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For Official Use Only s13

For Official Use Only Golden Crescent Regional Advisory Council After Action Report and Improvement Plan

[Golden Crescent RAC]


[March 9, 2011]

[Anthrax Release Drill]

Publication Date March 21, 2011

Ver. 2.0 1 For Official Use Only July 2010 For Official Use Only Golden Crescent Regional Advisory Council After Action Report and Improvement Plan

Table of Contents

Handling Instructions 4 Exercise/Incident AAR/IP Point of Contact Exercise/Incident Detail

Executive Summary 5 Mission Capability Objectives 7 Major Strengths Demonstrated Primary Areas for Improvement Identified

Section 1: Exercise/Incident Overview 8 1.1 Exercise/Incident Name/Description 1.2 Exercise/Incident Dates 1.3 Exercise/Incident Duration 1.4 Exercise/Incident Location(s) 1.5 Sponsor 1.6 Funding Source 1.7 Program Requirements Addressed 1.8 Mission(s) Tested During the Exercise 1.9 Grant funded Capabilities Demonstrated / Validated 9 1.10 Exercise/Incident Scenario 1.11 Organizations / Functions and Participants

Section 2: Exercise Design and Analysis of Capabilities 11 2.1 Exercise Purpose and Design 2.2 Scenario Summary 2.3 Exercise Capabilities, Objectives, Activities & Analysis

Section 3: Conclusion 16

Improvement Plan 17

Tab A: Corrective Action Plan (CAP) 19 Form

Tab B: Exercise Participant Rosters 23 Health & Medical (Local) 24 Hospitals Local Public Health Departments

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Health & Medical (State Level) 25 Regional Advisory Councils/Trauma Service Areas

Local Government Emergency Management 25

Communications Emergency Management Exercise Staff/Support

Tab C: Grant Funded Systems and Capabilities Exercised 26 CDC Identification of Systems Exercised 27 ASPR Capabilities Worksheet 29

Tab D: Department of Homeland Security Target Capabilities List 30 Common Target Capabilities 31 Prevent Mission Area Protect Mission Area Response Mission Area Recover Mission Area

Ver. 2.0 3 For Official Use Only July 2010 For Official Use Only Golden Crescent Regional Advisory Council After Action Report and Improvement Plan

Handling Instructions

The title of this document is After Action Report / Improvement Plan for Golden Crescent RAC disaster exercise..

This information gathered in this After Action Report / Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) is classified as For Official Use Only (FOUO) and should be handled as sensitive information not to be disclosed. This document should be safeguarded, handled, transmitted, and stored in accordance with appropriate security directives. Reproduction of this document, in whole or in part, without prior approval of Golden Crescent RAC is prohibited.

At a minimum, the attached materials will be disseminated only on a need-to-know basis and when unattended, will be stored in a locked container or area offering sufficient protection against theft, compromise, inadvertent access, and unauthorized disclosure.

Exercise/Incident AAR/IP Point of Contact: (Person Completing and submitting the AAR/IP)

Organization: Golden Crescent RAC

Name of Person Submitting Harold Irvin O OASPR Program Coordinator Title: 511 Verhelle Rd Address: Cuero, Texas 77954 Telephone Number: 361 275 5171 Fax Number: 361 275 5171 [email protected] Email Address:

Exercise/Incident Detail:

After Action Report for: Exercise Actual Event/Incident March 9, 2011 Exercise/Incident Date(s):

Exercise/Incident Type: Drill Tabletop Functional Full-Scale Retest Exercise/Incident Geographical Scope: Local Regional State Multi-State International

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Executive Summary

The Golden Crescent RAC held a functional exercise on March 9, 2011. The exercise was based on an intentional release of Anthrax over a crowd of 300 - 400 people attending a local festival. The Intentional Anthrax Release exercise was developed to test the Golden Crescent RAC’s hospitals abilities to utilize WebEOC to input information related to the area response, Ham radio utilization, and Satellite Phone communication capabilities. The exercise planning team was composed of:

Carolyn Knox, Trauma Program Manager Crystal Harris, Nurse Manager Citizens Medical Center Yoakum Community Hospital 2701 Hospital Drive Victoria, Texas PO Box 753 Yoakum, Texas 361- 573 9181 361 - 293 2321 [email protected] [email protected]

