Mr. Teik-Kheong Tan () 3Com Corporation 95 Mr. Peter Teulings () AMI (American Microsystems) 96 Dr. Robert E. Van Dyck (Bob) NIST 97 Mr. Steven VanLaningham () Motorola 98 Mr. Dmitri Varsanofiev () Neo Silicon 99 Mr. Ritesh Vishwakarma () Telencomm Inc. 100 Mr. Barry Volinskey () RFWaves Ltd. 101 Mr. Dennis Volpano () Cranite Systems 102 Mr. Shawn Wang () Samsung Information Systems America 103 Dr. Fujio Watanabe (Fujio) Nokia Research Center 104 Mr. David Wilding () Intel 105 Mr. Steve Williams () 3Com Corporation 106 Mr. Richard Wilson (Dick) IDmicro 107 Mr. Jung Yee () Conexant Systems Inc. 108 Mr. Albert Young () 3Com Corporation 109 Mr. Amos Young () AMI (American Microsystems) 110 Mr. Song-Lin Young () Sharp Laboratories of America Inc. 258

28Submission Page 14 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 29一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1

259Appendix C – Outstanding Action Items (14Nov00) 260

261 IEEE 802.15 WG for WPANs 

262 Task Group 1

263 Outstanding Action Items, Revision 1 21 264 Updated: Friday, January 05 11 , 2001 265 266 WHAT WHO WHEN No 1 V1.0/Agreement – We need to monitor Gifford/Truntzer Ongoing the IEEE derivation work to make sure it meets the Copyright License Agreement to Publish Derivative Work between Promoters of the Bluetooth™ Special Interest Group (BSIG) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) and addendum. 2 V1.1/Agreement - Do we need to Truntzer 11Jan01 change the PAR/copyright for version v1.1? (tentative answer: IEEE PAR no but the v1.1 agreement likely) ACTION: IanG to sentd an e-mail on this issue. 3 V1.1/Derivative Work - Goal is to Gifford/Truntzer Ongoing publish an IEEE standard or “derivative work” based on the pending Bluetooth v1.1 Core & Profiles Specifications and PICS Errata document. 4 V1.1/D0.8 Production - TG1 Editors 147Jan01 ACTION: The Editors will review the – 00/159r16 and pending DIFFs of BT v1.0B to v1.1 for each section e.g., Radio, Baseband, LMP, L2CAP the section editor needs to:

1.. Determine if each comment lodged against that section have been addressed

30Submission Page 15 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 31一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1 2. Indicate if you are willing/able to make the edits recommended. 3.. Produce a report on all comments-- by Comment ID--specifying disposition (using the new columns in –00/159r16 to capture editing notes e.g., The edit is applied, etc.)

Note 1: -00/159r16 has to be reviewed and applied to D0.7.3 to create D0.7.4; this later Draft is the proof copy and will be the operative document during Session #10/Monterey 15-19Jan01. ETA 12Jan01. Note 2: The Editor in Chief is starting to jump up and down for his Clauses  - the Sub Editors need to complete their D0.7.4 work by 7Jan01.

ACTION: All clauses/annexes must be submitted NLT 7Jan01 for the D0.7.4 production. 5 IEEE Std 802.15.1-[2001] Draft 0.8 – Gifford/Cypher 1Jan01 IEEE SDL Model shall be written to BT v1.0B Note: We are trying to pull in SDL v1.1 intercept. ACTION: DavidC to advise if this SDL Model is to v1.1. 6 IEEE Std 802.15.1-[2001] Draft 0.9 – Gifford/Cypher 31Jan01 or IEEE SDL Model shall be written to BT sooner v1.1 7 SIGnal/IEEE Column - Bluetooth Gifford/Ralf San Jose Ongoing SIGnal/IEEE Column next step? 8 Telecon/f2f – If needed, set up a Gifford/Truntzer 12Jan01 follow-up meeting between SIG PMs 11Jan01 Target and IEEE 802.15.1 leadership in January. ACTION: IanG to sentd an e-mail on this issue. 9 PICS Errata - IEEE's Std 802.15.1- Watanabe/Truntzer/ 910Jan01 or [2001] will have a (normative) Protocol Stefan Agnani sooner Implementation Conformance

32Submission Page 16 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 33一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1 Statement (PICS) proforma annex. To that end we forwarded 26Sep00 29 dispositioned comments from our recent IEEE Letter Ballot #3 that we believe should be included in errata DB for the Bluetooth PICS documentation set (not directly part of Core or Profile but rather the "Bluetooth ICS & IXIT Proforma" latest v0.9. ACTION: FujioW to advise on status.Done. 10 SAP Clause 12 - The review of Clause Cypher/TomS/McInni 7Jan01 or 12 was for the purpose of defining s sooner 1) how we will take the signal lists from the SDL models and use them as the SAP, 2) IEEE 802.2 SAP for inclusion, which was ruled by Bluetooth SIG as the IEEE's concern, 3) David’s text to comment DEC057 as the basis for further discussion. Done 1Jan01. 11 IEEE Sponsor Balloting - ACTION: Bisdikian/Gifford Ongoing IanG monitor Balloting Pool invitation response and Balloting Group formation.

