Kingdom Progress

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Kingdom Progress


Morning Scripture: Joshua 1:1–9 The Servant of the Lord

As Christians, we desire to see our churches and nation prosper and grow. However, the progress of a people is measured best by the progress of each, individual person. The best thing that I can do to help my church and nation grow is to grow personally and be the best person that I can be for God. Moses learned this lesson – and Joshua learned it, as well. Spiritual growth, or Kingdom Progress, is not all that the material mind might think it to be. For Moses, to grow spiritually meant that he had to be humbled and become a servant. The first time that the Hebrew word translated “servant” in Joshua 1:1 is found in the Bible is in Genesis 9:25. There is no doubt that the word means to be humbled as a servant to others because there we find that Noah’s youngest son was “cursed” and made “the lowest slave to his brothers.”

In these first few words of Joshua, we find that Moses, the man who had once ruled over Egypt, was made a servant. But whose servant was he? He was the servant of the LORD! This phrase is first found in Deuteronomy 34:5 and has become part of the epitaph of Moses. Although Moses was referred to as a “servant” many times in his life, the phrase, “The Servant of the LORD” was saved until the day of his death. Watch for this phrase throughout our walk through this book of the Bible and you will find God constantly reminding Joshua of the humble service that Moses provided to Him and his people.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Ask God to show you the true meaning of humility and service. Realize that the only way up with God is down. Humbly serve the LORD today as you provide a humble service to someone else.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 1:10-18

Great Followers Make Great Leaders

This morning’s reading ended with God giving a command to Joshua. This is our first hint that Joshua is now assuming Moses’ role as the humble servant-leader of God’s people. He had earlier been a servant to Moses (see Exodus 33:11) but he was now to be the servant-leader that would replace Moses. To do this, Joshua would have to “be strong and very courageous.” This is another phrase that you might want to track faithfully as we make our way through this wonderful book.

Note that tonight’s reading begins with Joshua giving “orders” (NIV) or “commands” (KJV) to the officers of the people. He who had humbled himself as a servant to Moses has now been promoted to become the servant-leader himself. We never see Joshua aspiring nor conspiring to hold this position. He is only here because God has appointed him to lead his people. Humble service as a follower is the best school for those who will be used as leaders in God’s Kingdom!

This morning we found God informing Joshua of what was expected of him as a leader: He was to “Be strong and very courageous.” Tonight we find that the people desire the exact same from Joshua (verse 10). Be what God has called you to be and you will, without fail, be what your family and friends need you to be!

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Ask God to use this study to help you to see that we are all called to lead at some level. Respond to God’s call on your life and humbly submit yourself to him. Lead your family and friends by being

Page 1 KINGDOM PROGRESS a faithful follower within roles that God has placed you in this world. Shine for God where you are and allow Him to take you to where He wants you to be!


Morning Scripture: Joshua 2:1-7 Meet Rahab Joshua sent out two spies with the command to check out the land, especially the city of Jericho, since it was a stronghold in the land. During the course of this secret mission the two men met a woman named Rahab. She hid the spies in her home and protected them from the king of Jericho and his men. Some try to soften the story of Rahab by insisting that she was actually an “innkeeper” and not a harlot. However, God does not seem to be ashamed of Rahab and what she was (note the past tense) so neither should we! Take a moment and read Hebrews 11:31 and James 2:25 and see how the Holy Spirit chooses to describe her in the New Testament.

Although there was much shame to be found in what this woman had been, there was now no shame in what she had become. True Kingdom Progress can begin at any level and take one to levels of service that you might never imagine. Who among us would seek a servant of God among sinners like Rahab? It is a good thing that the call to service is God’s doing and not our own or few people would ever be included in the fellowship.

The story of Rahab teaches us to embrace any and all who have placed their faith in God. It helps us to see that we are not only to help others in their walk with God, but that God has sent them into our lives to help us, as well! Kingdom Progress is realizing that God desires that all people – from every walk of life – be allowed to find their place in the body of Christ and to serve Him there.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Realize that the God who is not willing that any should perish is the same God that desires that all people know and serve Him. Invite someone into your small group and expand the circle of your Christian friends to include someone who in new among us. Encourage a new member or couple today by including them into your circle.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 2:8-15 “ We have Heard...” Two very important phrases are found in tonight’s reading and both come from the mouth of a woman with whom few of us would have associated. First, Rahab tells the spies, “I know that the LORD has given this land to you!” And how did she know? Look at the first part of verse ten and you will see that Rahab stated that she, and others, had “heard” of the many things that God had performed for His people as He led them out of Egypt! We are not told how this word had come to the people of Canaan. We can assume, however, that God had intended for them to hear so that their hearts could be prepared for the things that were to come. What Rahab had heard with her ears helped her to know in her heart that the God of Israel was at work!

We would all be wise to walk with the knowledge that God is going ahead of us and His Holy Spirit is using God’s Word to prepare the hearts of those that we will meet. The very people that we may think are the most disinterested in the things of God may be the most desirous to hear them! Rahab knew because she had heard! Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Review Joshua 1:5 and claim the promise that God will never leave us nor forsake us. Remind yourself of this fact tonight as you prepare to face another day tomorrow. Ask God to place a

Page 3 KINGDOM PROGRESS divine appointment on your schedule tomorrow and trust that He has already opened a heart to hear about your Savior!


Morning Scripture: Joshua 2:16-22 Three Days

I find it interesting that we find the phrase, “Three days,” twice in our reading this morning! Both times the words were used to describe a time of “hiding” from enemies to escape danger. Hiding away from the enemy must have been a humbling experience for these men who had earlier urged Joshua to, “Be strong and very courageous!” However, this marks the third time that we find them hiding, or being hidden, since we began to read this book (see Joshua 2:4).

These same men who were humble enough to hide were also humble enough to hear the words of Rahab as she told them to, “Go to the hills (and) hide three days.” Needless to say, these men were not accustomed to taking orders from women, much less women like Rahab. However, they did as she said and they were not discovered by their enemies.

At the same time, Rahab did as she was ordered by the spies and tied a scarlet cord in her window so that her home would be identified as one that should be spared in the soon coming invasion. The life that follows God and His Word will be a life that is marked by both the blood of Jesus (scarlet cord) and death to self. (Jesus was hidden three days in the tomb.) Neither of these things are natural to us but both are required if we are to live lives that are marked by Kingdom Progress!

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Trust God to speak to you and guide you in ways that you might never have imagined! Listen for His voice as you go about your daily routine and be obedient to whatever He asks you to do. Obey Him at your earliest convenience and you will be blessed abundantly.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 2:23 – 3:5

Amazing Things!

Read Joshua 3:2 again and notice that Joshua and the people camped “three days” at Jordan before the plan was revealed and the orders given that would see them beginning their conquest of the Promised Land! Three days seems to be a “waiting period” prior to some of the most victorious moments in the Bible story!

Since the Ark of the Covenant was representative of God’s presence, the people were “commanded” (KJV) or given “orders” (NIV) to watch the Ark and follow it as it was carried forward by the priests. By doing so, they could “know” the time and direction for their every move. The people had only two commands upon which to focus: 1) they were to watch and follow the Ark of the Covenant, and 2) they were to “sanctify” (KJV) or “consecrate” (NIV) themselves to the LORD. Read Genesis 2:3 to see the first time that this Hebrew word is used in the Bible. There it refers to God “blessing” the seventh day and “resting” after He had completed His creating. As God’s people, we are to “rest” from our own works and trust wholly in His completed work of redemption, following His leadership and path through this world. When we follow the Ark of the Covenant, and the sacrifice of the One that it represented, then we will make true Kingdom Progress in this world.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Pray for our leadership as they lead our church in its daily operation. Like the priests of today’s story, they bear a burden for the Lord and His work. Ask God to guide them through His Word and commit to follow as God shows the way. Trust God to be working in your best interest!


Morning Scripture: Joshua 3:6-11

“ As I Was With Moses”

Notice that it was only after Joshua had clearly humbled himself to God’s leadership by commanding the people to be consecrated to the LORD that God promised to “exalt” (NIV) or “magnify” (KJV) him in the eyes of the people. This word is first found in Genesis 12:2 where God promised Abram to make of him a “great” nation. The word is used only twice in Exodus with both occurrences found in Exodus 2:11 where it twice describes the “growth” of young Moses after he was rescued from the river. It was immediately after this “growth” in the life of Moses that we find him first noticing the burdens of his fellow Israelites. We will only see this word used twice in Joshua (here and Joshua 4:14). Here we find Joshua “growing” in the eyes of the people when he begins to lead them and act in their best interest.

The leaders were to lead the people by going “before” or “ahead” of the people. When leaders follow the Lord in consecration it clearly helps the people to follow God as a congregation. In verse 9, the Israelites were told to, “Listen to the words of the LORD.”

Just as surely as God was known to Rahab by what she had “heard,” so would the inhabitants of Canaan continue to hear of God’s presence among Joshua and the Israelites. We are wrong to think that God is not the same today as He was then. He is as interested in our Kingdom Progress as He was in the progress of these early followers.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Pray specifically for someone in leadership today. Pray specifically for your deacon and ask God to bless him and his family. There are many leaders in our church. Teachers are leaders. Ushers are leaders. All workers are leaders! Encourage someone in leadership today by letting them know that you are praying for them.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 3:12-17 Dry Ground!

Don’t you grow weary of people trying to “explain” the miracles of the Bible by simply explaining them away to some natural occurrence? The Bible clearly states in verse 14 that the waters of the Jordan River were at “flood stage” (NIV) or “overflowing all its banks” (KJV) at the time of the year that Israel was commanded to cross over. Note that the waters were “flowing” (NIV) and were “cut off” (verse 13) and made to stand “in a heap” so that the people could cross over on dry ground. These are the same words that are used to describe what happened at the Red Sea in Exodus 15:8. Surely God wasted no time in proving His promise to be with Joshua as He was with Moses!

The Ark of the Covenant stood still half way across the dried river bed until all of the people had safely crossed over. By standing there, the priests stood with the Ark in a place of danger until everyone had reached a place of safety. May we all stand our “ground” for God and His Word until all have had an opportunity to hear and heed the call to follow Him!

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Commit to leading by example and model true Christian faith to the world around you. Risk all in obedience to God’s commands and know that He will never fail you. Recognize that God is with you as much as He was with Moses, Joshua, or any other person who has ever followed Him.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 4:1-7 Twelve Stones

After all of the people had safely crossed the river, 12 men, one from each tribe, were chosen to return to the middle of the river bed where the priests stood with the Ark and then take up large stones from the place where the Ark had stood. These were larger stones that had to be carried out on the shoulders of these men. From these stones a memorial was built on the shores of the river. This memorial was to be a reminder for generations to come of what the LORD had done for Israel on this great day. Just as these people had their questions about God and following Him, so would the next generation. However, these people were well equipped to answer the questions of the next generation because they had created a memorial that would not allow them to forget what God had done.

Crossing the Jordan River does not typify salvation, but rather the Christian life that is found in full surrender to God’s will. The Promised Land was not a type of Heaven, but a type of God’s perfect will for His people while here on earth.

Just as each of the representatives of the people were asked to bear their stones to the Canaan side of the river, Jesus has asked each one of us to, “Take up our cross daily and follow Him” (Luke 9:23). When people see our “memorial” (the cross) they will undoubtedly have some questions as to why we carry it. I pray that we will be prepared to give them the right answers.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Boldly answer the questions of the world today by telling them what the cross means to you. Prepare yourself to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 4:8-13 The Memorial

Just as they were commanded, the Israelites sent representatives from each tribe back into the middle of the river bed to bring 12 stones from the place where the Ark of the Covenant had stood while they all safely passed over to the Promised Land. Notice that these men first crossed over themselves and then returned to the river bed to retrieve a stone for the memorial. No one can lead God’s people until they have first committed themselves to “crossing over” into God’s will for their own lives. It is only in the dictionary that you find the word “service” before “surrender.” Nowhere in the Bible do you find anyone prepared to serve the Lord prior to their own, personal surrender to His will.

