List of Publications s5

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List of Publications s5

List of publications

Gori P, Sarfatti G, Cresti M. 1971. Development of spherical organelles from the endoplasmic reticulum in the nucellus of some Euphorbia species. Planta 99: 133-143.

Pacini E, Cresti M, Sarfatti G. 1972. Incorporation of integumentary nuclei in Eranthis hiemalis endosperm and their disaggregation by the endoplasmic reticulum. J. Submicr. Cytol. 4: 19-31.

Cresti M, Pacini E, Sarfatti G. 1972. Ultrastructural studies on the autophagic vacuoles in Eranthis hiemalis endosperm. J. Submicr. Cytol. 4: 33-44.

Pacini E, Cresti M. 1972. Cytologie Vegetale - Degenerescence nucleaire dans les elements cribles de l'ovule d'Eranthis hiemalis (L.) Salisb. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris. 274: 859-861.

De Nettancourt D, Devreux M, Bozzini A, Cresti M, Pacini E, Sarfatti G. 1973. Ultrastructural aspects of the self-incompatibility mechanism in Lycopersicum peruvianum Mill. J. Cell Sci. 12: 403-419.

De Nettancourt D, Devreux M, Laneri U, Pacini E, Cresti M, Sarfatti G. 1973. Ultrastructural aspects of unilateral interspecific incompatibility between Lycopersicum peruvianum and L. esculentum. Caryologia 25: 207-217.

Cresti M, Pacini E, Simoncioli C. 1974. Uncommon paracrystalline structures formed in the endoplasmic reticulum of the integumentary cells of Diplotaxis erucoides ovules. J. Ultrastr. Res. 49: 218-223.

Sarfatti G, Ciampolini F, Pacini E, Cresti M. 1974. Effects of actionomycin D on Lycopersicum peruvianum pollen tube growth and self-incompatibility reaction. In: "Fertilization in Higher Plants", H.F. Linskens Ed. Elsevier Publ.Co. pp; 293-300.

De Nettancourt D, Devreux M, Laneri U, Cresti M, Pacini E, Sarfatti G. 1974. Genetical and ultrastructural aspects of self and cross incompatibility in interspecific hybridis between self- compatible Lycopersicum esculentum and self-incompatible L. peruvianum. Theor. Appl. Genet. 44: 278-288.

Pacini E, Simoncioli C, Cresti M 1975. Ultrastructure of nucellus and endosperm of Diplotaxis erucoides during embryogenesis. Caryologia 28: 525-538. De Nettancourt D, Devreux M, Carluccio F, Laneri U, Cresti M, Pacini E, Sarfatti G, Van Gastel J.G. 1975. Facts and hypotheses on the origin of S mutations and on the function of the gene in Nicotiana alata and Lycopersicum peruvianum. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 188 : 345-360.

Pacini E., Simoncioli C., Cresti M. 1975. Morfologia ultrastrutturale del granulo di polline di Lycopersicum peruvianum. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 109: 302-303

Cresti M, Pacini E, Sarfatti G, Simoncioli C. 1975. Ultrastructural features and storage function of Lycopersicum peruvianum pollen. In: "Gamete competition in plants and animals", D.L. Mulcahy Ed. Elsevier Publ. Co., pp. 19-27.

Pacini E, Simoncioli C., Cresti M. 1976. Il granulo di polline di Lycopersicum peruvianum: ontogenesi e germinazione. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 110: 483

Cresti M, Van Went J.L, Pacini E, Willemse M.T.M. 1976. Ultrastructure of transmitting tissue of Lycopersicum peruvianum style: Development and histochemistry. Planta 132: 305-312.

Cresti M, Van Went J.L. 1976. Callose deposition and plug formation in Petunia pollen tubes in situ. Planta 133: 35-40.

Cresti M, Van Went J.L, Willemse M.T.M, Pacini E. 1976. Fibrous masses and cell and nucleus movement in the pollen tube of Petunia hybrida. Acta Bot. Neerl. 25 : 381-383.

Dumas C, Rougier M, Cresti M, Zandonella P, Pacini E. 1977. Secretions et remanients des parois du stigmate et du style au cours de la phase programique chez Lycopersicum peruvianum Mill. (Espece auto-incompatible). Biol. Cell. 29: 39A.

Cresti M, Ciampolini F, Pacini E. 1977. Ultrastructural aspects of pollen tube growth inhibition after gamma irradiation in Lycopersicum peruvianum Theor. Appl. Genet. 49: 297-303.

Cresti M, Pacini E, Ciampolini F, Sarfatti G. 1977. Germination and early tube development in vitro of Lycopersicum peruvianum pollen: Ultrastructural features. Planta 136: 239-247.

Pacini E, Cresti M. 1977. Viral particles in developing pollen grains of Olea europaea. Planta 137: 1-4.

Ciampolini F, Cresti M. 1977. Main Ultrastructural features of Petunia hybrida pollen tube. Caryologia 30: 21.

Pacini E, Cresti M. 1978. Ultrastructural characteristics of the tapetum and microspore mother cells in Lycopersicum peruvianum during meiotic prophase. Soc. Bot. Fr. Actualies Botaniques. 1-2: 121-128.

Dumas C, Cresti M, Zandonella P, Rougier M, Pacini E. 1977. Le stigmate et la secretion stigmatique chez Lycopersicum peruvianum Mill (Espece auto-incompatible). Biol. Cell. 29: 40A.

Cresti M, Ciampolini F, Pacini E, Sree Ramulu K, Devreux M. 1978. Gamma Irradiation of Prunus avium flower buds: Effects on stylar development an ultrastructural study. Acta Bot. Neerl. 27: 97-106.

Pacini E., Cresti M., Ciampolini F. 1978. Vitalità, presenza di amido anomalie morfologiche del polline di quarantotto cultivar di olio. In: "Fertilità delle piante da frutto". Progetto Finalizzato CNR - Biologia della riproduzione.

Cresti M, Ciampolini F, Pacini E, Sarfatti G. 1978. Phytoferritin in plastids of the style of Olea europaea L. Acta Bot. Neerl. 27: 417-423.

Ciampolini F., Cresti M., Pacini E. 1978. Caratteristiche ultrastrutturali ed isochimiche del tessuto trasmittente stilare di melo. In: "Fertilità delle piante da frutto" Progetto Finalizzato CNR Biologia della riproduzione.

Cresti M., Ciampolini F., Pacini E. 1978. Studio ultrastrutturale dell'effetto delle radiazioni gamma sul tessuto trasmittente stilare del ciliegio (Prunus avium). In: "Fertilità nelle piante da frutto" Progetto Finalizzato CNR Biologia della riproduzione.

Dumas C, Rougier M, Zandonella P, Ciampolini F, Cresti M, Pacini E. 1978. The secretory stigma in Lycopersicum peruvianum Mill.: Ontogenesis and glandular activity. Protoplasma 96: 173-187.

Cresti M., Donini B, Devreux M., 1978. L'autoincompatibilità e la sua importanza nel miglioramento delle piante coltivate. In: "Fertilità nelle piante da frutto" Progetto Finalizzato CNR Biologia della riproduzione.

31 Cresti M., Ciampolini F., Pacini E., Sarfatti G., Van Went J.L. and Willemse M.T.M. 1979. bis Ultrastructural differences between compatible and incompatible pollen tubes in the stylar transmitting tissue of Petunia hybrida. J. Submicr. Cytol. 11: 209-219.

