Maxson Vita Revision 7/98 Vita

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Maxson Vita Revision 7/98 Vita

April 2014

Cheryl Lee Maxson Department of Criminology, Law and Society 2309 Social Ecology II University of California, Irvine Irvine, California 92697-7080 (949) 824-5150 [email protected]


PhD. 1983 (Sociology) University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California M.A. 1978 (Sociology) University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California B.A. 1974 (Sociology) Occidental College, Los Angeles, California


2012—Visiting Scholar, International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Onati, Spain

2011—Affiliated Faculty, Masters of Public Policy, University of California, Irvine

2008—Visiting Scholar, Institute of Criminology, University of Tuebingen, Germany

2003 – Associate Professor, Department of Criminology, Law and Society, University of California, Irvine.

2000 - Assistant Professor, Department of Criminology, Law and Society, University of California, Irvine.

1994 Research Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Southern California. Appointed Research Assistant Professor in 1983.

1993 - Director, Center for Research on Crime and Social Control, Social Science Research Institute, University of Southern California. Research Associate since 1983.

Main Research Interests

Crime and Delinquency: Youth Violence, Juvenile Justice System, Community-based Responses to Crime, and Policing Street Gangs Program Evaluation

Awards and Honors

Paul Tappan Award, Western Society of Criminology, 2009 Elected Vice-President, American Society of Criminology, 2009-2011 Faculty Fellow, University of California Washington Center, Fall 2004 Fellow, Western Society of Criminology, 2003 Elected Executive Counselor, American Society of Criminology, 1999-2002 Joseph Lohman Award, Western Society of Criminology, 1999 Elected President, Western Society of Criminology, 1997 Fellow, Southern California Studies Center, University of Southern California, 1996

Membership in Professional Organizations

American Society of Criminology European Society of Criminology European Gang Research Program Network Homicide Research Working Group Western Society of Criminology April 2014


A. Books

C. Maxson, A. Egley, J. Miller and M. Klein (Eds.). The Modern Gang Reader, Fourth Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.

F.A. Esbensen and C. Maxson. Youth Gangs in International Perspective: Results from the Eurogang Program of Research. New York: Springer, 2012.

M. Klein and C. Maxson. Street Gang Patterns and Policies. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. Reprinted excerpts in C. Maxson, A. Egley, J. Miller and M. Klein (Eds.). The Modern Gang Reader, Fourth Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.

Egley, A., C. Maxson, J. Miller and M. Klein (Eds.). The Modern Gang Reader, Third Edition. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Company, 2005.

M. Klein, H. J. Kerner, C. Maxson and E. Weitekamp (Eds.). The Eurogang Paradox: Street Gangs and Youth Groups in the U.S. and Europe. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.

J. Miller, C. Maxson and M. Klein (Eds.). The Modern Gang Reader, Second Edition. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Company, 2001.

C. Maxson and M. Klein. Responding to Troubled Youth. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

M. Klein, C. Maxson and J. Miller (Eds.). The Modern Gang Reader, First Edition. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Company, 1995.

B. Journal Articles, Book Chapters and Government Publications

S. Haymoz, C. Maxson & M. Killias, “Street Gang Participation in Europe: A Comparison of Correlates.” European Journal of Criminology. DOI: 10.1177/1477370813511385, forthcoming.

J. Sumner, L. Sexton, V. Jenness & C. Maxson, “The (Pink) Elephant in the Room: The Structure and Experience of Race and Violence in the Lives of Transgender Prisoners in California.” In S. Jackson (ed.) The International Handbook of Race, Class and Gender. London: Routledge, forthcoming.

C. Maxson, “Don’t Shoot the Messenger: The Utility of Gang Risk Research in Program Targeting and Content.” Policy essay in Criminology & Public Policy, DOI:10.1111/1745-9133.12052, forthcoming.

C. Maxson, “Bringing Gangs and Girls Back In.” In F.T. Cullen, P.Wilcox, R. J. Sampson and B. D. Dooley (eds.), Challenging Criminological Theory: The Legacy of Ruth Kornhauser. Advances in Criminological Theory, vol. 19. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publications, forthcoming.

K. Hennigan, C. Maxson, D. Sloane, K. Kolnick and F. Vindel, “Identifying High-Risk Youth for Secondary Gang Prevention.” Journal of Crime and Justice, DOI:10.1080/0735648X.2013.831208, 2013.

F.A. Esbensen and C. Maxson, “The Eurogang Program of Research.” The Criminologist, 38(3):31-33, 2013.

C.Maxson, “The Paradox Revisited: Recent Research on Street Gangs in Europe.” In F. Leinfelt and A. Rostami (eds.), The Stockholm Gang Model. Stockholm: Elanders Sverige AB, Stockholm County Police, 2012.

C. Maxson, “Betwixt and Between Street and Prison Gangs: Defining Gangs and Structures in Youth Correctional Facilities.” In F.A. Esbensen and C. Maxson (eds.), Youth Gangs in International Perspective: Results from the Eurogang Program of Research. New York: Springer, 2012. April 2014 C. Maxson and F.A. Esbensen, “The Intersection of Gang Definition and Group Process.” In F.A. Esbensen and C. Maxson (eds.), Youth Gangs in International Perspective: Results from the Eurogang Program of Research. New York: Springer, 2012.

F.A. Esbensen and C. Maxson, “The Eurogang Program of Research and Multimethod Comparative Gang Research.” In F.A. Esbensen and C. Maxson (eds.), Youth Gangs in International Perspective: Results from the Eurogang Program of Research. New York: Springer, 2012.

K. Hennigan and C. Maxson, “New Directions for Street Gang Prevention for Youth: The Los Angeles Experience.” In J. Sides (ed.), Post-Ghetto: Reimagining South Los Angeles. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2012.

C. Maxson and K. Matsuda, “Gang Delinquency.” In B. Feld and D. Bishop (eds.), The Handbook of Juvenile Crime and Juvenile Justice. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.

C. Maxson, “Street Gangs.” In J.Q. Wilson and J. Petersilia (eds.), Crime: Public Policies for Crime Control. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.

C. Maxson, K. Matsuda and K. Hennigan, “’Deterrability’ Among Gang and Nongang Juvenile Offenders: Are Gang Members More (or Less) Deterrable Than Other Juvenile Offenders?” Crime and Delinquency, vol. 57, #4: 516-543, 2011. OnlineFirst published on 8/20/09 as doi:10.1177/0011128709343137.

V. Jenness, C. Maxson, J. Sumner, and K. Matsuda, “Accomplishing the Difficult but Not Impossible: Collecting Self- Report Data on Inmate-on-Inmate Sexual Assault in Prison.” Criminal Justice Policy Review. OnlineFirst published on 7/22/09 as doi:10.1177/0887403409341451.

V. Jenness, C. Maxson, K. Matsuda and J. Sumner, “Violence in California Correctional Facilities: An Empirical Examination of Sexual Assault.” The Bulletin of the Center for Evidence-Based Corrections, vol. 2, #2 (June), 2007.