As we live for God, we are all building “memorials” for those who will live after us. Each of us is called to leave a legacy of love and surrender to those who will follow. Verse 8 reminds us that the building of this memorial was done, “As the LORD had told Joshua.” Obedience is the key to all Kingdom Progress.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Live the kind of life that you would be proud to see in your children or grandchildren. Obey God at every opportunity and build “mental memorials” in the hearts and minds of those who follow you in this life. Succeed in being a living reminder of who God is and all that He can do when we place our faith in Him.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 4:14-19 Remember When?

There are certain days and events that mark our lives to the point that we never forget them or where we were when they happened. For me those days include the assassinations of President Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., both explosions of the space shuttles, and, most importantly, the day that I was saved! Notice that the specific date of the crossing of the Jordan River was noted (verse 19) and recorded for all time. We are still reading about it today!

Both the KJV and NIV use the words, “That day,” in the opening verse of this morning’s reading. It was surely a day to be remembered. After all of the people had safely crossed the river, and those who had returned to gather the memorial stones were once again on the far shore, the priests bearing the Ark of the Covenant were finally commanded to come up out of the Jordan and onto the dry ground of the Promised Land. Immediately after their feet first touched the dry ground of safety, “the waters of the Jordan returned to their place and ran at flood stage as before” (verse 18).

Do not allow the “intellectuals” of this world to rob you of believing that you worship, serve, and follow a God of miracles! Don’t ever forget the “stones” and from whence they came! Kingdom Progress is moving forward but never forgetting what is behind.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Thank God for your salvation but also remember to thank Him for your call to surrender and service! Grace is just as important in these days of service as it was on the day that you were saved. Seek God’s grace for your life as you follow Him today.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 4:20-24 Two Good Reasons

It is beyond us to explain what God does or why He chooses to do things in the way that He does them! That is why we need to establish good “memorials” for those who will walk this path after we have made our final “crossing” in life. Even though we do not always receive explanations sufficient to define the power and purposes of God, we do receive good reasons for why we should be totally obedient to Him.

Here we are told that the people were again reminded that God had just done for them at the Jordan River exactly what He had done for His people earlier at the Red Sea. Two very good reasons for His doing so are recorded for our learning. He did it so that: 1) all the people of the Earth might know that the hand of the LORD is powerful and 2) that God’s own people might always fear (respect) Him. Notice that verse 21 says “when” the people ask about the meaning of the memorial and not “if” they ask. People are always going to have questions about God. It is only natural. We can be prepared to answer those questions through the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. It is only in the supernatural that we can be equipped to do so.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Ask God to prepare you with supernatural answers for the questions that are to come. Connect with someone who needs to hear the Gospel and be ready to share when the time is right!


Morning Scripture: Joshua 5:1-7 A Strange Command?

At first glance, we might wonder why the LORD would order Joshua to circumcise the sons of Israel before going to battle. Circumcision would incapacitate these men for several days during their recovery period while the people were still living in what had to have been considered a hostile territory. However, God provides an explanation for why the men had to be circumcised. All of the circumcised men who had been a part of the exodus out of Egypt were now dead. Since Israel had not practiced circumcision during their 40 years in the wilderness, the men had to be circumcised now. Here we see the spiritual indifference of the parents resulting in a painful experience for these soon to be warriors. After the men were circumcised, the LORD declared that, “Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you.” The “reproach of Egypt” references the fact that the Israelites had probably adopted the Egyptian custom of not circumcising all of their male children.

Why was it so important that these men be circumcised? In Acts 7:8, Stephen reminded the Sanhedrin that God had given Abraham a, “covenant of circumcision.” Circumcision represented a separation from sin and unto God. It was more than a cutting away of flesh. It marked a cutting away of “the flesh” (the old man) that was not prepared for spiritual battle.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Realize that God’s people are still involved in a spiritual warfare and put away the old man that wants to remain too friendly with the world. Accept the fact that suffering is sometimes a path to spiritual growth.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 5:8-15 Holy Ground!

One has to wonder if Moses had ever told Joshua about his burning bush experience and the day that God declared the ground upon which he had stood to be “holy ground.” We might also wonder if a young Joshua could have ever expected to be standing on such ground himself. However, here he is, after being obedient to God in the matter of the circumcising of the men, being told that the place where he was standing was “holy ground.” We have to wonder if we would have read of Joshua’s standing on holy ground had he not been obedient to God’s command to circumcise his men.

There are several key things in our reading today. Israel celebrates the Passover in the Promised Land for the very first time; the manna ceases now that the people have crossed the river and prepared for the conquest of the land; and Joshua has a meeting with, “The Commander of the LORD’S army.” One can only imagine that Joshua has never experienced such a blessed day as this. I am sure that his head was in the clouds! However, we can safely walk with our heads in the clouds when our feet are standing on holy ground!

Joshua was to play a different role than that of Moses, but it is obvious that he was to play on the same field!

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Ask God to make your path one that is walked on “holy ground.” Be willing to move on to something new even if it means that you have to accept some change in the way God is working in your life.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 6:1-7 Jericho

Normally the people of Jericho would have considered themselves to be reasonably safe behind their strong walls, but this was not the case right now. As Rahab had earlier told the spies, (2:11) the people of Jericho were filled with terror as they came to the realization that the Israelites and their God were marching toward them. As Joshua continued to speak with the Commander of the LORD”S army, Joshua was told that God had already delivered Jericho into his hands. The battle plan was to seem as questionable to the human mind as the decision to circumcise an army right before a battle! Joshua and the people were to march around the city once a day for six days with priests blowing trumpets and the Ark of the Covenant carried along with them as they marched. On the seventh day they were to circle the city seven times. Seven priests played seven trumpets for seven days. They then circled the city seven times on the seventh day. Since the number seven is so closely associated with completeness and perfection throughout the Bible, one would have to believe that God was saying that He had a “completely perfect” plan for His people. God still has a perfect plan for each of our lives today. Kingdom Progress involves discovering the will of God for your life and then doing it!

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Acknowledge that God’s ways are better than our own ways. Ask God to help you to think more like a child of the King! Claim victory in your personal life by being obedient to God’s commands. Whatever He asks you to do, just do it!

Evening Scripture: Joshua 6:8 -14

Six Days

Since verse 12 tells us that Joshua rose up early on the morning of the second day and took the necessary actions to carry out God’s unusual plan for the invasion of Jericho, we might assume that the first day of marching began early, as well. The armed guard went first, leading a procession of seven trumpet-playing priests. The Ark of the Covenant and a rear guard followed. It seemed as if Israel was being told to say, “We have an army, but it is not our army that will give us the victory over you! It is the presence of our Mighty God that will give Jericho into our hands!”

It has been estimated that the walk around Jericho took somewhere around 30 minutes. When the march was completed, the silent procession simply marched away, returning quietly to their camp. For six days

Page 10 KINGDOM PROGRESS the same plan was followed exactly as God had recommended. We can only imagine the kind of faith that it took to trust God so completely and to believe that His plan was better than any that they could set in place themselves.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Commit to God’s plan for your own life. Trust that He has a unique plan for you and your family. Put God first in your own life and let each day begin with a walk with Him. Return to your own home every night knowing that you have accomplished what God wanted for you each day.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 6:15-25 The Seventh Day

Since the estimated time for one lap around a city the size of Jericho was thirty minutes, we understand that the activities of this fateful, seventh day of seven circuits around the city must have taken somewhere between three and four hours. On this day, though, on the seventh lap the silence was broken. The priests sounded a blast on their trumpets and Joshua commanded the people to, “Shout!” The command was followed by the confirmation that, “The LORD has given you the city!” And, true to his word to Rahab, Joshua reminded all the people that she and all that were in her house were to be spared because of her earlier hiding of the spies. Verses 18 and 19 include a command and an explanation. The people were to, “Keep away from the devoted things.” These were treasures that would be saved and used in the house of the LORD.

When the trumpets sounded and the people shouted, the great wall of Jericho collapsed! This allowed the Israelites to charge into the city from every side and capture what had surely seemed a formidable foe in a short time. The two men who had earlier served as spies were sent to Rahab’s house to bring all who were there out to a place of safety. We are told that Rahab lived among the Israelites from that day forward. We later learn that God’s grace not only saved her life, but included her in the lineage of Christ (Matthew 1:5). This “seventh day” was a most memorable day for all.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Begin a seven-day season of prayer for something or someone today. Recruit others to pray with you about a very specific matter or person. Through faith, dare to ask God to accomplish something through you that you could never accomplish alone.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 6:26 – 7:1

A Curse and a Blessing

After the fall of Jericho, Joshua pronounced a curse from the LORD upon any who would attempt to rebuild the city by reestablishing its foundations and restoring its wall and gates. The Bible will later record some brief periods of occupancy for this area (Joshua 18:21 and Judges 3:13), but the city itself was not restored until the days of King Ahab almost 500 years later. Just as God had warned, the leader of the reconstruction crew paid dearly for his effort. I Kings 16:34 tells the story of the loss of Ahab’s firstborn son! Take the time to turn to that chapter and verse in your Bible and see how it so clearly connects these tragedies with the rebuilding of Jericho.

Chapter six ends with God declaring that He was with Joshua just as He had promised earlier in 1:5 and 1:9. We are also told that, “His fame spread throughout all the land.” Again, this was in answer to God’s promise in 3:7. There was to be no doubt that this was to be considered a great victory for the people of God. But there was also to be no doubt as to who would receive the credit and glory for this great victory! Just as God’s Word holds true to its warnings against disobedience, it holds true to its promises for blessings upon those who choose to obey.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:


 Ask God to help you to make the right choices in life. Believe that God blesses those who choose to obey Him and deals firmly with those who willfully disobey His commands. Act accordingly! Amen! Morning Scripture: Joshua 7:1-7

“ But”

Notice that the first verse of our reading today does not say, “An Israelite acted unfaithfully,” but that, “the Israelites acted unfaithfully in regard to the devoted things.” Earlier, we were told that the treasures of Jericho were to be confiscated and “devoted” to the house of God. This was to be an act of “first fruit” giving unto God. Israel would share in the bounty from future victories, not from Jericho, but the “first” spoils of victory were to belong to God.

One man chose to disobey God’s commands and now the whole nation will suffer for his lack of faithfulness. Achan took some of the spoils for himself. Does God Word say that God’s anger burned toward him? No! The Bible clearly states that God’s anger, “Burned against Israel!” Soon we see Israel falling in battle to the little city of Ai, where we are told that only a “few men” dwelled. However, these “few men” routed the army of Israel, killed about 36 of their soldiers, and chased them from their gates. As you would imagine, the hearts of the people melted. It was as if the momentum had completely shifted to the other team and defeat came suddenly. Still unaware of the cause for this great loss, Joshua “tore his clothes” (a sign of extreme grief and of a breaking heart) and fell on his face before God, staying there all day in prayer. The leaders of Israel did the same. But for one greedy, selfish, disobedient man, the people would be holding another victory service on this day. What a difference one person can make!

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Allow the Holy Spirit to defeat the selfish desires and lusts of the flesh. Admit that you cannot gain this victory alone. Commit to trusting God’s plan and never replace it with your own schemes. Believe that God’s plan is always what is best for you and your family.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 7:8-13 God’s Great Name

As we read tonight’s verses, it is as if we had walked up behind Joshua and listened in as he poured out his heart before the LORD. He began his prayer (verse 7) with an acknowledgement that God was still sovereign no matter the outcome of the battle. To say that God was sovereign, was to say that all was within His power and that His will was to be accomplished and accepted fully. Joshua’s prayer closed with the young leader being concerned with the damage that this surprising loss might have done to God’s great name. We need to be reminded that, at this time, only Achan is aware of what happened at Jericho and why the Israelites lost the battle at Ai. Now, the name (reputation) of God was feared to be diminished among the peoples of Canaan, and that thought brought great fear to the hearts of Joshua and the leaders.

