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YEAR 8: SPRING TERM 2015 Bitterne Park School
Year 8 Homework Learning Tasks
2014-2015 Spring Term
Marks Start Deadline returned to Subject Wk Beginning Wk Beginning student by
Maths 1 5 Jan 2015 26 Jan 2015 13 Feb 2015 Art 12 Jan 2015 2 Feb 2015 27 Feb 2015 Drama 12 Jan 2015 23 Feb 2015 13 Mar 2015 English 1 19 Jan 2015 9 Feb 2015 6 Mar 2015 Technology * 26 Jan 2015 23 Feb 2015 13 Mar 2015 Science 1 2 Feb 2015 2 Mar 2015 20 Mar 2015 MFL 2 Feb 2015 2 Mar 2015 20 Mar 2015 Geography 9 Feb 2015 9 Mar 2015 27 Mar 2015 Half Term 16 Feb 2015 – 20 Feb 2015 Science 2 23 Feb 2015 16 Mar 2015 2 Apr 2015 Maths 2 23 Feb 2015 16 Mar 2015 2 Apr 2015 History 2 Mar 2015 23 Mar 2015 24 Apr 2015 English 2 9 Mar 2015 30 Mar 2015 1 May 2015 RS 9 Mar 2015 30 Mar 2015 1 May 2015
* Students in these subjects complete only one of the HLT options available. This is either the subject or topic they are studying, eg Food in Technology or the appropriate language eg French/Spanish. HOMEWORK LEARNING TASKS
Homework is an essential and integral part of the learning process for students. It is a way of enhancing learning and allows parents to have regular input into their child’s education.
For any form of homework to be effective it is reliant upon consistent school practice combined with parental support.
At Bitterne Park School the aim of Homework Learning Tasks are to:
Consolidate, support or extend what students are learning in the classroom. Assist teachers in assessing students’ strengths, weaknesses and learning needs. Prepare students for the rigour required to complete GCSE coursework and study. Develop students skills and understanding of the world around us. Stretch and challenge students. Develop a greater sense of individual responsibility and independence in learning. Promote positive dialogue and involvement between individual students, parents and teachers. Celebrate the successes and hard work of students. Develop pupils literacy skills.
By working in partnership these objectives can be achieved and students will be prepared for the rigours of Key Stage 4 courses and beyond.
What are Homework Learning Tasks (HLTs)?
Homework Learning Tasks are project based homeworks which require students to focus on what they are going to learn and how they will ‘show’ what they have learnt. They will develop an independence to learning as well as give students a choice of how they complete tasks.
All HLTs will have a literacy focus to them as part of the school’s commitment to improving literacy standards.
HLTs are set in all subjects each term (twice in the core subjects of English, Maths and Science) and are required to be completed over a three week period. All HLTs are published a term in advance and each one has a fixed start and end date. Students are responsible for completing HLTs and will be given support and advice by their subject teachers. How will HLTs be marked?
Each student will receive a grade for their HLT which they will record in their planner. These marks are then used as part of the overall assessment of a student’s individual progress. Parents can check these marks via the student’s planner and by attendance at the termly Individual Advice and Guidance Day.
HLT Marking Scale: 5 - Outstanding 4 - Very Good 3 - Good 2 - Satisfactory 1 - Poor/Not completed
What happens if HLTs are not completed?
If a student does not complete a HLT they will be set a 45 minute detention by that subject. Parents will be informed of this via letter. If there are genuine reasons why a student cannot complete a HLT it is essential that the school is informed of this by letter, prior to the deadline date.
How can students gain support in completing HLTs?
Individual subject teachers will provide support for students. The school’s Learning Resource Centre is available until 4pm each evening. Here there is access to computers, books and a range of other resources to support students.
On Mondays and Thursdays there will be focussed support sessions appropriate to current HLTs that students are completing.
Additional Learning Tasks
Students may also be set Additional Learning Tasks by subject teachers. These will be written in the planner and 20-30 minutes in length. Additional Learning Tasks will allow for individual work to be set which is appropriate to the need of the student or group. These are short tasks and are compulsory.
Further questions, help or support
If you have any specific questions or concerns about HLTs please contact your child’s Progress Leader or the appropriate Head of Subject. Alternatively, you can contact Miss Burr.
Bitterne Park is full of “vibrancy and highly motivating ethos”. Ofsted 2009 Subject: Mathematics 1 Spring Term – Year 8
Aim Practice key skills and methods for set topics on Number 2 & Algebra 2. Outcome Improved key skills and use of efficient methods. Be able to use these key skills to answer test questions successfully
What do I have to do? Complete a weekly MyMaths online homework.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT. Login is bitterne Password is rhombus You must use your own personal password and login number which will be issued by your class teacher The online homework will be set by your class teacher and will appear on the page once you have logged in. When you have complete the online homework remember to Markit then go to Checkout
Are there any supporting documents – PowerPoint’s, images, pictures, website links, etc With each online homework task there is a supporting lesson which can be accessed if required Many of these tasks will require written calculations on paper in order to support the answers that you submit
How can I stretch myself further? You can have a go at any tasks on ‘mymaths’ and send them to your teacher, so if there is a topic you feel you need more practice on then have ago. Have a go at the booster material (If you are a level 5 try the level 6 booster material). Get ahead of the game by asking your teacher for some higher level topics and independently work through the online tutorials. Try some of the ‘mymaths’ investigations, which challenge you to think and see if you can solve any of the problems.
