Syllabus: English I (Level 2)

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Syllabus: English I (Level 2)

Syllabus: English Skills for Career Development (Advanced) Fall 2015

Instructor: Contact info: Office: Office Hours: Class Time: Classroom:

I. Course Description

English Skills for Career Development(Advanced level) is primarily designed to develop speaking ability within professional business and social environments. Through this carefully structured course, students will sharpen their grammatical understanding and learn new vocabulary in order to build the confidence they require to communicate in a variety of business orientated situations. Driven by the target of achieving the successful advancement from level A1.5 to level B0.5 of the Common Europe Framework of Reference (CEFR), students will engage in(1) speaking skills, (2) writing to build the foundations of communication, (3) reading strategies to strengthen fluency and (4) listening for comprehension.These core elements of the course will ensure that students receive the building blocks of English, from which they can develop the English proficiency to be able to effectively communicate within professional business and social contexts.

II. Course Goals

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be competently able to:  Communicate effectively in spokenand written forms and understand the main points of clear standard information on familiar topics to perform transactions or arrange travel, deal with practical everyday demands.  Describe experiences, take part in interview scenarios, ask and answer questions, interactgeneral group discussions and exchange brief opinions and routine information and plans, in reference to both business based topics and aspects of everyday living.  Extract information and the main points from business, professional and social related texts, listening activities and videos, receive instructions and offer solutions to practical problems.  Develop the tools required to speak on the telephone, participate in job interviews, write a CV and short formulaic personal cover letters,short simple emails, and understand the basics of PowerPoint presentations.

III. Required Textbook

Harding, Keith&Rachel Appleby.2014.International Express: Pre-Intermediate (Third Edition).OxfordUniversity Press.

IV. Class Requirements

 Use only English in class!  Preview the material for next class! (You are required to spend at least 6 hrs a week on homework and previewing the material)  You are required to hand in homework before class begins.  Participate in pair- and group-work activities with other students.  Negotiations for your course grade are NOT allowed.  Extra assignments to increase grade are NOT allowed.

V. Speaking Tests

Midterm Speaking Test  Topic: TBA (3 questions: text reading, picture description & giving opinions)

1  20% of final grade  Test place: In the classroom  Test date: Week 8, Days 1& 2

Standardized Final Speaking Test  Topic: TBA(4 questions: text reading, prompt card question, picture description/comparison & giving opinions)  20% of final grade  Test place: In the classroom  Test date: Week 15, Day 1 & 2

VI. Standardized Final Written Exam  Test covers: speaking, reading, vocabulary, grammar, listening, etc. from textbook (all chapters from syllabus), and all assignments including video materials  20% of final grade  Test place: TBA  Test date: TBA (Week 16, Day 1 or 2)

VII. Writing Assignments

Writing Assignment – Independent Paragraph: Description  Topic: See below.  5% of final grade  Due: Week 5 Day 1. Returned with feedback: Week 12 Day 2. Must be turned in on time. Late work will not be accepted.  Half-page, typed, 12 pt. font, double spaced (MS Word) or 180% spaced (HWP)

Choose one of 8 topics.  Applying for a job: Write a job application letter & a resume.  Giving an opinion and recommendation: Write a review about a smart-phone application or new technology that has impressed you.  Describe the company you would like to work for, after graduating from university.  Making and changing arrangements: Write an apologetic Email to cancel a meeting with an important customer of your company. Explain why the meeting must be cancelled and suggest a new meeting.  Dealing with problems: A customer has received a wrong order from your company. Write a letter of response to the customer.  Write a blog about the best hotel that you have stayed in or you would like to stay in.  Description: Write about a business leader that has inspired you. How did they inspire you?  Write an email, explaining why you would be suitable for a summer or winter resort job(e.g., a recreation assistant, catering assistant, receptionist, valet parking agent, beach patrol officer, resort waitingstaff, etc.) in England or the USA.