Notice the wording of God’s response to Joshua. “Israel” (not Achan) has sinned and “they” (not he) have violated my covenant. Count the times that God uses the word “they” in the next few lines and realize that God’s great name – and the success or failure of His people – can be so cruelly damaged by the selfish acts of just one disobedient person. That which was to be given to God alone was being hidden somewhere among God’s people and there was to be no more victory until the matter was settled before God.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Live with the understanding that one person can bring blessing or cursing to many people. As God’s child, act accordingly and live up to the name by which we are called – that being the name

Page 13 KINGDOM PROGRESS of Christ. Refuse to be the one that will bring damage to that glorious name and the cause of God’s glorious church!


Morning Scripture: Joshua 7:14-19

“ In the Morning...”

God wastes no time in telling Joshua how to deal with the sin problem that has so hindered the progress into Canaan. Joshua is to begin, “In the morning,” to follow a prescribed plan that would allow the sinning party to be identified and eliminated. The people were to march, in rank, before God with all of the 12 tribes passing before Him. First, the tribe would be identified, then the clan/the family, and finally, the man. The violator would be caught with the stolen items and he, along with those items and his family, would be destroyed due to the “disgraceful” thing that he had done to Israel. Early the next morning Joshua followed God’s plan and Achan was soon identified as the culprit. One can only imagine how Achan’s heart must have raced as he, along with all the others, followed the commands of God and participated in the process of discovering the one that had betrayed God and the people.

There is no time to waste when the glory of God is being diminished by our personal sins! We should begin each day with our own “morning march” before God, asking Him to identify that within us that might cause harm to His great cause. Confession is not only good for the soul, but it is good for all that are touched by our lives. Our friends and family need us to be the kind of Christian that is committed to making Kingdom Progress as we take our walk of faith with God.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Begin every day with a renewed commitment to following God as completely as possible. Renew that commitment as many times as necessary throughout each day of your life. Remember that there is no pleasure or glory to be found in any desired thing that would be worth the consequences of sinning against God.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 7:20-26

“ I” Have Sinned

We cannot help but hear the desperation in the words of Achan as he attempts to accept full responsibility for his selfish actions. As much as that is to be commended, there is now no undoing of the terrible costs of his willful disobedience to God’s commands. Take a moment to note the number of times that the personal pronoun “I” is found in Achan’s statement recorded in verse 20. It is clear that he is admitting his own guilt and that he now wishes that he alone could be punished for what he has done. Notice the progression of Achan’s actions: “I saw...I coveted...I took.” It was no different for Achan than it was for Eve in the garden, and it is no different for us today.

Sin begins in the heart when we begin to look to the things of this world for our security and comfort. It grows within us as we begin to covet things to the extent that they become more important to us than even a right relationship with our God!

Achan might have confessed that he “took” the stolen items when he sinned but we know very well that it was the sin that “took” him and caused the suffering of those held most dear in his life.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Examine your own heart. Look closely to the desires of your heart. What could possibly be of such value to us that we would risk the future of our family to pursue? Pray for your family tonight – naming each member to God – and ask God to make you the person that you should be as you relate to them on a daily basis. Ask them to pray for you as you strive to live for God each day.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 8:1-8 Victory at Ai

Our God is true to His promises, so when He promises that He forgives and forgets our confessed sins, He means it! After the sin of Ai has been dealt with, God immediately returns Joshua and the people to the safe place of His compassionate protection. But this time, when God admonishes Joshua to not be afraid, he also admonishes him to not be discouraged. It is not difficult to imagine how much discouragement this early and devastating defeat brought to the hearts of the people. God reassured them that He had already delivered the city of Ai into their hands. (Notice the past tense in the words “have delivered” in verse 1.) However, as opposed to the instructions regarding Jericho, God instructed Joshua to allow the people to freely take of the plunder of Ai. Joshua and the army of Israel moved out and launched an attack against Ai with a well-designed plan in place. Joshua was quick to remind his soldiers that, “The LORD your God will give it unto your hand.” He would later say, “Do what the LORD has commanded.” How good it would be if we would heed such wise counsel. There is no opportunity for Kingdom Progress without our full obedience to the commands of God.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Listen for the voice of God on a moment by moment basis today. Allow Him to lead you through His wonderful Word. Stand ready to do battle with the understanding that every victory wrought is a gift from Almighty God. Thank Him often throughout the day.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 8:9-14 A Good Strategy

A well thought out strategy is often the key to the greatest victories. Joshua and his armies moved into place to set an ambush behind the city of Ai. This was not an idea for which Joshua could claim the credit. God had told Joshua to approach the battle of Ai in this manner back in the verses that we read this morning. As usual, God’s plan worked to absolute perfection! When the King of Ai saw just a portion of Israel’s army before him, he took the bait and launched an all out attack against them, leaving the city unguarded.

It might not have seemed like a good strategy to any military leader to make camp in a valley just outside an enemy’s stronghold, but that is exactly what God had led His people to do. Tomorrow morning’s reading will fully explain how this strategy would bring complete success to Joshua and his warriors. But tonight, just like Joshua’s army, we will sleep knowing that God has done everything necessary for a full and complete victory over our enemy. Take some time to thank Him for that before you turn out the lights and sleep in the peace and safety of His grace.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Rest in the promised peace that only God can give. Acknowledge that He alone is our source of victory in any area of our lives. Stand strong in your faith, even when God directs you to camp in the valley! The greatest times of spiritual growth in our lives are often those times that we spend in the fertile soil of unsought valleys.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 8:15-22 Toward the Desert

How interesting it is that part of the God-directed ambush plan for victory at Ai included some time spent with a planned “fleeing” into the “desert” (NIV) or “wilderness” (KJV). Such flight surely would not sound like much of a strategy for victory, but it became an essential part of God’s battle plan for this day. As Joshua and his men allowed themselves to be driven back, the men of Ai pursued them, leaving their city vulnerable to the ambush party set in place by Joshua. On Joshua’s signal (as commanded by the LORD) the ambush party advanced to Ai and captured it before setting it on fire. The army of Ai was utterly destroyed by the Israelites.

We all remember the story where Jesus was, “led by the Spirit” to go to the “desert” (wilderness) to be tested by the devil. Sometimes our willingness to follow God’s commands can be difficult for the natural man to understand. In these situations, we need to recall God’s acknowledgement that His ways are not our ways and that His ways are higher than our ways. What appeared to the enemy as a fleeing army was simply an army obeying God and following His strategy.

Kingdom Progress comes more easily to those who trust and then understand than to those who must understand before they will trust God.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Obey God even when it does not make sense to your natural way of thinking. Realize that any victory to be obtained in this world will be due to our obedience to the One who created this world and rules it from heaven. Ask God for a detailed plan for your greatest and best spiritual success today.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 8:23-29 A Third Memorial

One would wonder what kind of “rating” tonight’s reading might receive from the television or movie industry. The conquest of Ai was a very violent event and God does not try to hide the details of it from the pages of history. When we read that all of the men and women of Ai were put to the sword – 12,000 people in all – we have to know that this was one of the bloodiest days to date in the Bible story.

We then read of the king of Ai’s body being hung on a tree and left until evening. Eventually, it is thrown down at the entrance to the city. We cringe at the thought of such violence. The Israelites then covered the body of the fallen king with a great pile of stones, just as they had earlier covered the body of Achan. All who were associated with the Israelites earlier defeat were now dead and memorials were left to those who remained alive. Some memorials are more pleasant than others, but all have their divine purpose in our lives.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Consider some times in your life that are worth memorializing tonight. Tell your children or spouse about them and relive the moment. Praise God for every victory in your life and realize than no defeat is permanent for the child of God.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 8:30-34 An Altar

It is no coincidence that this first “altar” in the Promised Land was built here on Mount Ebal. At the foot of this mountain was the very spot where Abraham had earlier built an altar after receiving the promise that God would someday give this very land to his descendants (Genesis 12:6–7). There may have been some times in Abraham’s life where he wondered if he had clearly understood what God had promised him back at that time, but, if so, all doubt would be cleared. There were several important ingredients to this worship service. There was an altar, offerings, and the Word of God. But, most importantly, there was the Ark of the Covenant which symbolized the very presence of God.

Without that final ingredient, this meeting would have been nothing more than another gathering. It is only the presence of God that makes our altars true places of worship. It is only His presence that makes our offerings acceptable to Him. And it is only by His Word that we can even begin to have moments like the one shared with us today. Note carefully that the reading of God’s Word was the most focal part of the service and that it was read to the whole assembly of Israel, including the women and children, along the aliens who lived among them.

This altar becomes the “Fourth Memorial” in the Book of Joshua.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Thank God for the privilege to lead your family before Him in praise and worship. Remember to include even the aliens (strangers) in your times of praise to God. There are many people who would love to know more about what He is doing in your life.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 9:1-6 The Gibeonites

As you may imagine, Israel’s victories over Jericho and Ai got a lot of attention! The kings of the countries west of Jordan came together to war against Joshua and Israel. Some of the enemies did not want to make war against Israel and sought means to escape going to battle. Convinced that they could not defeat God’s armies in battle, the people of Gibeon decided to resort to trickery to escape the pending confrontation. These people sent a delegation to meet with Israel, taking great efforts to make it appear as if they had been traveling for a very long time. They even thought to take stale bread along with them to make the farce seem as real as possible. Upon arrival, they lied to the men of Israel, claiming that they were from a far country and desirous of making a treaty with them.

What is the truth to learn from this story? In this case the enemy was as familiar with some of the Scriptures as the Israelites. Their appeal for peace was based on some provisions in the Mosaic Law that would allow God’s people to make peace with nations that were far away from them while completely destroying those that were in the nearby region. We would do well to realize that our enemy is still twisting God’s Word today just like he did here and back in the Garden of Eden.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Commit to daily time in God’s Word and become as familiar with it as you possibly can. Grow in your knowledge of God’s Word every day. Commit a verse or phrase to memory today. It may make all the difference for you tomorrow!


Morning Scripture: Joshua 9:7-13 Just Like Their Father

Joshua was quick to question the honesty of the delegation that approached him seeking peace. Despite the considerable efforts made by the travelers to appear as if they had been on the road for a very long time, something must not have seemed right in Joshua’s spirit. He offered the supposition that they might actually be from a near country, and in that case, not eligible for treaties with Israel. They lied again, claiming to be willing servants to God’s people. They claimed that they had received news of Israel’s escape from Egypt and its victories over the Amorites prior to their crossing Jordan. They made no mention of the most recent victories over Jericho and Ai. This was to further support their claim that they had been on the road for a very long time and had not been aware of any recent news.

Jesus declared Satan to be a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44). Just like Joshua suspected, these people were being just like their father! We would do well to question things that would require our being the least bit disobedient to the commands of God. We will see Joshua learning this lesson the hard way. Tonight we will learn how we can avoid making the same mistake!

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Call the devil just what he is! A liar! Identify as closely with Christ and the church as possible. Be careful about making associations without much prayerful consideration. Make sure that everyone you know is aware that you are committed to the Lord’s side!

Evening Scripture: Joshua 9 14-20 A Costly Mistake

As a precaution, the men of Israel tested the food that the Gibeonites carried with them to see if it was, indeed, old and stale. It was wise to take such precautions. However, it was not wise to come to any conclusions about this matter without first consulting the LORD in prayer. Verse 14 clearly indicates that the leaders did not seek direction from God. This became the first step toward a difficult time in the lives of God’s people. Perhaps Joshua thought this to be too small a matter to take to the LORD. We should allow this story to remind us that God wants to participate in all of our decisions, no matter how great or small!