Sansavini S., Ragazzini D., Cresti M., Ciampolini F. 1979. Studi sull'applicazione del "mentor pollen" per il superamento dell'autoincompatilbità nel melo. Rivista Ortoflorofrutt. It. 63: 399-410.

Cresti M, Ciampolini F, Sarfatti G and Donini B. 1979. Ultrastructural features of Prunus avium l. Pollen tube in vivo - I. The compatible pollen tube. Caryologia 32 : 433-440.

Russo M, Martelli G.P, Cresti M, Ciampolini F. 1979. Bean Yellow mosaic virus in saffron. Phytopath. Medit. 18: 189-191.

Pacini E., Ciampolini F., Cresti M. 1979. Sviluppo gametofito maschile di Prunus avium (ciliegio) osservaznoni embriologiche. Giorn. Bot. Ital 113: 467.

Pacini E. Ciampolini F., Cresti M. 1979. Sviluppo del gametofito maschile di Prunus avium. Aspetti ultrastrutturali. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 113: 472-473.

Pacini E, Cresti M. 1976. Close association between plastids endoplasmic reticulum cisterns during pollen grain development in Lycopersicum peruvianum. J. Ultrastr. Res. 57 : 260-265.

Cresti M, Ciampolini F, Sansavini S. 1980. Ultrastructural and histochemical features of pistil of Malus communis: The stylar transmitting tissue. Scientia Horticulturae. 12: 327-337.

Cresti M., Ciampolini F., Tiezzi A. 1980. Ultrastructural investigations on Citrus limon (L.). Burm. Stigma. Elec. Mic. 2: 252.

Ciampolini F, Cresti M, De Dominicis V, Garavito R.M, Sarfatti G. 1980. Intranuclear crystalloides in leaves and styles of Linaria vulgaris Mill. J. Ultrastr. Res. 71: 14-21.

Cresti M, Ciampolini F, Tiezzi A. 1980. Ultrastructural features of Lycopersicum peruvianum pollen during activation after self and cross-pollination. Caryologia 33: 129-130.

Cresti M, Ciampolini F, Sarfatti G. 1980. Ultrastructural investigations on Lycopersicum peruvianum pollen activation and pollen tube organization after self-and cross-pollination. Planta 150: 211-217.

Pacini E, Ciampolini F, Cresti M. 1980. A technique for observing the same anther or pollen grain both by TEM and SEM. Grana 19: 193-195.

Tiezzi A., Focardi S., Ciampolini F., Cresti M. 1981. La componente lipidica dell'essudato stigmatico di Citrus limon (L.) Burm. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 115: 95-101.

Ciampolini F, Cresti M, Sarfatti G, Tiezzi A. 1981. Ultrastructure of the stylar canal of Citrus limon (Rutaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 138: 263-274.

Cresti M, Tiezzi A, Ciampolini F, Focardi S, Murgia M. 1982. Ultrastructure and biochemistry of "Citrus limon" (L. ) Burm. stigma. Caryologia 35: 108.

Murgia M., Cresti M. 1982. Primi dati sulle spore fungine aerodisperse a Siena. Folia Allergologica ed Immunologica Clinica.29: 324-329.

Cresti M., Murgia M. 1982. Studies on pollen concentrations and water data in Siena. (Central Italy). 2nd Intern. Conf. on Aerobioogy.

Speranza A, Calzoni G.L, Cresti M, Ciampolini F. 1982. Effects of gamma irradiation on in vitro germination and ultrastructure of apple pollen. Env. Exp. Bot. 22: 339-347.

Cresti M, Ciampolini F, Van Went J.L, Wilms H.J. 1982. Ultrastructure and histochemestry of Citrus limon (L.) stigma. Planta 156: 1-9.

Mercuri L, De Dominicis V, Cresti M, Sarfatti G, Ciampolini F. 1982. Airborne pollen concentrations in the atmosphere of Siena and correlation with meteorological data. Pollen et Spore. 24: 315-319.

Pacini E., Cresti M., Ciampolini F. 1982. Presenza sporadica dei plastidi nelle cellule generative di ciliegio e Forsythia. Conv. Naz. Progetto Finalizzato CNR. Biologia della Riproduzione. Quaderni "La ricerca scientifica" n. 110.

Lenzini L., Rottoli P., Cresti M., Murgia M., Beltrami V., Giani A. 1982. The availability of continous aerobiological data is essential for an allergy center. Interasma Allergie.

Murgia M, De Dominicis V, Cresti M, Silvestri S. 1982. A pollen calendar for Siena (Central Italy): Preliminary data. New Phytol 92: 601-605.

Ciampolini F., Cresti M. 1981. Atlante dei principali pollini allergenici presenti in Italia. Univ. Siena Ed. Siena.

Tiezzi A., Cresti M., Ciampolini F. 1982. La componente chimica dell'essudato stigmatico di Citrus limon (L.). Giorn. Bot. Ital. 116: 189-199.

Ciampolini F, Cresti M, Kapil R.N. 1982. Germination of cherry pollen grains in vitro-an ultrastructural study. Phytomorphology 32: 364-373. Tiezzi A., Tapparelli C., Garavito M., Ciampolini F., Cresti M. 1982. I cristalli nucleari di Linaria vulgaris sono formati da tubulina? Conv. Naz. di Biologia Cellulare.

Cresti M, Ciampolini F, Sarfatti G. 1983. Ultrastructural features of Malus communis L. mature pollen. In: Pollen: "Biology and implications for plant breeding". Eds. Mulcahy D.L., Ottaviano E., pp. 165-172.

Cresti M. 1983. Aerobilogia e caratteristiche botaniche dei pollini -medicina respiratoria oggi. Corso Monografico sull'asma bronchiale.

Cresti M, Ciampolini F, Kapil R.N. 1983. Further data on A and B type transfer cells form the leaves of Linaria. J. Submicrosc. Cytol. 15: 767-772.

Cresti M, Ciampolini F, Kapil R.N. 1983. Ultrastructure of S3 S4 genotype pollen grains of Oenothera organensis . Acta Bot. Neerl. 32: 177-183.

Murgia M., Cresti M. 1983. Calendario pollinico delle poaceae a Siena. (Anni 1980-1981). Folia Allerg. Immunol. Clin. 30: 3-10.

Lozzi R., Cresti M., De Dominicis V. 1983. Primi dati sulla variazione giornaliera del polline aerodisperso in Siena. Folia Allergol. Immunol. Clin. 30: 201-205.

Murgia M., Cresti M. 1983. Osservazioni sulla dispersione di spore fungine nell'area di Siena. Giorn. Bot. Ital 117 (Suppl. 1) 69-70.

Rottoli P., Murgia M., Cresti M., Beltrami V., Rottoli L. 1983. Spore fungine aerodisperse a Siena ed allergopatie respiratorie. Congr. Naz. Soc. Ital. Allerg. Immun. Clin.

Ciampolini F, Cresti M, Kapil R.N. 1983. Fine structural and cytochemical characteristics of style and stigma in olive. Caryologia 36: 211-230.

Murgia M, De Dominicis V, Cresti M. 1983. The pollen calendar of Siena (Central Italy). Allergol. Immunophatol. 11: 361-365.

Tiezzi A, Cresti M, Ciampolini F. 1983. The stigmatic exudate of Citrus limon (L.) Burm. in relation to some stigmatic ultrastructural features. In: Fertilization and embryogenesis in ovulated plants. Eds. Erldeska O., Veda, Bratislava, pp. 221-226.

Wilms H.J, Van Went J.L, Cresti M, Ciampolini F. 1983. Adventive embryogenesis in Citrus. Caryologia 36 : 65-68.