VIII. Self Study – Students are expected to study at home from the International Express Pre-Intermediate text book,the accompanying DVD-ROM and theCEP Website( CEP committee expects 6 hours of self-study per week consisting of the following:  Preview and review of classes  Textbook homework  DVD-ROM exercises  CEP website video homework (Teachers will give students a demonstration of how to access the website on the 1st day of class)

There will be 2 pop quizzes during the semester:  Quiz 1 (5%): pop quiz (will be given at some point before Week 8)  Quiz 2 (5%): pop quiz (will be given at some point before Week 16)

IX. Grading

2  Final Written Exam 20%  Speaking Tests 40% - Midterm Speaking Test (20%) + Final Speaking Test (20%)  Writing Assignment 5%  Attendance 10% (5 or more absences = F; 3 late arrivals = 1 absence; more than 20 minutes late = 1 absence)  Homework 10% (video worksheets, review pages, DVD-ROM & worksheets)  Pop Quizzes 10% (2 quizzes * 5% each)  Participation 5% (in-class activities) ※Test covers: speaking, reading, vocabulary, grammar, listening, etc. from textbook (all chapters from syllabus), and all assignments including video material!

Class Schedule

Week/Day Class Activities DVD Rom/OnlineHomework Textbook Homework Course Overview Unit 2: DVD-ROM 1. Preview p.18-22.  Syllabus information 1. Watch video. Grammar: 1-9  CEP WebsiteDemonstration 2. Complete exercise 1. Vocabulary: 1-12 Day  Self-Introduction 3. Print exercise 1and bring to 2. Preview p.26-28. 1 class. Grammar: 1-3 Vocabulary: 1-3 3. Listen to AudioCD. (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4) Week Unit 2: Celebrations (p.18-p.29) Unit 2: DVD-ROM 1. Preview p.23-25. 1  Grammar 1. Watch video. Work skills: 1-3 p.26 2. Complete exercise 2. Functions: 1-7 p.18-20: 1-9 3. Print exercise 2and bring to 2. Preview p. 28-29. Day  Reading: 3 (p.18) class. Work skills: 1-2 2  Listening: 4 (p.18) Functions: 1-2  Focus: 5-9 (p. 19) 3. Listen to audio CD.  Speaking: 9 (p.20) (2.5, 2.6) Task and activity notes: [2] Grammar (p. 127) Unit 2:Celebrations (p.18-p.29) Unit 4: DVD-ROM 1. Preview p. 42-44.  Work Skills: Emails (1): Part 1. Watch video. Grammar: 1-14 of an email 2. Complete exercise 1. 2. Preview p.50-51. p. 23: 1-3 3. Print exercise 1and bring Grammar:1-3  Functions: Talking about toclass. 3. Listen to audio CD. Day schedules and arrangements (4.1, 4.2). 1 p. 24-25: 1-3, Focus, 4-7  Reading: 1 (p. 24)  Listening: 2-3 (p.24)  Speaking: 7 (p.25) Week Task and activity notes: 2 [2]Functions: (p.127 & p.132) Unit 4:Objects and Designs (p.42- Online video homework:1 1. Preview p. 45-46. p.53) http:// escd Vocabulary: 2-12  Grammar: 1. Watch video. 2. Preview p. 51- 52. p.50 2. Complete worksheet. Vocabulary: 1-3 Day p.42-44: 3-6, Focus, 7-14 3. Print worksheetand bring to 3. Listen to audio CD. 2  Reading: 3(p.42), 8 (p. 43) class. (4.3, 4.4, 4.5).  Listening: 5 (p.42), 12(p.44)  Writing (part 1)  Speaking: 14(p.44) Task and activity notes: [4]Grammar (p. 128)

