Attestation Form

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Attestation Form



”WARNING” 1. The furnishing of false information or suppression of any factual information in the Attestation Form would be disqualification, and is likely to render the candidate unfit for the employment under the government.

Affix Signed Passport size 2. If detained, arrested, prosecuted, bound down, fines, (5 cms. x 7 cms.) approx. convicted, debarred, acquitted etc. subsequent to the completion copy of recent photograph and submission of this form, the details should be communicated immediately to the authorities to whom the Attestation Form has been sent early, failing which it will be deemed to be a suppression of factual information.

3. If, the fact that false information has been furnished or that there has been suppression of any factual information in the Attestation Form comes to notice at any time during the service of a person his/her services would be liable to be terminated. Surname Name 1. Name in full (in block capitals) with aliases, if any, (Please indicate if you have added or dropped in any stage, any part of your name or surname)

2. Present Address in full (i.e. Village, Thana and District or House No. Lane/Street/Road & Town) along with PIN

3.(a) Home Address in full (i.e. Village, Thana and District or House No. Lane/Street/Road & Town) along with PIN and name of District Headquarters

(b) If originally a resident of Pakistan/Bangladesh (erstwhile East Pakistan) the address in that country and the date of migration to Indian Union.

4. Aadhaar Card Number (if available)

5. PAN Number (if available)

6. Nationality

7.(a) Date of Birth

Present Age (b) Age at Matriculation


8.(a) Place of birth district and state in which situated

District and State to which you belong ATTESTATION FORM (b) District and State to which your father originally belong (c)

9.(a) Your Religion

Are you a member of Scheduled Caste/ (b) Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Classes? (Answer: Yes/No)

10. Particulars of places (with period of residence) where you have resided for more than one year at a time during the proceeding five years. In case of stay abroad (including Pakistan), particulars of all places where you have resided for more than one year after attaining the age of 21 years, should be given.

From To Residential Address in full (i.e. Village, Thana & Name of the District District or House No, Lane/Street/Road & Headquarter of the place Town) mentioned in preceding column.

11. Name in full & Nationality Place of Occupation if Present postal Permanent aliases if any. (by birth & or Birth employed give address (if dead Home address by domicile) designation & give last address) official address

(a) Father

(b) Mother

(c) Spouse

12. Information to be furnished with regard to son(s) and/or daughter(s) in case they are studying/living in a foreign country. Na Nationality Place of Birth Country in which studying/living Date from which studying/ me (by birth & or by with full address living in the country mentioned domicile) in the previous column.

13. Educational Qualification showing places of education with years in schools and Colleges since 15th year of age:-

Name of school/college (with full Date of Entering Date of Leaving Examination Passed address) ATTESTATION FORM

14.(a) Are you holding or have any time held an appointment under Central or State Government or a Semi-Government or a Quasi-Government body or an autonomous body or a Public Sector Undertaking or a private firm or institution? If so, give full particulars with date of employment up-to-date.

Period Designation, employments Full name & address of employer Reasons for leaving previous From & Nature of employment service To

14.(b) If the previous employment was under the Government of India/State Government/ Undertaking owned or controlled by the Government of India or a State Government/and Autonomous Body/University/Local Body.

If you had left service on giving a month’s notice under Rule 5 of the Central Civil Services (Temporary Service) Rules 1965, or any similar corresponding rules, were any disciplinary proceedings framed against you, or had you been called upon to explain your conduct in any matter at the time you gave notice of termination of service, or at a subsequent dates(s), before your service actually terminated?

15(i) (a) Have you ever been kept under detention? Yes/No

(b) Have you ever been arrested? Yes/No

(c) Have you ever been prosecuted? Yes/No (i.e. has a charge sheet in a criminal case been filed against you in any court of law)

(d) Is any criminal case pending against you in any Court of Law at the time of filling up Yes/No gggthis Attestation Form?

