Vitual Help Desk

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Vitual Help Desk

The Global Support Center is a completely secure and customizable Internet based application that allows organizations to streamline their technical support process. This system was designed specifically to support a wide variety of DOD hardware systems and software applications, thus setting it apart from any commercial help desk application. The system complies with all DOD standards and restrictions for Internet based code and architecture. Most commercial products currently use either unaccredited Java Applets or ActiveX, both of which are restricted by the DOD in publicly accessible websites. Additionally, this system is completely customizable to meet the specific needs of any organization. Problem tracking and resolution has become significantly more efficient within organizations that are using the Global Support Center. The system is a simple but powerful application that makes it easy to track and resolve reported problems by communicating instantly with administrators, subject matter experts, managers, and end users regardless of their location. The system provides users an easy and effective way to either search a database for a resolution to their problem or to submit the problem for evaluation and resolution by a subject matter expert.

Some of the features and benefits of the Global Support Center include:

 Multi-Server Distributed Help Desk – Capable of tracking data from multiple servers at multiple locations, automatically synchronizing data from remote locations to a centralized server.  Fully customizable and configurable application and database.  100% Web-based – No client side software (other than a browser) required to be loaded on an end user workstation.  Configurable Electronic User Notification for resolved issues, general bulletins, or software patches via email, text capable pager, or mobile phone.  Sophisticated Incident and Problem Reporting with the ability to attach external files.  Emergency Incident/Problem Notification & Resolution via pager or mobile phone.  Fully Searchable Comprehensive Problem Resolution/Knowledge Base Database.  User Collaboration Forum & Chat Room with Online Meeting capability.  Online Access to System Technical Publications & Support Documents.  Document/File Management and Sharing capability.  Online Ordering and Electronic Distribution of Software capability with version control and COTS license tracking.  Wireless Application Integration for web-enabled mobile phones, PDA’s, or similar devices.  Configurable Audit History.  Priority-based Escalation of Incident Reports.  Vast array of Reporting by Incident, Originator, Status, or Problem type, Priority, Date and other attributes (with export capability to Microsoft Excel format).  Optional capability to link help desk application directly to or from associated technical document(s)  DA Form 2028 (Change Request Form) web interface. Help Desk Main Menu

Access Request Form

This access application form allows a new user to fill in his or her personal information. These fields can be customized for your specific organizations needs. After a user fills in this form, it is sent to the Help Desk administrator. The administrator reviews the application and investigates the user. Upon approval, the administrator emails the user a valid user ID and password. The administrator has the ability to authorize the user access to only certain security level PRR’s (Problem Resolution Reports) and FIR’s (Field Incident Reports).

User Investigation & Authentication Your organization’s security is our number one priority. We have a dedicated, full-time staff to investigate all users who apply for access to your help desk. Our organization will use several investigative resources to authenticate your users. Our years of experience in IP security allow us to certify all DSN telephone numbers, investigate all e-mail addresses, and verify the authenticity of the users IP address. Additionally, we search an extensive military database to verify the identity of the user. Moreover, our staff can follow any customizable script of investigative procedures your organization may wish to implement.

View Problem Resolution Report Repository)

In this area, the user may enter a search string to locate an existing PRR for his or her problem. The user can apply their search to all fields or isolate their search to PRR number, date originated, date closed, administrators first or last name, system ID, functional area, or problem type. Additionally, the user has the option to export the PRR list to an excel spreadsheet. The PRR repository is a highly productive tool. It saves users time by finding the resolution to their problem quickly and efficiently. It saves administrators time by eliminating duplicate and unnecessary FIR’s for problems that have already been addressed.