Robbie Kirk, Emergency Services Coordinator David Gonzales, Public Health Emergency Victoria City/County Health Preparedness Coordinator Citizens Medical Center 2805 N. Navarro Victoria, Texas 2701 Hospital Drive Victoria, Texas 361 578 6281 361 573 9181 [email protected] [email protected]

Lisa Price Steve Hannaman, Public Health Manager Hospital Preparedness Trauma Services DSHS Region 8 Detar Hospital 7430 Louis Pasteur San Antonio 506 E. San Antonio Victoria, Texas 210 949 2051 361 788 6684 [email protected] [email protected]

Rebecca Murray, Director of Nursing Shawn Mergele, Program Specialist III Cuero Community Hospital DSHS Region 8 2550 N. Esplanade Cuero, Texas 7430 Louis Pasteur San Antonio 361 275 6191 210 949 2087 [email protected] [email protected]

Pat Henke, Nursing Manager Shara Smith, Trauma Coordinator Lavaca Medical Center Warm Springs Rehabilitation 1400 North Texana Halletsville, Texas 102 Medical Drive Victoria, Texas 361 798 3671 361 572 9296 [email protected] [email protected]

Terri Grewe, Nursing Manager Jamie Billings Jackson County Hospital Trauma Coordinator 1013 South Wells Edna, Texas Triumph Hospital 361 782 5241 506 E. San Antonio Victoria, Texas

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[email protected] 361 575 1445 [email protected]

Angie Burgin Crystal Harris Nurse Manager Nurse Manager Memorial Medical Center Yoakum Community Hospital 815 Virginia Pt. Lavaca, Texas 1200 Carl Ramert Yoakum, Texas 361 552 0321 361 293 2321 [email protected] [email protected]

Based on the exercise planning team’s determination, the following mission(s) and objectives were developed for the Anthrax Release Drill.

Mission(s): The mission of the Golden Crescent Regional Advisory Council March 2011 Regional Preparedness exercise is to ensure that the stakeholders are informed of emergency/disaster situations and have multiple, redundant means by which to obtain current and accurate information.

Capability: 1. Redundant Communication 2. Incident Command System Usage 3. Alternate Care Site Utilization / Patient Evacuation 4. Bed Tracking Ability


▪ Objective 1: Test the Redundant Communications systems within each member hospital ▪ Objective 2: Ensure that all member hospitals are familiar with the ICS procedures used to request resources through the Incident Command System. ▪ Objective 3: Verify that all member hospitals are able to access WebEOC to determine the need to open Alternate Care Sites and evacuate patients from their facility. ▪ Objective 4: Verify that all member hospitals are able to enter Bed Tracking data into the WebEOC system.

The purpose of this report is to analyze exercise /incident results, identify strengths to be maintained and built upon, identify possible areas for further improvement, and support development of corrective actions.

Major Strengths Demonstrated:

The major strengths identified during this exercise/incident are as follows:

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▪ Hospitals were able to successfully access appropriate WebEOC screens to enter information and monitor conditions within area hospitals ▪ Hospitals were able to successfully utilize the Incident Command System to request additional supplies and resources through the SNS ▪ Redundant communication systems usage allowed hospital personal to demonstrate knowledge and proper use of equipment. ▪ Communication between area hospitals through WebEOC allowed the incident to be handled in a professional manner

Primary Areas for Improvement Identified:

The primary areas for improvement, including recommendations, are as follows:

. Multiple Messages made for a long scrolling significant event board. It took time for the new messages to scroll up . When the hospitals posted on the significant event board and hit save, the screen went white and there was a long delay before the messages were viewable. . Need to develop a “check in” process so that checking-in doesn’t have to be posted on sig- event board and take up space. . Possibility of changing the color of the text/posts from the EOC/GMOC to make them stand- out from other messages . Possibility of having a default message header so that the basic information doesn’t have to be re-entered with each post. . Possibility of changing the news feed on the top to something local. . Have a library of maps and contact information available for posting on the WebEOC as necessary. . Correct times on WebEOC boards . Need direct contact information for WebEOC users . Notification to users when WebEOC/EOC/GMOC will be stood-up and when to start posting . Determining what information should be posted and what boards should be used. . Communication between the different PH authorities within the GCRAC and PHR-8/DSHS staff. . No HAM Operator for Jackson County or Lavaca Medical Center. . Cuero had difficulty receiving Ham transmissions but could send Ham transmissions. . Victoria EOC’s Sat Phone does not have push-to-talk and was not operational. . Wrong numbers for Sat phone access at Memorial Medical and Lavaca County.