(e) Have you ever been convicted by a Court of Law for any offence? Yes/No

(f) Whether discharged/expelled/withdrawn from any training/Institution under the Yes/No Government or Otherwise?

(g) Have you ever been restricted by any University or any other educational authority Yes/No /institution?

(h) Have you ever been debarred/ disqualified by any Public Service Commission/ Yes/No Staff Selection Commission for any of its examination/selection?

(ii) If the answer to any of the above mentioned question is ‘Yes’, give full particulars of the case/arrest/detention/ fine/conviction/sentence/punishment etc. and/or the nature of the case pending in the Court/University/ Educational Authority etc. at the time of filling up this attestation form: ATTESTATION FORM

Notes:- (i) Please also see the ‘WARNING’ at the top of the Attestation Form (ii) Specific answer to each of the questions should be given by striking out ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as the case may be.

16. Names & full address of two responsible person of your locality or two reference to whom you are known:




I hereby certify that the foregoing information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am fully aware that by providing false information or suppressing material information while filing this form, the authorities have full right to terminate my appointment letter and I am also liable for appropriate criminal/civil/legal action as a consequence. I am not aware of any circumstances which might impair my fitness for employment under Government.

Date: Signature of Candidate:

Place: Name of Candidate:



1. Name of the candidate:-

2. Post selected for:-

3. Contact Number:-

4. E-Mail ID:-

5. Permanent Address (with PIN):-

6. Communication Address (with PIN):-

7. Option for posting in the Commissionerate/Zone to the Candidates recommended by the SSC through Combined Graduate Level Exam 2015, within the CCA, Bhopal:

Sr. No. Name of the Zone/Commissionerate Exercise your order of preference (in ascending order)



INDORE iii).





Signature of the Candidate


I hereby certified that-

I have examined Mr./Ms. ……………………………………………………… a candidate for employment in the …………………………………………..department and cannot discover that he/she has any disease, (communicable or otherwise) constitutional weakness or bodily infirmity, except ……………………… I do not consider this disqualification for employment in the …………………………Department.

CONDITIONS OF: 1. Circulatory System Blood Pressure Systolic mm Hg

Diastolic mm Hg

2. Respiratory System

3. Digestive System

4. Genito Urinary System Urinary Examination Reaction Specific Gravity



5. Nervous System

6. Special sense including remarks on correction of visual defects, if any:- ATTESTATION FORM According to his/her statement, his/her age is ……………….years and by appearance about ………….. years. He/She has/had small pox/has been successfully vaccinated.

SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE SIGNATURE & SEAL OF AUTHORITY/ (Thumb impression in case of BOARD/EXAMINING MEDICAL OFFICER Persons who cannot sign their name)


The candidate must make the statement required below prior to his medical examination and must sign the declaration appended thereto. His attention is specially directed to the warning contained in the note below:

1. State your name in full (in Block letter) ……………………………………………………………….

2. State your age ……………………………… and birth place ……………………………………………….

2. (a) Do you belong to Scheduled Tribe or to races such as Gorkhas, Garhwalis, Assamese, Nagaland Tribes whose average height is distinctly lower? (Answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, and if answer is ‘Yes’ then state the name of the race)

3. Have you ever had small-pox intermittent or any other fever enlargement or suppuration of glands, spitting of blood, asthma, heart disease, lung disease, fainting attacks, rheumatism, appendicitis? OR (b) Any other disease or accident requiring confinement to bed and medical or surgical treatment?

4. When were you last vaccinated?

5. Have you or any of your near relatives been afflicted with consumption, scrofula, gout, asthma fits, epilepsy or insanity?

6. Have you suffered from any form of nervousness due to overwork or any other cause?

7. Have you been examined and declared unfit for Government Service by a Medical Officer / Medical Board, within the last three years.

8. Furnish the following particulars concerning your family: ATTESTATION FORM

Father’s age if living & state Father’s age at death No. of brothers living their No. of brothers dead, their ages of health and cause of death ages & state of health at death & cause of death.

