Section 40 94 43 Programmable Logic Controllers

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Section 40 94 43 Programmable Logic Controllers


PLCs may enter a project via a contractor, subcontractor (such as a systems integrator), or from an Original Equipment Manufacturer. Verify that each Original Equipment Manufacturers specifications have been properly coordinated with this section. This will help to prevent system compatibility issues during start up.



A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.

B. References: 1. RFI/EMI Susceptibility: MIL STD 461B CS02 2. Showering Arc Test: NEMA Pub No ICS2-230.42 3. Surge Withstand: ANSI C37.90a 4. IEEE 472 5. NFPA 70 (NEC) 6. UL508 7. RFI Immunity: IEC 801-3 8. Ground Continuity: IEC 801-5 9. Electrostatic Discharge: IEC 801-2 10. Electromagnetic Field (IEC 61000-4-3) 11. Fast transients (IEC 61000-4-4) 12. Programming Languages IEC 61131-3


A. This Section includes Programmable logic controllers for control of process equipment, process oriented machinery, and process systems.

B. Related Sections include the following:

1. Section 40 94 33.10 “Operator Interface Terminals”

2. Section 40 94 33.20 “SCADA Software and Hardware”


A. AI: Analog Input

B. AO: Analog Output

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 1 C. Fixed: A PLC style consisting of a fixed number of I/O, a processor, and a power supply all in one enclosure. Some fixed PLCs have limited expansion ability.

D. CPU: Central Processing Unit

E. DI: Digital Input

F. Distributed I/O: Hardware that has been specially designed to function as Remote I/O.

G. DO: Digital Output

H. HMI: Human-Machine Interface

I. I/O Input and/or Output

J. Modular: A PLC style consisting of cards that are assembled to comprise a complete unit. All I/O, CPU, and Power Supply are dedicated cards. Typically, these cards are inserted into a chassis.

K. Master/Slave: Communication between devices in which one device, the master, controls all communications. The other devices, the slaves, respond only when queried by the master. Typically used in a Remote I/O application.

L. Peer to Peer: Communication between two or more devices, typically PLC’s, in which each device can control the communication exchange.

M. PID: Control action, proportional plus integral plus derivative.

N. PLC: Programmable Logic Controller

O. Remote I/O: Remote I/O is any and all I/O that is located remotely from the processor. Remote I/O can be over a variety of communication protocols and can use standard rack based I/O, or special Remote I/O hardware referred to as Distributed I/O.

P. SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition


A. Product Data: For each type of PLC include dimensions, mounting arrangements, and weights. Also include, manufacturer's technical data on features, performance, electrical ratings, characteristics, terminal connections, and finishes.

B. Operation and Maintenance Data: Provide for each PLC component literature detailing routine maintenance requirements (if any).

C. Each submittal shall have a check sheet for each PLC type. This check sheet shall be an acknowledgement of all criteria in this specification. The check sheet will consist of three columns. The leftmost column will indicate the referenced section of the specification. The middle column will indicate rather the indicated specification criteria is met, not met, or has a variance. The rightmost column will be used to describe reasons for variances or not meeting the specified criteria. Each row on the check sheet will be for a dedicated spec section or sub

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 2 section. Each organization delineation will have its own dedicated row. For instance, you cannot accept section 1.5B and its corresponding subparagraphs in a single row. You must accept 1.5B in a row, and 1.5B1 in another row.

0.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE Change mileage to reflect actual distance required. Locations in the southwest part of the United States may need to increase the distance, while locations in the northeast may be able to decrease that requirement.

A. Manufacturer Qualifications: A qualified manufacturer shall maintain, within [100 miles (160 km)] of Project site, a facility, system integrator, or panel shop capable of providing training, parts, and coordination of emergency maintenance and repairs. Retain first paragraph and subparagraph if an independent testing agency’s approval (such as UL) is required for quality assurance, or inspection requirements. The first paragraph specifies 29 CFR 1910.7 or other more specific criteria (e.g., NETA). 29 CFR 1910.7 defines a nationally recognized testing laboratory as it applies to testing and inspecting for safety, and lists, labels, or accepts equipment and materials that meet certain OSHA criteria.

B. Testing Agency Qualifications: An independent agency, with the experience and capability to conduct the testing indicated, that is a member company of the InterNational Electrical Testing Association or is a nationally recognized testing laboratory (NRTL) as defined by OSHA in 29 CFR 1910.7, and that is acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction.

1. Testing Agency's Field Supervisor: Person currently certified by the InterNational Electrical Testing Association or the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies to supervise on-site testing specified in Part 3.

C. Source Limitations: 1. Provide all PLCs from a single manufacturer. If the PLC manufacturer has authorized third party vendors to provide modules that are compatible with their platforms, then products manufactured by these authorized third party vendors will be acceptable. 2. To insure reliability and compatibility with all aspects of the control system, all PLC equipment shall be from the same vendor as the SCADA software, Operator Interface Terminals, and Power Distribution Equipment.

D. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use.

E. Comply with NFPA 70. PLCs with the same functional characteristics may vary in length, width, and depth among manufacturers. If installation space is limited, show maximum dimensions on Drawings, ensure that equipment is available to fit, and retain paragraph below; delete if space is not a concern.

F. Product Selection for Restricted Space: Drawings indicate maximum dimensions for PLCs, minimum clearances between PLCs, and adjacent surfaces and other items. Comply with indicated maximum dimensions and clearances, or with PLC vendors required distances if they are greater then the distances indicated.


A. Deliver PLC components in packaging designed to prevent damage from static electricity, and physical damage..

B. Store PLCs according to manufacturers’ requirements. As a minimum, store indoors in clean, dry space with uniform temperature to prevent condensation. Protect PLCs from exposure to dirt, fumes, water, corrosive substances, and physical damage. Also, protect the PLC from all forms of electrical and magnetic energy that could reasonably cause damage.


A. Environmental Limitations: Rate equipment for continuous operation, capable of driving full load without derating, under the following conditions, unless otherwise indicated:

1. Ambient Temperature: 0 to 55 deg C. 2. Humidity: Less than 95 percent (noncondensing). 3. Altitude: Not exceeding 6500 feet (3000 m). 4.


A. Control panel designer shall provide independent line fuses or circuit breakers, per the manufacturer’s recommendation, for each power Supply, Input Module, Output Module, and other modules with separately derived power requirements.

B. Control panel designer shall insure that communication signals, 4-20mA signals, embedded HART signals, are properly conditioned for the PLC and protected from all sources of radiated energy or harmonics.


A. Each PLC will be sized to handle the required I/O plus a percentage of spares. When calculating spare I/O count, all fractional I/O points will be rounded up to the next whole I/O point. The resultant I/O count will be rounded up to next whole I/O card. When configuring spare I/O counts, use the following criteria: 1. Analog Inputs (AI): Required for the PLC plus [15] [Insert a number]%. 2. Analog Ouputs (AO): Required for the PLC plus [15] [Insert a number]%. 3. Digital Inputs (DI): Required for the PLC plus [15] [Insert a number]%. 4. Digital Outputs (DO): Required for the PLC plus [15] [Insert a number]%.