S. Walker, C. Maxson and M. Newcomb, “Parenting as a Moderator of Minority, Adolescent Victimization and Violent Behavior in High-Risk Neighborhoods.” Violence and Victims, vol. 22, #3: 304-317, 2007.

C. Maxson, K. Hennigan and D. Sloane, “‘It’s Getting Crazy Out There’: Can a Civil Gang Injunction Change a Community?” Criminology and Public Policy, vol. 4 , #3:577-605, 2005.

Reprinted in C. Maxson, A. Egley, J. Miller and M. Klein (Eds.). The Modern Gang Reader, Fourth Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.

C. Maxson, “Civil Gang Injunctions: The Ambiguous Case of the National Migration of a Gang Enforcement Strategy.” In F. Esbensen, L. Gaines & S. Tibbetts (eds.), American Youth Gangs at the Millennium, Waveland Press, 2004.

C. Maxson, K. Hennigan and D. Sloane, “For the Sake of the Neighborhood?: Civil Gang Injunctions as a Gang Intervention Tool in Southern California.” In S. Decker (ed.), Policing Youth Gangs and Violence. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2003.

Reprinted in A. Egley, C. Maxson, J. Miller and M. Klein (eds.), The Modern Gang Reader, Third Edition. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Company, 2005.

C. Maxson, K. Hennigan and D. Sloane, “Factors that Influence Public Opinion of the Police.” NIJ Research for Practice. NCJRS (NCJ 197925). Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, 2003.

C. Maxson, K. Hennigan and D. Sloane, “Getting Residents’ Feedback and Participation” NIJ Journal, no. 249, 2003. Summary and notice of videotape available from NCJRS (NCJ 193404) NIJ Research in Progress Seminar: “Defending the Community: Results of a Citizen Survey on Co-Production and Community Policing.” 2003.

K. Hennigan, C. Maxson, David Sloane and M. Ranney, “Community Views on Crime and Policing: Survey Mode Effects on Bias in Community Surveys.” Justice Quarterly, vol. 19, #3 (Sept), 2002.

C.L.Maxson, G. D. Curry and J.C. Howell, “Youth Gang Homicides in the U.S. in the 1990’s.” In W. Reed and S. Decker (eds.), Responding to Gangs: Evaluation and Research. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, 2002. April 2014

C.L. Maxson and M. Whitlock, “Joining the Gang: Gender Differences in Risk Factors for Gang Membership.” In C. R. Huff (ed.), Gangs in America, 3rd edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2002.

G.D. Curry, J.C. Howell and C. Maxson, “Youth Gang Homicides in the 1990s.” OJJDP Fact Sheet. NCJ#186816. Washington, D.C.: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice, 2001.

C.L.Maxson and M. Klein, “’Play Groups’ No Longer: Urban Street Gangs in the Los Angeles Region.” In Michael J. Dear (ed.), From Chicago to L.A.: Making Sense of Urban Theory. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 2002.

C.L.Maxson, “A Proposal for Multi-Site Study of European Gangs and Youth Groups.” In M. Klein, H. J. Kerner, C. Maxson and E. Weitekamp (eds.), The Eurogang Paradox: Street Gangs and Youth Groups in the U.S. and Europe. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.

E. Cornwell, H. Belzberg, K. Hennigan, C. Maxson, G. Montoya, A.Rosenbluth, T. Berne, and D. Demetriades, “Emergency Medical Service (EMS) VS. Non-EMS Transport of Critically Injured Patients: A Prospective Evaluation.” Archives of Surgery, vol. 135 (Mar), 2000.

K. Hennigan, C. Maxson, E. Cornwell and H. Belzberg, “Emergency Medical Services in Los Angeles County.” In Michael Dear and Heidi Sommer (eds.), The Health Atlas of Southern California. Los Angeles:Southern California Studies Center, University of Southern California, 1999.

C. Maxson. “Gang Members on the Move.” OJJDP Juvenile Justice Bulletin. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Department of Justice, 1998.

. Reprinted in C. Maxson, A. Egley, J. Miller and M. Klein (Eds.). The Modern Gang Reader, Fourth Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.

Reprinted in A. Egley, C. Maxson, J. Miller and M. Klein (eds.), The Modern Gang Reader, Third Edition. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Company, 2005.

Reprinted in J. Miller, C. Maxson and M. Klein (eds.), The Modern Gang Reader, Second Edition. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Company, 2001.

C. Maxson. "Gang Homicide: A Review and Extension of the Literature." In M. Dwayne Smith and Margaret A. Zahn (eds.), Homicide Studies: A Sourcebook of Social Research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1998.

Reprinted in F. Esbensen, L. Gaines & S. Tibbetts (eds.), American Youth Gangs at the Millennium, Waveland Press, 2004.

Also printed as "Gang Homicide." In M. Dwayne Smith and Margaret A. Zahn (eds.), Studying and Preventing Homicide: Issues and Challenges. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1998.

C. Maxson, M. Whitlock and M. Klein. "Vulnerability to Street Gang Membership: Implications for Prevention." Social Service Review, vol. 72, #1 (March), 1998.

C. Maxson. "Crime and Violence in Southern California." In Michael J. Dear (ed.), Atlas of Southern California. Los Angeles: Southern California Studies Center, University of Southern California, 1996.

C. Maxson and M. Klein. "Defining Gang Homicide: An Updated Look at Member and Motive Approaches." In C. Ronald Huff (ed.), Gangs in America, 2nd edition. Newbury Park, CA; Sage Publications, 1996.

Reprinted in A. Egley, C. Maxson, J. Miller and M. Klein (eds.), The Modern Gang Reader, Third Edition. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Company, 2005.

Reprinted in J. Miller, C. Maxson and M. Klein (eds.), The Modern Gang Reader, Second Edition. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Company, 2001.

C. Maxson. "Overview of Gang Migration in the U.S.," What to Do About Crime: Proceedings of the 1995 Conference on Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation. Washington, D.C.: Department of Justice, 1996. April 2014 C. Maxson, K. Woods and M. Klein. "Street Gang Migration: How Big a Threat?" NIJ Journal, #230, 1996.

Reprinted in J. Schneider and N. Tilley (eds.), Gangs: International Library of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Penology, Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2004.

Reprinted in Lusk Review: Journal of Real Estate Development and Urban Transformation, vol. 4, #1, 1998.

C. Maxson and M. Klein. "Investigating Gang Structures." Journal of Gang Research, vol. 3, #1, 1995.

C. Maxson. "Street Gangs and Drug Sales in Two Suburban Cities." Research in Brief. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, 1995.

Reprinted in M. Klein, C. Maxson and J. Miller, The Modern Gang Reader. Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing Company, 1995.

C. Maxson. "So What Do Homicide Researchers Talk About Anyway?" In B. Block and R. Block (eds.), Proceedings of the 1993 Homicide Research Working Group Annual Conference. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice, 1994.

M. Klein and C. Maxson. "Gangs and Cocaine Trafficking." In D. MacKenzie and C. Uchida (eds.), Drugs and the Criminal Justice System. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1994.

C. Maxson. "Collecting Data from Investigation Files: Descriptions of Three Los Angeles Gang Homicide Projects." In B. Block and R. Block (eds.), Questions and Answers in Lethal and Non-Lethal Violence. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice, 1993.