Mother’s age if living & state Mother’s age at death and No. of sisters living their No. of sisters dead, their ages of health cause of death ages & state of health at death & cause of death.

I declare all the above answers to be, to the best of my belief, true and correct. I also solemnly affirm that I have not received disability certificate/pension on account of any disease or other conditions.

Candidate’s Signature ……………...... Signed in my presence …………………….

Signature of Medical Officer

Note:- The candidate shall be held responsible for the inaccuracy of the above statement. By willfully suppressing any information he will incur the risk of losing the appointment and, if appointed forfeiting all claim to pension or gratuity.

(G.I.O.(2), SR-3)

ANNEXURE-D Document Verification & PET Schedule for Inspectors (CGLE-2015) Venue:- OFFICE OF THE CHIEF COMMISSIONER (BHOPAL ZONE); CUSTOMS, CENTRAL EXCISE & SERVICE TAX 48, Administrative Area, Arera Hills, Hoshangabad Road, Bhopal- 462011



1 16 JACKY AGRAWAL 9 9 6006003885 264 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

2 20 ADITYA SHARMA 9 9 2405011564 298 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

3 109 ABIRAL PANDEY 9 9 6006001863 740 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

4 114 ANIMESH SINGH 6 9 3010085058 750 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

5 119 CHETAN MITTAL 9 9 2201426159 760 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

6 136 ANIRUDDH PATHAK 9 9 6005006753 822 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

7 182 NISHANT KR SINGH 9 9 2201178041 954 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

8 234 MAHESH KHANDURI 9 9 2201362396 1096 20.02.2017, 10 A.M. ATTESTATION FORM 9 258 RUPENDER 9 9 2201208189 1169 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

10 292 AKHILENDRA NATH BAJPAI 9 9 3009045518 1270 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

11 315 SHANKHADIP BISWAS 9 9 6001011197 1317 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

12 342 ASHISH SHARMA 9 9 2201201022 1393 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

13 363 BHASKER SIGNH 9 9 3003058894 1441 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

14 397 GYANENDRA TIWARI 9 9 3003067605 1526 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

15 399 SOMNATH MISHRA 9 9 2201124438 1532 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

16 403 ANIL KUMAR 9 9 1601047692 1537 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

17 411 ANCHAL 9 9 2201262876 1559 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

18 436 SWAPNIL TIWARI 9 9 6005008814 1599 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

19 446 SHIRISH KUMAR DWIVEDI 9 9 2201311646 1620 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

20 448 KHUSHAL SINGH SHEKHAWAT 9 9 2404009111 1622 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

21 455 ANJNEY UPADHYAY 9 9 3007015002 1633 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

22 456 PIYUSH MAHESHWARI 9 9 6006022850 1635 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

23 465 HARSH GARG 9 9 1403004390 1649 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

24 467 KRISHNA KANT TIWARI 9 9 2405116330 1651 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

25 477 SANDEEP KUMAR SINGH 9 9 2405155929 1666 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

26 479 GAURAV SRIVASTAV 9 9 3005014526 1669 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

27 480 SANDEEP KUMAR 9 9 9001030657 1672 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

28 484 ARPIT JAIN 9 9 2405126643 1676 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

29 487 MOHD AYOOB 9 9 3003042496 1682 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

30 491 VISHESH ARORA 9 9 2002016430 1687 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

31 493 RANDEEP SINGH 9 9 1601070696 1690 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

32 495 RAHUL 9 9 2003005667 1692 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

33 499 ANKIT SRIVASTAVA 9 9 6004000744 1702 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

34 500 SHUBHAM TIWARI 9 9 3009043255 1703 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

35 503 SUMIT JAIN 9 9 2407010940 1709 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

36 505 MAYUR GOYAL 9 9 2201174458 1714 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

37 506 DARPAN GOYAL 9 9 2201314370 1716 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

38 509 DEEPAK GUPTA 9 9 2201074615 1719 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