How will my work be assessed? Your work will automatically be marked and a % given when you press the Markit button and go to Checkout The online homework can be repeated as many times as possible in order to reach a successful % of correct scores You can comment on the task and your class teacher can track your progress and make comments in return Subject: Art Spring Term – Year 8
Aim You will look at the work of Eduardo Paolozzi or Beatrice Milhazes as well as their techniques and incorporate them into your classwork. Outcome Present a booklet that informs people about the artwork of Eduardo Paolozzi or Beatrice Milhazes, showing their skills and techniques as well interesting facts about the artist/craft person.
What do I have to do? You should complete one of the tasks below to show and demonstrate your ability to create a piece of artwork using you knowledge and understanding of the work of either Eduardo Paolozzi or Beatrice Milhazes .
Preferred You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Learning Choose carefully and think about the piece of work Style that you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be longer than others. Visual Create a booklet/presentation of Eduardo Paolozzi or Beatrice Milhazes and their art techniques and style. Copy and colour a piece of their work and record at least 3 of your own opinions and facts about their work. Auditory Prepare a presentation using images and information about, Eduardo Paolozzi or Beatrice Milhazes, presenting the techniques of Eduardo Paolozzi or Beatrice Milhazes and express 3 opinions about their work. Kinaesthetic Prepare a practical performance using your research to tell someone about the life and skills of either Eduardo Paolozzi or Beatrice Milhazes. Express 3 opinions about their work.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT. Visual – Present information on the artists Eduardo Palozzi and Beatrice Milhazes, their history, techniques and ideas he used when making his artwork. Auditory – Produce a PowerPoint presentation or slide show showing who the artist Eduardo Palozzi or Beatrice Milhazes and their artwork. Create some studies in the style of his work and talk about how you have made them.
Kinaesthetic – Demonstrate the style of the artist Eduardo Palozzi or Beatrice Milhazes to a group of students, using a Power point presentation. To prepare a dramatic performance. You could imagine what he would say about his work if being interviewed by an art critic. Preferred How should I submit my work? - This will depend on Learning your choice of task Style Visual Create a booklet presenting the artwork, history and the techniques of Eduardo Palozzi or Beatrice Milhazes, expressing your opinions of her artwork Auditory Produce a PowerPoint to present to the class or a small group, showing the artwork of Eduardo Palozzi or Beatrice Milhazes. Kinaesthetic Make a sculpture in the style of Eduardo Palozzi or Beatrice Milhazes, and demonstrate how it could be made.
How can I stretch myself further? You could research the artwork of Eduardo Paolozzi or Beatrice Milhazes and find out other ways that the artist worked and presented their works in other forms e.g. Beatrice Milhazes has used here work in London Subways. Research how the work of Eduardo Palozzi and Beatrice Milhazes impacts on the design world.
Practise drawing a section of work by Eduardo Palozzi and Beatrice Milhazes and create a repeating pattern.
Are there any supporting documents – PowerPoint’s, images, pictures, website links, etc School LRC for books and internet. Websites – Wikapedia and type Eduardo Paolozzi or Beatrice Milhazes into Google.
How will my work be assessed? Your teacher will assess your work by looking at 3 areas;
1. Quality of research and your ability to show what you have learnt, understood about Eduardo Palozzi or Beatrice Milhazes and this style.
2. Visual presentation that is relevant to the work and the creative skills you have used to present it. Subject: Drama Spring Term – Year 8
Aim To create a set/lighting/sound design for a drama scene to enhance your understanding of technical theatre. Outcome To produce a set/lighting/sound design that clearly shows your understanding and appreciation of technical theatre and how it contributes to the performance.
What do I have to do? Your Drama teacher will issue you with a scene from a play (this will be discussed in class when the HLT is set). Your task will be to either create a lighting and sound design or create a set design for the scene.
Preferred You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Choose carefully Learning Style and think about the piece of work that you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be longer than others. Visual Label and annotate the given scene, clearly describing the lighting and sound you would use where and why to bring the performance to life. Auditory Create a spoken powerpoint presentation, informing the audience of your set design to present to your teacher / class. Kinaesthetic Create a design or 3D model of your set for the given scene, clearly informing your teacher / class of your ideas.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT. Decide where the scene is set? Do you need to use split staging to show different locations? Do you need different levels? What look do you want to go for? What scenery do you need? How many entrances / exits do you need?
What lighting/sound will be required?
Preferred How should I submit my work? - This will depend on your choice of Learning Style task Visual As a written, annotated scene clearly showing what/where/why you would use lighting and sound in the scene.