3 Unit 4: Objects and Designs (p.42- Unit 4: DVD-ROM 1. 11. Preview p. 47-49. p.53) 1. Watch video. Work skills: 1, 2  Vocabulary:Describing 2. Complete exercise2. Functions: 1-7 Day people and objects 3. Print exercise 2and bring to 2. Preview p.52-53. 1 p. 45-46: 2-13 class. Work skills: 1, 2  Listening: 2, 5 (p. 45), 8, 9 Functions: 1, 2 (p.46) 3. Listen to audio CD.  Speaking: 13(p.46) (4.6, 4.7) Week 3 Unit 4: Objects and Designs (p.42-53) Online video homework: 2 1. Preview p. 66-68.  Work skills: Meetings (1): http:// escd Grammar 1-11 Stages of a meeting 1. Watch video. 2. Preview p.74-75. p. 47: 1-2 2. Complete worksheet. Grammar 1, 2 Day  Functions: Asking for and 3. Print worksheetand bring to 3. Listen to audio CD. 2 giving opinions class. (6.1, 6.2) p. 48-49: 1-4, Focus, 5-7  Writing (part 1)  Listening: 2-3(p.48)  Speaking: 7 (p.49) Unit 6: Street Life (p. 66-77) Unit 6: DVD-ROM 1. Review p.69-70.  Grammar: 1. Watch video. Vocabulary 1-5 p. 74 2. Complete exercise1. 2. Preview p.75-76. p. 66-68:1-3, Focus, 4-10 3. Print exercise 1 and bring to Vocabulary 1-2 Day  Reading: 2 (p. 66) class. 3. Listen to audio CD. (6.3) 1  Listening: 3(p.66), 7 (p. 67)  Speaking: 10, 11(p.68) Task and activity notes: Week [6]Grammar (p. 129) 4 Unit 6: Street Life (p. 66-77) Online video homework: 3 1. Review p.71.  Vocabulary Talking about http:// escd Work skills: 1-3 cities: 1. Watch video. 2. Preview p.76. Day p. 69-70: 1-8 2. Complete worksheet. Work skills: 1-2 2  Reading: 3,4 (p. 69) 3. Print worksheetand bring to 3. Listen to audio CD.  Listening: 7 (p. 70) class. (6.4,)  Speaking:8 (p. 70)  Writing (part 1) 4. Writing Assignment

Unit 6: Street Life (p. 66-77) Unit 6: DVD-ROM 1. Preview p.72-73.  Work skills: telephoning(2): 1. Watch video. Functions: 1-8 Answering the phone: p. 71: 2. Complete exercise 2. 2. Preview p. 77. Day 1-3 3. Print exercise 2 and bring to Functions: 1 1  Listening: 2 (p. 71) class. 3. Listen to audio CD. (6.5,  Speaking: 3(p.71) 6.6, 6.7) Week  Writing AssignmentDue 5 Unit 6: Street Life (p. 66-77) Online video homework: 4 1. Preview p.78-80.  Functions: At a hotel http:// escd Grammar: 1-13 1. Watch video. 2. Preview p.86-87 Day p. 72-73:1-5, Focus, 6-8 2. Complete worksheet. Grammar: 3-11 2  Listening: 2-5(p.72)  Speaking: 8(p.73) 3. Print worksheetand bring to 3. Listen to audio CD. (7.1, class. 7.2)  Writing (part 1)

4 Unit 7: The Sound of Music(p. 78-87) Unit 7: DVD-ROM 1. Preview p.81-82.  Grammar: 1. Watch video. Vocabulary 1-3 p. 86 2. Complete exercise 1. 2. Preview p.87-88. p. 78-80: 1-5, Focus, 6-13 3. Print exercise 1and bring to Vocabulary 1-7 Day  Reading: 1-4 (p. 78) class. 3. Listen to audio CD. (7.3) 1  Listening: 5 (p. 78), 10, 11 (p. 80)  Speaking: 13 (p. 80)Task and activity notes [7]Grammar (p. Week 129 & 133) 6 Unit 7: The Sound of Music (p. 78- Online video homework: 5 1. Preview p.83. 89) http:// escd Work skills 1-3  Vocabulary: Talking about 1. Watch video. 2. Preview p.88. changes and trends: 2. Complete worksheet. Work skills 1 Day p.81-82: 1-7 3. Print worksheetand bring to 2  Reading: 1 (p. 81) class.  Listening: 6 (p. 82)  Writing (part 1)  Speaking: 7(p.82) Task and activity notes: [7]Vocabulary(p.130) Unit 7: The Sound of Music (p. 78- Unit 7: DVD-ROM 89) 1. Watch video.  Work skills: 2. Complete exercise 2. 1. Preview p.84-85. Presentations(2): Using 3. Print exercise 2 and bring to Functions 1-5 Day PowerPoint; Presentation class. 2. Preview p.89. 1 tips: Functions 1-2 p.83:1-3 3. Listen to audio CD. (7.4)  Reading: 1-2(p.83)  Speaking: 3(p.83) Week Unit 7: The Sound of Music (p. 78- 1. Review for Mid-term Exams 1. Prepare for mid-term 7 89) speaking test.  Functions:Job Interview: p.84-85: 1-3, Focus, 4-5  Reading: 1(p.84) Day  Listening: 3(p.84) 2  Speaking: 5(p.85)  Review for mid-term Speaking Test.  Professor’s choice of activities Mid-term Speaking Test 1. Prepare for mid-term speaking 1. Preview p.90-92. Topics: TBA test. Grammar: 1-11 20% of final grade 2. Preview p.98-99 Week 8 Grammar: 1-4 3. Listen to audio CD. (8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4)