39 511 SHIVAM KUMAR SHARMA 9 9 2405070093 1722 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

40 512 NEERAJ KUMAR 9 9 2408014612 1725 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

41 515 GAURAV SHARMA 9 9 2201385902 1728 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

42 516 MUKESH SINGH TOMAR 9 9 6005002970 1730 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

43 518 PRABHAT KUMAR PANDEY 9 9 9001004792 1733 20.02.2017, 10 A.M. ATTESTATION FORM 44 522 BHARAT KUMAR 9 9 2201398793 1740 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

45 524 GOVIND RATNU 9 9 2406010951 1743 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

46 526 MOHIT SHUKLA 9 9 2405158502 1746 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

47 530 ASHUTOSH TIWARI 9 9 3003049467 1755 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

48 531 DEEPAK KUMAR 9 9 2201189456 1756 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

49 536 ATHARVA SHARMA 9 9 2405137264 1764 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

50 537 VIKASH KUMAR GUPTA 9 9 6015000691 1766 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

51 539 VAIBHAV SHARMA 9 9 2405136866 1768 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

52 544 SUMIT 9 9 2201167658 1774 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

53 545 AMIT KUMAR 9 9 2201270451 1775 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

54 547 DHEERAJ CHAUDHARY 9 9 2201293628 1778 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

55 550 ABHISHEK 9 9 2201236821 1782 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

56 552 HARSH KAUSHIK 9 9 2201209689 1785 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

57 553 UPENDER SHARMA 9 9 2201242850 1787 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

58 559 ANJIT KUMAR AGARWAL 9 9 2409006311 1796 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

59 564 UTKARSH GAUR 9 9 3001015949 1801 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

60 569 RAJAT GARG 9 9 2201167619 1810 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

61 570 NAVEEN KHANDELWAL 9 9 2406011022 1811 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

62 571 YOGESH CHAMOLI 9 9 2201190379 1812 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

63 572 ANUPAM MEHROTRA 9 9 3010037037 1813 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

64 574 BIKRAMJIT SINGH MANSHAHIA 9 9 1601020385 1816 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

65 575 SUNNY SINGH 9 9 2002028519 1817 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

66 576 SHUBHAM UPADHYAY 9 9 2201387415 1818 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

67 579 PANKAJ KUMAR 9 9 2201173738 1826 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

68 584 SUMIT DWIVEDI 9 9 3009033043 1843 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

69 585 TARIF SINGH 9 9 2201315745 1845 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

70 590 VINAY KUMAR PANDEY 9 9 3003044340 1853 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

71 591 VIRENDRA PRATAP PARMAR 9 9 2407010919 1856 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

72 594 DIGHE HARSHAD ARUN 9 9 7207707327 1862 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

73 689 RAMBARAN LODHI 6 6 6005023477 2192 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

74 709 SURAJ KUMAR 6 6 3206069047 2218 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

75 717 BARETHIYA ANSHU ASHOK 6 6 7205707272 2237 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

76 722 SHREY NARESH SINGH 6 6 3010020647 2250 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

77 731 AMIT 6 6 2201248684 2277 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

78 760 SACHIN KUMAR 6 6 2201025645 2332 20.02.2017, 10 A.M. ATTESTATION FORM 79 777 SAMEER KUMAR KATIYAR 6 6 3009048051 2373 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

80 778 ARJUN KUMAR CHAURASIYA 6 6 3010015457 2374 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

81 782 MANISH KUMAR SAVITA 6 6 3009059988 2381 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

82 786 ADITYA PATEL 6 6 6007000002 2388 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

83 792 SANTOSH KUMAR VERMA 6 6 3010070830 2407 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

84 812 VASEEM 6 6 2201336531 2455 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

85 814 RAVI KUMAR 6 6 2201293305 2459 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

86 836 HARDIPAK SINGH 6 6 2201140184 2496 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

87 858 VAIBHAV PRAJAPATI 6 6 3010004328 2538 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