Auditory As a spoken powerpoint presentation with images to support your ideas.
Kinaesthetic As a design or 3D model
Are there any supporting documents – PowerPoints, images, pictures, website links, etc Your drama teacher will show you examples of set designs and ideas for lighting and sound. You can also research these on the internet. How will my work be assessed? You will be marked on how successfully your design fits the given scene as well as your design creativity and work presentation.
How can I stretch myself further? Research the STYLE of stage that would most suit your lighting/sound and set design ideas and explain why you have chosen it. How would it benefit your design? Where would you want to place your audience? Consider the following state styles to research: End-On stage, Procenium Arch stage, Thrust stage, In-The-Round stage, Traverse stage. Subject: English 1 Spring Term - Year 8
Aim To understand how characters develop over the course of a film. Outcome A storyboard or timeline of a character’s journey from the start of a film to the end.
What do I have to do? This half term’s homework is to outline how a character develops over the course of a film.
Think of a character in a film that you really enjoy – if you can’t think of any then look at the following for ideas:
Maleficent Maleficent Gru Despicable Me Oliver Twist Oliver Twist Diego Ice Age Hans Solo Star Wars Harry Potter or Ron Weasley Harry Potter
Write down the main things that happen to them during the course of the film and the main ways that their personality changes.
Find an interesting way to present your findings: storyboard, essay or timeline.
How can I stretch myself further? Compare your chosen character to another character in the film. How does this second character affect your chosen character? Do they change as well? Or do they stay the same? Why do you think this is? You can either write this as an essay or create a parallel timeline / storyboard. Think how you can show their interaction in a creative way.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT. Start by thinking of characters from films that you really enjoy. Try Googling (or using a search engine of your choice) to find out more about your examples. Map out the main events that happen to your character, write notes on how they change because of these events. Think of a good way to present your findings – Timeline? Storyboard? Essay?
Are there any supporting documents – PowerPoint’s, images, pictures, website links, etc IMBD – International Movie Database. Try searching Wikipedia for your chosen film.
How will my work be assessed? Your teacher will look at your character analysis to see how long you worked on the exercise, which sections you excelled at and what you could do to stretch yourself further. Subject: Food Technology Spring Term – Year 8 (Only complete this HLT if you are currently studying Food in Technology) Aim To research staple foods and typical ingredients/dishes of another culture. Outcome Students will have an improved understanding and knowledge of multi- cultural foods and an awareness of how food choices are influenced by the environment.
What do I have to do? Complete one of the tasks below to show your research and improved knowledge of the typical foods eaten in another country.
Preferred You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Choose Learning Style carefully and think about the piece of work that you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be longer than others. Visual Produce a booklet or PowerPoint giving information on your chosen country and three food/ingredients. Auditory Record an interview with a person who has knowledge of the foods and traditions of your chosen country. Kinaesthetic Design and make a market stall or shop window that shows a display of the typical foods that would be on sale in your chosen country.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT. All students should select a country and carry out detailed research into the culture and foods eaten. Try to select a country you have a particular interest in, perhaps you have been there on holiday or you may have a family member who has lived in another country.
Suggested information that you might want to research:
Interesting facts about the country. Name of the country – map or country flag. Crops grown in this country and staple foods eaten. Traditional dishes eaten in this country. Herbs and spices commonly used to add flavour to the dishes of this country. Traditional festivals and celebrations – typical foods eaten on these occasions. Foods eaten because of religious beliefs in this country.
Visual – Booklet/PowerPoint: Produce an information booklet or PowerPoint giving as much information as possible on your chosen country. Include illustrations and make your work colourful. Make sure that the standard of presentation is high! Auditory: Plan a series of questions to ask the person you are going to interview on your chosen country (see suggested research above). Make sure that you draw lots of interesting information from the person and not just yes/no answers. Record your information as MP3 file or a disc. Alternatively, you could record the interview as a script with question and answers written out. Kinaesthetic: Design and make a model of a market stall or a display in a shop window. The display must include typical foods that would be on sale and you can use salt dough, plasticine or any other suitable material to model the foods. Another possibility is to use printed images of foods in the display. Make sure all foods have name labels. You could decorate the stall/shop window in typical colours and images to represent your chosen country.
How can I Design and cook a two course meal from the country of stretch myself your choice. You can take photographs of your dishes further? and present them on a powerpoint with a full sensory evaluation. Ask people to try them and get them to write what they feel about your dishes
Preferred How should I submit my work? - This will depend on your Learning Style choice of task Visual Submit your finished booklet / printed copy of your PowerPoint to your Food Technology teacher. Auditory Record your information or submit as a written script to your Food Technology teacher. Kinaesthetic Submit your completed model to your Food Technology teacher.
How will my work be assessed? Your work will be assessed in line with the School’s marking policy: Outstanding, very good, good, satisfactory or poor. Your teacher will be assessing the depth of your research and understanding of typical ingredients used within your chosen culture. Subject: Graphic Products Spring Term – Year 8
Aim You will learn how to use ‘pop-up’ mechanisms. Outcome To create a ‘Pop-up’ card to celebration an occasion using Graphic Skills.