A. Furnish spare parts as described below for each type of PLC. Material shall be packaged for long term storage and identified with labels describing contents. Coordinate with each PLC- based control panel vendor to optimize the amount of spares that are provided.

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 4 1. I/O Cards: Provide as a minimum a spare of each type of card identified. Provide an additional spare for every [ten] cards of a specific type installed. 2. Processors: Provide as a minimum a spare for each type of CPU identified. 3. PLC oriented Power Supplies: Provide as a minimum a spare of each type of power supply identified. Provide an additional spare for every [ten] power supplies of a specific type installed. 4. Memory Cards: Provide as a minimum a spare of each type of card identified. Provide an additional spare for every [ten] cards of a specific type installed 5. Specialty Modules: Provide as a minimum a spare of each type of module identified. Provide an additional spare for every [ten] modules of a specific type installed 6. “Fixed” PLCs: Provide as a minimum a spare of each type of PLC identified. Provide an additional spare for every [ten] PLCs of a specific type installed.



A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following:

B. Qualified Manufacturers: 1. Only manufacturers that have been selling PLCs for a minimum of [35 thirty-five] [choose a number] years will be considered acceptable.

C. Basis-of-Design Product: Square D - Schneider Electric; Programmable Controllers.

0.2 PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS Several factors must be considered when choosing a PLC platform(s). Failure to properly analyze the platforms can have a significant impact on project cost and control system performance. Two main philosophies exist when selecting a PLC platform. Which philosophy is applicable will depend on project requirements. One philosophy is to utilize a single platform throughout the project. This will allow for unification of spare parts, but may impact total project cost. The other philosophy is to utilize multiple platforms. This philosophy can minimize project cost, but does not allow for unification of spare parts. Delete unused PLCs from the following.

A. GENERAL: 1. The PLC shall collect data, perform process control functions, communicate with other PLCs, and distribute process information along the local area network. 2. The PLC shall be able to have its program downloaded from a remote workstation over the local area network, and be locally programmed from a portable laptop computer. 3. The executive firmware of all intelligent modules shall be stored in Flash memory and shall be able to be updated in the field using standard programming tools. Executive firmware files shall be readily available via a public web site. 4. The PLC shall have provisions for communicating unsolicited messages (report by exception) to an operator interface to reduce network traffic.

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 5 5. The PLC shall be field expandable to allow for the expansion of the system by the simple addition and configuration of hardware. 6. Each component shall include a clearly visible faceplate with appropriate data such as the manufacturer’s model number and a brief description of the component’s function. 7. All cables and connectors shall be as specified by the manufacturer. Cables shall be assembled and installed per the manufacturer’s recommendations. 8. Each discrete point shall have a light emitting diode on the face of the module to indicate point status. Green shall indicate that the point is logic level “1”, also reffered to as “on” or “high”. 9. The PLC shall utilize Ethernet protocols that meet the following: a. Protocols that are assigned to port 502 of the TCP/IP stack by the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority). b. Protocols that are supported by the Open DeviceNet Vendors Association (ODVA) c. Programming software will have embedded network configuration tools that utilize FDT/DTM technologies. PLC systems that have the PLC programming and network configuration tools in separate software will not be acceptable. d. Will not rely on third party vendors to meet the above criteria.

B. PLC PROGRAMMING REQUIREMENTS: 1. All specified PLC platforms will be programmed using the same programming software package. PLCs that use multiple software programming packages under similar trade names will not be accepted. The programming software will have the following: a. Use of all textural and graphic languages specified in IEC 61131-3. b. An additional language dedicated to organization of the PLCs programs and function blocks. This language shall be in Sequential Function Chart (SFC) format. c. The software shall allow the program to be subdivided into two large functional areas. One are is for normal program execution, the other is for process that must be executed on a periodic, or very rapid, basis. Each area shall allow multiple subsections of programming code. Each subsection can contain be of any language type supported by IEC 61131-3 or SFC. d. Addressing shall be as follows. 1) Digital and Analog I/O will be mapped to fixed addresses. 2) Processor status will be mapped to fixed addresses 3) Internal words and other internal data can eithier be unmapped, or mapped to fixed addresses. If unmapped, the programming software will determine the location. 4) Internal words, I/O and other non processor status data will be able to be addressed by an alpha numeric pneumonic. This name will be used in unmapped variables, and in lieu of the address for mapped variables. e. Ability to store and retrieve instruction comments, program comments, rung comments, and other comments and notes in the PLC processor. f. Ability to convert from one supported PLC platform to another supported platform. Conversion shall be accomplished by exporting the program code, and importing to a new program with the desired PLC platform and configuration. g. Textual syntax of the IL and ST languages, as specified in Annex B.2 and B.3 of IEC 61131-3, 2nd Edition, including all directly and indirectly referenced productions out of Annex B.1. h. The PLC programming software shall have the following tools for monitoring and troubleshooting the PLC program. 1) Power flow animation for graphical languages.

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 6 2) A breakpoint capability to automatically halt the program just before a certain sequence is initiated. 3) Ability to advance the program step by step to insure proper operation. 4) Ability to create watch points for desired variables. These watch points will display the real time value of the variable. 5) Monitoring of step activity times within the SFC language. 6) The use of color to indicate execution progress. 7) The ability to create HMI like screens for enhanced troubleshooting and program monitoring. 8) Ability to create a table that will track a chosen variety of variables. i. The PLC programming software shall allow creation of standard programming blocks. The blocks will be as follows: 1) The programmer will see each instance of a given block. To reduce PLC memory size, and increase processing speed, the programming software will use one instance for each type of DFB. The PLC will automatically manage calls and execution to insure proper code execution. 2) The programming blocks will contain programming sections. Each programmer added section can be designated as any of the four IEC languages. 3) The programming block will be able to be inserted into all four of the IEC languages in the main program. This ability will not be dependent on the languages used inside the block. 4) An internal database using unmapped variables. The variables associated with this block will be separate from the PLC database to prevent mapping conflicts. 5) Each block will appear to be a single instruction in the programming environment. The designer of the block will be able to designate pin assignments and names. These pins will be used to connect to the PLC database. j. Programming software shall have integrated tools for network configuration, and communication capabilities. PLC’s that use separate programming, communication, and network configuration software shall not be accepted.

C. PLC ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. The PLCs must meet or exceed the following environmental requirements: a. Minimum temperature range: 1) Operating: 0-55o C (+32 to +131oF) 2) Storage: -25 to +70o C (-13 to +158oF) b. Relative humidity: 30 to 95% non condensing. c. Altitude: 1) Operation 0-6,500 feet minimum 2) Storage 0-9,800 feet minimum d. Degree of protection: NEMA 1 (IP20) e. Vibration resistance in accordance with at least one of the following: 1) Installed rating: a) DIN rail mounted PLC: 10-57 Hz, amplitude 0.075 mm, acceleration 25-100 Hz, and b) Panel or plate mounted PLC: 2-25 Hz, amplitude 1.6mm, acceleration 25-200 Hz. 2) In compliance with IEC 60068 and IEC 61131. f. Shock resistance: 147m/s2 for 11ms.