88 863 VINIT YADAV 6 6 2201121296 2545 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

89 866 GAURANG VERMA 6 6 3010040239 2548 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

90 869 SUNIL KUMAR 6 6 2405165162 2555 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

91 871 GAURAV JHAJHARIA 6 6 2405108112 2557 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

92 872 SHUBHAM GUPTA 6 6 2201255620 2558 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

93 875 SANJAY KUMAR YADAV 6 6 3003064796 2564 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

94 877 NITENDRA YADAV 6 6 3001050391 2567 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

95 878 BHARATISH YADAV 6 6 2402011132 2568 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

96 879 PINKESH YADAV 6 6 2405131976 2572 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

97 881 DHANANJAY KUMAR 6 6 3206059413 2574 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

98 882 RAHUL VERMA 6 6 2201180449 2575 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

99 885 ANADARAM PARIHAR 6 6 2405163193 2582 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

100 886 JITENDRA SINGH DANGI 6 6 2405106036 2583 20.02.2017, 10 A.M.

101 887 AMIT KUMAR 6 6 2201276358 2585 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

102 889 SATISH SINGH 6 6 3010047360 2590 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

103 891 BHARAT MUNDEL 6 6 2405083503 2592 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

104 892 DURGESH YADAV 6 6 3003027357 2593 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

105 894 ROHIT KUMAR 6 6 2201310288 2595 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

106 895 NITEESH KUMAR 6 6 3010056309 2598 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

107 896 RAJENDRA 6 6 2405069151 2599 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

108 994 RAHUL KUMAR 1 1 3009047485 3017 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

109 997 RAJENDRA KUMAR BAIRWA 1 1 2402017602 3028 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

110 998 MANISH KUMAR 1 1 2405142499 3029 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

111 1000 NAVEEN 1 1 1601009639 3031 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

112 1002 SANDEEP KUMAR 1 1 3009042608 3033 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

113 1005 MUKESH KUMAR 1 1 8201026600 3036 21.02.2017, 10 A.M. ATTESTATION FORM 114 1010 MANISH JHINGONIYA 1 1 2405135174 3059 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

115 1012 JAY KUMAR KUNVAR 1 1 2201244256 3064 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

116 1013 VIJAY SINGH 1 1 2201188141 3065 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

117 1014 SUMIT DUTTA 1 1 3009038970 3066 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

118 1018 AKASH KUMAR SIDDHARTH 1 1 3010008225 3086 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

119 1020 NARENDER SINGH 1 1 2201321079 3091 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

120 1023 VAIBHAV GAUTAM 1 1 2201113661 3098 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

121 1029 NARINDER PAL SINGH 1 1 1601034492 3125 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

122 1033 SANJIV KUMAR 1 1 2201180888 3138 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

123 1034 VIJAY KUMAR VERMA 1 1 6001028673 3139 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

124 1060 MANOJ KUMAR MEENA 2 2 2405084972 3204 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

125 1100 PRASHANT BAMANIYA 2 2 2405129271 3303 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

126 1115 MAHENDRA KUMAR MEENA 2 2 2402019141 3341 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

127 1128 PAWAN KHODA 2 2 2405094552 3368 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

128 1129 PRABHU NARAYAN MEENA 2 2 2405087537 3369 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

129 1197 RAVI SHANKER 9 4 4410082118 3567 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

130 1200 NARENDRA KUMAR 1 4 3009052528 3595 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

131 1210 BHUPENDRA SINGH 1 5 2002005047 3635 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

132 1221 SHARAD DOKANIA 9 5 6204002493 3658 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

133 56 GURLEEN KAUR 9 9 1601036301 593 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

134 141 SMRITI SHUKLA 9 9 3003025429 835 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

135 206 PRERANA KHANDELWAL 9 9 6006006445 1018 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

136 277 BHAWNA 9 9 2201324199 1235 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

137 338 NIDHI RAGHUVANSHI 9 9 6006003046 1378 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