View Technical Publications In this area, the user may view or download any technical publications (e.g. installation manuals, diagrams, charts, etc.). Additionally, the system can interface with any mil standard change request forms. Users can simply click the link and fill out the form. The system then forwards the request form to any designated organization while recording all metrics for these transactions. Future versions of this system will have the ability to search within the publication’s body of text (text enabled files such as XML, Word, etc.). Thus returning all relevant problem resolution reports and the specific section of the technical publication that refers to the users problem. Collaboration Forum & Online Chat

Here, the user may engage in real time chat or post messages to the online forum. Users can interact with other users or help desk administrators. This area is extremely effective when used as a virtual meeting place for users and help desk personnel to resolve issues. The forum also gives the user and help desk administrators the ability to exchange files by attaching them to posted messages. Users can select a specific time period to display and can choose an expanded or summary view Post New Message Search Forum

The user can search by subject, message, or author. He or she can sort by age of document and select how many messages display per page.

Forum Options

The user can set the default number of pages viewed, set the forum to refresh after a specified time, sort messages by date, and select an option for email notification of new messages. (See sample next page)

Field Incident Report (FIR) Form

This form allows the user to define his or her problem. Upon login, all of the users personal information (from the access application) will automatically be populated in the appropriate fields. Customization of the FIR’s fields is available. In the systems field, blue boxes indicate that the user had applied for access to that system. Check marks indicate that the user has been approved on that system. If the Emergency checkbox on the FIR form is checked indicating the necessity for immediate action, an Emergency contact and the help desk administrators are automatically contacted using mobile phones and pagers. Digital pagers and some digital mobile phones will display the phone number of the automated help desk and/or text details pertaining to the FIR (including the name and telephone number of the field user who has submitted the FIR). Mobile phone users will hear an automated voice read all of the above FIR related information. Additionally, files may be attached to the field incident report. This is especially helpful, when the FIR relates to a software file or the user wishes to detail his problem using a word processing document. Upon submittal of a FIR by a user, the help desk administrators are notified via email as well. The email will contain a hyperlink to the FIR so that they can review it in detail and prepare to take the appropriate action.

View Field Incident Report Repository

This area allows the user or help desk administrators to view all existing FIR’s. A user may enter a search sting to find a specific FIR or export the table to an excel spreadsheet. The table displays all pertinent FIR information including FIR number, date, system, originator, email address, subject of problem, PRR number (if available), and the FIR’s status. Administrators will have access to view FIR’s, request more information from the user, indicate that this FIR relates to an existing PRR, enter a simple solution or quick workaround to the user’s problem, or indicate that the FIR requires further investigation and therefore generate a new PRR. Moreover, a customized OEM trouble ticket/warranty interface is available. This interface will populate the OEM’s and Global Support Center databases simultaneously. Thus allowing the OEM to determine weather the user is having a hardware problem. If so, the system will populate a 2407 (mil-standard) web-enabled maintenance request form. This form is then sent electronically to the repair depot, PM, and whomever the system administrator chooses to be notified. A printable rich text 2407 version is also available to accompany hardware when the user ships it out for repair.

View FIR’s Administrative Options Update User Account Information

This area allows the user to update any personal information that may have changed since initial registration. (Change of address, phone, etc.)

Help Desk Administration Menu

This area is only accessible to help desk administrators. Enter a New PRR

This area allows help desk administrators to respond to FIR’s by entering all pertinent information to help the field user with his or her problem. The administrator can also attach files to the PRR. This is effective when the problem resolution is a software patch or when the administrator/technician wishes to attach a video file showing the step-by-step resolution to the FIR. Once submitted, the user will receive an email with a hyperlink to his or her PRR. Edit Existing PRR

Users may view all existing PRR’s, search for existing PRR’s, edit existing PRR’s, and output the table to Excel for reports.

Help Desk User Administration

This area allows administrators to view and make changes to all user personal information and system access options. Administrators can sort users by any of the available fields simply by clicking on the field name. They can also search for a user on the system by entering a search string. They may isolate their search to any of the available fields as well. Administrators can also send email bulletins to all users from this area. The email bulletin capability is especially effective when a problem is widespread. Administrators/technicians can reduce their workload by alerting all users, or a selected group of users to a widespread problem. This alert will contain a hyperlink to the Problem Resolution Report.