Wilms H.J, Van Went J.L, Cresti M, Ciampolini F. 1983. Structural aspects of female sterility in Citrus limon. Acta Bot. Neerl. 32: 87-96.

Cresti M, Ciampolini F, Kapil R.N. 1984. Generative cells of some angiosperms with particular emphasis on their microtubules. J. Submicrosc. Cytol. 16: 317-326.

Marcucci M.C, Sansavini S, Ciampolini F, Cresti M. 1984. Distinguishing apple clones and cultivars by surface morphology an pollen physiology. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 109: 10-19.

Cresti M, Ciampolini F, Mulcahy D.L.M, Mulcahy G. 1984. Ferritin in plastids of Nicotiana alata pollen grains. J. Ultrastr. Res. 88: 257-260.

Cresti M., Ciampolini F., Sansavini S. 1985. Caratteristiche morfologiche dello stigma di alcune piante da frutto. Riv. Ortoflorofrut. It. 69: 49-62.


Cresti M. 1985. Biologia fiorale di alcune piante da frutto (Perugia 22-23 maggio 1985). In: "Ricerca ed applicazioni nelle botaniche speciali" 8-15. Soc. Bot. Ital. ed.

Cresti M, Keijzer C.J. 1985. The structure of the endoplasmic reticulum in pollen grains and pollen tubes, after osmium tetroxide-potassium ferricyanide staining. J. Submicrosc. Cytol. 17: 615-620.

Cresti M., Ciampolini F. 1985. Alcuni cenni sulla biologia del polline. Aerobiologia, 1: 31 -38.

Cresti M, Dallai R. 1986. Biology of reproduction and cell motility in plants and animals. Università di Siena Ed., Siena.

Cresti M, Hepler P.K, Tiezzi A, Ciampolini F. 1985. Fibrillar structures in Nicotiana pollen: changes in ultrastructure during pollen activation and tube emission. In: "Biotechnology and ecology of pollen", D.L. Mulcahy and E. Ottaviano Eds., Springer Verlag pp. 283-288.

Cresti M, Ciampolini F, Mulcahy D.L.M, Mulcahy G.Q. 1984. Ultrastructure of Nicotiana alata and Petuna hybrida pollen tubes growth in semi.vitro conditions. In: "Sexual reproduction in seed plants ferns and mosses", M.T.M. Willemse and J.L. Van Went Eds., Pudoc, pp. 72-74.

Tiezzi A., Milanesi C., Cresti M., Massone A., Ruggiero P., Scapigliati G., Pallini V. 1985. Caratterizzazione e localizzazione di peptidi ciliari per mezzo di anticorpi monoclonali. Conv. Congiunto ABCD-GIB, Bardonecchia (Torino), 16-19 ottobre 1985.

Tiezzi A, Cresti M. Ciampolini F. 1986. Microtubules in Nicotiana pollen tubes: ultrastructural, immunofluorescence and biochemical data. In: "Biology of reproduction and cell motility in plants and animals" M. Cresti and R. Dallai Eds., Università di Siena., Siena, pp. 87-94.

Cresti M, Ciampolini F, Tiezzi A. 1986. Ultrastructural studies on Nicotiana tabacum pollen tubes grown in different culture medium (preliminary results). Acta Bot. Neerl. 35: 285-292.

Romano B., Mincigrucci G., Frenguelli G., Bricchi E., Murgia M., Cresti M., De Dominicis V. 1986. Pollen concentration in central Italy (Ascoli Piceno and Siena). Grana 25: 215-220. Cresti M, Keijzer C.J, Tiezzi A, Ciampolini F, Focardi S. 1986. Stigma of Nicotiana : ultrastructural and biochemical studies. Amer. J. Bot. 73: 1713-1722. Ciampolini F, Cresti M, Crescimanno F.G, Di Lorenzo R, Raimondo A. 1986. Osservazioni ultrastrutturali e fisiologiche sul polline di Carrubo "Ceratonia siliqua L.". Riv. Ortoflorofrutt. Ital. 2: 127-138.

Heslop-Harrison J, Heslop-Harrison Y, Cresti M, Tiezzi A, Ciampolini F. 1986. Actin during pollen germination. J. Cell Sci. 86: 1-8.

Murgia M, Wilms H.J, Cresti M, Cesca G. 1986. Ultrastructure of pollen development in Euphorbia dulcis L. Acta Bot. Neerl. 35: 405-424. Cresti M, Tiezzi A, Moscatelli A. 1987. Pollen tube growth and cytoskeleton in Nicotiana tabacum· In: Proced. XIV Intern. Bot. Cong. Berlin (W. Germ.) 24 July-1 August 1987. Rottoli P., Rottoli L., Carriero G., Beltrami V., Refini M., Murgia M., Cresti M. 1986. Studio delle allergopatie respiratorie nel centro sud della Toscana. Medicina Respiratoria Oggi. 2: 215-221.

Cresti M., Tiezzi A., Moscatelli A. 1987. Pollen and pollen tube cytoskeleton. In: “Genetic and cellular engineering of plants and microorganisms important for agriculture. Meeting Louvain- la-Neuve, March 23-26 1987, 86-88.

Keijzer C.J, Cresti M. 1987. A comparison of anther tissue development in male sterile Aloe vera and male fertile Aloe ciliaris. Ann. Bot. 59: 533-542. Moscatelli A., Ercoli L., Tiezzi A., Cresti M. 1987. Proteine associate ai microtubuli di cervello di mammifero coassemblano con i microtubuli vegetali. (Santa Margherita Ligure 26-28 ottobre 1987). &° Cong. Naz. Assoc. Biol. Cellul. e Differenz. 7

Moscatelli A., Vignani R., Tiezzi A., Cresti M. 1987 - Circa la presenza di kinesina all'interno del tubetto pollinico. (Santa Margherita Ligure 26-28 ottobre 1987). &° Cong. Naz. Assoc. Biol. Cellul. e Differenz. 7

Lancelle S.A, Cresti M, Hepler P.K. 1987. Ultrastructure of the cytoskeleton in freeze-substituted pollen tubes of Nicotiana alata . Protoplasma 140: 141-150.

Berta G., Chiantante D., Cresti M., Crosti P., Galli M.G., Levi M., Lucretti S., Scannerini S., Sgorbati S., Sparvoli E., Tiezzi A. 1988. Analisi qualitativa e quantitativa in fluorescenza di materiale vegetale: recenti progressi in Italia. Congr. Soc. Firenze 8-12 gennaio 1988. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 122: 238. Cresti M, Lancelle S.A, Hepler P.K. 1987. Structure of the generative cell wall complex after freeze substitution in pollen tubes of Nicotiana and Impatiens. J. Cell Sci. 88 : 373-378.

100 Tiezzi A, Moscatelli A, Milanesi C, Ciampolini F, Cresti M. 1987. Taxol induced structures derived from cytoskeletal elements of Nicotiana tabacum pollen tube. J. Cell Sci. 88: 657-661.

101 Moscatelli A., Tiezzi A., Ercoli L., Vignani R., Cresti M. 1988. Nicotiana pollen tube cytoskeleton. 4° Meeting Europ. Cytosk. Club. (13-16 aprile 1988).

102 Tiezzi A, Moscatelli A, Cresti M. 1988. Taxol-induced microtubules from different sources: an ultrastructural comparison. J. Submicrosc. Cytol. Pathol. 20: 613-617.

103 Tiezzi A., Moscatelli A., Cresti M. 1988. Coassembly of Mammalian MAPs with plant microtubules. 4° Intern. Cong. Cell Biol. (14-19 Aug. 1988) Montreal.