In just three days time the shocking news came of the betrayal. “All the congregation” (KJV) or “The whole assembly” (NIV) grumbled against the leaders, but the leaders felt that they had no option but to honor their promised peace with their deceivers. The army of people that had so successfully ambushed the people of Ai now found themselves caught in an ambush of their own. The words of verse 20 form a statement that is totally opposed to what God had commanded them. The decision was to let the people of Gibeon live. This they did – and Israel would live to regret it!

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Pray without ceasing! Take everything to God in prayer. Seek His counsel before any and all decisions. Remember to involve God in your every activity and you will never regret it.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 9:21-27 Woodcutters and Water Carriers

After some obvious consideration, the decision was made to honor the treaty with the Gibeonites but force them to live up to their earlier promise to be Israel’s servants. Joshua rebuked the deceivers for their dishonesty and sentenced them to a life of slavery. They were to become woodcutters and water carriers for the people of God and would be assigned some specific responsibilities toward the service of the tabernacle. When asked why they would commit such a treacherous deception, they responded by saying, “We were clearly told how the LORD your God had commanded His servant Moses to give you the whole land and to wipe out all its inhabitants from before you. So we feared for our lives because of you, and that is why we did this.” Obviously, these people had faith in the Word of God to the point that they would take drastic measures in response to what it said.

We need to have the same kind of faith today. Our actions should be based on what we hear from God and not on what we hear anywhere else. It is interesting to note that the end result of these people acting on what they had heard about God was a life of service! Woodcutters and water carriers were considered as “household servants.” Their earlier promise proved to be prophetic!

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Serve no one but God! Listen carefully for God’s directions on a moment-by-moment basis. Trust God to always work in your best interest and follow His commands as much as humanly possible.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 10:1-4 Help!

The king of Jerusalem heard the news about the victories over Jericho and Ai, as well as the newly formed treaty with the Gibeonites. These victories brought the armies of Israel very near to the outskirts of his city. He knew that his city would soon be surrounded and in flames. He immediately sent a cry for help to four other nearby cities, hoping that their kings would join him in a military alliance. However, this military action was not to be against the Israelites but the Gibeonites!

“ Come up and help me attack Gibeon,” he said, “because it has made peace with Joshua and the Israelites.” Tomorrow morning’s verses will reveal more to us about this story, but, in the meantime, let’s take note that the Gibeonites appear to have leaped from the proverbial “frying pan to the fire!”

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Learn that honesty is not just the best policy – but that is should be the only policy. When we sow evil things into the lives of others we are sure to reap evil things in our own lives. Promise yourself and God that you will be honest in your dealings with others. Refuse to become angry with God when He has to chastise you for wrong actions.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 10:5-10 The Amorites The Amorites were the peoples of Canaan who lived in the hill country. Two things really stand out in the verses that we have been reading recently. First, we see the Amorites, a people who had once held true to a treaty with Abraham, allowing him to live safely among them and supporting him as he fought against the alliance of kings who had taken his nephew, Lot, captive at Sodom. Now they are part of an alliance of countries that are fighting against God’s people. Secondly, we again read of Jerusalem being part of this alliance of kings and nations. We sometimes forget that there was no Jerusalem as we know it in the Bible until God’s people had been obedient enough to leave their wanderings in the wilderness, cross over Jordan, and take the land that God had promised to them. Jerusalem means “City of Peace.” But here, it seems to be anything but peaceful.

The Gibeonites sent word to Joshua, begging him not to abandon them and leave them to fight these attacking forces alone. Joshua means, “The Lord Saves.” With a name like that, what could Joshua do but try to save these desperate people? Joshua marched his army all night long and arrived in time to save the very people who had deceived him.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Keep your promises. Fulfill your commitments. There may be times when things are not as you would most desire for them to be, but it is always right to do the right thing. Live up to your name (Christian) and you will live up to your word.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 10:11-14 A Mighty God! As the Amorites fled from the army of Israel, God showed Himself mighty on the behalf of His people by raining large hailstones from the sky. The KJV says that, “The LORD cast down great stones from heaven.” The NIV states that he “hurled” them. My dad used to say “chunk” the ball to him rather than “throw” the ball when he would play catch with us. When we would tease him about his word for “throw” he would say, “You can call it whatever you like so long as you get it (the ball) there.” Call it what you like, God proved Himself to be the most instrumental part of this great victory. It remains the same for God’s people today.

This is the day that Joshua boldly asked God to give him more time in the battle by causing the Sun to “stand still.” People of science like to tease us about this because we know that the Sun does not actually move. Our planet travels around the Sun and portions thereof are exposed to it as the Earth rotates. However, these people of science still refer to “sunrise” and “sunset,” don’t they? Joshua spoke from the perspective of a little man on Earth asking for help from a great God in Heaven! Obviously, God slowed the rotation of the Earth enough to cause it to make one rotation in a 48-hour period rather than a 24-hour period. Whether the Sun stood still or the Earth slowed down – “You can call it whatever you like” – God got it there!

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Believe in miracles! Joshua prayed for a miracle in the presence of the people of Israel (verse 12). Dare to ask God for something that only He can do for you. When He does it, make sure to give Him glory and praise. Ask someone to pray with you about an important matter.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 10:15-26 A Good Steward

Joshua did not waste one bit of the extra day that God had given him as he continued to pursue his enemies. He was committed to gaining a full victory against his enemies on this special day. How sad would it have been for God to work so powerfully on his behalf only to find Joshua not taking the fullest advantage of the time that God had granted at his request.

The five kings of the alliance were eventually trapped and killed. Most all of the men of their armies died before they could reach the safety of their own cities. Although the actions taken by Joshua and his men seemed harsh – the putting of their feet upon the necks of their captured enemies prior to killing them – this was a common custom of conquerors in that time. It was a symbolic gesture that an enemy was now utterly defeated.

Joshua then spoke to the people and repeated words that God had earlier spoken to him. He commanded them to not be afraid or discouraged and to be strong and courageous. In the end, Joshua gave God all the glory for the day’s victory (verse 25). That’s what good stewards do.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Make the most of this day! Do not let one moment of it seem unimportant to you. Be a good steward of your time and use every moment to seek and do the will of God as you go about your daily business. As we have learned from our recent readings, there is always time to do what God would have you to do!

Evening Scripture: Joshua 10:27-32 The Fifth Monument

At the end of “The Day” Joshua gave orders for the bodies of the five kings to be taken down from the trees and thrown into the same cave in which they had earlier been hiding. The opening of the cave was covered with large rocks. These large rocks (“great stones,” KJV) became the fifth monument erected in the Promised Land. Kingdom Progress always includes our clearly marking the way for those who follow us. We need “reminders” to help us to recall all of the great things that God has done for us in our marching for Him. We need to remember God’s blessings and our children need to know about them.

The next verses make it appear as if Joshua and his army made quick work of the remaining people of the southern part of Canaan. In obedience to God, they “totally destroyed” the cities, leaving no survivors, just as they had done with Jericho. As you read these verses, notice the repeated reminder that “The LORD” was the One who “handed” the enemies over to His conquering people. Next to these verses, I drew a crude picture of a few “rocks” in the margin of my Bible. It will be my own little “monument” to help me to remember that there is no full and absolute victory unless we obey God to our fullest ability. He will take up the fight from there. Where we fall short, He stands tall!

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Kingdom Progress is made only because of the grace of Almighty God. Mark your own life with memorials to God’s grace and talk about them every chance that you get. God loves to hear His children praise Him. Testify of His wonderful grace to someone tonight!


Morning Scripture: Joshua 10:33-39 The King of Gezer

As we have read about the many victories that God has given to His people, we should be reminded that all of these battles were fought to the fullest by God’s people and that there were, undoubtedly, casualties of war and collateral damage. Although our brief history of these battles may make them sound as if they were easy, we can be sure that they did not seem easy to Joshua and his soldiers. Horam, the king of Gezer, reigned over what was probably the most powerful city in the area. Hebron and Debir were chief cities, as well. One thing is clear. Things did not become easier for God’s people as they made their way into the land that God had promised. Through battle, they had paid dearly for the land that God had “given” them.

It may seem to us that one battle is simply followed by another and another and another! We may feel as if we are in a constant battle as we make our Kingdom Progress through this life. The enemies that we are sometimes forced to face on a daily basis may only seem to become bigger and more powerful as we go. However, the bigger the battle, the bigger our God will be for us. God “grows” in size or stature in the eyes of those who behold Him as He works to accomplish His will in their lives!

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Measure your enemy today. Take stock of the battles that are before you. Compare your trial to the cross that Christ carried for you and allow God to help you to see things in the proper perspective. Recognize that God is bigger than anything you may face today. Encourage a fellow believer today.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 10:40 – 11:5 An Excellent Conclusion

The last three verses of chapter 10 summarize the campaign against the whole region. All of the kings were conquered “in one campaign” (NIV) or “at one time” (KJV). They were also conquered for “one reason.” Joshua and his army had success, “Because the LORD, the God of Israel, fought for Israel” (verse 42). Joshua and Israel returned to their camp at Gilgal knowing that they still had the kingdoms to the north to conquer, but also knowing that God would be the same for them “tomorrow” as He had been in the days before. He is the God who, “Changes not” and who will never “leave us nor forsake us.” He is the God of the mountains and the valleys. He is the God of peace and of war. He is the God who fights for us when we set out, in faith, to accomplish His divine will for our lives.

But there was not much time for resting. The kings to the north heard the news of the defeat of the southern region and made preparations to launch an all-out attack against Israel. Their combined forces are described as “a huge army” (NIV) who have many horses and chariots. Israel had not faced any army to date that was described with such powerful words and phrases.

Because things do not get any easier, we must never forget the “conclusions” that are reached in our earlier experiences. Because “The LORD” fights for us, we are not afraid.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Remind yourself daily that God is fighting for you. Ask Him for the things necessary for you to make true Kingdom Progress in your life. Trust Him with your every need.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 11:6-11

“ Do Not Be Afraid”

We often receive advice from others – even when we have not requested it! However, there is no advice better than that which comes from the LORD Himself! As Joshua and the people of God are being attacked by yet another powerful alliance of kings and their armies, God comes to Joshua, in a private moment and meeting, and says, “Do not be afraid of them, because by this time tomorrow I will hand all of them over to Israel, slain!” In other words, God was promising Joshua a victory before the battle even started. Bolstered by God’s strong words of encouragement, Joshua and the army moved out against the enemies camped before them and attacked them. Just as He had promised, God “gave” them into the hand of Israel (verse 7).

Joshua learned something that we would do well to learn today. God will “give” many things to those who first “give” themselves to Him by walking in obedience to His commands. Kingdom Progress is best made when we fear the LORD more than we fear any man. Our promise of God’s presence and blessing sometimes comes to us through His messengers. But, sometimes, He comes close to us Himself and reassures us that He is everything that we need for victory in this world and the world to come!

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Be brave! Persist in prayer! Obey God! You will soon be amazed at how much God can “give” you if you will but first “give” yourself to Him. Write the words “Do not be afraid” on a piece of paper and carry them with you throughout your day. Encourage someone else to stand strong for God today.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 11:12-17 Hazor

This morning’s reading concluded with some information being provided about Hazor. God had this city mentioned specifically for a very good reason. Hazor would become, by far, the largest opponent that Israel had yet faced. It was over 200 acres in size. When we compare that to Jericho (8 acres), we see that things are certainly not getting any easier for Joshua and his army! However, no matter the size of the enemy, God was always “big enough” to deliver them into the hands of His obedient people. The conquest of Hazor gave Israel control of a major intersection of highways that led to and from Egypt, Syria, Assyria, and Babylon.