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 7 D. WEB SERVICES: 1. Description: The PLC’s shall be designed for connection to the World Wide Web. These PLC’s will have standard and customizable web pages. 2. Standard web pages: The PLC shall have a standard web page integral with the processor. This page shall display all internal status points, status registers, and alarm word. Also, the status of each I/O point will be accessible. 3. Customizable web pages: The PLC shall have the ability to store, operate, and display on a standard web browser custom configured web pages. These pages shall be created by the programmer to display the actual process or machine being operated. 4. The PLC shall be capable of:: a. ModbusTCP messaging: The web services shall use Modbus TCP messaging over port 502 of the TCP packet. Protocols reliant on UDP will not be acceptable. b. I/O scanning service: I/O scanning will allow the PLC to control I/O scanning capable I/O located remotely from the main panel. c. Fast Device Replacement (FDR): The PLC shall act as a faulty device replacement client/server. This will enable the PLC to automatically download IP address and configuration to FDR client devices. d. SNMP Network Management: The PLC shall manage the different components through a SNMP connection. This will allow the PLC monitor network, and device integrity. e. Global Data: The PLC shall use Global Data service to ensure real time communication between stations in the same distribution group while minimizing network loading. Global Data servicing will use Real-Time Publisher Subscriber producer consumer based protocol. f. NTP Time synchronization service: The PLC shall be capable of synchronizing from its internal clock from a reference clock on a NTP server. This time can then be used to time stamp internal events. g. SMTP: The PLC shall be capable of SMTP email transmission service. h. Bandwidth monitoring service: The PLC shall be capable of monitoring the bandwidth to determine load level. 5. Interconnection: The PLC web services shall be compatible with other devices that utilize port 502, or ODVA supported Ethernet protocols for communication. This includes power equipment, HMI, switches, and VFD’s.

E. SMALL PLC: 1. Description: A chassis mount PLC designed for up to 1024 points of I/O. 2. The PLC shall: a. Collect data, perform process control functions, communicate with other PLCs, and distribute process information along the local area network. b. Be able to have its program downloaded from a remote workstation over a network, or locally programmed from a portable laptop computer. c. Allow for the expansion of the system by addition and configuration of hardware. 3. Executive firmware shall be stored in Flash memory and can be updated in the field using standard programming tools. Executive firmware files shall be readily available via a public web site. 4. Each discrete point shall have a light emitting diode to indicate point status. Green shall indicate that the point is logic level “1”, also referred to as “on” or “high”. 5. The PLC shall utilize Ethernet protocols that meet the following: a. Protocols that are assigned to port 502 of the TCP/IP stack by the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority). b. Protocols that are supported by the Open DeviceNet Vendors Association (ODVA)

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 8 c. Programming software will have embedded network configuration tools that utilize FDT/DTM technologies. PLC systems that have the PLC programming and network configuration tools in separate software will not be acceptable. d. Will not rely on third party vendors to meet the above criteria. 6. Processors: Pick one, or more, of the following processors depending on project conditions. See manufacturers’ literature for more information. When a project requires multiple PLCs of a specific type, be sure to indicate which processor is intended for each machine/process. Remove unwanted processors from the list. a. Each General Processor shall have a USB terminal port for programming. The processor shall accept an 8Mb SD memory card. This card shall be capable of storing, at a minimum application files, data files, PDF files, CAD files, Microsoft office files. Processor performance shall be rated at least 6,900 instructions per millisecond at a program make up of 65% Boolean and 35% numerical. Acceptable processors are detailed below: The Specialty Processor was originally designed as a Distributed I/O Interface Module. Processing capability was added so that a logic routine could be executed upon loss of communications. However, the embedded processor can also be used to execute logic routines that are independent of communication state. Thus, this serves as a low cost processor in some small applications. 1) Specialty Processor: a) 400Kb of internal user Ram. Processor shall have a single Ethernet port. b) Processor shall support one additional rack mounted Ethernet card. The General Processor is for all applications. 2) General Processors a) 2,048 Kb of internal user RAM. Processor shall have a multi-protocol serial port. b) 4,096 Kb of internal user RAM. Processor shall have a multi-protocol serial port, and a CANopen master port. c) 4,096 Kb of internal user RAM. Processor shall have a multi-protocol serial port, and an Ethernet port. d) 4,096 Kb of internal user RAM. Processor shall have an Ethernet port, and a CANopen master port. b. Upon power loss, the PLC shall insure memory is transferred to flash memory before PLC RAM powers down. PLCs with a battery backup will not be accepted. c. The PLC shall have on board status lights to indicate the following various functions: 1) Green RUN lamp that will illuminate while the program is executing 2) Red ERR lamp that will illuminate when a fault occurs in the processor 3) Red I/O Lamp that will illuminate upon an I/O failure or configuration fault. 4) Yellow SER COM lamp will illuminate when activity is present on the serial port 7. Distributed I/O a. The PLC platform can also be used as I/O for Distributed I/O applications. The system will have a small processor with limited memory that can serve as an intelligent Distributed I/O interface module. The on internal memory will be 400Kb. b. The Distributed I/O interface module will be able to support 4 total racks on I/O including the rack that holds the interface module.

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 9 c. The Distributed I/O interface module will communicate to Modicon Quantum PLC’s via Ethernet. d. The Distributed I/O interface module will consist of a single Ethernet port. The I/O cards listed are the most widely used. Other cards, such as combination cards, may be available. See manufactures literature for more detail. Furthermore, to save room and provide a cleaner specification, remove the I/O cards that will not be required. 8. General I/ O Cards: The PLC shall have a series of general I/O cards. They will be as follows: a. Analog Inputs: All Analog input cards will offer isolation between channels. 1) Four (4) channel +/- 10V, 0-20mA, B,E Thermocouple, Pt 100, Pt 1000, Ni 1000, 2 or 4-wire temperature probes input card. 2) Four (4) and Eight (8) channel RTD and Thermocouple cards. b. Analog Outputs: All analog output cards will offer isolation between channels, 1) Two (2) channel +/- 10V, 0-20mA output card c. Discrete Inputs: 1) Sixteen (16) channel sink and source 24VDC input cards 2) Sixteen (16) channel 120VAC input card 3) Thirty two (32) channel sink 24VDC input card 4) Sixty four (64) channel sink 24VDC input card d. Discrete Outputs: 1) Sixteen (16) channel 24VDC (0.5A/channel) protected transistor sink and source output cards 2) Thirty-two (32) channel 24VDC (0.5A/channel) protected transistor source output card 3) Sixty-Four (64) channel 24VDC (0.5A/channel) protected transistor sink output card 4) Eight (8) channel 24VDC 24VDC/240VAC isolated relay output card 5) Sixteen (16) channel 24VDC/240VAC relay output card 6) Sixteen (16) channel 48-240VAC (1A/channel) triac output card. 9. Specialized I/O Cards: The PLC shall have a series of application specific I/O cards. These will be as follows: a. High speed counter card: Eight (8) channels at 10 KHz, 16 bits. Two (2) inputs at 24VDC per channel. The card shall also be capable of handling four (4) incremental encoders in 32 bit. b. High performance high speed counter card: 2 channels at 60 KHz at 32 bits. Six (6) inputs at 24VDC and Two (2) reflex outputs per channel. 10. Communication Capabilities: The PLC shall support the following without the need for third party modules a. 10/100Mb Ethernet with fast device replacement (FDR) capability, standard web page and custom web page capability. A memory card will be available to store web pages and data. b. ASi V2 Master c. Serial protocols including Modbus, Unitelway, and ASCII. d. DNP3 e. CANopen f. The PLC shall have an Ethernet card with four (4) ports. Each port shall be capable of communicating both Modbus TCP, and Ethernet I/P simultaneously. Cards requiring that the port be configured for one protocol will not be accepted. The card will also support daisy chain wiring. 11. Power Supplies: The PLC shall have chassis mounted power supplies to provide power for the processor and applicable modules. The power supplies shall be