104 Heslop-Harrison J, Heslop-Harrison Y, Cresti M, Tiezzi A, Moscatelli A. 1988. Cytoskeletal elements, cell shaping and mouvement in the angiosperm pollen tube. J. Cell Sci. 91: 49-60.

105 Cresti M, Ciampolini F Mulcahy D.L.M Mulcahy G. 1985. Ultrastructure of Nicotiana alata pollen, its germination and germination and early tube formation. Amer. J. Bot. 72: 719-727.

106 Cresti M, Milanesi C, Tiezzi A, Ciampolini F, Moscatelli A. 1988. Ultrastructure of Linaria vulgaris pollen grains. Acta Bot. Neerl. 37: 379-386.

107 Cresti M., Tiezzi A. 1988. La biologia fiorale delle piante da frutto: stato attuale e prospettive. In: La crescita e lo sviluppo delle piante, i fattori endogeni ed esogeni. Progetto Finalizzato CNR- IPRA, 19: 189-198.

108 Ciampolini F, Moscatelli A, Cresti M. 1988. Ultrastructural features of Aloe ciliaris pollen. I mature grain and its activation in vitro. Sex. Plant Reprod. 1: 88-96. 109 Cresti M, Murgia M, Milanesi C, Ciampolini F, Tiezzi A. 1988. The generative and sperm cells of Euphorbia pollen. In: "Plant sperm cells as tools for biotechnology" H. Wilms and K. Keijzer Eds., Pudoc. pp. 27-33.

110 Tiezzi A, Moscatelli A, Cai G, Ciampolini F, Cresti M. 1988. Cytoskeletal proteins in the pollen tube of Nicotiana tabacum. New studies with taxol. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 122: 88-89.

111 Ciampolini F, Shivanna K.R, Cresti M. 1988. The structure and cytochemestry of the pistil of Hypericum calycinum: the style. Sex. Plant Reprod. 1: 248-255.

112 Palevitz B.A, Cresti M. 1988. Microtubule organization in the sperm of Tradescantia virginiana. Protoplasma 146: 28-34.

113 Van Went J.L, Cresti M. 1988. Pre-fertilization degeneration of both synergids in Brassica campestris ovules. Sex. Plant Reprod. 1: 208-216.

114 Van Went J.L, Cresti M. 1988. Cytokinesis in microspore mother cells of Impatiens sultani. Sex. Plant Reprod. 1: 228-233.

115 Charzynska M, Ciampolini F, Cresti M. 1988. Generative cell division and sperm cell formation in Barley. Sex. Plant Reprod. 1: 240-247.

116 Linskens H.F, Cresti M. 1988. The effect of temperature, humidity and light on the dehiscence of Tobacco anthers. Proc. Duch Royal Acad. 91: 81-90.

117 Van Went J.L, Cresti M. 1989. Cytoplasmic differentiation during tetrad formation and early microscope development in Impatiens sultani. Protoplasma 148 : 1-7.

118 Charzynska M, Murgia M, Milanesi C, Cresti M. 1989. Origin of sperm cell association in the "male germ unit" of Brassica pollen. Protoplasma 149: 1-4.

119 Tiezzi A, Moscatelli A, Ciampolini F, Milanesi C, Murgia M. 1989. The cytoskeleton apparatus of the generative cell (GC) in different angiosperm species. In: "Sexual Plant Reproduction in Higher Plants". Springer-Verlag, Cresti M., Gori P. and Pacini E. Ed. pp. 215-220.

120 Dani D., Cresti M., Ciampolini F. 1989. Effects of acidity on "in vitro" pollen germinations and pollen tube growth of Nicotiana tabacum. In: "Sexual Reproduction in Higher Plants". Springer-Verlag Cresti M., Gori P. and Pacini E.Ed. pp. 468. 121 Detchepare S., Heizmann P., Murgia M., Cresti M., Dumas C. 1988. Male research programme in Brassica napus. In: "Sexual Reproduction in Higher Plants". Springer-Verlag, Cresti M., Gori P. and Pacini E.Ed. pp. 469.

122 Moscatelli A., Tiezzi A., Vignani R., Cai G., Bartalesi A., Cresti M. 1988. Presence of Kinesin in Tobacco pollen tube. In: "Sexual Reproduction in Higher Plants". Springer-Verlag. pp.205-210.

123 Cresti M, Gori P, Pacini E. 1989. Sexual reproduction in higher plants. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg..

124 Vuoto

125 Murgia M, Wilms H.J, Cresti M. 1989. Ultrastructural comparison of pollen grains from 2n 3n and 4n plants of Euphorbia dulcis. Amer. J. Bot. 74: 1665-1671.

126 Shivanna K.R, Ciampolini F, Cresti M. 1989. The structure and cytochemistry of the pistil of Hypericum calycinum: the stigma. Ann. Bot. 63 : 613-620.

127 Crescimanno F.G., De Paquale F., Germana M.A., Ciampolini F., Cresti M. 1988. Ultrastuctural and physiological observations on pollen of Five Clementina (C. Clementina Hort. ex Tan.) Cultivars. Proeedings Six Intern. Citrus Congr. Tel-Aviv. March 6-11. pp. 443-450.

128 Crescimanno F.G., De Paquale F., Germana M.A., Ciampolini F., Cresti M. 1988. Ultrastructural and physiological observations on the pollen of six Lemon cultivars (C. Limon L. Burn). Proeedings Six Intern. Citrus Congr. Tel-Aviv. March 6-11. pp. 451-457.

129 Shivanna K.R, Cresti M. 1989. Effects of high humidity and temperature stress on pollen membrane integrity and pollen vigour in Nicotiana tabacum. Sex. Plant Reprod. 2: 137-141.

130 Chen F, Ciampolini F, Tiezzi A, Cresti M. 1989. The ultrastructure of polymorphic pollen grains of Canna indica L. Sex. Plant Reprod. 2: 193-198.

131 Charzynska M, Murgia M, Cresti M. 1989. Ultrastructure of the vegetative cell of Brassica napus pollen with particular reference to microbodies. Protoplasma 152: 22-28.

132 Linskens H.F, Ciampolini F, Cresti M. 1989. Restrained dehiscence results in stressed pollen. Proceed. Kon. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. 92: 465-475.

133 Palevitz B.A, Cresti M. 1989. Cytoskeketal changes during generative cell division and sperm formation in Tradescantia virginiana. Protoplasma 150: 54-71. 134 Rickson F.R, Cresti M, Beach J.H. 1990. Plant cells which aid in pollen digestion within a beetle's gut. Oecologia 82: 424-426.

135 Wagner VT, Cresti M, Salvatici P, Tiezzi A. 1990. Changes in volume, surface area, and frequency of nuclear pores on the vegetative nucleus of Tobacco pollen in fresh, hydrated, and activated conditions. Planta 181: 304-309.

136 Cresti M, Murgia M, Theunis C.H. 1990. Microtubule organization in sperm cells in the pollen tubes of Brassica oleracea L. Protoplasma 154: 151-156.

137 Tiezzi A, Moscatelli A, Murgia M, Russell S.D, Del Casino C, Bartalesi A, Cresti M. 1989. Immunofluorescence studies on microtubules in the male gamete of Hyacinthus orientalis and Nicotiana tabacum using confocal scanning laser microscopy. In: Proc. 3° Sperm cell Meeting, Martonvasar, Hungary (Barnabas, Liszt eds) 17-21.