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Section 1: Exercise/Incident Overview

1.1 Exercise/Incident Name/Designation:

Anthrax Release Drill

1.2 Exercise/Incident Dates:

March 9, 2011

1.3 Exercise/Incident Duration:

8 am – 12 am

1.4 Exercise/Event Location(s):

Victoria Emergency Operations Center Citizens Medical Center Detar Hospital Warm Springs Rehabilitation System Triumph Hospital Memorial Medical Center - Pt. Lavaca Jackson County Hospital – Edna Cuero Community Hospital Yoakum Community Hospital Lavaca Medical Center - Halletsville

1.5 Sponsor:

TSA S Golden Crescent RAC

1.6 Funding Source:

No local, state, or federal funding source was utilized

1.7 Program Requirements Addressed:

Hospital Preparedness Program

1.8 Mission(s) Tested During the Exercise/Event:

The mission tested was to ensure that stakeholders are informed of emergency/disaster situations and have multiple, redundant means by which to obtain current and accurate information.

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1.9 Grant Funded Systems and Capabilities Demonstrated/Validated:

Capabilities Demonstrated/Validated: A. Redundant Communications B. Incident Command System Usage C. Alternate Care Site Utilization / Medical Evacuation D. Bed Tracking Ability

1.10 Exercise Scenario/Event Type:

Hazardous Chemical Release – Anthrax

1.11 Organizational Functions and Participants:

Citizens Medical Center: Trauma Program Manager Emergency Services Coordinator Nursing Supervisor PBX operator (HAM Radio) ER Manager (Satellite Phone)

Detar: Hospital Preparedness Trauma Services Maintenance Supervisor (HAM Radio/Satellite Phone) Nursing Service

Memorial Medical Center: Trauma Services Coordinator Nursing Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor (HAM Radio/Satellite Phone)

Jackson County Hospital: Trauma Services Coordinator Nursing Supervisor Nursing Service (Satellite Phone)

Truimph Hospital: Trauma Services Coordinator Nursing Supervisor

Warm Springs Rehabilitation System: Trauma Coordinator Maintenance Supervisor (HAM Radio/Satellite Phone)

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Cuero Community Hospital Nursing Services Supervisor Nursing Service (Ham Radio) EMS (Satellite Phone)

Yoakum Hospital Trauma Service Coordinator Maintenance Supervisor (HAM Radio/Satellite Phone)

Lavaca Medical Center Trauma Service Coordinator Nursing Service (Satellite Phone)

Emergency Management Office Emergency Manager Assistant Emergency Manager

EOC Staff Ham Radio Operator – Civilian Ham Radio Operator – City staff

See Tab B for Participant Listings is provided in appropriate blocks

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Section 2: Exercise Design Summary and Analysis of Capabilities

2.01 Exercise/Incident Purpose and Design:

During a regular meeting of the Hospital Planning Group of the Golden Crescent RAC it was determined that some of the area hospitals were not proficient in the use of Web EOC and redundant communication systems. A planning group was put together to discuss ways to test the system and verify that all member hospitals were capable of data input into WebEOC, utilizing redundant communication systems, and following the Incident Command System (ICS) requesting resources from the SNS. This group held three planning sessions developing a drill which would test these capabilities. The group hoped to identify problem areas and discuss ways to correct these deficiencies.

2.02 Scenario Summary:

On the evening of March 9 a hazardous substance (ANTHRAX) was dispersed over a large crowd of people gathered to celebrate a local festival. Estimated size of the population exposed to the hazard was 300 to 400 people. This group of people went back to their homes in the adjoining counties and started developing symptoms which required medical treatment 12 to 24 hours later. This led to area hospitals being surged by overwhelming patient loads causing medical supplies and required antibiotics to be in short supply. The Emergency Management Officials in each county will Coordinate response activities with the Regional Laison Officer in order to request support from the Strategic national Stockpile.