What do I have to do? Research ‘Pop-up’ mechanisms and using your graphic skills, create a ‘Pop-up’ product.
Preferred You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Learning Choose carefully and think about the piece of work Style that you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be longer than others. Visual Using Graphic skills you should create a ‘Pop-up’ card that will celebrate a particular occasion, such as a birthday, Christmas (or another religious event) or simply thank someone for what they have done. Auditory Prepare a presentation using images and information on sheets or a PowerPoint about the variety and use of ‘Pop-up’. You should tell us about how a certain ‘pop-up’ mechanism can be made. Kinaesthetic Prepare a practical performance using your research to tell someone about the use of cards to celebrate occasion. Keywords Celebration, Mechanism, Scoring, Presentation.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT. Visual – Find out all the relevant information about ‘Pop-up’ mechanisms. Begin to present the information so that a person finds your visual presentation stimulating and exciting. Think about your use of colour and design that fits with the mechanism.
Auditory – Present information about how ‘pop-up’ mechanisms can be media, interesting facts and showing appropriate images.
Preferred How should I submit my work? - This will depend on Learning your choice of task Style Visual Create a card that uses ‘pop-up’ mechanisms that could be sold in a local shop. Auditory Hand in a PowerPoint show or presentation and present to the class or a small group, showing ‘pop-up’ mechanisms and how they can be made. Kinaesthetic Make a model of a ‘pop-up’ character and demonstrate how it could be made to an audience.
Are there any supporting documents – PowerPoint’s, images, pictures, website links, etc School LRC for books and internet. Websites –
How can I stretch myself further? You could research the history of Pop up Cards. Research new and different mechanisms that are used in Pop up books, such as the ‘Wheel’ mechanism. Create your own and include in your HLT. Using the theme that you have chosen for the classwork. Find interesting facts and present them in a PowerPoint.
How will my work be assessed? Your teacher will assess your work by looking at 3 areas;
3. Quality of research and the skills shown in the ‘pop-up’ mechanisms. 4. Visual presentation that is relevant to the work and the Graphic Skills you have used to present it.
5. Your level of effort and achievement in the time given.
Subject: Product Design Spring Term – Year 8
Aim To understand what mechanisms are and the benefits and advantages mechanisms give users. Outcome To understand the workings of and advantages of a range of mechanisms.
What do I have to do? You should research into how the following mechanisms work and give its user an advantage: Levers, Gears, Cams, and Pulleys. Present your findings including diagrams to explain the workings of each system and using this knowledge, design a method to move a heavy weight.
How can I stretch myself further? Find out about and explain in simple terms the reasons that a car has a gearbox and how a gearbox works.
Preferred You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Choose Learning Style carefully and think about the piece of work that you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be longer than others. Visual Research into how Levers, Cams, Gears and Pulleys work, their advantages and how they help its users.
Create either a PowerPoint or an A3 mood board showing your findings. Include detailed explanations and diagrams to support what you are saying.
Create a range of annotated designs (4+) using your knowledge of mechanisms to move a 10 tonne weight 2 meters vertically or horizontally. Auditory Research into how Levers, Cams, Gears and Pulleys work, their advantages and how they help its users.
Create a detailed presentation to give to your class or a small group explaining the findings of your research. Support this with either a PowerPoint presentation, slide show or hand outs.
Create a design for a mechanism to lift a 10 ton weight 2 meters vertically or horizontally. Explain in detail how this design works, which mechanism(s) you are using and why. Kinaesthetic Research into how Levers, Cams, Gears and Pulleys work, their advantages and how they help its users.
Produce an information sheet showing how each of these mechanism work. Include an illustration of each mechanism. Make a scaled model of a mechanism designed to move a heavy weight 5 centimetres vertically or horizontally. Test this model and write a small report explaining how it worked.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT. Visual – Using internet, books, magazines, etc, research into the mechanisms listed above. Create a PowerPoint presentation or an A3 mood board of your findings. Use this research to create 4 or more ideas for a mechanism that could move a 10 tonne weight 2 meters horizontally or vertically. Annotate and explain your ideas, demonstrating how the mechanism has helped you.
Auditory – Using internet, books, TV programmes, etc, research into the mechanisms listed above. Create a presentation to give to the class demonstrating your research designed to present to your class. Produce a power point, slide show, or hand out to support your presentation. Write down what you want to say or you can film yourself presenting your presentation. Use this knowledge to design a mechanism that could move a 10 tonne weight 2 meters horizontally or vertically.
Kinaesthetic – Using internet, Products, magazines, etc, research into the mechanisms listed above. Produce an information sheet showing your findings, including an illustration of each mechanism. Use this knowledge to produce a scaled model of a mechanism designed to move a weight 10 cm vertically or horizontally. Test this and produce a small report on how the model worked.