As the strength of the opposition increased, more attention needed to be placed upon being obedient to the commands of God. It seems that Joshua was focused on doing just that. Verse 15 states that, “Joshua left nothing undone of all that the LORD commanded Moses.” The Hebrew word translated “nothing” here is a compound word that literally means “no word.” Joshua left no word, or command, from God undone. He obeyed God to the fullest of his ability and God just kept on “giving” him great victories.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Remain strong in your faith no matter the difficulties that may lie ahead. Trust God today to be whatever He needs to be for you. Let no command of God go disobeyed or left incomplete as you make your Kingdom Progress through this life.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 11:18-23 Rest from War

This morning’s reading ends with Israel at rest from war. But this rest was a long time in coming. Verse 18 clearly states that Joshua and Israel waged war against the kings of Canaan for “a long time.” Victory did not come quickly or easily to God’s people in those days and little has changed for those who choose to follow Him faithfully today. The hearts of those who did not worship the true God were hardened against Israel to wage war against them. Notice that special mention was made of the “Anakims” (KJV) or “Anakites” (NIV). You may recall that these were the “sons of Anak” who were called “giants” by the spies that were sent in to scout out the Promised Land before the invasion (Numbers 13:33). The physical stature of these people had made the spies feel as if they were mere “grasshoppers” compared to them. God’s presence must have made these “giants” seem smaller than before because, with His divine help, they were utterly destroyed. Just as God had promised earlier, Joshua and Israel “took the entire land” (verse 23) and divided it accordingly. “Then,” after being in warfare for a long time, the land had “rest” from war.

It is an old saying worth repeating: “The only time that you find “success” before “work” is in the dictionary!”

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Review your personal walk with God. Believe that you can find “rest” when you trust Him to lead you through your spiritual battles. Envision Him with you as you walk your path today. Enjoy the time that you spend with Him!

Evening Scripture: Joshua 12:1-6 The Defeated Kings When you review the list of defeated kings found in our reading tonight, you have to conclude that, like the Gospels, not every detail of the conquest is recorded in writing. We understand that when we read the entire list, we see that there are kings and cities listed among the conquered that were not previously mentioned in Joshua. These first six verses do include the first victories won under Moses on the east side of the Jordan. These victories were just as important as the ones earned after Israel had crossed over to Canaan. The battle for the land did not wait until Israel had already crossed the Jordan River. Sihon and Og ruled over large cities whose land was assigned to Reuben, Gad, and one-half of the tribe of Manasseh on the east side of Jordan.

The King James Bible refers to the lands on the “east side” of Jordan as being on the “other side” and includes the phrase, “toward the rising of the sun.” It is based on these facts that some translations simplify the translation and refer to it as the “east side.” However easy we make it for our reading, what we have read tonight helps us to understand that the conquest was actually more exhausting than we might have expected. We will learn more about this in the morning.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Remember that no victory is “easy” and that all of our battles require that we ask God to be fully involved in our lives! Israel first assumed the battle to be “easy” when they fought against Ai, and they were put to flight by one of the smallest of the enemies that they would face. Include God in your plans – no matter how great or small. There is no Kingdom Progress without our King’s Presence!


Morning Scripture: Joshua 12:7-24 Thirty-One Kings!

As we move into the Scriptures that complete the listing of the kings and cities conquered by Israel, we will read a larger number of verses than we have been reading. When we finish these verses we might be surprised to learn that 16 kings of the southern region of Canaan are listed along with 15 kings of the northern region. In all, 31 kings are listed as those who were defeated in Israel’s conquest of Canaan. Since the entire land measured only about 150 miles from north to south, and 50 miles from east to west, this might seem like a very crowded place. We have to remember that these were “kings” of cities and not countries and each one had limited authority over small areas. This is one reason why the news of Israel’s conquests reached their future enemies so quickly.

We read earlier of one confederation of kings formed by the “kings of Jerusalem” (10:1-5) and then of those who allied themselves with Hazor (11:1-5). Other than these, each victory was over smaller city-state kingdoms. However, we all know that there are no “small” battles when the battle is for our God! This list also helps us to understand why what we read in only a small section of Scripture history is said to have taken “a long time!”

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Prepare a list of some of the personal victories that God has given you as you have sought to live for Him. Leave no victory out – no matter how great or small. God certainly makes note of “small” things and we would do well to do the same. Share your list with someone. Brag about God to someone today! Post a recent victory on your social network or find some way to communicate your praise for God to others.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 13:1-7 Hang in There!

We are ready to begin reading some detailed lists of cities and boundaries as we see Joshua being transformed from a warrior to an administrator. As tedious as this may seem to us, we cannot begin to imagine how it must have been the same for God’s people and their leaders. One person commented that this section reads more “like a real estate deed” than the Bible. Well, to some extent, that is exactly what it is. Let’s just say that we are going to spend some time browsing through God’s “public records” for a few chapters.

In Joshua 1:6, God had included the task of dividing the land in the commission that was given to Joshua. This assignment does not appear to be as clearly defined in the NIV (and some other translations) but it is clearly identified in others. Joshua 1:6 in the KJV includes a phrase that commands Joshua to “divide for an inheritance” all of the land of Canaan.

It may not seem so exciting to us today, but try to imagine the excitement of the people as they are realizing God’s promises after many battles. Moments such as this come at a great price!

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Make the reading of these verses a celebration and ask God to help you share in this victorious moment with some folks that you will eventually meet in heaven. Thank God for some believer, already in heaven, whose life made a difference in where you are in life right now.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 13:8-14 A Special Assignment The first verses of this morning’s reading deal with acknowledging the lands east of Jordan that were given to the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and one-half of Manasseh. These “legal records” being established by Israel were to confirm what Moses had already commanded before they ever crossed over Jordan. If you recall, the families who were eager to establish their homes on the east side of the river were granted that permission only after they had agreed to cross over and fight alongside their brothers as they sought to capture the land west of the river.

However, the last verse that we read this morning deals with a special assignment for the tribe of Levi. We see that they received no specific assignment of land like the other tribes. Instead of owning their own land, they were to take ownership for the responsibility of the tabernacle, and eventually, the temple. Instead of farming and tending flocks, they were to grow the people in the knowledge of God and shepherd them as they grew as a nation. For this, they received some cities within the lands of the other tribes and a plan was set in place to compensate them for their dedicated work for God.

Perhaps there is a reference here to their already holding a citizenship in another place. Or, it may be God’s way of warning those with specific spiritual callings to not be burdened down with the things of this world.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Pray for those who serve in full-time ministry today. I can promise you that it is much more a calling than it is a career choice! Encourage them and help strengthen them by mentioning them in your prayers to God.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 13:15-23 Reuben

Do you remember Reuben? He was the firstborn of Israel (Genesis 49:3). In that verse God went on to say that Reuben excelled in power and honor. Verse 4, however, mentioned that Reuben was “turbulent as the waters” and reminds us of a past sin in Reuben’s life that had caused his father to change the inheritance originally planned for this son. The sin was a terrible sin against his father and here, these many years later, the penalty for this sin was to finally be assessed. Reuben was not to receive the “double portion” that normally came to the firstborn.

Reuben was the brother of Joseph that overheard the plans of the other brothers to do away with him and then pleaded with his angry siblings to abandon that plan. Later, when Reuben returned to the place where Joseph’s brothers had schemed against him, he was heartbroken to find that his brothers had sold Joseph into slavery.

We often read such failure/success stories in the Bible. The Holy Spirit does not pretend that there was ever a perfect person other than Jesus. God does not hide the sins of His people anywhere but under the blood!

Evening Prayer Emphasis:


 Refuse to condemn and judge others. Thank God that your sins are hidden in Jesus and completely forgiven of God. When we stand before Him to inherit our place in heaven, there will be no “liens” pending against us on that day.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 13:24-33 Gad and Manasseh

Moses gave the tribe of Gad their inheritance. Their “coast” was Jazer, and all the cities of Gilead, and half the land of the children of Ammon, to Aroer before Rabbah; from Heshbon to Ramath-mizph, and Betonim; from Mahanaim unto the border of Debir the valley; Succoth and Zaphon, the rest of the kingdom of Sihon king of Heshbon, Jordan and his border even the edge of the Sea of Chinnereth on the other side Jordan eastward” (Joshua 13:24-28).

Verses 29–31 clearly describe the land that was to be given to Manasseh. Then, in verse 32 we are reminded that this was the arrangement made with Moses prior to these tribes crossing over Jordan to fight with their remaining brothers.

Verse 33 serves as yet another reminder. Here, we are once again reminded that there was to be one tribe (Levi) who would not, like the others, receive a physical, land inheritance. But don’t feel sorry for them! They were given a special place of service in the tabernacle and “the LORD, the God of Israel” was to be their inheritance. I am thinking that we know who came out with the better end of this deal!

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 See all that you have as a gift from Almighty God and thank Him for His goodness today before you even leave your home. Thank Him for the vehicle in which you ride and for the workplace to which you go. Spend the day thanking God in every place you go and in every situation you encounter.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 14:1-5 Go West, Young Man!

Now that the land allotments on the east side of the Jordan River are given, Joshua looks to the distribution of the land west of the river to the remaining nine and one-half tribes. In our verses, God summarizes His instructions regarding Reuben, Gad, Manasseh (half of the tribe), and the Levites.

But in tonight’s verses we get an extra bit of information that is very helpful to us. We are told that the lands are to be divided “by lot.” This was done in obedience to what was recorded in Numbers 26:54-56. God had instructed Moses that each tribe was to receive an allotment of land proportionate to each tribe’s population. The land on the east side had already been divided out to the two and one-half tribes that would settle there, but now Eleazar the priest, Joshua, and the leaders of the tribes would cast lots to see how the remaining land was divided. The Jews believed that God directed the lots to fall as He so desired, so this left no room for arguing or bickering after the fact.

Proverbs 16:33 states that, “The lot is cast...but its every decision is from the Lord.” Such faith would settle a lot of arguments then and it would probably do the same today.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Accept God’s will about matters and trust that He is always working in your best interest. Trust God to provide your every need and to know exactly what you need in every situation. Amen!


Morning Scripture: Joshua 14:6-11 Caleb’s Inheritance

Before the first lot was ever cast, Caleb reminded Joshua of a promise that God had made to him 45 years earlier. Caleb, you may recall, had been one of the 12 spies that had been sent ahead by Moses to scout the land. He had also been one of the two that believed God was able to deliver the land into their hands. Joshua had been the only other believing spy (Numbers 13:6-8). While others were paralyzed by fear, Caleb and Joshua urged the people to trust God for a great victory (Numbers 14:6-9).

Upon Caleb’s return from the secret mission, and after his faith-filled report to Moses and his conviction- filled stand against those who had been afraid, Moses had sworn to give him, “The land on which your feet have walked…because you have wholeheartedly followed the LORD.” Here, Caleb said, “That was 45 years ago, and here I am today – 85 years old and still strong and ready to claim my inheritance.”

We will have more to say about Caleb tonight, but, for now, let him be a reminder to you that you have every right to claim every promise that God has ever made to you. If God said it, He meant it. Don’t ever hesitate to move forward on a promise from God.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Pay attention to what God says and don’t live without giving careful attention to His words. Claim the promises that are rightfully yours and remind others of what God has said about certain things. Caleb’s stand was as much for God’s integrity as it was for his own inheritance!

Evening Scripture: Joshua 14:13-15 The Hill Country

Verse 12 of this morning’s reading referred to the land that Caleb desired for himself as a “hill country.” At age 85, most men might have desired a path that was a little less difficult to manage. But not Caleb! He was ready to take Hebron as his homeland and he was ready to deal with the residue of the Anakites (these were the giants we mentioned earlier) that still dwelled there. He knew that he could do anything with the help of the LORD!

