International Hotel Services Pty Ltd A.B.N. 53 080 511 557 Head office: 19-25 Marsden Street, CAMPERDOWN NSW 2050 Postal Address: Locked Bag 8, CAMPERDOWN NSW 1450 Telephone: (02) 9517 2180 Facsimile: (02) 9519 1303

Date of Application:

Position applied for:

Status of Position (Please circle): Perm Part time Casual

Availability (Please circle): Weekdays Yes / No

Weekends Yes / No

1. Surname or Family Name:

First Given Names: Other Given Names:

Male / Female: Date of Birth:

Street Address:

Suburb: Postcode:

Telephone: Home: Mobile:

Email Address:

1/4 2. Education:

School / College / University Dates Highest Qualification FROM TO

3. Employment History (Beginning with most recent employer):

Previous Position held Full-Time / Date Date Reason for Leaving Employer’s Name Part-Time Started Finished

Referees (work related):

May we please contact your past employers? Yes / No:

Company Contact Name Position held Phone Number

4. Are there any details, or anything we should know, which are relevant to your application or may affect your performance in the role you are applying for?

5. Are you legally entitled to work in Australia? Yes / No: Are you an Australian Citizen? Yes / No Please show for inspection: Australian Birth Certificate or Passport, Certificate of Australian Citizenship, New Zealand Passport or other Passport with relevant work / visa / entry permit.

Passport / Visa Number:

Visa type:

Expiry Date:

Country of Issue: 2/4 6. Are you prepared to undertake a pre-employment medical? Yes / No:

7. Have you had a Worker’s Compensation claim?

Yes / No:

If yes, for what type of injury ?

Who was your employer at the time?

8. Many of our customers require us to obtain a ‘Police Security Clearance’ for staff before staff can be employed on their site. If this applies to your proposed site, are you prepared to agree to a ‘Police Security Clearance’ as part of your Employment Application?

Yes / No:

9. When are you available to start?

10. In case of an emergency, whom may we contact?


Relationship: Phone:

Family Doctor: Phone:


Account Number: Branch / BSB Number:

Name and Suburb of Bank:

Name of Person on the Account:

In undertaking employment with International Hotel Services, I hereby agree to undertake a traineeship in Hospitality Operations, if such were offered to me. I understand that I will be trained during work hours and the entire course will be paid for by International Hotel Services.

Name of Applicant:



Applicants Name:

Suitability for Position: Excellent Good Insufficient

Grooming: Excellent Good Insufficient

English: Excellent Good Insufficient