C. Maxson. "Investigating Gang Migration: Contextual Issues for Intervention," The Gang Journal, vol.1, #2, 1993.

M. Klein, C. Maxson and L. Cunningham. "`Crack,' Street Gangs, and Violence." Criminology, vol. 29, #4, 1991.

Reprinted in J. Schneider and N. Tilley (eds.), Gangs: International Library of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Penology, Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2004.

Reprinted in Mike Maguire (ed.), Street Crime: International Library of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Penology. Hampshire, United Kingdom: Dartmouth Publishing Company, 1996.

Reprinted in G. Larry Mays (ed.), Gangs and Gang Behavior, Nelson-Hall Publishing Company, 1996.

C. Maxson and M. Klein. "Street Gang Violence: Twice as Great, or Half as Great?" In C. Ron Huff (ed.), Gangs in America: Diffusion, Diversity, and Public Policy. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1990.

M. Klein and C. Maxson. "Street Gang Violence." In M. Wolfgang and N. Weiner (eds.), Violent Crime, Violent Criminals. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1989.

C. Maxson, M. Little and M. Klein. "Police Response to Runaway and Missing Children: A Conceptual Framework for Research and Policy." Crime and Delinquency, vol. 34 (Jan.), 1988.

M. Klein, M. Gordon and C. Maxson. "The Impact of Police Investigations on PoliceReported Characteristics of Gang and Nongang Homicides." Criminology, vol. 24, #3, 1986.

C. Maxson, M. Gordon and M. Klein. "Differences Between Gang and Nongang Homicides." Criminology, vol. 23, #2, 1985.

Reprinted in G. Larry Mays (ed.), Gangs and Gang Behavior, Nelson-Hall Publishing Company, 1996.

M. Klein and C. Maxson. "Rock' Sales in South Los Angeles." Sociology and Social Research, vol. 69, #4, 1985.

M. Klein and C. Maxson. "Gangs: Why We Couldn't Stay Away." In J. Kluegel (ed.), Evaluating Juvenile Justice. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1983.

C. Maxson. "The Prediction and Production of Corrective Legislation: An Organizational Conflict Analysis of April 2014 Legislative Modifications." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Southern California, 1983.

C. Published Reviews of Work and Book Reviews

Howell, James C. “Review of Youth Gangs in International Perspective: Results from the Eurogang Program of Research by Finn-Aage Esbensen and Cheryl Maxson.” Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books, Rutgers University, html

Carlie, M.K., “Review of Street Gang Patterns and Policies by Malcolm Klein and Cheryl Maxson.” Canadian Criminal Justice Association. Online. Available at, n.d.

Rios, V, “Review of Street Gang Patterns and Policies by Malcolm Klein and Cheryl Maxson.” Contemporary Sociology 38(4), 324-5, 2009.

Lauger, T., “Review of Street Gang Patterns and Policies by Malcolm Klein and Cheryl Maxson.” Criminal Justice Review 33, 578, 2008.

C. Maxson. Review of Kolin Chin's "Chinatown Gangs." The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, September, 1997.

C. Maxson. Review of William Sanders' "Gangbangs and Drivebys," Sociological Inquiry, vol. 65, #2, 1994.

Invited Lectures and Conference Papers (Sole or primary presenter unless indicated)

“Parenting Characteristics Conducive to Substance Use and Deviant Peer Involvement in High Risk Neighborhoods” (with Ryan as primary & Brennan), SRA Biennial Meeting, Austin, March, 2014. “Examining Gang Structures: Applying Maxson and Klein’s Typology to Institutional Gangs,” American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, November 2013. “Does the ‘G-word’ Matter in Identifying European Gang Members?” (with Haymoz), Eurogang XIII, Canterbury, England, June 2013. “The Intersection of Gang and Adult Court Labels in Youth Correctional Facilities” (with Reid and Haerle as primaries), Eurogang XIII, Canterbury, England, June 2013. “Beyond Gang Motives: Violence as a Function of Gang Organization in Youth Correctional Facilities” (with Scott), American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November 2012. “Risk Factors Associated with Street Gang Participation in Europe” (with Haymoz & Killias), European Society of Criminology, Bilbao, Spain, September 2012. “The Paradox Revisited: Recent Research on Street Gangs in Europe,” keynote, Stockholm Gang Intervention and Prevention Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, March, 2012. “He Said, She Said: Youth vs. Official Perspectives of Gang Organization” (with Scott), Western Society of Criminology, New- port Beach, February, 2012. “The Contours of Violence in Youth Correctional Facilities” (with Grebenkemper, Kang-Brown, Reid & Scott), American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC, November, 2011. “It’s Complicated: Institutional and Street Gangs within DJJ” (with Scott as primary, Bradstreet, Omori, Reid), American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC, November, 2011. “Who Receives What They Need? Service Delivery in DJJ” (with Bradstreet as primary, Grebenkemper, Haerle), American Soci- ety of Criminology, Washington, DC, November, 2011. “Gang Practices in Youth Correctional Facilities” (with Haerle as primary), Eurogang XII, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2011. “The Eurogang Program of Research: Bringing Research to Policy and Practice” (with Esbensen). The Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2011. “What a (Developmental) Challenge!: Studying Gang Violence in Youth Correctional Facilities,” Developmental Psychology Speaker Series, UC Riverside, April, 2011. “Responding to Street Gangs: Using Evidence to Build Effective Policy,” Long Beach Gang Reduction, Intervention and Preven- tion (GRIP) Retreat, Long Beach, December 2010. “Using Research to Inform Gang Intervention in Correctional Settings,” American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, No- vember 2010. “Violence and Disrespect in California Prisons” (with Sumner as primary, Matsuda, & Jenness), American Society of Criminolo- gy, San Francisco, November 2010. “The Eurogang Research Program + Gang Prevalence and Migration,” keynote, Conference on European Gang Development, Stockholm, Sweden, March 2010. April 2014 “Consider the Community Relations Implications of Civil Gang Injunctions,” Orange County Human Relations Commission, Feb- ruary 2010. “American Gang Suppression Efforts,” keynote, Conference on European Gang Development, Stockholm, Sweden, March 2010. “Gangs on the ‘Inside’: The Contours of Gang Membership and Violence in Prison” (with Matsuda and Jenness), American Soci- ety of Criminology, November 2009. “Responding to Street Gangs:Using Evidence to Build Effective Policy,” Claremont Colleges Athenaeum Lecture, Claremont, No- vember 2009. “Broad vs. Narrow Views of Risk: Implications for Achieving Gang Reduction” (with Hennigan as primary). European Society of Criminology, Lubjuana, Slovenia, September, 2009. “Confronting Myths About Street Gangs.” California Public Defenders Association Conference on Defending Gang Cases, Berke- ley, July, 2009. “Similar But Unique: The Peculiar Case of the Mara Salvatrucha.” Youth Violence Prevention Conference, University of Mis- souri, St. Louis, April, 2009. “In Pursuit of Transnational Gangs: The Special Case of Mara Salvatrucha.” Keynote Address. Western Society of Criminology, San Diego, February, 2009. “Street Gangs in the US and Europe,” Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium, November 2008. “Considering the Eurogang Research Paradigm: The Study of ‘Transnational’ Gang, American Society of Criminology, St. Louis, November 2008. “Responses to Street Gangs in the European Context,” European Society of Criminology, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 2009. “Juvenile Gangs and Violence: Multiple Influences on Risk,” Summer Institute on Youth Violence Prevention, UCR/UCB Aca- demic Centers of Excellence in Youth Violence Prevention, San Diego, August, 2008. “Street Gang Patterns to Policy: Using Research to Inform Practice” (with Klein). National Youth Gang Symposium, Atlanta, June, 2008. “California Prison Violence Research: From Representative Samples to Populations of Interest” (with Jenness as primary). Depart- ment of Criminology Faculty Research Colloquium, University of California, Irvine, June, 2008. “The Eurogang Research Paradigm: Research Design,” “The Eurogang Expert Survey Development,” and “Fostering Multi-site Instrument Adoption,” Eurogang Workshop for Young Scholars, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, May, 2008. “Tips from the Professor,” Higher Education Mentoring Program, Orange County Bar Foundation, Santa Ana, March, 2008 “The Mara Salvatrucha Gang in Three Locations: From Patterns to Policies.” Las maras: Street Gangs and Security in Central America and the United States, Center for Latin American and Iberian Studies, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, March, 2008. “Reflections on Research on Youth and Transnational Policing,” Critical Legalities Symposium, Center in Law, Society and Cul- ture, University of California, Irvine, February, 2008. “Violence Among Inmates in California Prisons” (with Sumner and Matsuda as primary, and Jenness). American Society of Crim- inology, Atlanta, November, 2007. “Authors Meet Critics: Street Gang Patterns and Policies by Malcolm Klein and Cheryl Maxson” (with Klein). American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, November, 2007. “Inmate-on-Inmate Violence in California Prisons” (with Matsuda as primary, Sumner, and Jenness). Association of Criminal Jus- tice Researchers of California, Long Beach, October, 2007. “Violence in California Correctional Facilities: An Empirical Examination of Sexual Assault” (with Jenness as primary, Sumner, Matsuda).Research presentations to practitioner/policy groups: The Prison Rape Elimination Act Commission, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Sacramento, April, 2007. The Warden’s Meeting, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Folsom, April, 2007. The Secretary and the Secretary’s Executive Staff, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Sacramento, April, 2007. Stop Prisoner Rape. Los Angeles, April, 2007.