So Joshua blessed Caleb and gave him Hebron for his inheritance. God once again reminds us why this special allotment was made: “Because he (Caleb) wholly followed the LORD God of Israel.” (KJV)

Caleb’s words did not arise out of a heart filled with pride and self-confidence. His words were born in a heart that loved and claimed the promises of God. No doubt, he had walked for 45 years with God’s promise ringing in his ears and encouraging his heart. This kind of faith would drive out any enemy – no matter the size or number! We will later read that this is exactly what happened! God sure is good at keeping His Word!

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Believe that God still has something for you to do. It is never too late to take Him at His Word and claim His promises. Be bold in the LORD. Take on a place of service in His church and trust Him to empower you to get the job done!


Morning Scripture: Joshua 15:1-12 Judah’s Allotment

Now that Caleb’s request had been heard and granted, Joshua was able to return to the business of dividing the land “by lot.” All that happened with Caleb happened after the land on the east side was legally plotted and just before the land on the west side was plotted out. Caleb’s inheritance was not given “by lot” because God had made him a specific promise earlier.

Judah then became the first tribe to receive a “lot” on the west side of the Jordan. It may not be obvious to those who read these documents today, but Judah’s lot was considerably larger than any other allotment given because Judah was the tribe with the greatest number of people.

This land was well suited for vineyards. It was in this land (the Valley of Eshcol) that the spies had cut the giant cluster of grapes that they brought back with them after their scouting mission had been completed (Numbers 13:24). Much of this land was mountainous and not suited for planting. But one thing did grow very well there – and that was a lineage to the Messiah! Jesus would eventually be called the “Lion of the tribe of Judah!”

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Spend some time thanking God for your place in His kingdom! Acknowledge that you have been assigned a place of salvation and service as a result of the work of the cross. The footsteps of Jesus trace back from the cross to the very land that we have seen plotted out in our passage today.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 15:13-32

Judah, Continued...

Hebron, the land that had been given to Caleb, was located in this large allotment given to Judah. Included in these “land records” we find the story of how that “old man” claimed that inheritance with the help of a brave nephew named Othniel. This young man would later become Caleb’s son-in-law. Othniel would also later serve his people as a Judge over Israel. His story is found in the first and third chapters of the Book of Judges.

What follows is a detailed listing of the towns and villages allotted to different clans in the tribe of Judah. Hang in there as you read, because the next section of Scripture is going to be more of the same! Just remember, that God is just as interested in the “details” of your life as He was in the inheritance of these people! Like then, He is not overlooking one tiny, little need that you have today. And He never will!

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Realize that God is very much into details. Know that His Word could mean nothing to us if it did not first mean everything to Him! Pray with an even greater specificity tonight! Pour out the details of your needs and desires to God. Believe that He is interested in the details of your life. Be willing to share with Him. Encourage your own loved ones to share with you. Let them know that you are interested in every little part of their lives.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 15:33-47 The Western Foothills

The description of Judah’s lot continues on! (See, I told you it was big!) In the end, Judah’s inheritance included more than 100 cities and they seemed to have been able to conquer and occupy them with little or no resistance until they came to Jerusalem. We will read tonight (15:63) where Judah, “Could not dislodge the Jebusites, who were living in Jerusalem.”

We might wonder if it was really a matter of not being able to drive these people out, or if it was really a matter of not being willing to do so. In other words, was it that they could not do it or that they would not do it? In any case, the description of Judah’s allotment ends with the understanding that they never did completely drive the Jebusites out of Jerusalem and that they eventually settled on the idea of occupying the land with them.

We will later read of King David finally conquering Jerusalem when he decided to move the capital of his kingdom there from Hebron (2 Samuel 5:6-10). In those verses the Jebusites were still described as, “The inhabitants of the land.” David took the stronghold there and the city was eventually known as “The City of David.” Is there a lesson here for us? Is it possible that God did not allow this city to be completely conquered until there was an anointed king upon the throne? Can we be conquerors without an anointed King in our own lives?

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Believe that God is always at work to see that His will is accomplished. Make Jesus Christ your anointed king and allow Him to empower you to completely obey the will of God for your own life.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 15:48-63 More “Hill Country”

We are nearing the end of the long passage of Scripture that describes the allotment to the tribe of Judah. Along the way, we have learned some interesting things that have been included in this fairly long section of Scripture. Perhaps the Holy Spirit knew that we would need something to hold our interest as we read over these many “deeds” and legal documents that are recorded here.

The “hill country” was the region just south of Jerusalem. Bethlehem was part of this land. Do you wonder if anyone could have had any idea how important this section of land was to become in the history of the world? Do you think that anyone who might have been “bored” by all of these details might have missed something as significant as this? The “desert” that is mentioned in verse 61 contained land that bordered the Dead Sea. En Gedi is listed in verse 62. It was on this land that, centuries later, the very scribes who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls lived. A lot of history was to be made from the story that we have read about today.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Remember that God promises that all Scripture is given by inspiration and that it is all profitable for us. Ask God to show you something from these more difficult passages that we have been reading. Search for treasure in the Bible and you will surely find it!


Morning Scripture: Joshua 16:1-10 Ephraim

Ephraim and Manasseh actually made up the house of Joseph. This allotment is described in some translations as, “The lot of the children of Joseph.” These people inherited the rich land located in the central part of Canaan. If you recall, since Joseph had been responsible to keep the entire clan alive during the great famine in Egypt, Jacob had ordained that Joseph’s two sons would become founders and heads of their own tribes and that they would be treated as his own sons (Genesis 48:5). The territory that they inherited was among the best land in Canaan. This land would include Shiloh, where the tabernacle would stay for almost 300 years.

Again, we read of the failure of these people to completely drive the inhabitants out of the land. They chose to allow the Canaanites who lived in Gezer to remain among them as slaves. As it was with Jerusalem, it does not appear that the land of Gezer came under complete Israelite control until a much later time. It was not until the days of Solomon that the original inhabitants were destroyed, and then it was by the Egyptians, whose pharaoh then gave this land to his daughter, Solomon’s blushing bride, as a wedding gift (1 Kings 9:15-16).

When we read phrases like “to this day” in the Bible, it means exactly that. At the time that this part of Scripture was written, the Canaanites had not been completely driven from this land. It is sad that a pharaoh had to come and complete an assignment given to one of God’s own children.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Know that God will see that His will is accomplished even if He has to use someone besides us! See your service to God as a blessing and not an entitlement. Don’t ever think that God is going to wait on us when we decide to follow our own plan over His.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 17:1-6


This moment served as a proud reminder to all that Manasseh, even though we find them receiving their allotment after Ephraim, had been the firstborn to Joseph. Verse 3 speaks of the daughters of Zelophehad, who reminded Joshua of a promise that had been given to their father almost 400 years earlier. Please take the extra time to read Numbers 26:33 and then Numbers 27:1-7. You will read the story of Zelophehad, who had refused to join with the sons of Korah as they rebelled against Moses, and then later died in the wilderness without leaving a male heir. In response to the pleas of these women, Moses had promised an inheritance with the rest of the people and his promise was now being fulfilled.

To some, it might appear as just another boring record in the pages of the Bible. To these people, at that time, it was just another piece of evidence that our amazing God never forgets His promises!

Manasseh’s land was second in size only to that allotted to Judah. There were ten tracts of land awarded that day. Five went to five brothers who were descendants to Manasseh and the other five went, as previously promised, to the five granddaughters of Hepher.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:


 Imagine how long these women waited for the promise to their ancestors to be fulfilled. There may have been some anxious moments as the allotments were called, but God did not let the long awaited expectations of these faithful women to go unfilled. Know that God cares for you, too!


Morning Scripture: Joshua 17:7-13 A Sad Omission

I have often stated that the true nature of sin is not found in the bad things that we do, but rather, in the good things that we leave undone! Such is the case with one of the cities included in our reading this morning. Beth Shan (NIV) or Beth-Shean (KJV) was a city located in the large region that was part of the territory allotted to Manasseh. This was just one of the many towns that, “the Manassites were not able to occupy” (verse 12). We are told that the “Canaanites were determined to live in that region” and that it was not until later, “when the Israelites grew stronger,” that the Canaanites were eventually forced to live among the Israelites as servants rather than being driven from the land completely. It was, no doubt, sometime after the reign of Saul and during the reign of either David or Solomon that God’s command to drive these people out was fully obeyed. In the meantime, it was here, on the wall of this city of Beth Shan, that the Philistines would eventually fasten the dead body of Saul, King of Israel, after he had fallen in battle (1 Samuel 31:10).

If our God is a God worthy to be obeyed, then He is a God worthy to be obeyed fully! Let us not have those who come after us suffer for our lack of willingness to obey God fully now.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Pay attention to God’s commands and seek to obey them to the fullest extent. Realize that the lives of those who follow us may be affected by the level of our obedience to God and His commands. Ask someone to pray for you today – asking God to fill your heart with a strong desire to be an obedient Christian.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 17:14-18 A Complaint

The descendants of Joseph came to Joshua with a complaint about the size of their allotment. In their opinion, it was too small for their people. Rather than simply do the obvious and give them more land, Joshua offered them some sound advice about how to make the current allotment work for them. He suggested that they clear the forested hill country of the Perizzites and the Rephaites. But the people were quick to answer that the hill country was inhabited by Canaanites who possessed iron chariots and would not be easily defeated. Joshua stated that they (the descendants of Joseph) were a numerous and very powerful people, so they should be able to drive the Canaanites out of the hill country and clear the land for themselves.

This was not the answer that the people wanted to hear. Perhaps they wanted an easier way. Perhaps they were truly afraid of the current inhabitants and their “iron chariots.” We do not know if they had actually seen these war chariots or if they had simply heard about them. In either case, the thought of such weapons caused their hearts to melt and sent them to Joshua seeking an easier way to possess enough land to suffice them. Joshua refused to budge. He simply stated, “You can drive them out.” Get-R-done! Amen!

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Kingdom Progress is not supposed to be easy. Remember, God’s first command to Joshua and the people was for them to be courageous! Ask God for courage and exhibit it as you walk with Him.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 18:1-4 The Tabernacle at Shiloh

Before the final allotments were assigned, Joshua and the people relocated to Shiloh. Upon arrival they set up the tabernacle there. Even though there were still seven Israelite tribes yet to receive an allotment, perhaps it was time for a reminder that God was to be central to all that Israel believed and did. Shiloh was located in the central part of the land and was a convenient location for all of the people. The earlier murmuring of the sons of Joseph was a warning signal to Joshua and the people and they knew that it was time to take the focus off of them, and their places, and refocus on God and His place.

Perhaps to avoid further complaints about the divisions, Joshua sent out three men from each tribe to scout out and survey the remaining land before they continued with the division and allotments. This team of men was to return with a description of the proposed parcel of each remaining tribe.

A careful reader may note that there is no “Thus saith the LORD” that prescribes this action. That does not mean that it was wrong. It simply means that this may have been an action taken by leadership to avoid further complaining from the people. We are not told how long it took for this team to complete this task, nor how long the God-assigned division process was delayed. If it would bring peace among the people, I am sure that it was a wise investment of time and talents. However, this is the only tribe to not be content with the designed plan for the land division and considerable effort was put forth to accommodate them.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Believe God when He promises you something! Accept His challenge to live for Him and watch Him provide for you just as He has promised. Claim your inheritance and live like a citizen of Heaven today.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 18:5-10 Specific Instructions

Verse 5 begins to detail the specific instructions given to the team of men who were to go out and survey the remaining land. These were obviously educated men, for they were skilled in mapping and writing. After the remaining land was thoughtfully divided into seven remaining parts, they were to return to Joshua and the people and they would resume the division of the land by lots. It is important to note that Joshua did not stray from God’s assigned method of allotment, but that he simply tried to be able to continue the process with as little complaining as possible. Of all that had been done, only one allotment was disputed. However, in an effort to move forward in peace, the time was spent to take every possible precaution against criticism or complaints.

