Geometry (Double Block) 1St 9 Weeks (2011-2012)

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Geometry (Double Block) 1St 9 Weeks (2011-2012)

Geometry (Double Block) 1st 9 Weeks (2011-2012) Days Section/Topic Standards DOE Enhanced Scope and Sequence Vocabulary Chapter 1: Tools of Geometry 1-1 Nets & Drawing 3D Prereq. for G.13&14 Net, isometric, orthographic 1-2 Points, Lines, and Planes Point, line, plane, collinear, coplanar, space, segment, ray, opposite rays, postulate, axiom, intersection 1-3 Measuring Segments Coordinate, distance, congruent segments, midpoint, 1-7 Midpoint and Distance G.3.a segment bisector 1-4 Measuring Angles Angle, sides, vertex, measure , acute, right, obtuse, 1-5 Exploring Angle Pairs straight, congruent  Adjacent, vertical, comp., supp., linear pair,  bisect. 14 1-6 Basic Constructions G.4.a,b,e,f Straightedge, compass, construction,  lines,  bisect. ( seg, , bisect., bisect , mdpt) (& mdpt seg) (CONCEPT BYTE: Exploring Constructions) Perimeter, circumference, area 1-8 Perim., Circ. & Area Prereq. for G.13&14 Review Assessment / Benchmark Chapter 2: Reasoning and Proof 2-1 Patterns & Induct. Reasoning Inductive reasoning, conjecture, counterexample VA-1 Venn Diagrams G.1.c Venn Diagram 2-2 Conditional Statements G.1.a, b Conditional, hypothesis, conclusion, truth value, negation, converse, inverse, contrapositive, equivalent statements 2-4 Deductive Reasoning (Intro to Proofs?) G.1.d Deductive reasoning, law of detachment, law of 12 syllogism 2-5 Reasoning in Alg. & Geo. G.1.d Reflexive, symmetric, transitive properties, proof 2-6 Proving Angles Congruent Theorem Review Assessment / Benchmark Chapter 3: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 3-1 Lines and Angles Parallel lines, skew lines, parallel planes, transversal; alt. interior, same-side interior, corresponding, (CONCEPT BYTE: || Lines & Related Angles) alternate exterior angles 3-2 Properties of Parallel Lines 3-4 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines G.2.c (CONCEPT BYTE: Planes) 3-3 Proving Lines Parallel G.1.d, G.2.a,b,c 10 3-5 Parallel Lines and Triangles G.2.c Auxiliary line, exterior of poly., remote interior  3-6 Constructing Parallel and Perpendicular G.4.c,d,f,g Lines (2 ’s, || lines) 3-7 Equations of Lines in Coord. Plane G.3.a Slope, slope-intercept form eq., point-slope form eq. 3-8 Slopes of || and  Lines G.2.a,b, G.3.b Review Assessment / Benchmark 5 Days of Review 6 9 Week Benchmark 42 total Geometry (Double Block) 2nd 9 Weeks (2011-2012) Days Section/Topic Standards DOE Enhanced Scope and Sequence Vocabulary Chapter 4: Tests for Congruent Triangles 4-1 Congruent Figures Congruent polygons 4-2 SSS & SAS G.4.a, G.6 4-3 ASA & AAS G.6 (CONCEPT BYTE: Expl. AAA & SSA) 4-4 CPCTC 10 4-5 Isosceles & Equilateral Tri. Legs, base, vertex, base ’s of isosc.; corollary 4-6 Congruence in Right Tri. G.6 Hypotenuse, legs of rt. 4-7 Congruence in Overlapping Triangles G.6 Review Assessment / Benchmark Chapter 5: Relationships Within Triangles 5-1 Midsegments of Triangles Midsegment of  5-5 Indirect Proof G.1.d Indirect reasoning, indirect proof 5-2 Perpendicular and Angle Bisectors Equidistant, distance from pt to line (CONCEPT BYTE: Paper Folding Bisectors) Median, altitude, of  5-4 Medians and Altitudes Constructions G.4.b,c,d,g 14 (Review+, || & ) Mid-chapter Test Thanksgiving Break 5-6 Inequalities in One Triangle G.1.d, G.5.a,b,c,d 5-7 Inequalities in Two Triangles G.1.d Review Assessment / Benchmark Chapter 6: Polygons and Quadrilaterals (Review [1-7b]: Classifying Polygons) (CONCEPT BYTE: Exterior Angles of Polygons) Equilateral, equiangular, regular polygons 6-1 Polygon-Angle Sum Thm G.10 6-2 Properties of Parallelograms G.9 Parallelogram, opposite sides & ’s, consecutive ’s 6-3 Proving Quad. is a Parallelogram G.9 6-4 Prop. of Rhombi, Rectangles & Squares G.9 Rhombus, rectangle, square 6-5 Conditions for Rh., Rect, & Squares G.9 14 Mid-chapter Review/Quiz Winter Break 6-6 Trapezoids and Kites G.9 Trapezoid, base, leg, base angle, isosceles trap., Review Part I midseg. of trap., kite 6-7 Polygons in Coordinate Plane G.2.b 6-8 Applying Coordinate Geometry G.2.b Review Part II Assessment / Benchmark 5 Days of Review 6 18 Week Benchmark 44 total Geometry (Double Block) 3rd 9 Weeks (2011-2012) Days Section/Topic Standards DOE Enhanced Scope and Sequence Vocabulary Chapter 7: Similarity 