Walter Evans C of E Primary School

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Walter Evans C of E Primary School



THURSDAY 25th Sept 2014 – 6.00 P.M.


MIN NO TOPIC ACTION BY 1.1/15 PRAYERS Read by SC 1.2/15 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE, WELCOMES AND INTRODUCTIONS Apologies from CD and SW.  School Council Chair and Secretary came to meet the governing body and outline their plans for the year. Governors welcomed Jessica and Isaac and asked them back to the final meeting of the year to let governors know if they have accomplished everything they have set out to.  Introductions made by all present.  Committee memberships organised. PMc to speak to SWo regarding which committee he would like to join. Other governors decided to remain on the same committees for a further year; SWa to join Worship and Learning, AS to join Finance and Buildings. JR to join Admissions panel. 1.3/15 REGISTER OF BUSINESS INTERESTS AND ANNUAL FORMS, COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP AND SKILLS AUDIT Register of business interests signed by all present.  Annual forms completed and handed in including the Register of Annual Business Interests Forms.


1.5/15 LATE ITEMS INTRODUCED BY THE CHAIR  Parent Governor elections – PMc suggested that Ros Clarke, JF who came 2nd in the election could be co-opted onto the governing body due to her experiences and skills. JF to contact Ros to discuss the possibility. 1.6/15 MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING HELD 10th JULY 2014 AND 1.7/15 MATTERS ARISING

 JC confirmed that he was present at the last meeting

 JF /KHS to chase up the Instrument of Government amendment document

 PTFA no Chair appointed yet but current Chair to remain as vice

 PMc / SL to speak to Chairs of PTFA re Finance and Spending guidelines

 JF / KHS to contact Dave Channon to arrange a talk re

Signed …………………………………………………… Chair of Governors

Date ……………………………………………… Academies

 Staff Forum – Overview of staff forum for new Governors. SL to feed back at next FGB. PMc expressed an interest to attend the next Forum meeting.

 Meeting with Chris Wynn – talks are ongoing re “H” Lines and 20 mile an hour limit. Neighbourhood relationships are better and they have been invited to the opening and blessing of the new classrooms and hall extension. JD reported that traffic issues were pretty bad at the moment. School to put together a leaflet advising rules around zig zags etc. Governors agreed that we have no jurisdiction to enforce anything but that we have JF a duty to remind parents to park sensibly and safely. JF to draft a letter.

 Governor’s newsletter to be drafted by Worship and Learning Committee and sent out in the Spring Term

 Spare classrooms are being utilised but the prayer space room KHS needs some more work. HM and KHS hope to adapt the space by Oct half term.

 Extended hall – Really good space but may need some sound JF proofing to improve the acoustics and a divider to help the space be used effectively. JF to source quotes.

1.8/15 LEARNING PARTNERSHIPS  PMc explained that some governors had not found the time to commit 100% to the scheme currently being used and there was not a fair share of work across the school. SC said that he had enjoyed using the latest format and that it had felt less intrusive and personal. JD agreed that writing up the report was labour intensive. DT said that time was also an issue for her although she enjoyed the experience and time with the FS leader. LOM enjoyed spending the day with a particular group of children and benefitted from the experience, seeing the children at both their best and their worst. LOM engaged in a really useful question and answer session with the children in Year 5 / 6. SL enjoyed the visit too but again found the time needed to write up the report really difficult to find. SL also only managed one trip into school. RL liked the way the children engaged with her and the way the teachers had prepared for the sessions. SL found RL’s report very useful. PMc suggested going back to staff to see how they found the process. DT felt that moving forwards the report writing would be easier as governors have now completed one round. PMc explained that the visits should focus on the SIP for them to be the most valuable. SW agreed as Signed …………………………………………………… Chair of Governors

Date ……………………………………………… this process happens in her school, providing evidence for SW Ofsted. SL asked if we could keep in mind that it shouldn’t be a judgemental exercise but had found the process to be much more positive, allowing governors to get a real flavour of all aspects of teaching including interventions etc. SMc and JC also found that the children really benefitted from the experience and it was nice to have governors around school. PMc suggested that we put together a template to use that it would be less time consuming for staff. SW to draft based on one used at her school. DT asked how we share the information from the learning partnership reports? KHS said she felt the main benefit was to gain knowledge and SMc agreed that it was the “link” that was one of the best aspects of the process. SL asked how we address any questions raised from the visits from either staff or governors? SMc suggested the Staff Forum would be a good platform.