5 Unit 8: Doing the Right Thing(p. 90- Unit 8: DVD-ROM 1. Preview p.93-94. 101) 1. Watch video. Vocabulary 1-4  Grammar: 2. Complete exercise 1. 2. Preview p.100. p.98 3. Print exercise 1and bring to Vocabulary 1 Day p. 90-92: 1, 2, Focus, 3-6, 8- class. 3. Listen to audio CD. (8.5) 1 10  Listening: 5 (p. 91), 8- 9 (p. 92) Week  Reading: 6 (p. 91) 9  Speaking: 10 (p. 92) Unit 8: Doing the Right Thing(p. 90- Online video homework: 6 1. Preview p.95. 101) http:// escd Work skills 1-5  Vocabulary: Career 1. Watch video. 2. Preview p.100. Day Paths:p.93-94: 1-5 2. Complete worksheet. Work skills 1 2  Listening: 1(p. 93) 3. Print worksheetand bring to 3. Listen to audio CD. (8.6,  Reading: 3, 4(p. 94) class. 8.7)  Speaking: 5(p.94)  Writing (part 1) Unit 8:Doing the Right Thing (p.90- Unit 8: DVD-ROM 1. Preview p. 96-97. p.101) 1. Watch video. Functions 1-5  Work skills: Meetings (2): 2. Complete exercise 2. 2. Preview p. 101. Day Turn-taking and turn-giving: 3. Print exercise 2 and bring to Functions 1-2 1 p. 95: 1-5 class. 3. Listen to audio CD.  Listening: 2, 4 (p. 95) (8.8, 8.9)  Speaking: 5 (p. 95) Week Unit 8:Doing the Right Thing (p. 90- Online video homework: 7 1. Preview p. 102-104. 10 p. 101) http:// escd Grammar: 1-11  Functions: Invitations and 1. Watch video. 2. Preview p. 110-111. offers: 2. Complete worksheet. Grammar: 1-3 Day p. 96: 1-3, Focus 3. Print worksheetand bring to 3. Listen to audio CD. 2 p. 97 4-7 class. (9.1, 9.2)  Listening: 1, 2 (p. 96)  Writing (part 1)  Reading: 3 (p. 96)  Speaking: 4-7 (p. 97) Unit 9:Start-ups (p.102-p.113) Unit 9: DVD-ROM 1. Preview p.105-106.  Grammar: 1. Watch video. Vocabulary 1-11 p. 110 2. Complete exercise 1. 2. Preview p.112. p.102: 1-3, Focus 3. Print exercise 1 and bring Vocabulary 1-2 Day p.103-104: 4-11 toclass. 3. Listen to audio CD. (9.3) 1  Reading: 2 (p. 102)  Listening: 7, 8(p. 104)  Speaking: 11(p.104) Week Task and activity notes 11 [9]Grammar (p. 130) Unit 9:Start-ups (p.102-p.113) Online video homework: 8 1. Preview p.107.  Vocabulary: Staying and http:// escd Work skills 1-3 going out: 1. Watch video. 2. Preview p.112. Day p.105-106: 1-11 2. Complete worksheet. Work skills 1. 2  Speaking: 3, 4, 10, 11 3. Print worksheetand bring to (p.105-106) class.  Listening: 5(p. 106)  Writing (part 1)