“Violence in California Correctional Facilities: A Research Note on Collection Self-Report Data from Inmates” (with Jenness as primary, Sumner, Matsuda). American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, November, 2006. “What We Know About Gangs: Research and Policy.” California Department of Education Task Force on Gangs and Youth Vio- lence, Sacramento, May, 2006. “Violence in California Correctional Facilities: A Consideration of Research Issues” (with Jenness as primary, Matsuda, Sumner). California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Warden’s Meeting, Cambria, March, 2006. “The Expectations of a College Professor.” Higher Education Mentoring Program, Orange County Bar Foundation, Santa Ana, February, 2006. “Research on Girls in Gangs: Implications for Gender-specific Programming.” San Jose Mayor’s Gang Task Force: Behind the Mask Workshop, San Jose, August, 2005. “Juvenile Gangs and Violence: Multiple Influences on Risk and Gangs in a Global Perspective.” Summer Institute on Youth Vio- lence Prevention, UCR Academic Center of Excellence in Youth Violence Prevention, San Diego, August, 2005. April 2014 “The Differential Operation of Perceptual Deterrence in Gang and Nongang Juvenile Offenders” (with Matsuda as primary, Henni- gan). Western Society of Criminology, Honolulu, February, 2005. “Intensive Supervision of First-time Probationers in an After School Program: Self Reported Outcomes in an Experimental Evalu- ation a Year After Program Completion” (with Hennigan as primary; Zhang). American Society of Criminology, Nash- ville, November, 2004. “The Effects of Civil Gang Injunctions on Neighborhood Residents.” NIJ Research and Evaluation Conference, Washington, DC, July, 2004. “Civil Gang Injunctions and Crime Reduction: Community Perspectives on the Effects of Gang Enforcement on Neighborhood Characteristics” (with Hennigan). Societies of Criminology 1st Key Issues Conference, Paris, May, 2004. “Experimental Evaluation: Intensive Supervision of First-Time Probationers” (with Hennigan as primary). Societies of Criminolo- gy 1st Key Issues Conference, Paris, May, 2004. “Methodological Issues Associated with Conducting Comparative Research: The Eurogang Experience” (with Esbensen). Western Society of Criminology, Long Beach, February, 2004. “Community Perspectives on Neighborhood Impacts of a Civil Gang Injuntion” (with Hennigan & Sloane). American Society of Criminology, Denver, November, 2003. “Intensive Supervision of First-Time Probationers: Lessons from an Experimental Outcome Evaluation” (with Hennigan as prima- ry). American Society of Criminology, Denver, November, 2003. “Critique of Gangs and Delinquency in Developmental Perspective.” Author-Meets-Critics. American Society of Criminology, Denver, November, 2003 “Civil Gang Injunctions: A Civil/Civic Approach to Gang Intervention?” Youth Violence Prevention Conference, University of Missouri-St. Louis, April, 2003. “Preventing Youth Violence.” Law Enforcement Education Partnership (LEEP), San Bernardino, January, 2003. “School-Based Protection of Youth At-Risk for Joining Gangs” (with Whitlock as primary). American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November, 2002. “Assessing an Experimental Intervention Through Experimental Design” (with Hennigan as primary & Zhang). American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November, 2002. “Problematic Youth Groups: Gangs, Crews, Taggers and Nonjoiners Among Los Angeles Middle School Students” (with Whit- lock as primary). European Society of Criminology, Toledo (Spain), September, 2002. “Street Gangs: Causes, Correlates and Prevention Policy.” Summer Institute for Youth Violence Prevention, UCR Developing Center of Excellence on Youth Violence Prevention, August, 2002. “Defending the Community: Results of a Citizen Survey on Co-production and Community Policing” (with Hennigan and Sloane). NIJ Research in Progress Seminar, videotape distributed by NCJRS (NCJ 193404), Washington, D.C., March, 2002. “Civil Gang Injunctions as a Gang Intervention Strategy.” Western Society of Criminology, San Diego, February, 2002. Midwestern Symposium on Behavioral Disorders, Workshop on Youth Violence, January, 2002. Invited lectures: “Juvenile Justice Policy and Practice” “Gangs in the US and Elsewhere: Views from Law Enforcement and Community/School Surveys” (with F. Esbensen) “Risk and Protective Factors Related to Joining Gangs: Risk-based Prevention versus Suppression” “Gangs in the Hood: The Influence of Street Gangs on Fear of Crime” (with Hennigan and Sloane). American Society of Crimi- nology, Atlanta, November, 2001. “Risk for Delinquent Peer Group Joining: Religious Involvement as a Mediating Mechanism” (with Whitlock as primary). Ameri- can Society of Criminology, Atlanta, November, 2001. “Surveying Expert Informants about Youth Gangs in Europe.” European Society of Criminology, Lausanne, Switzerland, Sep- tember, 2001. “Religion as Protection for Joining Deviant Youth Groups” (with Whitlock as primary). American Sociological Association, Anaheim, August, 2001. “Gang Research and Public Policy: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.” California’s Attorney General’s Youth Violence Policy Council, July, 2001. “Conducting Research with High Risk, Vulnerable Populations.” National Human Subject Protections Education Workshop, Sacramento, July, 2001. “Protective Effects Among Gang-Risk Youth: Distinguishing Protection from Risk” (with Whitlock as primary). American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, November, 2000. “Gangs and Crime: Do Definitions Matter?” (with Parsons as primary & Meeker). American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, San Francisco, 2000. “The Gang/Drug/Homicide Nexus Revisited in the 1990s.” Western Society of Criminology, Hawaii, February, 2000. “Gangs as a Case Study in the Culture of Violence.” Presentation to alumni group, USC School of Social Work, April, 2000. “Lessons About Violence Prevention From Gang Research.” Inter-American Development Bank Violence Prevention Study Tour, Los Angeles, February, 2000. “Evaluation of Violence Prevention Programs.” Workshop conducted at Los Angeles County Department of Health, January, April 2014 2000. “Protection from Violence Involvement in High Risk Communities” (with Whitlock as primary and Klein). American Society of Criminology, Toronto, November, 1999. “Potential Uses of Archival Data Sources to Study Gangs in Europe." Eurogang Workshop, Oslo, Norway, September, 1999. "Community Perspectives on Crime and Policing in Los Angeles" (with Hennigan and Sloane). Los Angeles Police Commission, August, 1999. "Communicating Research Results to Decision Makers." RAND Workshop, Los Angeles, August, 1999. "An Overview of the Eurogang Research Conference." National Youth Gang Symposium, Las Vegas, July, 1999. "Comparing Adult and Adolescent Homicides in Los Angeles." NIJ Conference on Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation, Washington, D.C., July, 1999. "Conducting Community Surveys" (with Hennigan and Sloane). Workshop conducted