Preferred How should I submit my work? - This will depend on your choice Learning Style of task Visual Present a PowerPoint presentation or moodboard on the mechanisms listed and a sheet of 4 or more annotated designs for your mechanism. Auditory Produce a presentation to give to the class on your findings. This needs to be presented to the class or hand in as a filmed presentation. This should be supported with either a PowerPoint, slide show, or hand out. A design of your mechanism that is annotated is also required. Kinaesthetic Present an information sheet on these mechanisms. Make a scaled model of your mechanism to move a weight 10cm. Write a small report explaining how your model worked.
Are there any supporting documents – PowerPoints, images, pictures, website links, etc The school LRC for books on mechanisms. Go to website: General internet research.
How will my work be assessed? Your teacher will assess your work by looking at 3 areas: 1. Quality of research and your ability to show what you have learnt, understood and given opinions about. 2. Visual presentation that is relevant to the work and the way you have presented it. 3. How you have interpreted, used, presented and clearly shown how you have used the information gained on mechanism to produce your own design(s) to move the weight a set distance. Subject - Textiles Spring Term – Year 8
Aim You will learn how to research and present information about quilting. Outcome Pupils to explain how quilting is made and to present research information about the technique.
What do I have to do? Gather and present information about quilting: the purpose, how to make it, the history and the patterns which were created.
Preferred You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Choose Learning Style carefully and think about the piece of work that you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be longer than others. Visual Present information in a leaflet or display board about the textile technique Quilting and how to do it. Auditory Prepare a presentation to inform a class or small group about quilting and the method on how to make it. Kinaesthetic Make your own sample of a quilted quilt with fact sheet.
How can I stretch myself further? To create a personal investigation on a Fashion Designer or Textile Artist which have used Quilting in their work. In your personal investigation include: 1. Facts about the artist/designer and their work. 2. Express your opinions about what you see, feel and think about the work. 3. How does the artist/designer work connect to the work you are doing and how has this artist/designer inspired you. 4. Could the artists/designer work be improved? How?
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT. All pupils will carry out detailed research into Quilting.
Suggested information that you might want to research:
The History and where it originates from. What equipment and materials are used in Quilting? How to Quilt. Safety rules when doing Sewing. Examples of Quilted designs.
Leaflet or Display Board-
Produce an information booklet or display board giving as much information as possible on Quilting.
Include illustrations and make your work colourful. Make sure that the standard of presentation is high. Design your own quilted pattern for a quilt.
Produce a PowerPoint presentation showing examples of Quilted designs, the history and the method on how to make it. Prepare a script or record you presentation as a MP3 file or a disc.
Quilt Sample- Demonstrate the technique of quilting to a small group in the class, teaching them how to prepare and sew materials. Create a method sheet explaining how to quilt.
Preferred How should I submit my work? - This will depend on your Learning Style choice of task Visual Leaflet or Display Board Auditory PowerPoint Presentation and a script to present to class. Kinaesthetic Create a sample of quilting or mini quilt and a method sheet.
Are there any supporting documents – PowerPoints, images, pictures, website links, etc
How will my work be assessed? Your work will be assessed in line with the School’s marking policy. Your teacher will be assessing your understanding on how to thread up a sewing machine correctly and the effort you have put into your task. Subject: Science Space and Sound Spring Term - Year 8 PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR TEACHER THIS IS THE CORRECT HLT Aim To revise space and sound.
Outcome To be able to recall and use the keywords related to space and sound.
To be able to label scientific diagrams.
What do I have to do? You have been learning about space and sound in science. Use this knowledge and complete some research to help solve the problem below:
The space colony PL9 has gone silent and has stop sending transmissions from the planet they are on. It is your mission as an officer in the Earth Defence Force to find out what has happened. You need to get to planet and then find their underwater city. Make sure you bring the right equipment and good luck!
How can I You may wish to extend your homework by stretch choosing an extra activity from the choices below. myself further? Idea 1 Make a poster or model using the knowledge and keywords from the appropriate homework booklet. Idea 2 Record or write a song, poem or rap to help you explain the effect of acid rain. Idea 3 Create word cards for the keywords. Put the keyword on one side and the definition with examples on the other. What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT. Choose a way to present your work (Poster, Model, PowerPoint, story…) and agree this with your teacher. What objects you would come across in your journey through the solar system (include a map or description of our own) How would the different objects affect your space ship with their gravitational pull (difference between big things and small things) Will you ‘park’ your main space ship around the planet – how will it stay there? Will it be day or night on the planet? Why is this? What season will it be on the planet – why does it have seasons? How we could find them underwater (include how submarines do this).
Are there any supporting documents –website links, etc Revision websites:
How will my work be assessed? Your work will be assessed in line with the Bitterne Park grading system for effort and homework. You will also be given a teacher feedback on your work based on your knowledge and understanding for which you must act on.