6 Unit 9:Start-ups (p.102-p.113) Unit 9: DVD-ROM 1. Preview p.108-109.  Work skills Emails (2): 1. Watch video. Functions 1-9 Day Problems and solutions: 2. Complete exercise 2. 2. Preview p.113. 1 p.107: 1-3 3. Print exercise 2 and bring to Functions 1-2  Reading: 1(p.107) class. 3. Listen to audio CD.  Writing: 3(p.107) (9.4, 9.5, 9.6) Unit 9:Start-ups (p.102-p.113) Online video homework: 9 1. Preview p.114-116. Week  Functions:Making http:// escd Grammar: 1-10 12 suggestions: 1. Watch video. 2. Preview p.122-123. p. 108-109: 1-6, Focus, 7-9 2. Complete worksheet. Grammar: 1-2 Day  Listening: 3. Print worksheetand bring to 3. Listen to audio CD. 2 1, 3, 5 (p. 108) class. (10.1, 10.2)  Reading: 9(p.109)  Writing (part 1)  Speaking: 9(p.109) Writing Assignment returnedwith feedback Unit 10:What Next? (p.114-p.125) Unit 10: DVD-ROM 1. Preview p.117-118.  Grammar: 1. Watch video. Vocabulary 1-6 p. 122 2. Complete exercise 1. 2. Preview p.123-124. p. 114-116: 1-4, Focus, 5-6, 3. Print exercise 1and bring to Vocabulary 1-3 Day 7-10 class. 3. Listen to audio CD. 1  Reading: 2 (p. 114), 8 (p. (10.3, 10.4) 116)  Listening: 3-4(p. 114) Week  Speaking:10(p.116) 13 Unit 10:What Next? (p.114-p.125) Online video homework: 10 1. Preview p.119.  Vocabulary: Gerunds and http:// escd Work skills 1-5 infinitives; future phrases: 1. Watch video. 2. Preview p.124. Day p.117: 1-2 2. Complete worksheet. Work skills 1-3 2 p.118 3-6 3. Print worksheetand bring to 3. Listen to audio CD.  Listening: 1 (p. 117), 6(p. class. (10.5) 118)  Writing (part 1)  Speaking: 2(p.117), 4(p.118) Week Day Unit 10:What Next? (p.114-p.125) Unit 10: DVD-ROM 1. Preview p.120-121. 14 1  Work skills: Telephoning (3): 1. Watch video. Functions 1-7 Checking details: 2. Complete exercise 2. 2. Listen to audio CD. p.119: 1-5 3. Print exercise 2 and bring to (10.6, 10.7)  Reading: 1(p.119) class. 3. Preview p.125.  Listening: 2, 3(p.119) Functions 1-3  Speaking: 5 (p. 119) Task and activity notes: [10]Workskills(p. 131 & 133)

7 Unit 10:What Next? (p.114-p.125) 1. Review Vocabulary from 1. Review units 2 & 4 and  Functions: Asking for DVD-ROM and online video 6-10 of the text book. information with indirect homework for Final questions; farewells: Speaking & Written Tests. p.120-121: 1-3, Focus  Listening: 1-3(p.120) Day  Functions: Asking for 2 information with indirect questions; farewells: p. 121: 4-7  Speaking: 4-7 (p.121) Task and activity notes[10]Functions(p. 131) Professor’s choice of activities 1. Review online video 1. Prepare for Final  Unit review activity for Final Day homework 1-10 for Final Speaking & Written Exams 1 Speaking & Written Tests. Tests. Week Final Speaking Test 15  20% of final grade Day Final Speaking Test 1. Prepare for Final Written test. 1. Prepare for Final 2  20% of final grade Written Test. Final Written Exam Week 16 Have a good vacation! N/A  20% of final grade

※Notice! 1. Group or pair speaking activities will be limited to 15 minutes. 2. More class activities can be added at the discretion of the professor in charge, but the class schedule above must be followed. 3. The class schedule is subject to change without prior notice.


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