at the NIJ Conference on Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation, Washington, D.C., July, 1999. "Community Perspectives on Crime and Policing in Los Angeles" (with Sloane and Hennigan). Los Angeles City Council, Public Safety Committee, July, 1999. "Evaluation Techniques for Community Based Organizations." Workshop conducted at Violence Prevention Conference, Los Angeles, June, 1999. "Incorporating Resiliency Research into Program Practice." Boys and Girls Clubs of America Annual Symposium on Youth Gangs and Delinquency, Los Angeles, April, 1999. "Situational Aspects of Adolescent Violence" (with Lomonaco as primary). Western Society of Criminology, Oakland, February, 1999. "Patterns of Adolescent Violence in Los Angeles." American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C., 1998. "Community Perspectives on Crime: Collective Efficacy, Disorder and Fear of Crime" (with Hennigan and Sloane). American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C., 1998. "Gang Homicide: Patterns in the U.S." (with Curry as primary and Howell). American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C., 1998. "The Anatomy of a Survey: Phone Versus Mail Mode Differences" (with Hennigan as primary and Sloane). American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C., 1998. "Community Perspectives on Community Policing in Los Angeles" (with Hennigan). National Conference on Community Policing, Washington, D.C., 1998. "A Proposed Multi-site `Ethnographic' Study of European Gangs and Youth Groups." Eurogang Workshop, Schmitten, Germany, 1998. "Law Enforcement Responses to Street Gangs in the U.S." Eurogang Workshop, Schmitten, Germany, 1998. "Gender Differences in Risk Factors for Gang Membership" (with Whitlock). American Sociological Association, San Francisco, 1998. "Adolescents and Homicide: The Nature and Circumstances of Juvenile Involved Homicide" (with Sternheimer and Lomonaco). American Society of Criminology, San Diego, 1997. "A Comparison of the Risk Factors Associated with Gang Joining, Violent Behavior, and General Delinquency" (with Whitlock and Klein). American Society of Criminology, San Diego, 1997. "Gangs, Drugs and Homicide in Los Angeles." Justice Research and Statistics Association, Miami Beach, 1997. "Restorative Justice Complicated by Victim-Offender Relationships" (with Klein). International Conference on Restorative Justice for Juveniles, Leuven, Belgium, May, 1997. "Academic and Community Partnerships: Working Together to Reduce Youth Violence" (with Brennan, Woods, Gil de Gibaja, Sternheimer & Lomonaco). Partnerships for a Peaceful Community, Violence Prevention Coalition, Los Angeles, June, 1997. "Factors Influencing Gang Joining" (with Whitlock). Western Society of Criminology, 1997. "Crime and Violence in Southern California." Southern California Studies Center's Presidential Round Table, 1996. "Preliminary Policy Implications of Resistance to Gang Membership in San Diego" (with Whitlock and Klein). California Wellness Foundation Youth Violence Prevention Conference, 1996. "Resistance to Gang Membership in Long Beach" (with Whitlock and Klein). American Society of Criminology, 1996. "Juvenile Violence in Los Angeles: An Integrated Research Design." Similar presentations to: American Society of Criminology, 1996 National Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation Conference, 1996 OJJDP Grantee Cluster Conference, 1996. "The Effect of Gang Structures on Gang Crime Patterns." Similar presentations to: Western Society of Criminology, 1996 National Youth Gang Symposium, 1996 NIJ Grantee Cluster Conference, 1996 "Results from a National Study of Gang Migration." Similar presentations to: National Youth Gang Symposium, 1996 National Conference of the Youth Gang Drug Prevention Program, 1995 National Gang Enforcement and Prevention Training Conference, 1995 April 2014 National Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation Conference, 1995 American Society of Criminology, 1995 Countywide (LA) Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee, 1995 "Gang Structures and Crime Patterns in U.S. Cities." American Society of Criminology, 1994. "Between a Rock and a Hard Spot: Protecting Human Subjects from Projected Risks." Human Subjects Workshop, USC, 1994. "Preliminary Findings from a National Assessment of Gang Migration." Similar presentations to: Western Society of Criminology, 1993 American Society of Criminology (with Klein), 1993 National Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation Conference, 1993 “Gangs and Drugs.” National Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation Conference, 1993. "Street Gangs and Drug Sales" (with Klein). American Society of Criminology, 1992. "The Impact of Gang Migration: Developing Effective Responses" (with Klein). American Society of Criminology, 1992. "Defining Gang Crime: Revisited." Western Society of Criminology, 1992. "Whose Research is It Anyway?" Human Subjects Research Workshop, USC, 1992. "Investigating Factors Related to Gang Membership Resistance." National Conference on Youth Gang Prevention: Realities and Responses, 1992. "Gangs, Drugs and Homicide: Preliminary Findings from Los Angeles." American Society of Criminology, 1991. "Status Offender Services and State Mandates" (with Gordon, Cunningham and Klein). American Society of Criminology, 1991. "Service Delivery to Status Offenders." American Society of Criminology, 1990. "Street Gang Violence: Twice as Great, or Half as Great?" American Society of Criminology, 1989. "An Investigation of Ideological Dimensions of Status Offender Legislation." Law and Society Association, 1988. "Gangs and Cocaine Sales in L.A.: A Violence Connection?" Western Society of Criminology, 1988. "Gangs in Smaller Cities" (with Klein). American Society of Criminology, 1987. "Street Gangs Selling Cocaine Rock: The Confluence of Two Social Problems" (with Klein). Society for the Study of Social Problems, 1986. "Street Gang Homicide in Los Angeles and Chicago.” Western Society of Criminology, 1986. "The Growth of Law Enforcement Specialized Gang Units: Changes in Investigative Practices and Gang Designations of Homicides" (with Gordon and Klein). American Society of Criminology, 1985. "Gangs Can Be Hazardous to Your Health: Gang and Nongang Homicide Comparisons." American Sociological Association, 1984. "Gang Violence: Being in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time." American Society of Criminology, 1984. "The Impact of Police Investigations on Police-Reported Characteristics of Gang and Nongang Homicides" (with Klein and Gordon). Association for Criminal Justice Research (California), 1984. "Police Handling of Gang Violence: Use of the Deterrence Model" (with Gordon and Klein). American Society of Criminology, 1983. "Agency vs. Agency: Disputes in the Gang Deterrence Model." American Society of Criminology, 1982. "Juvenile Justice Legislation: Issues in Predicting Future Changes." American Society of Criminology, 1980. "Characteristics of Under and Overarrested Juveniles." Pacific Sociological Association, 1980.