End of Month User Reporting System

These reports will allow your organization to view popularity and effectiveness metrics for your Global Support Center. Selected administrators will be notified on a monthly basis via email. This report will include but will not be limited to:

 Number of page views  Number of registered users  Number of times PRRs are accessed  Number of unresolved FIRs  File download transaction report (File names, frequency of download, version control {users who have not downloaded the current version of software})  Success ratio report (successfully resolved issues vs. unsuccessful) Enhancements

Our organization is dedicated to delivering the very best product to our customers’ year in and year out. Frequent enhancements to the Global Support Center are constantly produced based on customer suggestions. Your participation in this program is encouraged and your organization will be entitled to these enhancements at no cost.

Global Support Center Optional System Add-On

File Transfer System

This file transfer system will allow your organization to swap large files with ease. Unlike standard email, this system has no file size limitation and is completely secure. When a file is uploaded, the file is scanned for viruses, and stored on our server. The recipient will receive an e-mail containing a hyperlink. Upon execution of the hyperlink, the user can then download a file of any size. Document Management System Add-On

This powerful add-on will allow your organization to swap, post, edit, and update existing documents of any file type. When a document is posted, the name, description, category, file size, etc., will be captured and maintained in the system. Field users can view documents that have been posted but cannot edit unless they have issued a higher access level on the system. When a new document is posted or an existing document is updated, the user posting the document can opt to automatically notify all users of the new post (hyperlink directly to the document) or just upload it to the system for authorized viewing. While posting the document the user can select what group of users may or may not have access to the document. Some users may be granted viewing access but not editing access. If the posting user approves a user he or she can “check out” the document (download it to their computer), make the necessary changes, and then “check” the document back into the system. Only the user who has checked the document out can check it back in. This prevents more that one person from making changes to the same document simultaneously. When a document is “checked” back in (updated), the old version is archived, not overwritten. Thus the history of any document can be viewed, which includes who originally posted the document, who has made changes, and when they were made.

The system includes these administrative features:  User registration  An administrative capability to grant passwords and user registration approvals  Transaction tracking audit trail. {A record of all user transactions (read, download, view, etc.) will be recorded for metrics  Automatically scans all files for viruses

Triple DES Encryption Utility Add-On

This powerful encryption utility is endorsed and currently in use by NSA (National Security Agency). It allows users to encrypt and decrypt files of any size or type. The user simply selects the file to encrypt and enters an 8-character key. The utility will automatically rename the new file with an encrypted prefix ( This file and key is then sent to the recipient via email, file transfer system, or other source. The file becomes useless without the encryption utility and the key code.

Electronic Distribution & Ordering System Add-On

This completely web based system will handle all of your organization’s ordering, distribution, tracking, and reporting needs.

Features Include:

 Create and edit online orders for publications, software, and manuals, etc.  View order history for users, groups, and divisions  Secure Software Download  License tracking database  Customizable reporting  Inventory control  Asset Management  Software Version Control

Replication & Distribution

Our organization utilizes a high capacity media production, reproduction and distribution facility to service our customers around the world. This service is available to customers using the Electronic Distribution & Ordering system. Proven Security & Reliability

 Secure Socket Layer Encryption Web Servers  DOD Accredited Web Site  NSA Approved Encryption Algorithms  Fault Tolerant Redundant Servers  99.8% Up Time

Customized Enhancements

JGA is at the forefront of the DOD’s/Government’s requirements, restrictions, and needs. We are constantly leveraging and positioning to implement new technologies as they become available. Some customized enhancements that are currently being developed include:  Palm Pilot and Pocket PC interface. This will allow subject matter experts to respond via voice or text to field incident reports without being tied to a personal computer. It will allow field users to search the problem resolution database while on the move.  Remote Control PC Access. Subject matter experts and help desk administrators will have the ability to remotely operate the user’s PC. This will enable them to diagnose, analyze, and repair system problems.  Searchable Technical Publications This will provide users the ability to search within the publication’s body of text (text enabled files such as XML, Word, etc.). Thus returning all relevant problem resolution reports and the specific section of the technical publication that refers to the users problem.

Once implemented, these systems will allow your organization’s support groups to run smoothly and efficiently. Our systems are currently implemented in several DOD organizations around the world. These systems, combined with our support team will take your organization’s hardware/software support staff to new levels.