Note that, this time, the lots would be cast there in Shiloh, “In the presence of the LORD.” If there were to be further complaints, I guess they were to be taken up with God. We would do well to remember that all that we say and do is done in the presence of God. He who is with us always is always seeing and hearing. As we walk in His presence, let us be ever mindful of the “specific instructions” that He has given us.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Promise to be an obedient Christian who does not refuse to give God all that is due Him. Be attentive to God’s commands and be ready to obey. Kingdom Progress comes to those who are ready and willing to obey God every step of the way!


Morning Scripture: Joshua 18:11-19 Benjamin

It was no coincidence that the next allotment fell where it did. Since it was decided by the casting of the lot, then it fell where it did – when it did – because that was what God wanted to happen! Benjamin was next and his lot fell on the land that was situated between the lands given to Judah and the children of Joseph. This then, placed Benjamin’s descendants between the first and second largest tribes of Israel.

One would have to understand a little about Benjamin’s life to realize that this allotment was certainly not assigned by coincidence either. Benjamin was the youngest son of Jacob (Israel) and was the only one that was actually born in the land that is today known as Israel. His mother, Rachel, died in childbirth. Some of her final, recorded words were when she named her baby, “Benoni” (Benjamin), meaning, “Son of my Sorrow.” Jacob would later change the child’s name to “Benjamin – The Son of my Right Hand.” Thus, Benjamin became the peacekeeper. And, more importantly, Benjamin was to become the end of the complaining and murmuring. We, too, have One who can bring peace among God’s people and fill all of us with a satisfaction that satisfies even the most complaining spirits. He, too, is a “Son” who sits on the “right hand” of His Father. If Jesus is not the central figure in the church then there is little reason to have church at all.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Choose not to live by your own wisdom. Elect to live by the wisdom of God. Honor him today by expressing gratitude for all that He gives and does. Every step toward peace and contentment is a true step toward Kingdom Progress.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 18:20-28

A Tough Assignment

As we read the names of the cities that are within the allotment given to Benjamin’s descendants, we should realize that this section was a small tract of land that was filled with mountains and ravines. It would not be an easy land to clear and farm nor would it be a land conducive to shepherding flocks.

This allotment also contained some of the fiercest cities and clans. Within this allotment were cities like Jericho, Gibeon, and Jerusalem. However, there is no murmuring or complaining to be heard from the people of Benjamin. They accepted their assignment and went about their business.

It was within this very allotment that the temple would someday be constructed. Read the beautiful words given by inspiration to Moses in Deuteronomy 33:12 and you will see that God had this allotment planned a long time before Israel or Benjamin came to this time and place.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Tune in to God and His Word and watch God go to work in your life. Believe that God has always had a plan for your life and that He is never distracted from His plan by our murmuring or complaining. Express your dissatisfactions to God. He alone is able to provide the peace that we so desperately need if we are to be a people of Kingdom Progress.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 19:1-9 Simeon - A Good Example

The second lot awarded after the surveying expedition fell to the descendants of Simeon. We are told that their inheritance was “within” the inheritance of the children of Judah. It would seem that, if we were going to have another dispute about the allotments, it might be right now. Again, we see God’s mighty hand in this second allotment after the complaints that had caused the process to be delayed. Simeon was the second born to Israel and Leah. He was born between Reuben and Levi. So, he was born between the one who received the first allotment and the one who received no land allotment at all.

Simeon was accustomed to being second, and was one who had lived his entire life with the knowledge that his place was not first nor last, but just where God had caused him to be. So Simeon, who had at times been a fierce man (see Genesis 49), was now forced to be a peacekeeper as he was assigned to live within the allotment of Judah. But God had a plan and the people seemed now, more than ever, to be seeing that divine plan come to fruition.

There is little that we cannot “live with” when we are committed to Him whom we “live for.”

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Recommit everything to God this morning! Make sure that you let Him know that you are submitting to His plan and that you are not asking Him to submit to your plan. Humble yourself before the One who can empower you to a life filled with blessing and obedience.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 19:10-16 Zebulun’s Portion

The third lot awarded after the surveying fell to the children of Zebulun. Very little is said about Zebulun or his division. We are provided with the legal description for this allotment and then God simply moves on to the next order of business. This “silence” speaks volumes about Zebulun and all of the tribes. It seems that the tension between the tribes is behind them and that it has been replaced with a willingness to move forward with the allotments and the ultimate settling of the land.

In Genesis 49:13, Jacob had prophesied that Zebulun would dwell near the sea and that his future home would be a haven for ships. This lot had now fallen where this tribe was going to be allotted a piece of land that might have been considered to be “landlocked” and with very little access to the sea. If there was ever going to be more complaining, it might have been expected now. However, there was one strip of land that touched against the Mediterranean Sea and that seemed to be enough to satisfy this people. Zebulun means “dwelling” or “habitation.” Apparently, this was a people who chose to focus on what they had been graciously given and not on what had been previously given to others.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Thank God for what you have. Walk through your “dwelling” tonight and recall the many blessings that God has given to you and your family. Tour each room and thank God for the wonderful memories that you have. Share your memories with your family and friends. Take your family on the “tour” with you and express your praise and thanksgiving together.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 19:17-31 Issachar and Asher

It might have seemed that this process was becoming simpler as it went. Joshua and the leaders seem to be moving forward quickly with the allotments and there were no new interruptions or disputes. Issachar was given the land just east of Zebulun and south of the Sea of Galilee. Again, if a dispute was going to arise, one might have expected it now. In the minds of the descendants of Zebulun, this land might have better fulfilled the earlier prophecy of Jacob regarding their father’s inheritance. But there is no mention of any dissatisfaction or complaint and no record of any further dispute.

Asher also received coastal lands stretching along the sea from Mount Carmel north to Tyre and Sidon. Asher means “happy,” and happy seems to be a good word to describe all of Israel at this moment in time. As the tedious task of dividing the land draws nearer to completion, we see God’s people becoming more and more content with the will of God and the lands that are allotted to them. Kingdom Progress cannot come to any congregation of people until it first comes to the individual believer. Let us all seek to be content with God’s will for our lives. Such godly “satisfaction” is a powerful sermon to the people of this world.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Ask God to make you more and more comfortable with what He has so graciously provided. Express gratitude for what He has given someone else today. Praise Him on behalf of another and you will truly praise Him from your heart! Guard your steps and be sure to live up to your Christian commitments.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 19:32-39


Again, we see a short introduction and then a brief description of the land that was to be allotted to the next tribe. However, this becomes the third tribe to receive a portion with borders on water since Zebulun’s allotment and we still hear no whimpering from that people to whom their father’s prophecy, in Genesis, had mentioned their becoming “a haven to ships.” Now, they watch as Naphtali’s descendants receive an allotment that had the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee as its boundaries. Even though this tribe received 19 towns and cities as an inheritance, the listing does not read like a “Hall of Fame” and few of the names of the cities are known to the casual reader.

But we would do well to recognize that the land contained in the allotment to Naphtali’s descendants would become important in New Testament history because it would be the land upon which Jesus Himself would walk during His Galilean ministry. Matthew 4:13–16 tells us that Jesus left Nazareth and moved to Capernaum, “which was by the lake in the area of Zebulun and Naphtali – to fulfill what was said through the prophet Isaiah: ‘Land of Zebulun and land of Naphtali, the way to the sea, along the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles – the people in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” Who wouldn’t be content with that?

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Ask God to show you the big picture! We are all a part of a much bigger plan and we are to seek and accept our roles in God’s Kingdom. Thank God for the place that He has given you and then thank Him for what He had given to someone else, as well.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 19:40-48 Dan

After reading of several allotments that were assigned with little or no comment, we find that the seventh allotment, given to the descendants of Dan, is followed by a parenthetical statement. In it we are told that the Danites had difficulty taking possession of their territory. However, it must not have been a situation too difficult for God, because we are quickly told that they soon overcame their difficulties and settled the land given to them.

Their boundaries are not described in detail because they were located in a section of land that was bordered on every side by earlier allotments. Therefore, her boundaries already existed and there was little reason to restate them. The legal description is limited to a listing of the towns that were contained within the land that was given to them. When Jacob blessed his sons in Genesis 49:16-18, it is stated that Dan would provide justice for his people. If ever there was a case made for considering God to be fair and just, it is made by the descendants of Dan as they accept what is a limited number of cities and are restricted to dwelling in one larger city that they eventually renamed after their forefather. Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Look for reasons to praise and then be careful to remember to do it! It would not be difficult for any person to look at some of the situations and circumstances that they are called to face and think it reasonable and fair to complain. Our contentment and peace must be based on our confidence that our God is a just God!

Evening Scripture: Joshua 19:49-51 Joshua

It is by no coincidence that our smallest section of Scripture is given to describe the land that was to become the final home of Joshua, the great leader of God’s people. When the dividing of the land was finished, the Israelites gave Joshua an inheritance among them. When you look closely at the division of the land west of the Jordan River, you will see that it begins with Caleb and ends with Joshua, the two spies who returned from the first scouting mission with a good report for Moses and the people of God. They became a picture of He who is “First and Last” and the “Alpha and Omega.”

Joshua’s concern was obviously more for his people than for himself and his own descendants. He who would later state: “As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD!” is here shown as one who would be willing to serve the LORD from whatever rank he held among men. In Joshua 24:30 we will see Joshua buried on this same piece of land.

We are studying from a book named after a man whose life is well worth emulation. Here is a man who shares the same name with Jesus and obviously much more than that! He, like Jesus, was willing to put others before himself and to lay down his own life for the good and benefit of his people.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Appreciate those who have made a difference in your life. Let them know that you love them. Live a life that will be a blessing to others. Enjoy your Kingdom Progress to its fullest!


Morning Scripture: Joshua 20:1-9 Cities of Refuge

The final verse of last night’s reading brought closure to the dividing of the land. That being finished, God now turns His attention to how the lands can best be put to use. One of the first things to be accomplished was to establish a system of “safe havens” for people who had killed someone accidentally or unintentionally. Places where such people could flee for safety until a trial could be held. Verse 2 mentions that God had already spoken to the people about these cities through Moses. Take the time to read Numbers 35:6–34 and you will see the very detailed instructions that had been given earlier about these cities. There were to be six of the cities, three on each side of the Jordan River, geographically located so that no accused party would have difficulty in fleeing from the family members of the slain person. When an accused person arrived at the gate of one of these cities, he was to present his case to the elders of the city. If the fleeing person’s plea seemed acceptable, they were allowed refuge in the city until a full hearing could take place. If the death was indeed ruled accidental, then the fleeing person was found guilty of manslaughter and could find safety from avenging family members until the death of the high priest. Until that time, the accused killer could only safely live within the boundaries of the city to which he had fled. Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Listen carefully to this teaching on the Cities of Refuge! See Jesus Christ as your own safe haven from all of your guilt and shame. Know that you can find safety in His comforting arms.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 21:1-18 Cities for the Levites

If you took the time to read Numbers 35 today, you read where the Levites were awarded 48 towns within the various regions inherited by the different tribes. This was to become the final action taken in the division of the land. One of the first things that the tribes were asked to do was give a portion of what they had received back so that the Levites could have towns and pasture land for their flocks. You may have also noticed, in Numbers 35, that the Levites were first ordered to make an allotment of their own land so that six of their 48 towns could serve as cities of refuge. Like a wise parent, God began very early to teach His children about giving.

The first allotments were given to the descendants of the three sons of Levi: Kohath (verse 4), Gershon (verse 6), and Merari (verse 7), with 48 cities being awarded in all – just as God had commanded through Moses. What follows verse 8 is a beginning of a detailed listing of who got what land and which tribes were to surrender it. The descendants of Aaron were given the city of Hebron, which was to become one of the cities of refuge discussed earlier.