7-1 Ratios & Proportions Ratio, proportion, extremes, means, cross-products 7-2 Similar Polygons G.14.d Similar figures & polygons, scale factor & drawing 7-3 Proving Triangles Similar G.7 Indirect measurement 7-4 Similarity in Right Triangles G.7 Geometric mean 10 (Geometric Mean) 7-5 Proportions in Triangles Review Assessment / Benchmark (Alg Review p399 Simplifying Radicals) Chapter 8: Right Triangles and Trigonometry Concept Byte: The Pythagorean Theorem Pythagorean theorem, Pythagorean triple 8-1 The Pythagorean Theorem and its Converse G.8 VA Standards Review: Pythagorean Theorem Review Distance Formula (1-7) 12 8-2 Special Right Triangles G.8 8-3 Trigonometry G.8 Trigonometric ratios, sine, cosine, tangent 8-4 Angles of Elevation and Depression G.8 Angles of elevation & depression Review Assessment / Benchmark **start mini-reviews** Chapter 9: Transformations 9-1 Translations G.3.d Transformation, pre-image, image, isometry, Concept Byte: Tracing Paper Transf. (Activ.1) translation, composition of transformations Concept Byte: Paper Folding and Reflections 9-2 Reflections G.3.d Reflection, line of reflection Concept Byte: Tracing Paper Trasf. (Activ.3) 9-3 Rotations G.3.d Rotation, center & angle of rotation, center of reg. 8 Concept Byte: Tracing Paper Trasf. (Activ.2) poly. VA-2 Rotations on the Coordinate Plane Symmetry, linear & rotational symmetry, 9-4 Symmetry G.3.c 9-5 Dilations G.3.d Dilation, center of dilation, scale factor, enlargement, Review reduction Assessment / Benchmark **start mini-reviews** Chapter 10: Area 10-1 Areas of Parallelograms & Triangles G.14.a Base, altitude, height of a paral.; base & height of a  10-2 Areas of Trapezoids, Rhombuses, & Kites G.14.a Height of a trap. Radius & apothem of reg. poly. 10-3 Areas of Regular Polygons G.14.a 10-4 Perimeters & Areas of Similar Figures G.14.a,c,d 10 10-5 Trigonometry & Area 10-6 Circles & Arcs G.11.b,c Circle, center, diameter, radius,  circ., central angle, 10-7 Areas of Circles & Sectors G.11.c major/minor arcs, semi-circ., adjacent arcs, circum., pi, concentric circ., arc length,  arcs Review Sector, segment of a circ. Assessment / Benchmark **start mini-reviews** 3 Days of Review **start mini-reviews earlier** 4 27 Week Benchmark (partial released test) 44 total ***This assumes that the SOL test will be the week before Memorial Day. If this is not the case, then adjustments can be made to condense/extend these time-frames. Geometry (Double Block) 4th 9 Weeks (2011-2012) Days Section/Topic Standards DOE Enhanced Scope and Sequence Vocabulary Chapter 11: Surface Area and Volume 11-1 Space Figures & Cross Sections Polyhedron, face, edge, vertex, cross-section, Base 11-2 Surface Areas of Prisms & Cylinders G.13 Base, lateral face & area, altitude, height, surf. area of prisms & cylinders, right/oblique 11-3 Surface Areas of Pyramids & Cones G.13, G.14.b Base, lateral face & area, vertex, altitude, height, slant height, surface area, regular/right of pyramids & cones, Review / Mid-Chapter Mini-Assessment Spring Break 14 11-4 Volumes of Prisms & Cylinders G.13, G.14.b Volume, composite space figure 11-5 Volumes of Pyramids & Cones G.13, G.14.b Volumes of pyramids & cones 11-6 Surface Areas & Volumes of Spheres G.13 Sphere, center, radius, diameter, circumference, great circle, hemisphere 11-7 Areas & Volumes of Similar Solids G.13, G.14.a,b,c,d Similar solids Review Assessment / Benchmark Chapter 12: Circles Review Circles Standard for of the equation of a circle 12-5 Circles in the Coordinate Plane G.12 VA Standards Review: Equation of a Circle 12-1 Tangent Lines G.11.a,b Tangent to a circle, point of tangency 12-2 Chords & Arcs G.11.a,b Chords, arcs 14 12-3 Inscribed Angles G.11.a Inscribed angle, intercepted arc 12-4a Angle Measures G.11.a,b Secant 12-4b Segment Lengths G.11.a,b Secant Review Assessment / Benchmark Review Benchmark Released Test (labs may be full for SOL 8+ Testingpaper pencil?) Review / Remediation Review / Remediation 36 total ***This assumes that the SOL test will be the week before Memorial Day. If this is not the case, then adjustments can be made to condense/extend these time-frames.

Suggested Topics for After SOL Tests  Law of Sines/Cosines  Algebra Review o Factoring o Quadratics o Simplifying Radicals o Solving Equations  Tessellations  Indirect Measurement

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