Outstanding HLTs will be posted in the science corridor HLT wall of fame. Subject: MFL (French) Spring Term – Year 8
Aim To learn key vocabulary that will support and consolidate your classroom learning. Outcome I will learn ten words/phrases a fortnight on the topic of ‘Health’
What do I have to do? Every 2 weeks, your MFL teacher will set you a list of words or phrases that you have been studying in your MFL lessons. You will need to learn the vocabulary for your vocabulary test. In order to prepare thoroughly for your test, it is best to learn the words little and often – for about 10-15 minutes every 2 days. Check with your teacher if you are completing Task A or Task B: Task A – You will need to learn these words from French to English and English to French. Task B- You will need to learn these words from French to English.
Preferred Different people learn vocabulary in different ways. Pick learning style one of the methods below to help you learn your words. Or you might want to try a combination of the three. Visual Create a mind map or poster of the words and display it somewhere where you will see it every day. Or you might like to go on and create a word cloud. Auditory Record yourself saying the words/spelling out the words and the English translation and save it on your MP3 player/phone. Kinaesthetic Make flashcards of the words with the French on one side and the English/a picture on the back and get someone to test you.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT. You should not just be looking at your list of words; you need to be actively learning them. Get someone at home to test you to see how you are getting on.
How will my work be assessed? Every two weeks you will have a vocabulary test in your lesson. You will have to maintain a good average score over the term in order to get a grade 3 or above on your HLT.
We will be monitoring your scores both within the class and across the year group and there will be a ‘Top Scorers’ league table that your tutor will share with you or that you can access on the MFL frog page! Look out for your name on the leader board!
What other help can you find? Ask your teacher for further help. Come to Key Stage 3 French HLT Club. (See your MFL teacher for details about this.)
Where can I get my vocabulary list from?
Your MFL teacher will give you the vocab list in lessons every 2 weeks – put this somewhere safe (perhaps in your planner) so you don’t lose it. Make sure you write down the date of your test – there will be a space for this next to your words. If you are absent from your MFL lesson when the vocab list has been set it is your responsibility to find out from your MFL teacher when your test is and what the vocab list is. If you lose your vocab list, the vocabulary will also be updated every 2 weeks on the school website and on the MFL frog page. You can also ask your MFL teacher for another copy of the list.
How can I stretch myself further? Are you a Gifted student within MFL? Then read below to see what you can do to challenge yourself: Use the word in a sentence as well as learning the spelling of the word. Research 10 more words to do with the topic using and make a note of them in a separate vocab book to show your teacher every 2 weeks. Create a vocab quiz using the words using
When will my vocab list be set? List Dates to learn Date of test 1 Week beginning 12th January – Week beginning 26th January 23rd January 2015 2015 2 Week beginning 26th January – Week beginning 9th February 6th February 2015 2015 3 Week beginning 9th February – Week beginning 23rd February 20th February 2015 (including 2015 half term) 4 Week beginning 23rd February Week beginning 9th March – 6th March 2015 5 Week beginning 9th March – Week beginning23rd March 20th March 2015 2015
Subject: Geography Spring Term – Year 8 Aim To investigate one climatic hazard.
Outcome I will use my knowledge from lessons and home research to one climatic hazard and then describe where it happened, how it was formed and how it impacted on people, economy and environment.
What do I have to do? You will need to find out all you can about a climatic hazard that has occurred in the last 10 years. (Tropical storm, hurricane, typhoon, cyclone, snow storm, giant hail storms, drought). This could be anywhere in the world. You will need to locate the area which suffered from this hazard and explain why it happened here. You will describe and explain the impacts of the hazard on people and the environment. How did people respond to the hazard? You will also need to think about the future – is the area likely to suffer again?
Preferred You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Learning Choose carefully and think about the piece of work that Style you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be longer than others. Visual You are a tourist who has recently returned form a world travel. You were amazed to visit this natural landform and did lots of research to find out more about it. Create a video /PowerPoint/moviemaker about the landform showing how it was formed and how it will change in the future. Make sure your written captions include key words to do with weathering and erosion. Auditory Imagine you were there at the beginning of time and could freeze yourself ever few years to be defrosted at thousand year intervals. Record a description of what you notice as you look at your landform throughout time and include information on what has made your natural feature change shape over time. How will it look in the future? Kinaesthetic Build / create a model of the landform you have chosen! The model must show how the feature changes/is created over time. You must label the model and ensure that key words are used where appropriate in describing the feature you have chosen and its formation.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT. Name and locate the place where the hazard occurred. Explain why the hazard happened. What were the main causes? What were the impacts of the hazard? How were people affected? What was the damage to the environment? You might like to think about how people were affected in the short term (days and weeks after the hazard) and the long term (months and years later). How did people respond to the hazard? What was the rescue procedure like? How are they going to prevent this happening in the future?
Preferred How should I submit my work? - This will depend on Learning your choice of task Style Visual This depends on your choice of learning style. You will have Auditory the opportunity to present your work to the class on the Kinaesthetic Interactive Whiteboard, talk about your project or simply display it on the table with other projects so that the class can walk around and assess what you have done.
How can I stretch myself further? Analyse how the wealth of the country affected how severe the impacts were.
