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Committee Report SNM Board of Directors September 2010 SNM Awards Committee Chair: Michael M. Graham, PhD, MD Liaison: Nicole Mitchell
Committee Charges for 2010-2011:
Choose the Aebersold Award Recipient. Evaluate competitive applications and select recipients of ERF-funded grants and awards for physicians, scientists and students. Put forth to the Board of Directors a resolution to accept the proposed recipients. Develop criteria, award processes, and related materials for new SNM grants and awards. Conduct an annual review of current ERF funded grants and awards that are non-donor designated to determine their usefulness in meeting needs of the molecular imaging/nuclear medicine community and in advancing the Society’s strategic goals. Recommend to the SNM Executive Committee grant and award fundraising priorities. Report on the grants and awards program to the SNM Board of Directors and House of Delegates.
Current Working Objectives/Goals:
The SNM Awards Committee work relates most closely to the Goal A of the Strategic Plan, which states: “SNM will be members’ indispensable resource for education, knowledge exchange, training and networking.” Additionally the Committee works to review all grant applications received and select grant recipients, which corresponds to Goal A2, which is to: “Create and award grants and fellowships for individuals interested in Molecular Imaging.”
Progress of Charge/Objectives/Goals to Date:
2011 SNM & SNMTS Scholarships, Grants & Awards Programs:
The Education and Research Foundation for SNM has reported that they are able to provide $305,700 to fund SNM/SNMTS programs in FY2011 following $215,000 in support during FY2010. During conference calls over the summer the SNM & SNMTS Awards Committees discussed which of the awards are of priority and how funding should be allocated after reviewing the financial realities faced by the Foundation. Funding increase decisions were based on the number and rigor of applications for each program in 2010. The following slate of grants and awards has proposed for 2011.
2011 SNM/SNMTS Awards Slate DRAFT- FOR BOD APPROVAL 2011 Available Funding: $305,700
FY11 FY12 2011 FY11 Award Obligations Obligations ERF-funded SNM/SNMTS Awards # Awards Award TOTAL Amount from 2010 from 2011 Expenses Expenses awards awards
Named Endowments Alavi-Mandell Publication Award $150 16 $2,400 $2,400 Complimentary JNM to internationals $2,272 1 $2,272 $2,272 Paul Cole Technologist Scholarships $1,000 25 $25,000 $25,000 Mark Tetalman Award, every other year $5,000 1 $5,000 $5,000 Molecular Imaging Awards SNM Molecular Imaging Research Grant for Junior Medical Faculty, 1 @ $50,00/year for 2 years, not offered in 2010 resume 2011 (Anger Prize) $50,000 1 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000
SNM Postdoctoral Molecular Imaging Scholar Program, 1 @ $30,00/year for 2 years, not offered in 2010 resume 2011 $30,000 2 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000
SNM Predoctoral Molecular Imaging Scholar Program, 1 @ $20,00/year for 2 years- do not offer in 2011, resume 2012 $20,000 0 $0 $0 Research Grants Blahd Pilot Research Grant $25,000 1 $25,000 $25,000 $50,000 Trainee Awards SNM Student Fellowship $3,000 7 $21,000 $21,000 Council Young Investigator Abstract Awards $1,000 7 $7,000 $7,000 Travel Awards SNM Travel Awards $1,000 30 $30,000 $30,000 SNMTS Travel & Student Travel Awards $1,000 35 $35,000 $35,000 Technologist Awards SNMTS Bachelors Degree Completion $4,000 2 $8,000 $8,000 SNMTS Advanced Practitioner Program $5,000 1 $5,000 $5,000 Susan C. Weiss Clinical Advancement Scholarship $500 6 $3,000 $3,000 SNMTS Outstanding Technologists $750 2 $1,500 $1,500 SNMTS Best Paper $500 1 $500 $500 TOTALS 138 $280,672 $25,000 $305,672 $110,000 FY11 FY12 2011 FY11 Obligations Obligations # Awards Award TOTAL from 2010 from 2011 Expenses Expenses awards awards