Note: The IEEE Balloting Center’s Carol Buonfiglio, Associate Administrator, Balloting, +1 732 562 3834 released the Invitation to the LAN/MAN 802.15 Balloting Pool on 14Dec00; took a week off and “is backed up” she will send a new Balloting Pool summary for delta processing and will cc on the invitation summary RSVP list - it is due 43 days after release - 24Jan01. 12 HCI Questions – ACTION: Kris Truntzer/Fleming 10Jan01 Fleming to contact David Cypher and 11Jan01or try to resolve his HCI Command sooner questions.

Note: FrancisT was 29Nov00 and will contact KrisF to expedite. We added

34Submission Page 17 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 35一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1 DavidC’s recent TG1 Reflector query too . ACTION: IanG to sentd an e-mail on this issue. 13 3Nov00 Liaison Telecon Minutes – Gifford/Truntzer 5Jan0111Jan01 Action Items from Telecon: Cypher  TG1 Schedule and synch with Bluetooth 1.x o We received v1.1 o Revised BSIG Schedule to TG1: . First review draft posted 12-1-00 (for Associates as v1.2 adopters only) . End of review period: 12-18-00 . Go/No-Go decision for adoption 12/20/00 . If Go: . Adoption will be 3 weeks later (circa 1/11/01) . It was No-Go. This would put the adoption date at around Jan 31st. o IEEE 802.15.1 Project Plan Scenario A in effect (based on a 5Jan0120Dec00 “nogo”: . Jan01 Draft 0.8 ready for WG LB(7) (Jan-Feb) very tight… . Jan01 Draft 0.9 ready for WG LB(8) (Feb). . Mar01 Draft 1.0 ready for IEEE sponsor ballot. very tight… o ACTION: IanG sent an e-

36Submission Page 18 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 37一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1 mail on this issue 5Jan01.  Joint Q&As about Bluetooth SIG and IEEE relationship o The IEEE reviewed the Q&A FAQ and replied on 7Nov00. Acknowledgement received 9Nov00. o We can add this FAQ to the 802.15 FAQ and/or point to this FAQ on the Bluetooth Web Site. Please advise on the final Joint Q&As about Bluetooth SIG and IEEE relationship FAQ placement strategy. o TG1 was advised that TG3 (JohnB) will add to this common FAQ baseline, via IEEE 802.15 Publicity Committee/BruceK. ACTION: E-Mail sent - Early BT v1.1 Release - Can IEEE 802.15 release the next IEEE Draft into a *30 day* Letter Ballot around Friday, 19Jan01? - which would be ~2 weeks ahead of your adoption date. 14 BSIG letter of assurance - IEEE Gifford reviewed BSIG offer for a “…grant of a Ongoing nonexclusive, reasonable and non- discriminatory, nontransferable, nonsublicenseable, worldwide license…” JimK 1Jul99, Subject: Bluetooth SIG Request to submit technology to 802.15. Minor edits applied. ACTION: To submit the BSIG Draft letter of assurance to PM Chairs to review and sign and return to IEEE. 15 IEEE Std 802.15.1-[2001] Draft 0.8 – 15-190Jan01 Add line numbers. Siep/Gifford 16 IEEE Std 802.15.1-[2001] Draft 0.8 – Siep/Gifford 15-190Jan01

38Submission Page 19 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 39一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1 Denote all Annexes as either (normative) or (informative) both in the TOC as well as the Annex. 17 IEEE Std 802.15.1-[2001] Draft 0.8 – 15-190Jan01 Review and change Annex B & C to Siep/Gifford (informative). 18 TG1/WG Balloting Tool & Comment 5Jan01 DB – The TG1 WG Comment DB will Gifford/Siep be created in MS Access or FileMaker Pro based on the 802.3ae Comments DBBalloting Tool; we are adapting it to our needs. Additionally, we have made contact with Walter Pienciak/SPA Admin and have determined how to obtain a comma delimited ASCII output from the Sponsor Balloting process (as well as the standard fax (.PDF) or .HTML) – the goal is easily port to .FP5, .MDB or .XLS. Note: We are planning to provide the LB3 comments in this new DB format to be better prepared for LB7. ACTION: IanG to send an e-mail on this issue to the AC and WG/TG Editors. 19 Session #10/Monterey – Review 5Jan01 tutorial agenda and advise if inputs are Siep needed. ACTION: IanG to send an e-mail on this issue to [email protected], [email protected] and 802.15.1 Balloting Pool. 20 Session #11/Hilton Head 12-15Mar01 21Feb01 – As of January 11 the venue property All in Hilton Head will no longer be a Hyatt. It will be Marriott. Hotel Reservation Deadline (Room-block Cut-off) is Wednesday, February 21, 2001. The Meeting Pre-Registration Fee is $250.00 until 2/28/01; $300.00 thereafter or on-site. 21 Session #12/Orlando 14-18May01 – Ongoing Venue still not signed (likely Radisson All Hotel Orlando at the entrance to Universal Orlando 5780 Major Blvd.

40Submission Page 20 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation 41一月, 2001 IEEE P802.15-01/009r1 Orlando, FL 32819 (407) 351-1000). 22 802.15.1 Handbook, a Designers 8Jan01 Companion – The TG1 Leadership will All initiate the handbook early this month. ACTION: IanG to send an e-mail on this issue.


42Submission Page 21 of 21 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Corporation

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