Are there any supporting documents – PowerPoint’s, images, pictures, website links, etc Previous examples form your teacher. Recent class work and ‘Interactions’ text book (school use only).
How will my work be assessed? Your peers will have a chance to assess your work in class and offer opinions.
Your teacher will give you an effort grade from 1 (do it again!) to 5 (outstanding).
Merits will be awarded and letters sent home to projects that are exceptional.
You will assess your own work too and we will consider what we can change for the next HLT.
Subject: Science Electricity and Magnetism Spring Term – Year 8 PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR TEACHER THIS IS THE CORRECT HLT Aim To revise electricity and magnetism. Outcome To be able to recall and use the keywords related to electricity and magnetism. To be able to label scientific diagrams.
What do I have to do? You have been learning about electricity and magnetism in Science. Use this knowledge and complete some research to help solve the problem below:
You are a city planner. You have the task of building a group of new houses, which will power themselves, for 100 families. You must decide how you are going to make electricity and how you would make a circuit to share the electricity around the house (parallel or series?) and the different things in your circuit (bulbs, switches etc).
How can I You may wish to extend your homework by choosing an stretch extra activity from the choices below. myself further? Idea 1 Design a way of making an electromagnetic into a lock for the house so you could open it like you do a car! Idea 2 Record or write a song, poem or rap to help you explain electricity. Idea 3 Create word cards for the keywords. Put the keyword on one side and the definition with examples on the other.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT. Choose a way to present your work (Poster, Model, Powerpoint, story…) and agree this with your teacher. Decide how you are going to make electricity – renewable or non-renewable with the basic details of how that type works (hydroelectric for example) How would you share your electricity around the house in a circuit? How can you measure the voltage or current or work out the resistance? What item in your house has a high resistance? Why this is good thing? (you cook bread in it) Include all the components you can in your circuit for your house. Why do we have circuit breakers?
Are there any supporting documents –website links, etc Revision websites:
How will my work be assessed? Your work will be assessed in line with the Bitterne Park grading system for effort and homework. You will also be given a teacher feedback on your work based on your knowledge and understanding for which you must act on.
Outstanding HLTs will be posted in the science corridor HLT wall of fame.
Subject: Mathematics 2 Spring Term – Year 8 Aim Produce independent work showing that you have met your I&G Day targets. Outcome A piece of work produced in a preferred format showing understanding of your targets.
What do I have to do? Produce a piece of work that clearly demonstrates you have either researched, revised or done practice questions, which has helped enhance your understanding of your target topics, identified as areas of weakness in your spring assessment. These can be found on your analysis grid in your maths book.
Preferred You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Choose Learning carefully and think about the piece of work that you are Style going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be longer than others. Visual Produce a poster, booklet or PowerPoint which clearly illustrates key facts and methods on how to do a topic. Auditory Make a short video presenting key facts and explaining methods on how to do a topic. Kinaesthetic Make Flash cards, design a game which will help you or someone else understand a topic.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT. Identify what topics you are weaker at? Use assessment analysis from your spring assessment. These will be you I&G day targets. Identify what method best helps you to understand a topic. (Producing a revision guide, doing practice questions, designing a resource etc.) Use ideas on MyMaths, from text books, parents, internet etc). You could make up your own questions on your target topic.
Preferred How should I submit my work? - This will depend on your Learning choice of task Style Visual Booklet/questions on paper. PowerPoint on memory stick. Auditory Recorded facts and methods on memory stick or CD. Kinaesthetic Flash cards held together (in envelope, elastic band).
Are there any supporting documents – PowerPoint’s, images, pictures, website links, etc Targets in your maths book. Internet: search for your target topic Worksheets on your target topic Text books
How can I stretch myself further? You could produce a PowerPoint or activity based on your targets and ask your teacher to use it to teach a 10 minute lesson. (The work produced must be outstanding and you would be expected to meet your teacher to go through your lesson before it is delivered. This activity could be done in pairs).
Ask your teacher for some extra more complex questions based on your targets and use your ‘revision guide’ to help you answer the questions.
How will my work be assessed? Your understanding of the topic you couldn’t do in the assessment. Your teacher will mark the work you have produced and grade it depending on how evident it is that you have a better understanding of the topic.
Subject: History Spring Term – Year 8 Aim To learn facts, key words and dates that will support your classroom learning. Outcome I will memorise detailed facts about the past every fortnight on the topics of ‘Local History’ and ‘Crime, Punishment and Protest’.
What do I have to do? Every 2 weeks, your History teacher will set you a list of facts, dates or words/phrases (knowledge) that you will be studying in your History lessons. You will need to learn these for your knowledge test. In order to prepare thoroughly for your test, it is best to learn the facts little and often.
Preferred learning style Different people learn knowledge in different ways. Pick one of the methods below to help you learn your words. Or you might want to try a combination of the three. Visual Go on and create a word cloud. Auditory Record yourself saying the facts/spelling out the key words and save it on your MP3 player/phone. Kinaesthetic Make cue cards of the facts with a picture of each on the back and get someone to test you.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT. You should not just look at your facts; you need to actively learning them. Get a friend or someone at home to test you. This will help you see how you are getting on.