138 459 TAMANNA 9 9 2201135698 1639 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

139 473 NISHI 9 9 3003076232 1661 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

140 476 PREETI KUMARI 9 9 2201343671 1665 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

141 478 MONIKA DEVI 9 9 2002020304 1668 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

142 501 KAMINI GOYAL 9 9 2405165363 1706 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

143 517 NISHI 9 9 1601006098 1731 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

144 549 BALLAMUDI POOJITHA 9 9 8001013863 1781 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

145 592 MOHINI 9 9 2201398391 1857 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

146 622 JAYA 6 6 2201416231 1917 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

147 752 MEENA SONI 6 6 2407012055 2316 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

148 757 DIKSHA YADAV 6 6 3010090285 2323 21.02.2017, 10 A.M. ATTESTATION FORM 149 884 HEMLATA MEEL 6 6 2405072870 2580 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

150 999 VAISHALI ANAND 1 1 6005024204 3030 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

ANNEXURE-E Document Verification Schedule for Tax Assistants (CGLE-2015) Venue:- OFFICE OF THE CHIEF COMMISSIONER (BHOPAL ZONE); CUSTOMS, CENTRAL EXCISE & SERVICE TAX 48, Administrative Area, Arera Hills, Hoshangabad Road, Bhopal- 462011



1 72 VIVEK KUMAR 9 9 2201196287 2127 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

2 86 SANGEETA RANI 9 9 2201170517 2150 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

3 89 RAMANDEEP SINGH TIWANA 9 9 1401012358 2158 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

4 96 MOHIT 9 9 2201277183 2175 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

5 103 TANMAY DUBEY 9 9 6001015715 2184 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

6 114 SACHIN DESWAL 9 9 2201296310 2200 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

7 122 SHAGUN SINGHAL 9 9 2201272106 2214 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

8 124 ANANYA SHARMA 9 9 2201368476 2220 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

9 125 SHOBHIT SHARMA 9 9 6005005685 2221 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

10 129 DEEPAK SHARMA 9 9 2201216779 2226 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

11 139 JYOTI MALIK 9 9 2201258612 2243 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

12 144 ANKIT BHATIA 9 9 2405112710 2253 21.02.2017, 10 A.M. ATTESTATION FORM 13 152 PRIYANKA SINGLA 9 9 2201277115 2262 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

14 160 RAVI PRAKASH BHAI PATEL 9 9 6006006771 2273 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

15 163 RAHUL GUPTA 9 9 7204722068 2282 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

16 168 RAVINDRA KUMAR CHITTORA 9 9 2405126044 2290 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

17 173 VIKAS 9 9 2201194159 2295 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

18 174 SUSHMA 9 9 2201157295 2297 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

19 179 MUKTESHWAR NATH MISHRA 9 9 2201385417 2305 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

20 329 KRISHNA SINGH 6 6 3001012036 3042 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

21 347 KOUSHAL KISHOR RAI 6 6 6005005595 3060 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

22 350 KAMARPAL DHAKED 6 6 2405065787 3063 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

23 355 DEVESH YADAV 6 6 2201154921 3068 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

24 389 AVIRAL NEERAJ 6 6 2201392008 3102 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

25 390 SUBHAM YADAV 6 6 2201340795 3103 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

26 391 PRASHANT KUMAR 6 6 3206003172 3104 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

27 396 PRITESH KUMAR 6 6 7208715414 3109 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

28 398 DHANRAJ CHAUDHARY 6 6 2406014550 3111 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

29 399 AMIT SAHU 6 6 8202000045 3112 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

30 463 KAMAL 1 1 2201419879 4078 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

31 464 KHANDARE AMOL TULSHIRAM 1 1 7208738086 4079 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

32 473 NEERAJ KUMAR 1 1 2201303202 4096 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

33 474 MANOJ KUMAR MAHOR 1 1 2201011933 4097 21.02.2017, 10 A.M.

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