Calendar of Deadlines, Events & Committee Activities:
CFA::: 2011/2013 SNM Wagner Torizuka Fellowship Wed-1-Sep-10 CFA::: 2011 Mark Tetalman Memorial Award Wed-15-Sep-10 CFA::: 2011-2013 Molecular Imaging Research Grant for Junior Medical Faculty & Thu-21-Oct-10 Postdoctoral Molecular Imaging Scholar Program
CFApplications/CFAbstracts::: SNM Travel Awards Thu-28-Oct-10 Application Deadline::: 2011 Mark Tetalman Memorial Award Mon-15-Nov-10 CFA::: Outstanding Technologist Award Mon-1-Nov-10 CFA::: Blahd Pilot Research Grants & Student Fellowship Awards Wed-1-Dec-10 CFA::: SNM Travel Awards Wed-Jan-4-11 Fri-Jan-14-11 Notification Date::: SW Clinical Advancement Scholarship, Bachelors Degree Completion Scholarship & Advanced Practitioner Program Scholarships (2010)
Wed-Jan-4-11 Reviews Complete::: 2011 Mark Tetalman Memorial Award applications Fri-21-Jan-11 Application Deadline::: 2011-2013 Molecular Imaging Research Grant for Junior Medical Faculty & Postdoctoral Molecular Imaging Scholar Program
Application Deadline::: 2011/2013 SNM Wagner Torizuka Fellowship Mon-31-Jan-11 Notification Date::: 2011 Mark Tetalman Memorial Award Tue-15-Feb-11 Application Deadline::: Blahd Pilot Research Grants & Student Fellowship Awards Tue-1-Mar-11 Reviews Complete::: 2011/2013 SNM Wagner Torizuka Fellowship applications Thu-3-Mar-11 Notification Date::: 2011/2013 SNM Wagner Torizuka Fellowship Tue-15-Mar-11 Fri-1-Apr-11 Reviews Complete::: 2011-2013 Molecular Imaging Research Grant for Junior Medical Faculty & Postdoctoral Molecular Imaging Scholar Program applications
Application Deadline::: SNM Travel Awards Fri-15-Apr-11 Notification Date::: Student Fellowship Awards
Scoring Complete::: SNM Travel Awards Fri-29-Apr-11 Notification Date::: 2011-2013 Molecular Imaging Research Grant for Junior Medical Faculty & Postdoctoral Molecular Imaging Scholar Program
Notification Date::: SNM Travel Awards Fri-6-May-11 Reviews Complete::: Blahd Pilot Research Grant applications Fri-20-May-11 Notification Date::: Blahd Pilot Research Grant Fri-10-Jun-11
Awards Program Success Tracking- The Awards Committee will be working to establish ‘identifiers of success’ to track the success of the SNM awards programs moving forward. It is proposed that the Awards Committee present these identifiers to the SNM BOD and ERF BOD to illustrate that SNM is being an appropriate husbander of the Foundation’s monies. The Awards Committee will work to create a survey that will be distributed to previous grant recipients and will report the survey back to the Education and Research Foundation. These results will not only serve as an identifier of the successes of the ERF-funded programs, but will also assist in the Foundation’s fundraising efforts as well.
Paul C. Aebersold Award- The 2010 Paul C. Aebersold Award was awarded to Chester Mathis, PhD of the University of Pittsburg at the 2010 Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City. This fall the Awards Committee will be working to strengthen the nomination review and award selection processes for the 2011 Paul C. Aebersold Award, as it is considered the premier award offered by the Society. Currently, once an individual is nominated he/she will be considered for the award for three years. Nominations are no longer being accepted for the 2011 award and those received will be reviewed by the Awards Committee this fall. The recipient will be selected and proposed to the SNM Board of Directors no later than the MidWinter meeting.