138 Van Aelst A.C, Cresti M. 1990. Freeze substitution of mature Papaver rhoeas pollen. Acta Bot. Neerl. 39: 305-320.

139 Cresti M, Tiezzi A. 1990. Germination and pollen tube formation. In: "Microspores: evolution and ontogeny" (Eds. S. Blackmore, R.B. Knox), Accademic Press pp. 239-263.

140 Ciampolini F, Shivanna K.R, Cresti M. 1990. The structure and cytochemistry of the pistil of Sternbergia lutea (Amaryllidaceae). Ann. Bot. 66: 703-712.

141 Shivanna K.R, Linskens H.F, Cresti M. 1991. Pollen viability and pollen vigor. Theoret. Appl. Genet. 81: 38-42.

142 Tiezzi A, Cresti M. 1990. The cytoskeleton during pollen tube growth and sperm cell formation. In: Mechanisme of Fertilization (Ed. B. Dale). Vol. H 45 Nato AS,Springer Verlag.

143 Russell S.D, Cresti M, Dumas C. 1990. Recent progress on sperm characterization in flowering plants. Physiologia Plantarum 80: 669-676.

144 Murgia M, Charzynska M, Rougier M, Cresti M. 1991. Secretory tapetum of Brassica oleracea L.: polarity and ultrastructural features. Sex Plant Reprod. 4: 28-35.

145 Cresti M, Milanesi C, Salvatici P, Van Aelst A.C. 1990. Ultrastructural observations of Papaver rhoeas mature pollen grains. Botanica Acta.103: 349-354. 146 Charzynska M, Murgia M, Cresti M.1990. Microspore of Secale cereale as tranfer cell type. Protoplasma 158: 26-32.

147 Shivanna K.R, Linskens H., F., Cresti M. 1991. Responses of Tobacco pollen to high humidity and heat stress: viability and germinability in vitro and in vivo. Sex. Plant Reprod. 4: 104-109.

148 Linskens H.F., Bargagli R., Cresti M. 1991. Antartic moss turf as pollen traps. Proceed. Kon. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. 94: 233-241.

148 Heslop-Harrison J, Heslop-Harrison Y, Cresti M, Ciampolini F. 1991. Ultrastructural features of bis pollen tubes of Endymion non-scriptus modified by cytochalasin D. Sex. Plant Reprod. 4: 73- 80.

149 Ciampolini F, Shivanna K.R, Cresti M. 1991. High humidity and heat stress causes dissociation of endoplasmic reticulum in Tobacco pollen. Botanica Acta. 104: 110-116.

150 Miller D, Callaham D, Cresti M, Gross D, Hepler P. 1991. Modulation of Ca 2+ gradients in pollen tubes by mobile Ca2+ buffers. Plant Physiol. 96: 39.

151 Murgia M, Detchepare S, Van Went J.L, Cresti M. 1991. Brassica napus pollen development during generative cell and sperm cell formation. Sex. Plant Reprod. 4: 176-181.

152 Theunis C.H, Pierson E.S, Cresti M. 1991. Isolation of male and female gametes in higher plants. Sex. Plant Reprod. 4: 145-154.

153 Theunis C.H., Pierson E.S., Cresti M. 1992. The microtubule cytoskeleton and the rounding of isolated generative cells of Nicotiana tabacum. Sex. Plant Reprod. 5: 64-71

154 Bartalesi A., Moscatelli A., Del Casino C., Tiezzi A., Cresti M. 1990. About the role of the cytoskeleton in the pollen tube of Nicotiana tabacum. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 124: 654-655

155 Del Casino C., Moscatelli A., Bartalesi A., Tiezzi A., Cresti M. 1990. Generative cell cytoskeleton: immunofluorescence studies by the confocal scanning laser microscope. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 124: 670-671.

156 Bartalesi A., Del Casino C., Moscatelli A., Cai G., Tiezzi A. 1991. Confocal laser scanning microscope of the microtubular system of dividing generative cell in Nicotiana tabacum pollen tube. Giorn. Bot. 125: 21-28.

157 Tiezzi A., Moscatelli A., Cai G., Bartalesi A., Cresti M. 1992. An immunoreactive homolog of mammalian kinesin in Nicotiana tabacum pollen tubes. Cell Motil. Cytoskel. 21: 132-137.

158 Huang B.Q., Pierson E.S., Russell S.D., Tiezzi A., Cresti M. 1992. Video microscopic observations of living, isolated embryo sacs of Nicotiana and their component cells. Sex. Plant Reprod. 5: 156-162.

159 Tirlapur U.K., Cresti M. 1992. Computer-assisted video image analysis of spatial variations in membrane-associated Ca2+ and Calmodulin during pollen hydration, germination and tip growth in Nicotiana tabacum L. Ann. Bot. 69: 503-508.

160 Theunis C.H, Cresti M, Milanesi C. 1991. Studies of the Mature Pollen of Spinacia oleracea after Freeze Substitution and Observed with Confocal Laser Scanning Fluorescence Microscopy. Bot. Acta 104: 324-329

161 Cresti M, Ciampolini F, Van Went J.L. 1991. Strip-shaped Projections at the Cytoplasmic Face of the Outer Membrane of the Generative Cell in Amaryllis belladonna. Ann. Bot. 68: 105-107.

162 Del Casino C., Tiezzi A., Wagner V.T., Cresti M. 1992. The organization of the cytoskeleton in the generative cell and sperms of Hyacinthus orientalis. Protoplasma 168: 41-50.

163 Mulcahy G:B., Mulcahy D.L., Cresti M. 1990. Ovule maturation as correlated with rates of pollen tube growth during progamic phase. Proceed. Inter. Symp. "Embryology and Seeds Reproduction". Ed. pp. 383-384.

164 Tiezzi A., Cai G., Cresti M. 1992. Il citoscheletro negli organi riproduttori delle angiosperme. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 126: 177-185.

165 Tiezzi A., Del Casino C., Bartalesi A., Pierosn E:S:, Cresti M. 1991. Pollen formation, pollen tube growth and generative cell division in Nicotian tabacum: the role of microtubules. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 125: 955.

166 Moscatelli A., Del Casino C., Cai G., Cresti M. 1991. Interaction between tabacco pollen tube microtubules and microtubule associated protein (MAPs) from mammalian nervous system. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 125: 1011.

167 Tiezzi A, Pierson ES, Theunis CH, Ciampolini F, Cai G, Bartalesi A., Cresti M. 1992. The motile apparatus of sperm cells in angiosperms: correlations with lower plants, gymnosperms and animals. In: "Comparative Spermatology 20 Year After", B. Baccetti Ed. , 75 : 1017-1020.

168 Moscatelli A, Tiezzi A, Cai G, Cresti M. 1992. Biochemical characterization of taxol-induced structures from Nicotiana pollen tubes. In: Recent Advances in Plant Biology, pp. 39-46.

169 Cresti M., Tiezzi A., Pierson E.S. 1990. Pollen and pollen tube cytoskeleton. In: Proceed. XI Omtern. Symp. "Embryology and Seed Reproduction". Ed. pp. 127-128.

170 Yi-Qin Li, Bruun L, Pierson ES, Cresti M. 1992. Periodic deposition of arabinogalactan epitopes in the cell wall of pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum L. Planta, 188 : 532-538.

171 Di Simplicio P., Tiezzi A., Moscatelli A., Bianco M.T., Cresti M. 1989. The SH-SS exchange reactop, between the ellman's reagent and protein containing SH groups as a method for determining confermational states: tubulin. Ital. J. Biochem. 38: 83-90.