Joshua is a book about God giving to His obedient people and then asking those obedient people to be willing to give back to Him. Giving is one of the most basic steps taken in one’s own Kingdom Progress.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Become the child of God that can be entrusted with material possessions. Give a portion of all that God gives you back to Him and His purposes. Experience the joy that comes with sharing God’s blessings with others.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 21:19-33 Location, Location, Location!

As the distribution of the remaining priestly cities continued, some things may have been becoming evident to both those giving and receiving these inheritances. First, the priests themselves were to house some of the cities of refuge, with six of the 48 cities they received being designated as such. Second, we see that the priestly cities were located within the Southern Kingdom of Judah which would be near to where the temple would be built in Jerusalem. Not only does our wise Father teach His children how to give back a portion of all that He gives them, He also teaches them that He will take every precaution to make their personal service to Him as simple as possible!

Ten more cities were awarded to the non-priestly branches of Kohath’s descendants (verses 20–26) and one of them, Shechem, was to become a city of refuge. Thirteen more cities were given to the Gershonites. Two of these cities (Golan and Kedesh) were designated as cities of refuge.

So, God kept asking for a portion of what He had given the tribes to be returned to Him for use by the Levites. And then He kept asking the Levites to return a portion of what they received to Him for protective environments for parties fleeing from the avengers of blood.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Be patient and you will see that God has not led us down a path that does not bring rich blessings to all who choose it. Praise God for the eternal wealth that He gives you and let go of your grip on the things of this world. Live like a “Saint” and not like an “Ain’t” today!

Eve Evening Scripture: Joshua 21:34-45 A Concluding Statement

The final distribution of cities was made to the descendants of Merari, the third son of Levi. Verse 42 reveals that each of these cities was surrounded by pasturelands. So, even though there was a distinction in the services of the descendants of these three sons of Levi, there was no distinction in their rewards. Each tribe served as they were directed by God and God directed His rewards or blessings to each tribe. Having now made provision for all of the tribes, God closes this important phase in the lives of His people with an important concluding statement. God stated that He had given the land to them, as promised, and that He “handed” all of their enemies over to them. Along with the land, God gave them “rest” on every side. Not one of their enemies withstood them. And, best of all, not one of all of His promises failed. Every one of them was fulfilled. Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Count the many promises that God has made and kept in your own life. You may run out of evening before you can finish this task! Praise God for His faithfulness! Get specific with God tonight and let Him know how much His blessings really mean to you!


Morning Scripture: Joshua 22:1-9 Some High Praise!

You will recall that the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and one-half of the tribe of Manasseh had requested that they be allowed to settle in the land on the other side of the Jordan River. This allowance was made providing that these tribes would provide soldiers to participate in the conquering of the lands after the river was crossed. Having fought now for seven years, these men are finally being sent home to their families, and the men who remained with the families, to establish homes and help provide security. Joshua gave them an “Honorable Discharge” from service and sent them home with his blessings. They returned home with “great wealth” as a result of having received their shares of the spoils of Canaan. These spoils were to be divided with the men that had stayed home with the families.

However, the greatest blessing was found in the high praise given to them for their unfailing commitment to the commands of God! Joshua provided some final instructions to them before they parted. They were admonished to: 1) be very careful to keep the commandments and law, 2) to love the LORD their God, 3) to walk in all His ways, 4) to hold fast to Him, and 5) to serve Him with all their heart and soul.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Live today like your next step may be the one that takes you into the presence of God! Serve Him fully. Pay careful attention to His commands and walk in His ways. Be the best soldier that you can possibly be for Him today! Ask Him to guide your steps!

Evening Scripture: Joshua 22:10-23 A Symbolic Act

You can only imagine the excitement of these eastern tribes as they are dismissed from their service and allowed to return to their homes and families. Before they crossed the Jordan River, they built an altar there on the west side to remind their brothers that what they had done for the past seven years was considered, to them, an act of worship. But, as is often the case, the act was misunderstood by the tribes who settled in Canaan. They thought that the new altar built by these homebound soldiers was a statement against the tabernacle and the altar at Shiloh. Some heated words and hasty conclusions led one part of God’s family to be ready to go to war against the other. Prior to all out war, a delegation was sent to discuss the matter with the offenders. Phinehas, a man noted for his righteous zeal for God (Numbers 25:6–18) was chosen to lead this group. When they reached their offending brothers, they laid their charges before them and reminded them of the sad results of Achan’s disobedience and how the entire nation had suffered afterwards.

Instead of becoming angry with their accusers, the leaders of the eastern tribes affirmed their faith and loyalty to the one, true God and explained their intentions with the altar. They twice swore by the three names of God that their actions were not intended to be rebellious or offensive.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Understand that only God can see the intentions of your heart. Be patient and forgiving when accusations come your way. Be willing to allow God to be the deciding factor in all of your dealings with your brothers and sisters in Christ.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 22:24-34 An Explanation

Having been charged with attempting to replace the altar of God at Shiloh with one of their own making at Jordan, the men of Reuben, Gad and one-half of Manasseh responded strongly against the allegations and swore their allegiance to God and His people. They explained that their altar was not built for sacrifices or burnt offerings, but that it was built to serve as a memorial to the fact that they had fought with their brothers and that they considered their tribes and families to be very much a part of the people of Israel. It was built on the west side of the river so that all would be reminded of the eastern tribes’ part in the conquest of the land. Phinehas and his delegation were satisfied with this response and returned to the remaining tribes to inform them of this good news. This news brought forth joy and praise and resulted in this newly built altar being given a name that meant “A Witness between us that the LORD is God!”

There is always cause for rejoicing when God’s people work out their differences of opinion by taking the time to discuss the issues that seem to be causing the division. Division seldom solves itself or “works itself out.” Congregations that enjoy peace, harmony, and unity usually do so because they have made intentional and continual efforts to keep peace within the community. Satan would like nothing more than to turn our victories into conflict and to see us war against our own family of faith.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Endeavor to live in peace and harmony with your fellow saints. Forgive whenever possible and seek forgiveness whenever appropriate. Seek to heal any conflicts by prayerful discussion. Refuse to keep conflict alive by being willing to forgive.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 23:1-8 A Sad Farewell

We have no idea just how long the “long time” mentioned in verse 1 was, but it is estimated that it was somewhere between 10 to 20 years after Israel’s conquest of Canaan and the final distribution of the land that Joshua called for a meeting of the leaders of the people. Joshua was now an older man of about 110. He delivered a farewell speech that reminded them of all that the LORD had done for them and of the work that remained to be done. There was still some land yet to be possessed. He also reminded them of their responsibility to be strong and to pay careful attention to obey all that was written in the Book of the Law of Moses. They were not to turn aside for any reason. They were not to form close associations with the peoples of Canaan and they were to take special care that they did not begin to worship the false gods of the land. They were to hold fast to the LORD.

In the next verses, we will begin saying our own “goodbyes” to Joshua. His life was a blessing to all those who followed God with Him. He has also been a blessing to us and his story will continue to bless us for generations to come.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Think of some of the people who have been a blessing to your life. Thank God for them and then, if possible, take the time to thank them personally for what they have meant to you. Remind yourself that the battle is never really over until we join Joshua and all of the saints in heaven.


Morning Scripture: Joshua 23:9-16 One More Thing...

As Joshua begins to close his farewell speech, he reminds his people of one more thing that they need to be very careful to do. He said, “Be very careful to love the LORD your God.” You might think that Christians should not need to be reminded to love God, but you can rest assured that we do! If you look back at Joshua 1:7–8, you will see that Joshua is really just repeating much of what God had first led him to say to the people. He warned them of the consequences of “turning away” from God and turning to idolatry. They were to understand that victory was found in obedience and that disobedience could result in nothing but spiritual failure.

Joshua tells the people that he knows that his life will soon be over. Although his life was “failing,” he knew that none of God’s promises had ever failed him or the people. Because of this, he desired that every effort should be made to never fail the LORD or turn away from his good promises. The consequences for turning away from God were sure and severe.

These were important last words for Israel and they remain important to all who are striving for Kingdom Progress today.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Encourage someone to remain faithful to God today. Ask God to impress upon your heart the name of someone who needs to be encouraged. Share some words of hope and inspiration.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 24:1-12 The Covenant Renewed

Joshua gathered all the people together at Shechem and reminded them of their covenant with God. Through Joshua, God reviewed His past blessings on His people. They were reminded, in detail, that God had brought them from the Ur of the Chaldees, out of Egypt, and into the Promised Land. He carefully recounted many of the individual blessings that accompanied each of those notable feats.

Although we are not sure what the “hornet” mentioned in verse 12 was, many have offered some speculative answers. Some believe this to be a reference to the fear that God had instilled into the hearts of the people. These fears were previously mentioned in Joshua 2:10 & 24 as well as in Joshua 5:1. This sounds like a good explanation, but we cannot be entirely sure of the exact meaning of this phrase. However, we can be sure, just as the Israelites were, that every victory was a gift from the hand of Almighty God! It was so then and it remains so today. Were our walk not grounded in a covenant relationship with Him, we would all be without victory in every area of our lives.

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Renew your commitment to God, not just today, but on each and every day of your life. Ask Him to be the center of your every battle and you will soon see that He is the source of your every victory. Praise Him for some past victory tonight and solicit His help in some area where you are seeking victory right now. Brag on God to somebody tomorrow!


Morning Scripture: Joshua 24:13-24 The Big “I”

In our opening verse, God employs the personal pronoun, “I,” and reminds His people of how little they would have without the aid of His divine hand. Take a moment and look back at the first 13 verses of Joshua 24 and see how many times God uses the pronoun “I” as He recounts the many deeds done for His cherished people. In these verses you will find “I” used in reference to God 18 times in the NIV and 17 times in the KJV! God is certainly driving home a point now, and I am certain that Israel is listening.

As with all covenants, there were to be some stipulations. Israel was to fear the LORD and to serve Him. Israel was to avoid creating alliances with the people of Canaan or their gods. One might wonder why these people needed now to be told to “throw away” any gods that had been associated with their former lives in Egypt, but God seemed to know of good reason for doing so. God used Joshua to bring His people to a place of decision on this day. Joshua’s own personal decision had been made previously. He boldly stated, “As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD!” The people pledged their allegiance, as well.

Morning Prayer Emphasis:

 Memorize Joshua 24:15 today, or at least the last part of it. Write it on a sheet of paper and keep it in your pocket. Look at it several times during the day and accompany each look with a prayer to God that you will be the kind of person that is fully committed to Kingdom Progress.

Evening Scripture: Joshua 24:25-33 Nothing More to Say

Sometimes there is simply nothing more to say about a matter! Joshua renewed the covenant, in writing, and recorded it in the Book of the Law of God. He then took a large stone and set it under an oak tree near the holy place of the LORD. This final memorial became Joshua’s last act as the leader of God’s people. This stone was to be a witness of all that the LORD had said to His people and to the responses that they had made to Him. Joshua then sent the people away to continue on with their own personal Kingdom Progress while he prepared to make his final walk with God on earth. He died at the age of 110. God closes the chapter on this good man’s ministry by saying, “Israel served the LORD throughout the lifetime of Joshua and of the elders who outlived him and who had experienced everything the LORD had done for Israel.”

Upon his death, he was buried in the land of his inheritance! The very flesh and bones of the man who had given his all to God was now made one with the land that he had loved and fought so hard to attain for himself and God’s people. Joshua was now absent from that body and present with the LORD! I think that I just heard someone say, “Well done!”

Evening Prayer Emphasis:

 Be a doer of God’s Word! Realize that life is passing by quickly and take some immediate actions to ensure that your life is well spent before death or the rapture brings your own final chapter. Thank God for people like Joshua and the legacy that they left for us. Commit yourself to the task of creating a legacy for all that follow you.

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