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 10 available in both 24 VDC and 115 VAC models. The available power ratings will be from 16 to 36W. 12. Chassis: The chassis shall come in 4, 6, 8, and 12 position configurations. The cards will be secured to the chassis via a screw connection. 13. Other: a. Programming cable: The PLC shall utilize a USB to Mini B cable for programming. This cable shall be compatible with those designed for downloading digital cameras to USB compatible PC. Accordingly, this cable shall be available through most traditional retail stores serving the consumer electronics market. b. Alarming: The PLC shall have a configurable alarming capability. Each alarm point can be configured to display an alphanumeric message in the alarm buffer. The buffer can be displayed via a web page, or on an operator interface screen. c. I/O Connector cables: 1) Unterminated connector cables shall have one end terminated to HE10 terminal block modules. The other end shall be unterminated to allow custom interface to panel devices. 2) Terminated connector cables shall have one end terminated to interface to terminal block, or FCN socket, cards. The other end shall be terminated to interface with HE10 terminal block modules. 14. Basis of Design: The basis of design is the Modicon M340 platform by Schneider Electric.

F. MEDIUM PLC: 1. Description: A chassis mount PLC designed for up to 2048 points of I/O. The system will execute logic in a single processor module. Systems capable of multiple processors in a single rack will not be accepted. 2. The PLC shall: a. Collect data, perform process control functions, communicate with other PLCs, and distribute process information along the local area network. b. Be able to have its program downloaded from a remote workstation over a network, or locally programmed from a portable laptop computer. c. Allow for the expansion of the system by addition and configuration of hardware. 3. Executive firmware shall be stored in Flash memory and can be updated in the field using standard programming tools. Executive firmware files shall be readily available via a public web site. 4. Each discrete point shall have a light emitting diode to indicate point status. Green shall indicate that the point is logic level “1”, also referred to as “on” or “high”. 5. The PLC shall utilize Ethernet protocols that meet the following: a. Protocols that are assigned to port 502 of the TCP/IP stack by the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority). b. Protocols that are supported by the Open DeviceNet Vendors Association (ODVA) c. Programming software will have embedded network configuration tools that utilize FDT/DTM technologies. PLC systems that have the PLC programming and network configuration tools in separate software will not be acceptable. d. Will not rely on third party vendors to meet the above criteria. 6. Processor Features: Pick one, or more, of the following processors depending on project conditions. Other processors exist that are not listed. See manufacturers’ literature for more information. When a project requires multiple PLCs of a specific type, be sure to indicate which processor is intended for each machine/process. Remove unwanted processors from the list.

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 11 a. Each processor will be capable of being programmed via serial communications with a PC. The processor will have a display block with colored indicator lamps for RUN (Green), ERR (Red), I/O (Red), and TER (Yellow). Processors with an integrated Ethernet port shall have colored indicator lamps for RUN (Green), ERR (Red), COL (Red), STS (Yellow), TX (Yellow), and RX (Yellow). The processor shall be programmable through the USB port of a personal computer using a direct cable scheme. The acceptable processors are detailed below: 1) 96KB of base program and data memory. Also includes an integrated 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX RJ45 Ethernet Port. 2) 96KB of base program and data memory. 3) 160KB of base program and data memory. Also includes an integrated 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX RJ45 Ethernet Port. 4) 160KB of base program and data memory. Specify the processor in the following paragraph if using the smaller memory redundancy system. 5) 192KB of base program and data memory. Also includes an integrated RJ45 Port. This port shall be dedicated for Hot Standby processor synchronization. 6) 192KB of base program and data memory. Also includes an integrated 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX RJ45 Ethernet Port. 7) 192KB of base program and data memory. 8) 320KB of base program and data memory. Also includes an integrated 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX RJ45 Ethernet Port. 9) 320KB of base program and data memory. Specify the processor in the following paragraph if using the larger memory redundancy system. 10) 440KB of base program and data memory. Also includes an integrated RJ45 Port. This port shall be dedicated for Hot Standby processor synchronization. 11) 640KB of base program and data memory. Also includes an integrated 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX RJ45 Ethernet Port. 12) 640KB of base program and data memory. b. The PLC shall use a lithium battery to back up the PLC RAM. A BAT light shall indicate when it is time to replace the battery. c. The PLC shall have status lights to indicate the following various functions: 1) Green RUN lamp will indicate the program is executing 2) Red ERR lamp that will indicate a fault in the processor 3) Red I/O Lamp that will indicate an I/O or configuration fault. 4) Yellow TER lamp will indicate activity on the TER or AUX Terminal Port 5) Red FIP lamp will indicate activity on the FIPIO bus. The I/O cards listed are the most widely used. Other cards, such as combination cards, are available. See manufactures literature for more detail. Furthermore, to save room and provide a cleaner specification, remove the I/O cards that will not be required. 7. General I/ O Cards: I/O modules shall be plugged into a backplane. All modules shall be enclosed in plastic housing. All field wiring shall be to a removable terminal strip that will permit removal and replacement of a module without disturbing the field wiring or any other I/O modules. They will be as follows: a. Analog Inputs: All analog input cards will offer isolation between channels, between bus and channels, and between channels and ground. 1) Four (4) channel +/- 10V, 0-20mA, B,E Thermocouple, Pt 100, Pt 1000, Ni 1000, 2 or 4-wire temperature probes input card. 2) Eight (8) channel +/- 10V, 0-20mA input card