Technical Research Reports

“Patterns of Youth Assaults Recorded by DJJ, 2006-2011: A Supplemental Research Report from the Study, ‘Gangs and Violence in California’s Youth Correctional Facilities’ (Maxson, Haerle, Reid, Grebenkemper & Omori). Report to the Division of Juvenile Justice, California Department of Justice and Rehabilitation, August, 2012.

“Gangs and Violence in California’s Youth Correctional Facilities: A Research Foundation for Developing Effective Gang Policies” (Maxson, Bradstreet, Gascon et al). Report to the Division of Juvenile Justice, California Department of Justice and Rehabilitation, March, 2012. See also, Executive Summary (same title). Preliminary reports submitted December, 2011 and August, 2011: “Developing Gang Policies for California’s Division of Juvenile Justice”

“Five Year Outcomes in a Randomized Trial of a Community-Based Multi-Agency Intensive Supervision Juvenile Probation Program” (Hennigan, Kolnick, Tian, Maxson and Poplawski). Report to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, September, 2010.

“Eurogang Program Manual: Background, Development, and Use of the Eurogang Instruments in Multi-site, Multi-method, Comparative Research” (Weerman, Maxson, Esbensen, Aldridge, Medina and Van Gemert). Report to the Eurogang Research Programme, February 2009.

“Violence in California Correctional Facilities: An Empirical Examination of Sexual Assault” (Jenness, Maxson, Matsuda & Sumner). Report to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, April, 2007. April 2014 “Self Reported Outcomes in a Randomized Trial of a Community-based Multi-agency Intensive Supervision Juvenile Probation Program” (Hennigan, Maxson & Zhang). Report to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, May, 2005.

“Can Civil Gang Injunctions Change Communities? A Community Assessment of the Impact of Civil Gang Injunctions” (Maxson, Hennigan, Sloane & Kolnick). Report to the National Institute of Justice, April, 2004.

“School-Based Protection of Youth At-Risk for Joining Gangs” (Maxson and Whitlock). Report to U.S. Department of Education: Institute of Education Sciences, February, 2004.

“An Implementation and Outcome Evaluation of the Youth/Family Accountability Model” (Maxson, Hennigan, Zhang and YFAM Probation Administrators). Report to the California Board of Corrections, September, 2003.

“Social Processes in Adolescent Violence” (Maxson, Lomonaco and Klein). Report to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, September, 2000.

“Homicide in Los Angeles: An Analysis of the Differential Character of Adolescent and Other Homicides” (Maxson, Klein and Sternheimer). Report to the National Institute of Justice, March, 2000.

"The Community Component of Community Policing in Los Angeles" (Maxson, Hennigan, Sloane and Ranney). Report to the National Institute of Justice, 1999. Also includes Executive Summary and Summary of Findings for Participants.

"Perceptions of Crime and Policing in Los Angeles Neighborhoods: Descriptive Results from a Survey of Four LAPD Areas" (with Hennigan, Sloane and Ranney). Report to the Los Angeles Police Department, February, 1999.

"Characteristics of Adolescent Homicide in Los Angeles" (with Sternheimer and Klein). Report to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 1998.

"An Evaluation of the City of Inglewood's Youth Firearms Violence Initiative" (with T. Allen). Report to the Inglewood Police Department, 1997.

"Developing Resistance to Street Gangs and Violence: Research-based Guidelines for More Effective Programs and Policies" (with Whitlock and Klein). Report to the California Wellness Foundation, 1997. Also includes practitioner report "Kids Join Gangs Because . . ."

"Gang Joining and Resistance: Who Can `Just Say No' to Gangs" (with Whitlock and Klein). Report to the Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services, 1997.

"Gang Structures, Crime Patterns and Police Response" (with Klein). Report to the National Institute of Justice, 1996. Also includes Executive Summary and Summary of Findings for Participants.

"Street Gang Migration in the United States" (with Woods and Klein). Report to the National Institute of Justice, 1995. Also includes Executive Summary and Summary of Findings for Study Participants.

"Street Gangs and Drug Sales" (with Klein). Report to the National Institute of Justice, 1993.

"The Scope of Street Gang Migration in the U.S." (with Klein). Report to the National Institute of Justice, 1993.

"Status Offender Services and State Mandates" (with Gordon, Cunningham and Klein). Report to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 1992.

"Status Offenders in Three Contrasting Settings" (with Klein and Cunningham). Report to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 1992.

"A Special Note on Runaway Services" (with Klein and Cunningham). Report to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 1992.

"Definitional Variations Affecting Drug and Gang Homicide Issues" (with Klein and Cunningham). Report to the Harry Guggenheim Foundation and the Southern California Injury Prevention Research Center, 1992.

"Youth Services in Seven Cities: The Context of Status Offender Handling" (with Klein, Gordon, and Cunningham). Report to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 1991. April 2014

"Ideological Dimensions of Status Offender Legislation" (with Klein). Report to the National Institute of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 1988.

"Gang Involvement in Cocaine 'Rock' Trafficking" (with Klein and Cunningham). Final report to National Institute of Justice, 1988.

"Police Response to Street Gang Violence: Improving the Investigative Process" (with Klein and Gordon). Final report to National Institute of Justice, 1987.

"Evaluation in an Imported Gang Violence Deterrence Program" (with Klein and Gordon). Final report to National Institute of Justice, 1984.

"Corrective Legislation: Prediction and Process." Final report to National Institute of Juvenile Justice, 1980.