2.03 Exercise/Incident Objectives, Capabilities, Activities and Analysis:

Capabilities-based planning allows for exercise planning teams to develop exercise objectives and observe exercise outcomes through a framework of specific action items that are derived from the [U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Target Capability List (TCL), CDC, ASPR and/or other] programs. The mission related capabilities included below form the foundation for the organization of all objectives and observations in this exercise. The capabilities linked to the exercise objectives of [full exercise/response name] are listed below, followed by the corresponding activities required to demonstrate the capability. Each capability is followed by related observations, analysis of observed performance and recommendations for improvements where required.

Capability 1: Redundant Communication

Objective 1.1: Test the Redundant Communication System within each member hospital by making contact with them via Ham Radio, Satellite Phone, Satellite Phone/Radio. Each hospital should have an operator standing by to assist in this communication.

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Activity 1.1.1: Test the HAM Radio System – Each member hospital should have a designated licensed HAM Operator standing by to transmit and receive messages related to the drill.

Activity 1.1.2: Test the Satellite Phone System at each member hospital – Each hospital should have a designated Satellite Phone operator standing by to send and receive calls on the system.

Activity 1.1.3: Utilize the Satellite Phone System as a radio system – each member hospital should have an operator standing by to verify that the Satellite /Radio function of the system is working properly.



A. Successful contact was made with 6 of the 8 member hospitals that have Satellite Radios

Area for Improvement:

A. Lack of operators in Jackson County Healthcare and Lavaca Medical Center. B. Unable to make proper contact with Cuero Hospital – they could send transmissions but were unable to receive. C. The number for the phone at Memorial Medical Center in Pt. Lavaca was wrong and contact was unsuccessful. D. The service at Lavaca Medical in Halletsville was not operating properly. The system allowed you to dial in but quickly terminated the contact. E. The Satellite Phone in the EOC where the test was to be conducted was not operational which caused the test to be postponed to a later date.


This action was performed successfully at most hospitals. Problem areas have been identified as followed:

A. The satellite phone at Memorial Medical had been listed as a wrong number which did not allow us to communicate with this facility. B. The satellite phone at Lavaca County had some technical problems which interfered with communication. C. Lack of operators caused no contact via HAM Radio at Jackson County and Lavaca County. D. The Satellite phone in the EOC was inoperable which made testing the radio function of the system impossible.

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A. Work with the area Amateur Radio Ham Association to schedule a class for new operators in the region. This should provide personnel to areas without licensed operators. B. Do a site visit to Cuero Hospital to determine the nature of the problem and schedule repairs as necessary. C. Recommendation: Contact should be made with the service provider to provide the correct number for Memorial Medical and schedule a repair for Lavaca County. D. The Emergency Operations Center needs to purchase a phone that is similar to the rest of the phones in the area hospitals

Capability 2: Ensure that all member hospitals are familiar with the procedures used to request resources through the Incident Command System.

Objective 2.1: Ensure that all hospitals are familiar with the Incident Command System and procedures that need to be followed when requesting additional resources through the SNS.

Activity 2.1.1: Hospitals needing additional resources went to their local Emergency Management Official following ICS guidelines. Emergency Management officials in each county followed up with the request through the Incident Command System.



Each member hospital was able to follow the Incident Command System to request additional resources.

Area for Improvement:

Need to continue to train personnel at each member hospital in the use of the Incident Command System. This would include HICS training and the appropriate NIMS Courses (100,200,700,800,300, and 400)


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The hospitals proved that they were proficient in the use of the Incident Command System. The principles of NIMS organization allowed the hospitals to maintain control of the flow of information.


Continue to train in the use of the Incident Command System.

Capability 3: Member hospitals to utilize WebEOC to report unusual patient activity, establish the need for Alternate Care Sites, and enter information concerning the medical evacuation of patients within their facility

Objective 3.1: Member hospitals should be able to access WebEOC in a timely manner and be able to enter and retrieve data as necessary pertaining to: A. Conditions which would require the activation of Alternate Care Sites B. Data relevant to the evacuation of patients within their facility

Activity .3.1.1: Hospitals within the region logged into WebEOC to report unusual patient loads within their region in a timely manner.