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 12 3) Sixteen (16) channel +/- 10V, 0-20mA input card. b. Analog Outputs: All analog output cards will offer isolation between channels. 1) Four (4) channel +/- 10V, 0-20mA output card 2) Eight (8) channel +/- 10V, 0-20mA output card c. Discrete Inputs: 1) Eight (8) channel 24VDC input card 2) Sixteen (16) channel 24VDC input card 3) Thirty two (32) channel 24VDC input card 4) Sixty-four (64) channel 24VDC input card 5) Sixteen (16) channel 120VAC input card d. Discrete Outputs: 1) Eight (8) channel 24VDC (0.5A/channel) protected transistor output card 2) Sixteen (16) channel 24VDC (0.5A/channel) protected transistor output card 3) Eight (8) channel 24VDC/240VAC relay output card 4) Sixteen (16) channel 24VDC/240VAC relay output card 5) Sixteen (16) channel 48-240VAC (1A/channel) protected triac output card. 8. Specialized I/O Cards: The PLC shall have a series of application specific I/O cards. These will be as follows: a. Counter Modules: A four (4) channel 40 KHz counter module will be available. Each channel will have three (3) 24VDC enable, preset and read inputs; 1 24VDC line check, or incremental encoder power supply input; and 2 24VDC reflex outputs per channel. b. High Speed Counter Module: A two (2) channel 500 KHz counter module will be available. Each channel will have two (2) 24VDC preset and read inputs, one (1) point configurable as an enable input or 24VDC output, two (2) 24VDC reflex outputs, one (1) 24VDC programmable output, and one (1) encoder power supply input for 5VDC or 24VDC. 9. Communication Capabilities: The PLC shall support the following without the need for third party modules a. Ethernet with Fast Device Replacement (FDR) capability, b. ASi V1 and V2 c. Serial protocols including Modbus, and Unitelway. d. Profibus DP for up to 126 slaves e. Modbus TCP and EtherNet I/P protocols At least one of the following two paragraphs must be specified if redundancy is required. Otherwise delete them. 1) PLC will have an Ethernet card capable of scanning I/O for up to 64 stations. They will also have global data capabilities, and an integrated FDR server for automatic reconfiguration(BootP/DHCP) 2) PLC will have an Ethernet card capable of scanning I/O for up to 64 stations. They will also have global data capabilities, and an integrated FDR server for automatic reconfiguration. Additionally the card will have an alarm display, a graphic data editor, and handle custom web pages. f. Web page based HMI services: The PLC will be capable of handling an alarm display, a graphic data editor, and the capability to handle custom web pages (8MB max memory). The PLC will also be capable of email, interpreted math and logic functions, and connection to relational databases. 10. Power Supplies: The PLC shall have chassis mounted power supplies to power the chassis backplane, and provide power for the processor and applicable modules. There shall be a single power supply per chassis. The power supplies shall be available in both 24-48VDC and 100-240VAC models.

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 13 11. Chassis: The PLC shall have chassis to mount processors, power supplies, and other applicable cards. The chassis shall come in 4, 6, and 12 position configurations. The cards will be secured to the chassis via a screw connection. 12. Other: The PLC shall have other capabilities as listed below: Use redundancy for applications where enhanced reliability is desired. Redundancy capabilities of this PLC is best applied on non-time critical applications such as those found in water, wastewater, and HVAC. For time critical applications, the Telemecanique Quantum PLC is more applicable. a. Redundancy: The PLC shall be capable of redundant operation. 1) Redundant operation shall be via redundancy capable processors and modules. Redundant communication between the processors will be via a fiber optic, or twisted pair copper, cable attached directly to the processor. 2) Redundant processor shall have a coprocessor to handle communications between the primary and backup processor. This coprocessor shall allow communication to occur simultaneously to the program scan. Simultaneous communications eliminates the need to manage program scan time. Thus, a) Controller shall stop execution of the program only to transfer data to the coprocessor. Controllers that stop program execution to perform communication transfer to another processor module shall not be allowed. b) Primary to backup communications shall not limit minimum processor program scan time. c) Controllers that rely on scan time management techniques to minimize scan time shall not be allowed. d) Controllers that caution against scan dependent logic are not allowed. e) Simultaneous communication and scan technique shall not require additional tag memory compared to a non-redundant version. Any processors that require doubling tag count compared to a non- redundant version shall not be allowed. 3) Redundancy system shall allow for outputs in any file to transition from primary to backup control without momentary lapse, or bump. PLC’s that requires outputs to be placed in a single file, or a file with a highest priority to achieve bumpless control shall not be allowed. 4) The redundancy system shall allow usage of data shifting and ASCII instructions. Processors that have ASCII and data shifting instruction limitations shall not be allowed. 5) Active messages during a switchover shall not cause a delay, a pause, or allows the message to become inactive. Processors that have a delay, or pause for cached or uncached messages shall not be acceptable. Processors that allow messages to become inactive during switchover are not allowed. 6) Messages targeted to the redundant controller shall have no impact on backplane communication. Redundant controllers that stop backplane communication for diagnostic or switchover purposes shall not be allowed. 7) Primary and backup processors shall automatically synchronize. Processor that could require a manual synchronization shall not be allowed. Processors that allow you to deactivate automatic synchronization are not allowed. 8) Redundancy System shall allow Ethernet to be used for communication to Peer to Peer devices including HMI’s, SCADA, and other PLC’s. During a switchover, communication to these devices shall not stop. Controllers that can have message communications outages over Ethernet are not acceptable.

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 14 9) For legal and liability protection, automation suppliers must be very careful in insuring manuals, and literature accurately represents what the automation system is capable of. For proper consideration, only automation suppliers that have the words “Hot Standby” in the title of their redundancy system user manuals are acceptable. Suppliers that have “Redundancy System” in the title are not acceptable. 13. Basis of Design: The basis of design is the Modicon Premium platform by Schneider Electric

G. LARGE PLC 1. Description: A PLC that can accommodate over 62,000 points of I/O. This PLC shall be a chassis mounted modular system. The CPU will be capable of handling its backplane, and one additional backplane. Additional I/O will be interfaced to the PLC via remote I/O or distributed I/O as specified below. 2. The PLC shall: a. Collect data, perform process control functions, communicate with other PLCs, and distribute process information along the local area network. b. Be able to have its program downloaded from a remote workstation over a network, or locally programmed from a portable laptop computer. c. Allow for the expansion of the system by addition and configuration of hardware. 3. Executive firmware shall be stored in Flash memory and can be updated in the field using standard programming tools. Executive firmware files shall be readily available via a public web site. 4. Each discrete point shall have a light emitting diode to indicate point status. Green shall indicate that the point is logic level “1”, also referred to as “on” or “high”. 5. The PLC shall utilize Ethernet protocols that meet the following: a. Protocols that are assigned to port 502 of the TCP/IP stack by the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority). b. Protocols that are supported by the Open DeviceNet Vendors Association (ODVA) c. Programming software will have embedded network configuration tools that utilize FDT/DTM technologies. PLC systems that have the PLC programming and network configuration tools in separate software will not be acceptable. d. Will not rely on third party vendors to meet the above criteria. 6. Processor Features: Pick one, or more, of the following processors depending on project conditions. Other processors exist that are not listed. See manufacturers’ literature for more information. When a project requires multiple PLCs of a specific type, be sure to indicate which processor is intended for each machine/process. Remove unwanted processors from the list. a. The PLC shall have a variety of processors available. Each processor will be capable of being programmed via Modbus or Modbus Plus with a PC. Modbus and Modbus Plus shall be available through processor embedded ports. Acceptable processors are detailed below: 1) A single slot processor capable of 420KB of base program and data memory, with a maximum of 40 programmable channels suitable for process control. 2) A single slot processor capable of 928KB of base program and data memory, with a maximum of 80 programmable channels suitable for process control. 3) A single slot processor capable of 2716KB of base program and data memory, with a maximum of 100 programmable channels suitable for process control.