Some organizations using the Global Support Center Global Support Center or other JGA web development solutions include:  UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY (WEST POINT, NY)*  CIPO*  TACTICAL COMMUNICATIONS*  STRATEGIC & TACTICAL SATELLITE  NETWORK MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (CSCE, RAPter, ISYSCON, MSE)*  FIREFINDER*  PM TELEMAINTENANCE*  TINKER AIR FORCE BASE (Software control center)*  JTIDS*  SMART-T*  JCALS (Develop, support, maintain, and host the JCALS website)  AKMS*  SINCGARS*  AFATDS (License Tracking and Software Distribution)*  JSTARS*  DCATS (Document Management System)  C4IEWS* *Indicates that customer has an implemented version of the Global Support Center

User in the Field Has a Problem with Hardware/ Software

rm fo n tio ra nd ist a eg ID R id s al it v bm es Su iv d ce or re sw ed as ov P pr ap If

Fig.1- If new user, fills out and submits registration form. Help Desk Administrator contacts user directly.

Fig. 2- User Logs into the Virtual Help desk

Fig.3-User can search existing Problem Fig. 5-Join Online Chat Room or the Resolution Collaboration Forum. Reports (PRRs) for a solution. Fig 4.- Review the System Technical Manuals User can't find solution on their own and needs to submit a FIR

Fig.6- User in the field has a software or hardware problem and needs to submit a Field Incident Report (FIR) on the Virtual Help Desk Website

Fig. 7- The new user fills out user Fig.8- The user already has a Valid User ID registration form with the FIR. and Password and logs in and submits FIR.

Fig. 9- If FIR is an Emergency, the Emergency Contact will H be notified immediately by Phone or Beeper. elp A Desk dm rece in ca ives lls i pag nto e. Auto mat Fig. 10-Emergency contact is called. Details of FIR ed S yst are dictated via computer generated voice. em.

Fig.11- Help desk Administrators receive page with Phone # of help desk automated system and/or details pertaining to FIR. They call into automated system to hear FIR or contact user Directly.

Fig. 12- The Help Desk Administrators will receive an e-mail with a link to the FIR so they can begin evaluation and resolution of the problem.

User submits Additional Information if requested.

Fig 14- Administrator identifies and sends to Fig.15 - Administrator can provide a workaround user a hyperlink to an existing PRR that to user. Admin may or may not answers user's problems. generate a new PRR. Fig 16- Admin decides if the FIR requires Fig 13- Administrator requests more further Investigation. Generates a new Pending information from the user. PRR, and offers a temporary workaround to user if available.

Fig 17-The user is notified with solution or status of problem resolution .

Fig.1- A user in the field has a hardware/software problem, but is not a registered user. When prompted to login into the help desk, the user fills out an Access Request form and submits it to Help Desk Administration. Upon approval of the request, the user receives a valid User ID and password and can then access the Help Desk resources such as the FIR/PRR repositories, associated technical manuals, and Online Collaboration and Chat room (in Figs. 3, 4, and 5).

Fig. 2- A user in the field has a problem and is already a registered user with a valid User ID and password. The user proceeds to login to the help desk when prompted and subsequently has permissions to access the Help Desk resources such as the FIR/PRR repositories, associated technical manuals, and Online Collaboration and Chat room (in Figs. 3, 4, and 5).

Fig. 3- The user may search or browse the Problem Resolution Report (PRR) database for an existing solution to their problem. If a solution already exists and is located, the user does not need to proceed any further.

Fig.4- The user may view or download any available Technical Manual or Publication

Fig. 5- The user may access the Online Collaboration Forum & Chat room to either engage in a real time chat with other users or help desk personnel or post messages to the online forum. This is a Help Desk resource, which allows field users as well as system administrators to communicate with one another. The forum gives the user the ability to post messages (with optional file attachments) to which other field users or help desk personnel can reply. The user may also reply to messages that have been posted by another user at any given point in time. The forum can also be used as a virtual meeting place for users and help desk personnel to collaborate or resolve issues.

Fig. 6- A user in the field has a hardware/software problem and subsequently connects to the Online Help Desk website to submit a Field Incident Report (FIR).