Activity 3.1.2: Hospitals within the region posted on WebEOC the need to set up Alternate Care Sites within their region.

Activity 3.1.3: Hospitals within the region entered data relevant to the evacuation of patients from their facility.



A. Each member hospital successfully logged into WebEOC to input patient data relevant to the exercise. B. Hospitals were successfully able to post the need to set up Alternate Care Sites within their regions. C. Hospitals were successfully able to enter data relevant to the evacuation of patients from their facility

Areas for Improvement:

Need to continue to train personnel in the use of WebEOC. Persons operating this system should be able to successfully log on, enter and retrieve information related to hospital status, monitor the information that is being entered by other member hospitals, and those in control of WebEOC servers.

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Member hospitals had adequate personal on hand to enter and retrieve information from the WebEOC system related to patient evacuation and the opening of Alternate Care Sites.


Member hospitals should continue to train personal within their organization in the use of WebEOC and the opening of Alternate Care Sites.

Capability 4: Member Hospitals utilize WebEOC for Bed Tracking

Objective 4.1: Hospitals participating in the drill should be able to successfully enter and monitor data relevant to Bed Tracking.

Activity 4.1.1: Hospitals successfully accessed WebEOC and using injects at the local level entered information relevant to Bed tracking in a timely manner. They were also able to monitor patient loads at other hospitals.



The hospitals proved that they were proficient in the use of WebEOC’s ability to record and display patient information concerning Bed Tracking.

Area(s) for Improvement:

Hospitals should continue to train personal in the use Of WebEOC. Persons operating this system should be able to successfully log on, enter and retrieve information related to bed Tracking, monitor the information that is being entered by other member hospitals, and those in control of WebEOC servers.


Member hospitals were able to successfully enter and retrieve information using WebEOC related to Bed Tracking.


Member hospitals should continue to train personal within their organization in The use of WebEOC related to Bed Tracking.

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Section 3: Conclusion

On March 9, 2011 the Golden Crescent RAC conducted an exercise to test its ability to respond to a hazardous chemical release. The toxic substance was Anthrax and it was dispersed over a large crowd of people at a local festival. The RAC wanted to test the ability of the areas hospitals to utilize WebEOC for bed tracking, medical evacuation, and sharing information related to the incident, and establishing the need to set up Alternate Care Sites within the region. The redundant communications systems within the hospitals and the EOC ( located at 700 Main in Victoria) were also tested to check operational capability and make sure personal at each location were available and familiar with the use of the equipment. The RAC demonstrated the ability to set up an Emergency Operations Center to coordinate the response and communicate with all of the partners involved. Hospitals demonstrated the ability to access WebEOC, input data into the system, and monitor activity within the region on this system. Hospitals also demonstrated the capability to utilize redundant communication systems to share information relevant to the incident.

Lessons learned:

A. In order to be proficient in data input and retrieval into the WebEOC system hospitals need to have multiple personnel trained in the use of the system. B. When performing monthly Satellite Phone checks there should be incoming as well as outgoing calls made to ensure that the system is working properly. C. The ability to access, monitor, enter, and receive data within the WebEOC System must be practiced on a regular basis to ensure personal are comfortable and proficient using it.

Steps to be taken to ensure that exercise results improve current operations:

A. Continue to practice WebEOC access on a regular basis. B. Continue to train Hospital personnel in the use of ICS procedures. C. Continue to do regular checks of redundant communication systems. D. Plan future exercises to challenge the regions ability to respond to hazardous chemical exposure.

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IMPROVEMENT PLAN This IP has been developed specifically for [identify the State, county, jurisdiction, etc. as applicable] as a result of [exercise type and name or incident/ response name] conducted on [date(s) of exercise/response]. The recommendations included in this IP draw on evaluator observations and/or participant comments documented during after action meetings/debriefings.

Capability/ Projected Responsible Objective Recommendations Corrective Action to be Implemented Completion Party/Agency # Date 1.1 Test Redundant Communications –Ham Training for new HAM operators, repairs OASPR Program June 30, Radio, Satellite Phone, Satellite to existing phones as necessary, Coordinator 2011 Phone/Radio on a regular basis and verification of phone numbers, purchase Golden Crescent correct problems previously identified. of compatible satellite phone for EOC RAC

2.1 Continue to train as necessary in the use Schedule training as necessary. Hospitals Ongoing of ICS and NIMS.

3.1 Continue to maintain equipment and Schedule Training as necessary. Hospitals Ongoing supplies necessary to evacuate patients, support Alternate Cars Sites and be sure that adequate personnel are trained in the use of WebEOC allowing them to monitor conditions which would require the activation of a site.