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 15 4) A dual slot processor capable of 640KB of base program and data memory (7168MB after expansion), with a maximum of 60 programmable channels suitable for process control. In addition to the above specified communications capabilities, the processor shall have an integrated Ethernet TCP/IP port capable of Modbus TCP communications, and a USB port dedicated for PLC programming. 5) A dual slot processor capable of 768KB of base program and data memory (7168MB after expansion), with at least 60 programmable channels suitable for process control. In addition to the above specified communications capabilities, the processor shall have an integrated Ethernet TCP/IP port capable of Modbus TCP communications, and a USB port dedicated for PLC programming. Use the following processor if hot standby redundancy is required. 6) A dual slot redundancy ready processor capable of 768KB of base program and data memory (7168MB after expansion), with at least 60 programmable channels suitable for process control. In addition to the above specified communications capabilities, the processor shall have an integrated fiber based Ethernet TCP/IP port dedicated to redundant communications, and a USB port dedicated for PLC programming. b. The PLC shall use lithium battery to back up the PLC RAM. A BAT light shall indicate when it is time to replace the battery. The battery shall be accessible from the front of the CPU. It shall be possible to change the battery while the CPU is running. c. The PLC shall have on board status area to indicate the following various functions: 1) Single slot processors will have a: a) Green RUN lamp that will illuminate while the program is executing b) Red ERR lamp that will illuminate when a fault occurs in the processor c) Red I/O Lamp that will illuminate upon an I/O failure or configuration fault. d) Yellow TER lamp will illuminate when activity is present on the TER or AUX Terminal Port 2) Dual slot processors will have use a LCD to display messages. The I/O cards listed are the most widely used. Other cards, such as combination cards, are available. See manufactures literature for more detail. Furthermore, to save room and provide a cleaner specification, remove the I/O cards that will not be required. 7. General I/ O Cards: The PLC shall have a series of general I/O cards. They will be as follows: a. Analog Inputs: All analog input cards will offer isolation between channels. 1) Eight (8) channel differential +/- 10V, 0-25mA input card. 2) Eight (8) channel Type B, E, J, K, R, S, T thermocouple input card 3) Eight (8) channel RTD (2-,3-,or 4-wire), Pt, Ni input card 4) Sixteen (16) channel differential or single ended +/- 10V, 0-20mA input card. b. Analog Outputs: All analog output cards will offer isolation between channels, 1) Four (4) channel +/- 10V output card 2) Four (4) channel 4-20mA output card 3) Eight (8) channel 0-25mA output card c. Discrete Inputs: 1) Sixteen (16) channel 10-60VDC Sink input card

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 16 2) Sixteen (16) channel 115VAC input card 3) Thirty two (32) channel 10-64VDC Sink input card 4) Thirty two (32) channel 24VDC Source input card 5) Thirty two (32) channel 115VAC input card 6) Ninety Six (96) channel 24VDC Sink input card. d. Discrete Outputs: 1) Eight (8) channel 150VDC/250VAC (5A/channel) NO/NC relay output card 2) Sixteen (16) channel 10-60VDC source (2A/channel) output card 3) Sixteen (16) channel 150VDC/250VAC (2A/channel) NO relay output card 4) Sixteen (16) channel 24-48VAC (4A/channel) output card 5) Sixteen (16) channel 24-230VAC (4A@20-132VAC/channel or 3A@170- 253VAC/channel) output card 6) Thirty-two (32) channel 5VDC/TTL sink (75mA/channel) output card 7) Thirty two (32) channel 24VDC source (0.5A/channel) output card 8) Thirty two (32) channel 24VDC sink (0.5A/channel) output card 9) Thirty two (32) channel 24-230VAC (1A/channel) output card 10) Thirty-two (32) channel 10-30VDC source (0.5A/channel) verified output card 11) Ninety-Six (96) channel 19.2-30VDC (0.5A/channel) output card Other specialized I/O cards are available. Some are available only through third party vendors. Check with manufacturer and third party vendors to see if other solutions exist. Furthermore, to save room, delete cards that are not used in the application. 8. Specialized I/O Cards: The PLC shall have a series of application specific I/O cards. These will be as follows: a. Intrinsically Safe I/O: Intrinsically safe I/O will be available in the following configurations: 1) Eight (8) channel RTD, Thermocouple (J, K, E, T, S, R, B), Platinum, and Nickel analog input card 2) Eight (8) channel 0-25mA analog input card 3) Eight (8) channel 0-25mA analog output card 4) Eight (8) channel 8VDC no load voltage discrete input card 5) Eight (8) channel 24VDC(open) discrete output card b. Counter Modules: 1) The PLC will have a five (5) channel 100 KHz at 5VDC, or 20 KHz at 24VDC. Each channel will have a resolution of 32 bits. Each module will also have eight (8) 24VDC outputs. 2) The PLC will have a five (5) channel 500 KHz at 5VDC. Each channel will have a resolution of 32 bits. Each module will also have four (4) 24VDC outputs. c. Latch/Interrupt Module: The PLC will have a sixteen (16) channel latch interrupt module. This module will utilize 24VDC. The module will have an Interrupt Handling mode, an Automatic Latch/Unlatch mode, and a High speed input mode. d. Motion Control: The PLC will have the servomotor motion control modules. The following types will be available. 1) Two (2) channel 5VDC incremental encoder with (RS 422). The card will have a +/- 10VDC 12 bit encoder feedback. The card shall be capable of controlling one real axis and a remote axis (for master signal). 2) A SERCOS link module capable of handling 8 real axes, 4 imaginary axes, 4 remote axes, 4 coordinate sets (with linear interpolation 8 axes maximum), 4 follower sets, and cam profiles. The card shall be capable, with

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 17 manufacturers’ support, of being expanded to handle up to 16 real axes, or 22 axes/axis sets. 3) A SERCOS link module capable of handling 8 real axes, 4 imaginary axes, 4 remote axes, 4 coordinate sets (with linear interpolation 8 axes maximum), 4 follower sets, and cam profiles. The card shall be capable, with manufacturers’ support, of being expanded to handle up to 22 real axes, or 32 axes/axis sets. Delete capabilities not used for an application. 9. Communication Capabilities: The PLC shall support the following. a. 10/100Mb Ethernet with Fast Device Replacement (FDR) capability, b. ASi V2 Master c. Profibus DP V1 Protocol d. Rockwell Automations RIO Protocol e. DevicNet f. Serial protocols including Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII. g. Modbus Plus h. DNP3 i. Modbus TCP j. The PLC shall an Ethernet card capable of communicating both Modbus TCP, and Ethernet I/P simultaneously. Cards requiring that the port be configured for one protocol will not be accepted. Remote I/O and Distributed I/O are very similar. However, there are some speed and high end deterministic differences between the two. For some markets, such as oil and gas, these differences are critical. For other markets, these differences may not be as important. The biggest difference is in the devices supported. In remote I/O the devices are limited to I/O located in remote chassis. Distributed I/O will communicate to I/O located in remote chassis, or to other devices such as HMI, drives, etc. k. The PLC shall be capable of communicating to Remote and Distributed I/O. Remote and Distributed I/O shall be capable of being configured in redundant and non redundant configurations. Remote and Distributed I/O shall be over one of the following. 1) Remote I/O utilizing S908 communication network with quad shield coaxial cable. 2) Distributed I/O using Modbus Plus communication network over twisted shielded pair cabling. 3) Remote and Distributed I/O over Ethernet utilizing either EtherNet I/P, Modbus TCP, or a combination of both. The following power supplies represent the full range available. They may not all be applicable to a given application. To save room, delete the cards that are not required. 10. Power Supplies: The PLC shall have chassis mounted power supplies to power the chassis backplane, and provide power for the processor and applicable modules plus 30%. The power supplies shall be as follows: a. Standalone card capable of handling a 100-276VAC input. The card shall be capable of handling 3.0A output. b. Standalone card capable of handling a 20-30VDC input. The card shall be capable of handling 3.0A output. c. Standalone card capable of handling a 100-150VDC input. The card shall be capable of handling 3.0A output.