172 Pierson ES, Cresti M. 1992. Cytoskeleton and cytoplasmic organization of pollen and pollen tubes. Int. Rev. Cytol. 140: 73-125

172 Cresti M., Tiezzi A. 1992. Sexual Plant Reproduction. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg. bis

172 Cresti M., Blackmore S. van Went J.L. 1992. Atlas of Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants. ter Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.

173 Tirlapur U.K., Van Went J.L., Cresti M. 1993. Visualization of membrane calcium and calmodulin in embryo sacs in situ and isolated from Petunia hybrida L. and Nicotiana tabacum L. Ann. Bot. 71: 161-167.

174 Charzynska M.,Cresti M.1993. Early events in division of the generative cell of Ornithogalum. Protoplasma, 172: 77-83.

175 Linskens H.F., Bargagli R., Cresti M., Focardi S. 1993. Entrapment of long-distance transported pollen grains by various moss species in coastal Victoria Land, Antarctica. Polar Biology 13: 81-87.

176 Scali M., Moscatelli A., Del Casino C., Neri G., Tiezzi A., Cresti M. 1993. Isolation and characterization of calmodulin from Corylus avellana pollen. 8th Ann. Meeting of the European Cytoskeleton Forum.

177 Moscatelli A., Scali A., Del Casino C., Tiezzi A., Cresti M. 1993. Tubulin from Corylus avellana pollen grains: purification and biochemical aspects. 8th Ann. Meeting of the European Cytoskeleton Forum. 178 Del Casino C., Scali M., Cai G., Moscatelli A., Tiezzi A., Cresti M., 1993. A 100-kD polipeptide with kinesin-proprties is present on the surface of golgi vesicles from Corylus avellana pollen. 8th Ann. Meeting of the European Cytoskeleton Forum.

179 Van Aelst A.C.,Pierson E.S.,Van Went J.L.,Cresti M.1993. Ultrastructural changes of Arabidopsis thaliana pollen during final maturation and rehydration.Zygote 1: 173-179.

180 Mulcahy D.L., Cresti M., Sansavini S., Douglas G.C., Linskens H.F., Bergamini Mulcahy G., Vignani R., Pancaldi M. 1993. The use of random amplified polymorphic DNAs to fingerprint apple genotypes. Scientia Horticulturae, 54: 89-96.

181 Cresti M., Tiezzi A., 1992. Pollen tube emission, organization and tip growth. In: "Sexual Plant Reproduction" Cresti M. and Tiezzi, A. Eds., Springer-Verlag, pp. 89-98

182 Tiezzi A., Cai G., Cresti M. 1992. Il citoscheletro negli organi riproduttivi delle angiosperme. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 126: 177-185.

183 Yi-Qin Li, Pierson E.S., Bruun L., Roberts K., Cresti M., 1992. Periodic ring-like structure in the pollen tube wall of Nicotiana tabacum. In: "Sixth Cell Wall Meeting", MMA Sassen, JWM Derksen, AMC Emons, AMC Wolters (Eds.), University Press, Nijimegen, pp. 32

184 Bing-Quan Huang, Pierson E.S., Russell S.D., Tiezzi A., Cresti M. 1993. Cytoskeletal organisation and modification during pollen tube arrival, gamete delivery and fertilisation in Plumbago zeylanica. Zygote 1: 143-154.

185 Cai G., Bartalesi A., Del Casino C., Moscatelli A., Tiezzi A., Cresti M. 1993. The kinesin- immunoreactive homologue from Nicotiana tabacum pollen tubes: Biochemical properties and subcellular localization. Planta 191: 496-506.

186 Ciampolini F., Li Y.Q., Cresti M., Calzoni G.L. and Speranza A. 1993. Disorganization of dictyosomes by monensin treatment of in-vitro germinated pollen of Malus domestica Borkh. Acta Bot. Neerl. 42: 349-355.

187 Del Casino C., Li Y.Q., Moscatelli A., Scali M., Tiezzi A., Cresti M. 1993. Distribution of microtubules during the growth of tobacco pollen tubes. Biol. Cell. 79: 125-132.

188 Liskens H.F., Ciampolini F., Cresti M. 1993. Spider webs as pollen traps. Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. 96: 415-425.

189 Calzoni G.L., Speranza A., Li Y.Q., Ciampolini F., Cresti M. 1993. Wall biosynthesis and wall polysaccharide composition in pollen tubes of Malus domestica growing at low rate after monensin treatment. Acta Bot. Neerl. 42: 473-480.

190 Pierson E.S., Smith P.J.S., Shipley A.M., Jaffe L.F., Cresti M, Hepler P.K. 1993. Ca2+ fluxes around pollen grains and pollen tubes of Lily; normal development and effects of thermal shock, BAPTA-Type buffer microinjection and depletion of boric acid from the medium. Biol. Bull. 185. 32-303.

191 Liu Guo-qin, Del Casino C., Cai G., Tiezzi A., Cresti M., ans Yan Long-Fei 1994. Identification of kinesin-like portein on Golgi vesicles of pollen. Acta Botanica Sinica: 36: 7-10.

192 Li Y.Q., Chen F., Linskens H.F., Cresti M. 1994. Distribution of unesterified and esterefied pectins in cell walls of pollen tubes of flowering plants. Sex Plant Reprod. 7: 145-152.

193 Li Y.Q., Faleri C., Thompson R.D., Tiezzi A., Eijlander R., Cresti M. 1994. Cytochemical immunolocalization of the abundant pistil protein Sk2 in potato (Solanum tuberosum). Sex. Plant Reprod. 7: 164-168.

194 Tirlapur U.K., Scali M., Moscatelli A., Del Casino C., Cai G., Tiezzi A., Cresti M 1994. Confocal image analysis of spatial variations in immunocytochemically identified calmodulin during pollen hydration, germination and pollen tube tip growth in Nicotiana tabacum L. Zygote 2: 63- 68.

195 Cresti M. 1993 - Il polline e tubetto pollinico. Gior. Bot. Ital. 127: 877-878

196 Liu G.Q, Cai G., Del Casino C., Tiezzi A., Cresti M. 1994. Kinesin-related polypeptide is associated with vesicles from Corylus avellana pollen. Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton 29: 155- 166.

197 Southworth D., Salvatici P., Cresti M. 1994. Freeze fracture at the interface between vegetative and generative cells in Amaryllis pollen. Int. J. Plant Sci.155: 538-544.

198 Tirlapur U.K., Costa G., Malossini C., Vizzotto G., Cresti M. 1994. Relazioni tra calcio ed abscissione nei frutti di pesco. Atti II Giornate Scientifiche S.O.I. - S. Benedetto del Tronto 22-24 giugno 1994, pp. 207-208.

199 Scali M., Cai G., Del Casino C., Santucci A., Tirlapur U.K., Moscatelli A., Cresti M., Tiezzi A. 1994. Purification and biochemical characterization of calmodulin from Corylus avellana pollen. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 32: 831-838.

200 Pierson E.S., Miller D.D., Callaham D.A., Shipley A.M., Rivers B.A., Cresti M., Hepler P.K. 1994. Pollen tube growth is coupled to the extracellular calcium ion flux and the intracellular calcium gradient: effect of BAPTA-type buffers and Hypertonic Media. The Plant Cell, 6: 1815-1828.

201 Tirlapur U.K., Kranz E., Cresti M. 1995. Characterisation of isolated egg cells, in vitro fusion products and zygotes of Zea mays L. using the technique of image analysis and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Zygote 3: 57-64.