 Year Group reps allocated. PMc suggested visits are arranged for after half term. Once individual staff teams have seen and had chance to comment on the reports, JF JF to circulate them to governors and SLT.

 Governors to email a biography to JF and a photograph session to be arranged with JC.


KHS presented the Draft SIP, explaining the process the consultation had already been through which included being discussed with staff at the last INSET Day.

DT asked how we would know we were successful in PE. KHS explained that we would know through the progress the children make. School have now set up an assessment system into which current level and future levels could be recorded. Children also set themselves targets to reach over the year. Physical Literacy is also used to help children who are not reaching milestones.

KHS advised about how PP is managed in school as the number who qualify are so low. KHS has introduced a different way of recording this. KHS Changes have also been made to the SEN regulations and KHS advised that she will be presenting these changes to governors at the next FGB.

KHS advised that teaching is Good or better across all phases so our next priority will focus on teaching over time rather than traditional lesson observations where a date and time are given to the teacher beforehand. Also to be covered in the SIP will be Maths, the new RE Signed …………………………………………………… Chair of Governors

Date ……………………………………………… syllabus and transition from Year 2 to Year 3.

Behaviour, safety and the ethos of the school is important and reflected in the SIP in all aspects of school life including use of social media. PMc KHS asked if feedback from the staff survey could be shared with the P & P committee.

Data to be put together which is drawn from lost golden time and low level behaviour incidents etc for governors at the next meeting.

Report from Julie Ash – SIO was presented. This was seen to be a positive report and she categorized us as a 2a, at the top of the “Good” category. The only area she couldn’t comment on was the teaching standards so has suggested that an LA review should be carried out. This has been planned for November.

Teaching over time - KHS advised the changes to observations moving from 3 x 1 hour observations to 6 x 30 min observation and at a point during a given week rather than at one given session. Staff have been consulted about this change and those in the NUT have asked for time to discuss the changes further. KHS PMc said there were now 5 responses on the Ofsted Parent View website. It was suggested that we encourage parents to complete the questionnaire during parents eve in Oct 14.

KHS and SLT to piece together the final parts of the SIP and sign off KHS before half term. Governors advised to choose a focus for their Learning Partnership visits from the new SIP.


CD and KHS discussed the parish boundaries and whether they should be widened to admit more children in the St Edmunds parish as the link between St Matthews and St Edmunds had now been formalized. They also looked at St Paul’s parish in Chester Green and the fact that Walter KHS/JF Evans is the nearest Church School to them. KHS and CD proposed to governors that Criteria 4 be expanded to include those families who regularly worship at St Pauls as well as St Matthews and St Edmunds. SWa asked how we would “police” the legitimacy of whether a family are committed Christians and not just attending church for the specified 12 months in order to facilitate a place. Governors agreed that this would KHS be difficult and should be discussed with CD in more detail. Governors agreed to the proposal in principle. KHS to speak with CD, to take decisions to the next PCC.


 Building Expansion and Playground

All of the new spaces are now completed and in use. The only

Signed …………………………………………………… Chair of Governors

Date ……………………………………………… issue we currently have is with the playground which is not really adequate for our needs as it isn’t flat and will present a possible health and safety risk to pupils in the winter. KHS / JF are in talks with DCC about an alternative solution in summer 2015.


We have met our obligation to provide a meal to all of our Infant children and the menu is proving to be quite popular. Parents are also respecting the new Packed Lunch Policy on the whole and regular offenders, bringing foods in that aren’t allowed are being reminded.

1.12/15 CORRESPONDENCE  Letter from Councillor Saadia Davies regarding the proposal to build 400 new houses in the Kedleston land in Amber Valley  Confirmation about the appointment of the new Foundation Governors, SW and AS

1.13/15 GOVERNOR TRAINING SC suggested if a governor is allocated a specific role then they should attend the training associated with it.


Signed …………………………………………………… Chair of Governors

Date ………………………………………………

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