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 18 d. Summable/standalone card capable of 93-138VAC, or 170-264VAC. The card shall be capable of handling 11.0Amp in standalone mode or 20.0A output in Summable mode. e. Summable card capable of 20-30VDC. The card shall be capable of handling 8.0A in standalone mode or 16.0 A output in Summable mode. f. Summable card capable of 48-60VDC. The card shall be capable of handling 8.0A in standalone mode or 16.0 A output in Summable mode. g. Redundant card capable of 93-138VAC, or 170-264VAC. The card shall be capable of handling 8.0Amp output. h. Redundant card capable of 93-138VAC, or 170-264VAC. The card shall be capable of handling 11.0Amp output. i. Redundant card capable of 20-30VDC. The card shall be capable of handling 8.0Amp output. j. Redundant card capable of 48-60VDC. The card shall be capable of handling 8.0Amp output. k. Redundant card capable of 100-150VDC. The card shall be capable of handling 8.0Amp output. 11. Chassis: The PLC shall have chassis to mount processors, power supplies, and other applicable cards. The chassis shall come in 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, and 16 position configurations. 12. Other: The PLC shall have other capabilities as listed below: a. Redundancy: The PLC shall be capable of redundant operation. 1) PLCs requiring separate redundancy cards shall not be allowed. Redundant communication between the PLC’s will be via a fiber optic cable attached directly to the processor. The primary processor shall automatically transfer its program to the standby upon replacement. Systems that require programming software, physical media, or manually initiated methods to load the program into the standby will not be acceptable. 2) Redundant processors shall have a coprocessor to handle communications between the primary and backup processor. This coprocessor shall allow communication to occur simultaneously to the program scan. Simultaneous communications eliminates the need to manage program scan time. Thus, a) Controllers that stop program execution to perform communications transfer to the backup processor module shall not be allowed. b) Primary to backup communications shall not limit minimum processor program scan time. c) Controllers that rely on scan time management techniques to minimize scan time shall not be allowed. d) Controllers that caution against scan dependent logic are not allowed. e) Simultaneous communication and scan technique shall not require additional tag memory compared to a non-redundant version. Any processors that require doubling tag count compared to a non- redundant version shall not be allowed. 3) Redundancy system shall allow for outputs to transition from primary to backup control without momentary lapse, or bump. Outputs placed in any main program shall be bumpless. Processors whose bumpless integrity requires outputs to be placed in a single file, or a file with a highest priority shall not be allowed. 4) The redundancy system shall allow usage of all available instructions including data shifting and ASCII instructions. Processors that have instruction limitations shall not be allowed.

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 19 5) Active messages during a switchover shall not cause a delay, a pause, or allows the message to become inactive. Processors that have a delay, or pause for cached or uncached messages shall not be acceptable. Processors that allow messages to become inactive during switchover are not allowed. 6) Messages targeted to the redundant controller shall have no impact on backplane communication. Redundant controllers that stop backplane communication for diagnostic or switchover purposes shall not be allowed. 7) Primary and backup processors shall automatically synchronize. Processor that could require a manual synchronization shall not be allowed. Processors that allow you to deactivate automatic synchronization is not allowed. 8) Redundancy System shall allow Ethernet to be used for communication to Peer to Peer devices including HMI’s, SCADA, and other PLC’s. During a switchover, communication to these devices shall not stop. Controllers that can have message communications outages over Ethernet are not acceptable. 9) For legal and liability protection, automation suppliers must be very careful in insuring manuals, and literature accurately represents what the automation system is capable of. For proper consideration, only automation suppliers that have the words “Hot Standby” in the title of their redundancy system user manuals are acceptable. Suppliers that have “Redundancy System” in the title are not acceptable. b. Programming cable: The PLC shall be capable of using standard USB cables for connection between the PLC and programming terminal. The USB cable shall have a USB A connection on one end, and a USB B connection on the other. PLC’s relying on vendor supplied cables will not be accepted. 13. Basis of Design: The basis of design is the Telemecanique Modicon Quantum by Schneider Electric. Distributed I/O hardware can be used with a variety of networks to gather data from points located remotely from the Main PLC rack. This can result in significant saving in both material and time over traditional I/O methods. However, this may not be applicable for all applications. Examine to see if adopting this hardware can reduce wiring and time. Otherwise delete.

H. DISTRIBUTED I/O 1. Programmable Distributed I/O: a. Description: A dedicated line of I/O designed to be located remote from the main PLC rack. This I/O system is designed to communicate to the PLC over a variety of networks. In the event of a communication failure, the I/O shall be capable of setting outputs to a predetermined position, or executing a simple Boolean routine that sets the outputs based on the state of local inputs. The distributed I/O system shall be capable of communicating with up to 31 I/O modules. Each I/O and module will reside in a dedicated mounting base. Mounting bases will be DIN rail mountable and will to a power distribution module. Power distribution modules will allow divert I/O power to the I/O modules. The Power distribution module will reside in a mounting base and will interface to the network interface module. The I/O cards listed are the full range of product. See manufacturer’s literature for more detail. Furthermore, to save room and provide a cleaner specification, remove the I/O cards that will not be required. b. General I/ O Cards: The distributed I/O hardware platform shall have a series of general I/O cards. They will be as follows: 1) Analog Inputs: All Analog input cards will offer field to bus, and channel to channel isolation. The cards will be as follows:

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 20 a) Two (2) channel +/- 10V with 9 bit+sign resolution card b) Two (2) channel +/- 10V with 11 bit+sign resolution card c) Two (2) channel 0-10V with 10 bit+sign resolution card d) Two (2) channel 0-20mA with 12 bit resolution card e) Two (2) channel 4-20mA with 10 bit resolution card f) Two (2) channel Thermocouple (B,E,J,K,R,S,and T), Pt 100, Pt 1000, Ni 100, Ni 1000, Cu10, +/- 80Mv with 15 bit +sign resolution card 2) Analog Outputs: All analog output cards will offer field to bus, and channel to channel isolation. The cards will be as follows: a) Two (2) channel +/- 10V with 9 bit+sign resolution card b) Two (2) channel +/- 10V with 12 bit, or 11 bit+sign resolution card c) Two (2) channel 0-10V with 10 bit resolution card d) Two (2) channel 0-20mA with 12 bit resolution card e) Two (2) channel 4-20mA with 10 bit resolution card 3) Discrete Inputs: a) Two (2) channel sink 24VDC input card b) Four (4) channel sink 24VDC input card c) Six (6) channel sink 24VDC input card d) Two (2) channel sink 115VAC input card e) Two (2) channel sink 230VAC input card 4) Discrete Outputs: a) Two (2) channel 24VDC 0.5A source output card b) Two (2) channel 24VDC 2A source output card c) Four (4) channel 24VDC 0.5A source output card d) Four (4) channel 24VDC 2A source output card e) Six (6) channel 24VDC 0.5A source output card f) Six (6) channel 24VDC 2A source output card g) Two (2) channel 115/230 VAC triac output card h) Two (2) Form C relays with 2 A per contact output card i) Two (2) Form A/B relays with 7A per contact output card c. Specialized I/O Cards: The Distributed I/O hardware platform shall have a series of application specific I/O cards. These will be as follows: 1) U-Line Interface Module: This card will allow network interface to up to four (4) Telemecanique U-Line IEC starters. The card has four (4) RJ45 connectors. 2) Counter Module: 1 channel at 40 KHz at 16 bits. One 24VDC input channel and Two (2) digital outputs. d. Communication Cards: The PLC shall have a series of communication modules. They shall be as follows: 1) Ethernet Module: Compliant with 10 Base T communication standards. Equipped for embedded web (configuration, diagnostics, and access to variables), SNMP agent, and Modbus TCP/IP. 2) CANopen Module: Compliant with CAN field bus protocol. Equipped for Process Data object, Service Data Object, Special function Object, and Network management. 3) Modbus Plus network: Compliant with Modbus Plus standard. Equipped to handle global data, peer-to-peer, and peer cop. 4) Fipio Module: Compliant with FIP field bus standard. Equipped to handle periodic I/O exchanges, Peer-to-peer messaging, use of FRD/FSD/and FED standard profiles.

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 21 5) InterBus: Compliant with the Generation 4 InterBus Industrial Field bus protocol. Equipped to handle data process implicit exchange, logical addressing, and diagnostics. 6) Profibus DP: Compliant with Profibus DP V.0. Equipped to handle slave configuration, configuration control, and read/write slave data. 7) DeviceNet: Compliant with v.2.0 of the Open DeviceNet Vendor Association (ODVA). Equipped to handle DeviceNet object (class ID3), connection object (class ID5), Island Bus object (class ID101) e. Power Distribution Module: The Distributed I/O hardware platform shall utilize power distribution modules to divert power to the I/O cards. The system shall consist of cards capable of 24VDC input and 115/230VAC input. If the Distributed I/O is being used with a non-micro PLC platform then leave the following paragraph. Otherwise delete. f. Programming Software: The Distributed I/O shall be programmed via the common PLC programming software. If the Distributed I/O is being used either with the micro PLC, or on its own, then leave the following paragraph. Otherwise delete. g. Programming Software: The Distributed I/O shall be programmed/configured via a dedicated programming package. h. Basis of Design: The basis of design is the Telemecanique Advantys STB by Schneider Electric. 2. Non-Programmable Distributed I/O a. Description: A dedicated line of I/O designed to be located remote from the main PLC rack. This I/O system is designed to communicate to the PLC over a variety of networks. The DIN rail mounted distributed I/O Network Interface Modules (NIM) shall contain 20 I/O and can be expanded up to 256 I/O with addition of Modicon Twido I/O modules. The I/O cards listed are the full range of product. See manufactures literature for more detail. Furthermore, to save room and provide a cleaner specification, remove the I/O cards that will not be required. b. General I/O Cards: The PLC shall have a series of general I/O cards. They will be as follows: 1) Analog I/O: All analog I/O shall have photocouple isolation between channels and ground. The following cards shall be available. a) Four (4) point input 0-10 V(non differential), 4-20mA(differential), or Pt 100/1000 Ni 100/1000 card b) Eight (8) point input 10 V(non differential), 4-20mA(differential), or PTC/NTC card c) One (1) point output 0-10V, or 4-20mA card d) Two (2) point output +/- 0-10V card 2) Discrete Inputs: a) Eight (8) point input 85-132VAC card b) Sixteen (16) point input 20.4-28.8VDC card 3) Discrete Outputs: a) Sixteen (16) point output Normally Open Relay, 20.4-28.8 transistor sinking, or 20.4-28.8 transistor sourcing cards. c. Communication Options in the NIMs: The Distributed I/O NIMs shall have a series of communication modules. They shall be as follows: 1) Ethernet TCP/IP Module: Compliant with 10/100 Base T communication standards. .

PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 22 2) CANopen Module: Compliant with CAN field bus protocol. Equipped for Process Data object, Service Data Object, Special function Object, and Network management. 3) Modbus Serial Module: Compliant with Modbus standard. d. Power: The Distributed I/O hardware platform shall accept a 24VDC supply voltage. e. Basis of Design: The basis of design is the Telemecanique Advantys OTB by Schneider Electric.



A. Examine areas, surfaces, and substrates to receive PLCs for compliance with requirements, installation tolerances, and other conditions affecting performance.

B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.

0.2 APPLICATIONS Delete this Article if PLCs and their types are delineated on Drawings.

A. Select PLC based upon I/O, memory, communication, expansion, and other criteria. If multiple PLC panels from different vendors will be supplied, coordinate with other vendors to insure that PLCs are of similar brand and are equipped to utilize identical communication networks.

0.3 INSTALLATION Coordinate this Article with Drawings. Add requirements for special anchorage and seismic restraint if applicable.

A. Anchor PLCs within enclosures as recommended by the PLC manufacturer.

B. Provide spacing around PLC as required by the PLC manufacturer to insure adequate cooling. Insure that the air surrounding and penetrating the PLC has been ambiently conditioned to maintain the required temperature and humidity range of the PLC.

C. Wires entering and exiting PLC components shall be sized to comply with the PLC manufacturers requirements. Doors on all components shall be able to be fully closed when all the wires are installed.

D. Ventilation slots shall not be blocked, or obstructed by any means.

E. For chassis mounted PLCs, no wiring, wire ducts, or other devices shall obstruct the removal of cards from the rack.

F. PLC lights, keys, communication ports, and memory card slots shall be accessible at all times. Lights shall be visible at all times when enclosure door is opened.


A. Identify PLC components, and wiring according to all applicable codes, standards and contract document sections.

B. Each I/O point shall be identified on the door of PLC I/O cards or on the surface of each “Fixed” or “Fixed” style PLC.


A. Field Service: The PLC based control panel supplier shall provide a qualified service representative to perform the following:

1. Inspect PLCs, wiring, components, connections, and equipment installation.[ Test and adjust supplied programmable controllers, components, and equipment.] 2. Assist in field testing of equipment[ including pre-testing and adjusting of controllers and its associated application program if necessary.]. 3. Report results in writing.

B. DEMONSTRATION 1. Control panel supplier shall provide a qualified service representative to train Owner's maintenance personnel to adjust, operate, and maintain PLCs. Manufacturer’s standard training will be sufficient unless specified elsewhere.


PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS (Long Version) 40 94 43.01 - 24

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