Fig.7- The user is not a registered user, so they fill out the Field Incident Report (FIR) form including personal registration information. Upon submission of the form, the Help Desk administrators are notified of the FIR as well as the new user Access Request application.

Fig. 8- The user is already registered and has a valid User ID and password. They login to the help desk and fill out the Field Incident Report (FIR) form. (The user’s personal information is already filled into the form). Upon submission of the form, the Help Desk administrators are notified of the FIR.

Fig. 9- If the Emergency checkbox on the FIR form is checked indicating a necessity for immediate action, an Emergency contact is telephoned and paged as are all other help desk administrators who carry pagers or mobile phones.

Fig. 10- An emergency FIR has been submitted. The Emergency contact is telephoned and details of the FIR are dictated to them via a computer-generated voice. The POC can then determine the best course of action to deal with the situation.

Fig.11- An emergency FIR has been submitted. The help desk administrators equipped with pagers are paged with the phone number of the automated help desk and/or text details pertaining to the FIR (including the name and telephone number of the field user who submitted the FIR). The administrator can then call the automated help desk number and hear the FIR dictated to them or if necessary, contact the field user directly by phone to discuss the nature of the problem.

Fig. 12- Upon submittal of a FIR by a field user, the Help Desk Administrators are notified via email with a hyperlink to the FIR so that they can review it in detail and prepare to take the appropriate action and begin to resolve the FIR. Fig. 13- FIR response Option 1- The Administrator clicks the hyperlink to the FIR, reviews the details of it and determines that more information is required from the field user in order to troubleshoot the problem. The Administrator proceeds to select the option to request more information from the user, and subsequently enters details about what information is needed from the user. Upon submission, the user is sent an email with a link to the details of the Administrator’s additional request for information. When the user replies with the requested information, the Administrators are informed that the FIR has been updated with the additional information that was requested. The FIR evaluation process is then restarted at Fig. 12.

Fig. 14- FIR response Option 2- The Administrator clicks the hyperlink to the FIR, reviews the details of it and determines that a Problem Resolution Report (PRR) already exists in the PRR repository which addresses the user’s problem. The Administrator proceeds to select the option to refer the user to the specified PRR that solves the problem in question. Upon submission, the user is sent an email with a link to the existing PRR and the FIR is closed.

Fig. 15- FIR response Option 3- The Administrator clicks the hyperlink to the FIR, reviews the details of it and determines that a simple solution or workaround can be applied to solve the problem. The Administrator proceeds to select the option for a Simple Solution/Workaround and enters the description of the solution. The decision is then made whether or not to generate a PRR based on the solution to the FIR. If other users for one reason or another will most likely encounter the problem, then the Administrator selects the option to generate a PRR. This will make it easier for users who encounter this problem in the future to find a solution to their problem. If on the other hand the problem was isolated and the Administrators determine that it is unlikely that others will repeat it, then the option will be selected NOT to generate a PRR from the FIR. Upon submission, the user is sent an email that details the simple solution/workaround and includes a link to the PRR if one was generated. The FIR status is set to Closed.

Fig. 16- FIR response Option 4- The Administrator clicks the hyperlink to the FIR, reviews the details of it and determines that no obvious solution exists; further investigation or action is required. The Administrator proceeds to select the option for Further Investigation. The problem type and priority are selected and a temporary workaround or quick fix is entered (if one is available). Upon submission, the field user is sent an email indicating that the problem is legitimate and that further investigation is required in order to find a solution. The temporary workaround or quick fix is also included in the email to the user (if one was entered) as is a link to the newly generated PRR. The status of the FIR is set to pending until such time a resolution to the problem can be determined. If and when the problem is resolved, the PRR is updated and closed as is the corresponding FIR and the field user is notified of the solution.

Fig. 17- Based on which FIR response option is chosen by the Help Desk Administration, the user is notified as to the status of the FIR as well as to the details of a possible solution.

*NOTE* While an Administrator has a PRR open for Editing, the database will lock it and prevent any other Administrator from editing it until the lock is released.

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