Harold Irvin Date: March 20, 2011 Authorizing Signature:

Note: The matrix table above and signature block may be copied as necessary to document all improvements identified/required.

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Capability/ Projected Responsible Objective Recommendations Corrective Action to be Implemented Completion Party/Agency # Date 4.1 Continue to train hospital personnel in the Schedule training as necessary. Hospitals Ongoing use of WebEOC which would allow them to enter data concerning bed tracking Authorizing Signature: Harold Irvin Date: March 20, 2011

Note: The matrix table above and signature block may be copied as necessary to document all improvements identified/required.

Ver. 2.0 18 For Official Use Only July 2010 For Official Use Only Golden Crescent Regional Advisory Council After Action Report and Improvement Plan TAB A

Corrective Action Plan

Anthrax Release Drill CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Capability: #1 Redundant Communications Observation Title: Recommendation: Work with the area Amateur Ham Operators association to schedule a class for new operators in the region. Do a site visit to Cuero Hospital to determine the nature of the problem and schedule repairs as necessary. Corrective Action Description: Review the problem areas revealed by the exercise and work on solutions Office of Primary Responsibility: Golden Crescent RAC (Lead Entity) Point of Contact: (POC) Harold Irvin Program/Function POC Contact Information Satellite Phone System Harold Irvin Phone 361 275 5171 Email [email protected] Support HAM Radio System Harold Irvin Phone 361 275 5171 Programs/ Email Functions: [email protected] Phone Email Phone Email ID Task POC Start Date Completion Date #1 Train new operators as Harold March April 2011 necessary Irvin 2011 Tasks & Timeline #2 Verify all numbers with Harold March April 2011 for Full service provider Irvin 2011 Implementation: #3 Schedule repairs as Harold May 2011 June 2011 necessary Irvin

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Anthrax Release Drill CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Capability: #2 Incident Command Usage Observation Title: NIMS Training Recommendation: Continue to train hospitals in the use of the Incident Command System. Corrective Action Continue training in all hospitals to ensure that adequate staff are Description: proficient in the use of ICS procedures Office of Primary Responsibility: Golden Crescent RAC (Lead Entity) Point of Contact: Harold Irvin (POC) Program/Function POC Contact Information Citizens Medical Harold Irvin Phone 361 275 5171 Center [email protected] Detar / Triumph Lisa Price Phone 361 575 7441 Hospital [email protected] Warm Springs Shara Smith Phone 361 580 5144 Rehabilitation System [email protected] Jackson County Terri Grewe Phone 361 782 5241 Support Hospital [email protected] Programs/ Memorial Medical Angie Burgin Phone 361 552 0442 Functions: Center [email protected] Cuero Community Rebecca Phone 361 275 6191 Hospital Murray [email protected] Yoakum Community Crystal Harris Phone 361 293 2321 Hospital [email protected] Lavaca Medical Pat Henke Center Phone 361 798 3671 [email protected] ID Task POC Start Date Completion

1 Continue NIMS Training See April 2011 June 2011 Tasks & Timeline Tasks & Timeline at all hospitals Above for Full Implementation:

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Capability: # 3 Alternate Care Site Utilization / Patient Evacuation Observation Title: Alternate Care Sites Recommendation: Review plans for Alternate Care Sites and Patient Evacuation procedures Corrective Action Description: Update Plans as necessary Office of Primary Responsibility: Golden Crescent RAC (Lead Entity) Point of Contact: (POC) Harold Irvin Program/Function POC Contact Information Victoria Hospitals - Harold Irvin 361 275 5151 Citizens Medical [email protected] Center, Warm Springs Rehabilitation System, Detar, Triumph Hospital Memorial Medical Angie Burgin 361 552 0442 Support Center [email protected] Programs/ Jackson County Terri Grewe 361 782 5241 Functions: Hospital [email protected] Cuero Community Rebecca 361 275 5171 Hospital Murray [email protected]