202 Li Y.Q., Fang Chen, Faleri C., Ciampolini F., Linskens H.F. and Cresti 1995. Presumed phylogenetic basis of the correlation of pectin deposition pattern in pollen tube walls and the stylar structure of angiosperms. Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. v. Wetensch. 98: 39-44.

203 Moscatelli A., Del Casino C., Lozzi L., Cai G., Scali M., Tiezzi A. and Cresti M. 1995. High molecular weight polypeptides related to dynein heavy chains in Nicotiana tabacum pollen tubes. J. Cell Sci. 108: 1117-1125 204 Tirlapur U.K., Costa G., Malossini C., Vizzotto G., Cresti M. 1995. Scanning Electron Microscopy, Video-image Analysis and Confocal Imaging of Changes Occuring during Peach Fruit Abscission. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 120: 203-210. 205 Li Y.Q., Southworth, Linskens H.F., Mulcahy D.L., Cresti M. 1995. Localization of ubiquitin in anthers and pistils of Nicotiana. Sex. Plant Reprod. 8:123-128.

206 Pierson E.S., Li Y.Q., Zhang H.Q., Willemse M.T.M., Linskens H.F., Cresti M. 1995. Pulsatory growth of pollen tubes: investigation of a possible relationship with the periodic distribution of cell wall components. Acta Bot. Neerl. 44: 121-128.

207 Bohdanowicz J., Ciampolini F., Cresti M. 1995. Striped projections of the outer membrane of the generative cell in Convallaria majalis pollen. Sex. Plant Reprod. 8. 223-227.

208 Tirlapur U.K., Cai G., Faleri C., Moscatelli A., Scali M., Del Casino C., Tiezzi A., Cresti M. 1995. Confocal imaging and immunogold electron microscopy of changes in distribution of myosin during pollen hydration, germination and pollen tube growth in Nicotiana tabacum L. European Journal of Cell Biology, 67: 209-217

209 Geitmann A., Li Y.Q., Cresti M. 1995 – Ultrastructural immunolocalization of periodic pectin depositions in the cell wall of Nicotiana tabacum pollen tubes. Protoplasma 187: 168-171.

210 Cresti M., Ciampolini F., Tattini M., Cimato A. 1994 - Effect of salinity on productivity and oil quality of olive (Olea europaea L.) plants. Adv. Hort. Sci. 8: 211-214.

211 Li Yi-Qin, Faleri C., Geitmann A., Zhang Hong-Qi, Cresti M. 1995 – Immunogold localization of arabinogalactan proteins, unesterified and esterefied pectins in pollen grains and pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum L. Protoplasma 189: 26-36.

212 Zhang Hong-Qi, Bohdanowicz J., Pierson E.S., Li Yi-Qin, Tiezzi A., Cresti M. - 1995 - Microtubular organization during asymmetrical division of the generative cell in Gagea lutea. J. Plant Res. 108: 269-276.

213 Vignani R., Silvestroni O., Intrieri C., Meredith C.P., Cresti M. 1995 – Studio preliminare mediante RFLP su cloni di Sangiovese e di Montepulciano. In: “Tecnologia avanzate per l’identificazione varietale e il controllo genetico-sanitario nel vivaismo fruttiviticolo”. Agro- Fruit’94 Cesena, p. 97-102. BOZZA

214 Ciampolini F., Faleri C., Cresti M. 1995 - Structural and cytochemical analysis of the stigma and style in Tibouchina semidecandra Cogn. (Melastomataceae). Annals of Botany 76: 421-427. 215 Cai G., Moscatelli A., Del Casino C., Chevier V., Mazzi M., Tiezzi A., Cresti M. 1996 - The anti- centrosome monoclonal antibody 6C6 reacts with a plasma membrane-associated polypeptide of 77 kDa from Nicotiana tabacum pollen tubes. Protoplasma 190: 68-78.

216 Cai G., Moscatelli A., Del Casino C., Cresti M. 1996 - Cytoplasmic motors and pollen tube growth. Sex. Plant Reprod. 9: 59-64.

217 Mulcahy D.L., Cresti M., Linskens H.F., Intrieri C., Silvestroni O., Vignani R., Pancaldi M. 1995. DNA fingerprinting of italian grape varieties: a test of reliability in RAPDS. Adv. Hort. Sci. 9: 185-187.

218 Geitmann A., Li Y.Q., Cresti M. 1996. The role of the cytoskeleton and dictyosome activity in the pulsatory growth of Nicotiana tabacum and Petunia hybrida pollen tube. Bot. Acta 109: 102-109.

219 Banas M., Tirlapur U.K., Charzynska M., Cresti M. 1996. Some events of mitosis and cytokinesis in the generative cell of Ornithogalum virens L. Planta, 199: 202-208. 220 Cresti M., Linskens H.F., Mulcahy D.L., Bush S., Di Stillio V., Xu M.Y., Vignani R. and Cimato A. 1996. Preliminary communication about the identification of DNA in leaves and in olive of Olea europaea. Adv. Hort. Sci. 10: 105-107.

221 Tirlapur U.K., Faleri C, Cresti M. 1996 -- Immunoelectron microscopy of myosin associated with the generative cells in pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum L. Sex. Plant Repr. 9: 233- 237.

222 Li Y.Q., Zhang H.Q., Pierson E.S., Huang F.Y., Linskens H.F., Hepler P.K., Cresti M. 1996. Enforced growth-rate fluctuation causes pectin ring formation in the cell wall of Lilium longiflorum pollen tubes. Planta 200: 41-49.

223 Poggialini C., Morozzi G., Marcolongo R., Vignani R., Cresti M. and Tiezzi A. 1996. Antinuclear human autoantibodies as markers in Nicotiana tabacum pollen tubes. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 65: 69-72. 224 Zhang H.Q., Li Y.Q., Kuras M., Bednara J., Cresti M. 1996 - Influence of Hydroxyurea on cell divisions and microtubular cytoskeleton in Allium cepa root meristem. Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 65: 179-185. 225 Geitmann A., Wojciechowicz K., Cresti M. 1996. Inhibition of intracellular pectin transport in pollen tubes by monensin, brefeldin and cytochalasin D. Botanica Acta, 109: 373 381.

226 Moscatelli A., Cai G., Liu Guo-Qin, Tiezzi A., Cresti M. 1996. Dynein-related polypeptides in pollen and pollen tubes. Sex. Plant Reprod. 9: 312-317.

227 Ciampolini F., Faleri C., Di Pietro D., Cresti M. 1996. Structural and Cytochemical Characteristics of the Stigma and Style in Vitis vinifera L. var. Sangiovese (Vitaceae). Annals of Botany 78: 759-764.

228 Cai G., Moscatelli A., Cresti M. 1997. Cytoskeletal organization and pollen tube growth. Trends in Plant Science, 2: 86-91.

229 Cresti M., Cai G., Moscatelli A. e Del Casino C. 1995 (1996). Il polline ed il tubetto pollinico. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, Acta Biologica, 72, 19-24.

230 Zuccherelli S., Del Casino C., Moscatelli A., Cresti M., Sansavini S. 1997. Influenza di fungicidi e bioregolatori sulla germinabilità in vitro di polline di melo. Rivista di Frutticoltura, 2: 75-82.

231 Lancelle S.A., Cresti M., Hepler P.K. 1997. Growth inhibition and recovery in freeze- substituted Lilium longiflorum pollen tubes: structural effects of caffeine. Protoplasma, 196: 21-33.