Other Professional Activities A. Service to Professional Journals and Scholarly Presses Criminologist—Editor, 2009-2011 Journal of Urban Affairs—Associate Editor, 2005-2010 Criminology—Associate Editor, 1996-2000 Sociology and Social Research—Associate Editor, 1987-1990 Justice Quarterly—Editorial Board, 2009- Violence Prevention and Policy Series, Alta Mira Press—Editorial Board, 2003-2010 European Journal of Criminology – International Advisory Board, 2002-2010 Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice: An Interdisciplinary Journal – Editorial Board, 2002-2011 Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice – Consulting Editor, 2002- Western Criminological Review—Editorial Board, 1997-2007 Homicide Studies—Editorial Board, 1996-

Ad-hoc journal manuscript review: Criminology, Law and Society Review, Social Problems, Criminology and Public Policy, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, European Journal of Criminology, Journal of Experimental Criminology, Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, Journal of Criminal Justice, Justice Quarterly, Homicide Studies, Crime and Delinquency, Western Criminological Review, Violence and Victims, Criminal Justice Review, Journal of Urban Affairs, Justice Research and Policy and Journal of Crime and Justice.

Ad-hoc book proposal and/or book manuscript review: Cambridge University Press, Center for Research on Law and Justice at University of Illinois, Oxford University Press, Sage Publications, Temple University Press, University of California Press..

B. Service to Professional Societies American Society of Criminology—Nominations Committee, 2013-14Chair, Ad hoc Committee to Evaluate ASC/BJS Collaborative, 2012-13; Vice President, 2009-2011;Vice-President Elect, 2008-09, Publications Committee, 2008-09; Program Committee, 2007-08, Fellows Committee, 2007-08; Program Committee, 2005-06; August Vollmer Award Committee, 2004-05; Chair, Ruth Cavan Young Scholars Award Committee, 2003-04; Nominations Committee, 2002-03; Program Committee, Research on Groups, 2002-03; Executive Counselor, 1999-2002; Program Committee, 2001-02; Chair, Juvenile Delinquency Division, 2000-01; Nominations Committee, 2000-01; Crime and Deviance Area Chair, 1999-2000; Gangs Division Chair, 1997-98; Awards Committee, 1996-98; panel organizer and chair.

European Gang Research Programme Group (Eurogang)—Steering Committee, 1997-2013; Facilitator, Instrument Use, 2004-2013; Facilitator, Expert Survey Working Group, 1999-2004; member, Definitions, City Level, Community/School Survey working groups, 1998-2003.

National Homicide Research Working Group—Steering Committee member and Treasurer, 1992-99; member, Planning Grant Committee, 1991-94; member, Data Sharing Committee, 1994-95; panel organizer and chair, 1995.

Violence Prevention Coalition of Greater Los Angeles—Executive Committee and Chair, Epidemiology Subcommittee, 1990-99; member, Policy and Planning Committee, 1992-4.

Western Society of Criminology—President, 1997; Vice-President, 1996; Executive Counselor, 1994-95; Chair, Awards Committee, 1994-96; panel organizer and chair, 1993, 1996, 1997. April 2014 D. Research Proposal Review Service Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC), United Kingdom Research Foundation—Flanders (Belgium) National Science Foundation Social Sciences and Humanties Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Guggenheim Foundation Jacob’s Foundation, Switzerland National Institute of Justice, US Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, US Department of Justice

University Service (excluding departmental committees)

UCI Council on Research, Computing and Libraries (CORCL), 2013-2016 UCI Washington Program Faculty Advisory Board, 2005- UCI, Department of Criminology, Law and Society, Director, Graduate Studies Program, 2003-2008 UCI Academic Senate Graduate Council, 2011-2012; 2005-2006 UCR Academic Center of Excellence on Youth Violence Prevention (formerly Southern California Developing Center of Excellence on Youth Violence Prevention), Consortium faculty fellow, 2001-2010 UCI Undergraduate Committee on Academic Honesty, Faculty representative, 2004 UCI Committee on Classroom Environment and Facilities, 2003-04 UCI Center for Community Health Research, Core faculty member of collaborative between Social Ecology, Medicine and Social Sciences, 2001- 03 USC Academic Senate/University Research Committee, appointed by Vice-Provost for Research, 1997-1999; Chair, Zumburge Research Fund Committee, 1998-99; White Paper on Intramural Faculty Research Support committee, 1999. USC Interdisciplinary Violence Research Initiative, steering committee, 1997-2000.

Research Grants

1/12—12/14 Co-Investigator, “Crime in Metropolitan America: Patterns and Trends across the Southern California Landscape” (National Institute of Justice) Principal Investigators: John Hipp and Charis Kubrin, $560,620.

9/10—12/12 Principal Investigator, “Developing Effective Gang Policies for California’s Division of Juvenile Justice” (California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation), $150,000.

9/07—12/08 Principal Investigator (Faculty Sponsor), “The Impact of Incarceration on Young Offender Recidivism” (National In- stitute of Justice Graduate Research Fellowship Dissertation Award to Fellow Kristy Matsuda), $20,000.

9/05—12/07 Principal Investigator, “The Mara Salvatrucha Gang in the US and El Salvador: A Review of Current Knowledge” (National Institute of Justice), $50,000.

1/05—3/07 Co-Principal Investigator, “Responding to the Prison Rape Elimination Act: A Study of Violence in California Correc- tional Facilities” (California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation) Principal Investigator: Valerie Jenness, $399,994.

7/00 – 12/03 Co-Principal Investigator, “Self Reported Outcomes in a Randomized Trial of a Community-Based Multiagency Pro- gram from Mid to High Risk Youth” (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention) Principal Investigator: Karen Hennigan with Sheldon Zhang, $299,829.

7/00 - 12/02 Principal Investigator, “Religion, Immigration and Joining Gangs in Los Angeles” (Pew Charitable Trusts via USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture) with Monica Whitlock, $12,000.

9/99 – 12/03 Principal Investigator, "School-based Protection of Youth At-Risk for Joining Gangs" (U.S. Department of Education) with Monica Whitlock and Priscella Wohlsteter, $853,509.

10/99 – 9/03 Principal Investigator, "Evaluation of the Youth Family Accountability Model Program" (California Board of Corrections) with Karen Hennigan, Sheldon Zhang and Lodestar Management, Inc, $1,093,654 (contract with Los Angeles County Probation Department). Contract amended 11/01 to replace Maxson with Hennigan as PI and increase to $1,905,654. April 2014 7/98 — 3/04 Principal Investigator, "An Assessment of the Community Impact of Civil Gang Injunctions" (National Institute of Justice) with Karen Hennigan and David Sloane, $398,728.

3/98 — 12/98 Co-Principal Investigator, "Youth Groups and Gangs in Europe: A Joint American/European Workshop" (National Institute of Justice) with Malcolm W. Klein, $10,000.

Co-investigator (with Klein and European colleagues) on other grants supporting this conference: Dutch Ministry of Justice ($10,000) Dutch Ministry of the Interior ($10,000) German Ministry of Justice ($3,000)

3/98 —12/99 Principal Investigator, "Exploring Youth Violence Risk and Protective Factors in Three Settings" (National Institute of Justice) with Malcolm W. Klein, $124,935.