Yoakum Community Crystal Harris 361 293 2321 Hospital [email protected]

Lavaca Pat Henke 361 798 3671 Medical Center [email protected] ID Task POC Start Date Completion

1 Update Alternate Care See April 2011 June 2011 Site Plans, support Above Tasks & Timeline equipment ,and supplies for Full as necessary Implementation: 2 Update Patient See April 2011 June 2011 Evacuation Plans as Above necessary

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Capability: #4 Bed Tracking Observation Title: WebEOC Training Recommendation: Continue training of hospital Personnel related to Web EOC entry of Bed Tracking information Corrective Action Description: Office of Primary Responsibility: Golden Crescent RAC (Lead Entity) Point of Contact: (POC) Harold Irvin Program/Function POC Contact Information Citizens Medical Center Carolyn Knox Phone 361 573 9181 Detar / Triumph Hosp Lisa Price Phone 361 575 7441 Memorial Medical Angie Burgin Phone 361 552 0442 Support Center Programs/ Jackson County Hosp Terri Grewe Phone 361 782 5241 Functions: Cuero Community Hosp Rebecca Murray Phone 351 275 6191 Yoakum Community Hosp Crystal Harris Phone 361 293 2321 Lavaca Medical Center Pat Henke Phone 361 798 3671 Warm Springs Rehabilitation System Shara Smith Email361 580 5144 ID Task POC Start Completion Date 1 Complete training of See April June 2011 Tasks & Timeline necessary personnel above 2011 for Full required to enter data in Implementation: Web EOC related to Bed Tracking

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Exercise/Incident Participant Rosters

Please complete the appropriate roster(s) for the exercise activity conducted by providing the number of participants for each area. The individual rosters are:

. Hospital Participants . Health & Medical State Level . Non-Health & Medical State Level . Local Governments Emergency Management/Homeland Security

If there is insufficient space provided to list all participating entities, please list on a separate page and attach to the AAR/IP submission. (e.g. individual hospitals by facility name)

* State-recognized representative agencies

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Number of Organizations / Functions Participants

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Hospitals Participating: Lavaca Medical Center: Administration (Incident Command) 1 Nursing 1 Total: 2 Citizens Medical Center - Victoria Administration (Incident Command) 1 Communications 1 Emergency Department Medical Staff 1 Medical Operations Center 2 Total: 5 Deter Hospital - Victoria Administration (Incident Command) 1 Communications 1 Medical Operations Center 1 Total: 3 Triumph Hospital - Victoria Administration (Incident Command) 1 Nursing 1 Total: 2 Warm Springs Rehabilitation System- Victoria Administration (Incident Command) 1 Engineering and Physical Plant 1 Total: 2 Memorial Medical Center – Pt Lavaca Administration (Incident Command) 1 Communications 1 Nursing 1 Total: 3 Jackson County Hospital Administration (Incident Command) 1 Communications 1 Nursing 1 Total: 3 Cuero Community Hospital Administration (Incident Command) 1 Communications 1 Emergency Department Medical Staff 1 Total: 3

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Number of Organizations / Functions Participants Yoakum Community Hospital Administration (Incident Command) 1 Communications 1 Total: 2 Total Hospital Participation: 25 Local Public Health Department (list functions) Local Public Health Authority 1 Total: 1 Multi-Agency Coordination Center (MACC) or Health & Medical (State Level) Health Service Region Regional Advisory Council/Trauma Service Area* 1 Total: 1 Local Government Emergency Management Emergency Management 2 Communications 2 Total: 2 Exercise Participant Total: 31

Organizations / Functions Number of Participants Exercise Staff/Support Evaluators Rick McBreyor 1 Ham Radio Operator 1 Total: 2

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Grant Funded Systems and Capabilities Exercised

Please complete the following form to indicate all health and medical systems and capabilities tested and validated during the exercise/incident response.