232 Li Y.Q., Moscatelli A., Cai G., Cresti M. 1997. Functional interactions among cytoskeleton, membranes, and cell wall in the pollen tube of flowering plants. Int. Rev. Cytol. 176: 133- 199.

233 El-Ghazaly G., Nakamura S., Takahashi Y., Cresti M., Walles B., Milanesi C. 1996. Localization of the major allergen Bet v 1 in Betula pollen using monoclonal antibody labelling. Grana, 35: 369-374.

234 Southworth D., Cresti M. 1997. Comparison of flagellated and nonflagellated sperm in plants. Am. J. Bot. 84: 1301-1311. 235 Silvestroni O., Di Pietro D., Intrieri C., Vignani R., Filippetti I., Del Casino C., Scali M., Cresti M. 1997. Detection of genetic diversity among of cv. Fortana (Vitis vinifera L.) by microsatellite DNA polymorphism analysis. Vitis 36: 147-150. 236 Linskens H.F., Cresti M. 1996. Golgi in Siena. Atti Accad. Fisiocritici Siena. Vol. 15: 45-53.

237 Cresti M., Linskens H.F., Mulcahy D.L., Bush S., Di Dtilio V., Xu M.Y. Vignani R. and Cimato A. 1997. Preliminary Communication about the identification of DNA in leaves and in Olive oil of Olea europaea. Olivae 69: 36-37. 238 Moscatelli A., Cai G., Ciampolini F., Cresti M. 1998. Dynein heavy chain-related polypeptides are associated with organelles in pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum. Sex. Plant Reprod. 11: 31-40. 239 Milanesi C., Cresti M. 1997. Pollen morphology and ultrastructure in the Cupressus sempervirens. Atti Accademia Fisiocritici Siena, vol. 16 Suppl. pp. 59-60.

240 Scali M., Moscatelli A., Milanesi C., Vignani R., D’Errico F., Cresti M. 1997. Purification of tubulin from Corylus avellana pollen. Atti Accademia Fisiocritici Siena, vol. 16 Suppl. pp. 63-64. 241 Vignani R., scali M., Di Pietro D., Cresti M. 1997.Evidence for dynein-related proteins in Nicotiana tabacum. Atti Accademia Fisiocritici Siena, vol. 16 Suppl. pp. 65-66. 242 Ciampolini F., Cresti M. 1997. Ultrastructural observations of stigmatic style of Corylus avellana. Atti Accademia Fisiocritici Siena, vol. 16 Suppl. pp. 73-74. 243 Ciampolini F., Cresti M. 1998. The structure and cytochemistry of the stigma-style complex of Corylus avellana L. ‘Tonda Gentile delle Langhe’ (Corylaceae). Annals of Botany 81: 513- 518. 2+ 244 Geitmann A., Cresti M. 1998. Ca channels control the rapid expansions in pulsating growth of Petunia hybrida pollen tubes. J. Plant Physiol. 152: 439-447.

245 Cresti M., Li Y.Q., 1997. Generative cell division and sperm cell formation. In: Embryology of flowering plants terminology and concepts.T.B. Batygina Ed. World and Family – 95, St. Petersburg. pp. 125-129.

246 Moscatelli A., Cai G., Cresti M. 1997. Pollen and the pollen tube cytoskeleton. Cell Biology International, 21: 883-885. 247 Southworth D., Cresti M. 1998. Evolutionary relationships among sperm cells of land plants. In: S.J. Owens and P.J. Rudall (eds.) Reproductive Biology, pp. 147-157, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

248 Cresti M., Cai G., Moscatelli A. 1999. Fertilization in Higher Plants. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.

249 Moscatelli A., Cai G., Cresti M. 1999. Actin Filament- and Microtubule-Based Motor Systems: Their Concerted Action During Pollen Tube Growth. In: Cresti M., Cai G. Moscatelli A. (eds.) Fertilization in Higher Plants, pp. 303-315, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

250 Vignani R., Scali M., Cresti M. 1999. Grapevine Biotechnology Coming on to the Scene. In: Cresti M., Cai G. Moscatelli A. (eds.) Fertilization in Higher Plants, pp. 413-425, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

251 Cai G., Cresti M. 1999. Rethinking cytoskeleton in plant reproduction: toward a biotechnological future? Sex. Plant Repr. 12: 67-70.

252 Del Casino C., Bohdanowicz J., Lewandowska B., Cresti M. 1999. The organization of microtubules during generative-cell division in Convallaria majalis. Protoplasma 207: 147- 153. 253 Cresti M. and H.F. Linskens 1999. The discovery of sexual reproduction in higher plants. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia, Series B. 41:19-29.

254 Sun M.X., Moscatelli A., Yang H.Y., Cresti M., 1999. The first record of dynamics of male- female nuclear fusion in viable tobacco central during in vitro fertilization. Acta Botanica Sinica 41: 906-908. 255 Stepka M., Ciampolini F., Cresti M., Charzynska M. 1999. Localization of actin in pollen tubes of Ornithogalum virens L. Acta Societatatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 68: 97-102.

256 Cresti M., Ciampolini F. 1999.Ultrastructural characteristics of pollen development in Vitis vinifera L. (cv. Sangiovese). Vitis, 38: 141-144. 257 El-Ghazaly G., Moate R., Cresti M., Walles B., Takahashi Y., Ferreira F., Obermeyer G. 1999 – Localization and release of allergens from tapetum and pollen grains of Betula pendula. Protoplasma 208: 37-46. 258 Porceddu A., Falorni A., Ferradini N., Cosentino A., Calcinaro F., Faleri C., Cresti M., Lorenzetti F., Brunetti P., Pezzotti M. 1999. Transgenic plants expressing human glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65), a major autoantigen in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Molecular Breeding 5: 553-560.

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262 Cai G., Del Casino C., Cresti M. 2000. Cytoskeletal basis of organelle trafficking in the angiosperm pollen tube. Annals of Botany 85: 69-77. 263 Stepka M., Ciampolini F., Charzynska M., Cresti M., 2000. Localization of pectins in the pollen tube wall of Ornithogalum virens L. Does the pattern of pectin distribution depend on the growth rate of the pollen tube? Planta, 210: 630-635. 264 Cresti M., El-Ghazaly G., Milanesi C., Walles B. 1999. Ultrastructural characteristics of Betula pendula tapetum and pollen grains after rapid freezing and freeze-substitution. Grana, 38: 194- 202. 265 Sun M.X., Moscatelli A., Yang H.Y., Cresti M. 2000. In vitro double fertilization in Nicotiana tabacum (L.): fusion behavior and gamete interaction traced by video-enhanced microscopy. Sex. Plant Reprod. 12. 267-275. 266 Scali M., Moscatelli A., Cresti M. 2000. Pollen tube taxol dependent structures co-assemble with neuronal HMW MAPs (MAP2). Caryologia Vol. 53. 45-54 267 Sun M.X., Moscatelli A., Yang H.Y., Cresti M. In vitro double fertilization in Nicotiana tabacum (L.): polygamy compared with selected single pair somatic protoplast and chloroplast fusions. Sex Plant Reprod. 13. 113-117 268 Cai G., Romagnoli S., Moscatelli A., Ovidi E., Gambellini G., Tiezzi A.,Cresti M. 2000. Identification and Characterization of a Novel Microtubule-Based Motor Associated with Membranous Organelles in Tobacco Pollen Tubes. The Plant Cell Vol. 12. 1719-1736 269 Linskens H.F., Cresti M. 2000.Pollen-allergy as an ecological phenomenon: a review. Plant Biosystems. 134. 341-352

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