1/97 — 6/99 Principal Investigator, "The Community Component of Community Policing in Los Angeles" (National Institute of Justice) with Karen Hennigan, and David Sloane, $371,044.

1/97 — 6/98 Principal Investigator, "Comparing Adult and Juvenile Homicides in Los Angeles" (National Institute of Justice), $50,000.

8/96 — 3/97 Principal Investigator, "Evaluation of the Youth Firearms Violence Initiative" (City of Inglewood), $32,500 (contract).

9/96 — 8/98 Collaborator, "EMS vs. Civilian Transportation of Severely Injured Patients" (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Principal Investigator: Edward E. Cornwell, III, M.D., $192,668.

3/96 — 12/96 Principal Investigator, "Crime and Violence in Southern California" (Metrotrends Project, Southern California Studies Center, University of Southern California), $5,000.

7/95 — 12/00 Principal Investigator, "Juvenile Violence in Los Angeles," (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention) with Malcolm W. Klein and Patricia Brennan, $750,000.

10/92 — 3/97 Principal Investigator, "Factors Related to Gang Membership Resistance" (Department of Health and Human Services) with Malcolm W. Klein, $300,000.

10/93 — 3/97 Principal Investigator, "Resistance to Street Gang Membership" (California Wellness Foundation) with Malcolm W. Klein, $300,000.

1/94 — 3/96 Co-Principal Investigator, "Gang Structures, Crime Patterns, and Police Responses" (National Institute of Justice) with Malcolm W. Klein, $99,975.

1/92 — 9/95 Principal Investigator, "The Impact of Gang Migration: Developing Effective Responses" (National Institute of Justice) with Malcolm W. Klein, $249,999.

1/92 — 3/95 Co-Principal Investigator, "Street Gangs and Drug Sales" (National Institute of Justice) with Malcolm W. Klein, $177,781.

4/87 — 9/92 Co-Principal Investigator, "DSO II: Assessing the Effects of the Deinstitutionalization of Status Offenders" (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention) with Malcolm W. Klein, $998,000.

10/90 — 3/92 Co-Principal Investigator, "Definitional Variations in Gang Violence" (Center for Disease Control contract with UCLA, Southern California Injury Prevention Research Center) with Malcolm W. Klein, $63,000.

1/91 — 12/91 Principal Investigator, "Gangs, Crack and Violence: Assessing Aspects of Drug Involvement in Homicide" (Guggenheim Foundation) with Malcolm W. Klein, $25,000.

12/85 — 6/88 Principal Investigator, "Gang Involvement in Cocaine 'Rock' Trafficking" (National Institute of Justice) with Malcolm W. Klein, $175,000.

9/84 — 3/87 CoPrincipal Investigator, "Police Response to Street Gang Violence" (National Institute of Justice). P.I.: Malcolm W. Klein, $121,000. April 2014

Advisement and Consultations:

University of Queensland, Institute for Social Science Research (Australia)—Member, Advisory Group, Youth Gang Violence in Developing Countries, 2013-- Univ. of MO, St. Louis—Advisor, A Multi-method, Multi-site Study of Gang Desistance, 2012— Univ. of CO, Boulder, Institute of Behavioral Sciences & later, Univ. of MD, College Park—Gang Advisory Board, Blueprints for Gang Prevention, 2009— University of Southern California—Consultant, Developing a Gang Risk Assessment Instrument and Gang Embeddedness Scale (GRYD Study), 2008— National Gang Center (formerly, National Youth Gang Center)—consultant on survey development; review contracted reports; develop research on gang homicide (OJJDP), 1995-- A Better Los Angeles—Research Advising, 2012 National Institute of Justice, US Department of Justice—Gangs Research Topical Working Group, 2011 Denmark Ministry of Justice—Copenhagen Gang Study Advisor, 2010-2011 Los Angeles Office of the Mayor—Evaluation Advisory Board, Gang Reduction and Youth Development, 2009-12 Countywide Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee, Interagency Gang Task Force of Los Angeles, 2004-09 California Department of Health, California Violent Death Reporting System Advisory Committee, 2004-08 Univ. of MO, St. Louis—Advisor, Evaluation of Teens, Crime and the Community Program and Community Works Training (NIJ), 2007-08 California Office of Attorney General—Subject Matter Expert, Gangs and Violence, 2008 USC Department of Psychology, Center for Research on Crime and Social Control—Advisor, Cross-National Street Gang Research: A USC-Based Workshop and Publishable Protocols, 2008 U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein—Consultation on pending gang legislation, 2007 California Office of the Governor—Consultation with senior advisors on gang issues, 2007 California Department of Education, Task Force on Gangs and Youth Violence, member, 2007 Orange County Bar Foundation, Inc.—Member, Board of Trustees, 2003-2006 California Office of Attorney General—Roundtable on Youth Violence and Homicide in Los Angeles, 2005 United Way, Workshop on Youth Investment, 2004 California Department of Justice, Crime and Violence Prevention Center – Working Group member, Gang, Crime, and Violence Prevention Partnership Program, 2003 Research Triangle Institute—Advisor, National Evaluation of Safe Schools/Healthy Students (US Depts. of Justice, Education and Health and Human Services), 2002-04 U.S. Surgeon General—Planning Board Member, Youth Violence Prevention in the U.S.; reviewer, Youth Violence: A Report from the Surgeon General,2000-01 National Institute of Justice—Advisor, Violence in U.S. Cities Study; Advisor, Police Response to Gangs Program; ad hoc final report reviewer; ad hoc research proposal reviewer The Rand Corporation — Consultant, Problem-solving Strategies for Dealing with Youth and Gang-related Firearms Violence (NIJ) Los Angeles County Community Development Commission — consultant on gang research and evaluation California Department of Health, Violent Injury Surveillance Program — Project Advisory Board member, The California Firearm Injury Surveillance Program Lodestar Management/Research, Inc. - design consultant, An Intensive Case Study of the Los Angeles City/County Anti-Gang Initiative: The Community Law Enforcement and Recovery (CLEAR) Program (Ca. Board of Corrections); CLEAR II Evaluation; CLEAR III Evaluation; Los Angeles Bridges Program Evaluation (City of LA). USC School of Education—Advisory Committee member, Middle School Violence Prevention Project Institute for Law and Justice—Project Advisory Board member, District of Columbia Study of Youth Violence (NIJ) Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention—final report reviewer Countywide (LA) Criminal Justice Coordination Committee—member, Comprehensive Gang Prevention Plan Development, 1991-1995. Family and Youth Services Bureau, US Department of Health and Human Services—gang research consultant to Youth Gang Drug Prevention Program grantees and grant application evaluation School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago—Project Advisory Board member, Youth Gang Suppression and Intervention Project (OJJDP) Police Foundation—Project Advisory Board member, Police Response to Juveniles (NIJ) Missouri Department of Public Safety—faculty participant and presentation, Status Offender Workshop Foundation for Youth—consultant, Youth Work Project (Second Chance) Evaluation Community Youth Gang Services Project—program evaluation, MIS development, statistical consultation

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