Xiamen Bank Responds to Allegations by Beijing Yirenping Center of Hepatitis B Discrimination
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Xiamen Bank responds to allegations by Beijing Yirenping Center of hepatitis B discrimination of job applicants
On 31 December 2010 Global Times carried an article, “ Bank accused of discriminating against hepatitis B carriers”, which reported that Beijing Yirenping Center had accused Xiamen Bank of forcing job applicants to take a hepatitis B test. On 8 February 2011 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Xiamen Bank to respond.
Xiamen Bank sent Business & Human Rights Resource Centre the following response in Chinese [translation provided by the Resource Centre]:
14 February 2011
做为 地方金融机构,厦 门银 行一直 坚 持守法 经营 的原 则 , 严 格按照相关法律、法 规 、 规 定开展各项 工作。相关保 护 乙肝病毒携 带 者就 业权 的 规 定出台以来,我行未 发 生因携 带 乙 肝病毒而拒绝 符合 录 用条件的 员 工(新 录 用的 2011届应 届 毕业 生中就有个 别 人 员 属乙肝 病毒携带 者)。
Explanation of the situation
As a local financial institution, Xiamen Bank is a law abiding business that insists on strict adherence to relevant laws, rules, and regulations in conducting our work. With regards to the protection of hepatitis B virus carriers, since the introduction of the employee rights provisions, the Bank has not rejected any employment candidates due to hepatitis B virus carrier status. (The newly recruited of 2011 graduates include individual officers that are hepatitis B virus carriers.)
有关本行在向拟录 用 2011届应 届学生 发 出的 录 用通知 书 中含有要求学生健康体 检应 包括乙肝项 目 检测 之事,系因工作失 误 造成。相关情况 说 明如下:
With regards to the incident in which the Bank required 2011 graduates to undergo a physical examination that includes screening for hepatitis B., this is due to errors. This can be explained as follows:
作为 我行招聘 责 任 单 位的人力 资 源部,同 时 担 负 着全行的薪酬福利、 绩 效考核、人 员 招聘、员 工管理等所有人力 资 源管理工作。自 2008年财务 重 组 后,我行 处 于快速 扩张阶 段
1 全行工作量剧 增,人手 较为紧张 。目前, 该 部 门仅 配 备 工作人 员5人(含部门负责 人),其 中专职负责 人 员 招聘 1名。2010年 11月末,因内部管理需要,在应 届 毕业 生招聘期 间 ,原 负责人 员 招聘的 员 工 临时岗 位 调 整并 调 离人力 资 源部,招聘工作也因此中途移交 给 新 调 入 的同事。 Human Resources is responsible for all recruitment matters; it also must manage related tasks, such as salaries and benefits, performance evaluation, and staff management. After financial restructuring in 2008, the Bank went through a phase of rapid expansion that produced a dramatic increase in the workload of this department. Currently, the department is staffed with only five people (including the department head), and one staff person is responsible for hiring. At the end of November 2010, due to internal considerations by management, this staff person was transferred to another unit, and his work was taken over by a new colleague.
由于人力资 源部年底工作繁忙, 应 届 毕业 生的招聘工作量大又繁 琐 (,新手岗 前培 训不到位、交接不完整,工作人 员 在 给 被 录 用 应 届 毕业 生所 发 的 录 用确 认 函,没有使用按 相关规 定制 订 的 录 用通知格式,而是在多年以前的旧版本的基 础 上作 简单 的 调 整就通 过 电子 邮 件 发给 学生。 Human Resources was busy at the end of last year, having received many applications from new graduates. The training of the new recruiting officer was insufficient and incomplete. The officer failed to use the new form developed with the new regulations, and instead the old form was sent to job candidates with simple adjustments.
本次工作失误 ,不 仅给 学生就 业 造成困 扰 ,也 对 我行的社会形象造成不良影响, 对 我行教训 十分深刻。 针对这 次失 误 ,我 们 立即 对 内部流程 进 行整改,并采取相 应 的 补 救措 施: 1、立即向被录 用 员 工重新 发 放 录 用通知函并作情况 说 明,消除学生疑 虑 ; 2、加强员 工 岗 前培 训 ,提高 员 工法律意 识 、 专业 知 识 及技能; 3、加强 人 员 配 备 ,并开展内部工作 检查 ,加 强 工作 监 督、复核工作,杜 绝类 似 问题 再 次发 生。 以上说 明。
These errors caused distress to the job candidate and adversely impacted the image of our bank. We have learned a profound lesson. We have taken the following measures to rectify the situation1. 1. Immediately send out the correct form letter for employment notification to address the concerns of the new recruits; 2. Strengthen staff training, improve staff awareness of the law, and equip staff with professional knowledge and skills; 3. Improve staffing procedures, undertake internal monitoring, and improve supervision and staff reviews to prevent similar problems from arising again.
2 厦门银 行股份有限公司 Xiamen Bank