Before You Draw, Answer These Questions
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Name: ______Period: _____ Cell Analogy Objective: Using what you have learned about cells and cell organelles create and draw an analogy of a cell. You may use any Place or Thing that you want to compare with a cell and its many parts. For example: A city, school, country, amusement park, or a bus, football stadium and so on. Before you draw, answer these questions:
1. What are you comparing your cell to? ______
2. Is your cell a plant cell or animal cell? ______
5. Fill in the following chart. You need to use 9 organelles for an animal cell and 11 organelles for a plant cell in your analogy.
Organelle Function/ Job What in your Why? What do these parts do for the analogy is equal to cell? this organelle? Cell membrane-
Golgi body
Lysosome Ribosome
Cell Wall (if plant cell)
Choloroplast (if plant cell)
5. Create and draw an analogy of your cell on a large sheet of paper. Match the part of the object in your analogy drawing to the part of the cell it represents.
Grading Rubric 5 4 3 2 1 0 Did you use color? Separate color Used at least 7-8 Used 5-6 Used 3-4 Used only one Used pencil or used to define different colors. different colors. different colors. color. pen only. each individual organelle. (9 – 11) Is the model All required 7-8 Structures 5-6 Structures 3-4 Structures 2-1 Did not draw or accurate with all structures present present. present. present. Structure present. label cell. parts clearly labeled as appropriate for and identified? animal (9) and plant (11). Is the information Grammar, Includes 1-2 Includes 3-4 Includes 5-6 Includes 7 or Did not attempt clearly stated with spelling, types of types of types of more. types of to label work. correct spelling and punctuation and grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical grammar? mechanics are errors, miss errors, miss errors, miss errors, miss correct. No errors spellings, spellings, spellings, spellings, in text punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, mechanics. mechanics. mechanics. mechanics. Classroom time Used all time in Was off task 1-2 Was off task 3-5 Was off task 6-7 Was off task 8 or Chose not to given was used to its class, with no off times during times during times during more times work or chose to fullest potential? task behavior. class time given. class time given. class time given. during class time work on other given. things that were not project related.
IB Style grading rubric. (For field testing purpose only)
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 B: Communication in The student does not -The student uses a -The student uses some -The student uses Science reach a standard described limited range of scientific scientific language sufficient scientific by any of the descriptors. language correctly. correctly. language correctly. -The student -The student -The student communicates scientific communicates scientific communicates scientific information with limited information with some information effectively. effectiveness. effectiveness. Task Descriptors The student does not -Accurate model with few -Accurate model with -Accurate model with all reach a standard described parts clearly labeled and most parts clearly labeled parts clearly labeled and by any of the descriptors. identified. and identified. identified. Chosen analogy does not -Chosen analogy makes -Chosen analogy makes make sense on more than sense, however sense and lends itself 50 percent of organelles. comparison to a cell is a easily to comparison to a -Information is clearly stretch at times. cell. stated with correct -Information is clearly -Information is clearly spelling and grammar. stated with correct stated with correct Fewer than six errors. spelling and grammar. spelling and grammar. Fewer than four errors. Fewer than two errors