SNM Wagner-Torizuka Fellowship- The SNM Wagner-Torizuka Fellowship (WTF), funded by Nihon Medi-physics Co., LTD (NMP), which began in 2008, was awarded to four Japanese physicians to come to United States or Canada to gain experience in nuclear medicine research. The fellowship is offered in the amount of $24,000 over two years paid in tri-annual installments. Four fellows have returned Japan after completing their fellowships at the following institutions in the United States: Johns Hopkins University, University of Washington, Seattle, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, and the University of California, San Francisco. Four fellows are beginning the second year of their fellowships at the following institutions: Brigham and Women’s Hospital, New York Presbyterian Hospital, U.S. Food and Drug Administration & University of Toronto, Princess Margaret Hospital. 2010/2012 awardees arrived in the United States over the summer to begin their fellowships at the following institutions: Harvard Medical School, University of California, San Diego, and Cedars- Sinai Medical Center. The 2011/13 cycle began accepting applications on September 1, 2010 and will be accepting them through January 31, 2011.
Grant Extensions: No-cost grant extensions were granted on August 5, 2010 to the following grant recipients: Hyo-eun Carrie Bhang, 2008 Predoctoral Molecular Imaging Scholar Program, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Development of PEG-Prom-mediated imaging and therapeutic system for cancer; Revised Grant Expiration Date- 3/31/2011 Ruth Lim, MD; 2009 Pilot Research Grants in Nuclear Medicine/Molecular Imaging Research, Massachusetts General Hospital, Comparison of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose and 11C-methionine PET in detection and characterization of low-grade cartilage tumors; Revised Grant Expiration Date- 9/30/2011 Rama Pichika, PhD; 2009 Covidien Seed Grant in Nuclear Medicine/Molecular Imaging Research, University of California, San Diego, Molecular Imaging of Early Alzheimer’s Disease; Revised Grant Expiration Date- 6/30/2011 Wendol Williams, MD; 2008 Pilot Research Grants in Nuclear Medicine/Molecular Imaging Research, Yale University, Serotonin 1B receptor binding in PTSD; Revised Grant Expiration Date- 2/28/2011
Additional Goals/Objectives Added for 2010-2011:
Hal Anger Prize & Lecture Development The request to consider the development of a Hal Anger Prize/Lecture was made to the SNM Awards Committee in May 2010 from Dr. Peter Kirchner, on behalf of the Education and Research Foundation (ERF). The issue was discussed by the Awards Committee during their meeting in June 2010 in Salt Lake City which resulted in the following resolution of the Board of Directors: It was moved, seconded and approved to motion to the SNM Board of Directors that the SNM Awards Committee, in concert with the Scientific Program Committee, shall create a Hal Anger Prize based on one of the major research awards already offered by SNM. The Anger Award will be given every other year, rotating with the current Cassen Prize. The selection of the Hal Anger Prize recipient shall be the responsibility of the SNM and ERF. A Hal Anger Lectureship should be part of the Annual Meeting plenary session where the Hal Anger Prize is awarded; the lecture would be of fitting quality of the plenary session to maintain the quality of the plenary program.
Conference calls were held between Dr. Peter Kirchner, MD, ERF Immediate Past-President, Bennett Greenspan, MD, Immediate Past-President, SNM Academic Council; and Peter Herscovitch, MD, Immediate Past Chairman, SNM Scientific Program Committee and the Awards Committee in July and August 2010 which resulted in the following proposed actions:
Presentation of the Anger Prize and delivery of the Anger Lecture will occur during the Monday Plenary Session of the Annual Meeting every other year, rotating with the presentation of the Cassen Prize and lecture. The Anger Prize will be awarded to the largest (monetary) research grant as determined by the SNM Awards Committee (the Molecular Imaging Research Grant for Junior Medical Faculty). The Anger Lecture will be given by an individual selected by an ERF delegate, the Program Committee Chair, and the Academic Council Chair. The Anger lecturer would receive a $5,000 honorarium (this would need the approval of the ERF Board of Directors), which is equal to the Cassen Lecture honorarium. The Academic Council would no longer hold its annual Hal Anger Lecture during their business meeting held at the Annual Meeting, and would instead co-sponsor the Anger Prize and Lecture with the ERF (this would need the approval of the Academic Council). It would be ensured that the presentation of the Hal Anger Prize & Lecture by the ERF President during the plenary session would be accompanied by acknowledgment of the Council’s co-sponsorship of the Prize.