How will my work be assessed? Every two weeks you will have a knowledge test in your lesson. You will have to maintain a good average score over the term in order to get a grade 3 or above on your HLT. We will be monitoring your scores both within the class and across the year group. We will use your score to give out our rewards, or to give you extra support if you need it.
What other help can you find? First of all, you know your own ability better than anyone else! Do not expect others to be able to help you from the beginning. You will only be able to take advantage of support from your family/friends or teacher once you have given it a really good go yourself. If you are still not making progress, come to Key Stage 3 History Intervention.
Where can I get my knowledge from? Your History teacher will give you the knowledge list in lessons every 2 weeks. Make sure you write down the date of your test. If you are absent from your History lesson when the knowledge list has been set it is your responsibility to find out from your History teacher when your test is and get the list.
How can I challenge myself further? Are you a Gifted or ambitious student within History?
Make sure you read the ‘Challenge’ section for each knowledge test when you receive the list from your History teacher. Follow the tasks set.
Subject: English 2 Spring Term - Year 8
Aim To understand what qualities inspirational speakers draw upon to inspire others. Outcome A report or fact file on an inspirational speaker.
What do I have to do? You will need to write a report that explores how one of the following people are inspirational speakers:
Aung Sang Suu Kyi Barrack Obama Fabrice Muamba Martin Luther King Mahatma Ghandi Rosa Parks Michelle Obama Queen Elizabeth II Jesse Owen Margaret Thatcher Angelina Jolie Emmeline Pankhurst Elizabeth I Simon Weston JK Rowling Steven Hawking
Produce a document showing 3 qualities they have that motivate others (one of your examples must include something they have said and show how it motivates).
How can I stretch myself further? Explore the reaction that your inspirational person has produced when they were most powerful. How did they inspire? How did people respond to them? How did they overcome people who resisted them?
Finally consider the impact they had on society. Include this in your presentation.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT. Choose an inspirational person from the list (higher ability pupils you should challenge yourself by choosing someone you know little about).
Use the internet or books from the library to research your chosen individual.
Create your project using information that you think is relevant to the task.
If you are making a PowerPoint use different images to show their different character traits.
Think about showing their weaknesses and how they still manage to inspire despite their flaws.
Are there any supporting documents – PowerPoint’s, images, pictures, website links, etc Use Google or another search engine to research your chosen person. Try Wikipedia for more detailed information on your chosen inspirational speaker.
How will my work be assessed? Firstly we will check that the project has been completed. Secondly you will be awarded with an effort grade for your project (1-5). Subject: RS Spring Term – Year 8
Aim To explain the role of RE in the media. Outcome To consider how religion is depicted through the media (Film, News, TV) and evaluate whether religion is shown as a positive or negative influence in the world.
What do I have to do? You have to find out about the role of RE in the media and produce resources to present to the rest of your class.
You may wish to do this through watching a popular soap (e.g. EastEnders) and recording how different religions are shown, then evaluating whether religion is promoted within the programme. You could also use a film which shows religious beliefs and practices (Bend it Like Beckham, Bruce Almighty)
Alternatively you may wish to read through a current newspaper and see if there are any issues or articles that discuss religious issues in society. Otherwise you may choose to find an appropriate pop song or book that relates to religion.
You need to find out if religion is seen to be positive or negative through the media and find an effective way of producing resources that show your findings.
Preferred You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Choose Learning carefully and think about the piece of work that you are Style going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be longer than others. Visual Produce a booklet, movie or PowerPoint presentation. Auditory Produce and perform a song, speech, rap or poem. Kinaesthetic Produce a script and drama about the religion.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT. Choose either: TV programme, film, song, book or newspaper Use the media source you chose to find out how religion is used or shown in it. Evaluate whether the media is positive or negative towards religion Booklet: Produce on A4 paper with at least 8 sides PowerPoint: Produce at least 8 PowerPoint slides Song, speech, poem or rap: Type or write out on A4 paper, record your work using a video camera or recording device Preferred How should I submit my work? - This will depend on your Learning choice of task Style Visual Drawn, written or printed out on paper, or on a memory stick, ready to present to class. Auditory Typed, printed or written out on paper, recorded, ready to perform in class. Kinaesthetic Bring your script and be ready to perform your drama to the rest of the class.
How can I stretch myself further? You could compare different forms of media for example do films portray religion differently to newspapers and which has a more positive portrayal? Analyse how religious believers might feel about how their religion is shown in the media.
Are there any supporting documents – PowerPoint’s, images, pictures, website links, etc
Textbooks available from Miss Underwood in 604.
How will my work be assessed? The work will be given an effort grade out of 5, with 5 being outstanding, 4 good, 3 satisfactory and 2 or 1 being less then satisfactory.
The project will also be given a national curriculum level based on your organisation and communication skills.