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CDC - Identification of Systems Exercised/Validated This worksheet is designed to assist you in documentation of systems and capabilities tested and validated during the exercise. Place an “X” in the “Yes” column below to indicate the public health system exercised. Annual Requirements Yes Hospital capacity including patient management and interoperability with public X health and emergency management. All hazards response plan to contain and event. Capability to receive and respond to disease reports of urgent cases, outbreaks or X other public health emergency basis on a 24-7 basis. Laboratory readiness and capacity to receive and respond for chemical and biological agents (LRN) Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) TAR Requirements TAR Overall SNS planning elements  First Responder Prophylaxis Plan  CHEMPACK TAR Management of SNS Operations TAR Local to state requesting procedures TAR Communications Plan (Tactical) TAR Security TAR Inventory management TAR Dispensing Pick Did this exercise include completion of a POD drill Data Collection Form? 3  Staff Call Down  Pick-list Generation  Site Activation  Decision-Making  Facility Setup  POD Modeling  Dispensing Time Study  POD Supply Management TAR Hospitals and alternate care facilities coordination X TAR Regional RSS Plan (State) TAR Regional Distribution (State) Bi-Annual Requirements (Every 6-Months) Ability to notify clinicians and public health response plan partners to receive X public health emergency messages Crisis and Emergency Risk Communications Plan  SNS Public Information and Communications Ability to notify key public health response partners via radio or satellite phone X Time it takes for public health agency staff with ICS functional responsibilities to report for duty. Quarterly Requirements Local redundant communications systems ability to notify key stakeholders X involved in a public health response Time it takes to notify public health agency staff with ICS functional X responsibilities

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Other Requirements Yes Activation, coordination and enforcement of isolation and quarantine orders with public safety and law enforcement Elements of a comprehensive response to a Pandemic Influenza outbreak (explain the elements in objectives Joint infectious disease surveillance exercises involving local, state, federal and bi- national partners HAN/PHIN notification systems ability to receive an send critical health information Other: (please list additional systems to be exercised)

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ASPR Capabilities Worksheet This worksheet is designed to assist you in documentation of systems and capabilities tested and validated during the exercise/incident response. Place an “X” in the “Yes” column below to identify the hospital preparedness response system exercised. Selected Capability or System Exercised Yes

Level-One sub- Interoperable communications system, ability to communicate with key partners. X capabilities: Emergency System for Advanced Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR-VHP) Partnerships/coalitions within areas selected for the exercise (MSCC Tier 2) and, Select two (2) of these three (3) Fatality Management, areas. Medical Evacuation and/or X Tracking of Bed Availability X Level-two sub- Alternate Care Sites X capabilities Mobile Medical Assets Pharmaceutical Caches Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Decontamination -related activities including - personal protective equipment, and decontamination capacity capability Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)

Ver. 2.0 30 For Official Use Only July 2010 For Official Use Only Golden Crescent Regional Advisory Council After Action Report and Improvement Plan


Department of Homeland Security Target Capabilities List

This is a listing of the 37 Target Capabilities List developed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security reflecting the associated Mission. The DHS Target Capabilities List and generic Exercise Evaluation Guides (EEGs) for each Target Capability in MS Word format may be found at:

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This worksheet is intended to assist you in your exercise reporting efforts. Select the system(s) to be exercised by placing an X in the “Yes” column Mission Capability Yes Common Planning Communications XX Risk Management Community Preparedness and Participation Intelligence and Information Sharing and Dissemination Prevent Information Gathering and Recognition of Indicators and Warnings Intelligence Analysis and Production Counter-Terror Investigation and Law Enforcement CBRNE Detection Protect Critical Infrastructure Protection Food and Agriculture Safety and Defense Epidemiological Surveillance and Investigation Laboratory Testing Response On-Site Incident Management Emergency Operations Centers (Any Coordination & Control facility) XX Critical Resource Logistics and Management Volunteer Management and Donations Responder Health and Safety Emergency Public Safety and Security Response Animal Disease Emergency Support Environmental Health Explosive Device Response Operations Fire Incident Response Support WMD and Hazardous Materials Response and Decontamination Citizen Evacuation and Shelter-in-Place Isolation and Quarantine Search and Rescue (Land-Based) Emergency Public Information and Warning XX Emergency Triage and Pre-Hospital Treatment Medical Surge Medical Supplies Management and Distribution Mass Prophylaxis Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding and Related Services) Fatality Management Recover Structural Damage Assessment Restoration of Lifelines Economic and Community Restoration

Ver. 2.0 32 For Official Use Only July 2010

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